Democratic Underground

Archives: August 3, 2003

Dowd: Butch, Butch Bush!

U.S. casualties number 248

has anyone ever "met" someone else in the meeting room?

Laughter...It's good for the soul

China slams Pentagon report on missile threat

Prisoners' Fate Key to Mideast Talks

Al-Aqsa opts out of Mideast truce


CA Recall Election - 296 Candidates!!!!!

Poll: Kerry has N.H. edge: Dems see senator as `electable'

Howard Dean's secret weapons.....

rigor mortis article, funny

Still in the Running

Kucinich - This Is The Moment... The Time is Now! What do you think?

Jello Biafra.....America: The New Soviet Union?

Gore is making telephone calls, so says Al Hunt (Capital Gang)

Who Are Your Favorite Political Philosophers

for Dean supporters who've been in for the long haul...

Can you support a candidate and not agree with all issues?

only MY candidate can beat bush

Rebecca Mercouri ejected from elections meeting

Deleted message

Where are the results from Bush's Mental Exam?

Estimated 2004 election results

Is Howard Dean Electable?

Guess I am kinda slow anyone else pissed about this?

Fleetwood Mac Praises Bill Clinton!

could Hispanics become swing voters?

Verizon Workers on Strike..........Support Appreciated

Bob Graham.....Democratic point man for VP?

Pirates of the Arabian Sea - The Curse of Black Oil

The $400.00 Child tax credit check is a fraud....

U.S. casualties number 248

Man loves Fox News, buys billboards thanking God for it

Question for Greens regarding Bush/Gore

Exported jobs....

Willie Nelson Ads for Kucinich to Start Airing ...Beginning this week

Hillary - Sunday - 4:45 Eastern

Anyone undecided on the candidates?

Is the government too big?

Is Dean the Anti-Gore?

How about Tom Vilsack for Vice President?

Are you willing to move to beat Bush?

Poll: do you know a single woman...

Deleted message

I think the overtime pay cutting may be our best weapon against *

Could it be that the man who would be Thursday is really OK?

What do the dem. candidates think of the drug war?

An example of why we do not stand a chance in Iraq

D.U.ers please help: Top 3 news sources

I will be writing to the new Total Inforamtion Asshole

"Hurricane Hillary" followed by "Hurricane Saddam".

Evan Bayh on tv again knocking anti-war dem candidates-he's a dem &

Kucinich speaking to members of Natural Law Party???

Is this the best they can do for a California Gov

Alright, who's NOT going to move to Canada...

Watch Jesse Jackson's show on the Word Channel at 10pm

Sincere Question

Patriot Act II - where can I read up on this?

What month will be the bloodiest for our poor US troops in Iraq

And RFK JR on CSpan1 NOW!!!

Doctors say Bush is in excellent health

Americans killed near Baghdad...Is this a NEW report????

Manila investigates report of plan to assasinate Arroyo

Verizon faces strike (possible 80,000 off work)

Racist poem appearson Web site for GOP

'Al Qaeda' tape warns US over Cuba prisoners

RSF Deplores the ‘Worsening Attitude’ of US Troops Toward Journalists in I

Democratic Unity Behind Davis Unravels (Maxine Waters)

FBI Says San Diego Blaze Likely 'Domestic Terror' (ELF)

North Korea says will hold talks, but not with ("psycho..")Bolton

Iraqis Struggle to Retrieve Goods from GIs

(Ruth Bader) Ginsburg: Int'l Law Shaped Court Rulings

Blair Tells Bush*: We Don't Want Guantanamo Britons

Report: We havent even begun ;Al Qaeda

Keeping heavy tax burden on poor called immoral

Poll: Hispanic Voters Undecided on Bush

WP: As Governor, Dean Was Fiscal Conservative

Possible Voter Backlash Feared on Drug Benefit Measure

Britney Fit for Daisy Dukes' Shorts?

Afghan Political Violence on the Rise – Attacks on U.S.-Led Allies

British Intelligence Official to Retire

Kucinich gets Green support

Bigamy blitz on Mormons

Menino [Boston Mayor] OK's new voting machines [Optical Scan!!]


Dog farts

I'm back from my colloquy, ask me anything

Boston or Key West?

a blatant post about indelicacy and those who are 'messy, perverted'

A subtle post about inclusion and those who are 'mousy, introverted'

So what's up with the psycho guy on Comedy Central? 9pm

OK..I've asked some dumb questions in my life and...

Calling SoCal Duers

Most listy list ever listed? Most ranky rank ever ranked?

SAN DIEGO/LA DUers: I'm speaking in Carlsbad tomorrow night

What is the most quintessential "Old South" state?

The Subliminal Simian of all CAPTIONS

which cinema science fiction dystopia are we closest to?

Darth Kitten almost brush with the Rich and Famous!!!!!!!!

My best friend died today...

The #%&!* Red Sox

an embarrassment to Yankees fans

NPR Bush Joke

My car is getting 31.143 miles per gallon, what is yours getting ?

Computer monitor info - please

I live in fear of misspelling Public on appraisal reports...

What is the best movie that had the worst soundtrack starring a...

I LOVE This Picture!

Any techie know of an easy way to track down a memory leak?

Best Swedish Pop Band? (Focus on the 90's)

Left Coast Alert! Must See TV! The Three's Company MOW


Britney Fit for Daisy Dukes' Shorts?

The Saturday Night/Sunday Morning Chat-Me-Up

All right Orioles way to go guys

After A Couple Of Women I Saw Today.... I Would Like To Thank ALL's time for preseason football....

The Salma Hayek Appreciation Thread

Marines had to beg for food

May their martinis be poured into the pit of hell

George W. Bush keeps getting away with his dog-ate-my-homework presidency

The Left’s Mr. Right?

LA Times Editorial: After the Jokes, Then What? (CA recall)

The Pentagon has some explaining to do.

Kerry to Launch Overtime Protest Over Web

THE RIGHT STUFF (Study on Conservative's Brain-funny)

San Francisco Chronicle editorial: Energy crisis blame game

Molly Ivins - Follow carefully; this is complicated

28 Pages may be protecting Israel by Justin Raimondo

U.S. wants Saddam, but dead - not alive - Eric Margolis

When Democrats were Democrats and they Won

Bush press conference highlights government crisis

Is God as Mean as the Republicans?

Oklahoma Democrats snub Veterans

more problems at protest in Wausau WI

Let's pressure Bush donors in our cities/states to STOP GIVING!

Texas DUers - Stop the Redistricting Madness Saturday Aug 9th

an anti-bush booklet?

U.S. deaths reach 249

August! What's fun to do this month? Fun Stuff "On the Cheap"......

Resume of George W. assured and sleep well

The WINNER: funniest thread of the week...perhaps the month.......

The Face On the Bar Room Floor

What is enlightenment and its relationship to "the enlightenment"?

Weird last names?

Gays will try to aid prosecutor in death | Cincinnati Enquirer

'Rape survivors must fend for themselves' - SA

Nobel laureate attacks Nigeria's Obasango

doesn't some of the airport security problem fall at Reagan's feet?

How to spend more taxes on education?

Gun Nut Nugent Demands Governor Visit

So what do we do?

What happened to the middle finger emoticon?

I appologize in advance

Why was my post deleted?

All threads in GD pre Fri Aug-01-03 11:00 PM are gone?

What is the order for listing bookmarks?

Palestinian statehood...

Palestinians Get Thirstier Under Israeli Clampdown

Arafat, Militants Temporarily Resolve Dispute

Gaza nightmares

The Middle East Cease-Fire Feels Ephemeral

Good fences, safe neighbors

Lieberman blasted for suggesting drowning Palestinian prisoners

Mother, three children wounded in Jerusalem terror attack

Despite violence, grassroots Israeli-Palestinian peace efforts survive

Time to Move

US Senate '06 Thoughts

Kerry on Renewable Energy: NIMBY?

Dean leads Democrats(in Iowa), but many undecided

2000: If Carnahan had lived would he have beaten Ashcroft?

Dean makes the cover of Time and Newsweek this week.

Time poll: Do you think Howard Dean is the clear frontrunner...

A pre-campaign Sharpton quote

You're All Bad Democrats - Says Joe Lieberman

Dean critical of U.S. oil policy

Anybody have a link to the March Calif. Dem Speech given by Dean?

Dems can run as party of fiscal responsibility: Dean best spokesman

ANOTHER Great Idea from the Dean Campaign.

Hey Dean Supporters - get the unofficial Howard Dean Screensaver

Dean Meetup just passed 70,000!

Would Trafficant pull votes from a Democrat or from Bush?

Kucinich on C-Span Sunday 6:30 EDT/9:30 PST

Are there any primary opponents to Rep. Stephen Lynch (D-MA)?

Gephardt Endorsed by Wisconsin Assembly Democratic Leader Jim Kreuser

The phones are ringing at Dean HQ!

Should we say Bush is doing OK on Foreign Policy and focus on Domestic?

To NH Dems: Any thoughts, opinions on State Sen Burt Cohen?

Poll results from throughout July

Gephardt Is Set Back in Bid for A.F.L.-C.I.O. Endorsement

"...I'll hold this sign all night."

Passion more than policy separates Dean, Kerry

Rate the Candidates in order you support them:

After seeing Evan Bayh on the beltway boys

Cato Institute: "Conservative" Bush Spends More than "Liberal" Presidents

Today is Hiroshima/Nagasaki Remembrance Day.

If it's Dean vs. Bush, the DLC will hope Bush wins, won't it?

Al Martin said that the 5,000 strong BFEE (with others) ruled...

Kerry and Dean: Do they support an International Minimum Wage?


Will economically repressed minorities be the catalyst for real change?

Dean on 3 Magazine Covers

Lieberman wins the Golden Jackboot Award...

Equal time for candidates other than Gore?...

Anyone who starts more than two threads on GD in a day is a SOCIOPATH

who do you think will be the first candidate to drop out of the race?

I was wrong to vote for Reagan in 1980.

latest polls on homosexuality

Who plans to protest the Repug Convention in NY?!

If Dean is nominated, Bush will win the Electoral vote 538-0

the Dean Appeal

Is Iraq even mentioned in 9-11 report?

Maureen Dowd fired from the New York Times???

Why do white males need their own party?

African American Crisis

The light at the end of the tunnel is an oncoming train

Do you give money to people on street corners or that are at stop lights?

Dean's Running mate

The Corporate Media has been promoting Dean a lot lately

Explain To Me How It Is That We Have A Military Base In Cuba?

An atheist view on gay marriage

Rumsfeld calls the Pentagon establishment a " Risk-averse Culture"

The size of the federal government decreased under Clinton...

PAGLIA Trashed IVINS on Book TV 2EST

Has the Dean Defense Team responded to LIEberman's attacks?

Anyone ever heard of Koch (pronounced Coke) Industries?....


I Want To Say Something Nice About Joe Lieberman

Something fishy here....need help with statement credited to Graham

Sheik Hamad (Qatar) on 60 minutes. A very interesting fellow.

You Dean-naysayers are being brainwashed...

George Bush, Workplace Bully


Lieberman and Lynne Cheney....the new McCarthyism

"Kerry raps Pope: Senator fuming over gay marriage order"


2020 Democrats

Got to get this off my chest...

Remember, the Pubs WANT us poor and desperate. They want us confused and

Fake persuaders....viral marketing.

Some nice polling information

How did your county do in 2000?

Now that Bush is no higher than the mid-50s in the polls

Joe Lieberman bashes Howard Dean on "Late Edition"

a new nominee for most nutty and sickening site ever

Kerry puts campaign on pause - bikes 110 miles for cancer fund.

were Dems ever this EVIL when they had the majority ???

Bush creates record high # of available locations for small businesses!

What will the new Op/Ed schedule be at The New York Times?

Kucinich on C-Span NOW n/t

dissent not!..

do you really think these men will give up the white house in 04?

FL hires man connected to drug ring to build terrorist database...OOPS!

Joe Trippi

Raise your hand if you're undecided on a candidate.

41 million amercians do not have healthcare..... where is "our leader"

How Come The Pukes Don't Have All These Mini-Parties

Ignite! Neil Bush robbing Florida blind with Jeb's help.

Jobs lost by state ..... thanks to the trade deals... 1994-2000

"President Bush is a traitor" - how do you respond?

69% still favor Bush's war? I don't believe it.

So was WMD in Iraq

Meanwhile, BACK IN cut off from military.

Challenge to BBV doubters. Defend the Diebold Admissions

Web sites containing Bush's statements from campaigning to now?

Prisoner release is good step, say Washington Libertarians

Help! My Family is Insane!

Fun Old Pat Robertson Quote I Just Found

Is 'President Dean' that impossible?

And on the 8th month Bush rested.

"DCLTV": Dean and Kucinich supporters will love this

In the NY Times the Senator that was all over Bush about Liberia.....

Would television news reporting on Bush be different...

Frist says he will introduce amendment that will change filibuster rules

While everyone was watching MTP this morning, I was watching this

does this sound familiar, defination.'.Fascism, n, a philosophy or system

Watching Howard Dean's ads is like Prozac

Dean: Optimist or Pessimist?

Support the Constitutional Ban on Heterosexual Marriage!

New altered images of Saddam Hussein!

"Al Gore is calling around about getting in the race," says Al Hunt

I'm surprised that the corporate media isn't drumming this...

We must be ready

What about passing flyers for all the dem candidates at a public event

Pictures from the CDC Convention

Awesome Hillary Speech Replay on now (5:45PM ET Sun) CSPAN

Deaths of Troops in Iraq Hidden By "Combat" v. NonCombat" Nonsense

The vanishing vacation and the docile American worker

For a lift, turn to MSNBC to catch Arnie Arnesen whip GOP butt!

full page ad in Houston Chronicle today--

Why Bush is doomed: True or false...

Who did you support in the 2000 Dem primaries: GORE or BRADLEY?

I Believe this is the issue with which Dems could win presidency

Should DU Moderators Censor Classical References?

LIEberman was TOAST before today; he is CHARCOAL now...

You Black Box Voting Groupies are SO Sensitive

U.S. deaths reach 249

Supreme Court of Ohio -- December Term,1872

The Prisoner & Homeland Security ... A Connection???

Poll on DU

Homes Where Sex Offenders Are Able to Police Each Other

This is what happens to 'civil disobedience'

Anyone seen the make-fun-of-bush birthday cards at Target?

Just to Reiterate: Have They Found Credible Evidence of a Weapons Program?

Campaigns are an act of celebration

Its KILL THE MESSENGER TIME... The Pubs are killing the messengers


Symbolman: your Army of One has gone International!!!

Why wasn't the "partisan"question in the polls during the impeachment?

Drowning, drowning, like the Chinese massive attack across the Yalu..

Dean's New Austin, TX ad

If FDR had moved at the same speed at the beginning of WWII

National Youth Leadership Conference (or, where I'll be until 4/15)

How to get rid of 'Messenger' Spam?

Does state religion inappropriately attempt to universalize

If the questions over the war don't pan out, can the Dems use the economy?

Tweety is in LOVE with Bush & I have proof

Gloria Borger on MTP.....

What if Saddam Hussein voluntarily surrenders?....rhetorical question

Does America need more nuclear weapons and arms races?

MTP just played the Dean TX ad!!

Great pic at Atrios' blog...(bush/delay)

Someone told me that Kudlow "ate Graham's lunch"

OK, who here really knows about polling?

So, I've been thinking of not paying my income tax

Dean to be on cover of Aug11 issue of TIME magazine

"The New York Times has a liberal bias"--How Do You Respond?

Bush Is Down To 54% Approval in Latest NY Times Poll

CNN Vomit Alert...

Joe Lieberman on CNN's Late Edition at 12 PM ET today (Sunday)

Scott Ritter describing America as becoming `fascist oligarchy' on KPFA

Big Business or Big Government

Russert Rubber-Hoses Ridge

the note to Clinton to attack iraq

Meet the Real WMD Fabricator

What's the secret of getting calls through on C-Span?

brother trent lott sez, 'late summer' for the next planned slaughter

What would happen if two candidates decided to pair up at this point?

we get terror threats on THE DAY he begins his 'working' vacation?

In Iraq Paul Bremer wears a business suit and combat boots

U.S. revokes security clearance for Pentagon employee

2 small bits of good news

any seen this site about professional anti-choice protestors

I read a great deal about the presidential race.

To NH Dems: Any thoughts, opinions on State Sen Burt Cohen?

Bush promised to crackdown on those funding terrorists

Has diebold infiltrated the election system in Puerto Rico?

Death Hits Mr. Rumsfeld's Neighborhoods

BOONDOCKS!! (Ann Coulter Death Match!!)

Deleted message

Politicians vie for NASCAR dads

civil union vs marriage?

Kobe Called 911 Before Arrest


I Shook Dennis Kucinich's Hand this Weekend

Bush declared "fit for duty," immediately goes AWOL

Tyson files for bankruptcy (Iron Mike will have to get a regular job)

Clarence Page says Dem nom will come down to Lieberman vs. Graham

Why I don't think Diebold is criminally negligable

OSP/neo-con point-man stripped of security clearance

This Week: Zakarias vs. Will

Can we get a list of Diebold winners nationwide?

Nixon-Reagan and the anti- "liberal Media" Right Wing Machine

Question about Black Box Voting....

What Fair Trade Is

Minnesota recently voted #1 state in

US anti-war activists hit by secret airport ban

on Reliable Sources now -

Who is Yosseff Bodansky? I googled him but found no personal info..

Ashcroft: al-Qaida Could Strike Any Moment. And Junior Is On Vacation?

Terrorism 101

Career officer does eye-opening stint inside Pentagon

Prediction: The "new product" to be introduced in September is...

Predictions on Chris Matthews: Hillary gets in the race(and more).

Sept. 11 report questions acts by Saudi *ELITE* <-new media meme?

Deleted message

Analysis of trends and cause of death for iraq occupation forces


Ashcroft pushing Patriot Act 2 this morning on Fox News Sunday

G.E. RUSSERT's Holding a Pity Party for Shrub (MtP)

Anyone else noticing.. Dr Howard Dean is EVERYWHERE!

Dean in Buisness Week

Bodansky the well paid Blather for the bushgang

Bush's sleight of hand distracts us from vanishing jobs .............

How would Dean react to Gore's return?

pneumoia in Iraq is BUSHCO

Talks with NKorea seem to be going well. They called Bolton "human scum"

Would Gore be vulnerable to flip flop charges if he runs?

August 5th - National day of prayer, for the death of Bill O'Reilly

Local Iraqi War casualty

My letter from Al Gore today!

The Republican Party are the stuffy shirts who ride First Class

Question: Anyone have the Sunday morning talk show guest line-up?

Honestly would you support Gore if he answered the call of his supporters

Is this an ADMISSION that Blair knew the WMD evidence was bunk?

Anyone beend watching the poker championships on ESPN...

Possible President-Vice President Combinations

Is a Liberal just a Guilty Conservative?

Robert Fisk Article

Anyone here inTexas using/abusing the tax-free weekend?

US discusses releasing Saudi names

Saudi government DID provide assistance to 9-11 skyjackers!

Is the Military Industrial Complex the MAIN reason that so many people...

House seats up for grabs are just as important in '04

If you are a hardcore Gore Supporter, join us!

A socialist platform for human rights

What the hell is this!

an embarrassment to Yankees fans

Rumsfeld: U.S. troops to retire in Iraq

Who is your favorite Conservative?

KKK alive and well In Jeb's Florida?

Kay WMD Report could be devastating to Dems, good for Bush

Hyundai chief commits suicide

The Army Cleans House, MSNBC - Putsch Purges Pentagon

Saudi Agrees to Talk About 9-11 Links

Kerry to launch Internet petition drive on overtime

Gay Episcopal bishop-elect passes first hurdle

Lieberman defends Iraq War(CNN-Wolf)

Swedish researchers claim to have found proscribed weapons in Iraq

David Kelly suicide: Electrodes on chest 'unusual'

Niger demands formal exoneration of Bush's Iraq- uranium allegation

UK's Hoon to miss scientist Kelly's funeral

Jews for Jesus´ sign is controversial..British Jews want it taken down

U.S. goes 2 days without combat deaths in Iraq

North Korea Lashes Out at U.S. Official

Analysts: Al Qaeda May Have Exploited Saudis' Charitable Giving to Fund

Gay Bishop-Elect Wins 1st of 2 Last Votes...

Texas School Districts Taking Out Loans

'State authority must be restored to Ituri'

Ashcroft: al-Qaida Could Strike Again

Des Moines Register Poll: Dean takes Lead in Iowa

Questions grow over Iraq links to Qaeda

M16 CHIEF TO QUIT AFTER SPLIT ON IRAQ /uk--New World Media Watch

Democrats call for a Davis backup as filing day nears

MI6 chief to quit after split on Iraq

Group to gather to support Clark's White House bid

Hansie may have been murdered - investigator - by airplane

Minister jeered at S Africa AIDS meeting

11 (Texas) Demos vow to not back down

Ten Commandment challenges spread

House Democrats line up for 'special order' speeches

Osama's right hand man al-Zawahri warns US of "real battle" ahead

GOP-Led Congress Increasingly Defies Bush

Americans Killed Near Baghdad (Sunday Morning)

Blast in Surat building, six killed | Times of India

Rehnquist is leading campaign to boost salaries 16.5 percent (to $180k/yr)

Doctors declare Bush in excellent health

Amb Joe Wilson on CNN Late Edition now...

The Left’s Mr. Right?

Dean on 3 Magazine Covers

Argentina Didn't Fall on Its Own - Wall Street Pushed Debt Till the Last

Prosecution of Miami Asylum Seekers Challenged

Massive blast in Pakistan - 45 killed in accident

Schools plan would fire 1,400 (St Louis public schools)

GOP-Led Congress Increasingly Defies Bush

Indictments bothers few...f5 indicted in vote-bying scheme,

Transit without visa ceases at airports

U.S. to Niger: "Shut up. Just shut up."

Aids meeting opens in S Africa | BBC

Blair tells Bush: We don't want Guantanamo Britons

Amin sickness divides family | Sunday Monitor (Kampala)

B.C.'s worst fire season in 50 years | Globe and Mail

Baltimore Sun, 8/3: Teachers caught in crossfire of Colombia's drug war

Diverse group works to keep Patriot Act out of Idaho

Clock ticks on key goals for governor (Kulongoski) | Oregonian

Davis signs $99 billion budget to end fiscal stand-off

(Australian) Families to lose disability funds: Labor | ABC (Australia)

MoD denies it tried to burn documents

West Glacier residents pack bags for home | Missoulian

Uganda to lead in Aids drug supply (in Africa) | Sunday Monitor (Kampala)

Government (Kenya) hospitals to stock HIV/Aids drugs from Sept

Blair and Bush join forces to spin away weapons issue

Saudi government DID provide assistance to 9-11 skyjackers!

Jobs decline for sixth straight month

Bush starts vacation by fishing

Rene (RBNYC) Says HELLO and THANK YOU (she called)

Need science fiction novels with political premises!

Now that we know who the garlic junkies are...who has a basil addiction?

Most outrageous "Family Guy" moment? (warning, could be offensive)

New England...strange, foreign, they talk funny....

Who else LOVES garlic?

Is this for real?? (Circa 1955)

Peri, 7-of-9, or T'Pol - which sci-fi chick do you dig the most?

Who is your favorite Star Trek(tm) character?

AH! Messed up a wool hat, how can I fix it?

Are any of you members of the German techno band Kraftwerk?

I feel so sad, Ive been thinking of my late aunt tonight

travel questions

Who else likes martial arts movies?

has school started in your area yet?

re Vermeer and artists - 60 minutes "did they use mirrors?"


Actor/actress who is definitely not "all that."

12:30 roll call

Wanna get the wits scared out of you? Movie recommendation.

WOW! Today we have not one but TWO anti-Jennifer Lopez threads!

It's BC day! Here's some BC pictures

There is new hate mail!!!!!

Poll, any famous folks on DU protecting their identity?

Can I change my alias to "Hypnotoad"?

E Bay? Good? Bad?

Twelve-word flame war thread!

Mike Tyson, despite having earned aprox $300 Million, files for bankruptcy

Is this even real? ***WARNING EXTREMELY OFFENSIVE***

Who likes my new sig line?

You know it's time for a diet when...

"Wanda at Large" - movin' to Fridays, apparently


So my dh gets to Vienna and calls me to say all the women are nekked.

Who is your LEAST favorite Star Trek character?

Hey, New Order Fans

Finally went through my email today

Mystery illness update, woo-hoo!!!

"Banzai" moved up an hour in timeslot

Play the 'Related" word game on DU

If the repukes say we're anti-business, what should we call them?

San Diego Tonight- Pitt @ Pilgrim Church

Alligators might transmit West Nile as well as birds

hey you drunken NASCAR fans.. 10 to go @ the brickyard..

oh yay, my dad fell asleep watching Fox Sports, and now it's

Have you ever committed a fart by?

There are only FOUR states

Getting their attention.

What's so great about Linux?

Brain Teaser time on DU

Hope, anyone? Please?

* takes responsibility, eliminates lies in SOTU speech

ok, so THAT's a first.

Could you folks help me?

The Unusually High Thread Counts:

I've been asked to adopt a dog named "Pickles" names???

Who's so bored about Jen and Ben they're ready to put a gun to their head?

"Hollow Man" on sci-fi tonight!!!

Barbara Bush's Labia Causes Sudden Dry Spell On eBay


'bubble-ubb' a Pepsi product? does Rainbow Stew come vegetarian?

How many of you cannot stop talking about “Ben and Jen”

Linux users beware. If you wish to continue using Linux

Has Anyone Here Seen A Movie Called "MAY"?

Any trolls want to tangle with me? I'm itching for a fight.

Sea Service Milestones

How to get rid of 'Messenger' Spam?

How to get rid of 'Messenger' Spam?

Ceci n'est pas une Praline: the Food Simulator

Looking for the Moran Americans Picture

Research finally answers a question for all eternity.

I Am Invisible!

Tacky Right-Wing Merchandising

I'm amazingly invisible tonight!

Primary Colors, good flick or not?

Lumping all Conservatives together

Fresh Prince of Bel-Air: Which Aunt Vivian do you prefer?

Britney Spears might portray Daisy Duke

Re-entering the work force, or Will Work For Food....

Should the DCForum people (Elad?) sell software to the Freepers?

Saw Springsteen tonight

Help!!!! I don't know what else to do!

cool bush 007 shirt on ebay right now (am not affiliated)

If Karl Rove were a biological pathogen what kind would he be?

Is it just me or....

My weekend is ruined.

I Think Video Game Web Sites Are The Best Looking Sites On The Net.

I had my first post on a DU thread deleted

Great Sunday Funnies (Boondocks, Doonesbury, Non Sequitur)

i smell like smoke.

Best luggage?

Anyone catch the thing on CNN this morning regarding Gay Marriage

Wow, Repuke Bush-licker Jason Louis on "at Issue" this morning

August! What's fun to do this month? Fun Stuff "On the Cheap"......

Another nonsense poll to counter all "what's the greatest.." polls

Anyone watching C-SPAN right now?

Anyone beend watching the poker championships on ESPN...

All right. Does anyone have anything funny to say?

Can anyone help me with my homework?

Okay, I want to meet other DUers tomorrow! (San Diego: WRP)

Empathy, please. I'm in the middle of moving.

World Sauna Championships

Tonight's brew? Wychwood Fiddler's Elbow

It's caption time:

Off to have a smoke

West Wing to start on Bravo, 11 PM on August 11th! Yeay!!

I switched to bare-bones basic cable, and I feel great!

The Implicit Imp of all CAPTIONS!!!

20 questions