Democratic Underground

Archives: December 29, 2004

Jonathan Freedland (Guardian Utd): The theme of 2004 was unaccountability


Robert Scheer (Los Angeles Times): A Devil's Island for Our Times

Conservative Students, Liberal Profs

How many on this Board are planning to participate in Not A Dang Dime Day!

Tourist Videos of the tsunamis waves

3 firms that paid no taxes to reap huge state refunds

Asian Disaster May Affect Two Civil Wars

Teen kills attacker with Gun

How Did Grovelbot End Up Posting Threads Here?

Just to back up DinoBoy

Copycat threads.

I can't see Lounge threads in the Latest Page. Sporadicus can.

Suggestion for troll headstone profiles: a link to their final posts

9/11 Rumsfeld says Flight 93 was shot down over PA!

For those who missed it, Clip of Keith Olbermann Show from 12/27

Ohio Fraud Discussion ON Now

Is the Cobb website down?

Transcript link - CLG's Mike Rectenwald on Scarborough (great quotes!)

Video Clip - Tuesday Countdown (1:10)

Hoffheimer's profile?

I got an e-mail "welcoming" me to the Kerry/Edwards campaign

when you hear a report about the recount in Ohio being over

A Idea for a Different Type of Rally

It ain't necessarily so

My Letter to my Democratic Congressman & Senators

What you can do to help the fraud audit process and Arnebecks case:

ABC news just said the Ohio recount is over and Kerry got ended->

Why did Moss and Arnebeck shoot themself in the foot?

Guardian article, Dec 27

the 58,000 missing absentees in Florida

Save Our Votes March -- Baltimore, Maryland, to Washington DC -- Jan. 4th

Can Someone Please Explain What is Happening??????

Anyone Heard From Edwards Or Kerry?

Part IIIb. To believe Bush won the election, you must also believe...

I just visited the Ken Blackwell site.

Um, Countdown thread anyone?

Is Arnebeck actually acting as a lawyer in the case?

Isn't it amazing that the MSM will report the recount results but not that

Blackwell ducks subpoenas as more evidence of fraud found & Kerry joins fr

Will , Is this the same Arnebeck case from earlier? The put up or shut up

Two clicks to:Urge Your Senator to Stand W/ Reps to Contest the Vote Jan6

Will we can put a great spin on this, but it isn't very ambiguous..

Kerry's character study (sort of) or why some have bought into "*" lies

Florida recount: numbers still don't add up among other things

CNN reports "Ohio Recount Over" as headline

Progressive think tank names J. Kenneth Blackwell Villain of the Year

Mass e-mailer sends individual e-mails

Warren County Update.

Need some help on the math of this 3% recount thing

Anyone want to interpret this OH SC ruling?

Moyer off Moss v. Bush?

Analysis of the Arnebeck order.

WilliamPitt or Truman - -Please tell me the truth - - I can take it - -

Feingold just sent me an email saying he doesn't respond to


Innauguration Parties More Important Than Aiding Disaster Victims

Guys, here's the problem . . . .

I'm not a new poster and I'm not disillusioned with Kerry



On, well, everything...

Activist's proposal qualifies for ballot- would limit city revenue

TABOR to be pushed this upcoming session

Eibenstiner must face misdemeanor charges

Once again, the MN DUers have a great gathering!

Question about upgrading Firefox 0.9.1 to ver 1.0

Where to move in the Pittsburgh area......????

Jan 11 party in Austin

Legislative Townhall Mtg Jan 6 in South Houston

Green Bay Packers President, Bob Harlan, ordered the flag to half-staff

Earthquake: Zionist plot

Earthquake: Godzilla caused it.

Anyone up for taking on a midget racist republican?

The Power of Nightmares / BBC exposes the American NeoCons

A Very Generous US role in SE Asia would fight Terrorism (Tsumani)

The only action that will be effective is massive, unified action

Beautiful pro-"Northeast Liberal Elite" RANT

$35 million? That = Ken Lay's one year bonus

CNN covering the Tsunami instead of running stupid Larry King. Kudos.

here is a link of an earlier post that needs our attention


Maybe $35 million is enough to save lives. Does anyone know?

Just got back from Mars

Nations pledge aid after Asia disaster

CNN is getting e-mails protesting the videos of dead children.

From a surfing magazine & an odd ad from ebay

They prey on the weak, naive, and poor...

63,114 deathe according to KO

What do Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell have to say to the victims

RE: Latest UBL. Is it just me....

Inauguration plans

Anyone got IP address - i can't access their site

Is the P2OG at work? Proactive Pre-emptive Operations Group..Rumsfeld.

Anybody else having trouble getting airamerica on the net?

How to Respond to a Conservative

Who pays the tab for Presidential Inagurations?

tucker carlson now reporting news on cnn

Salinas, California Pop 150,000 no libraries come Spring 05

I propose we bomb every country suffering from the earthquake.

Today, our leaders' greatest fear is freedom for our people.

Tucker Carlson in for Aaron Brown on Newsnight,

Scarborough Bashing UN for calling Bush "stingy" in Tsunami aid

Keith Olbermann is on Leno tonight.

Probably a naive question, but what the hell. (Re tsunami alert)

Aid for Victims: Here's another reason for the world to hate us....

All over the World, most people want publicly financed Healthcare Systems.

Official Best Cartoons of 2004 thread.

60,000 dead bodies, destruction and Fox leads with the U.N.

Evangelical ("rapture-ready") Senate Report Cards-2004

Connecting the Spin on Shrub's "Compassion" (Tsunami)

"Mangroves can act as a shield against tsunami"

NightTrain: Toby Keith "very clueless."

And Yahoo's current #1 most emailed "news" item...

So who do we em blast over the Tsunami Aid Shame?

How dare Bush callously start a war

Muskogee, OK explosion: I think is very suspicious.

What is it with Bush? When some of the greatest disasters the world

No PIX available of Bush today

What happened to all the marine life underwater in the Indian Ocean?

Tsunami Help Blog

Tuesday Truthseeker Thread Piping Fresh Malloy Tonight

The Democrats need another FDR.

Tin foil hat time, bear with me...

A question regarding Reggie White

No Suprise Here: US Making money off of Tsunami Tragedy

are the right wingers and christian coalitioners out there offering any

Most intense documentary I've ever seen! PLEASE FORWARD!

Can't this jerk just get a leash

Bush should have a low-key inauguration during wartime

If you like political cartoons that hit HARD try "The Bush Junta"

63000 dead in Asia, that is like losing the entire city of Greenville NC

W flouncing around Crawford while people die in Asia. What a Christian.

15 million, 35 much should the US contribute?

Bush to make "brief" tsunami statement, $20million is a "loan", not aid

Meanwhile, Bush is "biking, relaxing, STROLLING" at his "ranch"

60,000 DEAD - Bush is RIDING HIS BIKE

The Democratic Party's Iraq Policy is Totally Adrift

Incredible satellite images of Sri Lanka before and after the Tsunami hit

Today's idiot files: Jesus is warning "godless nation's" via tsunamis

Text-to-Speech Engine -- Great Freeware for Larger Texts...

Have YOU ever been on the receiving end of bigotry?

DU!Please read and sign letter to Ralph Nader!I could use help with it,too

What's The Best Tsunami Relief Fund?

What is the true meaning of being a Democrat?

Leg of Lamb

Supermarket Giants Crush Central American Farmers

Tsunami Kills 800 on Sri Lankan Train

Celebrities Among Victims of Tsunami

Incredible satellite images of Sri Lanka before and after the Tsunami hit

Quake May Have Altered Earth's Rotation

GOP Demands Voter List in Wash. County

Race to Bury Asia's Dead as Toll Hits 63,000

Syria's Media Witnessing Giant Change.../Daily Star, Lebanon

Two kidnapped over Peru mine project

That Line at the Ferrari Dealer? It's Bonus Season on Wall Street

Celebrities Among Victims of Tsunami

Puerto Rican 4th ID soldier killed in Iraq

Ethics Panel to investigate a Lawmaker

Six Navy SEALs, wives sue AP over photos

Puerto Rico Certifies Results in Election for Governor

Huge explosion in or near Muskogee, OK 2 minutes ago

National Archivist Resigns in Protest Over Secrecy

Down and Almost Out in Mongolia -NYT

Yucca stalemate spikes nuclear costs

FBI Names 6th Counterterrorism Chief Since 9/11

Looking for Cuts, Pentagon Turns to Jet Fighter Program

Two dead in Minnesota office building blast

Sharon to visit China (Israeli-China Arms deal ticks off USA)

Director of Analysis Branch at the C.I.A. Is Being Removed -NYT

Montana Supreme Court Overturns Tie, Gives State House Race to Democrats

Blind American girl, 7, sues pharmaceutical giant Johnson & Johnson

US Airways Clamps Down On Employees - (and asks them to work for free!)

Baghdad commander of Iraqi security forces assassinated

House Ethics Panel Chief May Be Replaced

Aid Grows Amid Remarks About President's Absence -WP

What if we all had webcams and could use them here...

Hot dog - Jaime Brockett's "Titanic" just got released on CD!

Please post your 2004 New Year's resolutions, and....

My car's odometer just turned 100,000 miles. ASK ME ANYTHING!

Wake up maggie I think I got something to say to you

Question about dryer dry cleaning.

A lonely rant about chocolate

Who do you predict will win the Super Bowl?

Does anyone have any family/friends/loved ones affected by the tsunami?

I have a serious Newby question

When the Tigers broke free

Some Forum Features are Currently Unmentionable (Level XXX)

Breaking: W knew about earthquake in advance from talking to Jesus.

I bought 3 CD's with my Xmas money from Ma.

A lonely rant about fleas....

New Years suggestions.... help!

some forum features are currently unimaginable (level 7X-5)

The only continent without native reptiles or snakes is Antarctica

A serious question: At what rate do you refresh the "Latest" page?

Late Christmas shopping....

I'm not taking the gig...

I'm going to a party and I'm going to bring....

This thread is dead

Am I going to have to get a job flipping burgers?

wow, I'm indivisible!

when I read a thread title and instantly begin to think

28 years ago today, we lost the great bluesman FREDDY KING.

I'm making Roasted Butternut Squash Soup

How many threads have you had locked/deleted?

Mmmmmmm. Syrah! Question:

I wish I was a cat . . .

Belated Xmas gift for all our furry creatures

Official what did you get for Christmas thread

Can someone explain this to me?

Totally underappreciated artists: Eleventh Dream Day; Laura Nyro.

Does anyone know of a Texas Hold'em info site.

REMOVED by moderator:

Wow! I Have X-Ray Vision!

Which sauce would go best with DUers?

Dildo, Canada

Set it and forget it!

What's Your New Year's Resolution?

Chicken McNuggets: Smarter Than Us?

The :hi: smiley sure is happy

ZombyWoof, Fenris, ProfessorGAC - ALERT!! Road House on tomorrow!

Who is more progressive?


Saw Bush violating a neighbor in the grocery store line today....

Drunken Advice needed: I lost a crown and leadership of a small country

Royal advice needed, I just lost a crown.

Ooooh frictionlessO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, my sister rented the Passion of Me. Should Christ watch?

Post your favorite web timewaster here!

When Will DU Include A Nudist Forum?


OK, now choose my next career Limiting move!

Four different people gave me truffles for Christmas.

Anybody Notice The Pro Football Game 'Brought To You By Cialis' ???

Which of these classic albums is your favorite?

Choose my next career move

Every woman I sleep with is either

Hey did you all see that thread in GD?

So, I keep getting these calls from the "Dove Foundation"

Your Superpower: Flight or Invisibility

Who's the most annoying Freeper-type in your family?

Classic albums part II


Is UNICEF a Good Charity to give to

I rate each and every one of you.

OK, Christ rented my sister for some passion. He wants me to watch.

99% of the news anchors are a bunch of overpaid hacks.

Copycat this thread. I dare you!

I hate each and every one of you.

OK, Lee Iacocco rented the Passion of My Chrysler... Should I watch?

I'd fellate each and every one of you.

The virtual snowflakes are too cool!

Every man I've slept with is GAY... Go figure!


Can you change sex in the middle of your pants?

I'd mate each and every one of you.

Thread this cat and copy. You dare me!

Can you take off your underwear without removing your pants?

HAHAHAHA!!! Night Train's locked thread...

Any good left-over Turkey territory out there? Desperate!

Everyone of my brothers is Gay.....go figure!

I hate each and every chimp I see

I'd eat each and every one of you.

My dog just ate a zomby....

Microsoft Humor

I Ate-Hay Ach-Eay and Very-Eay Ne-Oay of Ou-Yay

Day Five: Watching nothing but Columbo

I'll be right back..

A lonely rant about men.

Look at that TIT

Copycat this Dread. I dare you.

Who else is staying home on New Year's Eve?

Can you change your sex in the middle of pants?

Do You Dare to dread this copycat?

Every man I sleep with

Every man I've slept with is either

You're just a big, dumb ol' cocky-pants!

Man, what a weird day in the Lounge.

Help me create a commercial for my new gigolo business.

The Richard Simmons Excercise DVD you would be LEAST likely to buy

Dental advice needed! I lost a crown/cap

Do you shave your palms?

Every Man I've Ever Slept With is....ME!!!!!

My excretion at the Buddhist temple...

ok, my sister rented Passion of the Christ.... should I watch it?


None of you fuckers are meaner than I, and never will be!

poop thread

Obnoxious football fans at NFL games

Rabrrrrrr's etiquette rant for the evening

When will Tsunami victims recieve US "aid"?

Funniest and best lock of the month:

OK, Christ rented the Passion of My Sister... Should I watch?

Can you change your pants in the middle of sex?

Whoa! Malloy is on a RANT!

What foods make dogs fart?

DU is for stoopid peeple what ain't got brains!

Should there be a sequel to Muskrat Love? Perhaps

My couch just fell on my dog... And every man I've ever slept with....

Read this inflammatory thing.


Once again - I need serious advice...

Intestines. The long and short of it....

Can I have some career advice input too?

I just blew away a ladybug!

My dog just fell off the couch.

Every sheep I've ever slept with is....

Tonight's flamebait debate: one last "happy holidays" thread

Screw you people! I'm going to bed and you can't stop me!

A guy my husband works w/ tried to tell him he got FREE inaugural tickets

Catty Cop thread

Whoops! Almost forgot tonight's message to lurking right-wingers.

OK, now choose MY next career move!

Astronomy Domine

DU Lounge Thread - this one will be dead in 5 minutes. GUARANTEED!

How do I watch the damn Daily Show?!?!?!

I just blew a ladybug!

A lonely rant about women

Speak up! My tinnitis is kicking in this week!

I'm 25, single not lonely (now) and I wouldn't have it any other way...but


Wow! I'm invisible!

It's another Derbstyron thread. Watch it Die.

Are we due for another cat thread?

What Kind of Intelligence Do You Have?

Recall for us if you will, your bad experiences with DORM FOOD

Generic Lounge Thread

Which is the cause of the earthquake?

Sean Penn Discusses Oscars and Politics

Things You Will Never See On DU

Anyone picked apart an owl pellet (owl poo)

Does anyone besides me ever

Mairzy Doats and Dozy Doats

Health Reminder: Paper Money Is Dirty And Germ-Ridden

Best Jack Nicholson line in any movie?

tee hee - i baited the NUGE and he bit...


I'd date each and every one of you.

My experience at the Buddhist temple

Who here likes liver?

Linkin Park Establish Charity To Help Tsunami Victims

Whom do you think will win the Rose Bowl?

Legendary Guitarist Hank Garland Dies

I'm 39, single, not lonely, and wouldn't have it any other way.

Some of you fuckers are meaner than I will *ever* be

WWJD thong

list of latest articles at MOVELEFT.COM

You May Be A Left Wing Moonbat If...

We Polled A Recent Studio Audience And Got The Best Response To This...

I have a job interview tomorrow at 9am - Wish me luck!

Is saying "crank" your car just a southern thing?


I'd date each and every Longgrain

What the hell do fish do all day, anyway?

Has anyone heard of Caleb Kane?

Best Dennis Hopper line in any movie?

I hate each and every ZombyWoof

Favorite Food Network show?

What are your favorite haunts in New Orleans?

Anyone interested in a Unitarian-New-Thought DU Group?

Indonesian 'hobbit' legends may be factual

The Detroit Lions were robbed:

Belated XMAS present for your pet.....

2005, The Year Ahead, by Maya del Mar

Can someone do a tarot reading on if Kerry threw the election?

Arab Astrologer Predicts Bush Assassination

How were 'Unity Dinners' handled in the past on DU?

Something you guys need to remember...

Guess what I did to a car with a Bush-Cheney '04 sticker on it

Sticker time...three new ones

How to Respond to Conservatives, by George Lakoff: Essential reading!

Ohio GOP election officials ducking subpoenas as Kerry enters stolen vote

why is it wrong for liberal Democrats to advance their goals?

Would Bernard Kerik have survived confirmation if Bush had

Progressive think tank names Dennis Kucinich Congressperson of the Year

Military not desperate.....LOL....54 year old........

REVISION PLEASE READ: Al Gore Support Center Group Endorses Donnie Fowler

Two clicks to:Urge Your Senator to Stand W/ Reps to Contest the Vote Jan6

Litmus test for 06 candidates: must contest election on 1/6/05.

Rummy/Pentagon want to cut weapons programs..

Bush is a lame duck.

"What would you have him do?"

DU!Please read and sign letter to Ralph Nader!I could use help with it,too

Is Bush "handcuffed" in Economic/Monetary policy ?

Newsweek: "Bush can transform himself into a unifying global leader"

Progressive think tank names Jose Zapatero World Leader of the Year

Progressive think tank names Robert Byrd U.S. Senator of the Year.

to all you DUers who "don't know what else Bush could do" re: the disaster

Who is everyone supporting for DNC Chair?

Do you view politics on a local, regional, national, or internat'l scale?

Terrorism's on the menu, literally (FDA)

The Republican leaderships concept of democracy (from Aljazeera)

Brave New World’s top stories of 2005&Top 5 stories lost in the shuffl

Will Indonesia Use the Tsunami As A Cover to Continue Its Slaughter?

Social Security wins (cuurent version!) - from Christian Science Monitor

Weekly Dose of Gene Lyons

Happy New Year, Mr. President

A year of living dangerously

Iraq 2004 Looks Like Vietnam 1966-Adjusting body counts for medical and mi

From America's heartland: Europe drops out of the picture

Now let's see man's power to full effect.

The Rise and Fall of a Republican Lie

How the Internet Became a Hero in the Tsunami Disaster

You can't blame 'Uncle Sam' for what Bush does

Democrats Must Remain True to their Mission of Fighting for the little guy

Neocons can't escape responsibility for their Iraq miscalculations

Rex Murphy's Commentary from CBC last night - transcribed

A System Bereft of Justice

Are Freelancers Running Our Russia Policy?:Patrick J. Buchanan

WSJ, Washington Times capitalize on tsunami tragedy.

Some questions on cost so far of the war

U.S. union organizer murdered in El Salvador. Secy Powell urged to act.

(PA) Bill reshapes future of renewable energy

An exchange of letters

Another tsunami pic

Earth's axial tilt delta measured...

Please edit my post for me!

Shouldn't you remove threads like this from your server

I don't believe this post deserved removal.

Request for clarification.

This looked like a completely innocent humorous Lounge thread to me.

New Group Proposal: Christian Liberals/Progressive People of Faith

Well, I've tried this a few times . . . now, I'll try it in this forum

What the Fuck is this!! And their spying in us to-boot

Abbas Pledges to Follow Arafat Policies

Israel's circuitous wall puts chokehold on Palestinians

Sri Lanka accepts Israel's offer to send medical supplies, but not IDF del

Settlers use their kids......

Did Olbermann copy me? - "Them's fightin' words"

Question: If Moyers rules on on the Presidential Election

My letter to Barbara Boxer

Holiday blahs or simply disillusioned?~shrugs~

What's the best short article to convince a skeptic that Kerry...

60,000 DEAD - Bush is RIDING HIS BIKE

is there an Abbie Hoffman avatar available on DU?

need help - all the lawsuits making my head spin

Internet Vote Fraud: Means. Motive and Opportunity

Calendar of Events Leading to Constitutional Challenge of Electors on 1/6/

Expert Witnesses in statistics & vote counting will be deposed tomorrow

Democratic Underground vs. Kerry/Edwards Bumper Sticker???

If you're angry and you know it, clap your hands!

Let's pray this makes a diff: NPC News Conf on Constitutional Challenge

Why can't we re-Exit poll?

The idiot's on TV now talking about the Tsunami's...

You May Be A Left Wing Moonbat If...

When will we know if we have a Senator?

The best way to ensure the quality of voting machines is...

Sumatra earthquake set off by nuclear bombs?

Question: The Arnebeck suit Moss vs. Bush has very specific numbers

Has everyone watched this 12/21 Press Conference?

Repubs (& Dems) are gambling - do they know we know they know we know?

Greens daily update: Blackwell in trouble?

Peter B. Collins talking about Ohio election fraud right now!

GOP "demands" in Washington State

We need to take a stand NOW. How many are we?

Kerry vigil - no comments

We are not powerless

Blackwell's website boasts his Internet election savvy!

Have I missed anything regarding Arnebeck's

Damn! I kept wondering about those "bipartisan" Ohio BoE's.

My Email from the New York Times today 12/29/04........

The meaning of conspiracy

For those who think nothing is happening behind the scenes

Montana court case gives dems control, does anyone have a link

Reuters: Republican Judge Takes Aim at Bush Terror Policies

They supposedly "won," but in a dishonest way. We'll show

Chief Justice Refuses to Remove Self from Vote Challenge

When might we expect to hear something on YOST?

North Carolina is holding a new election for ag. commish.

Hartmann again talking election fraud right now!!

Now, when is Blackwell going to be arrested?


Lytel: Do not believe the the corporate media

Democratic political strategist Fertik issues "An Open Letter to Kerry"

AP: Judge refuses to recuse himself & rejects speedy hearing

Is Fox News our friend?

Anyone from New Mexico?

Message of HOPE from Another Board .....

Crossfire now

Question and Request Regarding Vote Tabulation

AP Wire: Chief justice refuses to remove self from vote challenge

Triad GSI and Triad Management ... Any connections ?

"*" "won"...right...


Bush's Balls

It is obscene to "celebrate" and spend $ 40 million on January 6th

Could the Dahli Lama help be a voice for us?

Doesn't this suit by minor Dem candidate have implications for Pres. also

Moyer - I do not recuse myself in Moss v. Bush

Coming Up On Big Story With John Gibson Fox News Story About John Kerry

Jane Pauley will be talking about a "paper clip" school project tomorrow

Wednesday 12/29 Election/Fraud/Recount thread

The Nashua Advocate Reports on Media Blackout of the "Watergate of Ohio"

We are now drafting a voting reform law here in California.......

Okay, here's how to get in touch with Congress re: the 6th

"United we stand, divided we fall".

This is a great time to be alive

MSM & BushCons struggle to explain Bush's low approval rating--funny!

I suggest Kerry was maneuvered (unwittingly) into position in the primary

Any talking points on the Ohio issue?

People we have the power to change this…

Contact Blackwell!

What is the status of Bev's 'Qui Tam' suit in CA?

Howard Dean on Election Fraud, Reform and more!

A question for DU regarding Triad Management Services...

Guys, here's the real problem

Assume Jan. 6th comes and goes with little or no Democratic action...

So Kerry won't even be in DC on Jan 6?

Question about possible Rove-Blackwell contact election day

Im sick of fair weather Dems. Reasoned thoughts from a Moderate.

DUers! Lets draft Senator Robert Byrd to contest the election!

Moyer - Emergency Motion to Preserve Evidence Denied

Email from NYTimes: Election Fraud Coverage in Ohio is NOT Over

Wonkette slams Duers

Headed to the Rose Bowl -- any advice?

3 bombs found at home sites

Ousted CalPERS president convinced governor helped bounce him

Boxer's survey: fill in contest the election and note it's your 1st choice

Are any Iowans going to DC on 1/6?

What is "OEM" software?

Ricky's Christmas present to Pittsburgh.................

Altoona-area veterans facing more travel for VA care (to Pittsburgh)


Forty Faxes and a Whisper: Texas Election Scandal

Robin Pluer, Fred Bliffert to headline Bread & Butter Jam 2!!

Gave credit for this via e mail

Idiot Bush embarrassed US again. Disgusting indifference to tragedy

Concerning those who were "waiting for the other shoe, galosh, cowboy boot

State Department Hotline for Information about U.S. Citizens (Tsunami)

Let Them Eat Cake

I'm Proud Of DU's Reaction To Reggie White

Flying the Flag at Half Staff for Reggie White

Auction for Disaster Relief

9/11 Rumsfeld says Flight 93 was shot down over PA!

Clinton speaks out about Tsunami aid.

Sir Arthur C Clarke is indeed alive and well

Dead bodies in natural disasters do not pose a health risk

Bush a Sociopath? If the shoe fits....

Murphy's War Laws

DU admin and all other users...please read...

why did Rumsfeld refer to flight 93 being shotdown?

New business founded in Crawford, Texas

My new name for the Republican Party.

Reuters quote of the day, December 29

2004 is tied as the worst year OF MY LIFE!

good program about the history of drugs on history channel

good morning everyone

"US given more aid than any other country in last 4 years" Powell

Does Anyone think Bush will leave Iraq sooner than later?

The tsunami has laid bare ,in one fell swoop, all the pretensions

animals can sense earthquakes...

What do my fellow DUers watch on TV?

u.s. general on npr: fewer "indirect attacks" on u.s. bases in iraq says Dan Rather among top 10 scandals of 2004!

Are the Corporations going to steal the Tsunami aid?

Anyone know how Tsunami impacted Diego Garcia?

Lieberman still has no clue about the Iraq situation & he was just there!

What do you expect to hear(or not hear) from *'s speech today?

"Diverting assets"?????

Funny, CBN & Pat Robertson

So, The U.S. Plegded $35M and The Yankees Payroll Tax is $25M

effect vs affect............discuss

Tsunami survivor: US Officials Unhelpful in Thailand

Got Fahrenheit 911 for Christmas.

anyone watching Dim-son on MSNBC...?

The Globalization of Prejudice.

Tsunami Eyewitness Accounts (Emails to CNN)

U.S. officials in Thailand demand money from US citizens to get

why did Rumsfeld refer to flight 93 being shotdown?

Outrageous headline mirrors Republican world view

Is tsunami a horrific look at the near future

Bush press conference.."We grieve

Sumatra troops turned away plane load of doctors.

BTW- the Virginia Repub party almost went bankrupt two weeks ago

"You're sitting on paradise beach, next you're stepping over dead babies"

Has anyone found sattelite photos of the Tsunami?

Florida gets $15 billion and Asia gets $35 million?

questions about online tax filing

Vietnam Red Cross donates VND5 billion to Agent Orange Victims

South Asian tsunami aid blog


Don'y worry, Bush knows what's going on.

HOLD IT! *gasp* the UN is running the tsunami rescue?

Islamic Extremists, Dutch Bigots, and American Televangelists

why the bushgang is so quiet: big oil and the tsunami

America is broke!!!

Shamed into Making a Statement, Bush Finally Resurfaces - PIX >>>

Important that we don't take our eyes off Iraq because of Tsunami

lest we forget WHY the media is in BushCo's pocket . . .

Winning the peace in Iraq.... (an Essay by my favorite author)

a good example to follow

Being hated is cool

Woman refused a divorce because of pregnancy....

Bush Suggests that Americans Give to Charities to Help Out

Thom Hartmann's suggestions for donations

a gold star to some religious Ministers who are fighting back

More deception: Bush was not speaking "live" about the disaster

Bush said we were sending $35 bln not $35 miln

United Nations spokesman (Egeland) on TV live explaining relief efforts

My nephew in Iraq.

Bush says we will prevail over this destruction,

Just so you know - the Death Toll is up to 76,000 now

What would it take for a RW pig talk show host to NOT defend W?

Hope that cruise ships/ barges outfitted w/tents and provisions are on

NYT/AP: Tsunami Kills Few Animals in Sri Lanka (sixth sense?)

How Procter & Gamble hid murcury from pregnant women

News from friends hit by tsunami - Thailand

Does anyone remember the earthquake in Bam, Iran?

Support the United Socialist Party of Sri Lanka

Questions Concerning The awakening Giant - China's Economy

Tiny Christian college nets generous federal funding

you can vote on "Should Bush have spoken earlier on the tsunami disaster"

Too Little Too Late, George >>>

Compliant news media have failed the American people

smirk sold our gold mine (on Fed land) to Can corp.

Let's flip it: thinking about Harrah's and Disney

IMO, looted explosives dump resp.for latest booby-trapped house attack.

On January 20th, cancel cable & the local paper. Switch utility companies.

I am wonder why people are shocked at the 60,000 deaths from

Bill Gates...You've made your billions from

Bush said US spent 4.2 billion in aid last year - compared to

chimps ineffective action of the day

where is Peak Oil discussion....

What's the DU Consensus on the Best Organization to Donate to?

Midterm and 08 elections, guns, and middle east lead postings on DU Groups

Am I a Socialist because I don't like Bush and the War

Socialist - Definition - just in case you might need it when

Somebody please respond to this LTTE!


Sumatra earthquake set off by nuclear bombs?

Wastin' away ag'in in free-per-ville...searchin' for mah AK-47...

Hey hey hey! The Cos is at it again!

Have any fundamentalist Christians weighed in on the tsunamis?

India rejects foreign aid for deadly tsunami relief work

Jerry Orbach just on MSNBC - 3.13 PM EST ....

OMG......FOX doing a segment about tsunami hitting the U.S.

Bush's Priorities

DISGRACEFUL Bush aides use tsunami to zing Bill Clinton

U.S. Consulate (Bangkok Airport) Mistreats American Tsunami Victims

Tsunami satellite photos?

Why aren't flags flying at half mast?

DUers called "bottom feeders" by John "Pigface" Podhoretz.

U.S. Troops Answered Oil Firm's Pleas

did anyone hear that the $35 million is to be a loan?

Who's this guy on Tom Hartman right now?


Maybe we should BLAST the Pope with email requesting that he

CIA intrigue shadows jet

Walter Sobchak for Secretary of Defense

You can't always want what you get

Donate the Inaugural Funds to tsunami victums

Christian Leader?

A list of kooky conspiracy theories

Cause of Tsunami: Earthquake or meteor/asteroid?

This is Really Sad

Have we heard from the religious kooks yet? Re: The tsunami?

I'm looking for some feedback about my court case......

The U.S. is NOT Stingy! $147,395,900,000 on war in Iraq, and counting

Another tsunami pic

Deleted Message

I know why Bush did not make any statements on the tsunami for

Earth's axial tilt delta measured...

Anybody out there who have Parents on the "dark side"?

When Does * Stop Answering Questions?

The Blame Game - The RW vs. Bill Clinton

Caught CNN saying that the recount in Ohio was over...Bush wins!

editorial cartoons....bush* at the pig farm and more....

USGS link: EVERYTHING about the earthquake/tsunami 9.0

Can someone answer the question as to why Randi Rhodes is

AP: List of disaster aid pledges by governments

2004 Earthquakes are similar to those in 1906

Robert Novak: "Unlike Bill Clinton, Bush doesn't jump in front of a camera

drug companies and tsunami disaster

this picture caught my eye on front page of Tampa Tribune

Bob Novak: "Doesn't Bush owe more to Floridians than to 'some foreigners'?

What should we really call the people fighting against a non-democratic

A guide to recent history. After World War II, as American corporations

What the hell does "Auld Lang Syne" mean?

Deficit $203 billion bigger says Snow

Making last minute donations to worthwhile charities.

Asteroid "Disaster": Another Scare-The-Sheeple Non-Story Bites the Dust

Current Wingnut Iraq Meme: "Freedom is not Free"

Damn! Shit blowing up daily around here (Tulsa area)...just an hour ago,

US forms quake relief coalition / COALITION??!!!

I can now dissect RW Speeches

Looking for tsunami info on how far inland the sea went...

I really wish AirAmerica would go live- because of the Tsunami. Don't

Do you think AAR may bring Thom Hartmann aboard?

Has there been any aftershocks?

Tonight's News Coverage of the Disaster

Any Canadians of color in the House?

Death toll reaches 100,000

Bush’s New Year Resolution: Bullet-Stopper Conscription

Sir Arthur C. Clark Message from Sri Lanka

Let us never lose track of the true significance of the tsunami....

Let's try to be bigger people...

US officials treat US citizens in tsunami disaster rudely

Tsunami or no tsunami, "The Russians don't cancel"

VERY disturbing video of Tsunami

Need help identifying a NeoCon "historian"

Bush: We provide...35 billion (with a b)

Guys, I need some help and some information, very important!

PHOTOS: LIVE from the Prairie Chapel "Ranch"! has one click disaster aid donation option (Red Cross)

Did Animals Sense Tsunami?

How a nuclear armed terrorist could kill millions with a single bomb

35 million is generous compared to the rest of the world

Tsunami - Is 1% of the Aid Given To Florida Hurricane Too Much?

We continue to mess with the earth..and wonder why....

India rejects aid for tsunami

Tsunamis and Nuclear Power Plants (you should probably read this)

American scuba diver underwater during tsunami

Careful Not to Get Too Much Education...Or You Could Turn Liberal

GOP bastards are totally wicked and sick.

"Where is America?" Indonesian Villager, 12/29/04

Apple has turned its main web page into tsunami relief page.

WTF! The stranding was the second in Tasmanian waters in just 24 hours --

Republicans are Ashamed. Or something; strange vibe.

Is the threat of Islamic terrorism being exaggerated?

You know what we need to do? A Big Huge SOS

Goddamn smirking chimp bastard on CNN giggling about tsunami.

Miss. has highest infant deaths & they lie to women

Please Read very scary....

Is The American Empire Nearing Its End?

Maybe, the Religious Right was right about something (but wrong)

Why didn't the Boy King come out earlier on the tsunami disaster?

Race has always been used by the ruling classes to divide us

Why do people stand and watch disaster approaching? (Pic)

The Da Vinci Crock

with an event this MASSIVE... it sometimes takes a detail

$40 Million for Inauguration - $35 Million for Tsunami

Focus on the The Parables

Progressive "Think Tank" & strategy center

Diego Garcia resides in a bubble (tsunami)

Republicans claim Iraq and Osama weren't worth it (During Clinton's Term)

Suggestion: Make DU a print publication

Anti-Abortion Activists Here At the DU, Please Consider This

I have loads of Swiss Cheese leftover...anyone got a good recipe

Lambrusco Chicken

New Year's Eve - Our soul food feast

What? No oyster stew recipes? Come on people - post 'em!!

You have my deepest sympathy: just heard that Faux News is

I'm ashamed of Canada

Can you recommend a decent / nice hotel in Toronto?

Sean Penn Discusses Oscars and Politics

Terrorism's on the menu, literally (FDA)

Indian Archipelago's Residents Beyond Easy Reach and Rescue

Twentynine Palms Marine shot dead by police after chase

Ethics investigation of Rep. Jim McDermott (WA)

FDA OKs Ecstasy Study in Cancer Patients

Blast 'kills 28' during Iraq raid

Insurgency in Iraq 'will not end': Powell

U.S. accuses Syria of helping insurgents

A Dangerous Christmas In Vietnam

Worsened By War: 2 hard-hit areas beset by civil strife

Sex-change cop files harassment suit

Japan justice minister agrees to consider sending Fischer to Iceland

Chicago Sun Times report about the Jackson vote challenge

Aid Grows Amid Remarks About President's Absence

Reservist fighting deployment loses his job

Pope makes fresh appeal for aid for Asian quake victims

6 Members of Elite Navy Force Sue News Agency Over Photos

DNA Evidence May Be Key in Saddam Trial

Russia sends two aid planes to Iraq

Jerry Orbach, star of TV's "Law and Order" has died at age 69.

Troops who helped oust Aristide to get back pay

US rebel joins Saddam legal team

Bush: Nations Form Asian Relief Coalition

Pentagon: Rumsfeld misspoke on Flight 93 crash

CIA chief analyst given the boot

Ohio Recount Gives a Smaller Margin to Bush

Corruption, Graft and Embezzlement encouraged in America

Smoking makes the campus scene

Final 4 Counties Reject GOP Re-Canvass Request (WA State)

Jerry Orbach - star of stage, screen and TV has died

Fire at former Sun-Times building (Chicago)

BBC: Wave toll 'could exceed 100,000'

NYT/AP: Tsunami Kills Few Animals in Sri Lanka (sixth sense?)

Aid Arrives As Asia Death Toll Tops 76,700

Bush Criticizes U.N. 'Stingy' Comment

Scientists: Quake may have made Earth wobble

Deputy provincial governor found dead in Iraq rebel bastion (Ramadi)

NYT,pg1: A Tragedy in Asia Affects All Corners of a Closer World

Will Indonesia Use the Tsunami As A Cover to Continue Its Slaughter?

New York Gang Member Faces Trial as Terrorist

Large Blasts Heard in Saudi Capital-Witnesses

LAT: Lobbying Tab is $1.1B for Half a Year ("political stars aligned")

Red Cross sets up Web site for tsunami victim contact

GOP Leader Plans To Gut Atlanta Gay Rights Law

Feds look to former CyberNET executive for help

Group holds fast to Kerry cause with Beacon Hill vigil

Tsunami threatens survival of Indian tribes

Agencies at Odds Over Fingerprint Checks

Everett WA (and San Diego)-Based Ships To Join Relief Effort

Church's art treasure comes out of hiding

crude oil in the US stockpile drops 800,000, as does Distillate stocks

Bush: Nations form Asian relief coalition

Catastrophe Without Warning

Fox's 24 Angers Muslim Group

Haaretz: Witnesses report large blast heard in Saudi capital Riyadh

Mad Cow Breakthrough

AP Wire: Chief justice refuses to remove self from vote challenge

Now let's see man's power to full effect.

Sontag Showed Lighter Side During Illness

Gunmen Kidnap Two Lebanese Businessmen in Baghdad

Flight that was taking soldiers home from Iraq hit by ground fire

NYT: Hawks Inspect (Fifth Avenue) Renovation

Closing arguments begin in terror trial (Attorney Lynne Stewart's trial)

Governor (Rell) recuperates after breast cancer surgery

Queens congressman criticizes Bush response to earthquake (Crowley)

Venezuela Considering Panama Pipeline to Send Oil to China

Portrait of a family at war: Kim Jong Il purges relatives after alleged co

Troops battle with words

Soldier fails to halt 'stop-loss' rule

Thruway chiefs: Pataki wants scandal records kept secret

STOCK MARKET WATCH, Wednesday 29 December

U.S. Launches Offensive After Iraq Ambush

Texas Governor Seeks to Build Megahighways (NAFTA toll road network)

Kremlin indignant at Ukraine’s initiative to exculpate fascist accomplices

Army Seeks to Save War - Torn Marriages

Death toll reaches 100,000

AP: Ark. Judge Voids Ban on Gay Foster Parents

Mass. Governor to File Death Penalty Bill (Only the guilty to be executed)

US govt fails expats in Tsunami zone.

Details of Guantanamo Detentions Emerge (Some Torture Info OK To Use)

Bush expected to make comment today on Indian Ocean tsunamis

Most Russians sorry USSR gone

Jerry Orbach Dead at 69

Reuters: Where Are All the Dead Animals? Sri Lanka Asks

Controversial ex-president forced to stay in Argentina (Menem)

Lieberman sees improved American relationship with Palestinians

Iraq to dissolve National Guard

US Democrat senators (Lieberman) back extra funds for military in Iraq

Accused Cali kingpin's 'tainted' funds may be denied to his defense

U.S. Nov. Previously Owned Home Sales Rise to Record

Muslims claim unfair treatment at border

Ex-Justice Describes Commandments Fight (Moore's new book "So Help Me God"

Pope wanted to keep Jewish children in the fold


Proceeds of £40m bank theft could pay IRA 'pensions'

Slow-Motion Miracle: One Boy's Journey Out of Autism's Grasp

Canada increase disaster aid to 40 million

FBI investigating laser beam directed into airplane cockpit (8,500 feet)

Court Backs Firing of Waitress Without Makeup

Former US attorney general joins Saddam defence team

Wet Seal to close 150 stores, layoff 2,000 employees

Needing Cash, Veterans Sign Over Pensions (read it and retch)

U.S. gives lowest percent in aid

Yushchenko Backers Block Building

U.S. Seeks Assets of Ex-Riggs Executive

All animals are running from me... I think I've OD'd on Viagra

Anybody use PCP? I'm having a problem.

Ask Me Nothing

Posting Is Pointless.

Bush declares "War on Nature," wants $800 billion to "stop earthquakes"

Rowdyboy: Please post your artichoke and oyster soup recipe

Good Night!

Does anyone know ,The Ditty Bops?

Parrot Thread!

Vanity thread

"You're not acting like yourself."

I'M HOT!!!!!

Do Nigerians IM You Online To Hit On You As Part Of A Scam?

Would you date this woman?

Anyone use PGP email encryption? I'm having a problem.

No one's gonna care about this but.....

Someone needs to PM me

Real life coffee shop horror story that happened tonite.

A little nature lesson.

just called into alan colmes' show drunk

WHERE is MrScorpio? Huh? Where?

anyone ordered a laptop from Cyberpower inc or Prostar?

Ok I'm going to the gallery to look at my lounge homies! Who's with me?

I am a non-pot head for sensible drug laws

Which smiley do you use most at DU?

::shyly approaches lounge with roses::

Who here is gonna fall in hate with me based on my taste in music

Post Your Favorite Smiley

"All The Lonely People" lyrics!

Help me out of the 700 club. Ask me anything!

Whoo Hoo! You people rock!!!

Heh you guys

What Type(s) of Music Can Make You Cry?

Sunshine almost always makes me high.

OK. I want some DU lady to please give me a date

What is the deal with airline peanuts?

I'm listening to "It's Gonna Take A Miracle" by Laura Nyro right now....

this thread is defective

Ashcroft Supports Kentucky Woman in Rebel Flag Flap

I am really getting into U2 these days.

Why is it the bands that most people listen to seem so obscure to me? Is

Ready for another tale of repukelican hypocrisy boys and girls?

Time for Right Said Fred

Gotta love Arkies...

What the heck is my problem tonight?!

Free Barney!

Why is Bouncy Ball so thread happy tonight?

Just saw Open Water. God, how depressing. *SPOILER*

Whoo Hoo

1500+ gmail invites up for grabs

Best track from Saturday Night Fever

good morning everyone

Would you date THIS man?

I have a story to tell and I want your opinions... was I smart or stupid?

Anyone else hate the Lawton Smalls bits on Morning Sedition?

175 Pounds Of Cocaine Sent By Company Called "Santa's Helpers"

The Washington Times

Psst...Forkboy rules.

I'd fruit each and every one of you.

Sorry it's late, friends, but it's time for the weekly group

San Diego DUers, how about this rain?

How come some really big waves are not so deadly and used

It's year end at work today

ANybody wanna be shocked? Then get a load of this man's blank:

Funniest line from a comic strip you can remember.

OK so I had a dream an air force jet landed in my bathroom

I congratulate each and every one of you.

I'm in the nude for love...

If Bon Jovi and Kinkade teamed up and did a multi-media DVD thing,

Have you sent money to help out the tsunami victims? Tax Deductible 2004!!

Woo Hoo! 4 day weekend coming up for me!

Weird gifts-Battery Powered Candles?

Scientists NOW Say Asteroid Will NOT Hit Earth On April 13, 2029

Ha! Ha! Word Perfect's response to the word "Santorum" in spell

Does anybody here speak Dog?

Anne Coulter gets pied!

Hi and Happy New Year everyone!

Mother came shoe be grand die just! Me anything ask!

I gave my Mother a grand to shoe my dying horse. Ask me anything!

Describe the stickers on your vehicle!

Let's conspire to give Underpants a hoagie.

I have a confession to make - I've been watching MSM

Which Smiley Annoys You the Most?

Delta lost my luggage

Hoppy Gnu Ear Two Ewe

HS and College students what do you do with notes/papers?

"What's holding (The Phantom of the Opera's mask) on? Pus?"


Oh Joy: the sale of Fireworks has begun

Halloween fell on a weekend. Me and Geto Boys be trick or treatin'.

effect vs affect............discuss

I just spied my grandmother's booze; ask me anything!

Gavin MacLeod vs Steve Caballero

Josh Groban vs. a radioactive polar bear

Mario Batali vs Gary Busey

I have returned from the Land of Eternal Darkness & the Land without Time

RandomKoolzip vs a slab of Irish Bacon Rashers

NY Post cover: We are all Sri Lankan's now.

Italian fined for kiss in Dubai

Cooler pneumatic power tool: jackhammer or nail gun?

I Resigned from Work...Ask Me Anything!!

hey underpants, hope you dont mind

My boyfriend is so sweet to me on my birthday!

TV Vice President or married to Carol Tyler/Martin/Brady?

The "duh-oiiiii" of all CAPTIONS

Jerry Orbach has passed

Woman's Body Found In Car Under Ice In Lake

What do you feel was Steve Buscemi's worst moment; best moment?

When I donate to DU next year...

Not to make light of the tragedy

Frank Zappa vs a Wooden Dowel

Anyone into Hop Scotch?

Menstruating women possess the ultimate power

Great New Years recipe---Tequila cake!

Did anybody watch C-Span's Washington Journal today?

derby378 vs. a grilled cheese sandwich

How would Jerry Orbach's character on L&O joke about Orbach's death?

My husband finally listen to the lyrics of the Rush song

Hey, Bertha! You're broke & in debt! What are you gonna do next?!

Kind hearted nation

I think I'll have an omelet for lunch.


I'm riddled with indecision... I need help


Anyone else get this Mega-pack?

John Wayne Bobbit--The Latest Chapter

DU!Please read and sign letter to Ralph Nader!I could use help with it,too

Somebody hijacked one of my screen names to send out bulk mail...

This is RandomKoolzip and I when we were still dating

I also love The Shawshank Redemption!!!!!!!

Virgin Galactic?!?

Well, you're a loudmouth baby

Rock paper scissors

ChavezSpeakstheTruth vs. a falling block of frozen urine

I love Top Gun! And I don't care what people say about me!

I have hives- give me some alarmist advice!

I just dyed my mother's grand shoes! Ask me Anything!

Archaeological Dig Uncovers Ancient Race Of Skeleton People

I just got a very sad e-mail from one of my childhood friends

Anyone see the National on CBC last night?

Some people call me the space cowboy,

It was nine feet high

The "Working Like a Galley Slave" CAPTION

If you smoke marijuana that means you do drugs.

What have I missed here so far?

Court upholds firing of bartender for not wearing make up.

what were your favorite childhood TV shows?

Orbach :(

Wednesday afternoon earworm.

OK I want some DU lady to please let me chill on your couch and drink beer

Caller Claims To Be Cop - Tells Women To Strip In Front Of Windows

Do you have a difficult time saying the "L" word?

It's a BOY!!!

Yet another "Guess the DUer Picture Puzzle"

well I replanted my office bamboo

2004 is tied as the worst year OF MY LIFE!

Best U2 album.


In space no one can hear you barf


55 Year old Woman gives birth to hew own grandchildren (triplets)

Which 200 words do most dogs understand?

BoSox win Story of the Year Award in AP poll.

"Not Me" bracelets

favorite saved by the bell character

Favorite song written by Bono

Five Teens Charged In Graffiti Blitz - They Blame A Video Game

I saw my first DU bumper sticker today



I've watched "The Filth and the Fury" three times in two days...

The "Ladies and Gentlemen, President Rupert Pupkin!" CAPTION

Herman's Hermits vs Gary Puckett and the Union Gap

How much should I donate to the Tsunami crisis?

RandomKoolzip - spoiler of trivia contests!

Pet Name you like/use (Not of the Rex variety)

I'm going for a shower. Don't wait up for me.

What movie is this from: "I'm eating Beatle Bailey" ?

I can narrow my records of the year down to three-and-a-half.

Pop Music Concert Tours 2004---"America Partied Like It Was 1989"

What celebrity does ChavezSpeaktheTruth resemble most?

homemade chicken marsala for dinner tonight

Any listeners of metal on this message board

I'm golden like a shower. Don't make up for me.

Am I going deaf...

Some inter-galactic wisdom...

Can Anyone Tell Me How Much Time I Have To Max Out My IRA ?

damn short bus

Vote on the Top News Story of 2004

Laura Flanders' KALW show today is about Bill Hicks (1PM ET)

What bugs you the MOST about Dr. Phil McGraw?

Breaking: New Years under attack by conservatives.

OK, that was disgusting.

Who's cooking John Popper for New Year's dinner?

Lounge Joke Thread?

What area code is 703?

That 'support the troops' font... anyone know where I can find it?

Live cam link from my hometown(courtesy of USCG). I love the modern world.

Who else is throwing a New Years party at their place?

Our first stop is in Bogota

Wish you were here

Saying "Happy New Year" doesn't give sufficient homage to Jesus

Off your Fjord?

Off your gourd?

I got a webcam for Christmas

Ah, showtunes.


Off your Fnord?

Share your weird medical stories

This is my 1000th post. Ask me anything. . .

Atlanta + New Years Eve

Any crime/mystery buffs? What's the device/machine they use these

Nice fucking remix

'A lot of cocaine in F1'

If men had periods. By Gloria Steinem

Made it to my Anti-Christ post. Ask me nothing.

Off your Ford?

Listening to Yes: Close to the Edge. Ask Me anything.

My daughter just asked me, out of the blue, "Did John Kerry win?"

Hee hee hee. CNN just went to a break playing "American Idiot"...

Plastic DVD Boxes With FLIP-LOCK Latches??? WTF???

What Happened to the Lounge Thread...

Semantic Web

I wish I was a head light on a north bound train.

Ever hit the beaches in Honduras? I want to try the central part of...

What happened to the "What Happened to the Lounge Thread..." thread?

Off your Lord?

361 days until Christmas! Wha'cha gonna get?

First Water, Now Cup in Elvis Auctions

My name is Sparticus!

only 2 more smoking days left!!!!

Need help with my digital camera

Do you believe in magic?

So has Foulwill or Brother Pat said anything about the Typhoon?

I'm sick of people attacking my belief in "Tuning Dots"

I'm the biggest friggin MORAN!

I need a cough drop.

Help a Stranded Metrosexual

Court orders bartenders to go topless!

Voicemail morons

You know how they say bad things come in threes?

Threada Pathetica! Vent yer guilt, embarassments, faux pas here!

America's New Years Resolution

Can 25-year-old males have a "Fat day"

Ok, what makes a rock song SUCK?

OK -- Who here drives like Elaine?

Jenny McCarthy, every man's dream come true or a gross miscalculation

Who Would Actually Spend Money On These "Tuning Dots"?

Oh no. I'm addicted to eBay.

Okay, which ribbon do you like the best?

Next Year Will Be Better, I Can Feel It...

OMG, is this for real?

Whore of the Year. Has this been done yet? If no, let's make nominations

Need links to tsunami videos

What do my fellow DUers watch on TV?

Rapture Ready website..........

Idea: How about musicians do a benefit concert a la "The Concert for

Best Chicago Album


If you need a friend, don't look to a stranger,

Official "OSU is going to kick OSU's ass" thread!

Do you all get as pissed off as me listening to some of the idiots who

Have you ever posted things about DU or DUers

Missouri Legalizes Fishing (By Hand) For Catfish - Called "Noodling"

Have you been visited by Wowbagger, the Infinitely Prolonged?

Why are Americans not "getting" even basic science?

What's the deal with iTunes m4p download purchase format?

My yard looks like green snow

Okay I'll ask just one more time, what celebrity do I resemble the most?

How long is too long to have a cold?

Last performances by an actor or actress that were sad to watch.


"Some moron brought a cougar to a party and it went berserk."

What should I make for dinner?


What Zip Code Is 02134?

Uggh. All my credit cards were stolen today.

I just won eight games in a row of Euchre!!

How many times must my friend turn the other cheek?

A Heart Full of Love.....

OK -- Who here dances like Elaine?

Dec. 29, 2004 MOVELEFT.COM article list


Did you hang out at the roller skating rink when you were a kid?

Has the Standard American Dialect changed over the last 60 years?

DS1 vs. Ignored

I'm Afraid of the C.L.U.E. Database...

To be buried or cremated, that is the question!

Best Toothpaste

Do you own and/or use a shoehorn?

Shattering Chains

A Public Service Message For Women

DU/Celebrity look-alike thread....

Who here's gonna fall in love with me based on my taste in music?

What is the current minimum wage?

Better yet, let's play threadjacker!

I had an interview today and was offered the job!

smoke pot! smoke pot! everybody smoke pot!!

Chicago + New Year's Eve Any suggestions?

I got my DU Bumpie stickie!

Okay DU Men, Woo me--If you are man enough!!

Anyone know French? How would I say something like..."That's ok"

DU Drummers.....a question about cymbals.....

Who's cooking Hopping John for New Year's Dinner?

Pot or Alcohol?

Music Group Suggestion

Another reason NOT to like the Ramones...

"Law and Order"'s Jerry Orbach has died

is there an Abbie Hoffman avatar available on DU?

Question for those who believe in god(s)

dupe - delete

What Aqua Teen Hunger Force Character are you?

Who will be the next celebrity to die?

creepy poll question: what's worse to have in your home . . .

*NEWS FLASH* Halliburton to handle tsunami cleanup!

What was the worst book of all time?

Lenny is dead

In Memoriam: 2004 in Review

Favorite captain?

Sweet GaJeebus, it's about time (Warning, boring travel pictures)

This is freakin' disgusting . . .


The best BDSM movie of all time...

Looking For A Job In IT?

7 1/2 minute Fantastic Four set visit from yahoomovies. W/ Stan Lee

Group suggestion: Music Group

Tsunami Slightly Hurts Jet Li

Religion: Part of the Problem/Part of the Solution?

Mars rover Opportunity visits heat shield impact site

How earthquake jolted the planet

The eye in the sky...watching us all

The inexact science of tsunami prediction

'Sniffing a lemon can help stave off asthma'

One more dumb question regarding the earthquake in Asia...

Niemitz - 300 Phantom Years of the Middle Ages

Never Seen Blue by Tori Amos, does it speak to you like it does me

Ex-NFL star, anti-gay preacher....Whites Greatest Hits!

OSU 42, OSU 10

Did anyone else think that the Bears got robbed?

Found a home for the stray we found!!!

Christmas Pictures of Mimic

People w/finicky cats, help me with a cat food change!

The Power of Nightmares

Pluto square Pluto

Dangerous aspect 12/30 -31

Reincarnation and astrology question re: pets

What the heck happened to the "Introduce Yourself" thread?

"Be careful not to get too much education"

Hearings on NOAA tsunami warnings will happen

How Many Remeber 388 Billion Omnibus Bill That Passed

For those that may think the Kerry's aren't working on fraud

I BELIEVE! And I love John Kerry, the 44th President of the USofA!

WTF is THIS...strange rays!!!

DNC Question

50,000 dead in Tsunami and we have STILL killed double that in Iraq

Alberto Gonzales Revisited

Might Makes Right

Howard Dean on Election Fraud, Reform and the Iraq War!

Was Arafat a Homosexual that died of Aids?

Video of Rumsfeld's Flight 93 Comment

Bush administration defends fearless leader, takes cheap shot at Clinton

What's the best city for activism?

House ethics committee cracks down, oh wait, it's not Delay, it's McDermot

Video of Cheney Lying - Daily Show

Cliff May, if you're watching...You're an embarrassment to the USA

Howard Dean: The Emerging European Influence

Anyone else agree that Global Warming could be attributed to the disasters

The Rush Limbaugh syndrome

My new blog post: Should Howard Dean be the next DNC Chair?

Has one senator criticized this idiot for this Tsunami shit?

The Chimp has spoken - Now he's back to the X-Box.

Initial $35 million (for tsunami relief) pays for how many days in Iraq?

A new symbol for the Democratic Party?

Bush always has that same idiotic look when he's looking at his nominees

Lobbying Tab Is $1.1 Billion for Half a Year

Your last BIG Chance to Save on Taxes-prepare to get sick.

Chimp's aides use tsunami horror to attack Bill Clinton

Insurgent Ambush Kills 29 in Baghdad

WH disses Clinton in an effort to defend Bush re: Tsunami relief

Spits Balls! Spit Balls

Okay, here is how to get in touch with Congress re: the 6th

What the Fuck is this!! And their spying in us to-boot

MSNBC poll: 34% think Bush should NOT "have spoken out earlier"

" It isn't Uncle Sam playing Scrooge. It is the Bush administration."

Now if they had been 70,000 fetuses, there'd be no end of $$$, right?

Dean discusses Instant Runoff Voting.

"Bloggers & Citizens" vs. the DNC

Quote of the day re: DEMOCRACY...from guess where?

The ultimate insult from Fox: "Happy, Sad, Good, Bad 2004 Timeline"

Best way to help with the relief effort is to donate money rather than

Bush Has Not Appeared Since Sunday - No Pix Released at All

Apple a "human" computer company....

Ukraine: 4.8 Million Voters blocked from voting

What is the alleged downside of being too quick to head for the cameras?

Is there any possibility Bush might appoint Roy Moore to the SCOTUS?

How long till the Tsunami is blamed on the Clenis?

Ex-Judge Roy Moore publishes new book on 10 Commandments monument

Just for would the MSM cover-up for * if he did this?

Is there anything POSITIVE going on for our side?

Where do I go on the internet to get a copy of the questions that

FINAL CLARIFICATION: Chris D. Jackson Urges Everyone To Support Donnie Fow

AP Article on Chimp from Monday practically scrubbed by Tuesday

Jailed Republican NY Senator has less cajones than Martha Stewart

"Many Bush aides believe Clinton was too quick to head for the cameras"

From Traditional Values Coalition Fundies: Hey, Governor, the GOP Won

What do you say to someone that posts this on a message board?

Wife to fill in for lawmaker in National Guard

Where's Dick?

Mainstreet Moms Operation Blue: Supporting Blue victories in the '06 elect

Name Democratic Congressmen and Senators that will vote with *

cost of war in Iraq vs. money to help tsunami vicitms

0.14% of GNP Is Stingy, Even Among Richest Nations

Feingold-Kucinich or Gandhi-Jesus?

Was the CIA responsible for the intelligence failure pre Iraq?

You can't shame the shameless... That's my new mantra. Watching CNN

The Sunday Times (London), August, 1920

Dean endorses electronic national ID cards?

Rat-bastard House gops to crucify Hefley over Delay.

Clinton SHAMED Bush into cutting into his vacation to "empathize"

Why can I believe this? "Saddam disputes US version of his capture"

Thom Hartmann on Rummy/Wolfowitz/Cheney and their legacy of fear ...

Does anyone else think we need to form a new Party?

What an Ill-Fated Year Ahead in Bush's America!

The Question Is MSNBC Poll: Should Bush have spoken out

Arab astrologer predicts Bush assassination

Who's got your vote: Kerry-Clinton or Feingold-Kucinich?

How old were you when you got involved?

what is "clearing brush" a euphemism for at the White House?

One Senator Must Stand Up....Just One! There's NO DOWNSIDE to this..

God forbid we should ever need help.

Help solve the mystery of why there's no Dem opposition against Bush?

Bush Administration Announces New Forest Regulations

"Typical liberal is way off base"

Where did the Deaniacs go?

Anyone want to create a Russ Feingold supporters group?

Fallujah photos (Warning, not for the weak)