Democratic Underground

Archives: January 10, 2005

NYT---Malpractice Mythology

Rep. Rahm Emanuel (Illinois) to Campaign Chief

[PINR] 10 January 2005: Sudan's Changing Map

The Star Tribune's LTEs read like DU day in Sunday's paper

Voting Postmortem in Washington

Gary Younge (Guardian Utd): Bring back the lash

No, secret payoffs that deceive the public aren't OK (USA Today editorial)

The new Monkey Trial

The world from a non-US perspective

Iraq: Roll Over, George Orwell

For all College Dems

Should .50 BMG rifles be banned or restricted?

Seconding Cheswick's great idea in memory of our dear friend Khephra.

Are you OK, Skinner?

Beetwasher's request

Mr. Abbas has won, EXIT POLLS SAY

The problem with Mahmoud Abbas

No one knows what Palestine really wants

Have you ever seen THIS 9/11 site?

41% of Nov. 2 provisional ballots axed in Lucas County

from Coalition Against Election Fraud: we DID accomplish our goals

Fun With Hate Radio

Bombard Republicans!

I was an election official in Columbus, Ohio. Was anyone else?

Maybe some useful info.......

I need election trouble sites

Maybe This Is Why Bush Was So Sure Hussein Had WMD

Bush Inpeachment Countdown -- today's charge

More Blackwell hypocrisy : the civil rights movement for justice & rights

This should be our message to DNC - an ultimatum

This is amazing...its like a sick parallel universe...

Bush & Rove say--Vote better electronically

Next Steps / Post 1-6 Trauma: Keep the Candle Burning

What Do You Think Is George W. Bush Another Hitler?

Looking for article or quote that said 12 votes per precinct

Now We Know How Bush Made Man Of The Year From TIME

Sometimes we all need a little chuckle! Funny & Scary at same time.

Look at this article about ballot shortages in Cuyahoga in 2000 election

Anyone want to hire an out of work voting rights activist?

Ohio Voting Documentary Video

If you don't think we were successful on 1/6, READ THIS!

What Happened in Ohio (William Raspberry, WP op-ed)

Read what the king of repukes, Rove's buddy Ledeen says about Ohio

Michael Moore & F-911 just won the Peoples Choice Award!

"Amended" Election Results for Ohio as of 1/4/05??? Would this

What have you done to educate the masses on the danger to our democracy?


Send Wyden & Smith an email. They'LL answer questions in 1 hour - READ!!!

What about Boxer, Tubbs-Jones, Conyers on Oprah?

Gahana County OH revisited

The Nashua Advocate: National Election Pool Exit Poll Has Been Manipulated!!!! Send your thank you pics NOW!!!

National Election Poll: Analysis of Voter Demographics

Jazz Funeral for Democracy-New Orleans-January 20, 2005

I think we better warn VA DUers...Laurie Letourneau is headed their way

Could the DFL ask Mayor Randall Kelly not to run for re-election

Minneapolis Counter-Inaugural Demonstration Jan. 20

Need to buy a non-Dell laptop pc. Any recommendations?

Bus trip to Austin to Lobby. Any other clubs interested in joining us?

Town Hall Meeting Report. South Houston

Buses from Milwaukee to DC for Coronation Day...

God hates JAG.

My opinion: Where copy-cat, humor and social posts go...

I was completely surprised to find out today that Las Cruces, NM

"Prosperity itself will be on the ballot" on election day-Al Gore 09/28/00

MEET THE PRESS Sunday, November 7, 2004

US: They 'Botched' a Precision Strike In Mosul, Kill 5! Let's Count Graves

"Gingrich doesn't rule out presidential run"

Iran: Mullah Lite

"The War Spin" just starting on Link TV (Dish chan 9410)

"GIs Kill 8 After Convoy Bombed in Iraq"

The Future of Iraq

Whenever a repub talks about Saddam gassing his own people...

cry for the nation

Possible future ideas that the RW will do to get support

Billionaire urges Bush to give inaugural funds to tsunami survivors

New RW Dictionary Entry

Does Robert Novak know Shame?/Video

Randi Rhodes CREAMS this guy...

Hoop Dreams father shot and killed

9 PM Martin Sheen to present Michael Moore's PC Award

Just watched the "The Whole Wide World"

so much for our wishes for a better new year

Does anyone know where she went?

Interesting Anecdote

If there is another 9/11, what would happen?

Matt PUDGE Loves Mooning on Faux ------Why

Saw a great bumper sticker today.

How do you get Freepers to pay attention?

Is it possible to contact our state delegates to the DNC?

Bush paid idiot Powell: don't give so much to tsunami aid!

Look at this crapola posted at freeperville...

Is Karl Rove's joke about Osama bin Laden funny?

A Holiday anecdote.

Will DNC Chairman debate be repeated on CSPAN?


When the DLC or the DNC talks about continuing their destruction

Let's face it, both F911 and POTC won for the same reason Faux news is #1

Here's an editorial from one of those "government is the enemy" types ...

2008 - No Hillaries, no Kerrys, no DLC, DNC..

anyone know the catagories of people choice

Is the merging of American interests with Israeli interests and the

Does it amaze you that cowards are able to gain the support of people who

What I Don't Get About Free Republic

Government control of Internet on the way?

Why is America a major factor in all wars since WWII?

Just received some wacko religious spam. Dangerous and scary!

Michael Moore receiving People's Choice now

Disgusted by Dr. Sen. Frist on MTP,

Freepers Heads Explode On News Fahrenheit Wins People's Choice

Bush administration—without any sense of decorum—marches

60 minutes

Passion of the Christ wins Best Movie Drama

Its time for some Peter Werbe in a brand new place

God a 'clear and present danger', says Bush

RWers: What's this about Michael Moore not representing the mainstream?

Check out this freeptoid Fundie site. These nutjobs are getting scarier

Where is the OUTRAGE of the 21st Century PAYOLA? The Buying of Media

When Alberto Gonzales gets confirmed, will he

Did Ann Coulter REALLY say this? "We should nuke North Korea for fun..."

Rape. Torture. Murder. And now death squads. Anything we've forgotten?

It had to be done. Another friendship completely over.

Should alcohol ads be allowed on television?

Clear Channel and Air America

Thinking Seriously About Moving & Working With The Green Party

Question about "9/11 - arabs dancing" video

Southern Mississippi library system bans Jon Stewart's best-selling book

Survey on new product today

Republican Rep. Coble agrees with Rep. Kucinich- Bring the troops home

Halliburton wins drilling tender in Iran

Trucker missing; so is cargo of 3.6 million nickels

Emanuel to Head Democratic Campaign Panel

Let Bin Laden stay free, says CIA man

U.S. Helicopter Crashes in Indonesia

El Salvador-style 'death squads' to be deployed by US against Iraq militan

New quake hits Sumatra

Anti-Abortion Roemer joins race for top Dems job

McKenna will get warm welcome in U.S. capital, observers say (Carlyle tie)

Michael Moore

U.S. Helicopter Crashes in Indonesia

As White House Begins Campaign for Overhauling Social Security, Critics Cl

DNC Chair Candidates Focus on South

Fahrenheit 911 WIns People CHoice!

Farenheit 911 wins People Choice Award!!!

WP: Obstacles Plague Absentee Voting For U.S. Iraqis

Audit: UN overpaid for Gulf War losses

Bush Reaches Out to Palestinians After Vote

WILL TSUNAMI GIVING AFFECT OTHER CRISES? (Help needed for other places)

NYT: New Aide Aims to Defrost the Press Room

Guantanamo Takes on Look of Permanence

Republican NC Congressman Howard Coble calls for a pull out from Iraq

German accuses U.S. of kidnap and torture

'Britain's Abu Ghraib': troops face torture evidence in courts martial

Republican Leader Frist Says U.S. Forces Stretched Thin in Iraq

China oil firm 'plans Unocal bid' (BBC)

MoD move to suppress evidence in abuse court martial

Three Dead, One Missing After Tug Boat Sinks

Quakes rock Taal Volcano

Democrats United in Plans To Block Top Bush Initiatives -WP (!)

Italy's political scars reopened by Di Canio's 'Fascist salute'

'Red state, blue state' voted top phrase

Abusive calls give BBC chiefs a Jerry Springer moment

Newest Hot Topic: How to Disengage in Iraq -NYT

Citing Safety, Iraqi Electoral Board Resigns -NYT (Anbar Province)

Plum Job Opportunities Await Old Cabinet

Canada Will Sign On To Missile Defence: Ambassador

NY Post: Michael Moore to Accept People's Choice Award Tonight.

NYT - To Try to Net Killer, Police Ask a Small Town's Men for DNA


Court to Hear Arguments of CIA Spies

Like Cats? Against the Bomb?

People who think Van Morrison is Van Halen with Jim Morrison are stoned

God hates Rags!!!!

anyone wanna do page fighting?

God hates flags...

American History Mystery

To Night Train

What bill do you pay each month that you loathe?

Bob Barker : Repuke or Dem?

Randy Moss' afro declares free agency

...and Nashville Fristest city.

Hey Archae, did the Vikes choke today???

Who thinks that,

Napoleon Bonaparte?

24 is on! 24 is on!!

Packers lose on Reggie White Day!!!

FOX RUINED football for me!!!

How many gun nuts are saying, "I've got to get me one of these guns!"?

Where da good salsa at?

Who wants to fund a war movie?

I'm drinking Grey Goose over ice, and mulling Gingrich '08...

Most important quiz ever. Which Napoleon Dynamite character are you?

Can anyone advise me on career opportunities for someone with an MPH?

Why didn't anyone tell me Sherry Wilson was a transvestite?

Why didn't anyone tell me that sherry wine is crap

I made an impact. One less wealthy person for Jacksonville, Florida.

World Peace.......................joke

How do you comfort a loved one who's in pain?

Which Red Dwarf character are you? (or most likely)

Houston fattest city, Seattle fittest

Ok, now that the Pack is out, (oh crap,) any calls as to the Super Bowl?

anybody here follow English premiership football (soccer)?

I now bust out of the 700 club

Anyone care to join me for some tea?

VICE PRESIDENT Dick Cheney's New Year's Resolutions!

WWE--the new Arab wrestler

What was your first-ever Lounge post?

I apologize that I only found this out now:

I see DU has put the year you registered.....

For the people wondering what this Napoleon Dynamite thing is about

I'm watching Animal House on SpikeTV

Rachel Ray.

Is this the new 2005 fashion trend?

Show on History Channel re: Robert Kennedy

There's not a single "gal" on this whole website who would

So, if you want to see something freaky...

anybody know how to sell a domain name?

How do I best handle my son's pattern of deception?

The People's Choice Awards are beginning

Just watched the "The Whole Wide World"

Update on my uncle with cancer: mixed news

Ah, whatever, forget it. nt

Which animal trait would you most like to have?

Peeps Choice------------Is Michael MOORE Gonna Win Best Pic???

Who's glad the holidays are over?

I just made the best pesto! Ask me anything.

I'm Bob Livingston's mistress....ask me anything!

Color icons indicate new message

"Governor, are you ready to take the oath?"

It looks like Carlos Beltran is going to my NY Mets

F911 Won. On now.


People's Choice Favorite Remakes?

Fahrenheit 911 WIns People CHoice!

Alright, what happened to Khephra?

why are neutered and spayed cats so fat?

Bumper sticker paper ... where do you order it?

I am Newt Gingrich. Ask me anything!

Attention DU: Fahrenheit 9/11 has just won the People's Choice

Join me in thunderous applause

Ricky Williams - not your ordinary football player.

I am bob livingston, ask me anything

I got nominated for "Best New Blog"!

What's your opinion of George "Walking Disaster" Bush?

Oh, good, King Fundie wins an award for his shitty fundie movie.

On The People's Choice Awards, Adam Sandler is getting so fat!

check out this (hopefully) new progressive TV network....see thread

Am I the only one who's never seen CSI?

check out this link about forming a new TV network

Arrested Development is not on AGAIN?

Farenheit 911 wins People Choice Award!!!

You Cannot Have a War on a Verb!

For Kephera: a hymn to Amen-ra

I'm a LIBERAL ELITIST and a fan of Michael Moore!

Conservative vs. Liberal

I Couldn't Care Less About What the People Chose.

Next Saturday night, We're sending you back to the future!!!!

Passion of the Christ wins People's choice award for best movie.

Is 60 Minutes worth watching tonight?

Bush wins People' Choice for worst performance by a US President!

I posted in every state forum, ask me anything

"Unto every thing, there is a season..."

Bushites, tell us again how Michael Moore doesn't represent the mainstream

My lips were really dry so I put some Neosporin on them!


Sirius or XM? Both Have Air America???

JOHNNY DEPP is the People's Choice for male movie actor!!!!

Who thinks that...

OK, now Morrissey is officially totally uncool.


I'm making ribs.

I don't understand how illegal downloading works!


Im watching Celebrity Fit Club

Anyone seen 50 First Dates?

[VIDEO] Michael Moore Accepts Award

I'm 4 posts away from the 700 Club with 3 minutes left before I go to bed.

Quick! Un-Freep this poll!

How should humans settle differences instead of war?

i m dennis hastert ask me nething

Bushism of the day

Lemme hear ya say "AWWWWWWWW"!!! (picture)

Oh. My. God. I just saw the Governor of California hack off James Earl

I'm Mel Gibson, ask me anything

We're flooded and sandbagging. Any appropriate songs?

Anybody watch "Boston Legal" tonight?


I'm Randy Moss. Ask me anything.


I've finally figured out how to become successful in America

Passion of the Christ won a People's Choice Award.

Why are Canadians so fat?

Another "what are you wearing right now" thread

LOL: Freeptards On Michael Moore's Big Win

I'm thinking of converting to Episcopalism

So, is "24" a freeper show?


Did you see Tom Selleck's mug when Moore was announced??

A Modest Glimpse Into A Modest Man: Classic Khephra from the Vaults!

What do you think of the 2 hour premiere of "24"?

What are you quite good at?

More Classic Khephra: Explains the Origin of his DU Name!

Serious Linux bug!

My dog - Rummy the Wonder Secretary just ate a whole wedge of IRAQ!

All time flake award goes to Jessica Simpson

Michael Chiarello.

Anyone ever tried posting on Free Republic?

WTF kind of name is Newt?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Hey Packer fans...

What's your favorite place online to buy used CDs?

yay! Carnivale Is Back

I'm President Bush. Ask me anything.

Why are Americans so fat?

Congrats to the Vikings....

Baseball Getting Closer to a New Steroid Policy

Someone should send Brett Farve a Vikings jersey with his name on it.

Steinbrenner makes mockery of baseball's rules

Randy Moss

Rock Chalk Jayhawk!

A kitten showed up in my parent's garage.

Image and tactics

Pardon me but I find it amusing

Today's Bushism of the day for your amusement

He's bad, (stomping foot) he is he is he is

Hey Withywindle

Anyone see this Kerry Statement posted at DKOS?

I thought you all would enjoy this


Who STILL has their Kerry-Edwards gear up?

Quiet afternoon in Central Florida Photos


Photography galleries in NYC

free picture hosting?

Ukraine President to Pull Troops

Olbermann smashes Coulter doll/Video

I like Clark. But what about Domestic issues?

Did I just hear the newt might run for president in 2008?

DNC Chair Debate on C-Span1 9 - 11 pm est

Have you ever seen THIS 9/11 site?

What's the best Democratic group to donate to?

Rahm Emanuel to head Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee

Is the US committing genocide in Iraq?

"We know who to elect. Not like them -- they elected a moron."

Sometimes we all need a little chuckle!

Sunday Talk Shows Blast * for Bribing Media

correct me if I'm wrong here

Who do you think the leader of the Democratic Party is?

Peak Oil is the true beginning of the END of Bush and the Republican Party

Caption this!

Rep. Tim Roemer, D-Ind on George Stephanopoulos

DU this Poll - Should Gonzales should be the next AG

Democrats need to hang together or we will hang separtely....

Rove moves into Florida.

Ok, so who is going to get George Bush on the Iraqi ballot?

Martin Sheen is on the People's Choice Awards now... making great comments

Michael Moore just won the People's Choice for F911!!!

Info on the Virginia miscarriage proposed law

You guys watching the DNC chair debate on CSPAN-1

One of the bloggers misquoted Dean today.

After watching the DNC chair conference, I like Donnie Fowler


The National Debt will be $$$11,000,000,000,000.00 at the current rate

Mark Warner (text of Fortune magazine article)

Herbert: The Scent of Fear (Iraq)

People's Choice Awards go to Fahrenheit 9/11, Shrek 2

Misdirection on Malpractice

Republicans seek complaint against minority leader

Doctor's Orders -- Spill Your Guts (violating international law)

Two short but sweet LTTE's (Richmond Times-Dispatch)

Misdirection on Malpractice

A Property Rights 'Trophy'

Democrats Are United in Plans To Block Top Bush Initiatives

Bush's Budget Moves Have Made the Future a Voiceless Victim

"The Devastation of Iraq"

Learn to Swagger: Do-It-Yourself Government

Taking a comic seriously, CNN opts to focus on what it does best: news

Unnatural Disaster in Iraq - A TvNewsLIES editorial.

BUSH'S FAKE TAX REFORM: Bait and... (the New Republic)

Leave no ethics behind

Election protest shows why Dems don't count - Mark Steyn

Vote, declare victory, and come home

GOP suggest"compromise" SocSec priv accts-just cut bene's for non-low wage

The Bush Proposals for Social Security Are About Dismantling the Current S

Words on injured soldier's helmet help end mockery

Tin Soldier - An American Vigilante In Afghanistan, Using the Press for

Bad Medicine - By David Morris

Battlefield Earth - By Bill Moyers

Bush's Latest Assault on the Constitution (Marc Krug,


Liberal Oasis advises putting pressure on Biden and Schumer!

The Nazi's testimony

The Doors Of Perception: Why Americans Will Believe Almost Anything

Armstrong Williams: I Am Not Alone

Winning Mormon Voters

This is life and death, and it is time we stop being lied to - Sen. Dayton

Did Bush goons censor CSPAN Gonzalez hearing replay???

Bageant: A Mean and Unholy Ditch: The Sleep of Reason Amid Wild Dogs & Gin

Skinner's NYT LTTE

Conservative New Year's Resolutions (Scott C. Smith,

A new book: "Thank you President Bush"

World On Brink Of Ruin -Stephen Roach (Morgan Stanley )

Blue Oklahoma Speaks Out-Call to Action

Dan Rather Poll. The freepers are winning this one PLease poll and kick

Knit A Uterus for Choice: Roe V Wade Protest 01/22

Why does media ignore fact Bush tax cuts are $12 T hole over 75 years

Media Truth?:"We don't go out and hire journalists and propagandize"

People for the American Way is organizing action re: Armstrong Williams

First 2005 Tax Time media con "Snared by Their Shelters" (Rich in trouble?

Former Gov. Glendening Slams Ehrlich On Maryland's Environmental Problems

Permafrost Thawing In Northwest China - Xinhua

Florida's Hurricanes May Have Missed Manatees - ENN

Cdn professor develops plastic that more efficiently converts solar energy

Australian Ocean Study Supports Theory Of Rapid Cooling In Antarctic Past

China's Ocean Pollution Growing Worse - China Daily

So, what do we do about plastics?

Nebraska will reconsider CCW bill

Nice response on this fucker

Can someone tell me where I can find the rules

I know some have called for renaming LBN but that seems impractical

Skinner's LTTE appears in Monday's NYT

Hi, Admins. Something worrisome here.

Bodily function threads are verboten?

Admins, please look at this thread....

Khephra's Funeral Expenses

Israel's excuses are running out

Israel sacks officers opposing pullout

Israel hails the victor

Bush invites Abbas to White House

Abbas Makes Peace Gesture to Israel

Abbas has not been elected as the "leader of the Palestinian people,"...

New Israeli Military Phenomenon . . . Celebrating Killing, Murdering the

IOF Targets Press Car Northern GS

"Political paranoia" - Mental disorder?

Mohamed Atta in two places at once - 9/11 Commission

Local Cacus Info

Announcing a Chicago College Democrats Meetup

Landfill exposes rift between Blagojevich, father-in-law

Favorite Baseball Team

Mr. Abbas has won, EXIT POLLS SAY

How can a candidate ignore thousands of votes in dispute and concede?

No Mandate from Women of Color

Skinner's LTTE to the NYT will be in tomorrow's paper!

Democrats Pick Campaign Chief

Lets make a list of Republicans who would have voted AGAINST

Rally in Trenton at noon today --verified voting

Many Americans Refuse to Concede 'Stolen Election' (it's a good one)


These two would be better >>>

a creative way to "be the media"

Mitofsky worked in USA & Ukraine--Right? So who paid him?

New Election Assistance Commission Chair

Al Gore for the 2008 Democratic ticket!

has anyone seen this?

Is anyone particularly knowledgable about House Representatives?

When Our Servicemen Come Home

Contesting electors - big potential problem in the future

RAGE ON With Your Loving Heart!!

Election fraud folks are mentally ill-

Jan 6 Statement by Harry Reid (D-NV) Senate Dem Leader

Mark Levine - Protecting Your Right to Vote - On Now.

Does Unisys have any role in elections?

''The early exit models(polls) undercounted Republicans''-Bush camp 11/2 -- Need Input on the Website, Please.

Billionaire urges Bush to give inaugural funds to tsunami survivors

An interesting interview

The media again

Don't let journalists get away with bad reporting!

From another board a deeper view of america mythology vs reality

It's official: Yushchenko's victory confirmed

Newt Gingrich is taking steps toward a potential presidential bid in 2008

Simple Question

Washingtonpost Column: "What Happened in Ohio"

One reason why I'm not giving up is this guy....

For those who think John Kerry doesn't care about the election:

Did Warren CountyTrigger Fema Induced Media Lockdown?

1/20 -- where to go, what to do?

Public Meeting for VoteTechnical Guidelines Development Committee 1/18

Danger, Will Robinson! Something reeks in the state of DU.

WTF? Blackwell had a mandate? Indeed.......

E-mail I Received Back From Senator Bill Nelson About The Certification

Blackwell being Chimp's campaign chair in OH is a HUGE understatement

Sharpton: Bush took advantage of gay marriage debate

DNC Listening Hearing

Contact "Mosh" producers to get Eminem to create it live 1/20Kerry cries

Right to vote admendment

How To FIGHT Hate Radio Without Listening To the Shows!

Giving Rove all the credit let's Bush off the hook.

Please check out Russ Baker's article about no fraud in Ohio. and email

Report on Washington DC, January 6, 2005 - What you DIDN'T see

Does anyone know which House members

Need a little help with my letter

Does anyone have any information on lever voting techology?

Monday 1/10/05 Election/Fraud/Recount Thread

AP reporter 'Pack your bags, or get it together'

Who is coming to DC on the 20th? Let's start a list here.

How to Dial Up Regime Change - American Dictators: Documenting Staged Election of 2004

Brian K. Hicks: Ohio's Karl Rove

I NEED HELP! -one, or a few people here good at making movies/vids online

A real consipracy theory

"It's not about who won"

Let's send Kerry Thank you/retirement cards!! :)

Experienced Recount person going through Ohio

Please Support this writer Cleveland Plain Dealer...she's on our side

DNC Southern Meeting reported on NPR-- WATC

DUers help choose op ed columnists for SW OH newspaper

"I am a lawyer, and I'm going to deal with evidence..." (Cam Kerry)

Bush Owns It: Let's Purge It

Interview from Camp Kerry - my talk with Cam

Let me tell you about a server an election server.

Links to the Historic 1/6/2005 Electoral College Objection Videos

Has anyone heard the status of woman that was arrested in the galley for

the VOTE group: Why yet another group???

Conyers Staff asked me to post this Thank You to DU'ers

Is the absence of a negative the only positive?

Any interest in a national conference on election reform?

VOTE - join up today!

Our election reform group has an OFFICIAL NAME!

Matsui's widow planning to run

while I was in DC, I was elected

What is the meaning of these "Blue Line" bumper stickers?

MA JAN-10-2005 Dead body found in Marlborough

CBS turns off 'contact us' option.

Call Mark Dayton's office to ask him to filibuster re Alberto Gonzales.

Candice Miller considers bid to unseat Sen. Stabenow

Please help me estimate an UPS (how many KVA?) for...

Ohio DUers help pick syndicated op ed columnists for Cinti. Enquirer

'Caterpillar Ballot' cost Kerry more than 1000 Cuyahoga votes

Ms. Piggy says we're not broke after all!

Houston Campaign Ethics Reform Summit Tuesday, February 1

Big landowners dodge property taxes

Have you guys been voting in the fav baseball team at the Illinois forum?

DNC Chair debate is replaying on C-SPAN

the most censored stories of 2004!!!

I am just so amazed at the insensitivity and boorishness

Anyone ever tried posting on Free Republic?

I wish there was a Costco near me

Kerry supporters top USO one-time donations!

tinfoil hat time: super soldiers are real and coming to a war near you!

If you think Kerry won, then it's wrong to criticize the democratic party

I always knew right wing nutt jobs were obsessed with sex but now I


I'm watching the DNC now

A new proposal from Rumsfool the Magnificent.

Michael Moore's acceptance speech from People's Choice Awards...

How is this for an arrogant quote?

Dean Love-In

Taliaferro is talking about plans to deploy Salvadoran type death......

Buy a car or apply for credit -- Homeland Security is notified??

Regarding Arabs/Muslims celebrating 9/11

Now after election ,MSM talking about Iraq mess !

Weather whats it like in your neck of the woods

Mark Fiore on W's foreign aid - "not stingyness"

As Bush and his Republicans contaminate our political processes

Where are you allowed to videotape in airports these days?

Little-known chapter of WWII history opened (US and German citizens in SA)

Anyone catch 24 hours? RW Propoganda.

Did anyone notice that there are two versions of "America The Book" by

Did anyone get their 1040 Booklet (forms and instructions)?

Holy joke

Presidents: Bubba and Dubya—Warming Up BEWARE

One of my co-workers...

How we can take back the media from Faux News!

Can Faux and Matt PUDGE Live Up to CBS Panel Recommendations?

Christian Coalition selling telephone services

To boob, or not to boob.

No Child Left Behind (Act II)

Is Bill Clinton trying to help position Hillary for a presidential run?

Anyone ever imagine an erection in Iraq??? (Bush flubs up again!)

Not one red cent.

Wine wholesalers are looking out for the consumer...

Bill Clinton is a Jerk.

The Ghosts of Nuremberg

strange e-mail

2004 Neologisms

High Court Sides with Klan in Adopted Highway Program

Isn't it time for an Iraq War forum?

Conservative columnist who took 240K from Bush...


I've been selected 6 out of the last 7 times for special airport screening

I'm looking for a definition of "hate speech" re LTE

Budding Friends??????

Michael Moore's F911 wins!

"Wolfowitz Fedayeen"

Did everyone see Skinner's letter to the NY Times?

Does anyone know if this is true? My dear friend, a stay-at -home mom,

Will Virginia women have to report miscarriages to the police?

OMG...FOXNews just said F9/11 won PC award b/c MM stuffed the ballot box

A virtual gold mine of anti-war quotes

Raw Story: Armstrong Williams settled gay sex suit, new controversy...

I am switching to the Republican Party

In your FACE, Freepers! Moore wins People's Choice Favorite Picture!

Pentagon: The Problem Is, Iraqis Aren't Suffering ENOUGH

Anyone watching Scotty's press briefing?

One more post election rant....But it's a good one:

american treatment of american tsunami victums sucked

Skinner's LTTE of the "New York Times": 1/10/05

History and Revolutions (and civil wars) and food for thought

If Tim Roemer wins the DNC charimanship

Just said "goodbye" to my mechanic - off to Iraq for seven months.

BOB HERBERT: "The Scent of Fear" (FIERCE!) is shutting down

Skinners LTTE...New York Times...

Is bush a Hitler-type?

Bush FAKES sincerity and warmth better than anyone I've ever seen!

Opinions, Please -- Opposing Gonzales Nomination Stuff

Important talking point to consider.

Judith REGAN Won't Rat-out KERIK

The Matrix IV: Politics - There *is* no trade deficit....

"Analysis: Ex-Presidents Can Come Together" in Bu$h II's favor?

"Cheney's Focus May Change in 2nd Term"

sometimes payback is a bitch- walmart who`s

Bad Right Wing Blogs

Some thoughts-last nights email (former friend who wants to nuke Iraq)

"Bush Advocates Limiting Asbestos Cases"

Long Term Outlook - FOX News, Propaganda Indoctrination

Earthlink keeps sending me a warning about DU

"Cardinal Says Bush Broke Iraq Promise"

Tickets! Get your tickets here!!!

"GM Touts Big Engine Despite Hybrid Clamor"

Armstrong Williams: "My apology"

A military-governmental-industrial conspiracy? (Canada & Carlyle Group)

How to Argue Like a Right Wing Pundit! (TMW)

Armstrong Williams accused Kerry of "selling out" on education

Earthlink going bananas with "potentially fraudelent Web Site Alerts"

We are being had again. 60 minutes.

Democrats need to investigate this Armstrong issue, shut down hate radio!

Fired Fox reporters want to deny Tampa station renewal license

Why the US will never ever prevail in Iraq -

America's Ministry of Propaganda Exposed

5 Things Everybody needs to know about Social Security

Is This Headline Offensive to YOU

chavez, castro "politically paranoid"- so am i

Help the injured troops by buying video game supplies for them.

Gov. Granholm on Hardball tonight

World On Brink Of Ruin

The Whitehouse gets a new lap dog. Ann Telnaes RE: Armstrong

The CBS Report: Do you think it goes far enough?

Mississippi Librarians Admit They Hate America

Bush's $6 trillion botch

Marines Diverted from Iraq (missionaccomplished ship) Help Tsunami Victims

Need Help Concerning Recruitment Info.

Request: I'd like to collect a list of URLs that support the troops...

email from PFAW re Armstrong

Court Won't Block KKK From Highway Cleanup

Step 1 - Forming the True Liberal Media

Armstrong Williams-Self Loathing Gay?

The Price Of Toilet Paper....... Read

Anything like NETFLIX for books? (No, I don't mean a library.)

Kick Mississippi out of the United States.

Now they are saying that Moore was paid by Bush...?

"CBS Fires Four Staffers After Memo Probe"

Cheerleaders form pyramids . . . is that torture?

If a UFO landed at the inauguration and said "Take me to your leader,"


CBS ousts four employees over disputed National Guard Story...

Nude sculpture given A-OK

Rummy says Armstrong Williams wasn't paid, so stop saying that!!!

Journalists petition FCC to challenge Fox-13 license renewal

before and after Tsunami pics..... unbelievable

Top woman golfer strips for calendar

Central banks count the cost of weak dollar

What's wrong with these people?!

Action Item: Oppose Banning "America: The Book" by Jon Stewart

Murdoch bids to take full control of Fox, buy out minority stockholders

Gingrich doesn't rule out presidential run

The Blessing that is Armstrong Williams

Reminders to Lakoff students:

New US Attack on Civilians Feeds Calls for Iraqi Withdrawl

Lance Armstrong takes first stage in libel suit vs. Murdoch's Sunday Times

Dems to nominate Jesus Christ in 2008, Repubs. claim he wore flip-flops

Armstrong Williams: "This happens all the time"...

Framing the debate over Armstrong's (Payolagate)

Enough with the electoral map. These are the REAL red/blue maps:

Somebody sent me this.

I am sooooooo sick BUSH's ____!!!


The Gambit on the Re-election

How can we force the War Lovers to JOIN UP? Not enough troops says Frist

So did the Loc-Nar crash into the Earth or something?

FOX "news" commentary: F911 will sweep the Oscars

Everyone should call the FCC and complain about Fox...

Let's suck it up and get after them

Why Did The Bush Administration Allow Osama bin Laden to Escape?

Anti-seat belt law advocate is killed in automobile accident.

Just How Much of This Is True and How Much is Total Hogwash?


"Poll: Voters Staunchly Back One Candidate" (Think this is true?)

sent email out to all media mouth pieces......PAYOFF

Why doesn't American Culture Evolve?

R I P Kephra

To anyone who missed the House debate on the Ohio electors challenge...

Something to think about.

Where is Ted Olsen?

Heinz Kerry's foundations gave $450,000 to Tsunami Relief

DeLay blames tsunami victims

Fox News: Wave spelt Allah

RUPERT MURDOCH >How Much Destructive Power is Enough Destructive Power?

Anyone else listen to Mike Mallow Show on Air America?

Could Armstrong Williams be opening a door we can't let close?

Wow! More heartwarming Christianity from Free Republic

The Freeps turn on Gibson (not very tolerant of Mel's opinions)

Come a little closer, shweetie >>>

Bush & the forces of Darkness.

Freeps turn on Mel Gibson for "kinship" remark re: Michael Moore

Vatican 'is in grip of mini crime wave'

Do you know any Bushidiots who have seen the error of their ways?

Supreme Court Developments on Monday

Check out what Condi's new deputy SOS did before this job

Ethical Investing.....

"Tsunami one of the greatest opportunities God has given us"

Rather - unfair- loses job/swift boat liars-fair allowed air time

drip, drip, civil, drip, drip, rights.... DNA police sweeps......

best TOON depiction of NOVAK ever! (Danziger on Armstrong)

Report from Atlanta's DNC conference -- Kos :

He is looking a little the worse for wear >>>

The DLC’s Plan for Destroying the Democratic Party

Armstrong Williams: Others are on the take

]Congress passes `doomsday' plan

Kef's Arrangements: What we know, 1/10/05 5 pm EST

It would be great to see a little riot at the inauguration.

There is a new fighter for Truth on the Yahoo! Message Boards

Politics behind "decomming" USS JOHN F KENNEDY?

Bush promised to lie to us after Sept 11, 2001. Please submit links

LIEberman On Imus: "Gonzales has a great story doesn't he? WILL be confirm

Jesus versus Falwell (dueling quotes show stark contrast)

All the Inauguration protesting

a mail-in campaign: Send big, blank (joke) checks to MSM mouthpieces

eggs and grits for breakfast-- in praise of cholesterol....

Questions about Prime Rib

Duck recipes - what do you do with a quacker?

British DUers, What is the deal with this Blair/Brown feud?

UK's crime-fighting agency will take its agenda from the press

U.S. Relief Copter Crashes in Indonesia

Baghdad Police Deputy Shot Dead

Sabotage Brings Iraq North Oil System to a Halt

UPDATE 2-Halliburton wins drilling tender in Iran-official

Audit finds anti-terror funds used to facilitate lawn-mower races in Texas

WP: CIA Director Cuts Meetings On Terrorism

Explosion at Ammunition Storage Point -8 troops killed

Gunmen assassinate police deputy

US Marine killed in action in western Iraq (1354)

Pakistan's Musharraf in talks with top US general

Roemer announces bid to head DNC

Spy left out in the cold sues the CIA

"More UK troops set for Iraq poll" - 400 more into hell for Bush/Bliar

Fifty killed in India bus plunge

CIA Director Cuts Meetings On Terrorism


Spy left out in the cold sues the CIA

Gibraltar chief dead in pool after investigation

Sinn Fein aware of IRA bank robbery plan, Ahern says

Suicide car bombing in Baghdad kills four police officers

British Soldier Faces Court-Martial in Iraq Abuse Case

CBS Fires 4 After Report Released On National Guard Story

LAT: States Look to Cut a Vein in Meth's Supply Chain

Cardinal Says Bush Broke Iraq Promise

Chavez joins Colombia arrest row

CBS fires 4 for roles in Bush Guard story

Fire heavily damages women's clinic where abortions are performed ...

'Pak rejected FBI, Interpol, CBI demands to nab Masood Azhar'

News Corp. Offers to Buy Rest of Fox Stock

Cocaine now cheaper than a cappuccino

Court Won't Hear Gun Industry's Appeal

Allawi touts high-profile arrests of Iraqi insurgents

...columnist who took 240K...(Armstrong called gay in lawsuit:...)

CIA Director Cuts Meetings On Terrorism ("Call me if something explodes")

2 US soldiers killed in Iraq, Bomb Destroys U.S. Tank

Lawmakers writing bill to limit giving to 527 groups (WV)

US rejects Sunni election offer

US troops 'did not kill Iraqis'

Monday's Supreme Court business

BBC: Group to act over Springer opera

Supreme Court Lets Stand Florida's Gay Adoption Ban

U.S./Iraq: Reject Use of "Death Squads"

Abu Ghraib pyramids "not wrong."

High Court Declines to Hear HMO Lawsuit

US eyes bolstering NATO's Iraq role after polls

WP: Cheney's Focus May Change in 2nd Term


Embedded Artist Gives Another Perspective on Iraq War

A military-governmental-industrial conspiracy? (Canada & Carlyle Group)

Iraqi Insurgent Attacks Take Toll on Potential Voters

Expatriates Eager to Rock the Iraqi Vote

Supreme Court Sides With Ku Klux Klan

Library Of Congress Putting Civil War Maps Online

148 armed insurgents arrested in Iraq

Armstrong Williams: I Am Not Alone (from David Corn in The Nation)

French Minister to Visit U.S. Often to Improve Ties

Iraq Elections: A Victory for Terror

Food Stamp Demand Swells

New Inaugural Tickets to Thwart Fakes

Nuke worker's widow paid under new policy

Moussaoui Takes Appeal to Supreme Court

Kick Mississippi out of the United States.

Major landslide hits homes in stormy Southern California

Texas to Target Standardized-Test Cheats

Judge Orders Opening Rosa Parks' Records

Energy Co. Bribery Scandal May Threaten Congressmen

Cardinal says Bush broke Iraq Promise

Ukraine orders troops withdrawn from Iraq

Mass. Republicans Launch Pre-Emptive Web Strike

From Behind the Scenes She Recruits Bush's Team

Governor Invites New Iraq Army Recruits

China chases a global oil presence - Unocal

US official: US-China economic relations have never been better

FBI probes fire at clinic where abortions were performed

World needs to see actions, not words, Kerry urges Abbas

Group Threatens Lawsuit Over Crosses

Canada to raise disaster aid to $425M

Insurgents step up attacks in Iraq

Militants kill 'drug dealer' (Mosul)

STOCK MARKET WATCH, Monday 10 January

High Court Sides with Klan in Adopted Highway Program

LAT: Jig Is Up for Tax Evaders

White House: Armstrong Williams case was isolated incident

GM's Wagoner says automaker to cut U.S. workforce again in 2005

U.S. to develop missile interceptor with Japan

MSNBC: Lawyer likens piling of prisoners to cheerleading

Canada plays big role in propping up Haiti regime

Bra makers switch to bulletproof vests

Inaugural Security Draws on Latest Technologies

White House, Pentagon, Industry Secretly Colluded to Skew National Academy

White House offers plan for pension system

Ukraine Orders Troops Out of Iraq

Cardinal Says Bush Broke Iraq Promise

Latest Guard Deployment Includes Mostly Women

(John Bolton) Top State Dept. Security Official Leaving

Presidents: Bubba and Dubya—Warming Up -Newsweek

Kerik is Jail Group Keynoter (speech on "leadership, valor, determination)

New Photos and Video Unveiled in Trial of Iraqi Prison Abuse -NYT

Hundreds to be released from Guantanamo war on terror base: report

Murdoch full owner of Fox

Mass. Dem Opposes Anti-Abortion Chairman

Character issue puts Dems on the defensive

Principal outlaws "Freak" dancing

ACLU asks police, DA to halt Cape Cod DNA testing

Tenn. Drops 323, 000 Adults From Medicaid

Schwarzenegger Proposes $111.7 Billion Budget (caps, cuts and borrowing)

Protester's sign's legality up in air

Sharpton Admonishes Blacks Who Voted For Bush Over Gay Marriage Fears

Body of Gibraltar commander found (Brit Navy officer under investigation)

Odd Couple Gibson, Moore Exchange Praise

Armstrong Williams: "There are others"

CBS Ousts 4 For Bush Guard Story

Iraqi Dogs Have Plenty Of Food After Response To Soldier's Plea

Squad seeks tips in death of researcher (another microbiologist murdered)

Congress passes `doomsday' plan

Pope reiterates church's moral positions

9/11, Passion, Tops at People's Choice (great Moore quote!)

PBS station pulls plug on documentary

My 1000th post!!!!! I feel like I've won a People's Choice Award!

I rented "Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind" and "The Clearing"

How far into the show does Moore win ?

About what time did Michael Moore win the Peeps Choice?

Tim Roemer is talking about getting purple states

In the drama catagory, did we defeat the bloody Jesus movie?

why are the swiss so friendly?


ANY available mod, please help

Remember back when on B&W TV they could use chocolate syrup for blood?

Uno, dos tres catorce.

Make up a sound for a visual you see in your home!

What's the WORST Fortune Cookie Message You've Ever Gotten?

Fans of "The Shield", check in.

Any Diabetics Who Have Tried Glucerna

Wow! I couldn't even type "Son of a


I want to see Michael Moore receive a "Lifetime Achievement" Award

The Jumpingest Jump The Shark Moment on TV, or Sharkiest if you prefer

Question about travel package deals

Gettin' Jiggy Wit It.....

If you use Firefox, try this

This guy's ready to challenge Bouncy Ball to a cage fight.

Hey DulceDecorum

Ouch-Need advice on dogbite...Seriously


I rock as an aunt

I just applied for my longest long-shot job yet!

walk on your hands!!!!

I just spent a good portion of my day playing...

why do I keep getting absorbed into kids' games?

Are there any poor people on TV?

if the country is so pro bush right wing fundie then how come ...

I just ordered the first season of 24 on netflix.

You love "America" by Neil Diamond. Admit it.

Motorcycle Diaries coming out soon. Anyone heard anything about it?

About how much of your free time do you feel you've wasted?

Worlds most loveable cat

I think I'm addicted to Vietnamese Pho soup

Moran having trouble selling Frank Lloyd Wright house. Anyone interested?

My mom told me I did a good job..

I hate girls

Get an autographed picture of Keith Olbrmann.

Need help for university paper!

"Son of a

The end of life as we know it. Truly.

I just watched two gorgeous ladies eat raw horse rectum

It's time for me to come up with a new sig line

what's the best meat combo for jambalaya?

Just applied to work for Homeland Security and TSA - do you still luv me ?

You love "Sugar, Sugar" by the Archies. Admit it.

Man Stabbed Repeatedly By "Long Lost Best Friend" - Wants To Stay Friends

High School Student Surprised To Be Called For Jury Duty

NeoCon: The Movie

Dreaded 700 club............

Trucker Missing Along With 3.6 Million Nickels - Police Searching

Hey, I have 500 posts now!

Write your own caption

Has the Pentagon released any casualty figures on how many

Jon Stewart's Book Banned From Some Libraries, Wal-Mart

good morning everyone

Have you ever been openly propositioned for sex by a DUer?

Woman, 83, Arrested For Not Paying $117 Cab Fare

The Strangest Thing Is Happening Right Now...

Columbia House Plans a Porn Club

Some people should not have children.....

Today's bushism

CAPTION W just mailing it in now


Am I the only one that has noticed a dearth of...

My sister-in-law says "global warming is bullshit!" Michael Crichton

Yaay! "Famous" people I have never heard of


picture resizing heLp


Did the Yellow Ribbon thing originiate with the Tony Orlando and Dawn

Art director named Russell Jones got calls for Ol' Dirty Bastard

Pet Advice

Jesus is at your door.

I'm a daddy!

Weather whats it like in your neck of the woods

Well it's a marvelous night for a moondance.....

What vile traits do you look for in a mate?

What's Randi Rhoads website?

Does anyone know if Yahoo! and Newsmax have an official relationship?

First day of class...ideas for stress relievers?

Anyone here familiar with Michigan Tech?


When did you REALLY want to strangle the FCC?

I was just reading some of Kephra's posts

Have you ever been openly propositioned for sex by your spouse or partner?

Ali G at the rodeo

Hey DU - Happy Monday!

Man Arrested For Making Obscene Phone Calls From Hospital

I still do not understand Bob Sagget

Surprise win for anti-Bush film

Bob Seger doesn't understand Bob Saget

Fear it! FEAR ....IT!

I still do not understand Bob Seger

TV Theme Songs we're better off without

Mrs. Doubtfire was here last night.

Check out my "George and the doctors" cartoon

Matt LeBlanc? Seriously Matt LeBlanc?

Man auctions ad space on forehead

Mel Blanc? Seriously Mel Blanc?

Mel Gibson? Seriously Mel Gibson??

Mel Brooks? Seriously, Mel Brooks?

strange e-mail

Hey, it's Monday morning and we are not at level 1!!

I still don't understand Bob's Segway

To hell with Rangers and Pioneers, here are Bush donor levels for everyone

Who's the best radio sports announcer?

Do blonds have more fun?

You will NOT see Mickey Rooney's butt during the Super Bowl

Wow talk about bad timing-Toyota drops "Tsunami" name for sports car model

I like Aerosmith's latest CD. Does that make me a bad person?

I hate proof-reading

Come clean!

I'm a true Lounge Lizard, are you?

Augh! My mother is a freeper!

I’ve got the demons in me....

Today is Peculiar People Day...

Do you have to stick your feet

The Circle of Life....Khephra

Humidity bulit the snowman

I’ve got the daemons in me....

Dang, we are back to level 1

Got married in Vegas? If so, where?

Check out my new pic; advice please.

Even worser annoying grammatical sins:

Bends you're ashamed to admit you like

I'm procrustean at work. Anyone with me?

3 strange things I saw last night

Peter Buck is the man

What's for lunch?

i had a pic taken with GW

Blondes you're ashamed to admit you like

What the F**k does WTF mean?!

I'm a proconsul at work. Anyone with me?

Peter Fonda is the man!


Pearl S. Buck is the man.

Peter Griffin is the man!


The Milwaukee Bucks are the men!!

I'm a cretin at work, anyone with me?

Are "Goths" Non-Conformists?

Hey, did one of you jerks find my cell phone?

Need some examples of extreme Freeper/Republican views

Whaddya know? Our neighborhood watch works!

First non-sequitur thread of 2005

Who is sexier: Marge Simpson or Lois Griffin?

How did that weekend go

Ignore this.

Anyone know anything about video to dvd conversion?

I just heard a cute nickname for SUVs:

WTF does what the f**k mean?

I just signed onto DU after a few days...My condolences...

Ladies would you choose Angelina Jolie over Jennifer Aniston??

FOXblocker: For the man who has everything...

Do squirrels nest in abandoned crows nests?

My pic is not on

Earthlink Spamblocker says DU is a fraud and will rip me off

I'm procrastinating at work. Anyone with me?

Who moved my cheese?

It's time to tune in to Phaic Tan's most beloved soap "Hospital of Hearts"

Starting a blog

I'm procreating at work. Anyone with me?

Happy Birthday Pa Ingalls!

Battle for George supremacy!!!

Post something extremely dull about pie.

Post something extremely dull about BewaretheBeastMan

Helpful hint for problem snackers.

Charles Englethorpe Cheese III

DU Women Only...

Have you ever been "bounced" from a club?

Post something extremely dull about Freepers.

Nice winter pictures! post yours

Shakira or Britney Spears?

What's your ape index?

Ladies. John E. Depth or George Reeves???????

we've got to find the sex scandal to take the shrubs down

Post something extremely dull about farts.

All right - who voted for Vick???

The "Parasite-in-Chief" CAPTION

Ladies. Keanu Reeves or Johnny Depp??????

Is it wrong to dry hump your Igor?

"Aburto Ghraibzales condemns Abu Ghraib"

My lunch was better than yours!!

The Cosmic Duck of all CAPTIONS!!!!

"Home School Digest" Magazine - Advertises "THE ROD" - For "Child Training

Stick or auto?

Skinner's LTTE to the NYT will be in tomorrow's paper!

DU mascot?

Pissed off?


Post something extremely dull about one of your coworkers.

I Am on a Chuck Palahniuk Kick

Favorite Scandal (featuring Patty Smyth) song:

Weakest Beatles Album?

Any Kid Loco fans?

Is it wrong to dry clean your sister?

Freeway's flooded, couldn't go to work. Ask me anything!


Kids these days.

what's for lunch

Is it possible for catfish to get nauticals?

Hermaphrodites. Keanu Reeves or Johnny Depp??????

I don't like sports too much...

Is it possible for cats to get neuticles?

Is it possible for Alfred to get Nobelticles?

American chopper

Is it possible for Gingrich to get Newticles?

Is it possible for my fingernails to get cuticles?

Who is the worst TV sports announcer?

Why don't we get drunk and screw?

i wish PAGERBEAR would just come back...

Study: Rats have head for language

Have you heard about the new dance craze

Did Jesus have a cow?

Bored to tears, don't feel good, want to go home.

I'm rich rich rich Rich!!

Post something dull about a bodily function...

Things you expect DUers to say (a play off of things DUers will never say)

Do-it-yourself blessings and prayers for your pets:

Advice from Any digital camera gurus re: Digi SLR

Welcome back to DU oldtimers that came out of the woodworks this weekend

Yippie..............Im at 600 Post

My favorite illogic from the freeper F911/Passion meltdown.

Did Jesus have a baby sister?

I just paid $7 dollars to watch 3 hours of commercials.

Mel Gibson declines tin foil hat - Wants CAPTION

Holy crap. I'd better get the oil changed . . .

My late pup

CO Liberal *STINKS* at .....................

Randy Moss is a funny guy.

In Wayne's World 2

Did Jesus have a baby sitter?

How does this scam work exactly?

"Don't f*** with the Jedi Master, son."

Did Jesus have a cat?

"Fitness Made Simple" commercials

Am I full of BM?

Should I cut my hair?

I don;t want to go to school tonight

Just heard Cyndee_Lou_Who

First day wearing reading glasses - ask me anything

Oh Ladies!! The Dull Men's Club

End of the Line.

My Prescripti0n is ready for pickup

Anyone else having problems getting to their Yahoo mail?

Hehehe, I wonder if this review of Slaughterhouse Five on Netflix

Am I full of SIDS

Am I full of BS?

Why are some people so obsessed with flat people??????

Did Jesus use Irish Spring soap?

Did Jesus Have an Irish Setter?

Post something extremely Dole about yourself.

Please don't squeeze the Charmin!

Do you know how to swoon?

Why are some people so obsessed with Bat People???????

Frigging Tom Cruise...


Anyone else see Surreal Life last night?

So I hear that Jennifer Aniston just broke up with Ingrid Pitt...

New twist on "The Bachelorette" tonight

Question about paying to take on line surveys

New twist on "The Bachelorette" tonight

Why are some people so obsessed with fart, people??????

My pic is on

The "Republiborg" CAPTION

There appears to be a little police action happening in the parking lot

Post something extremely dull about yourself.

Do you know how to swing?

Jesus loves the Rich...hear that you lazy poor!!??

Ugh I belong in an institute for the criminally irresponsible...

Question for English teachers:

Things we'd never hear a particular DUer say.

self deleted

Are you tired of winter yet?

DU Ladies...

Cheeleaders do it. So it must be okay

If you watch "Desperate Housewives" (and ready to admit it)

I literally hate the word virtually.

Renwood Barbera. Ahhh!

I've decided to build a tire fire out back to keep warm...

Why are some people so obsessed with hat people??????

Crap....I needed those 2.68 microseconds.

Our Legal System at Work(or bobbobbins gets screwed by the man)

Beware Of Darkness/Give me Love - Can't get these out of my head

Grrrr, I hate it when mail-order companies screw up my order

Cool snowman, eh?

Is it "I could care less" or I couldn't care less"?

Good news--- the clown who hit me just plead guilty!

Kheph's last post at DU was in a thread I posted.

This is a Hex thread

This is a sects thread...

The Neverending Story.

This is a sex thread.

Why are some people obsessed with Fiat people?

This Is My Last Night In This Country

The Tsunami and Taxes

In "Full Metal Jacket", Are The Boot-Camp Scenes Realistic Or Exaggerated?

Forget Joe Buck, Ratso Rizzo is the man.

Why are some people so obsessed with bat people?????

Other great "Blue Buying Support" website: Cobb24

God I love Michelle Malkin

DU women, men who prefer men, and men who prefer women but

Monty Python's Spamalot: Trib theater review + photos

So I hear that Jennifer Aniston just broke up with Will Pitt.

Have we decided which office supply company to support?


This is a T-Rex thread.

This is an insects thread....

I shall become...A WOMAN

I need some help from all of you wonderful lounge lizards!

Is our Pat your best friend?

My kid found out today we were on the wrong side in the Civil War.

Laidies, Which NHL Star would you like to bonk?

Is David Palmer still president? (FOX's 24)

After the meltdown at FR over Gibson liking F 9/11,

The Debbies... A Picture Story

Your most successful thread

wordsmithing: why is playwright not playwrite?

This television station is driving me nuts

Would my DU friends like to wish my kiddo a Happy Birthday?

Is your pet your best friend?

The message in the text area is true.

God I love the Michelin Man

Jon Voight bit me.

Have any wierd relatives?

Why do Americans believe the TV news?

Some Fun For My 900th! Favorite Christmas Gifts, 2004!

Newest Gut Bomb in Burger Wars Is Audacity on a Bun

randy johnson a big hit in NY

Kef's Arrangements

Who is the best TV sports announcer?

What countries are your family from?

Do you know how to swim?


would you prefer to live where it is sunny all the time,

"Sideways" I just saw it and loved it.

Bill O'Reilly wants YOU to hire a SBV - What kind of job can you give?

Blues Advice Please

Send cookies! It's my two-year DU anniversary!

Seinfeld-ian dating question...

Jan. 10, 2005 Edition of MOVELEFT.COM

God I love Lucinda Williams.

What's the oldest piece of clothing you have and still wear?

Well Heck..guess I have to a doctor...

The Jason Alexander / Malcolm-Jamal Warner pity thread.


Look Look I am wearing my own name now...

HELP: Looking for a cheap and comprehensive video editing program.

You don't think it's right to let 12 y.o.'s dry hump on the dance floor?

Absurdity: things you just cannot believe you have said to your children.

Men - Would you dump Jennifer Aniston for Angelina Jolie?

More annoying grammatical sins: I'm a person THAT...

Randy Moss- Great Player Or Asshole

Joe Buck is the man

Vent your frustrations HERE!

ha ha, I owned a freeper.

What is with the word 'literally' ?!

Tin foil hat time: Who do you think is the MABUS of Nostradamus'

New FOX drama raises eyebrows in real-life Jersey shore namesake

Why are some people so obsessed with fat people??????

Which state has the worst drivers?

If you had a choice, would you adopt or give birth?

Boneless Baby Miracle Tot Lives in a Bucket

Whats the most unromantic thing a partner has done after sex?

So I hear that Bill Lumbergh just broke up with his hot, famous girlfriend

MEN! Still not happy with yourself? The Chrysler FIREPOWER!!!!

What is your post count?

The return of the 70s hair-helmet / Kennedy hair

What side was your family on during the Civil War?

Shout out to Adopted DUers

Edit: Post on this thread and you will get a compliment

Zehn kleine Jägermeister

Complain to Air America about Randi Rhodes

Fahrenheit and Passion triumph at People's Choice awards

Could Accutane cause sterility?

NSF funding cut for 2005

"The Fly in the Cathedral": A look back at splitting the atom

Rotating sphere with ridge around middle puzzles NASA scientists

Anti-Gay Amendment Gains Support In South Dakota

A&E Developing TV Movie About Gay Marriage

Conservatives Drop Gay Marriage Suit

Anglican Bishop Commissions Gay Ceremony

Israel To Allow Gay Co-Adoption

University Worker Fired For Being Gay

gay gospel singer ripped apart by fellow christians

Any Bisexuals out there?

Supreme Court Rejects Gay Adoption Case

Faux News Release...Moss

Teams who lost 3 straight conference championships:

Randy Moss "moons" the crowd -- FAUX announcers

Johnson in confrontation with cameraman

I can't see anyone beating Philly in the NFC now...

Peyton vs Pats 2ndary?

St. Louis Rams v. Atlanta Falcons

Golf fans unite

Moss Likely to Be Fined for Fake-Mooning (NFL)

Minnesota Vikings v. Philadelphia Eagles

NY Jets v. Pittsburgh Steelers

Favorite sports commentator?

I Hope You Steeler Fans Are Reeeal Comfortable Right Now

Scott Boras AND Carlos Beltran can kiss my a$$......

See, we're not crazy,

Jirds! Anyone else have one? Anyone else heard of them?

New kitten in the house got my cats talking

New DOA Thread

Does Jesse Jackson help?


Kerry USO contributions

Heads up interview for later

Today's news story: Abbas elected, comments

I feel like giving up

The Kerry/Edwards campaign rocked!

Ooooh, new word for today = sycophant. That's a doozy

I choose to be inspired! ( a mini-rant)

New Kerry pictures

here's Johnny

In the drama catagory, did we defeat the bloody Jesus movie?

Thank You Mod(s)

Maybe we should run WIll Smith for President.

Would a MOD please get this POS labamatide off the Site ASAP


Question from those who watched Michael's acceptance speech

Fahrenheit 9-11 and Passion of Christ--People's Choice Award !


Has Clinton been seduced by the Evil One?

U.S. Sen. Mark Pryor chosen as Southern Vice Chair

Southern Baptists consider the tsunami a 'phenomenal opportunity'

Exactly how did USA Today's FOIA request go?

Sean Penn: Critics of his activism can shove it up their ass

Man ! The NYTimes slaps Bush hard on Social Security !

What is Margaret Spellings background?

oppose bush*? -- don't worry there's a pill for that

Pentagon Update on "Pacification" Progress

Strategy for 2006? How do we fast track voting reform or at least achieve

my friend is going back to iraq!

Debunking 'Centrism' and the DLC -- The REAL extremists

Three strategies...

W and the Big Dog should get a friggin room.

bush is SUCH a sweetie!!! ALWAYS looking out for the

The BushCo Pubs have found a way to legally rob America

Mods please delete...dupe

Dear DNC: Why should I even bother to vote Democrat anymore?

Where Repubs and Libs fall short(or try to CON)

Where is the WAR ON IGNORANCE? We are in a Crisis of overwhelming

Not One Damn Dime Day - Jan 20, 2005

Survey on bias in the news media

Maybe what the Democratic party needs is a Loyalty Oath?


Since I've been here, I've heard nothing but bad things about the DLC

Iran Plays a Role in Iraq Vote

Impeachment database?

Without Gorbachev, Reagan would barely be a blip on the radar screen

Nano-particles pinpointed "Depleted Uranium"

Roemer with Stephanopoulus

Newt Gingrich interested in running for pres in 2008!

About the deficit and "tort reform"

Is splitting Iraq up the only option?

" caught me..My bad!" Armstrong Williams

CBS news under attack by the GOP corporate media

Easy Easy Grassroots Thing To Do

CBS vs. Armstrong

Again, the truth comes from elsewhere

latest yahoo news story section - All you need to see

Conservative columnist who took 240K from Bush...

What would Reagan think of Bush's Social Security "reform" ?

It's the media. That's all.

Drug addicted troops sent to Scotland

the words "Moral Clarity" came out of Rove's mouth along with a stench

Does anyone actually want this Roemer guy for DNC Chairman

The non-election of 2004

Col David Hackworth, Resisting the war mongers

More info about Armstrong Williams ...

spin your brain on this: Halliburton gets contract to drill gas in IRAN

Bipartisan meeting

"Come on into my parlour", said the spider....

will we have POTUS talking of cutting/running - but with different verbs?

More Loyal to Vets than to Bush, Cmttee Chair Ousted by House GOP - 24 hours of virtual silence

smirk will NOT invade Iran, count on it

Argyros wouldn't take snub sitting down

who is running for Mayor of New York City this year ?

Democrats seek chief for a party cast adrift: Article in Philly Inquirer

Repugs are master magicians! Look what they have done now!

Fire the Consultants! Why we're not winning lately.

Opinions, Please -- Opposing Gonzales Nomination Stuff

The PET ROCK PRESIDENT... created and presented for consumption

DAMN! Traficant loses another one

Osama said: "thinking people, when disaster strikes, ..............

Don't forget that Newt threw a tantrum because he wasn't invited to

What Are Your Favorite Anti-Bush Websites? Redux.

Another reason Sinclair sucks

"Official" Bush Coronation site: "Inaugural attitude: Pony up, party on"

Double standards: Iraq v. Tsunami disaster!

On Revolutions, and civil wars, and some food for thought

Video of Congressional patriots challenging Ohio's electors

Rove's attack dogs who got CBS are ......

remember SRushdie's How the Grinch Stole America on 2000 vote??

excellent resource for information on current activity in Congress....

Before you get it emailed to you 1,000 times-Hillary in 2008 flash

Thoughts on boycotts.

re:CBS-Was Bill Burkett's source ever determined/found?

Well it's official, apparently CBS made up the entire Bush NG story

Scott McClellan: "That is my job." "I'm not aware." "I don't know."

Why we will continue to lose

Painful longing for a Hero...

Is there a Social Security 101 Primer for those of us who need

Howard Dean: Keep The Election On Track

Excellent analysis: "Character issue puts Dems on the defensive"

Bush to admit in 2008 that he "wasn't really elected" so he can run again.

Fantastic!! No cut and run threads today!

10 y after GOP Contract w/ America - Term limits/ethics/deficit red tossed

Brooks says "Let Congress Lead"- as Reid/Baucus plan to screw SS/aged?

Armstrong Williams: I'm Not The Only One On The Take.....

Preference for DNC Chair

CBS to White House: "Thank you sir, may I have another"

Re: The Kerry debate...

How to answer appeasers who suggest "moving to the center"

Even AARP says Social Security is solvent until 2042

Laura Bush is breaking with protocol...

Are You Going To Miss Dan Rather?

The Secret of Barbara Boxer

We need an issues comparison sheet for DNC chairman.

the GOP media owns you. They own the agenda and the discussion.

Jeb? Newt???

Friends of DemoTex to throw "Inaugural Bawl" in DC area (WashPost)

McCain against recognition of Native Hawaiians

"Rush Limbaugh is My Friend"

So who is the most liberal of those running for Chair?

Which was more dangerous, the Bush Admin. or the Reagan Admin?

LA Weekly: MoveOn’s state of denial is bad for Democrats

Deadline - Jan 14 for 100 ideas to fix the Dem Party at

The President is our Employee not our Leader - say it LOUD!!

DFA and local Dem party activities

New Donkey takes on left-wing lie that Clinton destroyed the Dem Party

"Screw you, America." This is FUNNY!

Fundie wars