Democratic Underground

Archives: September 4, 2005

Clift: A Colossal Failure of Leadership

Shame of a nation (United Mistakes of Shame)

Has terror hurt disaster relief? Some say bureaucracy slows FEMA

SF Chronicle: A national disgrace

Report: Gov't Secrecy Grows, Costs More

Reporters Confront Leaders on Government's Response

Rhetoric, Reality Don't Match in Relief

NYT: As White House Anxiety Grows, Bush Tries to Quell Political Crisis

Black and white and wet all over

Waiting for help, officers keep a lonely vigil

Frank Rich column (NYT Sunday): "Fallujah Floods the Superdome"

what Republican "leaders" really think of NO

Frank Rich/NYT: "Falluja Floods the Superdome"

"Bush's Role in the Drowning of New Orleans"

White House Shifts Blame to Local Officials, Washington Post, 9/4/05

Brooks: The Bursting Point (Decent column for Brooks)

Falluja Floods the Superdome: By FRANK RICH

The Dispossessed of New Orleans Tell of Their Medieval Nightmare

San Antonio Express: We Needed a President not a Politician

BBC: New Orleans crisis shames Americans

Frank Rich: Falluja Floods the Superdome

Pentagon: Too much sympathy for the victims

'My Pet Goat'--The Sequel (E&P)

Economist: Oil and Troubled Waters

America's Ordeal-excellent heartbreaking sum up &?s of last week- Observer

Y2Katrina: Open Letter to our Representatives in Congress

Can we put together one of those blaster type things to contact

DEFENDING BLANCO and the Mayor: A Katrina Timeline

"Liberty News TV" new edition (September) is online.

Ecology Professor at Home in Straw House

First summit since evacuation of Jewish settlers

So what happen if a terrorist comes along named John Smith?


Should HAVA be delayed?

Rehnquist died Saturday ... Bush really has to resign

Election Reform, Fraud, & Related News Sunday 9/4/05

Conyers: Better Late Than Never

Suggestions for restaurants in Eureka/Arcata area and Crescent City

Another Underground Explosion Hits San Francisco

3.49 for regular unleaded in my town

Busses to DC for the 24th: Does anyone have links?

Compare Dayton's and Coleman's homepages

Does this mean anything?

I feel a little uncomfortable hosting NO citizens at Ripley, anyone else?

Digital Camera question

Singer of boyband running for mayor of Cincinnati??

Help People Contact Loved Ones: EMERGENCY VOICEMAIL

Big Dawg coming to Houston Monday!!

Needed: someone in Houston to go to all the websites posting

If anyone needs an apartment, there is an apartment for rent in NW

Yay!! I have some new bumperstickers!!! Here's a photo collage of them

Katrina: A uniter, not divider

I just saw on MSNBC - If you survived the Hurricane and want to let your

John Goodman on Larry Koot NOW

They desperately need phones/comm. -Pappy Carlyle owns

C'mon Fitzy.. any time you're ready

DU Rate the Success of your State Forum

IMHO Landrieu should go "down swinging" every second she is on TV

Hurricane Katrina More of a Uniter Than *

Will Michael Moore put together a doc about all of this?

Dissing the Prsident Hurts to Morale of the Refugees, people!

Even Mr. Bill Saw it Coming.

17th Street Canal Update: WWLTV.COM

Expect: Katriana changed everything -- tax rises coming -- watch.

Bush and "the harder they come"

Tucker just asked why they did not evacuate by the river.

Rita Cosby: 10,000 to 15,000 dead possible in Louisiana alone...

Left Behind


The Sunday Morning Spin Party!!!!!

I'm sick of hearing "It wasn't the right time"!!! (re Kanye West)

Bush vows to "rebuild New Orleans."

What happened to the people on the bridge I-10?

Dispatch from The Front (NOLA)

This is the first time I have seen these reports--horrid treatment!

Does FEMA chief have an "understanding" that Idiot Son wants him to

Poverty is a crime.

I assume the president's going to say he got bad intelligence

Will Katrina become the excuse for the DRAFT?

Local Evacuation Plan for NO

My new avatar...and a challenge

So when is Bush going to bother to call a National Day of Mourning?

Long read : New Orleans a "Geopolitical Prize".... fast "reconstruction"

"All we want is life beyond,,,Thunderdome."

Katrina killed hundreds, but Bush killed thousands.

Here's an idea: What to say to those who accuse us of playing politics.

NG.troops threaten to beat up reporters seeking information must read!

Clift: Bush's colossal failure to lead and denial...



Un-Christian radio; Un-Christian TV

If Katrina is a once in a lifetime event and terrorism is an ongoing

FYI: Another Great Relief Fund

Joe Biden, now do you think Chertoff is a top notch

Mr. Moderator Person--you locked the wrong Post re: Hyatt disgrace.

FEMA Directing Donations To Rev. Pat Robertson

So when is Bush going to bother to call a National Day of Mourning?

Carol Moseley Braun on CNN this morning

FEMA Director Brown fired from last job

Biloxi Shelter Closed for Health Issues

Anybody know if the McKinney hearing will be re-broadcast?

Sitting here watching the MSNBC photo montage, crying like a baby

I held a gun for the first time yesterday.

The charity I decided on is HABITAT FOR HUMANITY

25 yrs of GOP tax cuts = something for nothing?

Homeland Security lightbulb joke

W: No Prince Hal, or even Macbeth.

Now that the Superdome is evacuated, are the others in NOLA on their own?

Sen. Vitter just said that Blanco should have "blown past" posse comitatus

My Freeper Sister

CARTOON: You Blew It, George!

What happened to Shepard Smith from Fox news?

Enough is enough!!!!!

Before people compare Nagin to Giuliani consider this

Is there any truth to the rumor that dead bodies are being flown out of NO

Munchausen by President (and his cronies)

AP: Experts say it didn't have to be this way

Horrific story of rapes and murders/Reuters

I have the documentation and pictures

Reuters reporter denied photo access to convention center

Notes From Inside New Orleans

Maria Schwarzenegger on Larry Koot NOW

DUer merh is homeless and busy surviving Katrina, here is her ((ripples))

Convenience store manager tells gas supplier to f**k off.

Landrieu slams FEMA - 9/3

Who here thinks that low income housing will be rebuilt in NOLA?

Can't we have a real president now?............PLEASE!!

Sunday TV talk shows

SHAME ON BUSH! MSNBC: Death toll in New Orleans may reach 10,000-15,000

ERic Clapton, John Mayer on CNN FYI. nt

Aid for stranded and suffering begins to trickle in on fifth day (Canada)

wwl-tv: press conference on now!

Excellent rant from a self-described independent

Did anyone see the Photo montage MSNBC just presented?


"Department of Wildlife and Fisheries which had been taken over by FEMA"

Question for building/structure experts about NO levees?

U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters: Rescue delay shows "class division"

Fiore: Pauly Appointee

Has Anyone Seen What Is Up With The Prison Uprising In NOLA?

separate archive for Greatest threads?? what do you think??

Christiane Amanpour in NO. Excellent.

"Tropical storm Maria may become a hurricane," and two more areas...

Bush FAKED levee repair for PHOTO OP yesterday!

Let's try something fun for a change. Let's cast the movie of Katrina 2k5

FEMA's Project Impact (Under Clinton) Canceled Outright by Bush-Privatized

I just found out that I have something in common with bigots.

WWL-TV: Still 1,000 911 phone calls a day from people trapped

Time to collect evidence against the Rightwingt Talking Heads

If we can't trust the Red Cross, who can we trust ??

W's cut in hazard mitigation program + effects in NC

HEEEERREEE'S Cheney...Long time no see...Glad you could make it.

Matt Drudge Blasts N.O. Mayor Nagin

What's up with tucker carlson, insisting on calling katrina

I just saw on TV that Bush will be returning to LA on Monday

What else did Katrina Bring? Compared to Ivan one year ago

Child: "I feel hungry" Reporter: "What do you want?" Child: "Water!"

Harry Connick Jr, on Larry King

I was misunderstood in a locked thread and so can't respond.

So when is Bush going to bother to call a National Day of Mourning?

What is Larry King going to do?

FEMA Sent Chemical Attack Supplies First to Field Hospital!

"The CIA could come in any minute and wipe me out" (video)

Fallwell and Robertson: have they blamed anybody for Katrina yet?

MSNBC - showing some heroic people - simply incredible stories -

CNN Poll/ Bush Admin in deep trouble

So what exactly will happen to the evacuees? Wil low income housing

Your opinions please. Is Sean Hannity a human being?

Al Sharpton on FOX NEWS (NOW) n/t

The Big Dawg

Bill Clinton going to Houston Monday to talk to Hurricane Victims

So, people still dying, people still stranded...but LOOTING is the

Arthel Neville tells a horror story on FoxNews

YES or NO ? Will the Repubs repeal the estate tax on Tuesday ?

Tucker Carlson: Most people left, but a few stayed. They were foolhardy.

Bush plays politics during tragedy, to meet with Black clergy, except. . .

Another discussion about the Katrina response on a different forum

Merry Christmas Everyone. (Albeit a bit early).

Magic Johnson is also a class act.

Just thinking

I am so proud right now, my 8 yr old daughter just


Can Governor Blanco request that FEMA leave La?

Just for the sake of argument

Funny. I thought Venice, Italy was the Venice Italy of the world.

need links on levee funding please.

Bush is going to take as long as possible to clean up NO

Interesting NG activity on the scanner

FEMA reimbursing Texas 100% for all expenses

Habitat For Humanity is going to build houses for New Orleans -

my letter to Speaker Hastert. Should I send it?

Why is CNN always wrong?

CHERTOFF: if we had an atomic bomb on top of this.

Bush seen as doing too little, too late

The people of Arkansas have sent 20 truckloads of supplies.

This AP headline should read: Bush doesn't meet with NAACP again

I wanna see the implosion of the Superdome and the....

Wal-Mart Rumor...

Tiny acts of rebellion can make you feel better...

refugee, noun

What's the status on the NO Saints? Did they make it? Are they still in NO

Do you believe in miracles ?

NYC= Victims. NOLA=Refugees ?

Any news on the oil spill in the Mississippi?

Can I ask a question?

Tucker just interviewed LSU researcher who said he told WH about NO scenar

Bu*shco didn't get the fact that 90% of us have empathy.

Not sure if anyone here can help, but maybe

Clinton on the phone with Larry King, now...

Someone just told me that Bush could not have taken over

Here's what I'm wondering: IF they fix the levees, pump out the water,


Where is Dick Cheney?

Rotten To The Corps (Shocking ! )

Rep. Jan Schakowsky calls out Bush - From the Huffington blog:

Here's what I can offer

Who Got NO Mayor Nagin's Back, sound off!

Falluja Floods the Superdome: By FRANK RICH

People were not allowed to leave NOLA because under Martial Law....


Interesting NG activity on the scanner

Renquist just died

Why is Greta Van Sustern acting like this is some party?

Clinton on Larry King Live right now

Renquist dead.

Congressional Black Caucus: our "secret weapon" post-Katrina

This has to be said, if Celine Dion is kicking ass. . .

God Bless Magic Johnson!

BREAKING NEWS: Chief Justice Rehnquist has died


Rhenquist is dead..we are fucked!!!!!!

Have Wal-Mart or any other companies made significant grants for relief?

Mods, can we please consolidate the Rehnquist threads ? Tx. nt

Breaking on CNN...Renquist has died.

Anyone know who is slated for Sunday Talk Shows?


Rehnquist just died!

Finally out of Thunderdome

Breaking: Rehquist is dead.

Chief Justice Rehnquist has passed away.

Email from John Conyers (John, any plans for Sep. 2008?)

This could be The Perfect Storm

May William Rehnquist Now Receive His True Rewards.

Irony- Rehnquist's 1st job in pug party was to stop blacks from voting -

White House Shifts Blame - WaPo

If Idiot Son asks for lowered flags for Rhenquist...........

CNN: Rehnquist dead

Renquist dead!!

Rhenquist is dead...who will take his place?

Let's call um 'Distressed Americans'

Bush must Resign

Good night Mr. Rehnquist

I'd like to propose a Supreme Court position for

Rhenquist's death isn't as bad as you think, in my opinion.

Congratuations, Roberto "Torturer" Gonzales

When sorrows come, they come not single spies, But in battalions

I've lost all hope of people recognizing whose negligence this was

On Rehnquist: Calm down, Chimp couldn't find anybody worse.

Rehnquist death = LIBERAL MAJORITY!

Freepville is horrible

Inheritance tax cuts

Pat Roberton's Prayers Answered. Chief Justice Died.

Official Chief Justice Rehnquist Thread One

I need to know if this rumor about Blanco is true...

Bush Imploded! Why Am I Not Fucking Ecstaticly Happy?

How many people wil die because of Bush's NOLA photo op?

OK folks. No more LBN about Rehnquist.

I am just saddened by all the death this week.

Denny Hastert's Dark Calculus

Rehnquist: On the issues.

Urgent: people still stuck in neworleans

One Asshole Dies - 10,000's Of Civilians Dead In New Orleans & Biloxi

The whole world is watching

NOLA Mortgage Co. tells residents: Send payments as you normally would

I am a Republican and would like to talk for a moment

I Have About Had It With DU Tonight! And Liberal Democrats In General!

Did Rehnquist just die? Haven't seen a post on it.

Why haven't we been told to lower our Flags?

OH NO! Shit not now.

How do the Southern Black Baptist

WRAL/NC Reporting SuperDome Folks had Wedding/Family Pics Confiscated

What will be the enduring image from New Orleans?

Anyone have video of Al Gore from today?

Did they ground search and rescue for the presidents visit?

So people still dying, dying of thirst, but we're playing football,MLB,etc

Things that make you go Arrrgh!!

Nothing we can do for Rehnquist now, but there are still people dying in

It took 4 days to get 15 tons of relief supplies to Sri Lanka.....

What does a Chief Justice do?

Denny Hastert's Dark Calculus

please point me in the direction of the current scanner thread

Security incidents in Iraq, Sept 3

Shrubya will prove he doesn't care about black people by:

Something that is, in my opinion, a big problem for DU

Encouraging National Guard membership for potential volunteers

9/3/05 Night time scanner

40 + family members missing. HELP!

WP: President's Poll Rating Falls to a New Low

Yahoo drops banner on hurricane relief for rehnquist

Another Storm Possible in Gulf of Mexico

Y2Katrina: Open Letter to our Representatives in Congress

The view from the Indian subcontinent

"We Told You So" (a note to our conservative friends)

Joining Pat Buchanan

Doctor says Red Cross should have been there

bush wants martial law in NO and now chief justice is dead

Guardsmen 'played cards' amid New Orleans chaos

OK, folks...enough dead Rehnquist threads!!!!! control, control...

CIA videos reveal the missed chances to kill Bin Laden

When has a major American City been evacuated before?

I'm totally crying watching and listening to Celine Dion...

Bush will react to Renquist's death faster than he did to Katrina

Heard on MSNBC some small towns haven't received any help so far

ATTENTION: Email Governor of LA and DEMAND that she NOT relinquish

"A fish smells from the head first" It is Bush's fault... period.

Bush panics and sends in the marines

OMG here is a blatant Bush lie

The Red Cross is really pissing me off!

Who really gives a shit?

The View From Abroad

I understand Rehnquist was "frustrated", if only he'd been more "patient".

WOW! Level three on a Saturday on a Holiday Weekend!

About alligators (read at your own risk)

Rumsfeld postpones Letterman Appearance. (Wuss!)

Looking for Al Gore video

Hillarious video/song.....we all need a smile right now....yeah, Whatever!

Fearing riots, Guard rejects food airdrops

ASPCA just wrote me back

How is Rehnquists death going to affect Roberts comfirmation?

The difference between 9/11 & Katrina in a nutshell.

Graphic pictures of Hurricane Katrina?

What would the Repubs be saying if Clinton was Prez ? BEATING him SILLY,

Fats Domino was staying with LSU quarterback's family

Can you imagine the Sunday morning news shows?

"A sad evening tonight for the country"

Gore.Check this interview out.

EVEN IF some inept Democrat was in charge right now,

Contact CNN and MSNBC to go back to rescue efforts

"As Directed By The President"

The evacuees should be trained in construction be part of the rebuilding

CNN and MSNBC have moved on, Fox News lingering on Rehnquist.

Anderson Cooper on Bill Maher blasting govt. for no answers

I'd like to see a split-screen video of Bush's activities and Katrina's...

I stand (rather SIT at my computer) CORRECTED.

This whole 'playing politics' argument is bullshit.

Why did the govt NOT call upon UPS and Fed Ex for transporting people?

FEMA using DU as a planning resource??

Van Heerden on MSNBC Now.

"This is my United States of WHATEVER....."

bush going to a funeral??????

How can we stop the Supreme Court packing?

Eerie similarity, Chertoff - Saruman

Scarborough says the Bush's safest move politically is to appoint Scalia.

Someday someone will make a movie about Katrina in New Orleans


NOLA demographic breakdown

Here's something to ponder - WHERE THE HELL IS AL-QAEDA?!?!?

I heard that some gas stations are refusing deliveries from suppliers

If you are looking for a place to donate to I humbly submit..

Karel caller said they will build expensive housing in NOLA


Do Not Appease On This Rehnquist Relacement! Just Don't Give Them Another.

New Republican Talking Point on the Battle of New Orleans.

President Bush, unite this country. Nominate Al Gore to the Supreme Court.

Will Roberts replace O'connor so that she leaves? Or will he go on in

W.Rehnquist death, FauxNews doesn't have to cover dying poor people

Has Bill Gates donated anything?

Homeless of St. John's Hospice give to Katrina's victims

It was neck-and-neck for a while there, but now Cheney ...

Worst thing I've read here today - the report from a European

What Is The Biggest Problem With Democrats?

angry/sick quotes from prominent blacks in paper in Scotland

And Death Shall Have No Dominion

A note to our Democrat Representatives and Senators

Competent, Incompetent, Benign or Evil?

Are the Freepers going to stage "We Don't Care" protests?

Louisiana Governor Writes To pResident Bush

Fuck Larry King!

Caption this * pic...

First: 911, Second: Iraq, Third: Katrina -- Strike 3 -- YOU'RE OTTA HERE

Anyone work in the legal field--willing to organize legal aid 4

Something bugging me : refugee

Bush lost 2 buildings & 1 city why should he get to nominate anyone?

A FAKE President can't appoint judges....

Nobody noticed... fourth most deadliest month for U.S. troops in Iraq

Why did Justice Rehnquist put stripes on his sleeves for the Impeachment?

Bush FAKED levee repair for photo op

C'mon folks...

84 Reasons Why Bush Must Go

******** Official Chief Justice Rehnquist Thread Two *****************

When will Bush award FEMA Director Mike Brown the "Medal Of Freedom"

Was Rehnquist at the NO Convention Center?

They couldn't even muster a Moment of Silence

One of my repub co-workers just had his epiphany. (good news for once!)

Prediction: Bush will steal the relief money

Tucker is one smug, irritating, annoying prick...even when

Will There Be Congressional Hearings?

Nate Clay stream starts at 1:05am EDT -- This oughtta be good

National Review - GOP should hold 2008 convention in New Orleans

So the NG played cards instead of getting off their asses.


Texas is NOT being generous. They are being reimbursed 100%

I am a yellow dog democrat

OMG OMG OMG. How did we miss this? It's staring us right in the face ....

This is the best time for Rehnquist to die

The Dispossessed of New Orleans Tell of Their Medieval Nightmare


Repeated References to Rudy Giuliani

Went to get water today at the store. Very low supplies of bottled water.

Sickened by all the football games going on in domes...

Guest Lineup for the Sunday TV News Shows

Wonderful slam against oil companies and Bush on Ebay auction

Are FEMA website pages disappearing - please help me check

I need good links on how granddaddy Prescott made his $$$

Southern American music

Ford Motors helps in the relief: customers can defer 2 car payments

5,000 Desperate,Perishing Crying-"It Looked Like the Hold of a Slave Ship"

International Crisis over Katrina??? Omg. "You're on your own, Britain's

I give up

With Rehnquist's death, corporate takeover may be coming soon!

An Answer to the School Bus Nonsense

Timeline Outlining Fate of FEMA Under Bush Admin & Flood Control in NOLA

"Halliburton hired for storm cleanup "

The future of blue cities in crisis is NO.

Patrick Fitzergerald: PLEASE HURRY, PLEASE HELP US

!!!School supplies for victims of Katrina -(mailing address inside)!!

In response to Bush's quote, "If you don't need gas, don't buy it." :

Touching photo in my local newspaper today .....

MoveOn makes available 42,000 beds for Katrina survivors

Shell Oil develops oil shale (new method)

Is it just my IMAGINATION ?

What is it that Al Gore is doing?

If all you do is bitch and moan, the Hurricane wins!

Question about Sean Hannity

We need to scream a meme!!

Christiane Amanpour says US response better in foreign countries than here

There's one less racist breathing air I could be breathing tonight

I Shall Piss On The Grave Of William Rehnquist.

New Poll Shows Murkins care more about gas then NO

Rather blunt message from a friend working to restore New Orleans:

Ben Stein: Wanker - A Rebuttal to "Get off his back"

I'm appalled that the nation isn't in mourning.

Defending Gov Blanco and the Mayor of NO: A Katrina Timeline

Celine Dion KICKING ASS!! on CNN


If Sibel Edmonds case comes before the Supreme Court now, she would win.

Anne Rice in NY Times - great rant

I would like everyone to just take a moment

"President Gore"--Guy James just said

Everyone - Heads Up!! (Read this!)

OMG...........Check out this column from DAVID BROOKS....

Bush may have some serious worries - IF you believe in magick...

Timeline: Blanco & Nagin - Add your points!

NOOOOOOO! I just can't do Celine Dion! Gotta turn off the tv now.

Why was the response so slow to Katrina and continues to this very day?

A Photo Of A Real Leader: Al Gore

Declaration of New Orleans

'Stitched up' Humphrys faces BBC probe

Jamming Communications in New Orleans!

So when is Bush going to bother to call a National Day of Mourning?

U.S. plan to boost number of soldiers in Iraq curtailed

America's Ordeal-excellent heartbreaking sum up &?s of last week- Observer

Matt Drudge Blasts N.O. Mayor Nagin

Typhoon Nabi shifts course, now heading to Okinawa

Anxiety in Iraq for Guardsmen From Gulf Area (4,200 LA NG home w/in wks)

At least 19 Iraqi policemen and soldiers killed by rebels


A boat out of hell (Finally Charity Hospital is evacuated)


Chief Justice Dies. Just heard it on Cnn

BREAKING: Rehnquist Dead. per CNN n/t

Large Convoy of Busses leaves Manhattan for New Orleans

New Orleans a 'ghost town' for 9 months

New Orleans a 'Ghost Town' for 9 Months (Many to Remain Homeless 2 Yrs.)

WP: President's Poll Rating Falls to a New Low

dupe please delete

Another Storm Possible in Gulf of Mexico

UN head's son 'traded on his father's name'

Bush panics and sends in the marines

Out of Storage, La. Farmers Dump Milk

How is Rehnquists death going to effect Roberts comfirmation?

WP: GOP Agenda in Congress May Be at Risk

Qatar gives $100 million for Hurricane relief

Another Underground Explosion Hits San Francisco

National Guards “played cards” amid New Orleans chaos: police official

Landlord Allegedly Turns Up Tenant's Heat

New Orleans to stay shut for at least nine months

Bush Aides Meet With Black Leaders

New Orleans left to the dead and dying

Katrina evacuee struck by Metro train

At least 12 killed in high-rise fire east of Paris

LA Times: Levees' Fate Sealed in Washington

Military's Northern Command steps up response efforts

'They're not giving us what we need to survive'

Landrieu slams FEMA

New Orleans mayor deals with a natural disaster and some criticism

Bush Expresses Sadness at Rehnquist Death

National Guards “played cards” amid New Orleans chaos: police official

Another Storm Possible in Hard-Hit Region

Report: Government Secrecy Grows, Costs more

NAACP says poor people hurt by slow response to Katrina

Majority in Poll Blame Gouging on Government's Handling of Price Surge

Bush aides meet at White House with black leaders

Mississippians Worry They're Forgotten

Rumsfeld cancels Letterman appearance

Canadians donate over $1 million for Hurricane Katrina relief

AP: NO Evacuation May Have Come Too Late for Many

Chertoff: Katrina scenario did not exist (Does he live under a rock?)

Red-State Democrats Tilt to Yes on Roberts

Bush tour a 'photo op', says Senator

"My Friend Was Shot and Killed for his Car"

Black Fury at Bush Over Rescue Delay

WP: Why They Stayed: Living Paycheck to Paycheck Made Leaving Impossible

GOP Agenda in Congress May Be at Risk; Demand Tax Cuts for Upper Class

Chief Justice Rehnquist Dies at Home

Senator Frist Becomes Medical Volunteer

WP, A01: White House Shifts Blame

Rejoice! by Jenny Holzer

Damn! It's a busy sports weekend in Columbus Ohio

OW! Got burned again in GD.

Well, everythings under control in hurricane areas. TV said so.

Why can I watch "And Now For Something Completely Different" time & again?

I met a friend at Starbucks today and gave xtra money at the

Oh the irony...

5days later and still people being rescued from rooftops

Question about Cindy Sheehan....

Why does Neko Case kick so much ass?

cats are dangerous

Any Brit comedy fans know when series two of "Extras" will air?

Battle of the ground bees

Hey, I'm living in my car for 20 days.. What to do??

Go Bush! Reggie Bush that is! USC RB is awesome.

I have six sisters and three brothers

We disrupt this forum for an unimportant announcement...

Well, I guess people noticed this article.

Another way to help

When do we get our pics back?

The Hypnotist

Something is going on across the street from my apartment...

Yikes, I type slow.

We are now in Defcon 3...

I told you Notre Dame was going to kick ass this season.

My first post from my dorm room!

Do You Know What It Means To Miss New Orleans...


I can house a family from NO of 4,5,6 with a pet

CNN just announced that Rehnquist has died.

Sunday morning talk shows cancelled: "unimaginable news event"

...And the race to the bottom is ON!!

Do you get the feeling....

AH! You wanna talk big brother media collusion?!

Eerire similarity: Chertoff and Saruman

Rum or Gin in my Orange Cream Soda?

Phone company hell: What can I do?


Tough Love vs. Spanking

I miss Maddy McCall.

dating vs. spanking

With what sandwich would you substitute Cheeze-Its for chips?

took 5 years of * to get 700 posts...

Great rant from Foamy the Squirrel about hurricane Katrina

Maybe this is too lame to even post, but does anyone have any ideas

I got so mad at people today I resigned from the wrong

How rude or crass was I?

I just found a new way to work out some of my agression...

Who remembers Aeon Flux?


Did Fuckstick McAWOL make a triumphant entry into New Orleans on Friday?

The other guy

Oh--this SO sucks! True Lies is coming on--can't even watch.

Does anyone here save and sell their aluminum cans?

German Monks Respond to George Bush:

Sometimes you just gotta embrace the chaos

REHNQUIST JUST DIED AT HOME. Just reported on local news.

Help! 13 more needed for my list!

Any DIDO fans?

A forlorn NO question

Seriously, what color is the sky in THAT world?


It begins-s-s-s-s...

OK , I've declared Martial Law in the Lounge, you do not say OK until

'Bowling for Columbine' is going to be on the CBC

Jeezus fucking Christ! - "It ain't my fault" - Chimpy McFuckface

Random Movie Quote:


So- will GW Bush invade Iran in retaliation for Katrina?

Read This

Any Thelemites here?

I'm home now. I think I calmed down a bit

I was misunderstood in a locked thread and so can't respond.

New Orleans "Mardi Gras" Ribbon Trunk Lid Magnet

Why do I have an earworm of "Ding Dong the Witch is Dead"?

How are YOU dealing with your white hot rage? Here's what I did:


Do we REALLY need 11 threads that Rehnquist DIED!

Pleeeeeze won't somebody rub my belly?

Okay, I have declared Martini Law in the Lounge. Everyone gets one,

Make your predictions about Rhenquist theories and flame wars

How many of you could leave a pet behind in the case of an emergency?

Do we have any DUers who voted for * in 2000?

Ok Loungers I have Jimmy Hoffa


Play Guess the Google!

I will not give up my seat on this bus!!!

Texas Christian beat Oklahoma!

DU'ers Interested In Thursday Night Tarot Study Group Please Sign Up

Renquist is dead.

What we need now is a President who can juggle!

Best Rant EVER

WaPo article: These people are vermin, the Rethug are vermin

OMG, Rehnquist dies. Fuck it.

Oh, crap. Rehnquist just died.

UL is writing a book. Please nominate this thread

Here's a blog with Keith praise everyone should read.

The first few days were a natural disaster. The last four days man made"

Dont let the media forget those who are still in NOLA and in his suburbs

Since tomorrow is the Feast of the DWI

Bush panics and sends in the marines (you gotta love the title

Lou Dobbs: Why aren't more black leaders blamed for Crisis?

Our only hope...

What should George do next?

SHAME ON CBS NEWS: Just ended with glorifying Bush quote and NO Bush

Pat Robertson and Operation Blessing are in N.O.: his letter to me:

Fox poll on response by government to Katrina.

Should HAVA be delayed?

Who's Next?

In your opinion, has Katrina dwarfed the 2001 terror attacks?

we've got him now !!! Cheney Caught Moonlighting ...

I received a Handwritten note thanking me for my LTTE from Sherrod Brown!

Brit "Hmmm, time to buy" Hume: Hurricane Katrina Bush's Fault?

Remember how the 'pubs have been going after the black vote

NEW Grand Theft Election Ohio: 2 Election Workers Indicted,

"The End is Near"

So where's JEB these days? He knows about hurricanes...

David Brooks plays a great lap dog once again.......

I AGREE with everything Celine Dion says about this crisis!!!!

Don't you realize


self delete



So, which Bushco flunkie will fall on his/her sword

Impeach now before he gets yet another pick...

Denny Hastert's Dark Calculus

I pray to God this isn't true

SInking Poll #s? WH Crisis? SO WHAT - - * has a TEE TIME

I think Bush will appoint Scalia Chief Judge

Now that Chief Justice Rehnquist died, do you think that Bush will

Bush will use Rehnquist to divert attention from his failure in New Orlean

This is the brief email I sent to my Senators (Clinton & Schumer)

Partisanship over people. This bullsh*t makes me sick.

Stop the Roberts hearing!

Sonic Lasers head to flood area for crowd control

I wonder if the chimp

Rehnquist has died on CNN now. SHIT! nt

Sludgereport trying to slam Mayor Nagin over the buses.

Fearing riots, Guard rejects food airdrops...

What happened to this country? 9/11 vs. Now.

Really calm down on Rehnquist...shhh...

CNN: Rehnquist dies

Michael Moores letter to George Bush.

the following is a picture of ...

Get ready for * to nominate Janice Rogers Brown

Earth to Dems--gas has gone up .50 to a buck for no reason--tell people..

Now, Fitzgerald, *&^!*%*#$%*%!$* NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If Bush is left standing after the political fallout of Katrina....

The federal government has officially collapsed

Tucker Carlson is making a little bit more sense...maybe because

Democrats Controlling the Debate

Condoleezza Rice scheduled to land in Mobile Alabama

25% Unemployment

Landrieu Blasts Bush for Photo-Ops and Lack of Help

Putting on the tinfoil hat with regard to the recent GOP actions...

Who will now be Chief Justice???

relax on Rhenquist

CNN: "The big disconnect on New Orleans"--MUST READ

CARTOON: You Blew It, George!

Conyers: Better Late Than Never

Roberts Memo--"Troubling" re: RACE....New York Times 9/4

We finally get the flags at half-staff and national mourning.

CNN poll: Do failures in response to Hurricane Katrina raise questions...

Privatized rescue/relief : When did FEMA contract for the 650 buses ?

The dam breaks

Scientific American, 2001: New Orleans could become a modern-day Atlantis

Shock and awe comes home.

Defending Gov Blanco and the Mayor of NO: A Katrina Timeline

Y2Katrina: Open Letter to our Representatives in Congress

A must-read letter from Andy Sullivan's blog...(from a Republican)

Is it time to stop arguing with Bush supporters?

List of Republican Celebrities

A Photo Of A Real Leader: Al Gore

Warnings went ignored as Bush slashed flood defence budget

Juan Cole: Looting there, Looting here

Storm Exposed Disarray at the Top

Women, the hijab and the burqa

Mo Dowd: United States of Shame

Libertarian POV (Paul Craig Roberts): Impeach Bush Now

Earth to the President: warnings ignored at your peril

We told you so

Hitchhiking From Squalor to Anywhere Else

GuardianUK- 'They're not giving us what we need to survive'

What It Means to Miss New Orleans

Los Angeles Times: The Show Didn't Benefit by Censors

The President from Mars

Crisis threatens to swamp Bush White House

Hurricane Katrina: Not a time for arrogance

Louisiana official haunted by drowned woman

Times-Picayune: An open letter to the President

LA Times/ Troops not met by violence, mobs in New Orleans, just despair

Roddy Pgh PG: The president from Mars (Rips Bush, Chertoff, Hastert)

Max Sawicky (MaxSpeak): Drown Grover Norquist in a Bathtub

Katrina: A New Untouchable Class

We are not "playing" (Blue Mass Group)

Mike Davis- Poor, Black, and Left Behind

Gold-star mother accomplished her mission

Relief ship held offshore right after storm passed, no FEMA order to help

U.S. to U.N., NATO: Emergency Aid Requested

Rep John Lewis: 'This Is a National Disgrace' (in Newsweek)

Ruppert-You Bet Your Life..Katrina, Peak Oil, and Dark Days Ahead

A terrible storm brewing in the U.S.

Haves, Have-Nots ... Less than a Half-Mile Apart in N.O.

While Bush fiddles, New Orleans dies (Newsday)

"A rationalization of selfishness and the hysterical denial of community."

Silent Powell's no hero on Iraq

Paul Craig Roberts: Impeach Bush Now

Why the American dream is one of the biggest lies

Larry Johnson-Criminal Negligence and Katrina? (Larry's got proof)

"Let Them Eat Shit..."

Time Mag: Dipping His Toe Into Disaster (Rips Bush)

"It's the blacks..we always worried this would happen" (Tribune report)

Advice on creating signable open letter?

When sitting on the sidelines isn't enough

Aboriginal tent protest - icon or eyesore? (Australia)

Young protesters: Drivers slow down (CA)


One of our own needs help setting up "Camp Katrina" in D.C.

Does anyone have a place to host protest fliers and posters?


FELLOW DUers....Can we fine-tune a plan for Tuesday?

I'm going 2ask KingRichard'sFaire 1help raise money for Red Cross- Help?

Email Campaign: Fanning the Flames.

Demand congress impeach Bush before next disaster or terror attack


Apply for Camp Katrina Chief Activist Job - $15/hr. Make history.

Congress: Hold Bush Accountable on Failed Katrina Response

MEDIA BLASTER: Local, National & Congress - Use It Now, Please!

We need to take time to praise the media

Asian peat fires add to warming

Indonesia workers protest fuel price rise

Natural gas: Costs prevent fuel from having an impact (Maine)

Chilling forecast for keeping homes warm (Maine)

Gulf Barrier Islands Now More Vulnerable

"it doesn't matter how thin the cow gets if you are the only one on the...

Zimbabwe: CIA Is Behind Kidman Movie

Chavez supporters march against Robertson

Nepal riot police use batons, teargas to halt protest against king

Iraq War A Mistake for American Majority (53% CNN/USAT/Gallup)

Katrina could complicate Bush's ambitious foreign policy agenda

Federal response to storm shakes view of U.S. power

IDF using human shields despite High Court ruling

Hurricane relief may cut into U.S. pullout aid for Israel

Bay Area entrepreneur opens shop in Gaza -

PA lawmaker guilty of terror charges

Extremists caught hanging posters praising Jewish terrorist

Former Bush team member says 9/11 likely inside job

Sibel Edmonds talks... the truth will come out...

Question was Rehnquist because Al Gore showed up?

Former Bush team member says 9/11 likely inside job

WTC2 survivor statements(plane level & >) & WCT1 victim statements(>90)

They have nothing to lose now - duck and cover.

NYC Indymedia censors 9/11 truth

We Have A Locked Thread About INDYMEDIA: There is a very serious .....

Help please!....daily thread needs a couple of nominations

Gallup Refuses To Run Poll Asking Americans If Bush Should Be Impeached

How about some MSM attention! Write to Jon Stewart and Bill Maher!

I'm doing a 30 minute speech to Republicans this week. Suggestions?

IMPEACH BUSH NOW ! Bush’s war left the Corps of Engineers only 20% Funding

Sept. 7 - Nat'l Day of Emergency Action - SF

LETTER TO CONGRESS: Protect CA, impeach Bush

Meehan & Delahunt , others, join Conyers in call to stop price gouging.

Meeting Sunday 3PM to plan busses from Boston to NO to bring back evaccue

I feel guilty planning something fun,but any1 4King Richard'sFaireMonday?

Is anyone organizing clothes drives or anything like that in Boston?

Eureka! Bush criminal Modus operandi discovered in Minnesota

Need help with windows media player

We are privately hosting housing for NO evacuees

Wages declining for Ohio workers

San Antonio DUers...your help may be needed

Louis Raines housing evacuees in Dallas. How to help.

Salvation Army Warehouse in Fort Worth is also taking

TARRANT County compiliation of ways you can help.

I'm headed up to Crawford in a bit to help out with clean up


Cindy Sheehan in Madison tonight Sept 4 at 7pm

Blood Center of Wisconsin needs you

Sunday insights: Getting on my nerves in aftermath of Katrina

The Busheviks are going to get away with it.

***The Investigation Has Officially Begun!!!***

Dear Lurking Professional Democratic Party workers.......

WHEW, I was wrong, oh thank god.


I need some info on angel flights out of NOLA. Please, is this a rumor?


Edith Clement is from New Orleans

race conversion chart

Has anyone here ever worked in logistics, civilian or military?

Important point about polls

Alan Dershowitz calls Rehnquist a "right wing thug"

Hey Chimpoleon, Rehnquists passing won't get you out of the spotlight

Celene coming up shortly on CNN

"we did our part..."--GWBush

Anyone working on a F-911 style video yet?

As for those "With no means" -- FEMA is not proactive?

Baton Rouge population expected to DOUBLE by Monday

Ray Nagin for President!

WHOA! The Freeps FINALLY have a "Katrina Help" Link!

REMINDER:People in NO are STILL trapped in their homes waiting for rescue!

Where was "Shoot to kill" when Baghdad was looted?

Anyone listening to wwl?

I have this uncontrollable urge to smoke weed and drink

The "Ferengi Administration"

Finally, an article that mentions Al Gore's relief efforts.

Blame Shifting Will Start Tomorrow

When sitting on the sidelines isn't enough

Cindy's post on Huffington Blog

Some Louisiana National Guard may come home quicker

William Rehnquist remains dead at this hour. Details after the break.


It's really bothered me seeing all these people shoved on buses "They shut down airlifts of supplies because * was viewing NO"

In my wildest dreasms....

Breaking News: Aruba suspects released from jail!!!

I think part of why Gov. Blanco got no help can be found here

Harry Connick Jr for President

we need to stop using obscene words, the justice department just said that

MSNBC just aired one of the many horrifying stories

"In all fairness, these people were TOLD to evacuate."

"This is all good news that we are getting today"--Sean Hannity

OMG they just said x lbs food sat hghwy cause of Bush's visit


we are in an abusive relationship with our government

A rarity from me...someone else's words...long, but worth a read.

Poll time! Rate our Washington Democrats. They are mostly:

At least JAPAN has their shit together!

If Clarence Thomas died from complications due to cancer during 9/11...


Michael D. Brown was fired from his horse show job..Now he runs FEMA??

Question about disaster declaractions...

CNN Crucifies the Govt. line on Katrina/New Orleans Disaster

Celine on Now!!!

Current Death Toll of Hurricane Katrina

with all of the troops now in NO, instead of projecting a show of force

Anti-US bloggers hail Katrina

Diebold announces final body tally: 82

Louisiana Newspapers Good Site

If Canada started accepting and transporting people from NOLA...

I hear on CNN that Rumsfeld and Myers

Is C. Weldon running for Pres? He wrote a book which is

Why is the Red Cross being given so much air time for donations?

Kiwis stuck in New orleans

OK--what's their angle to get out of this?

Rivera made excellent point about conditions...

I'm sorry for correcting the misrepresentation but that woman in the

Thread for condolences to the family and friends of Rehnquist

A letter to WashPosts Spencer Hsu

Rehnquist deserved no respect either in life or in death-Post reflections

Do not let them hide the death toll

So now that New Orleans has been cleared,

Why is Dubya trying to federalize the Gulf Coast "tsunami"?

The shot soldier was injured by his OWN GUN, not "rioters!!!"

Bush is a petty, extremely vinditictive man - NO: 77% Kerry. 66% black

I am preparing a PowerPoint presentation with images

Observer: * has never been so assailed by such vitriolic criticism

East NOLA caller says afraid to get rescued cause of condition

Do you feel safer now?

CNN: Celine is on Larry King

Insane Poll Question On Fwee Wepubwik

Great Link to Louisiana Newspapers

Newbie asks: What's LIHOP and MIHOP ???

Bush will stop at NOTHING to do what needs to be done NOW!

I do not have enough emergency supplies at my house.

St Tamarry Parish(sp) tomorrow day break flyovers get something

Found Dick Cheney!

The World Judges US - Badly!


I am seeing a definite change in the air....

bush's real numbers

Brief note from NOLA evacuee

Suggestion: Those Bush pictures - eating cake, playing guitar - that

A few of us were monitoring WWL.COM(radio) and getting the word

Life in a post-Katrina America

NYT: A beautiful paen to the dead city from Anne Rice.

You know what??

"LA refused a federal request to assume control of the evacuation"?

Seeing the destruction and our government's reaction has me

It wasn't BushCo; it was our military to get rid of his sorry ass.

Bush visit halts food delivery to starving victims: Part Two

FACTCHECK.ORG -- Is Bush to Blame for New Orleans Flooding?

George W. Bush, a National Disgrace ...

Grover Norquist's Words Keep Coming Back To Mind

Lost Great Cartoon (9/3 am) in Guardian w/Bush on WH roof- any link??

Anyone else get the incomplete news alert from CNN today?

Arson or alert? The guys on WWL just said start a fire so they will

Prayers for Rehnquist


One thought has been going through my mind all day has added VIDEO for Celine Dion's plea for Katrina victims

America The Fragile: Give it a read!

Dupe. n/t

Who's emboldening the Neo-Cons?

Just a small post on what has been reporting for the past few hrs.

September 24th in Washington, D.C. -- now more than ever!!

You're on your own, Britain's victims told

US declines Swedish water sanitation aid

Photo-Op Fakery

Can we trust the Red Cross?


The levees were sinking.... and could be repaired.


The next time WW2 comparisons are mentioned

Homeland Security - NATIONAL RESPONSE PLAN - What a joke

Did you see this about NO?

My Son Ben Is Leaving For Iraq Right Now

Landrieu Blasts Bush on Katrina Response

Nationwide Implications Of NOLA Disaster

Survivors of Katrina, First Victims of New Bankruptcy Bill

I Can Not Imagine The Court Battle That Is Coming

"thousands" of babies passed up the line to get on the bus

Civilian volunteer on CNN just now told Soledad "no violence"

With the obscene profits of the oil companies and their

For those who were concerned the WH flag is flying at half staff. . .

On one hand, I'm angry about Rehnquist’s death, the prospect of which

Will America lose interest this time?

NY Times article: A Delicate Balance is Undone in a Flash,


What has Pat Robertson done to help? What has Hugo Chavez...

Today show spokesmodel asking Nagin hard questions

Anyone have anymore information about FEMA head being

Emptying out the convention center will take a FEW MORE DAYS?!

FBI snipers and the Administration's mind-set.

nbc whoring for the gop

Congress: Hold Bush Accountable on Failed Katrina Response

Oil industry lady on CSPAN wants you to know there are ways to conserve

"The truth lies somewhere in the middle"

now that we see how this administration treats innocent US citizens i

Miles O'Brien said flag at half-staff is symbolic for more than Rehnquist

Hope in N.O. A business has re-opened.

I finally figured out the Republican/Bushevik mentality

Can someone make some of those iron-transfer thingies

Cry for your Countrymen

I keep thinking we should organize vans to go up and get the people

Talk Show lineups from WaPo

President Bush League anyone?

"The levees failed, and so did the government" -- CNN @ 8:43

Audio: Mike Malloy "rant" confirming Home Sec "kept" Red Cross OUT of NO!!

Integrity at last?

What's happening in New Orleans could happen anywhere

Marie Antoinette

DHS' Chertoff: "We didn't plan for an A-bomb, either!"

Terry Moran -- Renquist a "Judicial Supremicist"

*Now* the WH flag is at half-staff because of Rehnquist...not New Orleans.

this week: Landrieu takes George Steph. on a chopper tour of LA

Since it's Sunday - maybe we can sing this for the people of New Orleans


FEMA chief was fired from his last job, working for a horse group

NG no match for disaster, Bush sends marines as flood fury grows

The hypocrisy of the right wing

I guess this past week and the hurricane debunks bush being....

Good commentary on wzbw

A musical tribute to New Orleans...

Bush remarks on Rehnquist at 10am. One day after Katrina, where was he?

Chaos in Baghdad, New Orleans: revealing America's weakness.

Has this sorry misadministration ever said they are sorry for

CDC:some of the most infectious diseases,New Orleans, LA, (lev 4) Heads UP

Landreau very pissed at Bush,in chopper with stephanopolous,said...

THIS IS A CULTURE WAR! Beat The Neocons/Fundies Down To Save America!

EX NY Times Ed is kicking ASS on This Week

Now Flags are lowered to half staff


Lance Armstrong gives $500,000 to relief effort (to help cancer victims)

Special Report from President a-hole coming up

Commentary on Sunday Morning kicked Bush's ass

Bush taking over Sunday morning news now.

CNN:Shrub talking about that dead judge

Now that the storm has passed and the water is receding

I'm blind!

The Bush Administration Must Be Removed Immediately -- I'm Serious

....If they can call a special session of Congress....

George, it is time to resign.

Has there been any explanation for VP Cheney's absence...

"This hurricane will dominate the remainder of bush's administration"

My mom just heard from my aunt who is in FEMA and down in Florida now

Complacency Kills

Just read my horoscope, seems appropriate for a lot of DUers

Wow!! Who was that lady giving that editorial on CBS Sunday morning!!

Saddam Hussein trial will start Oct. 19

Emergency water purifiers, equipment and supplies -- sources

MSM ? Thomas Paine wasn't this critical, I think the inter-net has informed

Creating crisis from none (Iraq) -- Bungling a real crisis (Katrina)

Way too many people have died on Bush's watch

He's breaking into the Sunday morning shows to push Rehnquist news

OMG. The idiot president is interrupting the morning talk shows to

MSNBC:"Last refugees evacuated from New Orleans" that's a LIE

That was taunting.

Celine ( replayed) on CNN again

Why the FUCK is there no ESTIMATED body count? Are we a 3rd world country



What's happening with the second round of torture pictures?

NOW is the time for blame. NOW is the time to point fingers.

I wonder what Al Franken's dittohead buddy

i don't know what this is,... but if one of y'all would go out and...

What is a Parish President?

Many video streams to the NOLA speeches by this nation's....

cbs radio news cuts away from bush for a....commercial LOL

President Gore...You act and speak for me...

FEMA's new spin attempt

Looks like the Sunday shows aren't buying the hurricane response spin

Tweety's Sunday program-they are ALL

After we get the people out...

What happens to Lake Pontchatrain?

Language matters: Refugees or victims?

Now Chertoff is saying that Victims will not be allowed to stay at home

Heard on Sunday morning talk shows so far

Don't hold your breath for hearings about disaster relief fiasco.

Boston: Meeting 3pm today. Goal: bringevaccuees from NO to NE US

Mary Landrieu on ABC with Stephanopoulus (sp?) was great!

Should we start calling Ann Coulter, "Adam Apple?"

What The Press Is Doing To Bush Today

Bob Schieffer rips the Government a new arse hole on FTN commentary


Bush seems genuinely saddened about R'quist. Quite a contrast

One DAY of Al GORE is better than 5 years of *

Where is Pat Robertson and his money when you need him?

We Must NOT Fill The Supreme Court Vacancies At This Time

I've GOT IT! The new Republican Plan for NO!

Georgia: Gov. suspends gasoline taxes, gas stations maintain high prices

FEMA suggests people give to Pat Robertson's charity

"Washington was like a dog watching television.

Has * helped hurricane victims in Mississippi more than those in NO?


So Bush can respond to Renquist's death in less then 24 hours

Next? Hurricane Maria? maybe not -- but then....

Abc"Police are overwhelmed,Quitting."

Murderer stands over their victim and says...

In a week of spin and counter-spin, there ARE evident FACTS

If U saw MTP then U Know This: ARREST BUSH!

DHS website: DHS assumes "primary responsibility" in natural disaster

The coming independent "Katrina Commission" timeline

Russert asked Chertoff if he will resign! MTP Now!

has anyone done a timeline

Dupe: Hostages being held by NOPD???

my letter to ray nagin...

In 3 weeks when the new television season begins,

Crowd control sonic 'lasers' to be used in gulf flood areas

The Democracy Cell Project is having a fundraiser for Hurricane Victims .

St. Tammany Parish President issues ban on alcohol, incl. restaurants

We the people are trying to help NO, the GOVT is preventing

Will the gulf coast disaster be a turning point for conservatives

Now that the press is catching on, watch for a flood of "Librul Media"

* just said to give $$ to the Red Cross - seems odd...

Mr. *: Where on earth could you have misplaced all our military choppers?

Interesting View from S China - Bush Under Siege

Doctument all information. Record what you can, or get time and station

Hate him or not, Russert will not let up on Chertoff

Anyone notice that Joe Biden is conveniently MIA

Empty words from a empty little man.

The Real News is on DU.

I think I've heard it all now.

Aaron Brown dissed by interviewee's t-shirt

Them & Us

Kookie-Whore-ROBERTS: "We're not interested in the Blame-Game"

Doesn't jackass shrub mean, "I pay my respects" not respect?

A Front Page photo you won't see in the US (graphic pic)

Do Democrats have enough numbers in Congress to stop a quorum?

President of Jefferson Parish.."we have been abandoned by America". MTP

Fox News Sunday is Surreal! It's like Disaster never happened.

Can someone get the transcript of Nancy Giles on CBS this am?

Time line and definitions needed

Citizen's Arrest, seriously........

DISGUSTING, Minutemen use Katrina disaster to raise funds for themselves!

I did not hear this morning anything about Lottie's new house.

Bill Kristol-"I don't think in the long run it matters very much politic-

Another Yahoo "photo collage" from their Most Emailed page...

Chertoff on NBC now

Scanner: trying to confirm 1000 people walking to convention center

wolf blitzer to trent lott: "we see the rubble of your home...

Katrina uproots students

Orrin Hatch is a LYING WEASEL!!!

I sent (yet) another letter-to-the-editor today - asking for

Bush worries about what it says to terrorist if we leave Iraq.

Can America ever get past the race issue?

Why is CNN promoting Feed the Children (F rated) for disaster relief?

please join me in henceforth forevermore referring to Condi Rice..

BUsh interrupts MTP>

You are the weakest link....Goodbye!

What if BushCo were Plumbers. While fixing a drip, they flood the basement

Was there enough active duty military (and equipment) available?

Lynn Sweet (Sun-Times) smacks the SHIT out of Bush RE: Katrina

Does anyone know of a Katrina Benefit CD?

Tim Russert asking tough questions???

All in unison on Mclaughlin Group

Ltr to Mitch McConnell RE: estate tax write, call complaint

Question: Anyone recall exactly when we DUers knew of levee break?

Scanner feed reporting HOSTAGES being held by NOPD!!

Says it all

It's too bad all those blacks in New Orleans are American citizens.

Where are the Candlelight Vigils?

Poll: Bush Not Taking Brunt of Katrina Criticism

Katrina: A bush league response from a bush league administration

How many think AAR should go live tommorrow. I think there is

CHEYNEY spotted in secret meeting with ROVE and the LAW AND ORDER GUY!!

Why don't they take all the miliary bases they've just closed down

How will the bastards survive the crisis? Easy:

It's Sunday and I am going repeat: Please see the McKinney hearings if

who thinks that this is not relevant to the criminality of the situation?

Kristol is a perfect example of neocon MO. Never admit you made a mistake

State & federal emergency response plans

What's wrong with "playing" the blame-game?




NAACP Press Conference on WWL-TV Now!

are any whores still stroking Bush?

places ,,Trucks are only allowed 100 gallons. my brother said comming back

2008 Republican Convention: Trent Lott's rebuilt house

Link to MTP transcript and Podcast

I've been looking at the Right Wing sites, they are arrogantly certain

FR: People Died Because Of "Bad New Orleans Health System"

Cokie Roberts - blecchhhh.

Did Bush initially decline offers of help from other countries because

George Will is a soul-less man. Not a whiff of compassion.

Link for BBC North. Com. waiting for Presidential Orders?

I just donated to the Humane Society disaster relief fund (please read)

IS Bush trusted by anyone, anymore? What is going on?...

Outrage of the hour: Tribune reporting Navy ship underused, USS Bataan!

Modern media and the ability to avoid catastrophes


NO Disaster: An Eventual Triumph for Bushco

If anybody wants to see a bunch of annoying righties eat crow

Justice and Liberty for All means EVERYBODY

U.S. Asks EU, NATO for Hurricane Aid

How many NO citizens are there and how many have been evacuated?

Response to Repuglican talking point " yada, yada Unprecedented Challenge

I will not give up my seat on this bus!!!

Black Conservative Hall of Fame

The other big elephant in the room: We are less safe now than before

Can anyone suggest a good relief organization to donate to?

NBC News: Rescue crews are leaving behind (uninformed) victims

Thank you website for nations offering help?

Why do we have gas again?

"Ever since August 30th of 2005"

Fuck Wolff - "Is Mayor Nagin getting ahold of his emotions?" I hate

WWL-TV: Daily Operations Update - Press Conference

You should watch Tweedy (Chris Mathews) on Sunday morning.

Why am I seeing Infantry units rolling into NO?

This is no time for finger pointing about Katrina!!

I heard an African-American minister on TV say that people should not

I'll bet there is ONE person who is happy to be out of his former

Anyone watching MSNBC? Who was...

Trent Lott called John Kerry for help

Times Picayune to Bush: "Lies don't get any more bald faced than that"


are we there yet? Treason

The DNC website has some "starter" attacks on *

Photo op bastard ..... caution head exploder!

Anybody see Celine Dion crack up & go off on U.S. administration..

POLL: Katrina & Supreme Court nominees

Norah O'Donnel is a world class idiot: " Bush thrives on being a crisis

Labor Day weekend - a bust = GUILT & high gasoline prices

I guess they *did* shoot to kill...

Bush GOTTA Go: He can't even save us from Katrina Bin Hurricane!

Chertoff ~ "The National Guard doesn't deploy in 24 hours unless it a HUGE

POLL: What kind of nominee will bush put up to replace Rehnquist?

cindy sheehan is on kgo

RIP William Rehnquist, BFEE Turdball.

Here is what I find vile and disgusting

Hit a nerve with righties with this: "Starve the Beast" in New Orleans

In all fairness these people were told Bin Laden was going to attack

Prediction: Massive Mutiny in Military over incompetence

Here's an idea.

There are two separate disasters

Landrieu: hastily prepared stage set for a Presidential photo opportunity

Even Stephen King could not write a book about darkness and evil


Has anything been heard from NOLA author Anne Rice? There is no info

"We are now flooding this place with resources" -Michael Chertoff on

GWB = Damien from The Omen???

chertoff spreading his lies to wolf right now: 11:42 CST

Question: Did Bill Clinton show up at WTC before Bush ?

Yes, we are a Third World country. We have been for a while now.

My son's company may send him to NOLA to help out but

Tuesday is where WE come in. Start contacting Senate/Congress and demand

Levee Band-aids??? Terrorist attack on levees UNFORSEEABLE?

General Strike!....Stay Home!....Don't buy gas!...Demand resignations!

what a NY priest said--worth reading on this "spin" Sunday....

They have nothing to lose now - duck and cover.

Looks like it's time to get FEMA

Has there been any news about NOLA resident Trent Reznor?

Wow - the 'water metaphors' must be the new talking points.

Navy ship nearby underused (a must read)

So they lowered the flag for Rehnquist's Death,

Murder by bureaucracy...

Guardsmen 'played cards' amid New Orleans chaos: police official

Interesting press conf from St. Bernard Parish

Condi in Church in AL with "her people".....Another Photo Op

Roll call

Have you guys noticed? Very little Rehnquist reporting in the news

I see other nations are outraged but will one open their doors...

Thank you to the people who are making these interviews available online.

Given the overwhelming success of this pResident's* prior decisions

If Bush wants to save any attempt at dignity he would ask Gore ...

So Black folks hate Cimpy's ass. Welp promote Justice Thomas.

They are starting to see the error of their ways.

China evacuates 600,000, 286,000, 291,000 people from coming storm

Is Nagin a republican in sheep's clothing

Idea for sticker or T-shirt

Rummy on CNN now 12:23 cst nt

Wolfie was interviewing previous senator who was cut off

my scanner thread, cause the other one is to long

"Shock and Awe" came back to bite us in the butt..

What the World is saying

Tourists story of survival in the dome....welcome to America!

Can someone provides a link of the video of Kanye West attack

Q: Am I the only one that looks at the devistation and thinks of Iraq?

Ladies & Gents, you are seeing the *govts idea of hard work.

WTF? Bush "joked around" in NO this past Friday??

I'm totally amazed that we've had press 'ops' with Bush, Chertoff,

Are the people allowed to go outside after they have been "put" into one

FEMA's Modest Disaster Plan is an echo of Swift's A Modest Proposal

The Pentagon should not be running the Disaster Relief

Anyone watching Rummy pace around behind Chertoff now?

200 New Orleans Police Quit, 2 Commit Suicide...

CNN: Nagin interview - - heads must roll, "thousands" have died

New site: KatrinaTempJobs now online in Houston.

I expect we will hear from Al Gore soon....

Idiot Son has humiliated and shamed the country again. WORSE THAN IRAQ

They are PURPOSELY holding this press conf under Military NOISE!

Donnie Rumsfeld & Dickie Myers are now in NO.

"The Cavalry Didn't Come" - heartbreaking video from MTP

Help, I just looked up directions to the Crawford Peace House

Maybe BushCo Inc. is an Al Qaeda sleeper cell?....

DE-WATERING New Orleans??

Tuesday is where WE come in. Start contacting Senate/Congress and demand

Blitzer: Your heart goes out to people like Broussard, but let's talk $$$

FEMA's solution to future New Orleans flooding (very dark sarcasm)

Bumper Sticker Idea

My sis sent me this link about Red Cross and their "war fund".

Pro stem cell people know thy competition

Gop tshirt idea

Fetus/Katrina satellite image CRAP leads WaPo story on "Act of God?"

Can we take up a special collection to help DU with the "level 3" cutbacks

Tinfoil-hat time.

Defending Mayor Nagin

State Dept has not accepted any of the offers of aid, money, help, machine

Death toll will climb past 15,000 as conditions worsen

Grading the Media for Truth so far...can't create a poll, so list???

The Far Right Death Cult

Why is so much of the media calling bullshit now?

It's Labor Day. Do you care?

The Bush regime doing what it does best: Peddle the blame elsewhere

French TV : Chirac discusses help to the US from his sickbed

JP Stevens to preside over Bush trial...if there is one.

I am so proud of my son and daughter in law.

Tourists were taken out of the Dome by Nat'l Guard

How can we show our solidarity with the people of New Orleans?

Kucinich's statement on Hurricane and government response

Am I watching a fucking political ad re: Roberts confirmation?!?!?

Here's a good place to make a monetary donation for Katrina victims

Is shrubco now attempting to have the military prevent news images of

The Bataan will be the Quarantine Ship/Death Ship for those with disease

The People of the U.S.A vs The Bush Administration


." And she drowned Friday night. She drowned Friday night.

Confused..........NO vs Miss?

"ignore your nation"

There needs to be a national day of protest -- a strike against Bush

wolf blitzer is a sorry excuse for a human being

bastard rumsfeld in New Orleans now on cnn - telling how

My Bush-voting mother responds to my email...

Is there a live streaming feed the BBC news?

You know these helicptor rescues are certainly spectacular.

Getting out of Delayed Enlistment

Ian Masters with another excellent radio show - on now!

Comedian's "war on poverty" joke last year at rethug dinner?

What's with the videos at Crooks and Liars?

We are going to be so screwed if terrorists strike the US again

Question about NOLA flood water

daily Kos: A Brush with Bush in NO

How will those in Shelters get back to identify their dead and funerals?

"Tuesday morning, I opened newspapers and saw" Chertoff

Consider giving to Oxfam America: helping with the *poor* in mind

Less than 2000 Police Held New Orleans for 3 days

Bush visit halts food delivery

Do these freepers EVEN look at how illogical their arguments are? LTTE in

Just what is Cheney's financial relationship with Halliburton?

Bush's FEMA Failed Us All.

18-year-old "pirates" a school bus, rescues 100 from NOLA

Feeling safer yet? Is "Homeland Security" a misnomer?

Gore ran into problem with FEMA in NO!

Chris Owens - Old School Rethug Stripper interviewed on CNN

I took my DNC matching funds request, and wrote a little message on it.

There ya go...MSNBC just said lots of rumors going around.

"Catch Me Now, I'm Falling" (Captain American song by the Kinks)

Nope. We're not there yet.

WTF!? Chertoff gets his details about whats going on from the newspaper?

"Its not the crime that'll get ya, its the coverup"

Can we verify: Is the convention center emptied, or not??

What's going to happen to the next $80 Bil Iraq War appropriation request,

What a FLOP - Failure to Lead On Purpose

"Let Them Eat Shit..."


Scrolling banner at London Times - US asks EU for emergency aide

Why is Honore saying that. He wasn't in charge until Thursday.

Stripes letter: (Not) Getting help from KBR (same deal as w/FEMA)

Mary Landrieu on ABC. "NOW, George!"

BREAKING! Just heard on CNN: re: The Dickster

So if the Pentagon is in control of the response to the disaster

Asked South Africans to help re Bassier sisters and shrub's fake photo op

I bought 20 IMPEACH BUSH bumper stickers and I'm giving them away

About Search and Recovery from

Now, More than ever, MOSH

Gen. Honore is sticking up for Gov. Blanco.


No f*ing popup Tents or shade hats for the I-10 strandees...


Bush put a sign on his desk this week . It said

We Need Comparisons of Fed Response in Similar, Past Situations

Rats & Alligator's eating corpses, dead bodies, animals floating...

"Impeach Bush" poster to download

Bill Mahr: Global Warming=Hurricanes on steroids...pass it on.

WHAT? Gas lines in NOLA still pressurized? Just saw on Faux

"No One Can Say they Didn't See it Coming" by Sid Blumenthal 08/31/05

Prediction: Watch 4 NOLA Scenes In Coming Army Recruitment Ads

Guardsmen 'played cards' amid New Orleans chaos

A painting that represents how I feel about the state of our country

So did you give blood, George?


I Predict That Clarence Thomas Will Be Made Chief Justice.

What do you make of the Arab countries making such huge donations?

REMEMBER KATRINA! This has to be our rallying cry for the next elections!

Bushco will now control future pictures out of NOLA....

God Bless Air America Radio!!!

What kind of concrete protest can we initiate????

ABC and the Washington Post deserve to be horsewhipped re: POLL

NO levies breached on purpose?

Elizabeth Edwards, if you're watching....

tweety matthews show

FEMA Head.. was "commissioner/steward" for>>>

General Honore

I can't stop grieving.

What would happen if Americans converge on the White House

On a lighter note, what happened to the Trolley Stop?

Photo: Helping His Family

The big picture I see now -- Repubs cannot continue to exploit 9/11

check out this blog

Bush Country!

Why would FEMA cut his communication lines?

WTF?!? The buses were waiting just 20 miles outside N.O. for 2 DAYS?!?


B*, the disaster expert

Chutzpah - Annotated update to Bush's efforts to avoid hurricane fallout

Alternative place to donate for Katrina relief: Mennonite Disaster Service

ON CNN now Mayor Dupre of Hattiesburg, Miss-FEMA wont release water

They better get a "John Wayne kinda dude" to head FEMA (Now!)

Pentagon official: '2/3 of NO police abandoned their jobs!'

Trying to understand the suffering

Meanwhile, 8000 miles east, 114 shy of 2000 dead troops.

Don't the freepers know what obvious jokes they are when they

Sheldon Hackney on CSPAN Book TV NOW

The world sees a 'society in collapse', and our 'just anger'

New Orleans death rate 10-12 per hour???

MUST READ from CNN: "The big disconnect in New Orleans"

General Honore spinning like a Neo-Con Stooge.

Apply for Camp Katrina Chief Activist Job - $15/hr. Make history.

Surefire way to dismantle the "local gov's fault" spin.

the metropolitan population of New Orleans ALONE was roughly 2 MILLION...

Remember When Shrub Promised The Hospital Ship?

Dennis K. said this on the floor...

So were the New York victims of Sept. 11 called refugees?

What up between Randi Rhodes and Rachel Maddow ...

Delays were cause by lower-level workers....a few bad apples...

It's really this simple....

Any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice

All that money to Homeland Security and for what?

Meet the Press, who's watching?

Heads Up San Antonio ** frustrated_lefty** surfaced

Bush = Nero, Fiddling While We All Burn *Picture*

RW mother talks about horrible people refusing to leave NO

I need input.

Talk about "aid and comfort to the enemy!" This administrations response

At least I haven't heard: "It's a time to rally around our President."

The "politics" of placing FEMA under Homeland security: a setup

Footer on CNN: Sixth Day of Search and Rescue

My letter to USA Today

"Just like Iraq...."

Anne Rice--What do people really know about New Orleans?

Would the mods please comment on this?

Remember the care and dignity every time a body was removed from the WTC?

When people at a sports network turns against a president...

I hate to say this to give them a hint, but Bush could win the hearts

Never thought I'd say this but

I cannot go to church today.

How would Bush have responded if terrorists blew up the levee?

Chertoff: "We need to prepare the country for what's coming"

Can someone repost Louisiana's new relief fund?

"The Constant Gardener" - GO SEE IT!!!

Europe knows the photo-ops were staged

How long before Bush appoints Gulliani in some Clinton/Bush Sr roll in NO

FEMA privatiized the 650 buses that rescued NO Superdome/Conv.Cen refugees


Looking for link to info that Red Cross was told it wasn't needed in NOLA

does bleach destroy DNA in tissue samples? . . .

on MSNBC right now . They Better Let Them Take That Dog With Them!

MSNBC: Ron Blome: "Here on the Redneck Riviera". Yep, he said it.

In honor of Condi Rice...

Nagin should make statement for Bush to stay the hell out of NOLA Monday

"There's a lot of coward men out there"

WalMart's hands in GOP pockets?

Life After the Oil Crash

Meanwhile: Iraq civil war fears grow

Why Bush won't get away with this...

A new "Fighting them over there" meme:

Bush creates fake food distribution point for photo op

Condi should be INSULTED and should resign immediately!!!

What's the Matter with White Folks?

Freeperville has nothing but skinheads left that are

Vid Clip-To be the richest country in the world and have this happen

Bush's Character

Soledad O'Brien just showed a store where none of the wine was

So what happens when Bush appoints the Chief Justice that will preside

What exactly does freaking Homeland Security do, anyway?

Why are they checking people's bags AFTER they get off the planes?

For The Blame The Locals Dept.

What happens in Florida when a hurricane approaches, Lake

Get that Ugly Bastard Off My TV Screen.

The Human kindness we've seen

Here is what you get with Republicans running the government

"Tidal Wave of compassion"

Who's doing a better job of destroying America, Osama or George?

Steve Gillard Rants- WE TOLD YOU SO (a must read)

all the levee fixing equip. went away after smirk's photo-op

I'm Ready for more Freeway Blogging..Need Suggestions.

has Halliburton opened it's Houston hiring office for hurricane work?

A passive Auschwitz is what I've seen on t.v.

Bumpersticker...I can produce this one, will ship for free.

Debunk the Spin: Reporters were running all around the city from day 1

Just think, the Dixie Chicks were ahead of the times when they slammed

Michael Moore showed the world that Bush is nothing but a cowardly

"Until the last drop of blood is spilled for the last drop of oil."

Why not DU this FOX NEWS Poll? Waste of time you say,

"White House Shifts Blame" vs. Emerg. Decl. + Aug. 29 AF1 Press Briefing

Well worth reading - Katrina comments by Joshua Marshall -

Nagin: "If the CIA slips me something and next week you don´t see me "

LABOR DAY: We need a national leader to DEMAND resignations and get Am

Sunday papers (including conservative ones) rip Bush hurricane response

Cokie Roberts said Bush will lose his reputation as being a strong

Does anyone watch the revolving Military-to-Corporate door?

What do you think the death toll will be?

Vid Clip-Yesterday- Carole Moseley Braun on CNN

Should corporations serve human need at the cost of private profit?

'Times-Picayune' Letter to Bush: Calls for Firing of FEMA Chief

Shut UP, Doris Kearns Goodwin!

Watch Celine Dion on Cnn video at the home page

Need a button in Italian for my trip there

Chimpy and his ignorance, budget slashing, war mongering to blame

Mayor of Hattiesburg says 'FEMA? Who is FEMA?'

No copters allowed to fly while Bush was in NO.

3 justices, coming right up...

Schieffer Video is Up: Washington was like a dog watching television.

A T-Shirt I Would Buy In Bulk

This just in - Chief Justice Rehnquist going to Hell...

Dick Cheney to country. Ef off. I'm taking my five full weeks vacation.

So they are arresting the so-called looters and a boy who

Did anyone see the 20-yr old Peter Henry interviewed on BBC America?

'Make no mistake', these people are NOT interested in governing

Vote up this important article: "Despite Warnings, Washington Failed

Fascinating, I was just watching CNN and guess what they are showing

Don't "Politicize" Tragedy? The Tragedy is Political (Lot of truth here)

Truth be told.


Poor, Black, and Left Behind

Please DU this poll: United Methodist Church's gay-friendly conference

Will there be criminal charges laid against FEMA?

George musta gotten advice from poppy.. (Andrew response)

Actually Cokie, I am interested in the "blame game"

Plame indictments...any indication they are coming???

Anyone know what that Neocon putz David Vitter has been doing?

How about collecting some links from the international press?

Natl Guard Crimes in Super Dome and NO - Rapes, Murder

Singer Macy Gray Volunteers at Astrodome

A tinfoil-hat look at the New Orleans tragedy


bush hauls ass to replace justice

Why Didn't ALL the Senators Use Their Private Jets to Help Evacuate

Where oh where are the adults?

Bush will attempt to carry the fetus of a hurricane victim

Bob Sheiffer Blasts the response to Katrina (video)

Attention: Web Research Junkies: Can someone, please,

Canada sending medical supplies, beds to U.S.

"If you starve a dog, they'll follow you anywhere".

So, is Gore running in '08?

So has martial law been declared??

OKay, Repubs, who are you going to believe ??

Do you think Bush's decisions have been "crisp" lately?

Would anyone be interested...

I'm sicken to be a white person right now

Sunday-Coast Guard finding families-10ppl& more lying in bed dying

Did Condi EVILmelda get her shoes dirty at church today?

CNN has video of Celine up now.

Any reports of military recruiting at the hurricane shelters?

Please: Physical labor in assistance? >

musician ALEX CHILTON among the MISSING in New Orleans

This Is Worse Than A Nuclear Bomb On Washington

On-Point: Hurricane Katrina-Special Coverage (WBUR/NPR) Taking Calls!

Bush failed by even his own standards

When did Halliburton get the contract to clean up the gulf states in

Request for a link:

Astrologic forecast today for New Orleans, specifically: (creepy)

Don't you just hate those excitamentalists, always worried about

Fear: Is this going to fade away if Democrats don't start yelling??

No concept of personal responcibility...

Police have killed at least a dozen in New Orleans today

So, 'coordinated incompetence' is the euphemism for what?

Are Las Vegas casinos NOT comping rooms to the NO police force???

Why is DU and Daily Kos 'censoring' Katrina?

Where is the memorial service? National Cathedral ?

So Fox has exclusive TV coverage on the ground in New Orleans?

LIHTDI - The truth of the matter on Bush**'s NOLA/Gulf failure.

Need a malloy link

The Loser Presidency.

Why isn't EVERY flag flying at half staff?

JEEZUS, STFU dumb@$$ FREAKS about victims "too dependent"

Strong Steady Leadership

These racists are truly despicable

Apartments available in Sugarland, Texas

Bush did NOT show leadership on 9/11 either!!!!

actually removing these maniacs from our govt. seems so silly doesn't it?

Link to EarlG's intetrview with the BBC?

Wolf Blitzer blames Clinton for levee disaster... Surprise!!

NPR - "On Point"

Bush = Failure

How are the Bush twins / Laura and Barbara going to contribute?

No American City Has Security Under *'s "Homeland Security"

Jesus H. Christ. Get a load of this Broder column

If it was "incompetence", why no accountability?

nola proves: geoge bush cannot protect us

The stages -- I've done disbelief and anger; think depression's setting in

DU Brainstorm thread - PETS How do we get the relief organizations

Live-8 in Perspective: Gut wrenching look in the mirror for many of us.

Did the Abu Graib pics release fall through the cracks? I thought

Did a guy from the Army actually say this?

Holy shit -- police shot 8 people carrying guns on NO bridge!!

All of these "Violent, lawless, animalistic ******" stories I keep hearing

Ok.....we have over a million people who have lost their homes

Storm Exposes Dissaray at theTop (WP)

I hate it when I have hope the MSM will tell the truth, then it's back to

Hurricane Katrina: Why is the Red Cross not in New Orleans? anybody know how to find the high resolution maps there?

Need mechanic in Denver to fix camper truck to give to hurricane survivor.

US accepts offer of UN help in Katrina aftermath

I'm so afraid shrub is going to get away with murder again.

Geraldo just rescued a 70yo lady and her dog !

5-8 people shot dead on a bridge in NO

Excuse me while I vent. For my republican friends...

Former Bush team member says 9/11 likely inside job


What's Falwell and Robertson doing to help the victims?

The Front Page of today's Atlanta Journal & Constitution

Open Letter to the Religious Right

more storms developing during the peak of hurricane season

Since when do Americans

Turn and face the camras

Is AOL pulling a Comcast - censoring emails?

Who saw that Dr on MSNBC who said, To tell you how bad FEMA is

Wow: Poor Black & Left Behind, written Sept '04

call for help: people still stranded in NOLA

What I think is going to happen to Bush over Katrina...

The ineptitude is crystal clear

Red Tape Keeps 100s of Doctors From Caring for Katrina Victims

Reeps call for scheduling of 2008 Convention in NOLA?

Donated to Red Cross at Lowes and they doubled it

Guy interviewed by Rita Cosby, (I have the sound off) said that we

CNN PSY-OP! "Frustration!" Celine should listen to "Gen. Honore!"

Aggressive Response Wanted, Fostered, Promoted:

Was that Condi-Liar SLEEPING in CHURCH just now on CNN???

What Happened to The BBC Report on Bush "holding back Northern Command"?

Yoooo hoooo Condi.. Hope you "didn't leave home without these"

What about Maria?

A lot of pictures - Warning, some graphic

President Hugo Chavez is saying he got a letter with apology

How can anyone like *??

WTF is going on... FEMA crippling communications! I am pissed

Sounds to me like Operation Clusterfuck continues

Help Catalog Ways FEMA Is Making Things WORSE.

Next Wednesday I'm going in to Pascagoula, Mississippi.

Law enforcement have absolutely lost their minds

FEMA, Michael D. Brown, Joe Allbaugh, and Halliburton

"If this were Brentwood CA, they would have been evac'ed in limos"

April 2001: GWB speaks about tax relief in NOLA (oh, the irony)...

The Looting and Violence in NOLA Was and Is Real

Gore to give major speech in Portland Tuesday night

Monday "Pageant" in N.O.: program released yet????

I am sick and tired of this administration...

very short video from Mr_King MUST SEE

Dipping His Toe Into Disaster


How Will bushler** Fare at the Mon. NO Photo-Op?

Haley Barbour wouldn't lie to help Bush would he?

People STILL trapped in NO - talking to woman trapped in house

Rehnquist has been dead for 4 days !

So WHO is politicizing hurrican Katrina?

Now that frustrated_lefty has checked in,

US telcoms apparently refusing collect calls from stranded Britons

Rehnquist is Dead

AP: New Orleans Police Shoot 8 On Bridge; 5 Dead


Will Flood victims be able to file for bankruptcy?

So WHO is politicizing hurricane Katrina?

Some relevant posters:

Pastors pledge political unity on social front (An American Tale)

Police Scanner: Two offices under fire at cathedral..

"Let them have Bush! They will see!"

Even Jesus wants to smack Bush...

A little gift reply for Fundy Katrina/Abortion Spam

"Law enforcement have absolutely lost their minds" per NOLA blogger --

Been thinking...

Christiane Amanpour has arrived in the French Quarter...

Witt on CNN: FEMA has been disected

FEMA knew storm's potential, Mayfield says

Police are shooting Army Corps of Engineers employees?

Frist on CNN now

When warlords and corrupt governments prevent aid

Quote to meditate on

PFAW on the death of Rehnquist

Found: Partial transcript for *'s 2006 press corps dinner

contractors NOT killed ...

Katrina victims needing help with debt/bankruptcy issues, I'm glad to help

So how much of this is BULLSHIT?

Why so many conflicting re: shooting...John roberts just said on CBS

James Lee Witt with Rita "Wheezy" Cosby on MSNBC

Comic Relief?

Is Jason Blair writing for the AP?

Federal Government didn't have to wait for local authorities!

So, how do the retugs know if bush is a straight talker if all his events

What's Dubya's blood-group, and why haven't we seen him giving blood

Jesse on MSNBC now

The Supreme Court can operate fine with 7 justices

When does Meet the Press reair???? I've been to the CNBC and

Frist is hanging out at NOLA airport. Volunteering?

A Streetcar Named Despair.

Bush's photo op was faked

EUROPE! - - THE WORLD!!!!!!! Can you help to preserve history?

EarlG on BBC?

Pin the tail on the chimpanzee

Could September 24th March Change America

My town gets ready for refugees arrival.


FREEPER quotes on bridge shootings (prior to knowing it was friendly fire)

Various reports: "water is receding". Can anyone explain HOW this is

WWL-TV: Shooting on bridge story changes again ( ** for 3rd time!!! ** )

Keep Karl Rove's name front and center in the lies and disinformation

Calling SwampRat or other graphic artist--calling for your expertise

Just on CNN. The police SAVED the contractors.

Dr. Cat Mengela Frist is working at the NO airport!!.

cudos to Anderson Cooper for keeping the pressure on!!!

NBC News: now talking about Brown (FEMA's Head)

PROOF! The Media exaggerates black crime study!

HAVE Y'ALL HEARD ONE GUNSHOT during all the live coverage?

James Lee Witt on Anderson Cooper

President Jefferson Parish sobbing uncontrollably

I want answers!!!!

The Gumbo of Wrath

If Liberals have any balls...

Are police shooting contractors to keep them from repairing levee?

Dead contractors = result of rePUKE AND MEDIA "LOOTER" HYSTERIA

This Queensryche exerpt fits our current situation

MAYOR NAGIN to be on 60 minutes

Nagin up next on 60 Minutes......

Mayor Nagin coming up on CBS 60 Minutes!

CNN - NO police shot 8 contractors per Army Corp of Engineers?

anyone got link to video clip of Broussard?

60 Minutes! 60 Minutes! DU'ers This should be good.

Since Katrina hit New Orleans, the situation that has been ....

MSNBC - Richard Zuschlag "ambulance driver" actually said "Mission will be

who are these lame reporters cnn have today?

Just in on CNN... Contractors were fired on by gunmen, and responding

"House Burning Down" by Jimi Hendrix

NO Mayor Ray Nagin is STILL Pissed -------- -------- -------- > MP3

If this was a terrorist attack that caused the levee to break.

Haven't most (two-thirds) of the NO police turned in their badges?

Governor Blanco's letter is all we need to hang them out to dry.

Is Mayor Nagin being interviewed on CBS? can't find a thread.

Heads up Nagins gonna be on 60 Minutes & he is still pissed

Where are the Zodiac boats?

I need a links to the threads about help being turned away and any

Is someone going to challenge Trent Lott in 2006?

There is a house...In New Orleans

The outright breaks with expected behavior of Bush Ad now seems sinister.

NO Police did NOT kill contractors.

Latest Version: Police killed a Gunman and 5 other people with with him

300k Broadband BBC Stream here:

State Dept. Helps you spot Disinformation


Need help....

Woohoo, America's No. 1!!!

Help NOLA zoo animals

during the '64 Alaskan earthquake, my dad was in the Army

The Siege of New Orleans 2005

All the focus on Sen. Landrieu, WHERE IS the other senator from LA?

Rescuers say they can't save all, how many choppers do they have?

Is it possible for the citizens to bring a class action lawsuit


The time has come for all good people to come to the aid of their country

United States of Shame

Pentagon's top investigator has resigned under suspicion...

BushCo has found their new BoogieMan

Is This The End for Bush and The Republicans?

proposed letter to my representatives

Volunteers Needed

HHS: "West Nile virus, hepatitis A, salmonella and E. coli"

FEMA, Schmema! Our NATIONAL security sold down the levee by Bush & the GOP

Nagin: Mosquitos will bite the dead spreading disease thru the South

Bangladesh P.M. Announces Donation of $1 Million to U.S. Hurricane Victims

Jim Morin (Cartoonist, Miami Herald) Hits the mark

"If I have to lie, steal, cheat or kill; as God as my witness..."

Enough is enough. You want to run the U.S.A. like a business?

He's got the perfect back-up in CONDI, doesn't he?

Hannity's unchecked irrational hatred of liberals.

Iraq and Katrina: Response not proportional to actual threat

The "Ignore It, and It Will Go Away" President`

Is there just not much to say about Rehnquist?

Helping the animals: Noahs Wish (please read if you want to help)

"The Latest Corrections" on Associated Propaganda...

faked 'photo ops' --some links

CNN reporting - rescue helicopter has crashed in NO

131 Britons missing after Katrina hits U.S.

Dupe - delete

OK...try again...

"Pride goeth before the fall"

National Geographic 2004/Gone with the Water

Baton Rouge anchorman says AP latest correction says...

Anyone just see Christiane Ammanpour and Anderson Cooper on CNN?

Will the LA survivors get more compensation than the 9/11 survivors?

WWL Radio Nagins said 2 suicides of people assisting in

Must Read! Larry Johnson on Katrina and Criminal Negligence

60 Minutes on CBS now; Nagin interviewed. nt

Media wants a nice clean wrap to the NO story--* was supposed to

A rescue helicopter has CRASHED

Katrina Timeline

Can somebody give me a quick answer about DU's problems?

Breaking: Rescue helicopter crashed

Skeletor Chertoff is one scary looking guy. It's hardly reassuring that

Julia Reed on the radio, I turned it off, and that triggered the

Rebuild New Orleans as a canal city like Venice

New Orleans Changes EVERYTHING.

"Blame game" = Republican spin. Counter with "Accountability"

Something we can do--Boycott media for their coverage!!!

"I don't believe for a minute..."-Condoleeza Rice

ACTVISM ALERT: Don't let ** get away with breaking the Gulf Coast

50 ice trucks sitting in Hattiesberg! FEMA refuses to send!

Was "security risk" TRUMPED UP to provide an EXCUSE for non-response?

So much for "God's punishment" -- CNN showing demolished churches.

Is CNN fucking NUTS????

This pictures says it all

They were doing the Halliburton deal before the order to Northern Command

WWL-TV: First Cholera death reported

What chemicals were in the chemical plant that burned?

Habitat for Humanity (donate to no-one else)

High-Res Areial Images of Superdome and rest of NOLA - Major 56K Warning

Freeway Blogging the Katrina Cluster-F*ck

Can someone explain what this freeper is saying?

Where's the home video?

Animals, cross post dailykos request for help

Are the Dem Leaders staying away for a good reason?

YAHOO:Despite Warnings, Washington Failed to Fund Levee Projects VOTE UP!

If it takes the military 4 days to stage, what the hell are they worth?


Dems can get it all back if they are up to the challenge.

50 Amazing photos from the Italian Press

Need the graphic of bush playing guitar with NO in background

ABC/WP POLL : 55% Bush not to be blamed

Racism? Let me tell you a story,

Haley Barbour and Carole Strayhorn

do black people feel betrayed by Condoleeze (aka Imelda) and Colin?

Has anybody seen Dick Cheney?

What 's Nagins beef with Blanco?

bush ineptitude forcing change in report @ FAUXnews...

Ppl coming out of NO waters with chemical burns on skin now.

What is the total for Americans dead while Bush vacationed?

Where is Jeanne Meserve? I asked this a couple days ago too...

Who among you WOULDN'T loot if you found yourself in similar circumstances

Mary Landrieu to Bush: "I'll Punch Him" (video)

Jefferson Parish: "We have declared ourselves a seperate country"

I've said it before and I'll say it again -- these people are IDIOTS

Action Item: re: half-staff flags.......faked repair scenes

For all those hopeful about Oprah's response


Re: NOLA, breathless Rita Crosby sez, "I basically almost cried."

When the election rolls around in 2 months

How to deal with RAGE at relatives / friends / colleagues???

WWL Baton Rouge reporting from live ACoE press conference

Holy Shit, AP is saying that it was CONTRACTORS shot on the bridge.

Did you see that dog in a tree on CNN?

CBS Sunday Morning - MUST READ!

Ever wonder why New Yorkers detest George Bush?

Bush jr. falls = business administration with Clinton and Bush sr.?

Norw. top news: "New Orleans left to the dead and dying"

PLEASE BLAST MEDIA NOW--we need to cut * off at the pass!

Iran is behind Katrina (Venezuela also involved). fake article . =/ .

The Titanic analogy really is apt

F**k it. We need to start saying it loud and without delay:

Oprah is doing a show Tuesday about Katrina.

Other Democratic Leaders should do what Gore just did

Earlier this morning there was a post about 60 people in a school

"in the moments of crisis you take care of the poor first"

Anyone Hear About A 6 AM Appearance By Bush? Suspended Some Laws?

Dean Statement on Frist Push for Estate Tax

Anyone else moving to the numb/weary stage?

Grover Norquist blames chaos in NO on Dem Mayor & Dem Gov

Bush Inc are "touring" Nawlins like they "tour" Iraq

Fed Response to Katrina Gets Thumbs Down---Rasmussen

Jefferson Parish - NO suburb

How much has Israel and Saudi Arabia donated to Katrina relief?

***REQUEST: Can you help with data for an IT project for Katrina relief?**


It is time to begin archiving the developments of this travesty

Ok, so they did threaten Nagin. That's my only explanation for no more

One of our own needs help setting up "Camp Katrina" in D.C.

LA Times/ Troops find no violence, no mobs in New Orleans, just despair

Landreau On "This Week" Threatens To Punch Bush If He Keeps Criticizing!

Pentagon now targeting the Chuck E Cheese set as future cannon fodder

If anyone saved New Orleans, it was the Liberals

Not one Levee broke

Aaron Broussard-Pres. Of La. parish ROCKS!!!!

This is the death of democracy in America. This is the end.

Another LIE debunked: The NOPD did NOT have cops walking off the job!

about the two ladies Bush posed with ...please read

Why I don't think Bush will get away with it.


Official thread for documenting govt refusal of aid for NO

You think it's bad for Bush now? Wait till they start pulling bodies out

"disaster management in New Orleans had been privatised"

General Honree on FAUX just now defended the local N.O. / LA officials

I feel great. A freeper tried to argue with me on the road.

uh-oh, I *might* be going to jail

Crooks and Liars is having trouble serving up videos now...(mirror here)

Think of the children. Please. Think of the children.

Should Bush be allowed to put mark on Supreme Court for decades to come?

kid that saved a bus load of people is now in jail for stealing bus


More on the Gore flights

Chris Owens, New Orleans burlesque queen GUSHES over Bush!

CBS takes off the gloves!

I cried after reading this: World offers cash, aid to stricken southern US

I Met Lawrence Sherman and Willis Matthews Today

Bush will attempt to breastfeed a black infant on Monday

Via Atrios: For the record, the AUGUST 27 declaration from the WH

Video of MTP interview Jefferson Parrish President

Katrina Audio, Video & Image Archive

Spontaneous Protest Against Bush on NYC Streets

REAL weather control technology- We as a nation need to develop this idea.

Offical DU nickname for Chertoff

FEMA cutting phone lines in Jefferson Parish why? Swamp Rat


Why Bush is doomed (seriously)...


"a unique opportunity to see Al Gore" Portland! Tuesday! pls call CSPAN

A Medieval Siege. This whole thing has been about FEMA control...


REPOST: Eloriel's thread. Plus a word on conspiracy theories

I was thinking of what to make for dinner tonight....

CBC, last bastion of the neo-cons

The shit has hit the fan in the USA

Revealed: MI6 plan to infiltrate extremists (and steer them from violence)

BBC is saying that everyone who wants to leave NO has done so -

London to host Aids conference

British firm under fire for staging beauty pageant which 'props up Mugabe

Fellow Yuckers - what did you make of Chimpy's comment

150 Britons missing after hurricane

Triple-A Tory perjury club: Aitken, Archer and now Allason

Guardsmen 'played cards' amid New Orleans chaos: police official

Anti-US bloggers hail Katrina

Great Link to Louisiana Newspapers

Chief Justice Rehnquist Dies of Cancer

Some Astrodome evacuees sent to other shelters

Beazley slams Govt hurricane response

Rove's Texas residency status negates D.C. tax deduction

Renquist Dead

Doctors: Taser stopped teen's heart

Blacks pay higher mortgage rates, study says

Bodies Are Strewn 'Like Roadkill'

"You're on your own," Britain's victims told

Bush officials visit devastation left by Katrina (Rice, Rumsfeld)

Katrina criticisms echo past complaints against Bush

NO will be a ghost town for 9 months

Rising costs, Katrina fuel rush on gas coupon sales in Europe (AAFES)

New Orleans Begins to Deal With Its Dead

Saddam Hussein Trial to Start Oct. 19th

Axis of Evil Country, Iran, Offers Help

Saddam Hussein trial will start Oct. 19

Four Policemen Killed in Taliban Attacks in Afghanistan

Pensions, CEO package helped push Boeing strike

BREAKING! Just heard on CNN: re: The Dickster

Chertoff: Feds in Control of New Orleans

UN head's son 'traded on his father's name'

UN: High Ranked United Nations Official Is Arraigned On Money Laundering C

Treasury Department sends members of police force to New Orleans

CNN: Shelter in Biloxi closed after 20 fall ill (dysentery!)

Taxpayers likely to foot flood insurance costs

At least 200 police officers leave New Orleans force

Pope sends Vatican aid to Katrina victims

AP: Kanye West fumes on TV fundraiser

Saddam Hussein Trial to Start Oct. 19 (AP/Guardian)

Iraq's al Qaeda says Katrina is "wrath of God"(Reuters)

Hurricane Katrina-Special Coverage (WBUR/NPR Taking Calls)

Iran, Afghanistan Offer Help To Katrina Victims

HSUS Disaster Teams To Reach Stranded Pets in New Orleans

Hitchhiking From Squalor to Anywhere Else

Katrina Damages New Orleans Landmarks (news and speculation from Yahoo!)

Iran rejects EU nuclear warning (Scotsman)

IEA: Global energy crisis threatens (Katrina fallout)

Revealed: MI6 plan to infiltrate extremists

U.N. urges some staff to leave Afghanistan

Chad activists say oil revenues fail to help poor (Reuters)

Celine Dion pledges $1 million for Katrina relief; takes swipe at Iraq war

(New York Mayor) Bloomy blasts feds' 'inadequate' response to hurricane

Bush creates fake food distribution point for photo op

Insurers face $40bn claims after Katrina

HHS Chief: Katrina Death Toll in Thousands

Natl Guard Crimes in Super Dome and NO - Rapes, Murder

Decay Bites Ever Deeper Into Poor Children's Teeth

Texas May Not Be Able To Take More Evacuees

US Promises Sunnis to Free All Iraqi Detainees

Clashes with Kurdish terrorists kill 120 Iranian police in five months

Chief Justice Rehnquist Dies of Cancer...

Australian experts sent to US disaster zone

call for help: people still stranded in NOLA

New Orleans collects dead as officials dodge blame


Stripes: DOD medevacs on the scene of New Orleans ‘chaos’

Bush: prompt action needed on court vacancies (Reuters)

NO Police did NOT kill contractors.

AP: 5 Contractors NOT Killed on New Orleans Bridge (Army Corp Engineers)

CNN: Katrina medical help held up by red tape

California governor warns of tax increase if voters turn down his spending

Police Shoot 8 on New Orleans Bridge

Spontaneous Protest Against Bush on NYC Streets

Corps: Contractors Killed in New Orleans (Per moderator, to *repost*)

New Orleans turns attention to its dead (Shooting in NO)

Not one Levee broke

New Orleans Begins Counting Its Dead

Haves, Have-Nots ... Less than a Half-Mile Apart in N.O.

Kuwait Donates $500 Million For Hurricane Relief

Cheney postpones visit to Canada

John Grisham to donate $5M to Katrina relief

WP: Bush Says Rehnquist's Death Is a 'Great Loss' (of a Racist comrade)

Times slams NBC's censoring of West (criticizing Bush)

Venezuela Increases its Aid to U.S. by Another $1 Million

Chavez accepts apology from Robertson but still might sue

Alabama native Rice heads home to help

Some evacuees see religious message in Katrina

Doctors Hamstrung in Relief Efforts (Drs turned away)

New Orleans Law Officers, Overwhelmed, Are Quitting the Force

CNN Reporting:Coastguard Helo Crash

US accepts UN hurricane aid--AFP

Bloomy blasts Bush, feds' 'inadequate' response to hurricane

Zarqawi: US deserved Katrina

Bush Administration Puts Katrina PR Campaign Into Overdrive

Poll: Bush Not Taking Brunt of Katrina Criticism

Bush Says He'll Fill Vacancies Promptly

Rice defends Bush's Katrina response in visit to Alabama

UK government sending 500,000 ration packs to hurricane relief effort: BBC

HSBC sued over credit card 'cartel'

An Angry 'Times-Picayune' Calls for Firing of FEMA Chief and Others (E&P)

Labor Day: Wendys and Halliburton offer gays no job protection

Okinawa troops bracing for Super Typhoon Nabi

Trapped (Aussie) tourists tell of struggle to survive (in NOLA -3rd World)

Navy ship nearby underused (a must read)

Knight Ridder Exposes Horse Judge Background of FEMA Chief

Iran’s leader calls for greater “jihad” against Israel

Moble Register: Cruise ship becomes shelter

Red tape keeping much of military on sidelines

Katrina's victims poorer than US average

U.S. Asks European Union and NATO for Emergency Aid

Report: Police shoot gunmen

Where are gas profits going?

Few heed call to cut gas prices (Atl JC)(greed at the retail level)

Haven from fury Mercy Flight Brings Evacuees to ET (Al Gore at NOLA)

Louisiana official haunted by drowned woman (*note: very emotional)

Entergy re-entering New Orleans with Nat'l Guard

Russert Tears Up Homeland Security Chief (Are you planning resignation?)

Al Gore to speak on Global Warming Tuesday in Portland OR

NYT: Bush Faces Rising Complaints About Handling of Disaster

Katrina Evacuees Distraught Over Pets

I need a theme for next week's show

This breaking news just in: Generalísimo Francisco Franco is still dead

Forgive me! I love college football fans.

Where in the hell was Nostradamus?

Kenny vs Spenny is on GSN now

one man's ceiling

I've been away for DU for over a month...

Good night, Underground Democrats.

i got the band to say "Bush Hates Black People" over the PA...

My mother on the phone...trying to blame state and local authorities

Had company all evening; has anyone declared Martian Law in the Lounge?

Woo! I made it out of the 700 Club!


I have a dilemma. Any suggestions?

where is enigmatic??????

Any DILDO fans?

I haven't been on DU for a while.

I need a part-time sitter in NY

When I was a kid, I use to get these weird pains in my legs....

I have this uncontrollable urge to smoke weed and drink

Good Morning, Everybody!

The commie said clinton's penis told him not to...

I have to take a few days off from politics and current events

Republican Logic At Work - Who's at fault?

Can anyone help me choose a computer ?

Just so everyone knows, FrustratedLefty just reported in GD!

Won't you come along with me.. Down the Mississippi..

Really scary picture

My boyfriend bought me a 1983 Honda Civic

I am auctioning of "vintage" gas on eBay ask me anything

Had connectivity problems yesterday, Did I miss anything?

SHHHHH! Weasel in the walls...

Why is there SO much traffic on the site??

C'mon everybody cheer up! It's time again for the Viking Kittens!!

Sad (Dubya) joke I just made up.

George, "nobody could forsee the levees failing " Bush

There are many things that can slice cheese.

How do you go about getting permission to use copyrighted AP photo? nt

I got no sleep last night....ask me anything.

Support Katrina victims DUMP BUSH

avi or mpg?

the simple things

Why are my neighbours torturing me?

Condi Rice to make statement from Walla Walla, Washington!!

How do you clean your hard drive and reinstall Windows XP?

Not just for the football fans among us.

Floridians, one year ago, we were bracing for this one.

The adverage American will spend and extra $600 in gas

i'm sitting here in tears

SEARS will match your donation to the Red Cross at its retail stores!

Here is what pisses me off about HD Radio...

Just a little distraction from all the death and destruction.

I dreamed my mom ranted against Ted Nugent

An evening with chickpeas............

Remembering Labor Day weekend, '73

This is off-topic - but the other nite I had a dream

A total turn-arround: Celine Dion

I may be selfish due to the fact...

If you weren't angry about Katrina before....

What DUers do we have yet to hear from?

I should have bought a non-stick cookie sheet years ago . . .

Simple Geek question: I lost all the instructions for my Scanner

I hate to be callouse.....

Baby Pandas are responsible for the moral decay of America.

Lazy September Morning: My break from reality

The UN has experience helping disasters like New Orleans

I am responsible for the moral decay of America.

"It's the most wonderful time of the year ..." (candy corn time!)

Do you jazz up your headlines if no one responds within the editing time?

Will New Orleans be re-built as a Disney theme park?

More Geek Stuff...

"Catch Me Now, I'm Falling" (Captain American song by the Kinks)

Where is DeposeTheBoyKing?

Please post the image of the President eating cake with John Mcaine

Andy Roddick's mojo is responsible for the moral decay of America!

Well, I'm at the top of my form today... every guy on Davie St .

Boston is responsible for the moral decay of American culture

So GD is still in batshit crazy mode after Renquist died

Sin City......... meh.

Interesting exercize video

We can't post polls when DU is at Level 3

RevActs is responsible for the moral decay of American culture

"The Constant Gardener" - GO SEE IT!!!

Larry is responsible for the moral decay of America!

This is not a poll

We're really in trouble now.

This is not a troll

Let's all go see "The Exorcism of Emily Rose" Friday night!

Check out this photoshop of bunnypants' serenade

Something Awful is SO my new favorite website.

Everyone check in!

ACTVISM ALERT: Don't let ** get away with breaking the Gulf Coast

6 FEMA people are sleeping at my house...Ask me anything.

Is there a "Newspaper Headline" Generator?

Hey, is Mrs. Grumpy here?

I have spent 2 days shopping for a vaccuum! Ask me anything!

Giant cabbage takes fair's grand prize

My heart hurts

WOW!!! Great Brewer game!

And if this is your army, why does it go?

I'm not a coward. I want what you want, but we need the nobles.

Gene Simmons Rock school - Why do they let that letch near preteen

AHHHHHH! We're at death-con 3!!!

Yet another DUer's child is off to Iraq. Offer good thoughts to Binka and

Refined sugar is responsible for the oral decay of America.


Has BOSSHOG posted at all lately? I know he was

Hwænne one þreows a sæþ into the time geweorpan velþ

You're on your own, Britain's victims told

Skinner rescue team report here!!!

What movie(s) do you regard as missed opportunities?

I think SOteric is bored

Need a web site with exercise how-to's on it.

Christ that Red Cross commercial with Johnny Cash

Even though I can't access "My Posts" right now...

Time for music that makes you think


Two former Survivors are going to make a surprise appearance

Know why I'm here?

This is my first day off in a month

I'm drinking a Vernors...

I dreamed my mom rubbed against Ted Nugent.

I think Bushco was surprised

Checking in from Clearwater, FLA

I want to move to Alaska, my wife says...................

Does anyone understand how difficult it is to lose weight whilst

George W. Bush has to be the worst public speaker ever to be president.

Frankly, I'm not saddened by the passing of ancient right wingers

Imperative Reaction Lyrics...

Please, please call your congressmen tomorrow.

There is a house...In New Orleans

Songs for the Katrina victims...

So who the fuck wants to have a beer with assclown now?

7 to 9 more hurricanes expected maybe bush has a chance to improve

Is dressing a small dog like a person "animal abuse"?

Had a few drinks. Ashk mee anyshing.

Crossword puzzlers. Please help with this test. I subscribe to the NYTimes


Will someone please give George Bush a BJ in the Oval Office?

Sexy thread

The City Of New Orleans

My apartment has an F. Scott Fitzgerald connection. Ask me anything.

So, EarlG has got Skinner locked up in the DU dungeon

Color me damned I just watched the Shephard Smith/Geraldo news clip

Dumb question Re: ethernet cards

Who has seen "The 40-Year-Old Virgin"?

Today's Sunday NYT crossword puzzle?

Some quotes on powerlessness

Katrina made security from wars in Afghanistan and Iraq moot points

I had a good workout today.

A strategic Air Strike that can save lives.....

the great christmas earworm rears above you...

I have never posted a "you must watch this video" thread

New Orleans, Louisiana....the week that was.....

Who's outta money?

Would anyone be interested...

This is not a pole..

The story in 60 Mins right now is a great primer for a fascist nation

Ok.... I have an idea....

Free land in Kansas

OK, this has been bugging me.

If you hadn't had a shower in 5 days, and Bush offered you his shower

Should I take on more work hours even if it means less time with my kid?

I rescued a spider--her babies on her back--from my pool this morning...

Should I risk going out for a drive again ~ this morning ...

Fluffy little kittens are responsible for the moral decay of America

I just heard on NPR: Church congregations, across the nation...

hey, can someone with a star do me a favour?

You want kitty pictures? Here's my 19 year old cat, Boudicca

Am I the only one tempted to take a "reality break"?

"Hello Dad, I'm in jail!" - Whatchagonnado?

I have the greatest daughter

Samantha went to rainbow bridge this morning,

tjdee, I saw something yesterday that you would drool over!

DUers: What Musical Instrument(s) do you play?

Eating peanut butter. Is goo fo th stres .

Hey Connecticut DUers! Over Here!

Follow the link to one of my favorite pastimes ~ I am a birder ...

What next foreseeable disaster will take Michael Chertof by surprise?

Ideas on making a disaster bag?

Yet another "post something boring about yourself" thread.

Please, please, please Caption this:

i am having my patience tried by my six mos. old muttterrier(yorkie mix)

Constantly condemning the fuckers is pretty damn difficult...

I want kitty pics posted here, dammit.

Music Thread, woo hoo, what is everybody listening to????



Evangelical History

From my church on Katrina:

What is

Few protest gay Methodist meeting

Oh PLEASE - DU this poll!

Wendys, Halliburton among small # of Fortune 500 cos. not protecting gays

HORSE RACING news & results weekend of September 3rd

Katrina Info and Links re Pets

Best Friends to help those who left behind pets during Katrina

Help and Donations Needed for Best Friends

apparently, they found a chihuahua swept and trapped in a sink

$500 REWARD for return of SNOWBALL - NOLA

Explain this to me like I'm 5 years old

Well, I finally joined the ranks

Hello strangers...

Back by popular demand, I give you the BMUS rant.

People in GD:P are talking about quitting the Democratic Party? Now?

Did anyone see this?

Kerry on Rehnquist Passing

A word about evacuations (Sorry, it's long)

Hey, guys, take care of yourselves now, I mean it.

26 Glacier Cruise

Help. Advice on buying a digital camera for web pix $200-250.

Our pResident takes charge .....

What a weekend, eh? Emails to MSNBC, etc.

Hey gang, I could use your help to

Great response in church today

Kudos to Carl Quintanilla

Do you think Rove

Help.....meaning of phrase "political correctness".......

Who will be the first of *'s pack to fall on their Medal of Freedom

We need to keep the pressure on our elected officials to deal w/Katrina.

William Rehnquist Dies

Rehnquist is dead and I don't give a fuck right now ....

Was Bush Fund Raising?

Security is a conservative value, not a liberal one.

The depressing WaPo Poll?? remember this one from yesterday?

John Kerry on the Passing of Chief Justice William Rehnquist

Curious...did DHS raise the threat level last weekend?

Attention Lurking Tax Cut Beneficiaries

Beware the chaff

My letter to Senator Boxer (re: remove a derilict president from office)

Please ask Bush this question:

Ok. Just had a thought.. What if O'Connor

My email to WaPo on Bush lies and dereliction of duty.

The George W. Bush Trifecta of Shame

C. Weldon(R-PA) running for Pres? He wrote a book which is

Rehnquist blanket media coverage, replaces NOLA

New Orleans...Lights, Camera, Action!


Is * just doing "Ethnic cleansing" in NOLA?

Will a reporter ask Bush if he can think of a mistake he's made NOW ?

Is there any assistance being offered those who assist victims?

Seeking own relief, Bush blames politics

Qatar Offers $100 Million in Hurricane Aid

National Organization for Women on Katrina failures and Rehnquist vacancy

My letter to "The Liberal Media"

Katrina "a threat to Bush second-term agenda, GOP's long-term ambitions?"

Media Doing It Again

oops, misheard. sorry, I am exhausted n/t

Is New Orleans a new Trifecta for Bush?

Worth a chuckle: Dr. Hugh Cort for President (Republican looney)

Pat Robertson's prayers were answered. Rehnquist dies.

How very republican - WATCH MEET THE PRESS

people were told to go to convention center!!!

Hu Jintao Cancellation - Why?

Listen up America, this can happen to you.

The Bush Administration--Rhenquist's greatest legacy.

Peacefully cancelling a stolen presdiential election

Kerala Small Men fight for rights

No evidence of intelligent design found in bush....

Surprise, Surprise: White House Shifts Blame to State and Local Officials

Bush to speak soon about the death of one white guy soon

Shouldn't the Terror Alert be raised

Don Young Way and Hurricane Katrina

Rice "just doesn't believe" Katrina aid came in "a color-affected way"


Flags go down for Rienquist not victims...

I'm sick of the propaganda

WTF!!! FOXNews- Checkpoint don't let people out?

Italian author Oriana Fallaci faces jail for 'vilification of Islam'

ABC News Poll... 46% APPROVE of

Poll: Bush Not Taking Brunt of Katrina Criticism

I really hope that Pat Robertson is not thinking god

FauxNews won't even talk about Katrina.

Brown to take the Fall

Interview on MTP - OMG

Damage Control at Red Cross HQ...

Bush issued a Federal Disaster proclamation BEFORE

WORLD'S Premier Rescue Team Can't Get Into NOLA

Feds trying to take over NOLA to cover up criminal incompetence?

Neil Cavuto hits a new low. Send your comments to this worthless dirtbag.

Fucking PICKLES: "some things working really, really well in Louisiana"

What on earth was Smirk doing on CNN just now?

Rich Lowry & National Review reach a new low

Andrew Sullivan nailed it

* Found Time For Another Recess Appointment

2008 Republican Convention - Superdome...

Has The Bush Administration Failed (Again) By Being Reactionary?

George Will: This is *'s Iran Contra...

Got through to a local talk radio show this morning

CNN: Coming up on Wolf Blitzer: Chertof

"Nobody could have forseen that Rehnquist would die."

Bush will push the burden of Katrina onto family & friends. We need a law

Shhhh. Be very quiet. Recess appointment, Pentagon official quiting

Supreme court vote

We still need to fight..

Strongly Disapprove: 40% (Rasmussen Reports on Bush -Sunday)

CBS Sunday morning commentator nails it

How come Bush never tells us something NEW? Its always somethin we already

1,000's die in NOLA and * speaks days later....

Dem Politicos Need To Take Their Fair Share of Blame for Katrina

My letter to Republicans in congress

ticking Time Bomb for B*sh: receding flood waters

Bush and Cheney must resign. If they refuse, then they ought to be FIRED

I saw the announcement of a Colin Powell interview

Predicting the spin on the Katrina Disaster

Everything will now be OK,Rummy headed to Louisana

The Supreme Court becomes more hostile; is it time to roll out amendments?

So does this mean Bushturd is off the hook?

Freeper Reaction to Parish Pres: Broussard on MTP this AM...

Washington Post reported yesterday that a power struggle exists

On-Point: Hurricane Katrina-Special Coverage (WBUR/NPR) Taking Calls!

Help me to remember: in interviews immediately after 9/11

Democrats, the party of cowards, should

Absolutely no more Rubber Stamp Congress

Timely bumperstickers/signs & websites to find them...pls list here

dammit. Now IS the time to criticize * !!!!!!!

One thing I've noticed - black politicians again carrying the fight...

Some Taking Cover from the Storm...

Bush is the Goat, Coast Guard is the Hero in Katrina aftermath...

Statement By President George W. Bush On The Passing Of Chief Justice

The National Guard over seas.

what about the government warehouses FULL of clothing, etc? I remember

The buck subordinates

Will Roberts move left?

Clinton Lied And Nobody Died...!

Pentagon: Too much sympathy for the victims

Following is NOT an option

Hwænne one þreows a sæþ into the time geweorpan velþ

My Hurricane Katrina Message Video

Thank you Mayor Nagin. Thank you so much for speaking out

James Kennedy calls ACLU "anti-American" on TV

How did Landrieu do on MTP????? Did she appear?

Only reason I wouldn't want to see bush impeached:

Louisiana official haunted by drowned woman

Russert to zombie fuck Chertoff: "Are you contemplating resignation?"

Is General Honore going to be *'s new man of the hour?

NPR News special, Katrina National Call-in beginning at 2 p.m. ET.

So Imelda Rice shops, Profiteer Cheney hides and enrichens himself

Congressman can't get Bush on the line (1000s stranded in swamp)

breaking news: White House failed to fund levees properly

NOLA: The press has stopped blaming Bush, NOW is the Democrat's time...

Bushs have successfully neutralized Hillary Clinton by gladhanding Bill...

bin Laden on Bush: "With enemies like Bush, who needs friends?"

Thank you Tim Russert for asking Chertoff about resignations.

Wolf Blitzer: "Isn't it the fault of the Clinton administration?"

Bush Budget Director Bolten: "No intention of backing down on tax cuts"

Why Katrina changes everything

does anyone have video of Bush telling Chertoff or Brown "good job"?

anyone have video of Russert asking Chertoff about resignation?

"A hundred thousand Bush Men in New Orleans...."

AFP Photo: "A police car drives past..." (WARNING: GRAPHIC)

One Bagdad resident to another:" Lemme get this straight, They want us to

Did Landrieu really threaten to punch Bush?

How many days has it taken to close the levee breach?

How Republicans invest taxpayer money on infrastructure

Where is Howard Dean?

For email addresses for all of Congress

Chertof: We can't stop to THINK about how we're doing this!

Why are there so many guards lined upon both sides as people

"This is no time for finger pointing" A joke for Dubya

Plan Balboa: bushgang's plan to invade Venezuela

This comic blames Bush for the disaster.

Does anyone else see a problem with politicised assessments?

The New Bankruptcy Law

Rev. Jesse Jackson coming up on MSNBC

The cartoonists take on Katrina--and W... (pic-heavy)

Resurrecting a RW meme: "I love my country, but I fear my government."

Why wasn't the national busline commandered for use?

Debunking the WaPo: Blanco Requested Fed Aid on 8/28!

Newsweek: "Bush is at least lucky that his re-election is behind him"

The natural result of orders to shoot.

Not "trapped" or "abandoned." IMPRISONED at Gunpoint

The reason was simple: a Democratic governor and a Democratic city

Sam Kennison Speaks from the Grave to DEM Leadership

James Lee Witt interviewed by Anderson Cooper on CNN Now. N/T

Is Landrieu going to be on 60 Minutes?

Bush appointed Brown. Don't let Brown be the only one taking the fall.

To all Republicans: Are you HAPPY with your tax cut now?

Homeland Security chief touts on-the-job training for FEMA's Brown

LA Times/ Troops find no violence, no mobs in New Orleans, only despair

my post made DU homepage - is terrorist/levee-breech planning the key?


The Spoils System, Cronyism, Peterism, all running AMOK

Madeline Albright now heads this organization

The USS Ship of State Titanic

One two three four, republican congress will be no more

ACTVISM ALERT: Don't let ** get away with breaking the Gulf Coast

A comparison of FEMA directors' backgrounds=Brown and Witt

Bush has weakened our National Security and may have caused

Read a PDF copy of the Bush-approved 2004 "National Response Plan."

Dean Attacks GOP Values for Pushing Tax Cuts in Time of Need

Bush has revealed his LOLOness and that of his Team, Terrorists have been

Do you think Bush's approval ratings will hit the 30s this week?

-0- tolerance for looters, 100% tolerance for incompetence

OMG... CNN Just Said That Chertoff Is LYING!

Did we just witness genocide by complacence?

Another stupid, simplistic remark from Rush Limbaugh

Flood took disaster agency's experts by surprise (The Observer)

GOODWILL should be called "GUMBO-WILL" from here on in!

SO...the NYT thinks Bush will replace Rehnquist with GONZALES.

Communist Party, USA Demands Full Federal Support For Katrina Victims

Looking for the thread with "Citizen Gore" in the title. Anyone?

In 2004, "Operation Blessing" gave $900K to C.B.N. (run by Pat Robertson)

What does the law say about "threatening" elected officials?

Sen. Orrin Hatch (R) on C-SPAN says the people in NO knew

I was having "Cheney Fatigue" all week

Let me explain something about Bush's 46% approval rating on handling NO

WesClarkJr begs *elected* Democrats to stand up, slams Bush--SHIT!

Why did FEMA cut communication lines? I don't understand this at all

Bush missed the opportunity to hug this person (WARNING: GRAPHIC)

There is 1 reason ONLY...why we lose election after election, IMO.

Thank you to the Congressional Black Caucus for the press

Bob Sheiffer Blasts the response to Katrina: "survival of the richest"

Rehnquist is dead.

How would Bush have responded if terrorists blew up the levee?

Senator Boxer's Letter to bush...

I wanna be a politician, what're my chances of a successful career?

"Don't point fingers. Don't play the blamegame. Don't politicize this."


This is not racisim folks. It's class warfare!

There's no racism in this picture. Maybe because they're both victims.

German TV (ZDF News) reports on the food tables at Bush's Katrina photo-op

Should the democratic platform in 2006 include the promise of impeachment?

This is what I ask people I know who happen to listen to Rush Limbaugh:

Howard Dean should do what Al Gore is doing

Dean to Frist: "a question of values, priorities and choices"

I'm Afraid Red America You Got What You Voted For....

Is this true?

Regarding Citizen-Hero Gore

America's infallible papacy: From the WP.... The wandering Buck....

Charmaine Neville's story (she was trapped in N.O.)

Bush's FEMA Failed Us All.

Words 'Homeland Security' Now Have Terribly Hollow Ring.....

An Urgent Message to The Lurking Democratic Party Leaders:

My letter to my Senator. Post yours too!

Help me choose a MO Senate sticker design

Sen. Landrieu: * faked levee repair for photo op

Katrina: Protecting Victims from Price Gouging and Bankruptcy

Culture of Life

Now is the time to impeach Bush and demand Cheney's arrest.


Keynesian Misinterpretation