Democratic Underground

Archives: March 27, 2006

Democratizing the World 1 Torture Victim at a Time (by Jason Miller)

No One’s Laughing at This Deja Vu All over Again (Sister Joan Chittister

this is weird "Messy daughter fights back by humiliating dad "

Eric Margolis (Toronto Sun): Three years after 'mission accomplished

A reliable prophet of doom

Sectarian strife embroils US

White House Letter: Changing of the guard - in the East Wing

"Notes for Converts" by Jane Smiley (on "newly-minted * dissenters)

{British} Wind power 'ahead of predictions' (BBC)

Real Science vs. Pseudoscience, 9/11 WTC Collapses Style

No More Voting: A Reform Proposal

A Zealous Soldier in Election Reform Battles

Did The NSA Help Bush Hack The Vote?

Election Reform, Fraud, & Related News 03/27/2006 - Ian Sancho-WashPost

Meet Blackwell's Democratic opponent

Miami Herald: Here's a Reporter Who Really GETS IT 3-26-06

SD 41 Convention report

Two people on this board have a birthday today!

General Wes Clark and Nick Lampson in joint podcast

Pizza Perfection question...

Turner slams Tory spending

Layton demands debate over Afghanistan mission

European Group to Help Afghan Poppy Farmers Sue Britain

Elections Official's Demand For Valid Vote Draws Fire

US troops arrest Iraq forces

Hamas Asks Summit for Palestinian Aid

Iraq Reporters Hit Back at Claims They Are Biased on War

Blogger up for non-fiction award (Riverbend)

LAT/AP: Some Marines Declining Extra Body Armor

Anti-Americanism madness, says Blair

Republicans behind '06 election polls (TIME Poll > 50% Dems - 41% Repub)

NYT: Security in Baghdad deteriorating by the hour, unclear who's in charg

Domestic violence law excludes some(Bad Headline -please read)

Communists boiled babies: Berlusconi

NYT: Bush Was Set on Path to War, Memo by British Adviser Says

Blair knows when he is going but date is secret

Will Region 2 DVDs play on American players?

You're not like the others, you like the same things I do;

I feel like crap.

Dr. Who is better than Dr. Pepper!

Doktor Avalanche is better than Dr. Pepper.

Dr. Spock is better than Mr. Spock.

Love Like Blood is better than Doctor Feelgood.

Doctor Octopus is better than Doctor No.

Doctor, is there nothing I can take?

Dr. Kevorkian is better than Dr. Seuss

AMC Re-Runs Bond "Goldfinger" ...heh..heh. Right on Cue for Condi Rice

Doctor Doctor, can't you see I'm burning burning?

No #1 Seeds in Final Four for first time since 1980

Scotland lags Europe in IQ league

Atrios was just on the West Wing

ack! i just reached the 700 club..didn't realize i'd been around that long

Do you and your husband or SO decorate your home together?

Hot off the press: UK lesbian jailed for burning lover.

"Family Guy" thread (new ep)

Damn. Had to medicate the fish.

I know there are a lot of animal lovers in the lounge

Please do my poll! Quickly! Need help before 9:00 PM!

Help! Did you post a Cherokee proverb about wolves here a while ago?

I Won the DU Tournament Pick 'Em!!!

Apathy is well and doing fine in my legislative districit.. woohoo

********** FUTURAMA TO RETURN TO TV **********

Windows 2003 Server problem - anyone got any ideas?

Michelle Wie golfs with role model Condoleezza Rice

Anyone know where I can find a rectangular rug for a good price?

British actor who is beyond hot!!!!

I really miss pre pay-tv late night television

I guess I should go to bed. I really miss the Lounge since I can't

Why baby, why baby, why baby, why?

"It can't even come up with new diarrhea jokes."

Guess what? We still manufacture toys here in America!

LOL... EarlG has outdone himself

Sunday night redneck humor...

2005 Civic EX Coupe 5-spd vs. 1997 Maxima GXE Auto?

**WOOT! I Listened to AJA 3 Times in a Row Tonight!!**

Grey's Anatomy is too sad tonight.

Best reason to watch "Big Love" on HBO: Harry Dean Stanton


If you're lurking, chime in here!!

Post a British actor who played A. Hitler.

If You *Had* To Choose One...

? anyone see the movie "Walk on Water"

I've injured myself with food twice tonight.

Any one use Net2Phone via Yahoo! Messenger to make calls via computer?

Where is my friend KitchenWitch? I miss her threads tonight!

"Sopranos" fans: predictions for tonight?

They have Spring Break now.

I just saw 8 BELOW>>>.............

Can I get a hug for having the flu for over a week?

Macadamia Nut Liqueur

I love Joaquin Phoenix.

Helicopter game

My horse is really pissed off

why fucking bother?

Erm... will someone please give me $1495.99?

600 !!!!!!!

if you are a fan of some star . . . an odd question about photos . . .

Tony Soprano LIVES/DIES! •••SPOILERS•••

Griff is Back! My son's dog was hit by a car last week...

Pick the most bothersome, irksome, irritating thing of those listed.

Predictions for the baseball season

General Hospital Viewers Poll on Noah Drake's Fate

Laura Bush, Condi, and Katherine Harris were at my play this weekend

A man who knows how to cook in the kitchen can cook in bed, too.

This is my 7000th post

Boomers, of these "Live" albums, whats your favorite?

Went to open houses.Wonder why people buy subdivision houses

School Cafeteria Nostalgia

Anyone in your "real life" who you wish you could put on your Ignore list?

We looted my grandparent's house this weekend.


CSI is the stupidest show. EVER.

I just received the news that I am descended from the aristocracy

City Spellings/Pronunciations that do not make sense:

Some underrated Guitarists. At least in my opinion.

Top 50 Countries With Highest Proportion of Atheists

new simpsons on NOW (FOX 8pm est! Sunday!)

Star Trek & The Five Lights

Science Journal: Scientists back work on diabetes cure

Mitchtv issues Fatwa against Ali al Sistani

Maine in the Frozen Four. Fill the steins...

First time since 1985 -- no #1 seeds in the Final Four.

Does anyone have recipes for homemade dog biscuits?

Video Time!

This is a busy hearings week.

I figured out how to take good dog photos

Democratizing the World: One Torture Victim at a Time

VIDEO- Pat Roberts on Bush's Domestic Spying Pgm - Count the Lies

An op-ed about young black men makes the NYT most-emailed list

Nationwide, the unemployment rate for veterans 20 to 24 years old was 16%

Is America finally waking? Are we ever going to hold BushCo. accountable?

Cheap labor and the hidden American labor force.

Air America is BACK in Phoenix!!!!

Iraq reporters hit back at Bush (Lara Logan and others)

I have made a great still video vietnam/iraq for a tech class but I can't

"I'd say that zero percent of Bush's talk about Tall Afar is true,"

Natural Gas drilling...what are the ups/downs/things to looks for?

Go to Crooks and Liars website and checkout Lara Logan video

The Sensenbrenner fortune

Armed Forces Recruits

Attention, Young Republicans!

Abramoff Probe Widens to Murder (Why doesn't this surprise me?)

American "Enterprise Zones!" How could we do it? To be Self Sustaining?

Real Science vs. Pseudoscience

White House Fun (Bad words on the WH web site from FTS blog)

All Things By Bruce Burch Radio Program At 10pm EST....

Feingold fans: Chat going on at

Anti-abortionists turn sights on schools and hospitals in US-style campaig

When freepers start saying Bush is tough on terror, hit em with this

Comparing Civil Liberties during Jap. Internment camps to after Sept. 11


Understanding Republican health care reform

What is the point of voting

VIDEO- Cook - "Minority Parties Don't Have to be Responsible (MTP)"

Vague Law and Hard Lobbying Add Up to Billions for Big Oil

Pursuing Healthier Bacon Through Biotech

How many people are there in the US who realize how bad things are?

Vets veer left over war: Paper boycotted (VFP boycotts Boston Globe)

More Air America programming PRE-EMPTED tonight by KQKE San Francisco

Gary Webb conspiracy ?

Bring the Sixties Out of the Closet

Paging Dr. Moreau... Paging Dr. Moreau

My e-mail from Helen Thomas

Does * think the world is coming to an end?

How can I edit my journal?

ON C-SPAN 2 NOW - David Horowitz (Marxist turmed Neocon) ..Speaking @ Duke

VIDEO- The Daily Show Rambling Man- Sunday Funny on This Week

An older bumper sticker made my day

Lets feed the fundie freeper paranoia. Bush = Antichrist how?

Script for house to house canvassing?

From a personal conversation with a Tibetan Buddhist Monk: Bush is just

Why we're liberals

'bout time for another 'who's been suicided??' thread??

* Pat Tillman TOON *

Anybody watch The Big Love tonight ??

Biggest corporate food scams in the world!! Yeah, it's me again.

How many people in Congress realize how bad things are?

Helen Thomas responded re: this

Is the media biased against the New York Knicks?

I wish I could do graphics because I would like to do a bumper sticker

West Wing tonight, with Jon Bon Jovi

Conservative Group Sues Libraries for Blocking Its Website

how do I 'colorize' my journal?? is there one place where all

Just what we need! Another conservative asshole with a talk show!

I'm a global warming ignoramus--enlighten me, please!

Do you think large protests work?

My Letter to the Editor

The Founders Never Imagined a Bush Administration-Gary Hart, Joyce Appleby

VIDEO-Condi in 2001 versus 2006

OK, time to take off the blinders(impact of uncontrolled immigration)

Repost of "Time For Plain Talk About The Bush Administration".

I didn't see cops in riot gear, but then these protests weren't anti-war

What are the chances of humans being smuggled in through those ports?

66 days until hurricane season starts, how bad will it be??

Walking to New Orleans: After the March

Kevin Philips' said E.J. Dionne says that McCain/Jeb Bush could be Ticket

a video I did for a beginning tech class Iraq/Vietnam...have speakers on

the good news from HELL is totally ignored by the MSM


What I find totally depressing about recent polls...

My FIRST ACTION as Dem President would be to DISBAND THINK TANKS!

"It's not the responsibility of the government to take care of us"

03/26/06 - Iraqis find 30 bodies, most beheaded

Holy Crap "Defense Of Marriage Act"Overturns Domestic Violence Laws!

Four-Letter Film Headed to Theaters

Condi on Meet The Press

If Jews have a right to return do Mexicans have one also...

Good news in Iraqi schools? Teacher beheaded in front of kids.

Westwing introduces Atrios and surfs for polling

2005: Dean: GOP to Scapegoat Immigrants in Next Election

40 Ways in 40 Days: Remembering the Survivors of Katrina (Day 21)

"Everyone has a Right to Their Own Opinion, However......

To all you people of Irish descent

Who hires illegal immigrants?

The immigration crisis in the US is Montezuma's Revenge on the White Man

DU meet-up thread for NYC Iraqi War protest April 29th

The Myth of Retraining and Re-education

Saddam didn't fly one of the PLANES, but it's HIS fault...right, Condi?

Conservatives' new books have Bush in crosshairs

A real good op-ed about the christian fundie-repuke alliance.

GMU Nails Connecticut in Overtime -- Final Four Baby, Just Win

"Family of Six Wiped Out in Late Night House Fire" (A balanced report)

Bush bumbling all over map, see

There is a hearing Tuesday on NSA & FISA

NEW Grand Theft Election Ohio: "Election Projection" Haiti to Ohio

Vote Democratic '06: Protect Our Ports And Borders

Okay Dems - Show Me The Beef !

Dixie Chicks: Not Ready To Make Nice

Gingrich to Dems - Your slogan for 2006: "Had enough?"

So how do we frame the fact we have to raise taxes to pay for things.

Sensenbrenner, Little Lord Kotex?

Someone mentioned Sen. Byrd - Something that really pisses me off...

Will we get our country back electorally, or some other way?

REALLY forceful 'TOON from Tom the Dancing Bug

my first VIDEO Vietnam/Iraq...for a tech class>>>>check it OUT

Does anybody know much about when Bush I attacked Panama?

My Sensenbrenner E-Mail Project

California 1994: Leg. Demonizes Mexican Labor While Press Pushes NAFTA

Worse than Dubai - CHINA:Guardian of US PORT Nuclear Security

Things that SHOULD make Republican voters go 'Hmmmmm' ...

House Race Polls???

Despite 9/11 Effect, Railyards Are Still Vulnerable

Bird Flu: "This Thing Just Continues to March"

General Aims to Ease Concerns About Iraq (SA/Turkey/Pakistan PR)

You cannot be serious

Al-Qaeda trial lands FBI in dock for criminal ineptitude (Must Read!)

Vague Law and Hard Lobbying Add Up to Billions for Big Oil

If abortion's a crime in Pa., what's the punishment?

NYT's article on Big Oil and the subsidies for the industry:

U.S. Prevents Sale of Software Security Firm: FBI/Pentagon stop Israeli

"I Did Not Join the British Army to Conduct American Foreign Policy"

GEORGE WILL criticism of Sherrod Brown = endorsement to me

WaPo Editorial: The Air Force's Retreat (Religious Expression)

Iran: Military Force can't destroy our atomic program

Denial, it’s not just a river in Egypt

WP: 'Guest Workers' Won't Work

Working class fight war while well-off defend it- Cynthia Tucker, AJC

Katrina vanden Heuvel (The Nation): A New Downing Street Memo

25K+ Evangelical teens landed Friday in San Francisco

Howard Zinn : America's Blinders

Hot Zone: Global Warming ......ABC ... In Depth Review of Global Warming

Robb: "The Window of Controlled Chaos Slams Shut" (Using sect militias)

Taking back the damn language.

Congress moves to bar states from making food safer

Strangers to the Truth

The Nation: Clueless on Immigration

CHICAGO TRIBUNE editorial: "A spray of fire"

PALESTINIAN ON HOROWITZ LIST: Israel doesn't drive our ME policy

Brain Cells Fused with Computer Chip

David Brooks and the eerie parallels between Bush and Lincoln

Beware of Inflation (from Forbes Magazine of all places)

Earth's past points to future melting

Region may be due for whopper of hurricane (New England)

Early American environmentalism- help needed!

Be worried, be very worried ..... The climate is crashing

Wind Power Becoming Cheaper Than Conventional Power

Prius Marathoners Top 100 MPG

Are Category 4 and 5 hurricanes increasing in number?

Police to close Temple Mount to visitors through election day

Hamas says ready for talks with Mideast Quartet

Palestinian prime minister-designate Haniyeh:

Hamas Seeks International Mediation

Palestinian killed in central Gaza

IDF kills Jihad gunman as he fires from north Gaza

Labor, Likud make final pitches before election

Notice at Kalandia Checkpoint: Al Ram is Now Israel

CNN "Don't Mention The Poll!" watch

It goes to a pattern, sir...

Moussaoui Says He Was To Fly 9/11 Plane Into White House

Secret Service knew of a possible hijacking on the morning of 911

Charlie Sheen's Statement to the London Guardian

Punch cards out, paper trails in

DID YOU ALL NOTICE what got CENSORED from the SF Chron LTTE???????????

New Activst group (and website) for Vermont Voters

blackwell is asking for money from gop people for commercials

Political Notebook: Author argues elections bigger gamble than slots

Excellent voting machine LTTE in today's SF Chron.

MA Elections Officials Deliberately Bar Latinos: DOJ Investigates

Judge To Hear New Orleans Vote Challenge

Activist slams new voting machines (Palm Beach County, FL)

GuvWurld Post #1000 - The Launch of "We Do Not Consent," an e-book

U.S. Rep. Capuano to endorse Patrick for governor

DU: The Effects on our Soldiers and the Iraqi People, Lexington 3/30

Pioneer Press union employees launch a web site to promote ESOP plan

Excellent article exposes Bachmann Amendment ramifications

Charlie Urbina-Jones in Corpus Christi tomorrow

TX Duers. Can you help? NASA Endorses the stench of corruption: Tom DeLay

Damn. Isnt there someone under 45 that can run for state chair?

Interesting debates about Kinky at The Jeffersonian and Just Another Blog

Glory days. Reflections on being 50.

Wow! DALLAS NEWS op-ed on Bush Library (funny)

More good news about Tom Delay

Does anybody here make coconut macaroons?

Thai Recipes

Newsweek: Bush's 'Model Iraqi City' In Peril

White House Letter: Changing of the guard - in the East Wing

Wal-Mart takes its China lessons to India

China to raise price of oil

GAO Report Questions Security Of Medical, Financial Information Collected

Saddam urges Arab summit to aid insurgency

FBI records show terrorism focus includes activists

Bomb explodes at US-Iraq base in Mosul

Defense Gets Its Say in Moussaoui Trial

Al-Qaeda trial lands FBI in dock for criminal ineptitude (Must Read!)

India to abandon all currency controls

U.S., South Korea Conduct Military Drills

Wave of Violence Kills at Least 81 Iraqis

General Aims to Ease Concerns About Iraq (SA/Turkey/Pakistan PR)

Judge: AIPAC charges may be based on unconstitutional law

Shiite Fighters Clash With G.I.'s and Iraqi Forces

Vague Law and Hard Lobbying Add Up to Billions for Big Oil

Iraq minister says US, Iraqi troops killed 37 civilians

WOWEE!!! Best Public Service Announcement EVER!!!

TWO-PERSON OFFICE: Lobbying firm slips into D.C.

Microsoft warns on browser bugs

Justices: Suit Against Times Can Proceed (Steven Hatfill)

Guantanamo tribunals under court scrutiny

IRAQ: Officials note rise in drug trafficking, consumption

Authorities investigating explosion near Uribe's property

September 11 conspirator Moussaoui takes the stand

Democratic Underground needs volunteers to serve as moderators!

FEC Won't Regulate Internet Politics

Blast hits Baghdad building, seven dead (offices of Dawa& Fadhila parties)

Pentagon says Iraq incident didn't involve mosque

Clinton urges investment in disaster early warning

Gas Prices are on the Rise (could rise to $3.00/gallon this summer)

Judge Hears Challenge to New Orleans Vote

Yanukovich leads in Ukraine with half votes counted

Gunmen Kidnap 16 Workers at Iraqi Company

Anti-war activists angry over Rice trip to Britain

Toxic sites' cleanup at risk

Senate Cuts Part of House Immigration Bill (Durbin's bill adopted)

Iranian hawk swoops on universities to crush dissent

US rejects Iraqi accusations on deadly night raid (but had advisors there)

Strangers to the Truth


Scalia says civil rights for Guantanamo inmates 'crazy'

WP: Help Wanted as Immigration Faces Overhaul

Baghdad governor says suspends cooperation with US(military)

Justice Scalia gives a sign, but no finger

Federal judge refuses order to change N.O. elections (

Judicial intemperance: Scalia flips message to doubting Thomases

Archdiocese closes St. Augustine after protests (breaking) (

US looks to speed arms exports, build ties

Texas will not prosecute Reed

CNN: Hundreds protest reports Afghan convert to be freed

Sewage Tested for Signs of Cocaine

Saddam's No. 2 Seeks Help for Insurgency - AP

Trying to douse terror label(Firefighter labeled for "anti-US sympathies")

Bayh: Democrats must be firm on national security debate

(ABC) More Than Six in 10 Still Support Decision in Schiavo Case

Breaking on BBC: Blast at US Base in Mosul

LBN: Ruling Shi'ite Alliance Demands US Return Security Control to Iraq

GM set to begin cutting hundreds of salaried jobs

Rumsfeld: U.S. Gets A 'D' In War Of Ideas

Judge Refuses to Delay New Orleans Vote

Church cashes in on water: $7.2 million leases Muddy River rights (LDS)

Fourth man charged in GOP phone-jamming scam

Russia accuses U.S. of agenda with release (Saddam report)

Tensions high as Iraqis bury mosque dead - Reuters

Senate Cuts Part of House Immigration Bill (Good Samaritan protection)

White House downplays Britain's Iraq war memo

Senate Panel Approves Immigration Bill

Capitol Hill slayer told victims "there's plenty for everyone"

US accuses Shiites of faking massacre

Mass halted as protesters swarm aisles (NOLA)

WP: (Maryland) Sex Abuse Bill Called 'Victory' For Church

Democratic Leaders Press Republicans to Pass Min. Wage Increase

At 30, Apple still has appeal

This salmon has an `oink' (Genetically altered pork)

Bush: Immigrants Have Shaped America's Identity

Afghan Christian Seeking Asylum

Moussaoui Says He Was to Hijack 5th Plane (on 9/11)

Polls: Public Concerned About Immigration

Communities march against 'McMansions'

Students: FBI lecture displays watch list ( Indy Media and Food not Bombs)

LOL - try this out, too damn funny

Please allow me this opportunity to say

A little poker advice for all of you Novices.

file this one under "WTF":

La Cucaracha

I can admit it ....

To follow in the Republicans lead... If anything bad happens, I am Blaming

Has anyone seen "Everything is Illuminated"?

I miss my buddy

Who Is Capable of being Crotchety in their Sleep? Fess up!

If this doesn't get "Cute Fuzzy Kitten" award of the year, nothing will

Xanadu is a better musical than Chicago, which was Best Picture.

Ladies & Gentlemen of this Supposed Jury.

Woohoo!!! My witching is done!

Driver's seat

Man, I'm full.

Hey! ZN's back! Who do you want to see get nekkid?

Woohoo!!! My kitten is done!

The Even Simpler Straight/Gay Test

Anyone else do any driving around today?

"Voice Of America"- Little Steven


I think I might be gay...

I just received the news that I am distracted from the voracity

Ever weed-whack a wabbit?

Now I know "la cucaracha" means the cockroach in Spanish

Is it just me, or does Joe Scarborough

DW is being freeped!

Wanna have some fun. LOL. Prepare for battle. Bring your popcorn!!

I just started a thread in GD

My nose is really pissed off.

I love walking in Phoenix.

My pissed horse is really prosed off.

Anyone remember the "Quayle Quarterlty" ???

My hose is really pissed off

Blond History Month, each day, we will be covering a different and

1480 KPHX the new home for Air America Phoenix

This is warning to everyone : I am driving this morning - Watch Out :)

Lie to C.G.

Does a future with less oil scare you??

Monday Morning Earworm - Bloodletting by Concrete Blonde

Holy crap - there is a poster over at DW called "Name Removed"

Good Monday Morning, Crew!

Don't lie to Floogeldy!

Dad's hip replacement surgery was successful

Who Else Didn't Sleep A Wink Last Night?

Sorry, I have to brag this morning! Double-blacks at Stowe!

Why don't you respond to DU Polls?

For the love of god, stop feeding me beer!

why bother fucking?

The throw-down: Best Musical Group EVER!!!1

Why do parties in celluloid reflect lightly?

My son bought me the first Harry Potter book.

Monday morning funny!!!

Songs you just can't find online?

Diversion - Your favorite country

If you ran for Prez, what would YOUR "Hotel Needs" list look like?

YEAH!!!! HAAAAYYY!!!! I can feel it move me! Feel it shove me as I ...

So - I just found out my girlfriend is into being dominated!

Fuck fuck fuckity fuck.

Today, all my responses will be in the form of bad puns.

A cat thread in the Lounge? How unusual.

Monday earworm. Exotic and weird for wildhorses!

I just received the news that I am distended from the viscosity

Please ignore

Complimentary Styx tickets vs. a fist in an undisclosed orifice.

WTF? "Go to bed single, wake up married" A must read

Spectacled Bears!

I nominate ABC NEWs for the Pulitzer Prize!

Help a kid go to college

So - I just found out I don't have a girlfriend to be dominated by!

Speaking of Star Trek...are we ready for another movie or series?

How do I play a FLV File?

Panera's Iced Green Tea - A little cup of liquid heaven

SO who is going to win the NCAA Championship

Another Star Trek question

Hey! I'm back! Who wants to get nekkid?

WTF? "Go to bed married, wake up divorced" A must read

I think Bush is making a lot of sense today

Gute Fahrt!

Tell me why you are special

I'm going to need someone to come over and give me a backrub, please.

How Many Times do we have to see that horrific crash this AM???

Should I sign up to be General Zod?

Surprised no one said "Should I sign up to be a ZOD?"

I need help re: Ding Dongs.

There's a panel discussion on the Iraq war tonight in my

Monday art (dial-up warning)

The poll to really end all polls:

My rescued newborn mouse is doing good.

So - I just found out my girlfriend is into Dom Deluise.

Trek fans-Someone has too much free time!

the professional photos from the Military Ball are in

Ack! ZombieLuck Strikes Again!

If they made me a moderator, I would ban all of you.

Trivia: In what PG rated movie was the "F Bomb" used several times?

Weird town names......

Should I sign up to be a Pod??

Okay how does this sound

Should I sign up to be a broad?

no no, the REAL poll to end all polls

It is 56 degrees outside, and sunny... and I'm going to jog outside today

The real question is....

The poll to end all polls:

Allah doesn't want me to buy earrings.

Should I sign up to be a Todd?

Should I sign up to be Cod?

if i were a mod i'd ban me!

So, when laundering money, what detergent is best?

Should I sign up to be Odd?

The Gospel Is Here!!

Woohoo!!! My kitchen is done!

Should I sign up to be a Maude?

I'm Home Sick Today - Somebody Say Something To Make Me Feel Better (Pleas

Greatest song with clavinet.

Sinkhole swallows up SUV in New York street

I know you have a favorite - choose now!

KQKE Air America listeners Will Durst is

Should I sign up to be a Cod?

Count 'em! CanuckAmok's lifetime traffic ticket convictions: 0 for 8!

sundog is lounge stalking me again.

Nude Britney Spears Pro-Life Monument: Love It or Hate It?

Should I sign up to be a Mod?

The multi-fueled vehicle of the future:

Pictorial history of the Bush family...

Big Bu-ckin' Chicken

So...If I were to be a jerk and add every one of my posts to my journal...

Somebody is killing Dogs in Michigan...

Most accurately-named country album EVER drops tomorrow!

Awwww A Nebraska

Country radio still uneasy w/Dixie Chicks(red-staters against free-speech)

Should I sign up to be a Mod?

Bye, all!

so here I am wondering what to post next

Pope dug up and put on trial 9 months after death. Wow.

Poll Question: Want to watch a movie, but which movie?!

The RetroLounge Daily Poem Thread (Mon 3/27/06)

Awesome; I F'ing Shot That

I'm confused. Does Matcom and Underpants share the same birthday?

Pentagon develops robot G.I.s.

"Lola's hurting the part that makes me happy. My girl part."

I want to wish Melissa Rivers into the cornfield

I'm bored. And/or boring.

It's time for Match Game DU!!!

Dead rock stars trivia - need help

To all my fellow librarians: an Easter treat

Happy birthday wishes to.....

Booze + babes + bars

Could Ed Bradley's Head...

Using your DU toolbar to (mild) comedic effect:

Apple (The Beatles) vs. Apple (Computers & Itune): Who is right here?

How Bosses are made.

There is hope for America--Larry the cable guy's box office numbers

Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster makes front page of USA Today

Should you signup to DemocraticWarrior? YES!

Who would you REALLY want to see make moderator here at DU

Rating the top Sci Fi Films - do you agree?

Should I sign up to be a Cad?

Check out my latest cartoon...

The official "My NCAA picks really sucked this year" thread

Squeech music live in Boston

I got in a fight with a lady on the bus.

Radio_Lady's Movie Review -- "V for Vendetta"

UConn's loss was God's punishment for electing Lieberman. Agree/Disagree?

Happy Birthday JCMach1!!!

Draw-A-Pig Personality Test

Arrrrrgggh...tomorrow be a holy day, me hearties!

I'm craving a grilled cheese and bacon sandwich...

my dog is dying

RIP Stanislaw Lem - author of "Solaris"

Great URL's that are not being used....

What do you get the FReep that has everything ?


Thinking of you know who...

So far beyond tellitubbies!

What the hell is this??? (Updated with the picture)

Happy Birthday....... MATCOM!!!!

Should I sign up to be a Dom?

Scarlett Johansson is "The Sexiest Women in the World" - its official

The Who's "Who Are You," FCC rules, etc.....

Check this video out. It's pretty darn funny

"Remember when I was in your belly, and then you pooped me?"

Group Idea: Marijuana Legalization Group in "Politics, Issues & Media"

What movie title could begin a sentence that ends with

Woman Calls FBI After Seeing "6/6/06" Sky Banner

The *REAL* Billyskank for Moderator thread!

The 15 Best Skylines in the World

Tell the story of how you found your current pets

American Idol rip-off? This is pretty funny

Should I sign up to be a God?

How many songs do YOU have on your iTunes?

Who is your sockpuppet?

Is Anyone Else Looking For Worse Storms This Year?

Greatest performing son or daughter of a music legend

Am I being irrational?

What does 100K buy in your town? (dial-up warning)

remember five and dime's

Monument to Pro-Stupidity: The Birth of Britney Spears

This is my 12,000th post

The *official* Billyskank for Moderator thread!

JOKE: A man is caught shoplifting peaches and goes to court

Why do particles in a colloid refract light?

HEY... check this out, pretty neat

Tell me something good.

Golden Retriever owners I need your help!

Sex thread! First potential Mod to "lock" it wins!

If everyone is famous for 15mins, what is your claim to fame

Delaware DUers! Come see me play in Dover this Saturday night! (April 1)

Trivia question: Have dogs ever been allowed to compete in the Olympics?

Democratic Underground needs volunteers to serve as moderators!

Let's not start that again, guys


The forgotten battle against Christianity!

Gay Priest To Lead Lutheran Congregation In SF

Maverick priest braves indifference, poverty to reach young sex workers

GAO Report Questions Security Of Medical, Financial Information Collected

Hidden CJD is new threat to thousands

Low Level Laser Therapy vs. Placebo in Achilles Tendinitis

The problem with medical savings accounts...

Gastric Bypass and Gastric Banding Surgeries

Alternative medicine?

Total solar eclipse on Wednesday

Towards a new test of general relativity?

NASA resumes canceled asteroid mission (CNN/AP)

Jupiter's bare bottom (GRAPHIC: dialup warning)

Wikipedia study 'fatally flawed'

First Images from Mars Recon Orbiter

Now Gays are targets of Iraqi Death Squads

Court: Gay marriage ban blocks domestic violence charge

The ride: Seven days to end AIDS.


Family kept Loney's homosexuality quiet, feared actions of Iraqi captors

New International LGBT Education Group Formed To Combat Homophobia

Minnesota Poll Shows Marriage Amendment Would Fail

Gay Games: HIV+ Athletes May Face Ban

No Big10, no ACC, no Big East, no Big12, but two SEC teams in the Final4!

I won the office pool!!

George Mason - Meh - Hofstra Beat You Twice

Any women's Final Four predictions?

What a bad week for Duke.....

Tidbits about Kerry

NYTimes Lawsuit story in 3/27/06 issue

Has anyone looked at the Kerry Wikipedia entry recently?

Home by Christmas

Did anyone hear lala_rawraw on Stephanie Miller

3:13pmCT: CNN going to talk about perks Sen. Kerry requires

Kerry was more correct than he knew

Sen. Kerry to get more involved in Mass Gov. Race

Cindy Sheehan just mentioned JK

British Adviser’s Memo Says Bush Was Set on Path to War in Iraq

Here's one way to keep George Allen from doing any more

Smoking Gun story on Hotel riders for Sen. Kerry & THK

Weekend with a new camera (Nikon D200)

Indulge me - I'm a grandma... :-)

Countdown Newletter -- 03/27/06: Immigration in the Cross Hairs

I've got to vent re: Immigration

Iraq Match 26th 2006

Blair tells world to keep US on side

Fox News viewers; so very WRONG. Why is that, I wonder???

What is Fox News' motive?

Here comes Pharmaheit 9/11

This Government's War is Bing Waged at Home as Well as Abroad...

How President Bush has unified Latin America

The worst idea I have of where "They" are leading this country.

Immigration protest marches

Politicians go to bat for AP bureau chief

Cheney: If Democrats can lead, then I can sing

Illegal Immigration and related issues Poll - I (Why is it a problem?)

Missile Scientists in Short Supply at Pentagon

Radioactive US Tanks from Iraq Sit in Open in Kansas

Busting Saddam and his Cabal out of Jail

cause and effect

At Least 15 Killed in Bombing on U.S. Base, northern Iraq

Spineless in Arkansas

Ghost clouds over Germany again

Federal judge to hold hearing on legality of New Orleans election

And war on Easter begins in St. Paul, Mn

Appropriate to impeach Bush

When I Think About How Long Vietnam Dragged On

Happy Monday DUers! I've Been Musing This:

Muslim American Homeland Security Congress Launched

An Anniversary poem for Iraq

bush, you have no idea what it is to bring democracy to other people.

Anti-war activists angry over Rice trip to Britain

"Is There A War On Christianity?" on C-SPAN W.J.

Antonin Scalia: The barbarian on the supreme court.

Any one use Net2Phone via Yahoo! Messenger to make calls via computer?

Iraqiya state television carried unusually strident anti-U.S. coverage

If things are improving so much in Iraq

a blog I follow from Iraq ...

Graphic account of a prison riot and aftermath posted on the web

La Raza Ain't what you think it is,,,

Will the military posts in Iraq be a sore spot as long as they are there?

Bush's wartime powers challenged

Is the Media Trying to Kill V For Vendetta?

Who's funneling $$$ to

Welcome to Maywood, Where Roads Open Up for Immigrants

many Katrina survivor children being forced into dominionist

Civil Rights Memorial

For the last few days I have only had a couple minutes or so to

Give Faux News to BushCo; then tell * to shut up about media. (rant)

Today's Doonesbury

The EU design for Immigration is working VERY well. N. America could

Anyone remember ?

Ladies and gentlemen, the next senator from the state of Florida...

US-China trade war looms

the real reason we "lose" elections

What are the consequences of raising min. wage/ ENFORCING fair pay rates?

Conservative Plagiarism

Has the "Swiftboating" of Feingold begun already?

Iraq minister says US, Iraqi troops killed 37

Who here supports Emily's List? Anyone going to their May DC luncheon?

Didn't Helen Thomas just ask about this last week?

End the occupation!

Baghdad Governor Suspends Cooperation With U.S. Forces

Attention Illegal Immigrants!!!

What's your favorite part of the Declaration of Independence?

Not Just Yes, Hell Yes, He Should Recuse Himself.

Could it possibly be the Iraqis reject "Democracy" because they see

Bush Makes Iraq the Vital Reason for His Impeachment and Removal

"They Don't Know Where binLaden Is, But They're Spending $$ Watching Me...

Geico, (a red company) discriminates against low-income, minorities

Penciling in a War

Killer cartoons on Bartcop's site...I'll post them for y'all...

Civil War in the GOP?

poll-CSPAN-should political blogs be exempte from campaign finance laws

A Year Ago O'Reilly Said he Had 6 Million Viewers

I see there's more good news from Iraq this morning ...

cpan NOW. Immigration markup. (specter in good mood)

There is no War on Christianity

Is Neil the link between Bush crime cartel and Dubai ports deal? (dkos)

Sexism and forging Solidarity between the "sexes"

Shortcut to CNN "Don't Mention the 9-11 Poll" Watch...

Congress not likely to take a stand on Iraq this year?


Knowing what we know now regarding Iraq, check this out...

Celebrate the good news out of Iraq today.... only 81 killed

"As a nation, we are mute, we are silent," Ritter thundered.

DEMOCRATS ! Yeah, you guys in the Congress.....

Rice faces anti-war protests on British visit

What's up with Fritz?... I don't even remember anymore!

Coming up MSNBC Michael Schivo's side of the story

FEC Issues Election Rules for Internet

U2 recon aircraft with fighter cover over Iraq, painted in U.N. colors

US spokesman: "it's difficult for us to consider this a place of prayer"

"take [government] out of the hands of the Americans"

DailyKos is on Diane Rheam show now.

FBI watches antiwar activists, environmentalists, and vegetarians

I title this "And they met us with open arms..." Stop dealing w/US

If a Dem lies to Congress, it's perjury; If a Repub. it's the SOTU address

Live Streaming Video of the student protests around the nation

Interesting Background: "The Evil Scourge of Terrorism," by Chomsky

The Founders Never Imagined a Bush Administration (Gary Hart)

VIDEO- from 2001- Bush Stumps for Airline Industry

Laura Ingraham's Iraq Diary: What a bonehead!

The Hillary Juggernaut

So should this one be called the "Oval Office Memo"?

UPDATE: Domenech, After Ripping 'Liberal Attack Machine,' Admits Sins

Moussaoui says he lied to protect 9/11 plot

Info needed...

Rove directed CIA leak prosecutor to Cheney office e-mails

Michelle Wie: Rush who? (The Pilodinal Cyst is deflated).

Snotty Scotty press briefing coming up @ 12:15 p.m.

W. Clark -- U.S. Troops really need to be in Iraq right now.

Poor MFing rightwingnut idiots; explosives and bombs are NOT "wmd".

'Failure to Exit' - Coming Soon to a Theater of War Near You!

David Gregory responds to

WTF is Prince Asswipe doing on television, AGAIN?

Stop the negativity...get positive...get motivated...and get to work...

Texas Pulled DeLay's concealed weapons permit

Did Bush invade Iraq in order to put the "War" in War On Terror?

Dozens Killed Near Area Bush Praised For War Progress

Spring break at Wal-Mart (Student lives in a Wal-Mart)

FOX 4 News Dallas Reporting Several High School Walkouts re: Immigration

WSJ letter: If Roe Is Overturned, Will It Devolve to the States?

Is anybody watching C-SPAN special session about immigration reform?

Sensenbrenner - GOP actor in the Immigration Play

Do border fences only work on those coming in?

VIDEO- Henry/Jones on 3/31/03 Memo-Did Bush want to assassinate Saddam?

DOD reissues uniform regs after Rep. Musgrave misuses troops for partisan

Ted Stevens offering condolences for Sen. Byrd's wife on the floor, CSPAN2

Why the delay for Windows Vista? "too much manpower"

pharma barons already shooting at Moore for upcoming 'Sicko'

GOP is doing a good job, Mehlman tells Republicans at dinner

Cindy Sheehan on live with Al Franken: 12:11 PM CST

Christian Wire: Muslim world presents GRAVE DANGER to USA

The new immigration legislation was PLANTED! A solution from an immigrant-

Post on blog scandal: 'F****in disaster'

Oh dear, our FR friends don't seem to be buying W's latest speech...

Bush Signs Statements to Bypass Torture Ban: Democracy Now

For THIS He Needs a New Backdrop? ---pix--->>>

National Forest Sell-off---Deadline looming -Mar 30 can send comments

Now that army recruiters are on campus, will they approach Young Repugs?

Who is responsible for more innocent death? Bush or Al Qaeda?

Why is so hard for Democrat's in Congress?

Bush "Nobody should use fear..."

"U.S. Constitution: Do Not Shred"

VIDEO- White House Press Briefing- Gregory on Sectarian Violence and Memo

Self Delete

Fat Tony Scalia's 70?!?!

Republicans on the Run

Which party would do a better job of....?

That sounds like "The Brain" on Al Franken...

Here's a pic of Senator and Mrs. Byrd, one of the very few

lala_rawraw breaking news on Stephanie Miller show!!

Kandahar hijacking, 9/11 ‘linked’

More proof that original thought tends to elude the right wing

High School Student Walk-Out in California . . . Update. . .

Anybody planning on going to Take Back America's Conference?

A one-time fee for computer cable television???

Claim: SD assault on Roe is a gift to pro-choice Democrats

VIDEO- Bush Sep 31 03- Link between Saddam & 911? " I can't make that

Kevin Drum thinks Scalia will be forced to recuse himself from Gitmo case

VIDEO- White House Press Briefing- Gregory on Authenticity of 1/31/03 Memo

VIDEO- White House Press Briefing- Thomas Question about 1/31/2003 Memo

NASA Administrator endorses the stench of corruption:Tom DeLay!

Can someone help me counter this anti Bill Clinton email?

"..gangsters who graduated from Baghdad streets with hate in their hearts"

Iraqis killed by US troops ‘on rampage’

From a Conservative, a Lack Of Compassion for Ralph Reed

Looking for some GOOD NEWS? Here you go.

Rendered Meaningless: The Rule of Law in the US 'War on Terror'

I heard an amazing song on the radio today--check it out

Finally Freepers get their Movie of the year

Big changes coming for XM listeners, 10 new music, 6 new talk channels..

So, if you turn and give "the finger" to insurgents you rate coverage on

Good grief! Iraq has descended into utter chaos! M$M will ignore it.

Get It Right People!!!


The next "Bush in 30 Seconds". Advice needed!

My letter to CNN's Jack Cafferty

What if Mayor Nagin just cancelled the N.O. election

Rummy: "The enemy we face may be the most brutal in our history"

Hell let 'em HAVE parades... then go and arrest 'em

Iraq, Iran: Following Orders Is No Excuse, Paul Craig Roberts

HOW THE FUCK is bush's invasion a "LAST OPTION" when IN FACT

Help!!! Need an answer to this question

When did FreakRepublic officially become a wing of the Pentagon?

Bush slump. He's stumped (video)

Please Call And Damand Oversite (RE:USA Patriot Act) (202) 224-3121

Kids - they're eating their own...

FBI Keeps Watch on Activists

U.S. Constitution: Do Not Shred

VIDEO- Bush on Jan31 03- Says doesn't have to get 2nd resolution from UN

Immigation laws are already in place

Lakewood CA immigration protest now

The Shiites in Power Accuse the US of "Organized Crime"

The Dem '06 "Contract with America" should come from the netroots

Excellent article about 'Jack Cafferty: Cable's noire newsguy'

Flaw in this week's Top 10 conservative Idiots.....

Caption this 2003 flashback pic of * and poodle

Rumsfeld: "U.S. Gets A 'D' In War Of Ideas"

Molly Ivins greatest line puts it to the homophobes.

Arrested justice: When LGBT people land in jail

March 27th 2006 in Iraq

My fax to the Judicary (for Firedoglake's fax campaign)

Moussaoui: I was to hijack fifth plane, hit White House

Olbermann beats out O'Loofah in tv "feud of the week"

Cindy Sheehan Kinda Kicking Franken's Ass

Please nominate Helen Thomas for Buzzflash 's Wings of Justice

Ms Thomas emailed me the following

If this was the Revolutionary War, * supporters would be British loyalists

CAPTION a capon and win a strap-on!!!!

Anyone else see these 9/11 pictures? (WARNING: FR link)

HUH??? - WH plan tests entire counties for cocaine

"Sucks To Be You", if you do not have blonde hair or blue eyes!

Some good local news from this weekend

Radio still uneasy with Dixie Chicks

Here's the Cafferty File questions today.

AP: Justice Scalia Gives a Sign, but No Finger

Rumsfeld: U.S. Gets A 'D' In War Of Ideas

Every country in the world has the right to enforce their immigration laws

Bomb threat on Market Street, San Francisco. Street closed.

La Raza spoke and the Senate backed down!

The sky is NOT falling!

Marines not wearing heavy new body armor -- remember Dragon Skin? (pics)

F the Easter Bunny!

MSNBC Survey: do you believe that Moussaoui's court testimony is credible?

Molly Ivins: Newspapers commit suicide by cutting reporters, news, costs

Message from reborn Air America Phoenix!

I have some questions

Kandahar hijacking, 9/11 ‘linked’

Coach Accused Of Forcing Student To Defecate In Bag

U.S. troops trapped in the middle as civil warfare heats up in Iraq

So what do you think are the Chimp's travel "perks"

Bruce Springsteen on illegal immigration

A CAPTION a day keeps conservatives away!

news network ratings--Tyndale?

I know the U.S. is responsible for the disaster in Iraq, but

What does "Viva La Raza" mean

How George W. Bush Unified Latin America

Anyone here surprised by the level of latent racism popping up on DU?

Is there a legal definition of "war," as far as the US Constitution is

Moses, Jesus, Muhammad, etc., should have just skipped the whole thing.

NYT: State Dept. criticized for purchasing Chinese PCs

AP: Ex-Wis. (GOP) Politician Gets 60 Days in Jail

Why doesn't Mel Gibson release another movie about Christ?

VIDEO- Tweety with Sands about Powell-Yet ANOTHER Memo

Am I hallucinating? I'd swear I just heard Leslie Aipac say,

With Global Warming Picking Up Steam, I Decided To Revisit A Certain Movie

VIDEO- Tweety with Sands on Cheney in 2000 and Iraq

Texas Youth Join Immigration Protests

Tweety covering the new memo, guest Phillipe Sands from UK.

Ralph Reed gets smacked by conservative magazine.

(AUDIO) Rumsfeld yukking it up and agreeing with Nixon's racist rants

Asian "illegal aliens"

A sick bird flopping around

US debt clock running out of time, space

My friend Najeem used to get a deportation notice every year

My Show Stopper Question For Scottie


Remember Bush's "Fuck Saddam, we're taking him out" 2002 comment?

US & Iran May Have Avoided War -- Mike Ruppert, From The Wilderness

"That's correct," Moussaoui said.

Senate panel has just approved immigration bill-

The Reason I'm against the immigration law...

A student of mine needs some help

VIDEO- Tweety with Buchanan on the Memo

NBC reports on secret memo! n/t

I find it interesting how Bush is using Dem ideals against us.

Schwarzenegger Hires Former Bush Media Consultants

The Definition of "Civil War"

Female Iraqi blogger nominated for UK book prize - Riverbend

Bush 'needs time off'---Advice From An Iraqi Insurgency Group

Gas Prices - FOLKS FILL UP THIS WEEK!! ($3/gallon coming)

I really hope for the day when nations and borders simply do not exist

The Chimperor says "No one should play on people's fears..."

NEXTon CNN John Kerry's perks

Total Solar Eclipse, March 29th

London Mayor describes US Ambassador as “car salesman”

Lou Dobbs: "We can't walk and chew gum. Not with this

Georgia May Approve Bible As Textbook

Sex Abuse Bill Called 'Victory' for Church

Revised military conduct code puts brothels off-limits

The odds of being drafted vs. population growth and a shrinking military

Greatest threat to American people - what they really have to worry about

High School WalkOut Thread - Is it spreading nationally?!!!

VIDEO: take a break and sit back and enjoy this cool, happy video

Racism & Bigotry...

Pregnancy High - Abstinence Education at Work

You want to do something about immigration?

By now our biggest fear should be that there will NOT be a civil war

watching an L.A. high school walkout/march right now!

“We do this because the General Strike is a new weapon to the workers

Bay Buchanan: Deport all 11 million "illegal" immigrants

"CARL ROVE IS SINGING" - Larisa Alexandrovna On Stephanie Miller

John Lennon on Immigration, War and Religious Fanaticism.

Elderly Couple Hurt in Raid on Wrong House

Official "Guy James Show" thread Please keep kicked!

Smoking Gun has Kerry hotel needs: healthy fare, movies, "No Evian"

I suppose emailing nasty shit to soldiers' wives is better than torture.

Okay, again, Iraq's officials say they want our soldiers out . . .

Stopped caring about the Katrina thing? Then DON'T check into this thread.

Bush & Blair Should Be In Shackles Before War Crimes Tribunal-Robert Parry

"Circular Migration".. another name for Slave Rental

Rumsfeld says U.S. poorly communicating ideology


WOWEE!!! Best Public Service Announcement EVER!!!

Son contacts mother after 23 years

Thank you DU Moderators - I so almost screwed up -

"illegally immigrated persons" if I may...

Is this the first time that the chimp and liberals are on the same page?

Blair: Announcing retirement plans a mistake

America’s Blinders-By Howard Zinn-Evidence of deception is overwhelming

It's a Bush Bash-a-Palooza!

Scam detective help please....

Waving the Bloody Shirt

Is there any way we can prevent the theft of 2006?

30% of our prisons filled with illegal aliens...

What Bush and Blair Told the Press After Key 2003 Meeting on Iraq


Good news from Iraq, at last!

Check out this CNN poll on 911??

Further evidence of impeachable offenses and war crimes

"We All Have Skin in the Game" - Cindy Sheehan with Al Franken - > mp3

“Saeed Sheikh was probably a triple agent”

New York Time's Amends Slanderous Mommy Party Headline

Ever think about living and working in Mexico?

Why are the immigration protests getting so much more coverage,...

DUers-what bumperstickers do you have?

West Wing going off the air

JIMMY CARTER ---A High School Girl Asked Me Why She Should Be A Democrat

Scalia flips the bird at critics during church service (seriously)

Kurtz: Fair to ask if media skepticism is behind declining support for war

Should I be ashamed of myself?

Woody Guthire on Immigration

Help in debunking a freeper claim.

Candygram for Mongo! Candygram for Mongo!

Seattle Killer Spray paints NOW on porches

Waving another country's flag, blocking a freeway, without a parade warran

Someone's talking -Conservative writer rats out conservative plagiarists


Who is going to buy what companies sell when all jobs are outsourced?

Georgia Considers Bible as Textbook

Flying Spaghetti Monster on front page of

CNN (at least ) is taking Mousaoui's testimony at face value

Brownie, you're on "The Colbert Report"

Rabbi orders that dolls be maimed.

Don't forget - Michael Schaivo on Larry King tonight (9 PM ET)

du this poll on student walkout over immigration issues

How the Democratic Party can win big in 06...

lessee - Latinos want Mexico to reannex SW US because it's Indian land ?

"Had Enough?"

Justice Scalia flips the finger in church

Founder of 'Delta Force' tears the Monkey a new one...

Question for ALL DUers -- why is it my job?

Foreign take over right under our noses


FBI refuses to search Moussaoui's computer: from Truth is All, ca. 2004

To all ignorant Americans re "commander in chief".

Pro-Life Alert: Nude Britney Spears "Birthing" Sculpture Unveiled

A couple of thoughts about all this immigration bruhaha

"OMG! The MEXICANS are coming"

I'm surprised nobody is talking about "insourcing".

8 Yrs. of Surveillance Shocks Merkel (this is bizarre)

Al Gore — The American Soul

Another Prominent Military Figure Denounces NeoCons, Iraq, War on Terror

Got A Call From An Argumentative DNC Fundraiser Today (Feingold=Fringe)

Mr. President - May I please have a job.

Goddamned Irish ditch-diggers, coming here and taking

Sander Hicks talks to & about Randy Glass

Democratic Underground needs volunteers to serve as moderators!

Towns, Cities Pass Resolutions Urging Impeachment

A question for Condi Rice : Why do they really hate us ??

Iran oil Bourse

Newt Gingrich - Democratic Consultant

News Hounds Media Digest #75 (3/20-26/06)

"I hope people see I'm human and a decent guy"

Some Political Ads on Net to Be Regulated

The underlying importance of the censure vote....

This is what 5 years of evil thoughts can do to you:

Transgender Veteran running for Congress in Springfield, MO

now we know why the bushmilhousegang wants the borders open

Think Fast

AFP photo: Deer, meet headlights. Headlights, meet deer.

Feingold's Censure Resolution May Pay Off

" a revaluation of the yuan" bushmilhousegang's wish

Republicans On The Run (Time)

Here's my scary tinfoil-hat conjecture about Bush/GOP immigration plan

Bush and GOP lost all black & most Latino voters, how about Asians?

Republicans On The Run

Democratic Underground needs volunteers to serve as moderators!

Will we ever get honest politicians who will say "Calm Down" over issues?

Why does Moussaoui get a trial, jury all the rights - but all the GITMO

my letter from Tammy Balwin (Dem, WI)--on Bush selling Nat. forest land

Assn of Progressive Rental Organizations-- Something fishy?

Why illegal immigration will NOT be a wedge issue in 2006 for the Dems

Congress to see play about Guantánamo

WOMEN: Wanna run for office or know someone who should? Here's

Thinkers and Drinkers, folks

Reich wing smears Helen Thomas, for trying to get to the truth

the coming immigration battle

Russia Questions U.S. Motives for Report

Help me survive The Colbert Report this Thursday - Robert Greenwald

British Adviser’s Memo Says Bush Was Set on Path to War in Iraq

FEC Won't Regulate Internet Politics

From an email: bumper stickers

Not enough wind turbines. Should the government get involved?

N.Y. Republican Stumbles Against Clinton

You have to give W credit for one thing in Iraq

"Good" Republican Beliefs

Senate Gives New Life To Warrantless Surveillance Debate

Rice faces anti-war protests on British visit

Time magazine article on global warming is scary

Democrats suggest new job for Sen. George Allen

Republicans need to get out more

Southern Regional March in Atlanta this Saturday

Noose Tightening Around Tom DeLay?

Somebody needs to educate Wm Cohen about winning hearts and minds.

New DCCC Ad: Exposing the Extremists (on stem cell)

"On the Floor," with "30 Something" Dem. Rep. Meek and his rubber stamp.

(George) Allen for NFL Post? Democrats Hope So

The Hill gets into the act on Cegelis and Duckworth.

NBC NEWS! is talking about Bush and

How much are you willing to to pay to make sure gays can't marry?

New DCCC Web Ad on Stem Cell Research: Roskam’s Choice (IL 6th CD)

Republicans are over-estimating importance of immigration issue...

Would someone please explain the MSNBC question of the day?

I'd say this is worth a Grand DC...a few POINTED questions.


MSM Misrepresents Feingold's Motives (Like Uncovering The Truth)

Michigan minimum wage ballot drive suspended... BUT...

Who would the Christian right pick to run in 2008?

My 10-year-old son asked me: "What is the worst thing the old Bush did?"

Justice Scalia flips the finger in church

A Call to All Good Americans ...

Antonin Scalia's comments that GTMO inmates have 'no rights' broadcast!!!

"Illegal Immigrants"

neutralize immigration issue: ask for forfeiture laws for employers

Will scapegoating Latinos and blacks help or hurt GOP in election?

C-Span caller: Canada, Mexico and the U.S. to form alliance like EU

Clark interviews Nick Lampson (Democrat running against Delay).

Fairness for Belarus

Justice Scalia's obscene gesture

Katherine Harris: Didn't she say people were "retouching" her photos...

Year Four of the Bush War: Military Draft or American Democracy?

Fourth man charged in GOP phone-jamming scam

Cegelis wishes Duckworth luck. ``She's going to need it.''

Bill Richardson for President

James Carville & Paul Begala

where is the draft gore campaign?

what constitutes "far left" or left wing "extremists"?

The Immigration War at DU

What ideas do you have for illegal immigration as an issue?

We need Gore more and more

My Proposed 2006 Democratic "Compact with Democracy"