Democratic Underground

Archives: December 21, 2008

Weenie Roast: "Palestinians burn pictures of U.S. President Bush"

The Cost of Conservatism, in Trillions

How sad - a market truck swerved off the road in Portland

Unanswered question about the anthrax case. Why has the FBI refused to release this letter?

Are there any fans of "Keeping up Appearances" here?

These are the days of Justin Elmore

I DON'T support the troops.

Skinner perfect as Wake downs Navy in EagleBank Bowl (TSN)

Palin soap opera: Drug in Levi's mom's case is oxycontin

So .... we went to the liquor store and a political rally broke out.

Rove's tech guru dead in small plane crash -- here's who he was.

From what I've read today

Obama names 4 scientists to top administration posts

I believe marriage is between 1 man, 1 woman, her friend Helen from law school, & his new camcorder

The DU Officially Sanctioned 'What do you think of Obama now?' Poll

From the "Assholes We'd Hoped Never to Hear from Again" files: Ken Starr rails against gay marriage

I've been trying to Monitor our Liberal Blogs about Rove's "IT Manager" dying in his Private Plane..

Dollars & Sense: Closures & Layoffs (Dec. 14-20)

How is your outrage meter?

Dollars & Sense: The End of Pensions?

Joyous Solstice To All - my Twelve Songs of Christmas

Velvet Revolution On Michael Connell Plane Crash - Non-Profit Demands Full Federal Investigation

More evidence the era of Oil is coming to an end

Pictures of Mike Connell Plane Crash

Jerry brown, Great attorney general or greatest attorney general?

NATO Fuel Tanker Crew Killed in Pakistan

Anyone have news on the Denver plane crash

Anyone have news on the Denver plane crash

India May Attack Certain Targets In Pakistan, Military On High Alert

Proof Positive that Socialism is the Wave of the Future

Iraqi Lawmakers Reject Draft Bill Extending Stay(Past 12/31) of Non-U.S. Troops

American Lawyers Defend the Constitution-Call On House Judiciary To Investigate President & VP

All money donated to the DNC and Democratic candidate by Madoff, should be donated to charity.

Plane Crash Kills Rove IT Guy, Testified in OH Voter Fraud Case, Key in White House Email Scandal

We'll need action from Pres. Obama on War Resisters

Since the Volt is still vaporware how about the Ford Fusion Hybrid

Wow, Canada, when you do the math, is paying more than double per capita for the auto bailout

DUers GEM$MNC has the Connell crash

1,000th Post - WHATTA RIDE!

Bread and Roses--a bit of history for today:

Bush Insider Who Planned To Tell All Killed In Plane Crash: Non-Profit Demands Full Federal

So here it is.. messy Xmas

Access to Bush E-Mails Delayed

Riots in America!!!

How many folk can I insult with this Christmas joke?

Two jobs in a household does not equal a wealthy lifestyle....

The Rev. Fred Plumer

Michael Connell appears to be another victim of the Bush crime family.

Unions, Labor and the State of the American Economy

Re: Auto bailout...this poll could use some DU love

Just a simple poll

Squeezed on All Sides, Parents Forego Day Care

Going down to 10 below, tonight.

Fantastic fun idea for NEXT Christmas, if you have a large annual gathering

Man dies in manure lagoon.

Civil unions are a red herring


In these hard economic times, please remember...

Photographers: Is film dying?

Released Detroit inmates promptly re-offend to head back to heat, health care, three meals a day.

The George W Bush Presidential Library is now accepting donations. Give til it hurts!

I now know where I want to be on 1/20/09

Marcia Pappas of NY NOW: Caroline hasn't "paid her dues"

Ok, try this.. :)

More suggestions to replace the hateful bigot ... WOMEN'S EDITION

Overwhelmed with out of towner homeless, SF considers residence requirement for aid

One of my sources died in a plane crash last night...Larisa Alexandrovna

Activist Toolbox - For Future Reference

Possible Solution to Obama's choice of Rick Warren

Cerberus offers to give up stake in Chrysler

I got Democratic Hands, I Got Democratic Arms...

Please help Tavvi and Connor...

Sarah Palin is Time's runner up for Person of the Year

There is a post that everyone needs to read and rec.

Toronto Star: A Keynes insight into free markets

Bailed out banks are refusing to say if our $$ is going for bonuses

Forum Editorial: An inspired choice for invocation

Iraq economy 'on track' says IMF - Unemployment across Iraq at between 30 and 60 percent

Czech lawmakers do not extend Afghanistan mission

My next job will be the lowest pay I've had in years...

Bristolians Camping on Raytheon's roof

Former CIO sues Diskeeper claims he was fired for not participating in Scientology training

We May Never Know

Independent UK: Top banker found hanged in hotel room

'Pakistan Will Respond in Case of Attack'

I wonder what Percentage of UAW workers vote Republican?

Nice to see the Warrengasm starting to subside,

Remember that 401(k) match we promised you when we axed the pension plan? ........

Rule Of Law - Washington D.C. Style

Israel Threatens Major Offensive Against Gaza

Ambush raises unsettling questions in Afghanistan

Should physicians be able to drug screen without your specific consent?

Tentacles of Madoff scandal reach far and wide

Mike Connell's crash mentioned in Akron paper

Biden to chair middle-class task force

No one who works actively to limit anyone's human/civil rights should be part of the Obama team.

The bastard's legacy: Iraq conflict has killed a million Iraqis

Do Evangelicals PRAY for RECESSIONS?

Obama Down Time

For those who hate seeing tax increases...

Toon on propositions.....

Where is the countdown Clock???

AP study finds $1.6B went to bailed-out bank execs

Biden: Cheney's Policies Have Created More Terrorists

Dear Admins,

Media Matters: Matthews for Senate (?)

Up to 30,000 new U.S. troops in Afghanistan by summer

Foreign Auto Makers Won Billions in Government Subsidies

Shoe Hurled at Bush Flies Off Turkish Maker’s Shelves (300,000 orders)

Had my doubts on C.K., but since G.F. is against it

The liberal case for Warren

What does over $150,000 in campaign contributions to Democrats by Madoff mean?

Japan's Auto Makers Get Subsidy Via Weak Yen

A cash and carry economy as part of President Obama's plan?

bu$h* E-Mails May Be Secret a Bit Longer......glitches my ass

Question about 'winter solstice'

a grinning david gregory qoutes charles krauthammer on caroline kennedy...mtp

Some sex offenders OK'd to work as paramedics

Government Subsidies to Foreign Car Companies

Ahhhnuld Terminates Jobs and paydays in Cal-eeh-four-nyah

They should be using CONSPIRACY to force Blagojevich down

Germany rediscovers its Roman roots

Condi is on MTP continuing the revisionist

Cheney Echoes Nixon: If The President Does It During Wartime, It Is Legal

This video rock. Jimmy Carter says YES!

Tribune Reports: No Drew Peterson Engagement (Way weird story)

The suspicious, disturbing death of election rigger Michael Connell

Rick Warren, Government Sponsored Religion and Anti-Gay

Anti-Gay Pastor to give Mr. Obama's Inaugural Invocation

DO NOT CLICK ANY LINKS POSTED BY KaraS. Her link goes to child porn.

How the GOP, Reagan, Bush Sr, Bush Jr Betrayed, Pillaged, then Sold the U.S.

Metrics for Compromises

Co-workers donated 1,550 personal hours to woman who lied about breast cancer

The Coingate saga just got crazier. Tom's in state custody, but look what Bernadette is up to.

Did former Toyota executive James Press rat out his old company?

Robert Fisk speaks of Afghanistan in 2002 and 2008. Wonders why we think we can win there?

Congress To Force Remaining Bailout Money Be Used To Aid Homeowners Facing Foreclosure

Any recommendations on a good Obama photo book about the election?

It's cold and scary under this bus.

NY Times: Bush Philosophy Stoked Mortgage Bonfire

Schwarzenegger orders mass layoffs, unpaid furloughs

What is the most politically astute strategy for dealing with fundie right wing bigots?

Cheney Echoes Nixon: If The President Does It During Wartime, It Is Legal»

French Utility to Acquire Part of U.S. Nuclear Giant

My take on gay marriage:

AP study finds 1.6B of the bail out went to bank executives

I'd just like to say if Rahm Emanuel uses "colorful" language,

Now get this straight, tinfoilers. Karl Rove is not a conspirator.

29 days to go before sh*t head is out of office

as a reminder of the sheer volume of work ahead

How much could internal combustion efficiency be improved by eliminating pollution controls?

Madoff scandal could lead to tax losses nationwide - 17 billion!

CHEENEE looks like he's got a flight plan on a small plane & Chris WALLACE like a clown-whore

condi thinks that the united states is very well respected worldwide...we're a humble nation

Gov. Paterson lands in Baghdad for surprise visit (with 4 congressmen)

New administration's prosecution of past administration crimes should start with Foggo in January!

Freeper talking points on the DU Economics Board.

We don't like where you shop so we're lowering your credit line, mmmkay?

The same FDA that said getting cheaper drugs from Canada is bad now says mercury in food is OK!

Madoff probe uncovers fresh scams

The Sarcasm Smiley FAQ

Rick Warren: Not just a bigot.... A fucking IDIOT

Caroline Kennedy supports gay marriage, Roe v. Wade

If you got a ton of snow and you have your own gas meter

EXPOSÉ A Private War - Moyer's Journal

I gave a dinner party last night and two gay friends ~~ a long time couple ~~ were there.

THE BUSH LEGACY By David Horsey (spot on)

Obama/Blago investigation report about Emanuel contacts a big fat nothing burger

The IWW Against Starbucks

Where was Spitzer on Madoff. Surely he heard rumblings and accusations

Rally to protest Wal-Mart worker's stampede death (today)

LA Times: A Beverly Hills investor's ties to Madoff sink many

Whistleblower in Ted Stevens case accuses fed. employees of misconduct

Pastor Rick Warren Likens Gays To Pizza - Ann Curry was "startled"!

Craig Crawford is writing a book with Helen Thomas

Unimportant Topic: White Vigilante Groups Blockaded New Orleans Town, Killing Black Folks.

Obama’s Cabinet: A Diverse Center-Left Team, Picked Quickly

Sasha's Peace Sign

AP study finds $1.6B went to bailed-out bank execs

SEC In "Complete Panic" Over Madoff

We have quite the blizzard going up here in Iowa

Obama adopts sober style as he gets ready

Mayors' infrastructure request full of pork, critic says

Well alright now: Festivus is coming!

Here comes the revolution

The Buzzwords of 2008

Help: Fact or Rumor....


Iraq shoe thrower to sue for damages: lawyer

Pastor Rick Warren defends invite to inauguration (is he feeling the heat?)

Creating a nation of zombies

Despite being bailed out on OUR dime, Wall Street executives still flying high on corporate jets

Obama starts morning with gym workout

Despite being bailed out on OUR dime, Wall Street executives still flying high on corporate jets

In case you didn't know it the Washington Consensus is dead: IMF urges government spending

St. Louis police spend thousands on gold-filled badges

Who do you trust more?

cheney Mocks Biden In Faux News Interview

Warren must withdraw his name from the inaugural. Its getting too ugly.

If the Obama Administration wants to really help the economy..

Highest moment the last eight years?

Saudi court rejects divorce plea from EIGHT-year-old girl married to 58-year-old man

Charlie Cook: More Losses For Senate Republicans?

Tin Foil Hat: Was this economic recession engineered to permanently lower our standard of living?

for a mere $4 to Rick Warren's church you can learn what to say to a gay friend

LBN: Robert F Kennedy Jr. Multiplies Loaves, Fishes

Scarlett Johansson 's SNOT on e-bay for now $ 4050 **For USA Hunger** Anything she can do

Wright is to Obama as Warren is to Bush/McCain

Union-busting NCLB turns nation's public schools into 'no-think zones'

LOL! Shoe throwing demonstrations in Montreal, Canada.

If Warren is allowed to speak at Obama's inaugural will his prayer reflect his true beliefs?

HELP!! I have a question...

Things that are still going on - right this minute - please add to the list

At DU, what are you: A critical thinker or an emotional responder?

"An Ode to Rev. Rick Warren .. Bunkshooter," by Carl Sandburg

-6 below with the wind chill here in West Michigan, blizzard conditions.

Non-Profit Demands Full Federal Investigation - Michael Connell

Isn't a massive protest march on D.C. re. Wall St./neoliberal policies/K-Street long overdue?

SEC In "Complete Panic" Over Madoff

07/24/2008: Ohio Attorneys Seek Protection for Mike Connell against Alleged Threats from Karl Rove

Five Authors. One Warning.


Utah Activist Disrupts Sale of Leases for Drilling - Hosed 'Em

Any Duers in Greece, or who know about the ongoing unrest there?

Please spare a thought today for the Homeless who have died. .

To the government of Iran, religion is about novels, not people!

Happy Hanukkah (first night is tonight) to my fellow Jewish DUers.

19 News Cleveland says a Connell friend warned him that someone may

"No, I thought (Leahy) merited (my telling him to go fuck himself) at the time," Cheney responded

Alaskan Republican says thanks, but no thanks to Palin's Budget to Nowhere

Pentagon Might Send 30,000 New Troops To Afghanistan Says Top Military Officer!

As economy falters, more people giving up pets

What was your favorite decade?

Toymakers Assail Costs of New Law

There are now more slaves on the planet than at any time in human history

Here is a moment of joy - caught on tape.

For the past week sales have picked up signifigantly

There is a difference between "being polite" and "sleeping with the enemy."

Here's what I did about Skinner's thread to help the Hungry. Kicking it up here as well, I hope.

Hans Blix Would Testify Against Bush-Cheney War Crimes

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to create a Dickipedia page for Rick Warren.

Joseph Stiglitz in January Vanity Fair: Capitalist Fools.

So what s more important?

There's a lot here...EVEN for the most ardent DU Skeptics..

Plane accident at Denver Internation Airport...

Plane accident at Denver Internation Airport...

I'm starting to think many progressives who claim to support human rights, don't. Not really.

GLOBALL MORANS AWARD week ending 12/20/08

Obama and Smoking

Folks, I am really liking the Chu pick.

Video Game Maker EA to Cut 1,000 Jobs

How many DUers are snowed in

Don't Be Scammed by Madoff Investor Sob Stories

Happy New Year to all DU Pagans!!!!

Tapes just released show LBJ accusing Nixon of treason

FDA Stuns Scientists, Declares Mercury in Fish to be Safe for Infants, Children, Expectant Mothers!

Yes, we elected Obama.


Pay Raises for Lawmakers Anger Watchdog Groups

Bush Administration member you'd LEAST LIKE TO SEE as the 5th member of Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young

OMFG, have you seen this post?

Kids Learn that 'Killing Is Fun' at the Army's Lethal New Theme Park

Need Help Finding Quote

Further proof that Emos can't handle the outdoors

Connell's ill-fated flight originated from airport only 50 vetted people can use

I hate the St. Lawrence Seaway

Check in if you're going to spend the next 30 days in the lounge.

Challenge: combine the subject lines of three lounge threads. For example...

You have GOT to see this post!

The Limits of My Bleeding Heart

If Warren at the Inauguration Could Feed a Starving Child, Would You Let Him Speak?

How lucky do you feel?

Video: Crash Will be Worse than Great Depression

Young Melons

"Caddyshack" marathon Sat. & Sunday (7 showings) on The Golf Channel

Here's what I'm obsessing about tonight. I like to keep you updated.

Pecan logs = crack

Joyous Solstice To All - my Twelve Songs of Christmas

Are you part of the 'army of one' folks who support GLBT rights, including marriage?

Yes, even Devo can jump the shark

"You mean he's some kind of ChickenMan? You mean he's

"Everything's gonna be all right... make or break, take some some... remember to take:"

I searched for "torture never stops" on Netflix and the first result was "The Neverending Story."


CONGRATS Penn State Women's Volleyball *UNDEFEATED* National Champions

Are there any fans of "Keeping up Appearances" here?

In the last day on Freecycle, I've seen the following outrageous requests:

Does it just feel like a WAR on us little peons?

Somebody rub my tootsies! I walked and walked

My customer just asked me if I'm into older women.

More Offended By Warren's Invocation Than Obama's Adoption Of Previous Administrations' Officials?

Why doesn't the UAW do a better job of representing workers?

All of my brothers need to quit bleeding.

'No matter what you search for on google image, women in bikinis come up'

Best Songs

Have you ever jizzed during a grudge fuck?

Grudge Fuck

How can you get a "second season" in Northern California?

Remember 'fizzies'?

On The Occupation of Denmark, Rick Warren and Pink Triangles

I am getting some ice tea, anybody want a glass.

West Side Story is on PBS - Natalie Wood is SMOKING

Real-life Mugwumps kept alive by smack.

fuquit la bimbos

The Wizard of Oz is on TNT, started at 9 PM central.

It's been snowing for 33.5 hours now...

Who's song is this? No title, no author, no singer

It's interesting to hear the music choices for this Dallas Cowboys stadium retirement

Holocaust survivor & Nobel laureate Elie Wiesel lives to see foundation wiped out by Madoff scandal

Figure Study Part III - In 3-D


Doctors in the house...what's wrong with me?

A poem on the spot- Sympathies Needed, I still write poetry.

Could someone update me on the Baltimore/Dallas score?

Touchdown Arizona!

Fall Out Boy Folie a Dull...

Credit card companies lowering limits based on WHERE you shop

My Christmas Gift to the Lounge

This house smells like hot garbage pizza.

I started using the ignore function today after a few hours in GD

The Jizzard of Oz is on TNT, started at 9 PM central.

Is "jizz" a bad word?

Wow! It got REALLY windy here all of a sudden!

So much for MY appetite.

Make sure you add this MUST HAVE to your Xmas list

I hate John Lennon

Freedom of choice is what you've got. Freedom from choice is what you want.

Look to the northern sky

I wanna sex you up!

Me meeting Santa Claus

It took me a whole SIX YEARS to get here, but I just made my 4991th post!

A history of Dr. Who in pics with best bets on the next Dr.

What did you have for Dinner?

Why don't scientists use today's technology to try to find out what happened to them?

Breakfast in My Morning Jacket

Al Gore is full of shit!

Arghh! Flight cancelled due to this crappy weather!

PSA: Back up your important computer stuff.

Correctly Political: I'm for Caroline! and Other Stentorial Ruminations

Most stoopid Mythbusters ever!

BYU lost to Arizona tonight.

Director Robert Mulligan (To Kill a Mockingbird, Fear Strikes Out) Dead at 83

Whistle-blower adds twist to Stevens case (accuses government of misconduct.)

dammit, if she shows up at 1 more event, I'm going to have to start carpooling with Condi Rice!

My phone tech guy just asked me if I'm into younger men.

"The Stranger"..short essay, sent by a friend.

Rat Terrier Problem-Need Advice

Man finds mouse parts baked into hot dog buns

fighting back against the damn snow

Fake gadgets (gift boxes) put the 'Gotcha!' in giving

Why is Santa so depressed this year?

My husband plays this strange game with me where he pretends to be asleep in the morning...

Well, I'm officially giving up on eHarmony.

Good news. I just got this email

I'm asking for a little help for some homeless dogs...

What stings the most is that he hasn't even been sworn in yet, and ALREADY it's Republican Lite

All of my brothers need to quit breeding.

WooHoo!!!!!! It's warmed all the way up to -6

Today Show about to do segment on Boxed-Wines: Midlo Interviewed As The 'Expert'

Percy Faith - Theme From A Summer Place:

Anyone ever seen this show? Screenwipe?

Admins, its time to allow another opportunity to change login IDs. I want to

I don't give a damn about my bad reputation

ya know what i like best about xmas?


I played piano in worship this morning, and lived to tell the tale!

Just arrived home from Italy!

PSA For MEN ONLY on the upcoming holiday. This is an Important cautionary video.

OK, I'll admit it, I am a HOMOPHONE!11!!!!11

You see, us Floridians always seem to get a bad rap from this board. But give us some credit.

your current temp in Kelvin

Help me, I just quoted Jay-Z lyrics in GD:P

Peach Cobbler Can Rock My World

Warrant is tearing DU apart.

Peach Gobbler Can Rock My World

Ok, then ...failed test please ignore

ROFL "It' s a forklift kinda day!"


Happy Birthday FRANK ZAPPA (December 21, 1940 – December 4, 1993)

Okay, we're leaving NW Indiana

Who did the Cowboys do against the Ravens?

Pink snow?

I just stepped outside to put out some food for the ferals, and it is nasty out there!!

Is there any polite way to refuse to have sex with someone?

Update on Mali, the abandoned kitty we rescued from freezing to death

Honda crushing fail.

I ordered an iPhone 3G 8 GB online this morning from AT&T...

Merry Christmas Everyone! Here is a video of our Antique Santa Claus Collection!

How long till Rick Warren is on TV crying over some sex tryst?

I'd like to thank Turtlensue for her Christmas present to me this year...

Not to be outdone by Pete Schweddy, Shamwow! guy proclaims-'You're going to love my nuts"

You know, I still don't trust people who hide their profiles.

I ATE old Horses!

Who was the first Rock 'n Roll star?

My Christmas CD's...

"Mayors' stomach infrastructure full of pork" -- Muslim critic

OktoberKid's "I Am" Poem

To YOU, who think being gay is a "choice", and should be resisted for moral and responsible reasons.

REMEMBERING BILLEY JOE - Billey Joe Johnson Jr Laid to Rest - Questions Remain

20 years ago Today (12/21/88) Pam Am Flt 103 Bombing over Lockerbie

15 yards for a freakin' Snow Angel????

Body of Evidence

Next Christmas season, I am so putting this major award on my lawn

I'm waiting until the temperature rises to 0 degrees before

Not a big movie watcher probably watched 2 entire movies in 10 years. The Dark Knight was 1 of them

Warren was HOT when he was younger!

So - If we are heading for a depression, what do we do???

OK - Finally saw "Casino Royale" (Daniel Craig version)

I hate Lawrence Welk.

About 2 Feet of Snow out there

The Warren issue is a perfect example of why separation of church and state is so important

The damn sun is shining here and the wind has laid!!

It took me a whole SIX YEARS to get here, but I just made my 5,000th post!

Celtic Woman Great Songs.

Brother/Sister, Can You Spare A Star?

219 inches of snow in two days, 90 mph winds expected tonight.

Discussions on DU regarding Warren - my take

Hijack this thread

my shit was all fucked up

Should US demilitarize?

I'm in Florida!

Farewell DUers, due to the incoming blizzard here, I've been called into work

NOBODY desecrates the Terrible Towel and gets away with it!

Just taking a break to wish everyone a very happy Yule for today is the 21st.

i think i am smitten with a bromance with this guy at work

i can't wait for the next movie that has a mischievous housepet

MSNBC producer goes on a profanity outrage...LOL!

Goodbye Bush, hello Obama party

What is DU listening to this morning?

I'm beginning to think my mother in law only knows how to make roast beef.

At the bar last night, this lady, who was PLASTERED, kept asking me if I was Stephen King.

Congratulations, Detroit Lions!!

OK Fox, the NE-Arizona game is 41-0, can we switch to another game please?

Sequel to nude Sarah Palin painting: Nude Blagoyavich painting

Show us your reptiles

Okay party people in the house...

Why don't you give me a play

Why we love cats

If you live near I-81, could I get a weather report?

So, Yay Dolphins!!!!

Denver game not televised!!!

i'm so crazy

satellite tv is out...can't figure it out!

Anybody know the approximate frequency range of tape hiss? nt

Anybody know the approximate frequency range of tape hiss? nt

My first LOL Dog!

so i bought my sociopathic best friend a xmas tree

I mix so fast

I'm off to negotiations in Dubai. Will post as soon as I am able. n/t

If you are in a jet traveling just under the speed of sound and you throw a tennis ball

There are 12 18yo's in my house for a nookie exchange.

CD Baby makes me want to BUY music again.

I'd bet on the Jets to lose

Does science recognize insects?

I Have Ambivalent Feelings about the Argument on DU over Obama’s Selection of Rick Warren

What do you think is the most important example of change

Christmas Tips for the staff for Manhattan High Rise Renters

I'm skating in a Christmas show tomorrow...

"F-you Pally" vs "F-you Buddy" is there a difference?

Your current temp

kitten picture of the day for sunday december 21

I think we should ban ALL legal marriage!

Throw shoes at Bush!


What are your favorite Christmas songs/tunes?

Photographers: Is film dying?

Why do people sit in their cars with the engine running and BS for 20 minutes in someone's driveway?

Rick Warren, Council on Foreign Relations: His African AIDS "ministry"

My mother wants a gift certificate to Olive Garden or Red Lobster for Christmas...

The RetroLounge Daily Poem Thread (Sun 12/21/2008)

CNN just said people were pissed they have had to go 8 days w/o power and

**What we know about the Michael Connell crash itself (Research Thread - feel free to contribute)**

today we are all canadians

I HATE old houses!

My balcony door is frozen shut

See this. And listen to it.

I, like many Vancouverites, have been reminded I live in Canada today

My friend's sister died last night.

Then he smiled at me pa rum pa pum pum, me and my drum

Warren: My Shit's Fucked Up

When you really think about it...

Should there be a maximum wealth?

Cheney Admits All This Evil Is To Deflect A Childhood Fear Of Satire

What's the most quotable movie of all time?

My marriage is over. Thank you all for the prayers, vibes, and love you sent me

Exhibit #2,439 why the British have better taste in music than us (Hint: Hallelujah):

My take on Gay Marriage.

Dr Who just reproduced.

Your LEAST FAVORITE school cafeteria food

Warren Zevon - Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner

There are 18 12yo's in my house for a cookie exchange.

family/labor question

There are 18 12yo's in my house for a cookie exchange.

where is graywarrior when you need her?

I quit.

Your Sunday LOLcats (dial-up warning)

We just watched a documentary about an unsolved murder

It's official - it's never going to stop snowing

Turtlensuzy and I are ENEMIES today. GO EAGLES!!!!!

The Suspicious, Disturbing Death of Election Rigger Michael Connell (Fitrakis and Wasserman)

are all calico cats nuts?

are all calico cats nuts?

Alternative to a bigot delivering a prayer at a state function.

Who's ready to see the Panthers kick the crap out of the Giants?

Where is this quarter from?

Post a song that describes how you're feeling right now.

Cat eats tree!

Last night I had a dream I got shitfaced on O'Douls with Stephen King.

Strange Christmas lawn 'decoration' in my neighborhood.

i got a castle in brooklyn


The list of Best Band Names 2008 almost made me lose dinner laughing

Crap, I think my cat's dying...

Product of the day: Potty Mouth

City trying to deny Church right to shelter homeless, on Homeless Mem. Day!

Muppets-style Chanukah spoof - rabbi has run-ins with Homeland Security.

Crooks & Liars: Some other 'bridge-building' invitees to Obama's inauguration

I have an extra Inauguration ticket

Please help my secular option to Warren poll (link inside) ...

Hey GDP, take a 2:45 break with the immortal Slim Gaillard.

ONE month left! Time for 76 Trombones..a song that is the very definition of excitement.

I have a dream ...

Rick Warren

An apology of sorts....and hopefully an olive branch.

Obama's grades at Columbia

Gays and Lesbians should leave DU and not come back?

Rick Warren is an evil man

I Can See Only One Way For Obama To Make Up For Warren

WP: Optimism High About Obama Policies, Poll Finds (Nearly seven in 10, 76% approve Transition)

He didn't choose Donnie McClurkin for the invocation

Reminder: Biden on "This Week" tomorrow 12/21

Rick Warren = Anti-Gay, Anti-Evolution, Anti-Social Justice: The Nation

Starting this morning I started believing this one thing that the Unabomber said in his manifesto.

I'm so happy - Remember the feelings 4 years ago to the day?

Truth be told, not one of us has civil rights currently. * and Cheney spent 8 years gutting

Anyone remember the controversy in the 1990s when Trent Lott and Bob Barr...

this is why it's wrong:

this is why it's wrong:

Bill Cunningham Revives “Muslim” Smear Against Obama

Optimism, Hopes High for Obama White House in new poll numbers

The RNC is trying to find their very own "Howard Dean"

Sunday talk show lineup for December 21 (Darth Cheney Buh-Bye Interview Alert!)

Where's the baby?

Jill Biden plans on continuing to teach, probably somewhere in the DC area

Obama Press Release: White House Task Force on Working Families

Wolfson, other top Dems in mix for spokesperson roles

It is wrong to call DUers bigots...

If we want to be really honest, Obama showed us that he was against gay equal rights from the start.

What do you make of Biden's comments re: Warren

Wonder what the political landscape would look like if political parties

Cheney says Biden hasn't asked for any VP advice.....thankfully

WaPo editorial: The Clinton Conflict

Let's Just Impeach Him.


When you have a hammer, sometimes everything looks like nails.

If you supported or voted for Obama - then you are a homophobe!

ABC Exclusive: Obama's Blago Report: Only One Rahm Call to Governor

I just want to say I love you all

In the interest of inclusion, I believe we should give creation scientists a seat at the table

Warren was HOT when he was younger!

Hillary Clinton marched in gay pride parades

Gene Robinson: Warren Invitation "a Slap in the Face"

Guests for the Sunday TV news shows (Biden on "This Week")

Biden to oversee efforts aimed at middle class

Why DADT will be repealed within a few months

Fifteen Minutes a Week: An Appeal for Help

Sorry, there's one position on the Rick Warren controversy I find hard to respect

I've begun saving change for the Obama 2012 Campaign.

If we are supposed to focus on the good parts of Warren's message we owe the same courtesy to. . .

I still like and support Obama.

Well that's it, I'm throwing away all my Melissa Etheridge CDs and books

everyone: change avatars to show solidarity with our gay sisters and brothers

Obama Needs Two Years to Close Guantanamo?

Since the election, are you more happy with Obama, less happy, or about the same?

Corrigan Brothers' - "There's No One as Irish as Barack O'Bama?" invited to Inauguration per ABC

Corrigan Brothers' - "There's No One as Irish as Barack O'Bama?" invited to Inauguration per ABC

C'mon gays, women, and atheists, pony up!

What should be our raging response to Mellisa Etheridge?

You're Free to Think that Gay Sex is Disgusting.

The Fickle Finger of Fate Award Goes To:

Of course she's qualified to be a senator. After all, she's a president's daughter

Cheney says Biden hasn't asked for any VP advice

Ladies and Gentlemen one month from today the bastard will be GONE

Reasons To Be Cheerful: Part One

Just because every now and then we all need one


People wanting civil rights and r angry right now are not the people you need to protect Barack from

I so look forward to Jan. 20

For All The Psychic DU'ers

I'm torn on which camp on GDP is more over the top:

I'm worried about the economy.

White House Accuses NY Times Of 'Gross Negligence'

Obama’s Choice of Pastor Warren a ‘Mistake,’ Barney Frank Says (Bloomberg)

Why would anyone listen to anything Condi Rice has to say?

Stop fucking LYING

Kerry Kennedy prayed for Sirhan Sirhan

John Gibson on Fox just said the gas prices increased over the summer to elect Obama.

Do not click on any link KaraS posts -- it is child porn

Bush History - Disgraced Lobbyist Abramoff's Bush Ties, & Soldiers Lost in Iraq are an "investment"?

Warren: Syrian Dictator is a "Moderate," Treats Jews Real Nice!

First Barack Obama and now Melissa Etheridge?

I'm disappointed that a very outspoken handful of Democrats fight to get others to shut up

NYT: Obama tries out his salute

NYT: Obama tries out his salute

It's MS. KENNEDY, not Mrs. Kennedy!

What is the deal with Melissa Etheridge?



When I see and hear Rick and Obama

I think the fact that the Warren outrage isn't going away is a good thing, even a very good thing

gay rights and the civil rights struggle of the 1960's HAVE NOTHING IN COMMON

Priorities, Schmiorities: The Wrong Outrage on Pastor Rick Warren, Syria's Best Bud

For all those worried about President-Elect Obama losing support on here

There is nothing like losing money to get Republicans' attention.

Rick Warren has said that only FIVE issues are non-negotiable:

Let's be clear about what Obama's position on gay marriage is

NYT: Downturn Will Test Obama’s Vision for an Energy-Efficient Auto Industry

Giving Warren more attention than he deserves HELPS Warren get free press

Juan Cole's take on Rick Warren after appearing with him at MPAC council


Regarding DU and the reaction to Warren...too much outrage, not enough outrage, or just right?

Rev. Welton Gaddy, State of Belief, warns against using religion as a political tool.

so, does all this mean no du inauguration parties? or

He's A Muslim


Well, here's MY meta-comment about the Rick Warren controversy


Should religion in any form be a part of politics, even in Presidential inaugurations?

If you believe "Obama shouldn't be criticized" or "Obama sold us all out" you're both wrong

Government needs to get out of the business of marriage period.


Let's just get down to the basics - according to Maslow.


Both sides isolating themselves from each other will accomplish nothing. (Warren)

My husband of three months went to the doctor yesterday

Rick Warren and Melissa Etheridge both appeared at the Muslim Public Affairs Council ...

Who would be a better pastor to deliver the invocation?

Rick Warren has been on the defensive ever since the invitation was extended.

I've had a change of heart

Obama, through the lens of good music and Texas women.

To the gay guys & gals at DU: I've changed my mind.

Warren pick and defense guarantee one term for Obama

At the risk of "Talking about Fight Club," this Warren business hasn't been about Obama for days

I'm not afraid to call out a few DUers so here goes:

Security Clearances for politicians


Obama Reshapes White House for Domestic Focus; "shift away from Bush priorities"

Plane Crash Kills Rove IT Guy, Testified in OH Voter Fraud Case, Key in White House Email Scandal

'Drill, baby, drill' process has begun

Israeli blockade 'forces Palestinians to search rubbish dumps for food'

Obama Expands Stimulus Goals

Hunger Mounts in US (Feeding America Finds 30 Percent Increase in Emergency Food Assistance)

Colombian Indians push anti-government protests

General George S. Patton was assassinated to silence his criticism of allied war leaders

Continental airliner runs off runway (in Denver), 38 injured

US to replace British forces in southern Iraq

Obama forms task force on working families

Prop 8 proponents seek to nullify same-sex marriages

Bush E-Mails May Be Secret a Bit Longer

Bush E-Mails Secret a Bit Longer,Legal Battles,Technical Difficulties Delay Reqrd Trnsfr to Archives

China offers $19bln to Taiwan firms: report

Exclusive: Obama's Blago Report: Only One Rahm Call to Governor

Sarah Palin: From running mate to Time's runner-up

One killed in massive I94 crash.

Irish govt poised for $7 bln bank bailout

2 alleged U.S. spies killed in Pakistan's tribal region

Russia's Putin warns business on excessive job cuts

U.S. Military Mobilizes Troops for Inauguration

Obama ups jobs goal to 3 million on bad economic news

In Need of Cash, More Companies Cut 401(k) Match

Airliner goes off runway at Denver airport

Cheney says Congress failed struggling automakers

EPA veils hazardous substances

Medicaid applicants grow as recession widens

What Obama promised Biden

Biden Not Ruling Out Prosecuting Bush Officials For Prisoner Abuse

Violence continues in Greece as rioters firebomb buildings

Senate-for-sale case threatens new chief of staff

Cheney Defends His Tenure, Adminstration's Actions

UAW's Sacrifices Look to Some Like Surrender

Obamas begin isle vacation

AP study finds $1.6B went to bailed-out bank execs

Squeezed on All Sides, Parents Forgo Day Care - Education, Safety Sacrificed in Fiscal Crunch

John Holdren is science's new champion

Madoff probe uncovers fresh scams

Rick Warren Defends His Invitation to the White House

Russia starts missile delivery to Iran: Iranian MP

Saudi court rejects divorce plea from EIGHT-year-old girl married to 58-year-old man

Recession in U.S. is bringing job cuts, unrest to China

Franken team expects a win of 35-50 votes

At Siemens, Bribery Was Just a Line Item

50% chance of depression in US

Lawmaker (Barney Frank) says 'no' to Rev. Warren at inauguration

Gaza militants launch more rockets into Israel

Israel Threatens Major Offensive Against Gaza

Military clash in Gaza unavoidable: Israeli defence official

Livni: I will topple Hamas regime in Gaza if elected PM

Israel, Arab states at odds over first UN gay rights declaration

Egypt Red Crescent to deliver aid to Gaza

The Biggest Knock on Caroline's Candidacy

Obama's revolution on climate change

Frank Rich:Who Wants to Kick a Millionaire?

Thanks, NYTimes - 5 Torturous Years Too Late

Greece and the Insurrections to Come

Could GE Collapse?

"Pay close attention to Greece... it might eerily presage disturbances elsewhere in 2009"

White House philosophy stoked mortgage bonfire

LA Times: They're living with cancer and little else

Dick Polman: The American Debate: He leaves with a record of contempt, secrecy, lies

One Leg Raised on the Bush–Cheney Legacy: Deconstructing the Spin and Propaganda

Independent UK: Madoff: The man who sold the world

One Leg Raised on the Bush–Cheney Legacy: Deconstructing the Spin and Propaganda by Walter Brasch

Ford’s Legacy

Dollars & Sense: The End of Pensions?

More Than 100 Latin America Experts Question Human Rights Watch's Venezuela Report

A Call for Whistleblowers: Cyclops in the Closet

How to Trick Candidates Into Giving Themselves a Religious Test

German court provides legal stamp for hard labour

Country Without Mercy

The Fed and the Treasury Need to Come Clean About Where The Money Is Going

Hunger mounts in the US

'Lethal Warriors' in Iraq, linked to string of crimes back home

Bill O’Reilly Accuses Caroline Kennedy of 'Elitist Pandering' in Meeting with Al Sharpton

A Tame Regulator for the SEC

Pastor Rick Warren Defends Invite to Inauguration

Compelling Journalism Persists Despite Media's Business Struggle

Downturn Will Test Obama’s Vision for an Energy-Efficient Auto Industry

Hong Kong's Richest 1% Party On During Recession!

Greed, The American Way

Bush administration insider 'knocked off'?

How Greed Has Changed One Life

Marjorie Cohn: Why Was Cheney So Quick to Admit He's a War Criminal?

Blagojevich Appoints His Own Sperm to Illinois Senate Seat

Shopping in New York, where some terrorists wear suits and red braces

Who Wants to Kick a Millionaire? by Frank Rich

The Formerly Wealthy Meet the Newly Unemployed

The last of the affluent, the carefree and the innocent

FBI Agents Shifted From Terror Work to Madoff, Subprime Probes

The Anti-Greenspan

A World Enslaved-"There are now more slaves on the planet than at any time in human history"

Juan Cole on Rick Warren/Melissa Etheridge

AP Study Finds $1.6B Went to Bailed-Out Bank Execs

General George S. Patton was assassinated to silence his criticism of allied war leaders

"No one wanted to stop that bubble. It would have conflicted with the president's own policies."

John Pilger's blog on Z_net: Wishful Thinking for 2009.

Katrina's Hidden Race War

Don Siegelman as told to Paul Alexander: Karl Rove Destroyed My Life

The Christmas Pig

Billionaires’ Ski Club in Montana Stiffs Florists, Blacksmiths

Anti-Capitalist Uprising Imminent?

Looking at Greed as an Addictive Dysfunction

Time Mag Columnist: Obama Is "Very Rational-Sounding Sort Of Bigot"

Jesus Was a Jew, But Didn’t Eat Chinese for Xmas

Madoff: "I'm very close with the regulators."

Not Bankers

Don't Blame Unions For Detroit's Ills

Maron v Seder: Bush Pardons Gay Ignorace over Rick Warren's Involvement In Obama Inaguration.

Robert Parry discusses the evidence of Nixon's treasonous legacy and the media's choice to ignore it

TYT: O'Reilly Wants Us to Vote on Christmas

America Now is the Time! - Lena Horne's message for us from the past resonates well!

George Carlin: Swearing on the Bible & Imaginary Rights

My response to Bill O'rielly

Mike Connell: Victim of Republican Foul Play?

In Defense of Iran

Syriana's Stephen Gaghan talks about being 'Wellstoned'.

The Week In Cartoons 12/20/08

Young Turks: Who Names Their Child Adolf Hitler? This Guy!!

Michael Connell DEAD! Key Witness (against Karl Rove)

Young Turks: Mika Brzezinski Gets Mugged in the Right Neighborhood

White vigilantes shot 11 blacks in New Orleans

Has Bush; after destroying our economy; screwed our chances for a trip to Mars?

After Six-month Trial, Army Pulls the Plug On Electric Vehicles In Europe

Gen. Casey Says Ending Stop Loss Is Priority

Baumholder Troops Honor Medic Who Died

Yokota Security Airmen Back From Iraq

Some Troops In Iraq Get OK For Beer During Super Bowl

Fort Huachuca Soldiers Restricted From Mexico

Outnumbered, But Not Outgunned

Military: Let Nature Deal With F-16 Jet Fuel

Mullen: 30K More Troops Could Go To Afghanistan

Publishers Balk at Laura Memoirs

Green Jobs Champion Hilda Solis Gets Secretary of Labor

What do you all know about bio-defense labs?

PA State concerned about waste water from new gas wells(Marcellus Shales)

Nicaragua's (first) $95 Million (40 MW) Wind Farm to Start in January

Japan's Kaneka plans $1.1 bln solar captital expansion (new 200 MW/year plant)

Vinalhaven overwhelmingly supports (island's) revisions to wind power rules (Maine)

Brazilian Govt. - Amount Of Rainforest Razed In 2008 Up 67% YOY Over Aug 06 - July 07 - Mongabay

Lake Hartwell, Chunk Of NE Georgia, Western Carolinas Still Stuck In Drought

Plug-In Hydrogen Fuel Cell Bus Has 6 Minute Recharge Time (Burbank, CA)

NASA Scientists Hurl Plastic Ducks Into Greenland Moulin In Attempt To Trace Course Of Meltwater

Amazon Oil Pollution Case Could Cost Chevron Billions

Texas can take lessons from Finland's nuclear power plant delays

U.S.$2.6 Billion Investment for Bong Mines (Liberia)

Deep-water wind farm plans inspire hopes, outcries (Maine)

Russia said starting missile delivery to Iran

New Light Source Lasts 15 Years Without a Recharge

Iran set to build 5 new nuclear reactors

Scientists Find Previously Unknown Cambodian Frog - Has Blue Bones, Green Blood - Mongabay

Georgia’s almost perfect for solar

EEStor Granted Patent, information released.

From teh Longue: "Al Gore is full of shit"


In Need of Cash, More Companies Cut 401(k) Match

Have too much money? Help is available.

Blinder in NYT: Missing the Target With $700 Billion

BAPCPA Gag Rule Found Constitutional by Fifth Circuit

"Central bankers are more powerful than governments"


The last of the affluent, the carefree and the innocent

Guess who created the collapse of Argentina 10years ago?

Is there anything lower than the advertising industry? McDonald's NEW commercial!

Six banks with $540 billion in bailout money still flying 27 corporate jets

NYT: In Need of Cash, More Companies Cut 401(k) Match

Union workers in auto bailout crossfire

DNA (Denver Newspaper Agency) demands wage concessions by Jan. 16

Unionbusting Confidential

Auto Bailout (hostage value)

MLK Day March

Car Makers Face Urgent Problems, Even With Government Bailout (blue collars to get hit again?)

Laid-off Granite City steelworkers hang on to hope

Bush Auto Plan Will Test Obama's Union Loyalties

Today in labor history Dec 21 Supreme Court rules that picketing is unconstitutional

Toyota Republicans should cut their own pay

Please help my new poll.

Lone Justice - Shelter

Marriage Equality Now blog

To those of you needing a break from DU:

I'm envious of this community. You are awesome, wonderful people..

i didn't know what to say

Jerry Brown's reverse on gay-marriage ban: Is it a game-changer?

Caroline Bucks Barack, Hillary On Gay Nups

Dialup Warning - Really crappy "Light Up the Night" photos.

So how does it feel to be a part of a "personal interest group?"

Queer hater to blast fags at Inauguration. World affairs on hold.


Read this post

Some days I think we should have a DU Group instead...

Is this a nice thing to say to somebody?

Good luck getting DADT repealed with this bozo as the Armed Services chair.....

Does anyone know what Obama's actual record is on gay rights?

KaraS has left the building. Thank you, mods.


Want a good laugh?

C'mon Gay Hawaiians

If the post is ok for DU, then what's wrong with a thread about it?

It's Time to Stop Alerting on Bigoted Posts!

OK. Equality is not the top issue right now. It's the economy. Right?

Loony religidiots battled for the passage of Prop 8

Some of you may know this, but my husband is a born-again Christian.

"Let those who persecute be ashamed!"

Here is a fantastic post that needs more love

I think I give up.

Will the pro-GLBT or anti-GLBT side be classified as “HOMEGROWN TERRORISM”, H.R. 1955 & S. 1959

Opponents file suit to annul gay marriages in California

When you're GLBT, your life is your activism, your life is your protest

Does DU need a "week without gay"?

The Warren pick is not equivalent to Obama inviting David Duke to speak.

Thoughts and prayers to all

So I see the anti-GLBT contingent's latest tactic is to point to Melissa Etheridge

How much dismisiveness of GLBT people on DU is due to an idea that we are privileged

this Warren thing has me so bummed out, I can't feel "Christmas-y." I feel

Now that Skinner has openly sided with the intolerant I'm taking a break

What were some of the most stupid responses you got to the Warren incident?

It's official. I just gave up.

Feel free to use. I made them. (avatars)

Bolivia declares literacy success

I feel dirty saying this but.... GO COWBOYS!

The Jack Rabbit Chess Report: (December 21): Topa runs away with Nanjing

Wow - This Is Like Tthe Worst Night Ever For BYU!

wind chill values will continue to hover in the 15 to 20 below zero range.

I think we all know where I'm going with this.

Hey, Texas Stadium...

Science Daily: "Novel Basis Identified for Tamoxifen Failure" (ie, tamoxifen can worsen cancer)

New Year, Younger You: 20 Anti-aging Herbs and Spices You Must Add to Your Diet Now

More vibes for RetroLounge's mom (cancer dx).

Astrological Perspectives on Bernard Madoff

Happy Yule!

What a long night

“Outnumbered, but not outgunned” what Obama needs more of in Afghanistan if he is to win.

Look - I took a picture of a rainbow lying on the ground.

An unexpected cameo..

8 years of W and this is all that's left...

Concealed Carry Permit Comes in Handy

Snow in Vegas

Y'all have inspired me!

Christmas goodies........Texas-style

Happy Solstice, everyone!

OK folks, Bad News

notes on pie

Christians: What is the definition of "grace"?

Banned From the Bible on Now - History Channel

Researchers probe scat for clues to orca decline

Your Cell phone is the next medical tricorder for poor nations

Pope Marks Galileo Anniversary, Praises Astronomy

Hubble Deep Field: The Single Most Important Image Ever Taken by Man

Stainless Measuring Spoons

Religious Lamp with Fluid Flow patent#: US 7118242

A tribute to some former educators...

The Other Vampire Movie Right Now

Buy-to-let fraud hits thousands

Met chief accuses Tories over probe