Democratic Underground

Archives: February 24, 2009

Take back the land Miami

Republicans who opposed the stimulus package, and how we address those who accept the funds.

My rebuttal to the RW email about the stimulus

Charity Yanks Free House to Vet Over Pot Bust

Flashback - 6/07 - Bush HUD Official "We may have already seen the worst."

Today's Worst Person in the World should be...

Business Loans & Grants

anyone have a link to hear Pres. O speech on economy today?

Television to debut new reality program

Really?, Howard? "Wall Street Experts"?

LA Times: Beijing's Olympic building boom becomes a bust

OK, so I actually went into a WalMart yesterday.

KO about to skewer Shelby

ATTN: Log Cabin Repugs.....these are the people you've aligned yourselves with:

Good Job Karen Finney!

I have an idea , lets post all the horror at once . one list

CBS chooses right-wing propagandist as its Sr. VP of Communications

Please support Pepsi

It sure does seem like everything is going according to many on DU predicted

Did the SEC overlook Lehman insider trading?

Great-Grandson Raising Money to Buy Gandhi's Personal Belongings at New York Auction

Can someone explain to me what I might have missed by not winding my watch the last few days ..... ?

Flashback -12/07 - National Review Denounces Efforts To Respond To Subprime Crisis

Newt Gingrich Leading Insane Conservative Effort to Close Deficit By Reducing Revenues

What are your opinions on dress codes for clubs?

Rush-lite Red Texas upset that they are getting $6m to help their schools

Stocks Killed, S&P Back To Spring Of '97

Anyone here in the Human Resources field?

Will Universal Health Care Get Done by 2010?

Biofuel gangs kill for green profits

Anyone else having trouble receiving MSNBC right now?

Police Warn of G20 Protests in 'Summer of Rage'

I'm an Alabama resident: Can we recall Sen Shelby ??

Pawlenty Says Minnesota’s Lone Representation In The Senate Is Hurting The State

"Richard Shelby is a punk who has less claim to citizenship in this country than Barack Obama."

As a Consumer: What is your evaluation and prediction of the future so far as your spending

Same-gender marriage? Mormon JIHAD!! Ted Bundy? Not a problem.

Steamroll the motherfuckers!

Solar energy coming soon to sunny Southern California!

Infringement Case Against McCain Advances

Bunning apologizes for Ginsburg cancer remark

Bunning apologizes for Ginsburg cancer remark

Rachel's ailing .... Allison Stewart is in for her.

Now what's this I hear about R. Allen Stanford laundering money?

Pentagon says Guantanamo is humane

Any COBRA experts here that will engage in a quick dialogue with me?

Coast to Coast Streamlink just paid for itself. Two weeks ago I sent a personal email to George

The "Full Obama" Live "Q&A /BiPartisan Summit on Fiscal Responsibility"!

Larry McDonald

Please Watch/Listen- THE 12th ANNUAL HOMELESSNESS MARATHON (FEB.23rd 6PM- 8AM)

Justice Ginsburg Returns to Work

The Triangle Puzzle Was Easy.

Time to boot the current Sergeant at Arms of the Senate out on his ass

The Cult of St. Ronnie.......

Obamacon yourself !

In These Times: The Future of Transit

In These Times: The Future of Transit

So.....will MSNBC offer Gary Condit his own news show?

Alison Stewart is setting in for Rachel

Ok folks, what Mr. Shelby is doing is beyond pandering

Is it possible to fix our economy so Main Street AND Wall Street are happy?

Conservatives need prozack

Question on homebuying in the Stimulus Bill

Barack Obama endorsed by Pastor Phelps of Westboro Baptist Church

Bush back in saddle for speaking tour ***(Politico Alert)***

Mandatory Monday Malloy Truthseekers check in!!

Oh, NO! I've become just another heartless bastard!!

Wasn't AIG supposed to pay back the $150 billion taxpayer

When is Congress gonna have the guts to physically drag Rove's ass into the house?

Who is John Thain?

New TN Democratic party treasurer donated a lot to Republican candidates.

Obama is incredibly dangerous - Democrats are Bad People

Minnesota Court: No To Coleman, And Yes/No/Maybe To Franken

Heads up: Morgan Stanley Chairman and CEO is on Charlie Rose tonight for the hour

OMG! Free Republic has been infiltrated by COMMIES!

Supreme Court declines anti-gay student case

quick...I need help with a rw'er. Someone put up a cartoon about

DNA sheds light on mysterious Okhotsk people

Archaeologists join hunt for long-lost burials in historic cemetery

Have Repubs offered any suggestions re: improving access to healthcare?

Don't drug cartels want drugs illegal?

Perhaps there's no need to ever use the Bush china...

Karl Rove on Twitter

Civil Unions bill...please submit tesimony, we are in trouble over here.

I think that the election of President Obama has got more DUers posting-members that have been here

What is "The Association of Global Custodians"?

UConn Coach Should Be Fired

After two centuries, D.C. residents may get vote

another bailout bank caught throwing lavish parties

Wouldn't it be good to see "Made in America" again.

American Express offers some holders $300 incentive to cancel accounts

why does the "journals" server go down so often?

Study: Family planning reduces number of abortions

Study: Family planning reduces number of abortions

Professor explores human migration from Asia to the Americas

Archaeologists unearth relics from eras of First and Second Temples

NORML Breaking News: California Assemblyman Introduces Legislation To Tax And Regulate Marijuana

Ancient Shipwreck's Stone Cargo Linked to Apollo Temple

Stay Classy, Westboro Baptist Church

Stay Classy, Westboro Baptist Church

Were the cops out to get him?

Ex-cops apologize for deadly drug raid (that killed 92 yr old woman) ahead of sentencing

I'd be in favor of nationalizing the defense industry.

Bill Press to Gov. Pawlenty: Quit whining and show some leadership...Al Franken won!

Who's minding your food? Surprise! It depends

214 Haitians returned by Coast Guard

Does anyone know where I can watch MSNBC on computer? Blinko doesn't work anymore

Mourning Joke freezing his fat ass off in front of the WH!

How The Rightwing is Destroying Journalism: First they came for Radio,Next MSM

Why Barbour says he's turning down unemployment $

It turns out that Melinda Barton, that SACK OF SHIT that many people on the web defended 2 1/2 years

Legless Iraq vet loses free house cause he smoked weed

Dumbing down America: "miracle water"

FIRST PHOTOS: Fish With Transparent Head, "Barrel" Eyes

FIRST PHOTOS: Fish With Transparent Head, "Barrel" Eyes

What happened to the Rethugs plan to gamble Social Security in the stock market?

Minnesota Court: No To Coleman, And Yes/No/Maybe To Franken

Wexler On Morning Joe.....NOW

AlterNet: The Spectacular, Sudden Crash of the Global Economy

I thought this was interesting: "Pro-life" but not willing to donate embryos.

Indian IT firms bag big chunk of H1B visas - More then 10,000 H-1B Visas last year.......

WashTech now commenting on CNN outsourcing report

Report urges boost for US family planning program

BoA Heiress Blasts Bank Leaders As 'Idiots'

Jim Bunning (R-KY) forced to apologize after saying Justice Ginsburg would be dead in nine months

AP Bullsh#t on new Spending Bill

What do you think of the Dems take all of the stimulus money or leave all the money plan?

Judge questions law giving telecoms immunity

Taxing pot could become a political toking point

Statement from Rupert Murdoch: apology

From the AOL financial message board:

In lawsuit over campaign ad, McCain claims he was a puppet for the Republican National Committee

Wall Street Sharks Have Lost Everything, and Now They're Coming After Us

Tucker Carlson Joins Cato Institute

Can I be catty for a minute? If not I apologize but I think I know where Mika was recently. . .

"His speech will put a face on the name." Bobby "The Reshaper" Jindal FEVER. That's HOT.

The Smart Way to Buy Gold?

Anger really can kill you, U.S. study shows

This Modern World - Boy Detective Agency: Hot on the trail of one of history's greatest coverups!

NUCLEAR LAUNCH DETECTED~ (no not really, but N. Korea is up to something)

Is it just me or is progressive radio much harder to stream now?

China closes Tibet to foreign tourists: agencies, hotel

Watching morning ho

Unhinged in 30 days: The right-wing media's Obama era implosion

Remember this? Bush Signs Third Tax Cut Bill, Dismissing All Criticism

Over 100,000 Protest in Dublin Over Irish Economy

Speaking of "models" -how about the "German model" for our stock market?

Recipe for Disaster: The Formula That Killed Wall Street.

A loony tune on Stephanie Miller now

Wall Street Sharks Have Lost Everything, and Now They're Coming After Us - By Robert Kuttner

Anyone try to search for a phone number on or

The George W. Bush Revisionist History Tour

The longer Al franken is delayed from taking office now, the longer he'll remain in office in 2015.

The longer Al franken is delayed from taking office now, the longer he'll remain in office in 2015.

Now that we've seen George Clooney at the White House, do you want a little more?

Sacramento 'Tent City' Gaining New Residents By River - 20 to 50 people a week

Elliot Abrams Confirms His New Role

Ex-CEO of kosher slaughterhouse: Grand jury biased

Ruh roh raggy, VP Joe Biden's son ran funds that were exclusively market by fraudster Stanford:

The Invisible Turd Blossom: the next "big" development will occur on March 4

I met Senator Jon Tester yesterday!

Paris appeals court acquits 5 former Guantanamo detainees convicted of terror links

Media Missed Really Awful News on Industrial Production

Incredible New Poll: 90% Want Bush Crimes Investigation

RR e-mail's out too: do you think gmail outage is deliberate way to slow stock crash?

Dude, after that bonehead move you are so off the box.

Mountain Goat Resurrected

Walking around money

Attitude Break: Happy Mardi Gras, Y'all!

When the religious right gets mad, you know you're doing something right.

Which of these industries should be nationalized?

The Economy: Don’t Pick Up the Phone

End of the Magic Show-By Eugene Robinson

There are lots of people out there who think intimidating, screaming at,

The enemy (repugs, media, corporations) are in full attack mode and will remain so

TX Reeps to force ultrasound on pregnant women.

Lynn Sweet - "Burris not resigning but signaling won't run in 2010"

If California legalizes Marijuana - The commercial uses of hemp

Did you guys see TMZ, yes TMZ, broke a story calling out Northern Trust for abusing bailout funds

GED Recipients

GED Recipients

Murdoch offers non-apology for 'racist' cartoon (BBC)

The Warm Tongue

Is there anyone around who know a little about tax law?

(Washington) State House approves ban on campaign lies

So is the president going to speak to us like adults tonight or is he going to tell us

Parents complain BBC children's presenter has only one hand

Bernanke Sees 2010 Economic Recovery `Only If' Markets, Banks Stabilize

Schumer to GOP governors: Stimulus isn't a la carte menu

OK Photo Shopper's.... I need a backwards "B"

FYI links to Economy Tracker and Layoff Tracker

Veterans Advocates Riled by Report on Army charity

Politico at it again with help from Rasmussen

This is new. I actually want to hear what our President has to say about something important.

Incredible New Poll: 90% Want Bush Crimes Investigation

MRSA With Your Sunscreen? Death on the Half Shell?

So we're on the verge of economic destruction, but...

Here’s What Our Energy Grid Looks Like (Yeesh)

I just e-mailed Blinko again. This is driving me crazy. Since they

One way to create a lot of jobs: Deputize unemployed Americans to go after tax cheats...

Rove to local Illinois GOP: 'You have a pretty easy message'

Hilda Solis (a true progressive) looks good to be confirmed for Sec. of Labor!

guess what's not getting funding - battered women's shelters

you think Amer. Idol is wild? it ain't political like this one, wow:

There is no Liberal Media. There is no Conservative Media.

Liberal Coalition Says Forget the Truth Commission, Bring on the Special Prosecutor

Looks like tomorrow will be another bloody day... Asian markets just tanked to a 5 year low

the Irish are channeling the Icelanders

"Black Swan" author Nassim Taleb says the US banking system is 'designed to blow up'. Good video...

What if Bush and the Republicans had privatized your Social Security account?

Senators Vote to Consider D.C. Voting Rights Bill

Senators Vote to Consider D.C. Voting Rights Bill

That didn't take long - O'Reilly: Was Chandra Levy killed by an illegal alien?

EPA arrests CNBC's Rick Santelli

Your Share of Stimulus Tax Breaks

Whalin' Palin -

US-AIG may give up control of Asia unit: sources/Shares of AIG tumbled 25 percent

Forecasters: US Economic Recovery In Q3 2009

So ... all morning I'm hearing some happy talk about the next quarter and beyond ......

Was the Bush economy 2 times better than the Clinton economy ??

Michael Steele Threatens To Withhold RNC Funds From GOP Senators Who Backed Stimulus

Too Important to Ignore - Eisenhower's Timeless Warnings...

Tainted syringes killed five people

There Was A Post Yesterday Complaining That There Were No Good Protest Songs During The Bush Years

There Was A Post Yesterday Complaining That There Were No Good Protest Songs During The Bush Years

Most Wealthy Liberals Won't Back Progressive Media: Sheldon Drobny Found That Out the Hard Way

Robert Reich's blog: Obama's Goal: Halving the Budget Deficit by 2012. Really?


"PUT UP/SHUT UP-If anyone has any charges they want to bring-BRING THEM ON"(Torture Victim's Lawyer)

In lawsuit over campaign ad, McCain claims he was a puppet for Republican National Committee

Obama so damn cute - Re: helicopters

Ruth's Chris big Hannity advertiser ... Stock hovering near all-time low.

CNN's calling it the State of the Nation?

Bernanke says, Go shopping, America! Everything is going to be great!

Bernanke says, Go shopping, America! Everything is going to be great!

Who owns your bank?

Grand theft generally consists of the theft of something

China's buying spree in global fire sale

China's buying spree in global fire sale

It will be refreshing to actually watch a Presidential speech on TV

I'd like some help with a Latin word phrase, please.

Prosecutors: NC company shipped tainted syringes


WTF ??????????????

To "marry" or not to "marry" is an interesting take..

New Rule Enacted by Bush Administration Impedes Cases Against Nursing Homes

GOP DOES deserve a place at the table....

Please someone explain all the hoopla surrounding Twitter. I don't get the attraction.

Why is Jim Cramer still on the air????

Why doesn't the government go into the credit business?

Solis Poised to be Confirmed as Labor Secretary in Senate Vote

IMO the Governors that are saying they won't take a portion of the Stimulus

I guess all the Democrats must be too busy, and the Republicans must have time on their hands ......

Santelli's colleagues are deballing him on CNBC right now.

Rupert Murdoch Takes Credit for Racist Cartoon: 'The Buck Stops With Me'

83% favor Obamas stimulus plan to create jobs - bailing out banks and auto? Not so much

If Norm Coleman is now a Lobbyist, why is he attending GOP Caucus Meetings?

Meanwhile, Over at Freaker RepubliKKK

McCain's anger over the Presidential Helicoptors .... please

Target's 4th quarter profits fall 41% !

My teen sister: "What would it mean if the Dow dropped to zero?"

The Rude Pundit: Why Glenn Beck Needs to Be Repeatedly Cock-Punched (Apocalypse Edition)

On Fox, Steele Threatens Moderate Pubs for Backing Stimulus Package

Our store manager got back from visiting the DC that serves our store today

Think Freepers are bad?

Michael Steele vows to help democrats win Pennsylvania Senate seat in 2010

Yes that *IS* Michelle Malkin in this picture with that guy with THAT SIGN

Tortured Gitmo Prisoner: "I am not asking for vengeance; only that the truth should be made known"

I'm so glad we were able to honor McCain after the election with that dinner and all the kudos .....

Wonder which cartoonist will use my idea..

Durbin tells Burris he should resign

Why those republican governors are refusing the stim money for unemployment

Celebs Who Lean To The Right

Back To Work! No Argument About Stimulus Dollars As These States Get the Shovels Out

Officials: Obama to announce Iraq withdrawal

Rockstar Energy Drink co-founder: "You should only get AIDS and die, you pig!"

Does anyone have a link to the new Bk reform bill?

The Trickle-Up Economy (a GREAT set of statistical snapshots from Mother Jones magazine)

Congrats (former) Middle Class !

Dr. Trent Pierce Update (MD hurt in Car Bombing) ~~ They saved the vision in his right eye!

Question Electric Bill - 1000 sq ft Florida - what is yours and have any of your cost cutting helped

BAR EXAM takers! Good luck!

Iowa pension fund assets frozen

CREDO Action Alert: Tell the Power Companies: Invest In Clean Power, Not Coal

I wrote a speech for Mr. Obama today.

Workers' 401(k) Plans Are a `Crap Shoot,' Need to Be Revised, Miller Says

IF you are fasting or denying yourself something for Lent, WHY are you doing it?

The blowhard next door (August 26, 2002)

What's the difference between John Conyers and a jellyfish?

So TurdBlossom Rove was A NOSHOW........

Octogramps is on Oprah now. Wonder if they will get a new house?

AmEx Encourages Cardholders to Leave

DUers in the hospitality/travel industry please chime in re: bailout

UK: Straw blocks Cabinet Iraq minutes

mike pence

Are there any pro-worker states in the south?

Fundie freak: Hollywood denounces God and embraces perversion at the Oscars......

Looks like Solis will be approved overwhelmingly

Vitter...VITTER?! Calls On Burris To Resign For Ethical Shortcomings

Senators Vote to Consider D.C. Voting Rights Bill

Why the hell did the Senate seat Burris last month?

The problem with our party over the last 10-20 years or so (IMO)

does anyone know what the process in illinois is if burris resigns?

Repugs Shooting Themselves In The Foot - Or Is It Feet?

Far-right already at it, about Oscars...

"I want this president to be successful" "I look forward to working with this president" "This .....

Oh my Kay Bailey is bawling about bipartisanship

Elder's Meditation of the Day - February 24

Utah Governor Calls His Party's Congressional Leadership "Inconsequential"...

House Republicans to Boycott Obama Address (and other news)

Heads up for Howie Dean on Tweety

Peace, Veterans, and Faith-Based Groups Organize Quickly to Prepare

Those of you threatened with Foreclosure: Are you finding assistance or not?

Hillary Clinton Sips Tea With a Potentate

CapitalOne sucks!

A Heroes Reward

A Heroes Reward

Tracking Down Gaza War's Deadly, Mysterious Cubes (Wired)

This Modern World: Boy Detective Agency: Hot on the trail of one of history's greatest coverups!

sounds like bob jindal is gonna come on after President Obama and trash his programs

Electing Democrats in batshit crazy right wing congressional districts .......

A new high tech scam from the partnership of VerizonWireless and Citi

Bwaah-hah..Chimp and Pickles' personal friends "crestfallen"..oh to be a fly on the wall

Begala on CNBC’s Santelli: ‘Every circus has a clown.’

Lawmaker's proposal would exempt TN districts from stimulus money...

University of Michigan ends licensing deal with clothing company that closed a unionized plant

Fear Itself

Transsexual sues Burlington Coat Factory over harassment

Preaching to the choir got a little boring so I went trolling.

GOP goes hip-hop! Perplexed Freepers respond. ROFL.

Changing careers: Is now a bad time to take on college loans

Bobby Jindal and Louisiana Voters

WOOHOO!!! Hilda Solis confirmed as Secretary of Labor

have you ever seen a 'response' speech get so much coverage???

Excerpts from Bobby Jindal's Response

Mike Pence STFU

Prohibition Ends In 2022!

The GOP is sort of right. We waste too much on entitlements, and engage in too much protectionism

Corrupt Public Servants and Corrupt Media...Sold America to the Highest Bidder...

Sean Penn in talks to portray former Ambassador Joe Wilson...

I voted for the guy who plays basketball best again today....

After offshoring our jobs for profit, the corporations are now selling OUR assets for more profit.

An Ogden Nash poem for our time...

They Deserve Jail, But Not The Money.

My public access channel just showed "Outfoxed"

How Long Before Sully is Swiftboated?

What I've noticed between Republicans and Democrats...

"...then I look at the Oscar winners which, evidently, are being outsourced to INDIA"

Can you imagine the reception Hilda Solis will get at the Department of Labor?

Can you imagine the reception Hilda Solis will get at the Department of Labor?

Will Bush Drink Himself To Death?

TN Democratic governor may turn down jobless part of stimulus?

I'm a Commie, homo-loving son of a gun and PROUD!

Bogus email I received and my answer

Massive government spending lifted us out of the Great Depression...

Massive government spending lifted us out of the Great Depression...

My LTTE on the media being "In the Tank" for Republicans got a lot of responses

How much money did it cost us to drop the satellite in the ocean this morning? And how much would

Tweety just said,

Greg Palast: Damn that Lincoln. Abe's to blame for Jindal

A State Park a mile from where I live was closed today, indefinitely.

Too much "seriousity".. so have a picture of a rascally Jimmy Carter fan

Tonight I'm going to watch the SOTU speech for the first time in 8-years

Why is it that every morning on NPR I hear feature stories about REPUBLICANS!

Can you help me build the case against Reagan?

arne secretary....

US Admits to Afghan Civilian Deaths (13 of 16 killed in US Missile Strikes Were Civilians)

Leahy: Let War Criminals Go Free

Why could Idaho's Republican congressman vote to stop child abuse but their Dem couldn't?

if one more pundit tells me 'what Obama HAS to has to say' tonight.....

Bush DOJ Rule Revokes Immigrants’ Right to Counsel

If you have Diabetes, prior to your dx, what sort of fears or intuition did you have, if

This has been posted today, but it bears repeating: FDR; GOOD! Hoover, BAD!

What does an economic tsunami mean to a surfing CEO?

Divorced from reality

Polls: Never Been A Better Time To Legalize Pot - SFGate

"The South Collapsed because the freed slaves didn't come back to help out their plantations"

The next time we do massive multicity protests, could we all wear the same color

Apology to Maxime Waters.

Do you think the right wing will ever come back into power again?

Spain Withdraws Gardasil After Illnesses

Relative who worked 35 years at a place....

Fundies spread hate on campus

In pictures: Iraq museum reopens

DU this Poll on Same Sex Rights!!

National debt as a percentage of GDP (chart)---a keeper

Am I the only one bothered by Matthews always referring to Obama as .....

"We're going to talk about this helicopter thing. The one I flew in seemed perfectly adequate to me.

The Myth of Republican Fiscal Responsibility

I gotta wonder if the screeching halt of the world's economy isn't Peak Oil

Everything about Chesley Sullenberger speaks Union man

Prosecute (*) and Cheney for Murder web sites

US Fish & Wildlife Service Destroys Bald Eagle Nest near the Chesapeake

Sen. Grassley said "... I wouldn't buy a John Deere tractor" WTF? They're made in Iowa!

Tonight, on all the teevee channels, we will be subjected to ........

i can't support any further bank bailouts/loans that don't include nationalization...

Well, well, well -- "Palin to Reimburse State for Family Travel"

Cenk on MSNBC right now

Stock markets will NEVER come back until a regulatory acknowledgment that publicly held companies

How do folks get upside-down on mortgages?

I credit Office Space with my ideology, it is now ten years old and a cult classic:

Photographer Annie Leibovitz Forced To Pawn Her Life's Work

Musicians want radio stations to pay to play tunes


Knee-deep to Waist-deep in Afghanistan

Ralph Nader for Commerce Sec.

How low can it go ??


Making a case for treason against Hannity & other RW talkshow hatemongers

Ha, finally rented W - toothless, deadly boring, sugar coated lie

Supreme Court Upholds Conviction For Gun Possession In Case Of Domestic Abuser

Would any uninsured person refuse to pay $6.00/mo fir is coverage?

You know the whole "mortgage crisis" is a repub scam, right?

Week 5 Presidential Week in Review

The U.S. Self-Delusion Of Superiority Will End

Wisconsin Soldier Stays Home; Refuses To Go Back To Iraq

So Abe, the greatest Republican President

On Day of Obama's Union Speech, CODEPINK Tells Obama His War Funding Check Has Bounced

JFK and Obama

We used to arrest People who swindled the public out of millions of dollars...

Liberal Democratic Rep, Barney Frank, says, "Cut the MIlitary Budget"....

Another reason to like David Shuster:

Beware Circuit City closeout deals: No refunds on broken gear

New Orleans LA Laissez Le Bon Temps Rouler

Obama's Radical New Discourse

Approximately 70% of my dental patients are afraid:

When did states start to charge 11 year old kids as adults when they commit crimes?

Note to Katie Curic....It's PRESIDENT Obama....not Mr. Obama.

What % of your monthly take home is your mortgage?

The Worst is yet to come….The Alt-A / Credit Default Swap Crisis….

Remember when Bin Laden said he would bankrupt us?

I was standing in line at a store.....

SF Chronicle for sale (could shut down for good)

We're finally smiling in Flint, MI

I suspect putting social security in to the market would have delayed this collapse

What's the deal with Piyush Jindal, anyway?

How do we deal with Hannity?

BREAKING NEWS: 6 people have shot along a Mardi Gras parade route

BREAKING NEWS: 6 people have shot along a Mardi Gras parade route

'Liberal bias?' IU professors find network TV election coverage favors Republicans

Shortage of Critical Commodities Seen Already - Important info for anyone that takes medications.

Breaking: Jennifer Aniston's first grey hair made her cry

Why I am Running for United States Senate (Brunner)

CHASE Credit Card WARNING! they're robbing us blind

I guess staying in Afghanistan is some sort of compromise.

For oldtime's sake "Speaking of conspiracies...ONE name at the heart of all these" archived Eloriel

The coming civil war and the tenth amendment center

Three Words If You Are Being Foreclosed On

I'll tell you how some people get upside down on their mortgages:

Mom who crushed baby says don't co-sleep

Quick ? Regarding Average Home Size Today Vs. 1970 (Spurred by Thom Hartmann)

Holy Shit!!!! Shadowknows has some good news for a change!!! Call Congress right fucking now!!!!

Safari V4 Browser Beta1 released for OSX and Windows. It has some new

Can we agree on this one: "No more McMansions"!

Do you believe being a progressive means also advocating your lifestyle choices to others?

It seems the SEC "stood down" repeatedly for those in the Bush Family Circle.

Best Nickname for Gov Bobby Jindal

Hershey moving Peppermint Pattie plant from Pa to Mexico.

Check your mobile phone bill closely...

Could civilization as we know it be rebuilt?

$410B Spending Bill Strikes Blow For Abstinence-Based Sex Ed, Science

Grow your own, a path to legalization.

Progressives: Does the honeymoon end tonight?

AZ Republican Rep: "Education does not create jobs"

Don't want to be an alarmist...but if you have Cats on this food please monitor them..

What you are seeing is a divided GOP... pure and simple

People you shouldn't get confused with each other, but get confused anyway

Is the DU home page weird right now?

I'd like to spank the Academy...

Crap, my neighbor got evicted today (Sunday).

Tonight, on Top Gear

why is it.. when you hurt the most

Who Watched The Baba Wawa Special Last Night?

Paul Krugman: Rearrange the deck chairs and hope the iceberg melts just keeps getting stronger.

Really Embarrassed, but I just joined Jillian Michaels website

Hallmarks of Felinity

Why Didnt MILK Win Best Picture

can anyone here get me a .edu email address even if for a day?

Am I the only one having trouble with speed here?

PSA: Only 12 more days until Daylight Savings Time!!!!!

If I could make my own avatar...

The earworm that won't go away...

I have a new bike!!! Because BabyG said my old one was "dorky".

ackity ack ack... cough.... sneeze....blah

Sasha Obama Keeps Seeing Creepy Bush Twins While Riding Tricycle Through White House

I've been playing the CD album game. Here are my best albums

ha ha! i'm no longer an "evil duer"

Female celebrity moons audience! Link to *video*!!!

Is it okay to warn other DU members in the lounge about shitty online businesses?

Defense objects to Bonds’ testicles evidence

Why Sean Penn doesn't impress me

dup post never mind

we use that Breeze cat litter system. IT is great by the way BUT>> my demon cat

So, I went to the bathroom. . .

I'm incontinent. Yes, I admit it: I am incontinent.

I will only be 39 for 3.15 hours more.

Is Matthew Perry hot?

That commercial where the guy is talking on the phone about being a 'surfing ceo'

I would like to strangle the writing staff of Heroes.

I'm intolerant. Yes, I admit it: I am intolerant.

Jeff Bezos is insane.

Is Admiral Perry hot?

Why are commercials on Hulu twice as loud as the show you're watching?

Is Perrier hot?

Future Career: Internet Archaeologist

I'd rather watch an entire day of law and order reruns than TNT's new shows.

In memoriam

My suggestion for improving DU: Everyone will be called "Cenk," followed by a sequential number.

The Jimmy Kimmel Live Oscar Promo with Tom Cruise

You gonna eat that?

My suggestion for improving DU: More fauna, and some flora

The neighbor with the 'Another Democrat for McCain' bumper sticker just took down his nativity scene

Wanna get the sexiest babe pictures on your cell?

You just wring this shit out, and look at it. It's fuckin' stronger than ever.

Cops: Man tries to steal laptop to check Facebook

Halp! Mai kittehs are kitnapping meh and forcing meh to open a can of

^^^^^ The post above this post deserves an Academy Award ^^^^^

DST change March 9. Spring forward, Fall behind. This next one is the one I hate.

Any Word gurus around? I'm stuck again...

in about a month i'll have heard from all the schools i applied to

Vibe request here...

Christfuck it poured in Sacramento today!

Off to work

What is your favorite Major Forum on DU?

Sidney Carton's Rant of the Evening, or why Mrs. Carton need never fear that I will stray

The night has a thousand eyes

The CPR on 24 tonight was terrible

just look


Republicans being driven from the Garden

Well, I am back from Galveston and have more beads then Mr. T has gold chains.

George W. Bush and the Secret of the Glass Tiger

Ever have one of THOSE days where you realize

Striking feline

What are you reading for?

Sixteen wake-ups

So she's scored six nominations, but honestly let's call it five

Is there a way to shut out all Econ news?

Worst ".....Movie" Movie

If there's one thing we can all agree on, it's that Slumdog Millionaire is a great movie

"Welcome to my secret lair on Skullcrusher Mountain..."--maybe I used too many monkeys

I dreamed I was wearing six-inch heels

Is Tyler Perry hot?

Need some DU Uncle Eddie had a stroke.

If I post a picture of my big ten inch, could we all agree that it has protential?

Okay, so I just finally got around to watching Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull...

How about a fast round of Fibonacci poetry?

Troopers discover portable meth lab in car traveling along Interstate 75

Should cats like to drink liquor?

*sigh* I'm gonna miss carnival

Movies that you love watching just parts of it - name a few

Zydeco making me happy today... Happy Carnival!

Stupid insomnia.

When you turn on the news, and it's about a missing poor black or Latino elderly man or woman,

You Tube question

So this one time one of my buddies found out that he wasn't going to go to jail and to celebrate...

The reason there were 3 Matrix movies is because the Oracle was f*$^(*$& useless!

Contentious new age claim!

It's gonna hit 80 here in Houston this week.

Kate Winslet topless. Candide photo taken when I was in Hawaii last month.

Is Gaylord Perry hot?

Most Awesome Television Spokesperson

Chris Brown, alleged Rihanna abuser, proves his love by sending bracelet, necklace, iPod

Come and get your freaky Pam Anderson wallpaper!

OK, Krewe DU, what's your favorite Mardi Gras parade?

"Daddy, what did you do in the Great Lounge Food War of 2009?"

Musical Triplets....

What are some of the BEST Jerry Lewis movies??

Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler

Tiger attacks man on elephant (Video)

Happy Paczki Day!

Happy Paczki Day!

Shower Plumbing w/ Pex...I'm looking for a diagram that shows the steps/parts needed...Help Please

MN DUers, what restaurant in uptown is good for a Pescatarian?

Check in here if you've never seen an episode of CSI or NCIS or L&O or whatever

First song by Tinted Windows (Iha, Schlesinger, Hanson, Carlos) has been released!

Sharing a few of my favorite links...

I can't wait for spring

This is why I love Richard Blais' Top Chef blog

This is why I love Richard Blais' Top Chef blog

What restaurants do you frequent that would get you flamed by

'I know, right?'

ok, i finally know what "Slap Chop" is and why it was such a sensation here

A song for GD/GDP, courtesy of Rodgers, Hammerstein and Yul Brynner

Watchmen: The First Review

Watchmen: The First Review

I finally saw "Man on the Moon"

Hunka-hunka burnin' love

Hunka-hunka burnin' love

Dog Cam: Live Dog Feed for February 24. Bad Dawgs Need Love Too!

Ever feel like you're the only poster left alive in a discussion forum?

So for one day I'm going to be nice to everyone in the lounge

Spoiler Alert: WATCHMEN is fucking awesome.

What's up with the return of the 3D movie craze?

There's a lot of noise going on now and my house is shaking.

Loungers: How did the Lounge used to be when it was better?

Blackberry users, help tech challenged DUer decide if she really could use one

Who is the better sucker?

Bob Evans' Cherry Bread is the cherry BOMB!

Airlines unveil new program to lessen chances of mid-air collisions with birds!

Are you giving up anything for Lent?

Your favorite cartoons as a kid

I dare you to watch this without getting happy tears!

In honor of Kathryn Johnston

I hated No Country For Old Men (maybe spoilers)

New Office Mate Seemed to Be A Cool Guy. Until I Saw The Bush/Cheney 2004 Glass on His Desk

so, are you buying this 2012 end of the world stuff?


I have to wonder why All The President's men wasn't used as a '70s gay porno title...

10 Worst advertisers according to the Parents Television Council - we should support these :D

Ladies and Gentlemen of DU, I'd like to introduce you to - the "Money Trust."

Update on MccTaTas

I don't know about you, but I'm proud to be "far left"!

Two points: 1. Post #1111 is mine, and 2. I need a life


"Just dip the teabag in two or three times. Just dunk the teabag right in."

Octogramps is on Oprah now. Wonder if they will get a new house?

Rare Green Comet Approaches Earth

Why you post "IBTL" ?

If you don't see me around much, it's b/c my Macbook is dead


Lent. See you on Easter.

Awwwww alert

I thought eye drops were supposed to STOP itching and burning!!

California dentist says groping was part of treatment

Since LynneSin is being nice today, I'll take up the job of being insulting

Happy 88th Birthday..... ..... ABE VIGODA!!!!!!

WOOHOO!! I got in my first "IATL"

You be the judge (or jury) and settle this debate once and for all

So did anyone else get their free pancakes from IHOP today?

Preview of Bobby 'the faith healer' Jindal's response to Obama


Bunko wine supply delivery at Midlo's house tonight

You're in Hell and Satan forces you to listen to one of these for ETERNITY. Who do you choose

Who else is tired of hearing about the 'octo mom'

Has LynneSin Ever been nice in her life?

rofl cat hunting goldfish in bathtub.

Obama's address to Congress tonight...

I Finally Watched Farenheit 9/11

DJ's on the radio were asking for rules re:dating a friend's sister.

Manipulating - all in the name of "friendship".

Jonas Brothers To Sing At My Bunco Party Tonight

Which DUers started considering Dentistry as a career today?

What Is Mardi Grass?

My Sharona - the Knack

Trance Music as explained to you by Jack Chick's latest Chick Track

Gas Cylinder Chair Photos: Boy Killed by Office Chair in China

I have Bunco tonight

How much of economic meltdown is just Iran Contra, Continued?

When Bunko goes terribly wrong

Very sad news for me.

Strange question I know: How to contact someone you used to know who has become "famous."

Faith No More reunites for European shows

What activity requires shaving cream, a toilet and a large wooden salad fork?

LOUDER...Today's earworm, "All The Young Dudes," Ian Hunter w/ Mick Ronson, Germany 1980

There were about a brazillion King Cakes at work today

Catholism as explained to you by Jack Chick's latest Chick Track

Hey y'all. First Mardi Gras celebration was in Mobile, AL.

Walmart Just Got A Call For A Huge Wine Shipment To Virginia


Ok. What's the most self-serving thing you've given up for Lent?

I have Bunko tonight.

Going to Bunko. Try not to kill each other while I'm gone.

Has anybody watched Eastbound and Down on HBO?

What's your favorite mid-afternoon snack?

What the fuck am I doing with my life?

The BlueIris Semi-Nightly Poetry Break, 2/23/09

Andy Richter to Rejoin Conan O’Brien as ‘Tonight Show’ Announcer

10 Worst DUers according to the Parents Television Council - we should ignore them :D

So I am try to catch the little mouse guys who are pooping all over my house and

To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow,

I have a toothache. It isn't going away.

Whats wrong with this pic...

Hey graywarrior, Remember This?:

I am giving up Lent for Lent.

I could use a hug, I was betrayed by someone that I thought was a friend

What types of cats

Cheap airfares, where do you look?

What shall we talk about?

Should I make Shrimp Creole or Crawfish Etouffe for dinner

A friend and I are coming to Baltimore/Washington April 11-14

New Orleans! Songs about NO and the Mardi Gras. Post 'em here!

The RetroLounge Daily Poem Thread (Tue 2/24/2009)


Anyone here who might be willing to weigh in on a situation I'm in?

Each year a program airs, the probability of adding a token Scot or Aussie to the cast approaches 1

Gary Locke had trouble in the past involving campaign contributions

Heading out to see Ladysmith Black Mambazo!

What do you do first thing in the morning?

If you subscribe to magazines AVOID and

Presidents’ First Speeches to Congress Focus on Parts of the State of the Union

No rest for Rahm at the movies

Obama: Marine One needs lube, that's all

Good morning Lounge

C-Span has Coverage of Obama's incredible "Fiscal Responsibility Forum" in DC! (Must Watch!)

Obama's Charm Offensive: Crist And Barbour Push Back On GOP Lines

kitten picture of the day for tuesday february 24

A WH Special Envoy to Darfur!!!!?!?!!?!?!?!!!!!

Do you PM regularly with anyone?

GOP's diversity decoy Bobby Jindal rebuts Obama's Congressional Address?

More White House staffers named

The three stooges (McCain and the other two)

So is this the Republican thing now, to not even refer to the President as "President Obama"?

Post your day in smilies! Mine, so far:

NY Times - One Month In And Financial Blogger Already Blaming Obama

Jon Favreau: Obama's Mind Reader Prepares for Congressional Address

McCain questions Obama about helicopter at summit

Do we get the Grand Introduction Tomorrow just like a State of the Union?

Daily Kos: Today's Polls: Americans Trust Obama On The Economy, Not Congressional Republicans

It looks like McGrumpy has finally gotten over his Election Day spanking by Barack...

I love Alison Stewart

Gore, Clinton headline energy conference

Unhinged in 30 days: The right-wing media's Obama era implosion

What is your favorite local Restaurant?

Bachmann to be Saved From Certain 2012 Doom?

Keith taking on Shelby!!!!!

The Face of Evil

Gary Locke may be new Commerce pick

CBS/NYT survey reveals broad support for President Obama.

Paula Deen's pants fall down

I'm so bummed

Something to remember about 1993 and the GOP take over in 1994

Cantor: Backpeddling or FOS?

Y'all did not TELL ME that McCain's hair was all screwy today!

Ha!!!!!!Ha!!!! My Friend Has Been Tapped For Commerce Sec.

Our President and First Lady make me feel so proud

Go to google images and type in your fave color, then post a pic of it here!

Bush back in saddle for speaking tour

The dirtiest word in America "Sacrifice"

Gov. Palin's office defends per diem payments

The depression hits home: I just lost my j-o-b

Being young was awesome!

Dear Red State Governors who are refusing stim $$$. Please return the blue state $$$.

U.S. Is Pressed to Add Billions to Bailouts

Cool? I'd say, the guy even has a frikkin helicopter (PIC)

Aren't we all supposed to be getting drunk and nekkid tonight?

What can we do to stop Fox? Is it time to make a push against Murdoch?

A Case for Hope

Survey Reveals Broad Support for President

If you are curious about today's S&P housing price report in the news...

Name A Pev Town

Tea Party Protests, what will the conservative idiots think of next?

Michelle "I hate myself" Malkin and her Nazi-Boy.

YouTube commercials for toys you had as a kid

Stories From the Road: Home

I was over at - be prepared

Solution to GOP Social Darwinist Governors and Legislators: Federalize unemployment and other benes!

Will I tell or will you?

Oops! Blue Screen of Severance Error! Microsoft makes error and wants excess severance pay back!

NH-Sen: Primary Hijinks A-brewin'?

2012? We have our first endorsement for (p)Rick Santelli -the CNBC guy

More DHS Appointments Announced

Will the new HHS Secretary be named today?

There is a pretty awesome ESPN article about Ole Miss football's integration in the 60s.

Holder Will Be Cabinet Official At Secret Spot For Obama Speech

NBC: Hilda Solis' final confirmation vote today at 4:30. One vote with simple majority required.

Obama:"The minority has got to then come up with those ideas and not just want to blow the thing up"

Tell me something that makes you happy.

Rahm Emanuel: Paramedic.

Go DU this RW Wall Streeter's blog on how to REALLY fix the economy (my reply to him below)

PHOTOS: President Obama meets with Japan PM

The Helicopter deal a reward for the Niger forgeries??-Has this been debunked?

Bush and Crew drove the Bus into gulch for 8 years...he had a surplus from Pres Clinton and blew it

Lounge List #55378008: Things from the past that Vince (the Sham-WOW guy) would have sold:

Siena Poll: Andrew Cuomo and Rudy Giuliani would Rout Paterson

'Democrat Party' Lives On In Allegedly Post-Partisan World

Here is why Barack Obama won. He turned some of the GOPs into middle class thinkers.

In one month, Geithner hasn't kissed the boo-boo and made it better, so Tweety wants him out

What time is Obama's Not The State Of the Union Address tonight?

PHOTO The Heartthrob and...

Why isn't anyone in the media pointing out that the DOW is up over 240 points?

Tommorrow Will Be Like A Pre-Election Debate - Time To Man-Up On Online Polls

BREAKING-Sen. Durbin asks Burris to resign!

Tell something about yourself that you have not already revealed here.

Will housing go down another 30%? (PART TWO)

This is a fascinating choice...

A modest suggestion concerning the promised aid to Gaza

BREAKING: NASA's Orbiting Carbon Observatory satellite crashes during launch!

Take a wild guess what Jindal's response to Obama is going to be about:

I just watched Mrs. Greenspan interview Mike Spence ... she failed to

G.O.P. Rehearsing Grumpy Facial Expressions for Obama's Speech

Calling all cooks: any suggestions with frozen grilled chicken strips?

okay, that commercial with that girl peddling her bike with the nasty underarm hair is GROSS

Reagan's corpse is more charismatic than Jindal.

Reagan's corpse is more charismatic than Jindal.

Best Characters in Fiction Since 1900. NPR's list sucks. Let's make our own!

Oh, GOD I want french fries!

Obama heads into speech with high marks

When Was The Last Time Your Heard Anything About The Franken/c-----n Senate Race On T.V.?

US Troops To Leave Iraq By August 2010: Officials

Rahm Emanuel:“The public wants bipartisanship-We just have to try. We don’t have to succeed."

(??? They can't count either?) First 100 days: The grades are in

Obama heads into speech with high marks

Fiscal Summit: Obama knifes Jindal, the GOP with a velvet touch.

8th-grade author of letter President Obama read to sit with Obama's family tonight

AP: No terror talk: Homeland Security head's new tone

Here's The Latest Piece Of Crap The Repugs Are E-Mailing Blasting The Dems On The Economy.....

Is Katy Perry hot?

My WTF? Moment Last Night: Crazy Town Hall Meeting with My Repug Congressman Dean Heller

My WTF? Moment Last Night: Crazy Town Hall Meeting with My Repug Congressman Dean Heller

Is he kidding? Vitter calls for Burris to resign

Schumer to GOP Govs: No A La Carte

Any good reason our new administration should NOT do the following things?

White House Confirms It: There Will Be An Envoy To Darfur

Advance Excerpt From Obama’s Speech Before Congress

What should other DUers give up for Lent?

I got my pony!*

I am the lone poster who stands between the Lounge and the chaos that is, um, everything else.

Republicans don't have an original thought

Is every single posting on craigslist a scam?

Do you really think Jindal is running in '12?

Excerpt from Obama's Address: "We will rebuild, we will recover...emerge stronger than before."

Make a up a rock band name based on things that piss you off


Republicans have no choice but to Cheer the President tonight.....

What type of undead creature is Hugh Hefner?

Prediction Thread...when will Al Franken be seated?

Captain Sullenberger speaks out in Congressional hearing against job cuts, pay cuts, loss of pension

On Hardball: Howard Dean Lauded Obama's Health Care Proposal

Howard Dean on Chris Matthews

Any predictions on Pres. Obama's speech tonight? reaction?

Why is Obama's DoJ Afraid of Forcing Rove/Miers/Bolton to Follow the Law?

PHOTOS Finally, an excuse to post George Clooney in GD:P (UPDATED)

Onechanbara: Bikini Samurai Squad (Xbox 360) In stores soon people (PIC HEAVY)

Murdoch apologizes for Chimp cartoon (even he knows what it was)

Well whaddaya know? Joe Lieberman did something right for once

Attitude Break: Happy Mardi Gras, Y'all!

Hilda Solis confirmed: 80 -17

Excerpts from Bobby Jindal's Response

Jindal speech text

Obama Dinner-time tradition - Roses and Thorns

John Ensign (R-NV) on Hardball vociferously arguing against the effectiveness of the New Deal

Rush Limbaugh In the Raw!


Create your own Random Album Cover!

My son's birthday would be tomorrow. Fucks me up every year since he died.

The red siglines are disappearing! How will we know who was who?! Oh noooo!

CONFESS! Who is your favorite literary character?

CONFESS! Who is your favorite literary character?

OK, so I actually went into a WalMart yesterday.

It is not about affordable insurance, it is not about help with COBRA; it is about access

This is birth certificate BS has led at least one soldier to insubordination, its getting DANGEROUS


ONE TRILLION USD = 5 MILLION $200,000 homes paid for in cash.

Great Depression Cooking with Clara. Great source of history and

Envision our CIC on that float, hand in hand with Carnival Queen, Viviane...

What the hell's the problem with being hopeful?

Jindal proves to be just another lying repug scumbag - lies about Obama quote - and gets burned

Gov. Huntsman (R-UT): Republican Congressional Leadership 'Inconsequential' and Hypocritical

The Religion of Republicans is the oddest thing in the world

Dean Baker: Why Doesn't the Government Own Citigroup Outright?

Republican senator says U.S. must rethink Cuba ban

Report: Schwarzenegger Considered Party Switch

Organic foodies love Obama again

Hillary outscores Obama in digital diplomacy

*The Kiss* My poem for the open mic tonight...

Miami banker who gave away $60 million gets front-row seat to Obama speech

New Miami Herald columnist refers to President Obama as "Predator-in-Chief"

Burris refuses to resign despite plea from Durbin

First Lady's Guests for Joint Session of Congress

OK - Top 10 Music Artists from 1990-today

"Xenophobia is good for the workers"?

After Northern Trust "Party," Kerry Introduces Legislation to End Lavish Spending by Bailed Out Bank

Rush Limbaugh Naked

"The young, charismatic rising star, Bobby Jindal..."

Bobby Jindal is a jackass. That doesn't mean racism targeting him should be encouraged here.

10 minutes ago: Dodd asks Bernanke if the Community Reinvestment Act was the problem

Oh, For Heaven's sake, is This The Change we were promised?

What's wrong with a train to Sin City?

Call to relax Guantanamo regime

Child prostitutes rescued in US

Dennis Ross Appointed Special U.S. Advisor On Gulf

U.S. Clears Path to Bank Takeovers

US Democratic Leaders Mull Ideas for Energy Independence

Islamic financiers meet as downturn bites business

Release Binyam torture data - (British) MP

Zimbabwe 'illegal gold sale bid'

UBS deal seen dimming Swiss franc's haven appeal

World stocks hit lowest in nearly 6 years

Protesters surround offices of Thai prime minister

Veteran Mideast Envoy Ross Named to Advise Clinton on Iran Strategy

Google's Gmail service crashes across world

Harvard expert nominated for key Pentagon post

US Official: Gaza reconstruction aid to top $900M

Shot arms dealer ‘knew too much’

India calls for Sri Lanka civilian safe zones

China governor apologizes for deadly mine blasts

Japan to pay Afghan police salary

Poll: Politicians trusted more than business leaders on economy

Hong Kong sex scandal star in court over explicit photos

North Korea says it will put satellite into orbit

China formally demands halt of bronze heads sale (Update)

‘We need a pay rise’ bankers demand

China closes Tibet to foreign tourists: agencies, hotel

Judge questions law giving telecoms immunity

North Korea 'plans rocket launch'

In lawsuit over campaign ad, McCain claims he was a puppet for Republican National Committee

US 'CO2 hunter' set for lift-off

Khmer Rouge 'First Lady' in Cambodia court tirade

EXCLUSIVE: Unions Ask Geithner to Deny Bailout Plea From Lobbying-Mad Financial Firm

Apparent murder-suicide involves Nellis airman (was being treated for PTSD after Iraq tour)

Paris appeals court acquits ex-Guantanamo inmates

China hails 'positive results' of Clinton visit

Poll Shows Broad Support for Obama’s Leadership

Blast kills 4 U.S. coalition troops, Afghan civilian

Judge questions telecom immunity law

U.S. home prices tumble at record pace

Murdoch sorry for NY Post cartoon seen as racist

Robert Murdock Apologizes for Cartoon: "The Buck Stops With Me"

Rocket With NASA Global Warming Satellite Crashes

Report: Safety net failing Michigan's poor

U.S. Is Pressed to Add Billions to Bailouts

UK blocks publications of Iraq war discussions

Malfunction hits Nasa CO2 sat

GM to temporarily shut down 3 plants in Mexico

Revocation of water permit may delay third reactor, groups say (North Anna -Va.)

Out of Congress and still out of work (Some former members of Congress yet to find jobs)


Straw blocks publication of pre-Iraq war discussion

Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger To Congress: Pay Has Been Cut 40 % In Recent Years-Pension Terminated

Greece: Man held for acid attack on union official

Judge says he will grant Delphi request to end benefits for 15,000

Public to feds: Help regular folk first

Spain may take Guantanamo inmates

GOP governor: Congressional leadership 'inconsequential'

Officials: US troops to leave Iraq by August 2010

Stanford Had Links to Fund Run by Bidens: Report

Home Depot posts loss after charges

Gov. Palin's office defends per diem payments

Taliban 'receives $6M for Swat ceasefire'

Senate clears way for approval of D.C. voting rights bill

Jordan's Water is Radioactive - Source Unknown

Minnesota Court: No To Coleman, And Yes/No/Maybe To Franken

Obama to tap Locke for Commerce nominee

Anti-gay remarks raise ruckus in Utah Senate

Supreme Court: Idaho can stop union political deductions

STOCK MARKET WATCH, Tuesday February 24

Iraqi police shoot dead four US soldiers: ministry

Bush surprises students with visit to SMU

Marine One Upgrade Now Looks Less Likely

Shooting spree injures six on St. Charles Avenue parade route

Home Prices in 20 U.S. Cities Tumbled 18.5% in December, Biggest Drop Ever

Coleman Still Attending GOP Caucus Meetings -- Even Though He's No Longer A Senator

Sullenberger: Pay cuts driving out best pilots

Calif. lawmaker proposes legalizing marijuana

Authorities: Helicopter crashes at Xe campus in NC

Northern Trust defends spending on PGA event, parties-Rep.Frank said he's going to ask for $$$ Back

(Sean) Penn In Talks For Plame Film (to play Ambassador Joseph Wilson)

Liberal Coalition Says Forget the Truth Commission, Bring on the Special Prosecutor

Iraq killing charges against U.S. soldier dropped

Hearst says cuts needed or SF Chronicle may be closed

Bunning: ‘I would have a suit’ if Republicans recruit an opponent

Rove to local GOP: 'You have a pretty easy message'

Rep. H Solis Confirmed by Senate as Labor Secretary

Indian outsourcers, Microsoft top the list of H-1B users in '08

Schumer to GOP Govs: No A La Carte

Northern Trust Defends Lavish Spending (despite taking bailout money)

Man Threatens President Obama

Fix banks first, growth will follow: Bernanke

Tailban leader in Pakistan announces long-term cease-fire (Update)

Granholm bristles at N.Y. Times columnist's stance on automakers

Micron to lay off up to 2,000 in Boise

(WH) Officials: US out of Iraq in 19 months (Obama to make the announcement this week)

Miami banker who gave away $60 million gets front-row seat to Obama speech

Scandal-plagued Republican says Burris should resign

Mumbai attackers’ phones traced to Italy, US

U.K. Blocks Publications of Iraq War Discussions

Democrats Resisting Obama on Social Security

US senator hosts anti-Islamic Dutch lawmaker

Ex-Atlanta cops get prison for drug raid killing(92 Year Old Woman)

Naomi Klein wins $90,000 (Britain's University of) Warwick Prize for 'The Shock Doctrine'

'Liberal bias?' IU professors find network TV election coverage favors Republicans

(Senator) Durbin Asks Burris To Resign; Burris Refuses

Health care costs to top $8,000 per person

President Obama to National Governor's Assoc.: "Keeping Teachers In The Classroom Is NOT Wasteful!"

Freed Guantanamo prisoner Binyam Mohamed links UK with torture

President Obama Responds to Rep. Joe Barton's Remarks About Bipartisanship.

Gov. Jon Huntsman (R-UT) Negative Repblican responses to stimulus are "gratuitous political griping"

O'Donnell: Name one piece of pork. Feehery: Ahhh, bhah,,,You can't do that to me right now....

CNN's Rick Sanchez slams Senator Shelby's "You Have To Be Born In America To Be President" remark

Still Bushed Feb. 23,2009 = ROVE, Lies,

Fred Phelps LOVES Barack Obama

Countdown - Sen. Richard Shelby's (R-AL) fitness

Worst Person Feb. 23, 2009 = Sen. McConnell

Racist Cartoon "An Invitation To Assassination"

President Asks Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA) a Question - He Swoons

Chris Matthews Calls the Dow Jones Obama's Scorecard

A Dire Situation: Iraqi War Widows and Orphans Get Little Aid, Struggle to Survive

Sen. Shelby Questioning Obama's Birth Certificate! DUFUS (AL)

"National Clean Energy Project" - US Democratic Leaders Mull Ideas for Energy Independence

Police fear UK 'summer of rage'

Binyam Mohamed held by Met Police

Postal workers set to protest

Iraq museum reopens; 10,000 looted items still missing

Bill Would Legalize, Tax Marijuana - California

In the real world they're........Shutting Detroit Down

Anti-Thaksin Shinawatra Protest in front of the British Embassy in Bangkok

Thailand: Red Shirts Ready For Govt House March : Part 1

Communists hail Soviet army at Moscow protest

Rage Against the Machine to protest Sherriff Joe this Saturday

PBS: What Afghans Think of America and Americans

Can't We All Just Get Along?

Throw this garbage out with the cheese...

Rachel Maddow discusses Afghanistan & counterinsurgency w/ David Kilcullen

Snakes on a Plane!...Seriously

Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) to GOP Governors: "Take it or leave it!"

CNN: Soldier refuses return to Iraq, believes the war is immoral

Senator McCain's comments about the helicopter and President Obama's response

Larry King discusses Darfur with George Clooney

Has YouTube Become Spytube?

TYT: Another Racial Apology -- Why Was It Unnecessary?

KO and Arianna Huffington discuss Obama admin continuing bad policies wrt Bagram Air Base, invstgtns

Gov. Brian Schweitzer On How The Stimulus Is Playing In Montana

Obama says 'my helicopter seems adequate to me!'

Democratic Blue Dogs Insist: "Our Will Be Done"

GOP Strategist Phil Musser Wants Jim Bunning (R-KY) Out of Office

CBS News: Campagin 1970: Alabama's Governor's Race (1970)

CBS News: Nixon enlists Governor's aid in the war on drugs (1969)

NBC News: Mob Boss Albert "Lord High Executioner" Anastasia holded up in NJ home (1951)

Good Samaritan becomes victim of US economic crisis

Countdown: Wasserman Schultz on Republicans Rejecting Unemployment Benefits in Stimulus

Dick Durbin asks Roland Burris to resign, he refuses 2.24.09

Norah O'Donnell discusses stimulus politics with Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA)

AP: Consumer Confidence Plummets to New Low

Bernanke: Recession May End in '09

MSNBC: Jane Hamsher on Social Security & Obama

Young Turks: Republican Governor Offers Prayers Instead of Money?!

Extraordinary Rendition

Center for American Progress Animation: How the Recovery Works (pass on to any naysayers)

Naomi Wolf - Not Even Obama Can Take On Special Interests

100,000 for Equality!

Karl Rove tells Congress "**** ***" = NO SHOW

McDonald's Defends Denying Worker's Comp Claim

Rep. DeFazio: For Repubs to Say They're For Fiscal Responsibility is Laughable

Hardball: Howard Dean on Obama Health Care Reform: "Medicare Works"

TYT: Cenk's Thoughts On Sean Penn's Acceptance Speech

NBC news: Critics attack Ford/Greenspan economic policies (1975)

Purge? RNC's Steele Says Renegades May Be Cut Off

NBC News: Secretary of State George C. McGhee on conflict over Iranian oil (1951)

Shuster Smacks Down Rep. Darrell Issa

Begala on CNBC's Santelli: "Every circus has a clown."

Dennis Kucinich: "Lets Move From Bank Care To Health Care!"

GOP Opposes Obama's Endorsement of Apple Pie

A Reconciliation on Gay Marriage

Guardian UK: Recession and resurgence of the far right

Pfizer's Chemical/Biological Weapons Report (archived pdf from The Memory Hole)

Buttars Demoted by GOP, Talked Out of Turn

What Part of ‘Stimulus’ Don’t They Get?

The Absence Of Angels In America: An Argument For Anarchy?

Clinton's winning road trip

McCain Asks Obama To Give Up The White House

Radio host Boyles mum on crude reference to DeGette

The Big Empty

Jim Cramer: "How I Manipulated The Stock Market, Illegally"

Norah O'Donnell interviews Sen. Thune - Tax cuts are stimulus? Sorry, no, Senator.

Hudson Orwells some Economic Words: None Too Soon!

Who is the right calling "loser"?

Incredible! Republican quotes on Clinton's 1993 stimulus bill and the Depression it will cause

Of Pork and Payback

1,000 Points of Data

Yo Repubs? How’s that “Do Nothing” Strategery Working Out?

Economic Stimulus Package: Jindal, Sanford and Barber to constituents, drop dead!

What Part of ‘Stimulus’ Don’t They Get?

GOP says they're the fiscally responsible party, history disagrees

Ameriquest Mortgage, the Architect Roland Arnal, Conspirator’s Market Crisis

My Baseless Speculation Over Bobby Jindal’s New Web Ads

Sparks Fly from Stimulus Jumping Economy, Dow up +236.16

Why the GOP Really Hates Unions

63% of Americans think GOP is playing politics

Let's Get Get Those Freight Trucks Off the Road and Put America Back on Tracks

That Can’t-Do Spirit - Bob Herbert

The Deficit Hawks' Attack on Our Entitlements

Now, IT cos move from offshoring to advising strategy (India)

The Seven Intellectual Underpinnings of the Obama Code: George Lakoff

There Is No Social Security Crisis

David Horsey: And the Wall Street Oscar goes to....

Republicans Act Like 5 Year Olds

Social Security is under attack by the republicons right now.

Obama Wants to Move the Center Left

Helen finishes Coulter off so we don't have to start

Here's some "real Americans" for you, Mr DICK Santelli...

Unhinged in 30 Days: The Right-Wing Media's Obama Era Implosion

TYT: Cenk Dismantles Idiocy From CNBC's Santelli (& Michelle Bachman)

'Hard Sun' - Gordon Peterson

Reagan Blooper

Marijuana legalization bill intro'd in CA Legislature!

Robert Reich: President Obama: Forget the deficit (keep spending!)

Rise in US homeless sparks concern

President Barack Obama on Autism



Lifeline for endangered albatross (BBC)

Two hearings worth watching this week: IPCC head Rajendra Pachauri and energy efficiency

Pickens embraces electric vehicles, predicts $140 oil by 2011

Daily Drought Watch: California Snowpack at 76%

Secrets behind high temperature superconductors revealed

""Free energy" from water mains pressure or complete BS?

Center for American Progress: "Wired for Progress - Building a National Clean-Energy Smart Grid"

Aquamarine To Develop 1 GW of Ocean Energy

Most fees for nuke plant would go to investors, not debt

Green IT not helping climate change

Historical Photographs Expose Decline in Florida's Reef Fish, New Scripps Study Finds

The Hottest Spots: Conservation in War Zones

NASA: Launch Mishap Ends OCO (Orbiting Carbon Observatory) Mission

Houseplant pest gives clue to potential new anthrax treatment

Florida trying to undo nuclear plant financing

S. Australia Bracing For More Fires - Intense Heat, High Winds Expected By Weekend

Lost City Of Atlantis? Nope, Sorry - Marine Sonar Tracks - AFP

MIT Projections - Odds Excellent For Global Temperature Rise Of 5C+ In Absence Of Action

Argentina's Worst Drought In More Than 50 Years Pressures Economy, Politicians, Farmers - NYT

Minnesota Peregrine Numbers Rebound - 50+ Statewide Pairs, 93 Fledglings In 2008

Interview W. Lonnie Thompson (OH State) On Loss Of Glaciers Erasing Climate History - Science News

Prosecutors Argue WR Grace Knew For Decades Of Libby, MT Asbestos Risk - To Date, 1,200 Dead Or Ill

Will the recession cut our CO2 emissions? (A: Apparently, not much)

U.S. May Set Greenhouse Gas Standard for Cars

LISTEN UP: 'Green News Report' - February 24, 2009

(Stephen Harper's) About-face on the environment (Bush delayed Canada's efforts.)

Jordan's Water is Radioactive - Source Unknown

Peaks The Size Of European Alps Found Embedded In Antarctic Ice Sheet - Reuters

Well played

Natural Gas Prices Bottom out?

Cholesterol-reducing drugs (statins) may lessen brain function, says ISU researcher

Compact fluorescent light bulbs vs. LEDs?

CRED downplays global warming hand wringing

Lower increases in global temps could lead to greater impacts than previously thought, study finds

Could Largest US Coal Reserves Be Overstated By 50%? New USGS Dataset Seems To Say So

Barge (full of biodiesel) signals new 'green' era (but it's headed from New Jersey to Europe)

Guadeloupe Strikes: A Warning to Obama?

Meet the Miami Herald's newest op/ed columnist.

BOREV: Obama Administration Reverses VEN Policy, Only Secretly and Only to the Wall Street Journal

For DU'ers who are familiar with record of Jeb Bush's friend, Armando Codina,

Hundreds on Boat Returned to Haiti - 27 children

Call on Congress to reject manipulation of Salvadoran elections.

UN agrees to observer role in Bolivia

Remember the Cannon story "Pirates of the Carribean"? Here's the update:

Secret ballot argument against Employee Free Choice Act is a canard

Today in labor history Feb 24 Women and children were beaten by police during a textile strike

Solis Cleared for Senate Confirmation Later Today

MI Senate passes resolution against EFCA--Wading through the RW BULLS**T

NLRB Rules Trump Casino Intimidated Workers Seeking to Join UAW

Thank you ESPN!

Barkley pleads guilty in Scottsdale to DUI charges

And here's another prediction, Anderson won't even be charged

Classic--he has his ass handed to him in this thread--- and the lock note by the mod is classic.

Wow! Greg Anderson must have some incredible evidence that will exonorate Bonds!

Nationals GM Bowden on FBI investigation: 'I'm innocent'

Pam's House Blend: Inside the Mushy Mind of A Log Cabbiner.

So proud of Sean Penn and his victory in MILK.

A Reconciliation on Gay Marriage (xpost from Editorials and Other Articles)

Rapper Xzibit Claims Diddy Tried To Take Him To A Gay Nightclub

Greetings and Congratulations to my GLBT Friends.

Passing Prop 8 (The play book from the men who managed the "Yes on 8" campaign)

Protesters Oppose Hawaii Civil Unions Bill

I’m As Good As You - And I Can’t Marry?

Who do they think they're kidding?

Obama speech: " I don't see Harry Reid here...."

Did we just get our Money back from Citi?

Rivals want curb on nationalised Citi

Obama’s Mortgage Plan for Fannie, Freddie May Face Legal Snag

Interactive Bank Failure Map

Stocks in Europe, Asia Decline; MSCI World Falls for 11th Day

Who watched Drag Race yesterday evening for the VIVA GLAM shoot?

Latvia's Center-Right Government Resigns Amid Crisis

I am beginning to wonder about all insurance co's.

Fed Urges Banks to Put Bailout Funds Into Loans, Not Dividends

Tax info on buying a home right now?

Delete, oops wrong place, finger slipped

Bobby Jindal is screwing up the recovery..

The Bailout Drug

Stanford had links to fund run by Bidens: report

Case-Shiller: 2008 Home Prices Hit Record Declines

The Abyss Stares Back

‘There will be blood' - Harvard financial guru predicts prolonged financial hardship, civil wars

Raiding Your 401(k) to Refinance

Interested in feed-back from DU's economic mavens

Officials fear US may cut military aid

ADL: Amnesty denying Israel the right to defend itself

Israel's Arab citizens deserve better than Lieberman

Jerusalem: No plans yet to raze Arab homes in area designated for park

New CBS News Communications Exec Called Obama "Incredibly Dangerous" For Israel

Gaddafi: Israel, not Sudan, to blame for crisis in Darfur

Israeli spying a major setback for Hizbollah

Heavily Jewish Brooklyn food co-op mulls ban on Israel produce

Israel's Peres ushers in right-leaning parliament

Congressman Wants Military Aid To Israel Reassessed

Gene could allow lab-grown teeth

B Vitamins May Prevent Vision Loss in Older Women, New Study Finds

Mechanisms that prevent Alzheimer's Disease: Enzymatic activity plays key role

Soybean Product Fights Abnormal Protein Involved In Alzheimer’s Diseas

Thanks Health Forum. I learned something very interesting.

Chili peppers help to unravel the mechanism of pain

Cholesterol-reducing drugs (statins) may lessen brain function, says ISU researcher

Mom who crushed baby says don't co-sleep

Nutritional supplementation - How not to.

In the Open at Last, a Secret All Women Share

Rapper Lil Wayne to face NY gun charges after tour

Swiss to vote on tighter gun controls

(Supreme) Court upholds conviction in guns case (Lautenberg ademdment)

Gun Buyback Bill Passed, Then Recalled (VA)

Measure to keep gun offenders behind bars wins early approval (MD)

Lawmakers get new shot to close gun permit records (TN)

Proposed Gun License Law Has Some People Concerned (HR 45)

Russell Predicted Economic Downturn In 2006 Debate With NutCase Brown-Waite!

I was involved in a defensive shooting today

Another delay for joint pay system

3 soldiers, interpreter killed in Iraq

GI had offered to plead guilty in fragging case

Poll: U.S. public backs Afghanistan troop plan

Soldiers still waiting for stop-loss bonuses

Green Beret: Afghan man lunged before I fired

Soldier found dead in German barracks named

Trial begins for O-2 accused in detainee death

Coast Guard searches for overboard soldier

Rep. brings Tricare experience to Hill

Taliban pledges cease-fire in NW Pakistan area

One tough NCO

Va.-based National Guard unit returns to U.S.

18 Ike sailors punished over exam

Crew adjusts to unique duty: hijacker jail

The evolution of MCMAP

Corps updates leave guidance for new fathers

Tenn. Marine Reserve unit returns home

Top missileer: Inspections improving nuclear surety

Special Forces soldiers die in IED attack

Peterson workers file petition over Obama pic

Predator crashes in Iraq; 2nd this month

Operation in Diyala tests ‘clear, hold and build’ strategy, Iraqis’ ability

Seaman answers to prosecutors

GI Bill could mean uneven scholarships

GI charged with attempted murder unfit to stand trial

Judge is no stranger to false claims

Report: U.S. soldier dies of hypothermia in Bolzano, Italy

Disruptions at Humphreys likely in July

Obama: Marine One helicopters under review

Released Detainee en Route to Britain

US, Iraq Forces Launch Operation in North

Vet Groups Want Cap on New GI Bil

Army Fields 10,000th MRAP

Forecaster Couldn't Predict IA Impact

Secretary Clinton Visits Yokota

Iraq Museum Looted During US Invasion Reopens

Air Force puts a mandatory German driving test online

USS Scranton Deploys in Newest Uniform

Training on hold for ensigns in bird death case

Hot diggy, Kodak has started making Ektar film again! My very favorite neggie film of

Narrow Streets...

An old tree in Central Park...

Strong face

Will you allow me to post a funny interesting 1min video


A warm moment on a chilly day on the Embarcadero....

Pelican Row

You Create The Reason For Your Existence: Forest for the Tree

Really good thread....LOL...

need advice on how to handle situation

Am I crazy?

does anyone have a board they could share, that is active

A strange post about "Junk Suit".

Can someone figure out Sean Penn's rising sign for me?

Beaker-Ready Projects? Colleges Have Quite a Few

Quantum dance: Discovery Could Revolutionize Computing

From One Genome, Many Types of Cells. But How?

Politics in the Guise of Pure Science

'Visions link' to coffee intake

Peter Kennedy Vs Rome

Are you giving up anything for lent?

Ever get the feeling Jesus has already come and gone and

IF you are fasting or denying yourself something for Lent, WHY are you doing it?

PA official: Peace process dead

My birds are too tough (help needed!)

Eating a delish lunch salad

No Reservations: Disappearing Manhattan coming up at 10 pm EST!

Whats for Dinner? ~ Tuesday the 24rd

What's the effective way to reverse a CHASE late fee?

Obama on Autism and special ed funding

The 3 R’s? A Fourth Is Crucial, Too: Recess

Hutchison trouncing Perry, Democratic pollster finds TX Freedom Network

I sympathize with the Australians...

Hong Kong sex scandal star in court over explicit photos

I didn't know Harper was joking when suggesting cuts to arts funding.

Here's Harper with Kudlow on CNBC taking credit for everything that works in Canada.

The audacity of Michael Ignatieff

DDR2-800 @ CL6 on a CPU using a 1066MHz bus... oc question

Before I get the parts to build a new computer I would appreciate advise.

Wolf Blitzer just said that Kerry will be on

JK coming up on CNN...

If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear - as we are frequently told

Government blackmailing Royal Mail workers and the public?

‘We need a pay rise’ bankers demand (Independent)