Democratic Underground

Archives: May 31, 2009

Guardian UK: Johnson predicts worst elections ever for Labour

Gov. Rendell D-Dinosaur please step aside. Just because Specter is your friend....

Paris jewel thief takes $8m haul

Hospitals Offer Wait Time Online

Equality Now - The President Has the Power

The Detainee Shell Game

The Sotomayor Syndicate: MSM and Right Wing Groups Team Up to Profit From Supreme Court Nominee

The Sotomayor Syndicate: MSM and Right Wing Groups Team Up to Profit From Supreme Court Nominee

Something that troubles me about this recession/depression we are going through

George Lakoff: Empathy, Sotomayor, and Democracy

Yglesias: Health And Taxes...

Silvio Berlusconi, crook and party animal

Why the Pentagon Is Probably Lying About its Supressed Sodomy and Rape Photos

my local news channel just showed an nbc report on Sotomayor nomination

In Global Shift, G.M. Plans Sale of Europe Unit

Anyone ever been to Nassau? We are going

Waterboarding? What's that? Seems the Fort Worth Star Telegram has to explain it to their readers.

Define 'Wisdom'

Frank Rich: Who Is to Blame for the Next Attack?

Yanno .... look around ...... The Great Gasbag really **is** the head of the repubican party.

Woman calls police after hubby, 82, takes Viagra

Pssssssstttttt - do you like tea parties?

Video of the Moment, yo!: 'Young Cons' (Young Con Anthem)

What would the GOP do with a cyber czar?

FDA allows smokers to know what's inside tobacco products!

Fundies: The Gay Agenda has invaded Baghdad

Pretend you're from Pennsylvania .........

PBS tonight, lots of music here, Stevie Wonder on now, check

What exactly does the GOP gain by fighting Sotomayor?

Who would you save?

Enhanced Interrogation Is Necessary

Is Imadinnerplate trying to pull a Rove?

First non-American, first black Spelling Bee champ all grown up . . .

i have read all of the "california" threads, and i have come to this conclusion...

Leader of several right wing organizations pleads guilty to assault charge

Sandra Day O’Connor Spoke Approvingly Of Race Shaping Thurgood Marshall’s Judging

Wait a minute Obama flys to NYC in a Gulfstream and the GOP is going to call him out. . .

Pet Deaths.....More Bush Admin Fallout

Pet Deaths.....More Bush Admin Fallout

Obama Administration Files Petition To Block Uighurs From Entering U.S., Praises Gitmo Conditions

Any current or ex C-21 drivers here.....

Auto Workers Compete to Keep Jobs, Livelyhoods on New Reality Show...

MTP: Leahy and Sessions.

Obama’s Face (That’s Him?) Rules the Web

The Repubs have been successful at creating equilibrium in the argument.

Wyoming High School Graduates 5 Sets of Twins

"Beginning on Day One"....."One Brigade a Month"

Best Photo-journalism Awards of 2008.. some of these will break your heart

Are truck drivers from Mexico now allowed to cross the border

Happy 100th Birthday To The 59th Street Bridge!!! It's making me feel groovy!

Ted Rall: Turning the Tables

Ted Rall: Turning the Tables

Selling Education, Manufacturing Technocrats, Torturing Souls: Three myths of higher education

The trio of Pillsbury doughboys now leading the party — Rush Limbaugh, Newt Gingrich, Cheney

Friends Provide Glimpse Into Sonia Sotomayor's 'Very Full Life'

Could Sestak do reverse Arlen?

Gen. Taguba says there are rape photos but that those aren't the ones Obama is supressing...

Zoo Officials Serve Poison Instead of Syrup in Sno-Cones (Kansas)

Do you think there are more closet Dems or closet Pukes.

Nancy Drew and the Secret of the 3 Black Robes

david gregory shows ru$h limbaugh on MTP....why doesn't he have him on the show?

Sunday Morning Coffee and Quotes........

Sunday Morning Coffee and Quotes........

Gay... or Not Gay?---an actual Fox "News" report

Right wing antipathy toward Obama is .......

To serve God and Walmart on c-span 2 right now

Official: US-Cuba talks on immigration to resume

Bush’s Approved Torture … in 2003?

EXCLUSIVE: Behind-the-Scenes Photos of Guantanamo Bay

Ohio Food Stamp Participation Rates Soaring

Judge signs order prohibiting couple from sleeping downtown

Mission Accomplished: U.S. occupation leaves cultural legacy in Iraq

Something glaringly missing from the Generation Rescue website

View from Central Europe: Republicans post 2008 = Communists post 1988?

Eugene Robinson: Sonia Sotomayor proud of who she is — and where she's from

Senator Schumer makes health reform promises

Chris Hedges, David Barsamian, Danny Schechter, Kevin Phillips, Amy Goodman, Katrina vanden Heuvel

Coleman, Franken prep to face off on appeal

Schiffer using Limbaugh to attack Sotomayor on Face the Nation

Thank You, DU

Bushco Did NOT Make Us Safer Before OR After 9/11 - Frank Rich: Who Is to Blame for the Next Attack?

4 States Ban Smiling from Driver License Photos

One final toss for the Dooze

Stop empowering the right-wing hate machine.......ignore them

Buchanan, a white man running scared

The elephant in the global room.. North Korea!

More Often than NOT!

RNC slams Obama Broadway date night

A person's background should not influence their decisions.

Fearing the supermen of Guantanamo - Next thing you know — a mushroom cloud...

Calling all people of conscience, and calling OUT all phonies

American Aparthood - FireDogLake

Paying taxes comes back to bite illegal immigrants

Randi Rhodes?...anyone listen to her new show?

C-SPIN WJ: Pitchfork Pat...

A new twist to the Hurricane season ----- Foreclosures

The Lessons of Limbaugh

More phony Conservative outrage: GAWWWD left out of the new Capitol visitors' center

The SNL Geithner Opening: Funny, and yet so true

Sotomayor Would Be Sixth Catholic Justice, but the Pigeonholing Ends There

NY Times: Deep Cuts Threaten to Reshape California

Minnesota's Senate race now comes down to 5 votes

Minnesota's Senate race now comes down to 5 votes

Thousands at same-sex marriage rally in Fresno

Hey GOOPERS ..... why weren't you whining when your guy was on his .... what ..... 3rd month .....

The definition of terrorism from Wikipedia:

Stuck in Your Job Because You Need the Health Benefits? You’re Not Alone

Wilkerson: Cheney "Lonely, Paranoid, Frightened"

Huffington Post: Starbucks's Health Care Policy Is Sickening

Just a sample of Freeper reactions to George Tiller's murder:

If Torture is so Successful Where the HELL is OSAMA BIN LADEN?

Blue Cross to launch ad campaign against Obama's health plan

I publicly call on Sen. Graham to STFU.

Huffington Post: Romney, Chamber PR Blitz Ignores New Study Showing Unions Don't Coerce Workers

Fight over Cuba to dominate OAS meeting (returning Cuba as a member) - AP

The Cheney's Are Lying

Hating The Homeless in Venice, CA (next to Santa Monica). attacks on RVs

Do the Right Wing leaders know what they are doing?

NOAM CHOMSKY is on LIVE with Bob McChesney now until 3pm EDT - taking callers - streaming

Lindsey Graham Breaks With Gingrich, Limbaugh: Sotomayor Is Not "Racist" (VIDEO)

What do DU'ers think of this?

What do DU'ers think of this?

If Tiller's killer is caught...

Saudi beheads and crucifies murder convict

Pizza guy is a hero--helped rescue kidnap/rape victim in Tennessee

What a wimpy, short-lived empire we were.

Those effing BASTARDS!

Freepers respond to George Tiller's murder.

10 Things Gas Stations Won't Tell You

Roy Zimmerman sings about Dick Cheney!

Real GOP/Anti-choice/Con apology for Dr. Tiller's "sudden death"...

Ewwww yuck! Look what the cat dragged in!

If the govt can infiltrate and investigate peace groups, they oughtta do the same with RW fundy orgs

Malls see spike in shoplifting.

Canadian NDP leader to be in meetings with WH officials re Canadian Healthcare

Meet the Press commercials: Aimed at who? Me? Politicians? Investors?

There is a constitutional argument to be made in regards to healthcare

Obama's Vatican Pick: Boosting Hispanic Catholics, Disarming Catholic Critics

Tiller's Killer: On a pro-O'Relly blog or a Freeper???? Evidence before identification is impt!!!!!

Blue Whale Discovered Singing In New York Coastal Waters

Frank Rich: Hammer meet Nail....(NY Times)

Here's how the right wing will handle Tiller's murder, if you haven't figured it out already.

From the Witchita Eagle, info on Tiller Murder and who they are looking for:

Privacy group says TSA device sees too much

If this President does it, then it is right.

Challenge: Best New Name For "Republican" Party. My Pick Is "RUSH-lickin' Party" because they all

Abduction hoax woman out on bail

Don't Mess With The CIA – by Donald Kaul

Looking at things from a North Korean perspective

I didn't think I could despise freepers and wingnuts anymore than I do.

Christian Defense Coalition Condemns Shooting of Dr. George Tiller

Has an OB ever been shot and killed for delivering a baby?

Has an OB ever been shot and killed for delivering a baby?

FOX reporting suspect arrested in Tiller's murder

I just heard Sen. McConnell on CNN with John King spouting lies about Universal health care...again!

George Tiller, controversial doctor, has been murdered!

From a rightwing MUD on abortion

A truly weird contradiction between the Answers In Genesis billboard and their YouTube video.

NPR just reported on Tiller's murder. The report took less than 10 seconds.

Specter: Not guaranteed free ride in Dem primary

U.S. Foreign Policy Falling by the Wayside

To all lurking freepers: This is a hostile post

Sonia Sotomayor: Two sides of a life

Libertarian just suggested all producers go GALT for a time.

Does anyone have a list of the number of persons killed

GOP Rep arrested for public intoxication now at Betty Ford Clinic

Atlanta Journal-Constitution: How exotic mortgages became time bombs

The BaptistBoard on Tiller: Right Wing Religion is Sick and Dangerous

Stasi spy 'fired shot that changed Germany'

Hendricks: Tiller's killers were many

How much influence does media coverage have on ...

Does the killer of Dr. Tiller deserve a fair trial?

Rangel cracks a good one . . .

US political staffer accused of child sex crime

Arrest Made In Slaying of Dr. Tiller

RANDALL TERRY --on Dr. Tiller's murder

Complexity is the step brother of secrecy

What I said to someone delighting in the murder of Dr. Tiller and decrying late term abortion

" I am willing to do whatever it takes to contribute to the effort "

Bruce Tinsley (Mallard Fillmore) wakes from a long drunk with a great idea for a cartoon.

What is a "reverse racist" ??

International War Criminal on CNN

Killing OB/GYN Doctors Is TERRORISM

Welfare Queen: Farm subsidies for the filthy rich

Bizarre "Priests For Life" statement on Dr. Tiller's murder:

Hip-hop mogul Russell Simmons advocates marriage equality

When playing "The Sims",

At last! The TRUE identity of Dick Cheney has finally been revealed. Tread lightly.

Arrest made in slaying of Kan. abortion doctor

Al Giordano says Tancredo has it backwards about la raza

Why can't we embed videos outside of the "political videos" forum?

Larisa Alexandrovna: Cheney's 9/11 Trauma Defense - "It's A Lie... Opportunism Of Most Cynical Kind"

The current wharrgarbl on the murder of Dr. Tiller on....

Canon Employees Are Forbidden to Sit Down, Walk at Normal Pace

Help me verify that Operation Rescue's web site is now down

I know this has probably been mentioned

Scott Roeder

Last survivor of Titanic dies this weekend.

More Freeper Response To Abortion Terrorists...

Vigil for Dr Tiller in Wichita tonight

Vigil for Dr Tiller in Wichita tonight

Why assassinations like the one today are effective.

After the Knoxville UU shootings, barely a peep was heard in the MSM.

Liberal groups to huddle this week in D.C.

Saw this ad today on Facebook...

How many here at some point in time were on federal assistance...

Looks Like The DHS Report On Rightwing Terrorists Was Spot On

GEM$NBC is making Rush Limbaugh mainstream

Bill O'Reilly Needs to Make a Statement TODAY Condemning Dr. Tiller's Assassination

GM... a bit of French history too...

LADIES - Who Would You Choose?

Kathleen Sebelius should attend Tiller's funeral and deliver a eulogy

Operation Rescue definitely has explaining to do

Methinks Gary Trudeau is having a little fun wih us

WTF GENBC!!!!!!!!!

Five Votes Will Now Decide Minnesota Senate Race

Tiller Murder: Ann Coulter's Happy Day?

First they came for the Air Traffic Controllers,

another google cache of Scott Roeder , new: CHARGE TILLER petition

Freeper search user function disabled

Federal Reserve puzzled by yield curve steepening

By the way Michelle Obama looked fabulous

Should the murderer of Dr Tiller be waterboarded?

Phoenix, today, was euthanized.

The truth between the liberal vs. conservative battle

"I don't really know what's going to happen"; General Motors retirees reflect on bankruptcy

I hereby propose that all DU posts referring to MSNBC-employed RWers

June 4th Anniversary is this Thursday. Executive order 11110

Did you know: It's "a B.S. excuse that you don't have time to work out"?

WashPost: Universal medical insurance will shift wealth from NE to SW US

Operation Rescue link from the wayback machine

What role do you think Operation Rescue's website played in all of this?

Another Cop, Another Kid Tased To Death....

Neither parties' leaders want to look back at how the Iraq invasion happened.

John Nichols: A Killing in Kansas

A New Coalition: Gender Rights, Women's Rights, LGTB Rights

Just how stupid is Tiller's murderer?

Yet another example of why Limbaugh is the best thing that ever happened for the Democrats

Ask MSNBC to give the Siegelman travesty airtime

Single Payer Rally in Seattle

Why did Federal Marshalls stop protecting Dr. Tiller?

First sentences we never made it past for laughing department

First sentences we never made it past for laughing department

First sentences we never made it past for laughing department

"Abortion Doctor"

RW Pro-life Christians defile the name of Christ

Christian Newswire: George Tiller was a Mass-Murderer, says Randall Terry

New Yorkers Turn Out in Droves to Welcome Obamas to NYC ---pix--->

Nevada Senate rejects Gibbons' veto of partnership bill

A statue to memorialize Doctor Tiller?

If it is illegal to yell "fire" in a public space

Tiller performed therapeutic abortions for women who wanted children.

What word best describes your present state of mind regarding politics?

at 7:22 pm et CNN still doesn't know the name of Dr Tiller's killer

The MSM should properly report the terrorist attack on a woman's health doctor

Monday, June 1, 2009, 9:00 a.m......minnesota supreme court

Are instigators of violence the same as accessories to the crime?

anti-choice group Operation Rescue....statement on tiller

I am sick of watching marriage equality discussed exclusively by straight panels on TV talk shows

CNN is covering Tiller's murder

How comfortable are you with uncertainty?

Can we start treating these anti-abortion groups as terrorist organizations?

NOW Identifies Murder of Dr. George Tiller As Domestic Terrorism

Thousands of progressives converge on Washington for renamed "Take Back America" conference.

why the headlines 'abortion doctor'....he was a fucking doctor

I saw a car sticker yesterday that said Vietnam Vets Aren't Fonda Jane.

Why not Tax Employers for Uninsured Healthcare Cost

Bill O'Reilly one of the intellectual authors of Tiller's murder:

Interesting Article: "The "Bitch" Evolved: Why Girls Are So Cruel to Each Other"...

Tillers murderer -oh my

Segregated Proms for Black and White Students in the Deep South.

If Operation REscue is Scrubbing Its Site, They Are Guilty Of Destroying Evidence

Oaklahoma Highway Patrol Stop Abulance with Patient Inside

The Million Letters for Single Payer Health Care---Just DO IT

Sign the Condolence Book for Dr. Tiller

Bill Whittle, Jon Stewart and WWII. Was dropping the bomb a war crime?

Supporting gay marriage is now "hypocritical"

Bill O'Reilly on George Tiller - Video --->

I just finished paying my bills. MasterCard is the first one I pay.

Chiropractic Sues Science

The Return of the Resistance

Minn. Senate race tops $50 million: AP

Nuke Test Makes Nuclear Abolition More Important Than Ever

Update from Kansas on Dr. Tiller's murder

A third-grader's biography of Dick Cheney



A Sign of the Times - Art project my grandson chose this school year

A health care thought experiment: Suppose we went directly to single payer.

Tiller's murderer a VIOLENT right wing nutjob

Is that Elba island place still available, we could use for detainees?

MSNBC reports arrest made in slaying of "LATE-TERM ABORTION DOCTOR"

Scott Roeder digs Glenn Beck and Cheeze Curds??? How can he tell the difference?

Attention! Help dig up info on Scott Roeder, the suspect in Tiller's assassination

Bill O'Reilly compared murdered abortion provider George Tiller to Hitler, vowed to stop him

Phill Kline comments on Tiller murder

My email to Fox News

Insurance companies killed 20,000 Americans last year by denying care

Bill O'Reilly is Responsible for Tiller's Murder. The blood is on his hands.

Christian Fundamentalist Terrorism

Matador gored in Madrid bullring

Ex-Interrogators Are Mad as Hell About Torture, and They're Not Gonna Take Cheney Anymore

Rapture Ready is "TORNED" about the murder of Dr. Tiller

David Neiwert has been warning about this for years.

The right-wing, anti-choice tool of the internet, The Daily Kos calls Tiller an "Abortion Provider"

Daily Democrat: Family supporters to march June 6 (laying down on his belly when he was shot)

In honor of Dr. Tiller, consider donating to a pro-choice organization.

The Trauma of 9/11 Is No Excuse - By Richard A. Clarke

Let this be a wake up call to any of you calling yourself "Pro Life"

I believe that an organization outside the Democratic Party may be needed to save the Democratic Par

Sotomayor believes that states can regulate and ban weapons

To any FOOL who thinks Obama, after just 4 months, is too much like Bush I say:

To any FOOL who thinks Obama, after just 4 months, is too much like Bush I say:

In the immortal words of George Carlin...

Tiller's killers were many (great editorial just posted by KS reporter)

Confirmed: Tiller's killer associated with Operation Rescue

Obama continuing policies of GW Bush....

DU Help!! - "Beaten Like a Red-Headed Step-Child"

To any FOOL who thinks Obama, after just 4 months, is protecting Bush too much I say:

File this under, "Only In America." Octomom gets her TV show.

I am so damn sick of some men and of religious zealots making

Operation Rescue's "Tiller Report II"

Suddenly the grocery store is full of items labeled "no high fructose corn syrup"

Bill O'Reilly's 'Tiller the Baby Killer' Gunned Down in Wichita Church

Howard Dean joins board of the Progressive Book Club. I am impressed by this group.

Scott Roeder on Operation Rescue's site

Hey, weren't the Constitution and the Bill of Rights essentially written during

WTF Why is this post on CreekPuppy Ignore?

And finally...

I am leaving..........on a jet plane

Give a starving man a can of corn, and he will beat you with it.

Words that I live by.

It's Time for Some Mary Tyler Moore Love

Snapshot from the Lounge.

you know what star trek movie needs to be made?


boogietroids from mars

I'm giving the evil eye!!

Theme From Shaft..

I'll be watching.


I would like to offer a sincere apology

Anyone ever been to Nassau? We are going

Watching an ep of the old BSG

Ye Gawds, does Rush ever SUCK!

What's the word?

PSA: Never - EVER - fuck with an Amtrak Conductor or a Louisiana State Trooper.

The stories about Jay Leno hurling his feces at successor Conan O'Brien are FALSE.

Damn, I didn't know I had total power over charlie and algernon

Orlando Magic to Nike, VitaminWater, ESPN, et al: SUCK IT!

Do head-shaking and eye-rolling count as cardio?

PSA: Never - EVER - fuck with Van Halen when they do ZZ Top covers.

kitten picture of the day for saturday may 30

"Is there any other point to which you would wish to draw my attention?"

PSA: Never - EVER - fuck with a 'possum carrying bebbes!

PSA: Never - EVER - fuck with Dr. Death or call wrestling fake.

funk thread


PSA: Never - EVER - fuck a Marine.

PSA: Never - EVER - fuck with a seven faced marble eyed transitory dream doll.

Never -- ever -- fuck with a mature lady

Of these three, which is the most under-rated Sci-Fi movie?

Just saw the new Pixar movie "UP!"

Today my 12 1/2 yr old daughter informed me she wants to start shaving her legs.

What the hell is going on in here?

Damn, I didn't know I had total power over the Orioles

Long time fans of the Star Trek saga despise the new take....

I went out again, today... saw Star Trek

If we catch him, can we keep him?!

Worst cover of a really stupid song...

Finally saw an episode of Pushing Daisies

I have a Tim Hortons nutrition guide. Want me to look something up for you?

Sunday "Kevin And Kell"

I'm going to try to learn 25 songs by Monday.

Wish Rodriguez/Tarrantino could have revived "grindhouse" movies..

Geek crossword puzzle

What does the world have against me?


Ok, it is 4:22 am, can't sleep so I looked around you tube.

Phils back in first in NL East with win over Nats, Mets loss to Marlins...


PSA: Never - EVER - fuck with a Marine.

Does anyone remember "silentium"?

I want a real light saber.

Gratuitous product endorsement

NBA Finals


Junior High Farewell Dance -- 1959

Click here and you'll groan.

Wow. 1960s television really tried to 'keep it real'

I want to create a ___________ that never dies

Texas Longhorn pitcher takes over in 7th inning, gives up no hits for 12 innings.

Give a man a fish, and he will eat for a day...

I just had an Amp Energy Drink, and let me tell you I'm not all that impressed....

This just can't be happening.

The Last House on the Left (1972, Wes Craven)...

I found Kleeb!!!! And, no, not sharing.

A photo that never fails to bring a smile to my face

Guess what

Young Conservatives' rap. I made it to 1:47. Beat that.

Here is the same doll, check out the laugh.

****Condolences to Jeanne Tiller and the rest of George Tiller's Family****

The award for best comedic actor in a dramatic performance goes to....

A poem....The Thing That Would Not Heal

funds are small, hearts are big

Thunda Boomahs!

The lounge needs more threads about fucking weeds

My Top Ten List of Things That Drive Me Nuts About Online Auction Sites

If I create an OP that gets no recs...

I brewing a Dortmunder style beer

Has anyone missed this thread?

Oh no!

Taterguy said we need more threads on weed(s) in the Lounge, so I'll oblige

The RetroLounge Daily Poem Thread (Sun 5/31/2009)

You're a drunk...

Stupid Work Rubbish

I saw the movie Fanboys yesterday.

Should I go to my window, open it, and before the purported thunderstorm arrives,

If you are into Andalusian music

To Any Tech / Marketing Geeks. What Am I doing wrong.

When playing "The Sims",

8 hours of continuing sewage backup...........

Yup. Gonna storm tonight. My wrists and knees feel stiff...

funny bit of trivia on Rocky and Bullwinkle

Beef jerky fans check in

Self Propelled, Hands-Free Weed Wacker and Fertilizer Spreader: Too Good to Be True?

I was a celebrity judge at my city's Taste of.. today

Appreciation Thread for Director/Producer Anthony Minghella

Scientific tats.

PSA: Never - EVER - fuck with a Marine

The Astounding World of the Future - Youtube 4:53

The Astounding World of the Future - Youtube 4:53

Recommend some more recent movies.

I think BB should have karaoke at the Meet Up.

In honor of Jim Jones,

new moran pic

What's your favorite movie cat?

Make up your own Groucho Marx-esque line and post it here.

Blah! I have to go to a baby shower for a girl that I don't know!

Is it morally wrong to eat baby vegetables?

Would you please use the proper terminology???

PSA it's not a good idea to have caffeine

Fire & Rain - James Taylor

*~*~*~*~*~*~* HAPPY 9th BIRTHDAY LYRICKID!!!! *~*~*~*~*~*~*

Horror fans, Dead Snow opens in limited release June 19th.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Everyone at the mall will be DAMNED!

I went out to eat and I found a cockroach in my food!

What kind of pillow do you sleep on?

Your Sunday LOLcats (dial-up warning) Cat vs. Dog Edition

Does sumo wrestling ever come to basic or medium cable anymore?

Lipton Diet green tea with citrus taste like cough medicine, no like a cold eeze lozenge

Thanks for recommending "V for Vendetta." Remarkable film.

Should 80s hairdos make a comeback? (56k and bad taste awareness alert)

Archie engaged to Veronica?

True Blood fans.. the show is coming back in two weeks!

Mike Oldfield's "Ommadawn"

Frank Burns eats worms

Doh! The perfect Weird Al song for graywarrior?

Cartoon Network is making more live-action shows? (WTF?)


So what are they going to name the sequel to the Nu Star Trek movie?

Hey, Megan??? We're trashing you. Again.

I'm going to go weedwhack the fuck out of the neighbor's car

Someone explain to me why Paul Giamatti is considered a great actor, if indeed he is.

Does Susan Boyle's loss mean we'll finally stop hearing about her?

Rat Face came home last night seriously injured.

I took my sons out to a Mexican restaurant today - which was playing Rush on the stereo.

What is your favorite Weird Al song? My all time favorite is:

Are there other cool funny weird bands and singers like Weird Al and the Bobs out there?

Ohhhh OHHHHHHH FUH oooooo.....

First of a few pictures of my daughter's senior prom:

fucking neighbor was spraying weed killer on MY driveway!

My world is turning upside down!

I'm planning a week up near Coeur d'Alene, any suggestions?

I've been sweating all day doing yard work. I smell so bad, I think I am going to cry.

Change we can believe in! PHISH TOUR starts Tonight!

Imagine two drunks in a karaoke bar butchering the Hell out of a Hank Williams song

What to y'all think about this doll, might now want to be drinking anything.

Total Eclipse of the Heart: Literal Video Version

Has anyone here ever tried boiled potatoes?

OMG. I need someone to pick through my hair like a chimp.

Excessive Obedience to Authority

Post a photo of your Significant Other

Broadwaygate is the next big controversy I see

Is the end near? Coleman, Franken prep to face off on appeal, starting Monday.

United States v. Wong Kim Ark-can someone please send this to the "Birther" conspiracy theorists

When Tapper Attacks

About "misusing Air Force One" let's not forget

The president has had to always pay for his own food

Which gate is potentially the most damaging to the Obama presidency?

Minnesota's Senate race now comes down to five votes

GW Bush was such a standup guy.

GW Bush was such a standup guy.

Seriously, do they expect the POTUS to stay in DC 24/7 for the next four years?

The following are all the female judges appointed by Democratic Presidents to US Appeals courts

PHOTO Caption it?

Kos Diary: "Obama drops Sotomayor's Mentos into right wing's Diet Coke" - LOLworthy!

Kos Diary: "Obama drops Sotomayor's Mentos into right wing's Diet Coke" - LOLworthy!

Isn't it strange: Sotomayor vs Steele...

I happen to know, before the media does, that the Obamas had

Senior WH aide told reporter: "Pres. Obama found Sotomayor liberal and pragmatic"...

Five Key Lessons Beyond the Gnashing of Radical Teeth

Southern white Repug Senators on talk show circuit this morning...whining about Sotomayor

Disappointed in the Dems.

By 2001 Labor Day, Bush had spent 42% of his days on vacation or en route.

Video of all three segments of my participation on Fox News' "Bulls and the Bears" yesterday

The Republicans are much angrier about a Black man spending money

Opinion/background re Obama’s War in Afghanistan, why Pashtuns feel neglected and victimized

Richard Clarke: The Trauma of 9/11 is No Excuse

FL-Sen: Corrine Brown Explores Senate Race

Coleman v Franken. It's The Final Countdown.


The NumbNuts GOP attacking SC Nom Sotomayor forget they confirm what she said 18 years ago

NOW we are concerend with identity politics?

Sotomayor nomination is being replayed on C-SPAN now. Pres. Obama just began speaking.

New Report Casts Exclusion of Single Payer Option as a Question of Democracy and Human Rights

The Insurance industry employs 2.3 million people - none who heal the sick

Dategate Lesson from G. Bush: If You Take Time Off for Relaxation, Do Not Bring the Wife --pix-->

Does anybody know how many weeks Bush was in office before

Obama has been working for 5 months Non Stop! Hell, I'll pay for their Dinner and Play!

Hey ... repugs complaining about Obamas' date night: what about Cindy McCain's convention dress?

Lindsey Graham re Sonia he saying she's uppity and not really an American?

Has Rendell Given Pennsylvania To Sestak?

The President paid cash

POTUS: “Most of the Work Takes Place Before a Hurricane Hits”

What elitist asshole President and First Lady would ever attend a Broadway show on taxpayer dollars?

NYT: Kansas Abortion Doctor Shot to Death in Church

On the alternative to "strict-constructionism" favored by Obama: democratic constitutionalism

Aw....the saddest pool report ever.

O'Reilly and the bigmouths get what they want. Someone has shot and killed Dr. Tiller of Kansas


War drums emit a sound that causes an automatic gas increase at the pumps. Which

I haven't heard ANYTHING about "Dategate" this morning.

Why isn't the Government focusing on mortgages that will reset?

George Tiller murderer in custody

When minorities speak out about race, they are deemed racist

how much did taxpayers spend to set Bush up in his perpetual Crawford vacation home

Common Ground

Freepers take out their frustration on Michelle's looks

LAT: Obama Walks a Fine Line Over Mining

US harboring war criminals

Obama Administration Abandons Voter Intimidation Lawsuit

Extremist Anti-Choice Groups In Full CYA Mode - Rush To Condemn Killing of Tiller

Filthy Bigots and Their Attempts To Link The Panthers With The Obama Campaign

I don't know all the information about the voter intimidation suit

Have you guys noticed that the same group of people who wanted Obama to denounce Wright

Addressing Muslim world, Obama will face many audiences

OOOH! Two snaps UP, girlfriend! RNC spokeswoman Gail Gitcho on what's "good enough" for Obama

Demand that GOP "head" Michael Steele denounce the "pro-life" murderer in Kansas

President Obama statement on the murder of Dr. George Tiller

RNC decries Obama not taking TOTUS with him on expensive date night

A serious question for those who support the decision in the New Haven case

Mark Morford: Obama should take wife to Liquor Barn, watch pay-per-view, fall asleep

Movies you remember that nobody ever talks about

And the demonstrators shouted down Patty Murray!!.....chants of "Single payer, single payer!"

Pictures from LeftyFingerPop's DU Meetup! (pic heavy)

This is how the next 7 & 3/4 years are going to go down..crystal ball moment

Ralph Nader urges President Obama to reconsider GM bankruptcy filing & proposes congressional review

Ghoulish Troglodytes in Freeperville Celebrate Tiller's Murder, Mock Violence Against Pro-Choicers

PHOTOS Angry New Yorkers Protest Arrival of Obamas

so, how many times did Commander Cuckoo Bananas go to

Should the White House support a Republican or Democrat for U.S. Senator in Pennsylvania?

Tweets of Hate: The Crazy Right Tweets celebrations of Dr. Tiller's murder

DUer on front page of the NYTIMES TODAY!

Oh no! Obama administration accused by GOP of favoring unions over investors in GM bankruptcy talks!

Friends Provide Glimpse Into Nominee's 'Very Full Life'

It is amazing that R's are so terrified of an intelligent woman...

Tom Goldstein: Sotomayor isn't "driven in any respect by a broader pro-choice or pro-life ideology"

What religion would this be?

Obama criticized for AWB “We need to get assault weapons – and ammo – off the streets”

President Obama's Astrological Birth Chart

President Obama's Astrological Birth Chart

Opel rescue raises hopes, but Merkel warns of challenges

Israel: U.S. demand for settlement freeze 'not fair'

Shootout between Palestinian police, Hamas kills 6

US to Reaffirm Provision of Nuke Umbrella to South Korea

Democrats strapping up to boot targeted McCotter out of seat

GOP takes aim at Barack and Michelle Obama's NYC trip

U.S., allies prepare for tougher response to N.Korea

Extra U.S. troops in Afghanistan by mid-July

Israel begins its biggest civil defense drill to prepare for possibility of war

Cuba accepts US migration talks

"I don't really know what's going to happen"; General Motors retirees reflect on bankruptcy

Minnesota's Senate race now comes down to 5 votes

New ID rules begin June 1 for Mexico, Canada trips

Bomb found, defused aboard Iranian plane

Rendell urges fed charges

Saramago vs Silvio: Nobel laureate rails after Italian publishers axe book

George Tiller Press Conference

Obama's Vatican Pick: Boosting Hispanic Catholics, Disarming Catholic Critics

Abortion Doctor Shot to Death in Church

After making waves, Jay Severin back on airwaves

Bounty placed on heads of top Taleban commanders in Swat

Suspect arrested in connection with slaying of abortion provider George Tiller

New legal battle in Guantanamo

D-Day Memorial at risk of closing

Execs urge "exit strategy" for auto takeovers

GOP says Democrats' climate proposal does little

Bausch & Lomb settles 600 eye fungus lawsuits

Tiller shooter's car stopped in Kansas

David Cameron took out maximum taxpayer-funded mortgage - then paid off own £75k loan 4 months later

Legislature headed for midnight tax-hike showdown (Illinois)

Immune therapies finally working against cancer

Both sides demonstrate in Grand Rapids over plan for single-payer national health system

MBA graduates will vow to be more ethical

Bernie Madoff Hires Prison Consultant

Approval for Brazil's Lula recovers to near record

Last Titanic survivor dies at 97

Graham Calls on Sotomayor to Apologize for 'Wise Latina' Statement

Shell execs accused of 'collaboration' over hanging of Nigerian activist Ken Saro-Wiwa

Thousands hit Seattle streets seeking changes to health care

First couple's NY date: a campaign promise kept

US, Cuba ties in spotlight as Clinton visits Central America

Republicans will make race an issue in Sotomayor confirmation

Unemployment Probably Topped 9% in May: U.S. Economy Preview

Jack Layton to spread virtues of Canadian universal health care to White House

Israel to U.S.: 'Stop favoring Palestinians'

Users of medical marijuana defend its benefits

George Tiller Shot on Way to Church

Pakistan: Corpses lie exposed in retaken Swat town

Abortion foes fear backlash to Tiller's murder

Deep Cuts Could Reshape California

Rebirth of a Nation

RealTime With Bill Maher - Full Show With Links Features Fmr Ambass Bolton

Reacting to Prop 8 Ruling

*WINNER* Diversity - Dance Act - Britains Got Talent 2009

Week In Cartoons 05-30

Bush & Clinton - The Non-Clash for Cash

Paul Krugman: GOP Is the Party of Rush

Ed Henry: Republicans Are Afraid Of Rush Limbaugh

Seattle March for Health Care

Political Talk Show Host Suddenly Very Interested In Manslaughter Law Loopholes

Franklin Graham preaches on Al Jazeera TV while discussing Darfur.

Lt. Dan Choi: Love is Worth It! (Meet in the Middle Equality Rally | Fresno, CA)

What is the 'TOTUS'? - Fox News reports-- twice (2:08)

Liar Sean Hannity Ultimate Coward Hates the Troops or else...

Rick Scott, $1.7B fraudster, wants to bring back health care fraud

Rush's iPhone

FLASHBACK: O'Reilly Segment - "George Tiller - Murdering For Cash"

TYT: Sexist, Racist Audio From GGL (Cenk Breaks It Down)

New Rules - 5/29/09

Rachel Maddow on the depths to which the GOP has sunk re: Sotomayor

McConnell has 'better things to do' than asking his party to stop calling Sotomayor racist.

Jack Cafferty: Bush & Cheney Did More Damage To Our Country Than Al Qaeda Ever Could!

This Week-Roundtable: Krugman's hitting his stride

The Astounding World of the Future!

Message to Obama: "Show Me You Have The Courage"

TYT: Racist Conservative Karate Chops Black Woman! (Bonus Interview In Summary)

Stop the Sotomayor - Superiority - Madness!


GIDEON LEVY / What if Tzipi Livni was prime minister of Israel?

Politics Can Wait: The President Has a Date

Latin America’s Pro-Capitalist Elite Hold Anti-Chávez Conference in Venezuela

Iran hangs 3 over mosque bombing

Sotomayor Would Be Sixth Catholic Justice, but the Pigeonholing Ends There.

Rich: Blame Cheney (and Media) for next attack

Who Is to Blame for the Next Attack?

One-two Punch In Battle Against HIV

Law School Moot Court Previewed Current Sonia Controversy

Can you Spell “Marriage?” National Organization for Marriage Can’t

"The Sexual Humiliation Of Iraqi Prisoners...Was Not An Invention Of Maverick Guards

Wal-Mart Serves Free Ice Cream to an Obese Nation

Max Baucus Should Not Be Deciding Health Care for America

Taguba Said He Saw Video of Male Soldier Sodomizing Female Detainee

Detroit Free Press: Nation needs review of anti-terror tactics

A Whiff of Revolution in the London Air

Empathy, Sotomayor, and Democracy: The Conservative Stealth Strategy

The Trauma of 9/11 Is No Excuse.

Kennedy Plan to Outline U.S. Healthcare Overhaul.

Are Republicans Going the Way of the Whig Party?

JAILBREAK 1984- 6 deathrow inmates escape...and the Supermax's that resulted from it

Army fury at refusal to bolster Afghan campaign-Britain

Rush Limbaugh attacks on Sonia Sotomayor may prove toxic to GOP

Domestic Terrorism at Wichita Church

Palin's Preacher asks "Will The Antichrist be Homosexual"?

George Lakoff: Empathy, Sotomayor, and Democracy: The Conservative Stealth Strategy

Crisis Stings Britons in France and Spain

Republican Vision To Stop Sotomayor (apologies to Billy Joel)

CUBA-Alarcon: New Prevarication by US Against Five

Re: OAS Mtg. in Honduras & Funes Inauguration "Obama's Efforts to Engage Cuba Facing Big Test"

DVD: "I AM CUBA"/ "SOY CUBA" Ultimate Edition - $12.99!!!!!!!!

Alvaro Uribe's Powerful, Deadly, GOTV Operation - (Salvador Mancuso is talking)

Official: US-Cuba Talks on Immigration to Resume (two articles)

BOLIVIA TO OAS: End Cuba Injustice

Approval for Brazil's Lula recovers to near record

CASTANEDA: "Where Cuba Doesn't Belong"

FIDEL: The Infatigable Educator (re: Chavez & LatAm Pro-Capitalist Conf. in VEN)

US, Cuba ties in spotlight as Clinton visits Central America

Ezili's HLLN Pays Homage to Father Gerard Jean Juste

Former beauty queen and 3rd-rate actress Maria Conchita Alonso is a real mess

Revolutionary Haitian Priest, Gerard Jean-Juste, Presente! by Bill Quigley

Google's new formula for energy independence

Heading to Texas, Hudson’s Toxic Mud Stirs Town

Bob the Builder

Dogs Used as live shark bait...

Al Gore describes "The Boy Who Harnessed The Wind" (book)

OAS MTG. (Honduras) June 2-3. Live Webcast

Dwight Howard- I get it ---Redux

Chelsea 2 Everton 1; FA Cup Champions! Finally, some hardware.


46 years and counting . . . .. . siiiiiiigggghhh . . .

12 1/3 innings of no hit relief

Viagra Moments That Changed the Game

55 years and counting ... (no sigh here)...

Lakers in 6...

Giants humble Cards 5-3

Heh! For an easy schedule the Dodgers are running into the NL-Central buzz-saw!

How much money do you wish the owners of teams you root for would spend?

Looks like it's going to be Kobe vs Hedo Turkoglu in the finals !!!!!

A-phucking-mazing! (Spoiler)

Cardinals pound Giants---6-2

Ralph Nader urges President Obama to reconsider GM bankruptcy filing & proposes congressional review

Today in labor history May 31 The trial of Sacco and Vanzetti began, Rosie the Riveter dies

A group of warehouse workers linked themselves with handcuffs and duct tape to form a human wall

LA Times: Union backers target Starbucks with new-media campaign

NYT: Leader of Garment and Hotel Workers’ Union Resigns

Newspaper union accepts givebacks ahead of sale

Delta faces another union vote

WSJ: Volvo, UAW Reach Healthcare Deal For Mack Unit Employees

TIME: For GM and Chrysler Retirees, An Anxious Future of UAW Healthcare

Paper handlers union is fourth to approve concessions at Boston Globe

People: Pennsylvania probing 'Jon & Kate' show for child labor violations

AP Source: GM to announce 14 plant closures Monday

12 charged in massive labor trafficking scheme based in KC

Labor chief Solis wants pension insurer on less risky path

Labor Secretary Solis Reverses Bush's Attack on Farmworker Labor Laws

US Department of Labor (Obama administration ) emphasizing workplace safety

Clooney, Hanks urge 'yes' vote on actors' contract

Arizona U.S. Foodservice Workers Win Teamster Representation (reinstatement and back pay)

FedEx Faces Higher Unionization Risk Via Legislative Proposal

Labatt's (Canada) Distribution Center Workers Choose Teamsters Union

GE calls Monday news conference to announce ‘historic agreement’

Dozens Of Field Pickers Protest Working Conditions

Turkey service faces fines of $900,000 from Iowa (payroll violations)

NYT: Sotomayor’s Baseball Ruling Lingers, 14 Years Later

Union’s stance: Still striking

OSHA fines city for asbestos violations

Delete dupe

Victory for LA Carwash Workers in Cal/OSHA Appeals Case

The Million Letters for Single Payer Health Care---Just DO IT

Controversial B.C. psychiatrist `gave hope' to thousands

Japan Apologizes for Bataan Death March

Day of Decision P S Make The Promise A Call To Action 10 Min

You know where the president stands...

AIDS LifeCycle Trek Sets Off From San Fran to L.A. - 545 miles in 7 days

Pretty words. Do you think he actually understands the meaning?

Fresno march photos **Dail-up Warning**

What about Sotomayor?

Burglar shot in home invasion

Alleged intruder shot by homeowner

Child gun victim honored in gun lock give away

Gun-toting in Georgia, How I learned to stop worrying and love carrying my gun

Doctor Shot to Death in Church

Israel: U.S. demand for settlement freeze 'not fair'

EDITORIAL / Netanyahu must rein in Lieberman's racist proposals

ANALYSIS / Congress gives Obama green light to squeeze Israel

6 Dead in Fatah Raid Against Hamas

Where Iran Fits in the Mideast Peace Puzzle

Shootout between Palestinian police, Hamas kills 6

Amnesty International Annual 2009 Report on Israel/Occupied Territories

Venezuela Reiterates Commitment to Multipolar World Following Israeli Accusations

Homeowner takes a shot at burglar

Israeli ministers: No West Bank settlement freeze

New Universa 'Black Swan' Fund to Make Bets on Hyperinflation

Credit Markets Doomed; Dow Headed to 36,000

GM Nears Sale of Hummer

Financial Markets and Economic Crash, the Next Leg Down Will be Worse

Sick at Work

Hand painted bowl.

Chair and potatoes at dinner.

Rosario Beach, take three...

i fiori.

Ok I was wrong (warning - some not so happy nature pics follow...)

Sunday glimpses.

Splish, splash..

Anybody know a good source for mat board & other framing supplies?

Is this a red tailed hawk?

Ministers reject Yisrael Beiteinu's loyalty oath bill

Some birds really thrive amidst civilization

Fun in Phoenix - maybe you remember the Chihuly glass blower exhibit

How Manipulated Financial Markets Really Work

Celebrating a landmark experiment (Einstein's theory of general relativity)

The ones that got away

Megaliths in NY and NJ

Chiron/Jupiter/Neptune transit is exactly conjunct Pres. Obama's Prenatal Solar Eclipse (PNSE)

The Law of Attraction

Rick DiClemente's June Starself Astrology Newsletter

Prez O's chart here,

Okay, so I know Mercury went direct (though it still takes time).....

June 2009 Prayer, Light and Healing Requests

Somalia war turns sectarian - Sufis join the battle

AIG bailout - Establishment Clause(!) challenge allowed to proceed

What do you do when you're an ultra-Orthodox divorcee?

Abortion doctor killed in his church

Scandal priest Father Cutie goes over to the other side

Israeli Rabinnical court forces American Jew to divorce his wife

Our supper menu tonight will never, in the annals of mankind's history, ever be repeated. Ever.

Pork chops on the grill and brining

have we ever had a thread about cocktails?

The Talk, and the Talk, and the Talk, of Austin

Texas Vote Curbs a College Admission Guarantee Meant to Bolster Diversity

Octomom Gets Reality Show