Democratic Underground

Archives: March 1, 2010

Obama loses boozy bet with Harper

The GOP's terrorist heroes

New Constitution

Tea Party Lights Fuse for Rebellion on Right

Some numbers: $700 billion; $10 billion; 1.2 million

The Grampy McBush Straight Talk Express RIPS through MTP like a mad bull that's lost its way! USA!

Unions Fight to Save—and Stimulate—Manufacturing Jobs

Republicans Calls People On Long-Term Unemployment as Hobos

Lesbianism 'shut SA school dorm'

Health Means Life; Health Means Freedom

Russia blames NATO for heroin surge from Afghanistan

Ohio leaders press White House for mortgage help

Congressional Black Caucus Chairwoman Barbara Lee: “Stop Calling It the Jobs Bill”

An American Bedtime Story

LA budget mess means cutbacks, layoffs

Glenn Beck's dangerous movement: It CAN happen here

Pelosi: GOP ‘orchestrated’ some tea parties

Utah Women May Face Murder Charges After Miscarriages

Providence Journal: Teacher unions challenged in unprecedented face-off

Editorial: Liu is more than qualified to serve on appeals court

Editorial: Liu is more than qualified to serve on appeals court

Editorial: Liu is more than qualified to serve on appeals court

Editorial: Liu is more than qualified to serve on appeals court

Editorial: Liu is more than qualified to serve on appeals court

Editorial: Liu is more than qualified to serve on appeals court

Parma High School teens make a request for real sex education

Why do teachers unions not have the guts to strike? They and police and fire unions should be the

Is Political Science a Wasted Major?

What is the exact date that the Bush taxcuts for the rich are scheduled to expire

CBS 60 Minutes.. The Chinese now have all of America's Nuclear Technology

One part of securing a Democratic victory in November.

Cantor: We need ‘to get more people uninsured’


Computer Sciences Corp (CSC), U.S. Gov't Contractor, Seeks 50% Offshore Workers

Speaking Of Sallie Mae... (And I Knew You Were...)

Conservatives Target Their Own Fringe

So NBC is Tape-Delaying the Rest of the Closing Ceremonies for "The Marriage Ref."

Women on Cash Assistance Testify on The Hill to Change TANF Policies

Lawmakers just getting started on scrutiny of Toyota

Sidney Crosby: From a Canadian perspective...

We need an Undercover boss Goldman Sachs.

Goldman execs stand to profit in FDIC deal

How the Mountain of Climate Change Evidence Is Being Used to Undermine the Cause

''there are no paid trolls, there are no paid trolls...are there?''

''there are no paid trolls, there are no paid trolls...are there?''

And now a little Janis....

Single-Payer: What is the best way to promote state-level efforts?

Single-Payer: What is the best way to promote state-level efforts?

Tangled up in Yoo

Tangled up in Yoo

Stimulus Build America Bonds yet another gift for Goldman Sachs

NY Times - "Dem centrists pose challenge for Obama" - Where's The Liberal House?

Up Or Down. - Time To Govern - 1March 2010

What kind of system of healthcare does China have?

Teacher Drank Poison Over Facebook Pics

Liberalism, atheism, male sexual exclusivity linked to IQ

Shimkus spouts off his opinion that we are going to be socialialists with a health care bill . . .

Edwin Starr - War (What Is It Good For?)

Financial Reform Endgame-By PAUL KRUGMAN

Introducing "American Extremists"

LMFAO Wrote a Song About Sky Blu's Incident with Mitt Romney's Vulcan Grip!

Huge head of pharaoh unearthed in Egypt

Wars force US military to review ban on women in combat

Greece Now, U.K. Next as Scots Ready for Pound Plunge

The end of the Olympics. Which National Anthems are the best.

Two high profile Canadians were snubbed last night

Sen. Kyl: Extended unemployment benefits to pass

Sen. Kyl: Extended unemployment benefits to pass

So let's see - according to Pat - Haitians should have stayed slaves and Chileans embraced Torture..

The role race plays in the Tea Party (by Leonard Pitts. Jr) as it relates to another OP.

Who wants a Yike Bike!

Nathan Deal, republican rep. fro Ga. to resign from Congress.

UFCW Delivers Food to Locked Out Miners in Desert

Eating meat may be a much more common trigger for anaphylaxis --

Hoverwing Hovercraft by Rudy Heeman flies 4.5 Feet above Water at 60 MPH

Anti-Gay Hate Graffiti Found At UC Davis - LGBT Center Vows To Leave Slurs Up

Fractions of a Second: An Olympic Musical

Remember Bill Clinton and Al Gore?

I miss George Carlin. He's doing "It's Bad for Ya." People like George Carlin and

I miss George Carlin. He's doing "It's Bad for Ya." People like George Carlin and

E.J. Dionne Spins Fairy Tales About Political Parties

Public Option Garners Avalanche of Support in Senate (Huff Post)

Public Option Garners Avalanche of Support in Senate (Huff Post)

Friedmanism at the Fed

Big Tobacco and the Historians

HuffPo: 'ConservaDem' Sen. Blanche Lincoln Gets Prominent Democratic Primary Challenger

NYDN: Paterson icing Cuomo's bid for governor????

Looting? or self-preservation?

Unemployment Hits 10.8%, Presidential Approval Drops to 35%

Unemployment Hits 10.8%, Presidential Approval Drops to 35%

IMO one thing the Bush* Administration excelled at was creating Low Expectations.

So what exactly is the problem with the Oath Keepers?

(Edit) Damn, so pissed I didn't put a subject.

Biden Dems' Secret Weapon For Reconciliation?

Tancredo on McCain~

More people apply for energy assistance to help with heating

Teabag Convention Keynote Speaker Tom Tancredo says Sarah The Teabagger is "not presidential"

Teabag Convention Keynote Speaker Tom Tancredo says Sarah The Teabagger is "not presidential"

Man Dies When 911 Call goes unheaded for 30 hours..

‘Birther’ Conspiracy Roils GOP Campaigns

PA man dies during storm when 911 calls unheeded

PA man dies during storm when 911 calls unheeded

AMERICABLOG: GOP using filibuster 700% more than Dem record of filibuster

HCR Reconciliation Thread (Minor changes) We Still do not have the votes

What On Earth Is Mike Allen Talking About?

Pollution rates rise as rulings hamper EPA

does anyone recall the media discussing 'reconcilliation' when bu$h* rammed thru tax cuts for rich?

In Trial, Karadzic Calls His Cause ‘Just and Holy’

Tampa Bay doctors with disciplinary records speak for drug companies

Does anyone have an anti-Ant and Grasshopper story?

Bill Halter for U.S. is link...So you don't like Blanch Lincoln?

Heads Up: Prayer Warriors and Sarah Palin Are Organizing Spiritual Warfare to Take Over America

Leno making a play to get his "Middle America" back with Palin on Tuesday night

Get off the damn dime, Democrats!

Does anyone know why Alan Grayson is not listed on the website?

Balleyhooed NY Mag MURDOCH article is out.Underwhelming Bottom line: His mother's 101 & won't retire

The Environmental Activists of Climate Ground Zero and Mountain Justice Stand Up to Big Coal in West

Obama stimulus helped ease recession, say economists- Link....

One Victory, Many Questions - Die Zeit, Germany

Chart: Your Handy Guide To GOP Senators Who Backed Reconciliation

The Spoils of War: Billions Over Baghdad (30 tons of Taxpayer $$$ loaded into tractor-trailers)

Take it off. Take it all off - Sydney Australia Mardi Gras "installation " for Freedom and Equality

The Rude Pundit - In Brief: ...

There's a pig in my washer

POOF...It’s Not Just the Torture-Emails DOJ Lost, It’s the Backup Documentation

Ice age mammoth baby gets space age body-brain scan

The Byrd Rule and how it effects reconciliation

The GOP has the FAUX news network and it's related newspapers

I love Andy Borowitz!

Offensive or amusing

C. Todd on MSNBC just said the VP can overrule the Senate

Pew Research Report Shows Americans 'Graze' News

Former Senate Parliamentarian: 'I Would Never Use The Term Illegitimate W Regard To Reconciliation

a letter in AsiaTimes mailbox

Review of The Crazies: "Maybe a better title would have been 'Zombie Tea Party'.”

If passing healthcare is really "political suicide"...

So, As A Society We Have Come To This

Rhode Island school district seeks to tear up teachers’ contract

IOKIYAR Reigns Supreme

IOKIYAR Reigns Supreme

Broken CNN: Government Bashing for Ratings and Profits

Tea Baggers: Where Were You When Bush Demolished U.S. Economy?

Caption McCain's Boehner

Government-run health care unconstitutional? Let's see what the founding documents have to say!

Attacks Kill 6 NATO Troops Around Afghanistan

21% Medicare Reimbursement Cut Scheduled To Go Into Effect Today.

Most Disappointing is An Unwillingness To 'Name and Blame' Those Blocking Real Fin and HC Reform

America's Broken Promise Alliance, or No Chamber of Commerce Left Behind

I added a new "patriot" to my collection.

Move On taking donations for a Primary Challenger to Blanch Lincoln



Hiring illegal immigrants may lead to jail in Utah

John Yoo: "I certainly am not in favor of massacring civilians in a village"

March 9 - Mass Citizens' Arrest of Insurance Companies - Washington DC

Did Lindsey Graham commit GOPicide?

AIG Sells Asian Unit to Prudential Plc for $35.5 Billion to Pay Back U.S.

A Chilean flag avatar if anyone wants to use it

Sarah Palin: a New Cincinnatus called from her Plough to Save the Republic

Challenging Christian Hegemony

I'm kind of pissed

I was just watching "A Perfect Candidate" on Sundance . . .

CNN just said that Democrats are about to pass the Health Care Bill

I knew it!

Council holds hearing on removing Gen. Hayden tribute!

Oregonians Protest White Supremacist Compound

Iran's Air Force Will Soon Test-Fire A New Guided-Bomb

Iran's Air Force Will Soon Test-Fire A New Guided-Bomb

you know, i think the republicans are doing a fine job of representing the public

Hands off America's Rainforest Help stop this land grab NOW!

Jon Walker: How the Public Option Would Likely Get A Vote During Reconciliation

Favorite Gang Starr Songs (Get Well soon Guru!)

Sarah Palin parody - If I only had a brain?

Monday Toons, Part 1

Monday Toons, Part 4

Monday Toons, Part 4

Monday Toons, Part 3

Great Video on Bill Halter for Senate in Arkansas

Obama told to quit smoking for good at health check-up

Nature Conservancy’s climate change organizer now working for American Petroleum Institute

Arkansas Senate Democratic Primary

Afghanistan bans coverage of Taliban attacks

About to be Homeless Person Just Knocked At The Door.... It is tough out there.

monday Toons, Part 2

Limbaugh's voice deters Bark Beetles (seriously)

Chalabi, Once Darling of bu$h* Administration Neocons, Is 'Doing the Bidding of Iran.'

Teenagers: it's not that they don't think, it's that their thinking is slower


Las Vegas dentist accused of recording women in bathroom

When the extensions finally are passed, all of the bills for the additional costs

Scared yet? Cantor: GOP will win majority if Dems use reconciliation rules

Healthcare Reform

Last Minutes with ODEN

FB has blocked the publishing of the Poodle/Beck page.

CNN's Ali Velshi ripped Sen. Bunning a new one over his hold - Need help in finding video

Could a 'Pot Summit' change the world?

Coming up on Shuster - are trends suggesting a major

Ralph Nader Was Right About Barack Obama, by Chris Hedges

"This is a Senators-only elevator!" Off-camera: He flipped the bird.

Toll Free Numbers. Call Congress.

Kentucky has taken notice

More Proof Cannabinoids Kill Glioblastoma (brain cancer) Cells

dupe delete n/t

The "compton cookout" only further solidifies my belief many people do NOT belong in college

Harry Reid should call for an IMMEDIATE drug and alcohol test on Bunning

Hey Jay Leno

Is it religiously correct to call someone a Non- Christian?

Is it religiously correct to call someone a Non- Christian?

Heads up. Dylan Ratigan hinted that a rant aimed at Bunning is coming up

Fotografías de tsunami en Juan Fernández

2,000 federal employees are out of work without pay today as the direct result of Bunning's hold

Why the Chile quake tsunami was smaller than feared

ATTN Senator Bunning:

ATTN Senator Bunning:

CNN's Ali Velshi tweets that Bunning is "an embarrassment"

Remember this: Bunning was the only Senator who didn't even vote on Health Care Reform.

How many here genuinely believe that Iran is a threat to humanity?

List of Federal Lands Construction Affected By Senator Tough Shit petition (re: extension of unemployment benefits)

Scott Brown's Maiden Bill: Provoke Iran

During this time of great tension between the US and Canada I offer this truce

Sen. Kyl contact info. He claims that UI lets people collect money and not look for a job

Chip In to help counter Fred Phelps and the WBC's Ministry of Hate!

Monday LOL's - pics

US Senate's Top Climate Sceptic Accused of Waging 'McCarthyite Witch-Hunt'

We are going to get lame-ducked six ways to Sunday by the election this term.

Whirlpool Execs Hide Behind Their Corprat Logo - While Sending Jobs to Mexico

Perez, First Openly Gay Assembly Leader, Sworn In (CA)

The Rude Pundit on Jim Bunning:

Senate can't be trusted to pass healthcare reconciliation fixes so here's what the House needs to do

Oops-- Dupe

Bunning is certifiably insane

Nation of Islam’s Farrakhan cites earthquake, warns America: ‘You will not escape’

Michele Bachmann on Nancy Pelosi: She Hate Me

Shutting Down the Government

Shutting Down the Government

Grassley Rejects Baucus Jobs Bill He Agreed To A Few Weeks Ago

Bunning to ABC News reporter: 'Excuse Me, This is a Senator-Only Elevator!'

CNN's Dana Bash noted "there was an obscene finger gesture" when asking Sen. Bunning a question

Big box retailers in small-town Colorado

Real or fake?

Ripples of the Toyota Recall: Is an Innocent Man in Prison?

LetOhioVote.Com Complains to Ohio Supreme Court about Secretary of State

Bunning Kills UI Extension for an Eleventh Time In Less Than A Week

Neil Young on the Olympic Closing Ceremonies - "Long May You Run"

Sooooo, the UI extensions have to be paid for but the estate tax cuts don't, eh Kyl?

ON C-SPAN2 NOW-- extension of unemployment benefits. Max Baucus(D-MT)

CBO's Doug Elmendorf speaks about the next ten years and the deficit.

Man survives crash, dies peeing on power line

Dems say over half of GOP on highway to hypocrisy on stimulus

Corporate Death Penalty

Leave Beck and Rush at the Front Door

As a gay DU'er, I'm spillin the beans. GAY AGENDA REVEALED HERE.

Analysis: Republicans setting filibuster record

Pomegreat signs £3m a year deal to buy pomegranate juice from Afghanistan

Hugo Chávez 'terrorist link' sparks diplomatic row between Spain and Venezuela

Should we expand the public school system to accommodate children of all ages?

New Regulations Won’t Stop Bankster Looting-

Here's my suggestion for HCR:

Refusing to explain obstruction of unemployment benefits, Bunning shoots reporter the middle finger

Drugmakers tied to trips for Medi-Cal officials

VIDEO: Bill Kristol Critiques Health Care Summit He Says He Didn't Watch

Bush era "reconciliation tax cuts" are coming home to roost.

Government contracts should require that at least 67%

Self Delete

The Kennedy Boys Are Back Together Again

If I were President of the US, I'd be smoking my brains out, drinking

BREAKING - U.S. Constitution a socialist document!!!

I still say that Bunning should be tossed...

March 4th: Day of Action re Public Education & Public Employees


Biden says he understands resentment over bailouts

Dem Senators giving themselves nowhere to hide on public option

Hey, America: It's Time to Redefine the "Good Life"

Posting Right-Wing Talking Points Regarding Climate Change On DU Doesn't Make Them

Bunning Blockade Leads To 21 Percent Fee Cut For Doctors

Sony playstations worldwide crashing:errorcode 8001050F.

EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Breitbart's Manic Admissions on ACORN 'Pimp' Hoax - 'Why does it matter?!!!'

Violent French husbands 'may be tagged'

O'Brien, Obama can't seem to catch a break

Jim Bunning's Foundation Accused of Fraud!

Jim Bunning's Foundation Accused of Fraud!

John Kerry To Bunning & GOP: "This Is Anything But A Game"

Are there any countries that force businesses to create jobs and expand hiring?

Joe SCAB and BARNICLE rag PELOSI and RANGEL about "ethics"!1 HAH !1

The truth behind elephant brainpower

Why Ralph Nader wanted to see Gore lose in 2000 (a reminder)

Is Glenn Beck Wearing A Pro-Confederate Necktie?

Quote for Today (Smart People Will get the Point)

Toyota's U.S.-Japan disconnect-Americans had little power to respond to safety problems

Second most immediate need is a special request from our Haitian brothers and sisters for “T-Shirts”

Tea Party or Tool Party? Christian Right launches effort to take over the tea parties

Bunning Amendment Nixes White House Easter Egg Roll

O'Keefe/Giles: "They edited the tape to meet their agenda" according to a law enforcement source

Bush Tax Cuts, Which Cost Twice As Much As Healthcare Reform, Were Passed Through Reconciliation

Does anybody know where I can find a list of the names Blackwater does business under?

BUNNING'S Obstruction Puts 2K Fed Employees OUT OF WORK

Saw Somebody Pinched For Shoplifting

The Saddest Story (about the JFK assassination)

Where did McCain's integrity go?

DU'ers over 50: How responsible is Roe v Wade for today's political climate?

LOL... Maybe We Should Have A Policy Olympics !!! - "The Gold Medal In Health Care Goes To...

The Greek Financial Crisis And How It Will Impact You

Bunning wants 10 billion cut from the "deficit"? Fine.

01MAR10 8:30 AM EST: 223,452 people have signed this petition... won't you join us?

Suspect in Elizabeth Smart case deemed competent

Posts of substance vs. One-liners

I really enjoyed watching the Olympics Closing Cerem

the rethugs have to kill healthcare because people will like it.

California Assembly passes resolution for Cuss Free Week (not a joke)

Small taste of the celebrations on the streets of Vancouver. WITH VIDEO AND PICS

OK, help me out here. Hasn't most of the bailout money been paid back?

Helen Thomas: Obama's inner GOP

Harkin: Bush tax cut passed under reconciliation -and 2X the cost

Good news: Dobson gone

Heads Up: Prayer Warriors and Sarah Palin Are Organizing Spiritual Warfare to Take Over America

I know it's White House "etiquette" or something but for fuck's sake

Armenia 60 Minutes

Two bust for goat sex

DFA supports Blanche Lincoln's opponent, Bill Halter.

Anthem Blue Cross Sued Over Changes

Graham to GOP: stop demonizing climate change: You’re risking ‘your party’s future ...'

Joe Bageant: Americans Are "Hope Fiends" Because Honestly Looking at the Present Situation Would Des

If most Americans are overall similar in values, then how do you explain the partisanship?

Blame the victim: Religious leaflet claims ‘ungodly’ dressed women provoke rape

Russian Olympic officials should resign - Medvedev

Looks like someone attacked another IRS office. HazMat in UT, people removed on stretchers...

Conservative Repubs now disowning Roosevelt and Lincoln

Buzzflash: Glenn Beck Loses All His Advertisers in the UK.

What is the smartest show on cable television?

Patriot Games or Treason?

Cannabis Use Prior to First Incidence of Psychosis Predicts Better Outcome over 10 year period

Cannabis Use Prior to First Incidence of Psychosis Predicts Better Outcome over 10 year period

NY D.A. Clears Brooklyn ACORN: 'No Criminality Found'

What constitutes "Winning the Olympics"?

ok, the rules MUST CHANGE to prevent ONE demented congresscritter from

As weak and corrupt as the Democrats may be, defeat for them is a victory for the GOP

Robert Reich: Dems reluctance due to Wall St Campaign Donations & Promise of Jobs upon Retirement

What Every Environmentalist Needs to Know About Capitalism

Classification of stereotypical republicans

Can someone explain why the Democrats adjourned?Wasn't there another way to deal with Bunning?

A $1000 for a toothbrush?

A Tea-Baggers Wet Dream

Bumper wizdumb

GOD BLESS CANADA! Land of Curling and Excellent health care!

GOD BLESS CANADA! Land of Curling and Excellent health care!

Have you calculated your 2008 income on 2009's tax rules?

Have you calculated your 2008 income on 2009's tax rules?

Date Aug. 7, 2001. Bush Declared Emergency? Not Quite

I feel doubly bad for Chile

Yes, there's a lot to criticize about dems and the dem party, but

Apple admits using child labour

Do you think folks who complain about Unrecs are trying to divert attention from the thread subject?

A very small story about Desiree Rogers (White House Social Sec).

Something Both Useful and Positive: Crop Mobs

The Unemployed Now Have Their Own Union, and It's Catching on Quickly

I just watched the movie Idiocracy on Comedy Central

For Terrorism To Work, It Takes An Action & Reaction

Horse Meat commonly eaten in Europe and Asia; not so much in the US

Horse Meat commonly eaten in Europe and Asia; not so much in the US

U.S. Supreme Court to take on battle over gun rights

Obama walks to White House to improve cholesterol (AP)

Congrats to the US for "Owning the Podium!"

Congrats to the US for "Owning the Podium!"

King of Pop calms the crowds during Haiti aid mission

You have bad credit because you lost your job, but you can't get a job ...

President Obama will offer a much smaller healthcare proposal than Senate or House bills this week!

Internet 3.0: US Policy of Leaving Internet Alone is Over

Strange thought I had

Unpaid $68 dental bill costs woman her house

Thanks to Babylonsister, Repost: No Need To Pass Health Care Through Reconciliation

ACORN workers CLEARED of any criminal wrongdoing! When do they get their funding back?

Empire, Oligarchy and Democracy, by Ralph Nader

Socialists Get Newfound Attention as 'Red-Baiting' Draws Interest From Youth

Don't bring your kids, or your mom to a job interview

Al Gore's climate views prompt debate over UT's honorary degree for him

Obama's Nuclear Posture Review: Are America's Nuclear Weapons Only for Deterring Nuclear Attacks?

Serious question: Why are corporations so quiet on this health care issue?

Republicans setting filibuster record

The Psychopathology of Ayn Rand

My Recent Experience With "The Best Healthcare In The World"

Woman Vows to Only Shop at Black-Owned Stores

Bill Gates solution for over population

“People without homes will not quarrel with their leaders” J.P. Morgan

“People without homes will not quarrel with their leaders” J.P. Morgan

7 Foods Banned in Europe Still Available in the U.S.

A Medicare Question

Caption the President

Critics Say Glenn Beck Incites Violence

Critics Say Glenn Beck Incites Violence

12yo girl warned of giant wave in Juan Fernández and avoided a bigger tragedy

CREW to Holder: New Torture Memos Mystery = documents were missing = obstruction

CREW to Holder: New Torture Memos Mystery = documents were missing = obstruction

Obama Agrees With Firings At RI's Central Falls

The (Afghanistan) Surge Is Working

States may ban credit checks on job applicants

We need songs.

Genealogists trying to stop the planned destruction of 2010 census images.

women's herstory month 2010--writing women back into history

Isn't Sara Evans the darling of the Bush Admin?GOP family values, again!

The Saddest Story

Patriot Act Passes House - Who voted to renew it?

What are the most annoying misuses of the English language? Here's my list..

Felis Cattus Domesticus Ut Infinitio

As of tomorrow, the s.o. is covered by our all-encompassing health care

What's the best way to make a quick two grand?

Been dabbling in video....

need mac & windows help this windows 7...or is this just an upgrade from earlier windows

For the "Star Trek Online" players.

Anyone notice so-and-so hasn't posted much lately?

If someone gave me a hard time about wearing a denim shirt...

Marylanders MPT 10:30 pm SCTV Golden Classics

How's this for a name of a classical group

Canucks take to the streets

I was gonna say a bunch of rude things for pay back fo comments made last week

Congrats to Canada!

I think I might speak for many many central Floridians right now when I say....

Disney's Recycled Animation

This is hands down, the most definitive Mental Eval test out there.

Comedic approach to the closing ceremonies?

Release... The Crackling!

I've made it to March

Got a lot of time to waste? Wanna zone out your family for hours at a time?

So what do you think this guy was smoking?

Why would anyone refuse

O.K.,,*here's* a topic!1 What cute/personable scientologists would you wish de-program & be NORMAL?!

O.K.,,*here's* a topic!1 What cute/personable scientologists would you wish de-program & be NORMAL?!

The BlueIris Semi-Nightly Non-Poetry Break, 3/01/10

Latest earworm:

Gorillaz free streaming their new album: Plastic Beach

What am I going to do about my Curling Addiction?

question for computer experts

I LOVE to play the guitar (although I can't play worth a damn)...

Digital video/YouTube question...I need help.

And now a little Janis....

Which tv or movie couple had the best chemistry?

Good morning Lounge

workplace rant (short)

workplace rant (self-pitying or perhaps pitiful)

Are memory foam pillows worth the bucks? A dept. store has them on sale

Anyone view Seinfeld's new show Sunday night?

nobody has video of giant inflatable beavers??

started training yesterday for the 5 boro bike ride in nyc

bananas exploding on face

That was a pretty weird closing ceremonies.

Really Vile Hate Fest...

Will this marriage last?

I was supposed to be celebrating my independence today

I'm kinda embarrassed for Canada Right now

Hippy Happy makes his/her first post in one of my threads

would you order turtle in a restaurant?

So who won the Olympics?

workplace rant (long)

PHOTO: One more from the Taqueria...grilled marinated tilapia filet

Jimmy Johnson surely has fallen to the lowest of low - Spokesperson for Extenze

Looks like someone came across a freeper today

Anyone know what happened to Armyofwalgreens?

You Tube question

Any Blitzen Trapper fans here?

Zombo com still lives!

Jazz Thing

"When we say 'get up' what do we mean?"

Mass Appeal

Code Of The Streets


In strict chronological order, with no OTHER choice, pick the best early John Lennon Beatles single

You Know My Steez


Samurai Champloo AMV: Gang Starr - Battle


Seriously - I hate annoying, chatty toll booth attendance who ask about the places I am going to..

Anime at it's best!

I just realized I've gone over 1000 posts.


So, I didn't get picked for Jury Duty today.

Was the "Immaculate Election" episode of Arrested Development the funniest half hour...

I am away from home right now, need advice of NJ DUers

My favorite Deli

So I lost my W 2... Who do I contact for a replacement

Thursday night was AWESOME SQUARED!!!!

I have been accepted into the doctoral program at the Grad Center in the fall!

A Canadian technology the world needs to adopt. Now.


I love Canada...I do...I've been to Vancouver many, many

The end of the Olympics. Which National Anthems are the best.

40 years..

How many terrestrial species have you eaten?

Did you know that March 28th is Weed Appreciation Day...

A real dumb question: what side do you part your hair on?

Who wants a Yike Bike!

I was wrong to post what I did last night, and I'm sorry for it.

I was wrong to post what I did last night, and I'm sorry for it.

Seriously - I hate annoying, chatty cash register workers who ask about the things I buy

Formula 1, Formula 44, Formula 409-- who the hell was running this laboratory?

I got cuffed by the fuzz this morning..

Welcome to March!!!!!

Seriously - I hate annoying, chatty proctologists who ask about the places I am going to...

Last thought upon seeing electricity race toward you through your stream of urine?

Happy St. David's Day!!!!

Our grandma had a massive stroke today. Hence, the "family conference".

A letter from my daughter

Favorite Stooge

Man survives crash, dies peeing on power line

Would you Dys someone wearing a denim shirt?

What should I do about my bad haircut?

Radio people, opinions on a strange phenomena

RIP dad

Need vibes please..positive energy, vibes thoughts please

Do you think anyone would be interested in vintage West Point Academy lamps?

This Picture makes me smile...

Ovechkin > Crosby.

Who here has served Uncle Sam in any way?

Self proclaimed Hillary fan site wants Obama supporters and left wing Democrats to die.

I'm no fan of the site "Hillaryis44," but there's no need to smear them

NOW Ben Nelson is all about passing the Health Care Bill

AP: RFK's Grandson Decides Against Run for US House

Exposing hate sites and whether DU should be involved.

For some reason I was thinking about Health Care reform ideas that could improve competition

What will her name be? Not Sarah nor Hillary, the next president of the US.

White House: Simple up-or-down vote on health care

Who will step up to the plate this week and cosponsor the Fair Elections Now Act?

Halter declares against Lincoln, in victory for liberal activists (Politico)

"Steny Hoyer: House Must Move First On Health Care"

White House Is Rethinking Nuclear Policy

"Reid Catches a Break on Health Care"

Obama focuses on school dropouts

30! Five More Democrats--Including Durbin--Say They Support a Public Option Through Reconciliation

The Parliamentarian does not decide the propriety of reconciliation

Krugman calls out Lamar Alexander on "Revisionist History" regarding Reconciliation (& * Tax Cuts)

Politico: Blanche Lincoln Gets a Primary Challenge

Politico: Blanche Lincoln Gets a Primary Challenge

So give me the dirt on Frank Luntz.

"The so called Nuclear Option may be the only one left"

Greg Sargent's Plumline: GOP Senators' Votes on Reconciliation

Official Photos: Inside the Obama White House. February 28th, 2010

Buffet goes after the President on HCR.

Blanche Lincoln reacts to primary challenge: "I am the target of both political extremes" (really?)

E. J. Dionne: Can’t We All Just Get Along? No

My slightly late one year report card on Obama

I guess people DO want public health care

Seems like the insurance industry doesn't want its giveaway...

DU~ "CNN's horrible journalism sets a bad example"

Ezra Klein: Should the Dem Party Offer Financial Support to Dems Who Vote Against Healthcare Reform

Republicans are back to throwing stuff at the wall, seeing what might stick

As Momentum For Reform Builds, Republicans Resurrect Campaign To Repeal Legislation

Hey, TN Duers! Please fill me in on what Marcia Blackburn was talking about at the hcr summit!


MSNBC: Rep Deal's resignation, R-GA, brings magic number for healthcare passage in House to 216!

All is well in the world...the first Spring Training pitch was thrown about an hour ago!

AP's Patriot Act article about Obama "Extending Parts" is an example of terrible journalism

GOP announces its 4 point plan to fix the Toyota Recall problem ...

Republican senator gives journalist the middle finger (updated)

Obama unveils $900 million in turnaound grants for schools

Dean coming up soon on Hardball...nt

Shouldn't Bunning's actions make it easier for Dems to vote 'yes'

What I want to see is the DNC making an ad showing Buning blocking the extension of unemployment

Must Read from Paul Krugman: Financial Reform Endgame

See Orrin whine (about reconciliation)

Picture Boner's orange face sitting behind Obama at the next SOTU.

Kohn to leave Fed in June; gives Obama opening

Dems’ Latest Unemployment Extension Unveiled

MEDIA SCREWS UP CONRAD STORY.... (reconciliation)

Ten House Dems have not ruled out switching their "no" votes to "yes" votes (AP)

Nathan Deal (Birther-GA) Will Resign House Seat

Obama Doctors "Also Recommended "Moderation Of Alcohol Intake".

Sigh. Limbaugh picks up Obama-drinks-too-much smear

A Democratic majority is better than a Republican majority.

Obama backs Lincoln in Arkansas primary

Blanche Lincoln already lost the seat. A primary challenger can't make it worse.

Just wondering .Has the WH commented on the UCSD Incident?

Does anyone think, the president will finally fight for a PO?

White House hints Obama will offer defense of reconciliation strategy

Speaking before the anti-U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Obama expressed his support of union-busting

CNN~ "Obama's smoking sets a bad example"

OK DUers you asked for you got it.

John Kerry: Not A Game (calls out Bunning)

John Kerry: Not A Game (calls out Bunning)

Any Democratic candidate is better than any Republican candidate.

Amusing Joe Scarborough anecdote about moderate Democrats

Record Use of the Filibuster

Kent Conrad Rips Media: Yes, We Can Do Reform Via Reconciliation

regarding hoover's policies

AP Enterprise: How nuclear equipment reached Iran

No nuclear deal with Pakistan, says US

Cantor: We need ‘to get more people uninsured’

Iraqi PM accused of handing out guns in bid to buy tribal votes

Buzz and bullets: Gun fans cheer Starbucks' policy

AIG agrees to £23.4 billion unit sale to Prudential

U.S. airline, union disputes could disrupt flights

RBS paid £1.3bn bonuses on profit of just £1bn

Cuba's Henry Reeve Brigade heading to Chile.

Wars force US military to review ban on women in combat

Mystery of Australian nuclear scientist's 'bizarre' disappearance

Manufacturing grows in Feb., jobs gauge rises

Two Dubai Suspects Traveled to U.S.

Attacks kill 4 NATO troops around Afghanistan

Polution Rates Rise as Rulings hamper EPA

Senate impasse puts (2,000) federal employees out of work

Senate Bank Panel Said to Agree to Scrap Obama Consumer Agency

US security contractors survive, UK firms pack up (Pakistan)

Canada's economy grows at fastest pace since 2000

U.S. Consumer Spending Increases More Than Forecast

IAEA chief accuses Iran of non-cooperation

Condoleezza Rice backs Whitman

Supreme Court to hear appeal by Enron's Skilling

Dems scramble to pass jobs bill

USDOT Furloughs to Shut Down Critical Construction Projects

Attacks Kill 6 NATO Troops Around Afghanistan

12yo girl warned of giant wave in Juan Fernández and avoided a bigger tragedy

Ukraine seeks better ties with EU, Yanukovych says

Crosby wins it in overtime


Triple blasts in S. Afghanistan claim 8 lives

Weak sea walls blamed for France storm disaster

FHFA extends refinance program (for "underwater" mortgages)

ACORN cleared in Brooklyn: 'No criminality'

Texas gov. clears man wrongfully convicted of rape

Venezuela to request extradition of former president for 1989 riot deaths

Winter storms to distort US jobless figures-Summers

Recently returned (Afghanistan) veteran charged with murder

A Hawaii Resignation Robs Dems of a Health Care Vote

Bunning Objects to Extending Unemployment Insurance AGAIN (VIDEO)

White House Is Rethinking Nuclear Policy (Weapons)

Failure to aid drug users drives HIV spread - study

Blanche Lincoln Gets A Democratic Challenger In Arkansas

Senate impasse puts federal employees out of work

30! Five More Democrats--Including Durbin--Say They Support a Public Option Through Reconciliation

Supreme Court declines new 10 Commandments fight

Haz mat crews called to IRS building

Buffett: Health care "tapeworm" drags on economy

Clinton Seeks to Mend Latin America Ties After Obama Hope Faded

Danish NATO destroyer sinks pirate mothership off Somalia

Spain asks Venezuela to explain alleged rebel link

Medicare will delay paying claims for two weeks

Jim Bunning Offers Middle Finger to Reporter

(1 of 6) Michelle Singletary Speech at Economic Empowerment Meeting

The Amazing Atheist on Utah Outlawing Miscarriages

Nightly News misstates size of HCR by 100,000%

Rare video JFK 1960 Speech at the Houston Ministers

Maybe it would be better if we did it like the GOP

Young Turks: Video - More Schools Spying On Students w/ Computers

Tangled Up in Yoo

JIM BUNNING: As Pitcher and Senator, a Heartless SOB

A Message for Senator Bunning

Ewan McGregor Shuts Down George Stephanopoulos' Homophobic Reaction to His Kiss with Jim Carrey

WLKY, Louisville KY: Unemployment Benefits Run Out For Some In Kentucky

Henry Rollins: The Supreme Court & Tea Parties

Scott Brown vs Killer Whales

Rick Sanchez frightens a scientist on CNN

Teabagger type woman thinks rainbow in sprinkler is a government conspiracy

Andy Breitbart Explains It All For You (The ACORN Video 'Pimp' Hoax)

Tsunami Hitting Hawaii

Sorry I couldn't be there for me (On the Hawaii governor's race, sort of)

'Government in a box' in Marja

AP Enterprise: How nuclear equipment reached Iran

How The GOP Goes Green

The 49 Character Qualities of Ruth #8 - a blog about growing up under Bill Gothard's teachings

Wall Street’s Protection Racket: Still Rolling

Power Struggle In Turkey

E.J. Dionne: Can’t We All Just Get Along? No

Step Aside Greece: How Gustavo Piga Exposed Europe's Enron In 2001

Murdoch's hunger for power is a looming threat to democracy

WSWS: Jobless benefits cut off for a million US workers

Robert Parry: The NYT Veers Neocon

Heads Up: Prayer Warriors and Sarah Palin Are Organizing Spiritual Warfare to Take Over America

"Sometimes there's a subculture within law enforcement that seeks enforcement for the sake of

Foreign co's fees for work sent to India not taxable

Glitch hits PlayStation Network users worldwide

Walking Wounded

Network News at a Crossroads

The Cost of Doing Nothing on Health Care

Outsourcing China’s Labor Problem

AlterNet: Hey, America: It's Time to Redefine the "Good Life"

Honduras's 'Bloodless Coup': What You're Not Seeing on TV By Avi Lewis

Kentucky Wildcat Karma

Medicare and Medicaid Payments to Doctors Cut by 21 Percent

Democrats have "ENTHUSIASM GAP". Repubs fired up.

Yuppie Yoo sez Yippie me

Prosecutors clear Brooklyn ACORN

Accountability Recruits First Candidate for 2010: Bill Halter

In drug war, failed old ideas never die

Chew on This

Mystery of Australian nuclear scientist's 'bizarre' disappearance

Glenn Beck, Radical Hit Man for the Tea Partiers, Is Breeding Potential Violence

Thousands Looking for an Alternative to Frothing Teabagging Crowd Find Refuge in Newly-Formed 'Coffe

Study Links Religion and Racism

TYT: White House Deal w/ Hospitals Killed Public Option

People Power Trumps Corporate Power: R.I.P. Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant (Carolyn Baker)

Winter Mind Games (James Howard Kunstler)

Rachel Maddow & Chris Hayes on yet another fact-free GOP conspiracy theory: Islamologos

Vermonters Take on Nuclear Power

Genetically engineered tobacco plant cleans up environmental toxin

Drumbeat: March 1, 2010

Peak oil review - Mar 1

Particulate Deposition (DFFW) in Children's Lung Tissue and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.

Rulings Restrict Clean Water Act, Foiling E.P.A.

Rulings Restrict Clean Water Act, Foiling E.P.A.

Far Northern Russia: Reindeer Herders Take Hit - Roundup Delayed By Open Water As Herds Lose Weight

Northern Mekong River Levels At Record Lows - AFP

Rampant Abuse, Wholesale Environmental Destruction As The Deforestation Of New Guinea Roars On - SMH

S. China Drought Stands 900 Ships At Reservoir Lock In Guangxi

Hottest Summer Ever Recorded For W. Australia; Perth Endures Driest Summer On Record - AFP

Kids Find a Way: Georgia Schools Cut Energy Use by 20%

Record rain fills the heart of Australia

Backpack Hydroelectric Plant Gives You 500 Watts on the Move

The Bleakest Outlook In The World - Two New Books On The Arctic, Fate Of Polar Bears - The Economist

China eyeing perks of ice-free Arctic

Australian Residents Urged To Flee 18-Meter Flames - AFP

Georgia Seeks $2.5 Billion for First Nuclear Plants in 30 Years

Living in a world of Sh**

Discovery in legumes could reduce fertilizer use, aid environment: Stanford researchers

Interesting graph of Greenland Temperatures

Cognitive Dissonance -Frank Factor Cartoon-

Hands off America's Rainforest Help stop this land grab NOW!

UTEP in top 25 for first time in 18 years!

27.6 Million Watched USA-Canada Hockey Game in US

There is more dickwagging in GD about medal counts than in the Sports forum

Syracuse to be #1 tomorrow

Koufax to Tutor Dodgers at Spring Training!

NFL lockout would force Ochocinco to become Ochocincodinho

My early early pick to win the Kentucky Derby.

How do I get rid of this "Oh Canada" ear worm????

** Make your picks for the 2010 MLB Season **

Hockey fans, can we agree that it would have been better if Iginla had scored?

Russian resignations demanded over Olympic flap

Jerry Jones predicts big roster changes for 2010 Cowboys

Honduras's 'Bloodless Coup': What You're Not Seeing on TV By Avi Lewis

Venezuela to request extradition of former president for 1989 riot deaths

For DU researchers who haven't seen the Wiki. on Thor Halvorssen, the "film maker's" dad:

Honduras 'climate of terror' sees 3 political assassinations

Obama says no to FTA with Colombia until labor laws chaged and union workers protected (Spanish)

As Expected: Santos to Run for Presidency of Colombia

Clinton Seeks to Mend Latin America Ties After Obama Hope Faded

Spanish court says Venezuela helped ETA, FARC

Towards a Global Gaza - How Israel is Rewriting Laws of War

Irish councilmen snub Israeli ambassador

How would the world have reacted if it was Al Qaeda who had pulled

Israel Makes Videos Mocking Foreign Journalists (VIDEO)

Ottawa universities to host 'Israel Apartheid Week'

'Israelis no longer allowed in Dubai after Hamas hit'

Farrakhan: Obama is targeted by U.S. Jewish lobby, Zionists

Ahmadinejad: 'Zionist regime' is an insult to humanity

Hamas Extends Detention of British Journalist

Flight Attendants seek workplace protections (first time in this new administration really a push)

Get Ready for a Really Big Show

Support Miners in Three Countries

Eleventh Annual Labor Studies Conference (Omaha April 10, 2010)

US Bancorp executives agree to meet with janitor facing foreclosure

Safeway Workers Ratify Company’s “Last Best And Final” Offer

March 4th: Day of Action re Public Education & Public Employees

Space workers rally to save jobs at Kennedy Space Center and in Brevard County Florida.

Oklahoma man sues to use “IM GAY” on license plate

Counter protest to the Westboro Baptist Church

Liberals and the NRA find common cause? ...

Babies, Even When Premature, 'See' With Their Hands

Test for Dark Matter?

Polar Bears Evolved Just 150,000 Years Ago

Beewolves Protect Their Offspring With Antibiotics

By Tracking Water Molecules, Physicists Hope to Unlock Secrets of Life

The Non-Programming Programmer

Armed homeowner sends intruder fleeing - (Displayed weapon, bad guy took off)

McDonald 14th Amendment Case Information

Volcanic explosions expected in Chile quake's wake

Giant Plankton-Eating Fishes Roamed Prehistoric Seas

Host of Florida bonfire party shoots Alabama teens

*Virginia.* Senate special panel likely to kill House bills expanding gun rights

Does the president pack heat?

Buzz and bullets: Gun fans cheer Starbucks' policy

Astronomically Large Lenses Measure the Age and Size of the Universe

Was out walking today

Variations on the photo I asked people to critique. What do you think?


Question: Do you still get prints?

Dane Rudhyar: A treasure trove of online reading...

Anne Ortelee weekly weather

The Bloom Box, Habinger of the Age of Aquarius

The physical plane..the physical body.

Your Mother is calling

Some Cosmic Amusement

Some Cosmic Amusement

Transitory States


March 2010 Prayer, Light and Healing Requests

March 2010 Visionary, Dreaming & Intuition Thread!

Why No Regulatory Action on Banksters’ “Destabilize the Markets” Threats?

So Why Hasn’t the Credit Default Swaps Casino Been Shut Down

Mind Games

Pictures of a Market Crash: Beware the Ides of March, And What Follows After

"God" vs "No God" - does it really matter???

Muslims Won’t Play Together

Happiness ain't all it's cracked up to be

Deb Gist (RI Ed Commissioner, appointed 2009) = 2008 Broad Superintendent Grad

Wave of "Creative Destruction" Swamping U.S. Schools

Obama vows to improve school dropout rate

Connections between Eli Broad, the Parent Union (aka Parent Revolution, the creators of the "Parent

Teacher unions challenged in unprecedented face-off

Decision to fire all of R.I. school's teachers sad, desperate

Rose Gray, chef and co-founder of River Café, dies aged 71

For all who love to bake (or read about) cakes... new feature at the NYT

Creme cake? (or is it cream cake?) - the local grocery

Just so you know....Tony B and I have broken up