Democratic Underground

Archives: March 11, 2010

Grayson on Ed! Says he hopes Obama will come out in support of his bill or a PO in general

Would you guys stop hating Dennis Kucinich please?

Lesson for Vanderbilt Students: Solidarity Scares U.S. Employers

Kucinich turned me into a newt once

Maybe Kucinich Objects To Fellating Big Pharma And The Health Insurance Industry...

Florida's Blood Centers CEO Resigns - amid criticism over her salary

Florida's Blood Centers CEO Resigns - amid criticism over her salary


It is time the Dems propose a tax hike on the wealthiest 5% to balance the budget

It is time the Dems propose a tax hike on the wealthiest 5% to balance the budget

Uproar in India Over Female Lawmaker Quota

More evidence that the economy is recovering.

Obama Nominates Raymond Lohier to 2nd Circuit, Judge Kate O'Malley the Federal Circuit

Obama Nominates Raymond Lohier to 2nd Circuit, Judge Kate O'Malley the Federal Circuit

Michael Moore On Rachel Maddow Tonight(3/10) - 9pm ET

Feds To Probe Cape Toyota Crash (Third in Three days)

Stranger in the house

Song of Saturn

Final Votes today on Kucinich bill:

This is what's wrong, people!

Michael Moore : I'm going on Rachel Maddow for the very first time

Propaganda of Afghanistan War Escalates to Convince Americans We’re Turning the Corner:

The Wal-Mart "Dead Peasant" scene from "Capitalism: A Love Story"

The Wal-Mart "Dead Peasant" scene from "Capitalism: A Love Story"

Letterman 'Top 10' takes on Emanuel

Kucinich is not ineffectual

A traitorous Lawyer...

Detroit Metro Times: Pimps, weasels and ACORN

Step right up and get your Massa Massages!!!

oh my!! ouch!!

435. That is an important number.

Mississippi high school calls off prom after lesbian request to attend and wear tuxedo

I love you all! *HUGS*

Media conservatives falsely claim Obama's Supreme Court criticism was "unprecedented"

Moviegoer stabbed in neck with meat thermometer after complaining about cellphone call

Is there an easy way to find out who has signed on as co-sponsor to Grayson's

OUCH! Guardian awarded half of SF Weekly's ad revenue

Delete. n/t

Bitter, party of one.....

Do you think Eric Messa might derail the repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell?



Countdown with LO: Has hell frozen over? They're actually making Glenn Beck look reasonable tonight.

HCR PO Reconciliation Thread (MAJOR UPDATE)

The Ryan Tax Plan: Higher Taxes for 90% of Americans, Less Revenue for the Government

Rachel gives Granny D a shout-out!

I got mine

POCLAD: A Call to Restore Public Control

Russia denounces US missile system in Europe again

Did Massa "Punk" Beck?

The Last of the Druid Wolf Pack... It had started out so hopefully.....

Chef's Choice = Endangered Whale Sushi

Obama Nominates Raymond Lohier to the 2nd Circuit and Judge Kate O'Malley to the Federal Circuit

Seeing-eye dog refused entry to restaurant

Hilarious Beck parody!

Stop the Comcast-NBC Merger

Mystery Robocall Attacks Santorum As 'Pro-Life Fraud' In Iowa

Michael Moore on Maddow...The Next Bubble is....

Paul Krugman On The Paul Ryan Tax Plan

Tonight's cleanup is sponsored by Echo and the Bunnymen.

'US might manipulate Iraq election results'

I don't care if Massa is gay or not; probably is. But his behavior was unbecoming of a congressman.

Report: Sen. John Ensign sought work for ex-lover's husband

President Obama needs to tell the American people what he told president bush in Denver

No waiting in the best health care system in the world...Right.

Should the President's Chief of Staff lobby while naked?

Commercial Real Estate possible crisis in simple language

The Census Bureau is full of iggynoraymusses

Mandatory Wednesday Malloy Truthseekers Check In!! Encore Malloy Show

Mandatory Wednesday Malloy Truthseekers Check In!! Encore Malloy Show

North Korean Anti American Propaganda bears a remarkable similarity to GOP talking points. (pic heav

Leaders in House Block Earmarks to Corporations

DU only gives us a bumper sticker. Look what freepers get when they contribute.

US banks and corporations announce huge pay packages for 2009

65-year-old woman arrested for hoarding 60 dogs

Looks like Kucinch is turning into a DINO

Most people who oppose Barack Obama are racists

Rassmussen - "51% Say Congress is Too Liberal, 22% Say It’s Too Conservative"

How do you feel about Foreign Citizens discuss American Free Trade Policy

More Messages Link Senator to Job Effort (New Emails Contradict Ensign)

Rachel & Michael Moore tonight: Astaire & Rogers. Peanut butter & jelly. Ruth & Gehrig.

Random act of kindness . . . But she was holding a copy of Glenn Beck's book

Rush Limbaugh Makes Racist Quip About Paterson

Rush Limbaugh Makes Racist Quip About Paterson

Black and white thinking-a common trait of extremists

Elderly woman dies in Detroit house fire


Portland teachers' contract holds the line

I'm as perverted as the next guy, but is Lawrence O'Donnell a little over the top tonight?

Let's Get Over the Left-Right thing - We Live Under a Duopoly!!!

Afghanistan will sink Obama's Presidency

Kudos to Joe Biden!

Mexico's Carlos Slim overtakes Gates in world rich list

They're in their 80s and 90s. They won't be around much longer. At least they finally got their due.

Obama's approval 'plunging'? Hardly

2010 hurricane season could be 'extreme'

250 workers being laid off from Plainfield warehouse

Up Or Down. Govern. 11 March 2010

In honor of Easter...Behold! a ceiling peep

Portland teachers' contract holds the line

Should the commercial real estate industry be bailed out?

Senate bill allows for establishment of state Single-Payer?

Kansas City school board approves plan to close nearly half its schools to avoid bankruptcy

Patrick Kennedy was correct

Rachel Maddow lays it on the line about Bart Stupak...

17 arrested at Fremont, Ne. plant (“enforcement action” — not a raid)

Gospel Label Delayed Album Release Because God Did Not Approve

bill gates = the antichrist

Tom Toles knocks it out of the park

Ad Neglects to Mention Something

War Is Over (If They Mean It)

During brutal Winter, NC utilities disconnect tens of thousands

Half-Cocked? Hermaphrochickens Challenge Gender Determination

On using the vote for the Senate Bill against Dems in November:

Proud to be an embarrassment

Second Figure Charged in Post-Katrina Police Shootings

Hey, Mike (Plagiarist) Barnacle

How Much Of The Massa Coverage Is Infected By Homophobia?

E-Mailers Rip FHP After Woods' Crash

NJ Governor Admits He Can't Circumvent State Worker Contracts Like He Said In Campaign

Mountains of Student Debt, and the Political Will for Solutions Are at Hand

Full text of Grayson's Medicare You Can Buy Into Act

Michael Moore: Democrats, DO SOMETHING!

Pfizer CEO Gets 12.5% Raise for Successful Lobbying

We need a massive job creation effort and we get a truly piddling and virtually useless one

U.S. Foreclosure Filings Increase at Slowest Pace in Four Years

Woman, 76, crashes Toyota into church, says gas pedal stuck

Oil companies look at permanent refinery cutbacks

U.S. lifts sanctions against Russian space company

Why? Why do you support the war in Afghanistan?

Unemployment tops 20% in eight California counties; state jobless rate was worst on record

"Personal" study shows gene maps can spot disease (thumbs up Obama stimulus).

An example of outright Newspeak in the Business press

Google Bike!



Students' perceptions of Earth's age influence acceptance of human evolution

President Obama is better suited for the Supreme Court...

"Green Zone" anti war movie **** review by Roger Ebert

Jim Crow in Silicon Valley is Exposed

Learning Creationism At Liberty U

Miss. school district accused of retaliating against lesbian student for not being in the closet

The 1000th Death in Afghanistan: There Must Be a Better Way

Glenn Greenwald - Official dogma: Iraq War a success

Yet more woo from me to yoo.... warning, this site sells music, if that

Anyone know where I can find the numbers of bills signed into law

Ex-street fighter, 60, turned into a fanatical artist by a brain hemorrhage

Moviegoer Tells Woman to Stop Talking On Cell Phone, Gets Stabbed in the Neck

2fer Shrub-CHEENEE-Rums watched "24" for torture thrills. Senator ENSIGN is *still* a senator.

Liz Cheney Group Defends Itself Against Criticism by Conservatives

? NPR's Marketplace promoted VATs as a solution. Wouldn't this hurt production in US & aid imports?

How much of DU is just about picking fights with people?

Woods hires ex-Bush aide to prep for return in two weeks

What Happene To The Workers/ Union Legislation

France vows retaliation against US in air tanker dispute

I was once a male victim (among many) of sexual harrassment by a superior

Have you called Levin to push Grayson's Medicare For All Bill to the Floor? 202 225-3625

Maliki Holds Edge in Iraq, but Results Are Challenged

Santa Monica sushi restaurant charged with illegally selling whale meat

Tom Tomorrow: "Glox News" fears "Current ruling party" wants to "ram reform down our feeding tubes"

Tom Tomorrow: "Glox News" fears "Current ruling party" wants to "ram reform down our feeding tubes"

Observing Abortion Provider Appreciation Day

VIDEO: So that means you love each other! (A child understands gay marriage)

VIDEO: So that means you love each other! (A child understands gay marriage)

VIDEO: So that means you love each other! (A child understands gay marriage)

The insurance model in the US implies one thing , one despicable thing

Is Bingo Crusade Causing Bob Riley to Come Unhinged?

NIH Panel: End Bans on Vaginal Birth After C-Section

NIH Panel: End Bans on Vaginal Birth After C-Section

Patrick Kennedy: The Press Corps Is 'Despicable'

J Street two years after its formation

Meg Whitman Invites the Press then Kicks Them Out for Asking Questions.

Progressive Media Summit: Punish Lincoln! ConservaDems Might Pay Price!

Is there a link between DK's Afghanistan resolution and his HCR vote?

Its a bird. Its a plane

Franken to keynote Netroots Nation convention

I heard the reps who supported Kucinich's resolution offer an interesting counter-proposal.


Please contact Kucinich and tell him to vote for health care and here's why

Right on cue...Morning Joe and the media make Massa incident about Nancy Pelosi

Right on cue...Morning Joe and the media make Massa incident about Nancy Pelosi

Mexico Tycoon overtakes Bill Gates as world's richest person



Cardinal Schönborn says celibacy partly to blame for clerical sex abuse

Ben Roethlisburger Sexual Assault...Silence of the Media Damning

Kestrel, I have a question about canine distemper

K&R if you're sick of pandering posts begging you to K&R!!

Would you be cool living where you got around by horse or camel?

Global Collapses Are A Systemic Outcome Of Reaganomics-YES REAGANOMICS-Rinse & Repeat

House Rejects Plan to Pull Troops from Afghanistan

nothing more slimy than "image repair" advertising from people like Toyota

nothing more slimy than "image repair" advertising from people like Toyota

This Battle is About More Than Schools

You have to admit that Eric Massa knows how to market himself quickly!

Another bank bailout?

Woods hires - ex-Bush aide ARI FLEISCHER - to prep for return in two weeks

Woods hires - ex-Bush aide ARI FLEISCHER - to prep for return in two weeks

Exploding The Myths About Money

Just saw a news crawl: Cory Haim dead of rx drug overdose.

If interested, here is the roll call on the Kucinich Resolution

Has anyone else gotten the "Argentina-America" RW e-mail?

I cannot understand why States are firing/laying off teachers and

Ralph Reed to Establish an Iowa-based Christian Political Organization

The Rude Pundit: Al-Qaeda, Liz Cheney, and American Failure

The Rude Pundit: Al-Qaeda, Liz Cheney, and American Failure

Eisenhower's Nightmare Arrives

Eisenhower's Nightmare Arrives

Toyota troubles put spotlight on US safety agency

Isikoff: Karl Rove as Jean Valjean: An Upside-Down Look at the Plame Affair

DOBSON DUMPED By Organization He Founded


Pink Floyd win EMI court ruling over online sales

Highway Deaths Reach Lowest Levels since the 1950s

What is your style of charity?

Thursday TOON Roundup part 1

Thursday TOON Roundup part 5

Pi Day Cometh. - And You Thought It Was Over ...

HCR – ever get really tired of the debate?

ahhh Fuck it. Official thread for 11 March 2010

Why I support the current Afghanistan Stategy

State Department says in its annual rights report that civilians suffer most in Afghan war

Democrats use Osama-Saddam bait & switch on health care

Hartmann giving air time to Tancredo

The House Roll Call Vote on the Kucinich anti-war resolution


What we HAVE to do...

What we HAVE to do...

Thursday TOON Roundup part 2

from J.B., by archibald macleish

New Poll for California Gov/ Senate give Dems edge, but competitive

Nation Shudders At Large Block Of Uninterrupted Text

These 31 Members of the Progressive Caucus...

Bob Barker donates $2.5 million to PETA for new location

I can't find the quote now, Skelton yesterday

Pro Football Hall Of Famer Merlin Olsen Dies At 69

Pro Football Hall Of Famer Merlin Olsen Dies At 69

FR: "Do not post pro-Sarah threads while you are intoxicated."

Karl Rove: "Bush does not get the credit he deserves..."

Lawyers that defend someone of being "accused" of being a terrorist

Lawyers that defend someone of being "accused" of being a terrorist

US State Department: Afghan, Iraq Rights Worsen

US State Department: Afghan, Iraq Rights Worsen

Roselynn's Story: family upset with Riley Hospital over child's baptism

Police: US Troops Shoot Iraqi Reporter and Husband

10 Shocking Things Since The Tech Bubble Busrt 10 Years Ago This Week

Why probe Charlie Rangel -- but not Mitch McConnell?

NFL Hall of Famer, TV ("Little House On The Prairie") star Merlin Olsen dead at 69.

Obama Gets His Mojo Back

Need a good laugh? Tiger Woods hired Ari Fleischer.

K&R if you love being a Democrat and you love Democratic Underground!

Immigration provision has Hispanic Caucus threatening ‘no’ health vote

It's really very simple.

It's really very simple.

Thursday TOON Roundup part 4

Durbin's Bid to End (Drug) Sentencing Disparity

Powerful Catholic Quietly Shaping Abortion, Health Bill Debate

Powerful Catholic Quietly Shaping Abortion, Health Bill Debate

Experts: Ryan Roadmap Balloons Deficits While Taxing Middle Class, Slashing Entitlements

Panel Proposes Single Standard for All Schools

Facebook users, guess who Glenn Beck is after now.

Facebook users, guess who Glenn Beck is after now.

Salazar: Climate change threatens hundreds of bird species

In pictures: Greek strike protest (>25K people)

Dobson Got Dumped?

GOP-run MI Senate starting to eff with the state's recently passed stem cell referendum

No-Fly List Includes the Dead

Here's the list of Charities getting Obama's Nobel $$$

Here's the list of Charities getting Obama's Nobel $$$

Why do you believe the Republicans and their corporate media allies are making such a big deal about

Mass school closures approved in Kansas City, Mo.

2 announcements about Health insurance/care Bill that have me worried

Caution: No Stops for Miles ... and Miles

Caution: No Stops for Miles ... and Miles

Massive school closures in Kansas City to be done by fall.

The 2009 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices is now out

School prom off after lesbian's date request

Byrd Opposed Reconciliation For Clinton's Health Care Proposals

Petition: Stand With Me Against Pay-to-Play Electioneering

Jesse Helms' alma mater just got stomped by the school where Donna Shalala is Prez

Senate GOP: Parliamentarian Says Health Bill Must Become Law Before Fix

Payday lenders may avoid U.S. oversight

Payday lenders may avoid U.S. oversight

Well that's Blanche Lincoln gone. PUMA Amy Siskind is endorsing her.

ACORN gives up Ohio business license, won't return

Judge Says Gov’t Must Allow Funding for ACORN

190 of our Democratic representatives voted for war - more than the Rs. THIS IS OUR WAR NOW!

The Public Option's Last Stand: A Matter Of Will, Not Votes

The Public Option's Last Stand: A Matter Of Will, Not Votes

Mike Pence (R-IN) wants YOU to "pray for the battle" to kill Health Care Reform

Those nutty Europeans and their socialized medicine

Where in the world is John Kerry?

Thursday TOON Roundup 3

ACLU Sues Mississippi School That Canceled Prom Rather Than Let Lesbian Couple Attend

I just called Reid's office to thank him for making it official, and asked the

The Scandalous Scott Brown Lawsuit No One Told You About

Sen. Chris Dodd must watch The Rachel Maddow Show.

Obama deputy campaign manager: A 'Real shot' Democrats will get 'slaughtered' in November

Omg, this is so funny: Look Who's On Glenn Beck's Blackboard

Obama Election Win Headlines 2008. Various newspaper headlines.

James (Pustulent Sack of Human Excreta) Dobson pissed on by the cur he whelped.

James (Pustulent Sack of Human Excreta) Dobson pissed on by the cur he whelped.

Mississippi school district sued over same-sex prom date ban

Just called congress. If this is the last thing Obama's team does, it will be worth it

Tell Glenn Beck: I'm a Social Justice Christian

E-Mail Trail Leads to Trouble for Sen. Ensign

Franken keynoting Netroots Nation

Orly Taitz Challenges the Eligibility of an African-American Politician

When will Republicans come up with a better word than "fiscal conservative"?

NOOOO!!! Chuck Todd hosting Hardball...

Patrick Kennedy on Hardball!

Listening to MSNBC... looks like the right is going to target Pelosi.. with of all things Massa

Managed to make it this far without knowing what "Crowd Sourcing" is.

Scientists take another run at climate change

Acorn Filmmaker Made Tapes at U.S. Government Offices, Too

Based on a William Pitt thread.

Joe Klein, Time Magazine: "Karl Rove's Memoir: Act of Vengeance"

Harry Reid's wife, daughter injured in accident

Granny D died at 100

Granny D died at 100

Granny D died at 100


Eichmann Files-Classified Docs Could Be Released After 50 Years

Toyota hands over 2006 dissident memo to U.S. panel

Excellent House Appropriations Subcommittee hearing with Secretary Geithner.

Greece in the eye of the storm

According to GOP Sources: The Senate Parliamentarian Ruling Kills an Option for Moving Health Bill

Grayson speaking yesterday on the Afghanistan War Powers Resolution

Senate parliamentarian balks on reconciliation?

Update on Reid's wife: Apparently her neck was broken but it's not

Dylan Ratigan just reported that..

Kansas City is proposing closing 1/2 of it's schools

Oops!!! Ensign is up shite creek without a paddle

Kraft Foods To Replace U.S. Sales Fleet With Ford Vehicles for Efficiency, Quality

Sen. Scott Brown (R-MA) was accused of harassing a female campaign worker in 1998

Anti-immigration Group, NumbersUSA, Hones Talking Points: Say ‘Welfare Queen’; Say ‘Dependents’

Hillsborough County, FL merit pay program benefits teachers at affluent schools.

Our Prom Dress has been Ripped Off. We need to take off the gloves and fight for what we want.

Is Sen Dodd saving his soul, or is this just another gimmick?

Radical Homosexuals and their Radical Agenda

Radical Homosexuals and their Radical Agenda

Marcy Winograd for Congress in 2010

Help the World: Drink Beer

Ok, so I wanted to see what Senator Webb was all about.......

Welfare King's Neocon Daughter

Please Contact your Rep. and Ask Him/Her to cosponsor H.R.4789: the "Medicare You Can Buy Into Act"

Connie Saltonstall, challenger to Bart Stupak needs a moneybomb... (so please Reddit me!)

The Hill: House Democrats' 'no' votes are piling up on healthcare reform

Private Military Contractors as Buzz Lightyear: To Afghanistan and Beyond

I Am Angry

Forget Texting: Woman Crashes Car While Shaving Her Privates. Ex-Husband Held The Wheel

Obama approval hits lowest point of his Presidency (Gallup)

Cable News Fail: Unemployment 'Extension' Not Quite What It Seems

When did ReTHUGS know about Eric Massa's

Lesbian teen back at Miss. school after prom flap

Unemployed, Uninsured, and...

Unemployed, Uninsured, and...

Orly Taitz questions the eligibility of (another) African American politician

“The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness”

GOP Desperately Trying to Nullify NV Tea Party Candidate Opposing Reid

Social Bar Beating: Woman Left With Broken Eye Socket, Other Injuries After Rejecting Man's Advances

Student Loan Overhaul Seems Likely to Join Senate Health-Care Bill

To the people here who are against HCR may I ask how you know you are not being

When I was finishing up graduate school

Chefs Call Proposed New York Salt Ban 'Absurd'

Who here has seen Capitalism: A Lo\/e story? I bought it for $24. Was this a good move?

We can finally breathe easier: "Beijing vows not to use U.S. debt for political gain" WHEW, eh?

Florida: Broward district runs ad in NY for teachers after laying off nearly 400 of them here.

Heard a journalist on Shuster say something about a "moderate Taliban"

oh my god this isn't for real! ...

Ga. politician (R) & mule-fucker jailed for making terroristic threats against Elton John

Florida lawmakers push measure to ban public display of noose

Win/Win/Win- Merkley Introduces Bill to Create Jobs and Lower Energy Costs for Rural Communities

More bizarre restaurant news from the great state of New York.(banning salt)

A few things that will be obsolete by the end of this decade

There was a graph posted last week

GOP Rep. Paul Ryan's vision for a Contract on America. SCARY. No joke.

Liberals Rip Durbin 'Betrayal' (New York Daily News)

Who is our Modern Norman Mailer? Why is my generation too afraid to become Mailer's "Armies

Name something you wouldn't mind either the permission or the outlawing thereof.

Spark Plugs made in China - the working conditions

Creeping Jethro Bodine-ism In The Republican Party

Ohio Woman Who Wrote President of Insurance Woes Back In Hospital


Live your life with no regrets. Leave nothing unsaid. A co-worker died last night

The first African American woman elected to S. Carolina's legislature, died alone, frozen to death.

Moore: Democrats behaving like ‘frightened animals’

The problem with Kuch, are not his ideas.

We need to consider rationing health care and social security.

Is your Senator on this list? Democrats not supporting public option via reconciliation

The new US embassy in London has a MOAT and is not well liked by the Brits

Conan O'Brien: 30-city comedy tour to re-employ 40+ Tonight Show staffers, skips his own salary

I remember, barely, that there was so much excitement in the air after JFK was elected..

Same day; same dealership; different price for same car....I think this is SICK!

Tiger Woods Hires Ari Fleischer to Reform His Image---

POWERFUL video: Rep. Alan Grayson on Wars: We Won, Now Let's Go Home

A-hole on CNN arguing against unemployment benefits

Judge says gov’t must allow funding for ACORN

Black Barbie Sold for Less Than White Barbie at Walmart Store

Media Watchdog FAIR Finds NYT Was 'Duped' in 'Wildly Misleading' Coverage of ACORN 'Pimp'

French bread spiked with LSD in CIA experiment

Midnight knitter pulls the wool over NJ shore town

Doris "Granny D" Haddock, American Patriot

2010 will be a great year for the GOP? Maybe...but then...

Durbin Whipping Against Public Option

21 Things That Became Obsolete In This Decade

OK, so how does Firefox make money?

Dem Fundraisers Need To Watch How They Talk To Us Voters......

Michelle Bachmann, Channeling William Prescott: ‘Now is the time to see the whites of their eyes’

Michael Moore Maddow Show Highlights: "Everything Is Socialism To Them. That's So Tired, Isn't It?"

I Would Love To See This Played Out In Real Life

Anyone using CREDOmobile yet?

President Obama: "Half of my letters call me an idiot"

Bernie Tells It Like It Is

OK, mandate boosters, please explain HOW & WHEN we will "fix" this "less than perfect" bill :

Poodle, Glenn Beck At Center Of Facebook Fight

It's Officially Political War: Reid Informs McConnel Reconciliation is Imminent

Economic Warfare? Europe versus Wall Street.

Don't scapegoat the teachers

Do you really believe that if HCR passes they'll start working on the "fixes" immediately?

Four Bronx buddies facing year in jail after 'hitting' off-duty transit cop - with a snowball!

Senate Parliamentarian: House Must Move First (No to reconciliation)

You vote it, you buy it. It's hard to admit that the man you loved isn't what you thought he was.

Central Falls, R. I. grads rally for their school and fired teachers.

Fairly Amazing Chart on Relgion/Conservatives and Lifestyles

Fairly Amazing Chart on Relgion/Conservatives and Lifestyles

Biology class at Liberty University fails biology

Further Updated List of 2010 Progressives: They need our support now!

Deliberately taught ignorance--stuff like this burns me up (and scares me)

French bread spiked with LSD in CIA experiment: A 50-year mystery

Should ALL Democratic candidates take Bill Halter's pledge not to become lobbyists?

I am not alone as "chicken little"! O Dept Cpn. Mngr says Dems could be slaughtered!

"I guess I get the state and the U.S. (governments) confused sometimes."

Kucinich: ‘Heads They Win, Tails We Lose’ (Update: Transcript)

Why is it Acceptable in American culture to bash Overweight Women?

I'm Sick of These People!

Oscar nominee, 'Precious Star' told to lose weight if she wants more roles

Email from Grayson -- His Medicare For All has FIFTY (50!) Sponsors!!!

Paul Krugman: Harry Gives ‘Em Hell

10 More things that became obsolete in the last decade...

Motorists claim L.A. handing out tickets at broken parking meters. Has it happened to you?

Motorists claim L.A. handing out tickets at broken parking meters. Has it happened to you?

Wanna live like a European?

Wanna live like a European?

“Let’s dump Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.”

Cops: Woman Crashes Car While Shaving Her Privates

Living in the Material World

We've changed the way we moderate Democratic Underground, and now we need YOUR help

oh my god this is for real

Mormon scholars: Glenn Beck is ignorant on social justice in church

Johnny Weir Deemed “Not Family Friendly” Enough to Perform in Stars on Ice Tour

Texas School Board Drops Thomas Jefferson and the Enlightment from Social Studies Curriculum

I am fed up with shoddy clothing--here's my letter to Lands' End:

Best Wishes to Sen. Reid's wife and daughter thread

Did Bankrupt Runaway Prius Driver Fake "Unintended Acceleration?"

Best Countries to Escape To?

Really great interview with Michael Moore..from WNYC today

"Jihad Jane": Terrorism Charge Boosts Patriot Act Support

Hint to all people who want to become a terrorists

Hint to all people who want to become a terrorists

As bad as many here feel about Obama...

Legal theft: Bank of America seized wrong house in foreclosure gone terribly wrong

Are you a safe driver?

Has anyone here successfully 'dumbed-down' your resume?

If Arne Duncan Were Serious About Civil Rights:

Interestingly enough, "Hurt Locker" and its Oscar met with a similar response at FReeperville...

Democrats In the House: Look Out For Yourself & Buck Obama If You Have To.

What the President did with his Nobel Peace Prize money

"Hurt Locker": World a stage for Americans to deal with their demons, "a prize for American hubris"

Single-payer universal healthcare for the US?

US government to support workers and unions instead of corporations?

Grovelbot's Moderating Tips

Are Republicans just too stupid to understand this basic fact?

US out of Afghanistan immediately?

Bill Maher: Obama’s ‘mistake’ was not telling Republicans to ’suck on it’

Sean Penn says that reporters who call Chavez a dictator should be jailed

What to do if you drive a Prius.

They didn't call it an "Exchange". They called it a "Cartel".

As it stands now, do you support HCR

Why are republiCONS acting like.

Why are republiCONS acting like.

Huffington Post columnist condemns Markos Moulitsas' "stupidity" and "hubris"

Mark My Words, Monday's California Prius "Incident" Will be Proven a Hoax

I've Had Enough Of All The Bullshit And Disinformation About The Bill, Here It Is, READ IT!

Why don't YOU come over HERE, pencil neck?

Sebelius Stands Tall Against Insurers

Self-execution? (Or how the HCR Bill may proceed.)

Shame on ANY of you who say Kucinich should be Primaried

Former President Endorses Mitchell For Governor(Maine)

Delaware politics: GOP's O'Donnell announcing run for U.S. Senate

Meg Whitman Campaign Ejects Reporters For Asking Questions

Ruh Roh! More messages link Sen. Ensign to job effort

Politico has a hit piece up on Pelosi tonight. Look for Drudge and Faux to follow soon.

Should Obama postpone his trip to Guam, Indonesia and Australia until HCR is passed?

Who missed the shot?

250 workers being laid off from Plainfield warehouse

Why are so many people griping about Bart Simpson???

Does anyone here think there's ANY part of pre-2009 U.S. foreign policy we shouldn't abandon?


FL-Sen: Nowhere to Run for Charlie Crist?

Bush backs Byrne in Alabama

Fed. Funds coming locally for water projects...

Ohio Woman Who Wrote President of Insurance Woes Back In Hospital

Big things accomplished in Iraq

Obama wants to strike MA/VT provision in the healthcare bill

The Tea Party Is All About Race, Part 2

The Hill: Senate Banking Chairman Dodd To Go It Alone on Financial Overhaul

Photos: United We Stand (The Obama Presidency Days 414 & 415)

NYT: Obama's Student Loan Overhaul Endangered

"Kildee Breaks From Stupak Over Senate Abortion Language" (Whoohoo!)

Dodd to offer his own financial regulation bill..republicans miss the boat again

"#1 Obama Generation"

The Long Fight for Labor

Republicans In Glass Houses Shouldn't Throw Stones

Politics Daily's David Corn: A Same-Old GOP Budget: Rich Pay Less, Everyone Else Pays More

Georgia Democrats Press for Wrapup of Deal Investigation

PPP polling is surprised at Obama's polling numbers

Pataki In Lazio's Corner

Ha! "Experts: Ryan Roadmap Balloons Deficits While Taxing Middle Class, Slashing Entitlements"

GOP candidate Johnson bows out of Senate race

Big Eddie, here...

Foreclosures drop for 2nd month in February

The President's Export Initiative, here...

Schumer vs. Durbin: An Early Fight to Replace Harry Reid

Patrick Kennedy: Press Corps Is 'Despicable' For Not Covering Afghanistan War Resolution

"fate is a woman and always loves warriors."

Looks the the Calvary (i.e. the press) is riding to Stupak's rescue

Sanders: Single Payer Never Had A Chance

What the President's plan means for you

I think Rep.Kalpatrick is being set up by the Feds shes been subpoenaed

There will be no public option, in my opinion

House rejects bid to pull troops from Afghanistan (another Kucinich bill fails)

If you sit out 2010, the Democratic Party will be run by those who bother to show up

Greg Sargent's Plumline: Huge Majority of MoveOn Members Supports Passing Senate Bill

CO-Gov: Hickenlooper Leads McInnis by 11 Points

Student loan overhaul seems likely to join Senate health-care bill

Stimulus? Out of control spending? Government expenditures actually slowed during the recession

10 Charity Organ. to receive president Obama's $1.4 million Nobel Peace Prize

Never Back Down

Obama Gets the Immigration Reform Ball Rolling; Anti-Immigration Groups Fight Back

Ruling Kills an Option for Moving Health Bill - Parliamentarian says House must pass bill first.

Ezra Klein on Senate parliamentarian's ruling, plus Kent Conrad's interesting take

"31 states added jobs in January..."

Obama Announces Charities Where He'll Donate Nobel Peace Prize Money

If born in 1890 Kucinich probably would not have voted for FDR

We don't have enough electric cars what's holding it up?

Sen. Graham says using reconiliation on health care reform would endanger immigration reform.

Bill Clinton and Bill Gates appeared before the SFRC yesterday - good comments from CNN

Kucinich supports gay marriage. Haven't heard him use the old "between a man and woman" crap.

Americans' net worth up for 3rd straight quarter

I do not understand what Bart Stupak and his friends are thinking..

Cenk makes a good point. Obama wants us to call who exactly? We should be calling Democrats that he

The cost of inaction

Reid's wife and daughter injured in car accident - TPM

It makes no sense to continually target the President while giving Congress a pass

Final March for Reform

And the Congressional Budget Office says... (drum roll.....)

Can we all take over News Corporation/Fox News (partially owned by Arabs)

Kerry's new letter on lifting lifetime ban on gay blood donors

I don't care what you say, because when health care reform passes...

What the enemy is doing.

Greg Sargent's Plumline: Bernie Sanders Prepared to Introduce Public Option Amendment

Gibbs: SC Shouldn't Have Been Uncomfortable At SOTU -Citizens United Was Their Decision!

Like him or not, Eric Massa sure can market himself quickly!

Senators Target Wall Street, With Goldman Sachs in Mind

Take this to the bank.. Bookmark it..

MoveOn Members Strongly Back Reform

"Senate-Passed Health Care Bill Would Cut Deficit."

President Barack Obama to Announce a Trip to the Emerald Isle

GALLUP: Americans' Life Evaluation Reaches New... ... ... High

McInnis Out-Crazies Norton? 'Eliminate' STATE Education Department?

John Conyers wife sentenced to three years in prison DAMN!!!!

Durbin Vs. Public Option

Dems: It Will Improve! Party Promises To Build On Watered-Down Health Care Reform

Democrats, White House close in on health bill

Sen. Scott Brown Accused of Harrassing Female Co-worker in 1998

What happens if the House passes the Senate HCR bill and the Medicare for all bill?

From his very first national speech at the 2004 DNC. Obama signaled post-partisanship

Reid to McConnell: Reconcile this.

Lives in the balance. Every second of every day. Let's have some unity on DU.

"Americans that can't see the beginning of a miracle of national rebirth under their jaded noses"

The facts about Obama's health care plan

Bernie Sanders: I’m Prepared To Introduce Public Option Amendment

Is the latest dispatch about reconciliaton from Tokyo Rose McConnell accurate?

Think the GOP will take over the House? How about we TAKE 13 MORE seats instead!!!

This Is Not What I Voted For...

President Obama and the myth of the liberal base

Shove It!

Shove It!

Great Bloomberg Article on Obama's Economic Success. GREAT TO FORWARD (and Rec!)

Insurance Victims Tell Congress: Pass Health Care Reform Now

This Car Stereo Was A Bit Too Loud

Blu - Amnesia

Nato called this thing "The Caspian Sea Monster"

Can somebody explain the Scherzinger's Wave to me?

robot koch feat grace - blind

computer question / internet question

Anyone else here strangely fascinated by BAD GIRLS CLUB?

Are there any good online English translations of Baudelaire?

Flying Lotus - It's a Secret

CNN BREAKING: Toyota to cease production of Prius...

Tomorrow night at the this time I will be at the hotel for my convention..

I love you all! *HUGS*

Why don't YOU come over HERE, pencil neck?

Breaking: Glen Beck attacks the Cookie Monster!

I've had enough of this shit. So long DU.

I accidentally saw Mr. Writer in the shower...

Heads up! Sir Elton John on The View tomorrow morning on ABC.

**A famous folktale from Japan: Momotaro (The Peach Boy)

Amazon has it going on.

Okay, all you strangers:

Warning: I Drive Like a Cullen

Argh... I have an impossible-to-identify earworm.

The Modern Prometheus

Worst thing you ever did. But not really you, someone else. Although really it was you after all but

favorite quotes

Is this racist? {youtube 2:07}

Actors who were too old to play teens

BREAKING NEWS: Redqueen's earworm has been identified

I don't normally listen to Pearl Jam, but I love "Just Breathe"

This is an old one. Maybe you've seen it and maybe you haven't but I still like it..

What is your favorite use of a "hero(es) walk/hero(es) shot" in a movie?

Oatmeal or Redqueen's earworm

Chaos Bolt Raid Rotation

I was just comparing "raised by hippies" stories with my best friend


What kind of mustard do you like best?

Leaving This Planet

What this GD post needs is more Narwhal. Please oblige.

No Use

Chris Brown calls himself "a better guy now" than when he beat Rihanna, begs fans to "bring me back"

You're The One

Good morning Lounge

Chase The Blues

Broken Heart

"The Last Word". Excellent Netflix View Instantly movie.

City Of Nowhere


On Impulse

Trilingual Dance Sexperience

Ahhhhhh!!!! Godzilla (haiku) Most Awesome!!!

You know, I still think DU is sorta okay, but I tire of the new names:

Places and Spaces

When I walk the lonely streets, I smell the colors and see the sounds

What's the best way to rid yourself of a Joe Pesci "problem"?

First appointment for major physical today. Know a good body shop?


My new earworm

Remember this? - - BLIP!

ahhh Fuck it. Official thread for 11 March 2010

Music unrecommendation thread.

J. Birly

I got a letter from the Post Office verfying my address change..

Oatmeal or Cream of Wheat?

I just spent two hours watch History International about the dust bowl.

Seriously - shouldn't Hollywood be doing something more to protect child actors?

I'm seriously thinking of going Office Space on my office computer.

I am in much pain tonight, so I want some sympathy!

Paterson or Pattinson?

"From now on I want you to put an equal amount of blueberries in each muffin."

Bebe Neuwirth vs Gina Gershon

craigslist observation/question

Mystery knitter wraps South Jersey poles & trees

I am at the hotel finally, all checked in playing on the old laptop.

the aids project paid my rent this month

I just got a text saying "Wanna make out?"

Forehead Janae

It's all in the eyes

George Nutty...I mean Noory for president?

I had a horrible dream last night: I was in the Navy and we just started to go over the equator

Who's organizing the DU March Madness pool this year?

FB message from Barack: Call Congress Right Fucking Now!!

How to avoid appearing old in job interviews

I heard Dennis Kucinich makes breast milk cheese

OK - I think I understand the process for violence

One way, or another...

Am I a bad DUer if I don't know who the hell Dylan Ratigan is?

Gerard Butler talks about trimming Jennifer Aniston's bush.

Team CoCo is going on tour!

Somewhere on FR, someone is posting that Teabo did poorly on the Wonderlic

Zombie movies vs Vampire movies

Which star epitomizes Rock Star Decadence best?

Which star epitomizes Rock Star Decadence best?

Evil Bunneh!!

I was eating some Irish Soda Bread this morning and broke my tooth.

YouTube - A spider that can jump up to 50x its body length versus a bee. Who ya got?

Coach or Woody?

YouTube - Australian kid sets Guinness record for "Most Spiders On A Body For 30 Seconds"

Obligatory Annual Snow on Cactus Photos

Wanna learn Chemistry? Physics? Finance? Calculus? For FREE?

Hey everyone, I'm just doing a test!

"Exile on Main Street" - why is this such a great album? I mean, it is great - but it shouldn't be

In honor of Easter...Behold! a ceiling peep

How many Plastic Surgery "Addicts" get that way because of the Vicodin?

Why chocolate is better for you than blueberries

Heidi Montag fires husband Spencer Pratt as her "manager," replaces him with "an intuitive psychic"

Memorial for Tommy_Carcetti failed threads

"MODERN FAMILY"--Best family sitcom on TV by far. Best since "Arrested Development."

Diane or Rebecca?

"M" for Male and "F" for Female: Is That A Sexist Code?


What is your favorite place to visit (that is not famous)?

Checking in. Still not "stable".

I really want to set my neighbor's car on fire....

Five Thursday questions

so my husband got fired last you know what we did tonight?

Bob Newhart Show or Newhart?

Okay, damnit. TELL ME.

Lady Gaga: I've decided that I like her

AM Radio in the 60's...

Anyone listening to Andrew Romanoff on the Ed Show??

Anyone listening to Andrew Romanoff on the Ed Show??

Panera Bread to post calories on menus at company stores

Study: Law officers struggle to adjust after war

Hazmat Crews at Alamo HEB (grocery store)

Chefs Call Proposed New York Salt Ban 'Absurd'

Analysis: Greece's crisis could presage America's

Rush Limbaugh Makes Racist Quip About Paterson

Leaders in House Block Earmarks to Corporations

Senate Bill on Finance to Include Agency That Tracks Financial Risk

West puts China to GM food test

US kept us in the dark on torture: spy chief {Bond's "M"}

Aboriginals in Canada face ‘Third World'-level risk of tuberculosis

House bans misleading census mailings

Acorn Filmmaker Made Tapes at U.S. Government Offices, Too

Liz Cheney Group Defends Itself Against Criticism by Conservatives

BP in $7bn deal to explore for oil in Brazil

French bread spiked with LSD in CIA experiment

Orly Taitz Challenges the Eligibility of an African-American Politician

Texas Education Agency lashes out at Fox Network for 'highly inaccurate' reports

Greece Hit by Another Mass Cuts Protest Strike

Kansas City, Mo., closing nearly half its schools

More Messages Link Senator to Job Effort

Daihatsu to recall 275,000 cars in Japan

Jobless claims fall, trade gap narrows

More Messages Link Senator to Job Effort (Ensign Tried To Steer Work To Husband Of X-Mistress)

Foreclosures: Smallest Uptick in 4 Years

Sen. Dodd to Move Ahead On Financial Reform Without GOP

Highway Deaths Reach Lowest Levels since the 1950s

Watchdog: GMAC bailout could cost taxpayers $6.3B

Trade Gap in U.S. Unexpectedly Falls as Oil, Auto Imports Drop

Nancy Pelosi: ‘We’re going to get started’

Secularist bloc alleges major fraud in Iraq poll

Former NHTSA Head Blasts Coziness Between Watchdog Agency and Auto Industry

Sweden to extradite Auschwitz sign theft suspect

FDA says Basic Food Flavors knew plant was contaminated with salmonella

House takes aim at Census look-alike letters

5 (4 children) killed In roadside explosion In Afghanistan

Democrats, White House close in on health bill

Senate extends tax credit for biodiesel industry in 2010

Health-care reform's 'back-door' tax

DPS: Yankee statements on piping are ‘flawed and indefensible'

Dems look to health vote without abortion foes (No to Stupak Language)

STOCK MARKET WATCH, Thursday March 11

Fed Court Today Grants Permanent Injunction Enjoining Unconstitutional Defunding of ACORN

7.2 earthquake in Chile (95 miles SW of Santiago)

Holder Failed to Disclose Brief on Detainee Policy

US budget deficit hits record $221bn

U.S. hikers held in Iran contact families

Hydro-Québec signs $1.5B power deal with Vermont utilities

Texas Conservatives Seek Deeper Stamp on Textbooks

Despite Biden's plea, outlook shaky for Mideast peace talks

US soldiers kill Iraqi couple: ministry official

Cheeks Kilpatrick called to Detroit grand jury

Ex-police officer admits role in cover-up of Louisiana bridge shooting

Senator Calls For Aggressive Financial Reform (Break-up Banks) Deplores Current 'Incremental' Steps

House defeats Kucinich resolution to withdraw from Afghanistan

Reid says will use "reconciliation" on healthcare

2 Republican Senators Call on Obama to Stop 'Attacks' on Supreme Court

Greece hit by third general strike in a month

Senate extends tax credit for biodiesel industry in 2010

Hall of Famer, ‘Little House’ star Merlin Olsen dies

JPMorgan, Citigroup Helped Cause Lehman’s Collapse

EU hits back at Geithner on regulation

Obama gives away $1.4M Nobel prize

Feds: TSA Worker Tried to Sabotage Terror Database

Reid's wife and daughter in car accident

Nevada lands first Chinese wind turbine factory in US

(Federal appeals) Court: 'Under God' in Pledge is constitutional

Senate Liberals Dissed on Health Bill (May be asked to vote against Public Option)

Miss. school prom off after lesbian's date request

Obama's liberal base 'disengaged'

In one day, Grayson piles up another 40 (Total = 50) co-sponsors for Medicare buy-in bill

Rachel Maddow: Rep. Stupak's 'Money Is Fungible' Argument Obliterated

DC Health Care Rally Coverage from Sum of Change

Corporate Involvement w/ Environmental Groups on Democracy Now!

Congressman Grayson and Ed Schultz Discuss the Public Option Act

Ed Show: Rep. Alan Grayson's Petition @

HD Healthcare Reform Rally DC - Union Leader Speeches - Part 3

How Western anti-Muslim bigotry became respectable: The clash of civilizations" paradigm Pt.4

Rep. Patrick Kennedy RIPS Media on Afghanistan: 'DESPICABLE!'

Rachel Maddow: Michael Moore - 'Avoid the Bloodbath By Having Courage of Convictions'

Behind the US Chamber's Anti-Reform Ad

One Man's Everglades

Rove Lie? Amazing!

"Keiser Report" Markets. Finance. Scandal. guest joe weisenthal

David Letterman - Rahm Emanuel Top Ten reasons he's nuts!

TYT: Eric Boehlert reviews the lies in Karl Rove's book

Greeks stage third general strike

ANTHONY WEINER on Fox News (Megyn Kelly) -Talks About NEED for Public Option. Megyn Happy it's Dead

Is Prophetic Intercession The Future of The Religious Right? (casting out demons & curse breaking)

Cheering and hollering while he had to sit there expressionless. What a brave little man.

Young Turks: Student Forced Out Of School Over Gay Parents

Michael Moore on Maddow Show FULL SEGMENT: 'Democrats, DO SOMETHING'

Stanford Encryption Pioneer Who Risked Career Wins Medal

Congressman Grayson: And For What! (Attacks the Military Industrial Complex)

TYT: Olbermann & Ventura Feud Over TYT Interview

11-Year Old Marcelas Owens Discusses Health Insurance Industry Abuses

Texas Apartment Complex Refuses to Rent to Muslims

How to get Dummies to Give you Money

Vultures In Liberia - Greg Palast

Rachel Maddow: turns out Bart Stupak is full of sh*t, only 4-5 members are with him

ANTHONY WEINER on Fox Business - Health Care -DRUNK HOST mockingly laughs for wanting to help People

CBO: Senate HCR Bill Reduces the Deficit by 118 Billion

Analysis: Greece's crisis could presage America's

Israel To Build New Settlements, in the West WING!

Analysis: Greece's crisis could presage America's

Ukraine forms parliamentary coalition to end political chaos

Schooling in Orange Jumpsuits

Carville/Greenberg strategists and national security

Just keep talking, boys. You’re coming through loud and clear.

You're Still Keeping Your Money in a Big Bank? What's Wrong with You?

Columnist Betty Baye, "Palin: The Whirling Dervish of American Politics

Goldman Dealmaker now advocates Regulation

The Bizarre Religious Roots of the Abortion Tweeter by Kathryn Joyce

Congress Holds Historic Debate On Afghan War, But Media is MIA

You have everything to fear, including fear itself

More Calls for Fed Governors Who Actually Saw Crisis Coming, Care About Consumers

From Wall Street to Skank Street -- Poking the frog at Gunther's Garage (Joe Bageant)

Adam McKay: An Open Letter to the State of Alabama

Life imitating art?

Archbishop links priestly celibacy and Catholic sex abuse scandals

Rob rich bankers and give money to the poor- London Times Editorial

Jim Hightower: Why Obama and Dems Seem Incapable of Taking a Firm Stand on Anything

Ryan Roadmap Balloons Deficits While Taxing Middle Class, Slashing Entitlements

Cheech and Chong Don’t Live here Anymore

Google unveils bicycle mapping feature, gives you one more reason to bike today

(Copenhagen) Climate Goal Is Supported by China and India

Life floods back into the outback

DOE Chief Urges Energy Leaders to Accept Curbs on Greenhouse Gases

Obama, Key Senators Make Their Pitch for Climate and Energy Bill

Cape Wind's effects on Nantucket Sound's historic properties get public airing

Gene protects some Tassie devils from tumour

Why Seawater Isn’t the Answer to the Lithium Squeeze

Utility to install (250 MW) solar on (Southern California) warehouse roofs

Surprising Canadian Warmth This Winter

Los Angeles Electric Rate Linked to Solar Power

Peak oil notes - Mar 11

Drumbeat: March 11, 2010

Corporate Media "Lie to Us About Nuclear Power"

BP in $7bn deal to explore for oil in Brazil (BBC)

Chinese nuclear company places $15 million order with Flowserve (VA based company)

New restart delay of Canada's Chalk River reactor

Improving the Performance of Solar Thermal Electrical Power

The fight over the Sage Grouse listing may be bigger than the Spotted Owl battles

Pushing Back Against the Methane Tipping Point

FWS, NMFS To Push For Endangered Status For Loggerhead Turtles

Seals In Ice-Free Gulf Of St. Lawrence Whelping On Shore - Mortality Spike Expected For Pups

Kenya's Lake Naivasha In Big Trouble - Export Flower Farms Drain Water, Dump Back Toxins

Venezuelan Drought Reveals Long-Drowned Town; Reservoir Level Within 10% Of Dead Pool

Busy huricne season predicted

Manitoba Thrilled W. US Court Decision Blocking Diversion From NoDak Into Canadian Watershed

NJ Wind Executive Defends Trying to Charge RI Utilities 50% More than RI's Retail Price for Electric

Heat Is Where Exergy Goes To Die

New Report Outlines Bold New Vision for Solar in America (10% by 2030)

Climate change is a fact, says China

Beijingers get back on their bikes (BBC)

Only a carbon tax and nuclear power can save us

February Atmospheric CO2 Content Hits 389.91 - Up 2.5 YOY, 4.19 Over 2/08

Parents of Oregon Worker Killed in Wind Turbine Collapse File Suit.

Slow Boat to China: how Maersk cut fuel costs and emissions by 30%

new Gallup poll on global warming

Wind farms produced 'practically no electricity' during Britain's cold snap.

More New York Wind Turbine Collapses: Debris Hurled 1/4 Mile, Fire Started in Woods.

Facebook’s Green Data Center, Powered by Coal?

Kuwaiti Scientists Say Peak Oil Will Arrive in 2014

Thorium Fuel: No Panacea for Nuclear Power

100 New Nuclear Reactors: A Solution to Climate Change?

Report: Roethlisberger admitted to having "sexual contact" with alleged victim

MLB: The Intricacies of Salary Arbitration (and building a team)

Oregon Ducks QB Charged for Frat House Theft

Colin Campbell's Comparison of Matt Cooke to Mike Richards Does Not Match

Penguins Fire Back After Column Starts Crosby-Letterman Controversy

The Top 10 Athletes With the Most Illegitimate Children

The streak is over. 25 years in the NCAA tournament.

RIP Merlin Olsen

It's a timed test, Tebow kept slowing down to ask "What would Jesus say?"

Kansas is the third team to win 2000 games.


Havana’s Casa de las Americas Begins Cultural Project in Solidarity with Haiti

30,000 litres of BTI to control dengue (Sri Lanka imports from Cuba)

Havana Will Host Int’l Festival of Electroacoustic Music

Relatives of Terry Fox to Visit Cuba

Neurorehabilitation Event in Cuba

Obama praises Uribe for graceful acceptance of referendum defeat

Obama tells Mexico that there will not be immigration reform this year (Spanish)

Resolution against US Blockade of Cuba Circulates in the United Nations


U.S. to Haitians: Stay Home and Bear the Burden

U.S. Military Bases and Colombia's Displacement Crisis

Coca-Cola Co. Denies Involvement in Murder and Rape, Blames "U.S. Judicial System

45 Colombian union leaders assassinated in 2009

Brazil leader blasted for stance on Cuba prisoners

Venezuela murder-rate quadrupled under Chavez -NGO

Arab League calls for ending support for talks

Analysis: Netanyahu Outwits Obama Again

PA sources: Talks will happen

Israel Planning 50,000 Housing Units In East Jerusalem

Court: No jail for soldier convicted of assault

Kudos to Joe Biden!

Palestine already exists on film

Poll Shows Youth Leans Rightward

Palestinians call off Israel talks

U.S. says it believes Mideast talks still on

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad attacks US for Afghan 'double game'

Parents demand answers from Israel in bulldozer death

Former Mossad Chief: US President Pushing Islamic Agenda

Poll: Half of Israeli high schoolers oppose equal rights for Arabs

Electoral Process Continues Smoothly Nationwide (Election season kickoff in Cuba)

Thank you, Eli Yishai, for exposing the peace process masquerade

Kansas Democrats Honor AFSCME Affiliate

'Toxic' Health Bill or No, Labor's 'Medicare for All' Activists Dig In

‘There Are No Tea-baggers in Soup Lines’

Update on the status of nominations to the NLRB

Momentive, union ask NLRB for more time to reach agreement

Cesar Chavez Celebration Specials

NYT: Public Pension Funds Are Adding Risk to Raise Returns

FedEx says has political clout to stop labor change

Union Claims W. Virginia OSHA Is Ineffective

Today in Labor History Mar 11 TWU members at American Airlines win 11-day national strike

Private Contractor PHS Locks Out SEIU Health Workers At Alameda County Jails

Toyota hands over union 2006 letter to US watchdog (cost cuts had undermined the quality of its cars

Costly Cash: How a Retiree Wound Up With a 375% Loan

In paying for sex changes, Cuba breaks from past (health care system covering reassignment surgery)

I guess learned their lesson.....

GOP backs 'don't ask' advocate

Need help remembering things from the 1980's

Prop 8 forum: Olson & Boies speak - You MUST read this stuff!

Va. gov counters state atty. gen.’s advice on gays

Prom canceled after lesbian submits a date request

HUNGA DUNGA, A True Novel. I just finished reading it. It's great!!!

Raging right now

Can anyone help me out with a little history here? I was explaining

Obama going to pry my fishing pole from my cold dead hands "freeper spam"

The Thought Police at work!!!!

Indiana Appeals Court: Concealed Carry Not A License To Be Searched

Three teens shot in Schaumburg

Cisco announces foundation for next-generation internet

Armed and Ready to Shop

New Frog Found—Has "Striking" Color Change

Want a sabertooth tiger skull? An A. Aferensis skull? Megalodon tooth?

Old State House, Boston, redux


Half-Hen/Half-Rooster Shows Cells Can Decide Sex

If you're going to look, please leave a vote behind. A real POLL>

Mysterious Cosmic 'Dark Flow' Tracked Deeper Into Universe

**SUBMISSION THREAD for March Contest - Beautiful Decay**


DR Congo ring may be giant 'impact crater'

winyanstaz says that she will be at the alternate ASAH group tonight (Thursday) at 6pm PST...

The Aquarians of the world. Are you really robots...?!?!

Inside Alan Greenspan's nightmare

The Stock Market As Propaganda, by charles hugh smith

Yet more woo from me to yoo.... warning, this site sells music, if that

The Elephant in the Health Care Room

Dr. Housing Bubble 03/11/10

Americans Are Still 21 Percent Poorer Than Before The Recession

Infection Defense May Spur Alzheimer

Are there any states experiencing financial difficulty? If so, how many

I went to Applebee's yesterday and decided to have a healthy, light lunch and

Freedom of Speech vs. Freedom of Religion -- What's More Important?

Undercover in an Evangelical Church.

Are there any Canadian provinces experiencing financial difficulty? If so, how many

Russia has largest number of tycoons in Europe

Duncan dumbed down Chicago, now blames George W. Bush for it

Chicago Public Schools hiring while cutting? What gives?

Nevada can join Race to the Top

Kristof: Teach for the World

KCMO school board just voted to close 28 schools

Share What It's Like To Be a Public School Teacher

Texas Conservatives Seek Deeper Stamp on Texts