Democratic Underground

Archives: March 14, 2010

HELP! My bicycle is accelerating uncontrollably!

Israeli Commercial Re-enacts Dubai Assassination

Japan Coast Guard arrests antiwhaling activist

Senator Centerfold© bashes Obama's 'bitter' health push

NY Times: In Hard Times, Lured Into Trade School and Debt

Kelly O'Donnell Keeps Furthering Right Wing Media Meme That Massa Identical To Foley

Why don't honest journalists take on Roger Ailes and Fox News?

VA General Assembly enacted this re: health care coverage

VA General Assembly enacted this re: health care coverage

Shanghai GM to recall Chevrolet Captiva off-road vehicles due to faulty steering systems

Time for the two minutes of Hate

Senior tax moment. . .

Can we be careful about the use of Republican "Frames"?

What Torture Is, Why It's Illegal and Not "Poor Judgment"

I am pretty confused about this whole FEMA trailer thing

Whip Congress has 51 Senators on board for the public option!

Whip Congress has 51 Senators on board for the public option!

Obama camp honours Olympic hockey bet

Woman: Garn lying about 'no contact' in hot tub when she was 15

Drug violence claims 13 lives in Mexico's Acapulco

(NOT NEWS)The Devil is living in the Vatican, says the Pope's chief exorcist

(NOT NEWS)The Devil is living in the Vatican, says the Pope's chief exorcist

Jim Bunning Gets Cheers At Home In Kentucky

The human brain dislikes income inequality

Does an incomplete census hurt the process?

Nixon and our political climate

When the media finishes Massaturbating, will the Garn story gain any traction?

Apparently when people lose their jobs, they don't get sick.

The REAL reason(s) healthcare costs so much

Murray Hill Incorporated for Congress

Sunday Talk Shows

Obama's Contradictions On Education (Washington Post)


Which Democrats oppose the weaponization of space?

Vatican and RCC are continuing to lie about cover up . . . here's the document ....

Suit trying to put end to Robert Bobb's extra pay - Money has charter school ties, it says

Suit trying to put end to Robert Bobb's extra pay - Money has charter school ties, it says

Gut Check for GOP on Immigration

Gut Check for GOP on Immigration

Look at this Freeper thread.

Arne Duncan and Bill "the Gambler" Bennett Lovefest on Wolf Blitzer

Arne Duncan and Bill "the Gambler" Bennett Lovefest on Wolf Blitzer

A poem to consumerism: "I Want It Now!"

A book about why righties think the way they do?

Obama's NCLB 2.0: Worse Than the Bush Version

Kucinich is taking a stand on behalf of those who want a public option

GOPiacs going ALL OUT ALL IN with efforts to convince the World, of their ineptness, their flawed

GOPiacs going ALL OUT ALL IN with efforts to convince the World, of their ineptness, their flawed

Huffington Post: Customer Disservice Spotlight On: Toyota

"Party of Lincoln" now more like "Party of Lincoln's Murderer."

"Party of Lincoln" now more like "Party of Lincoln's Murderer."

The Tumor At The Heart Of Our Afghan Campaign


More shoddy military stuff: Door latches a problem on M-ATVs, soldiers say

Detroit schools partner with Walmart to train students to work for walmart (2 charter & 2 public HS)

Democracy Demands a Vote

Love A Good Joke? RNCC Ads Running On DU

Up Or Down. Democratic Party's Party. 3.14 (Pi Day)

3.14 Happy Pi Day!

3.14 Happy Pi Day!

Wolves kill woman in first such attack troopers can recall

From Israel, a radical way to boost organ donation

Here's a pretty cool political quiz from the Coffee Party website:

Hey Skinner you forgot to spring forward

Amnesty report condemns US death rates of women in childbirth

Media Matters - "Rush Ridicules Pelosi's Accurate Comments On Benefits Of Health Care Reform"

Ft. Worth Star-Telegram: Someone make the State Board of Education stop!

Slush Fun: At least one Texan has benefited from Rick Perry's Enterprise Fund

My sudden acceleration story.

Wall St. gets bonuses while...

I am putting my name on the ballot and running for precint chair after this election

we need to stand up!

Washington Times runs pro-Big-Pharma op-ed by doctor convicted of Medicaid fraud

Why does Obama and Congress have to make deals with the health

Why does Obama and Congress have to make deals with the health

Pope Ratz says he's 'Shocked....Shocked I Tells Ya' about sex abuse allegations

Former Materiel Command chief faces Article 32

Former Materiel Command chief faces Article 32

Do you remember when the Republicans acted like they were throwing around manhole covers ...

Two Fox News Contributors Claim They're Still Democrats To Kill Health Care

Today's Epic Fail

For Metro's strapped budget, a wealth of ideas but not cash

Earthquake mitigation ideas:

I have a question for the writer of the article about the Long Island Storm

Conservative media in deep over false fishing ban

The Nation: Without Anti-gay Hysteria, Massa's a Dud for the GOP

101st Keyboard Warriors Facebook Page [link added]

The Charter School Process For Cynics

Rove on MTP with Brokaw hosting

More Reagan, No Hip-Hop in TX Textbooks

Fed Up With State Crisis and Cuts, Activists ‘March for California’s Future’

Democrats Link Student Aid Bill To Health Care Bill For Reconciliation Vote

Self -Delete

My town is something of a laughingstock

Axelrod: Israel Settlement Approval an 'Affront'; 'Insult' - put U.S. troops lives at risk

Pentagon Propaganda Machine Rolls on in Afghanistan

President nominates liberal legal scholar who could influence federal appeals court for decades

Anti-Abortionist Lies About Abortion And Health Care Reform In Washington Post

Al Qaeda suspect's work at nuclear sites prompts call for probe

Venezuela's Chavez: Internet should be regulated

The New Rove-Cheney Assault on Reality

Laura Flanders: Aren't We Cheneyed Out Yet?

Robot helps stroke patients in Portland

Liberal Americans choke on their pretzels as Karl Rove rewrites history (The Guardian UK)

Dems: We will have the votes for heath reform

Health Insurance Premiums pay Karen Ignagni $1.58 million + yr

Health Insurance Premiums pay Karen Ignagni $1.58 million + yr

Tony Blair and Rick Warren on a 'Mission from Gawd'

"GOP: Racked by Scandal"

The Twilight of the Elites..

AP Exclusive: Pentagon Gun Was From Tenn. Police

When McCain "forgave" Rove for the "black baby" thing, shouldn't he have denied it THEN?

Our State Department criticized Russia for their human rights record. Oh, boy

U.S. To Lobby For Endangered Species Status For Polar Bear

Recent snowstorms good for retail sales

what did you think of neo con Mark Tapscott on Wash. Journal this a.m.?

Sunday flashback: "As the Taliban Finish Off Foes, Iran Is Looming" (Oct. 1998)

Glenn Greenwald: The warped platitude of DC "centrism" (National Security Courts)

(More Than 50) New Fraud Cases Point to Lapses in Iraq Projects

Letter to editor I wrote re: health care

Letter to editor I wrote re: health care

Flood danger to Hoh Tribe sparks need to relocate

Flood danger to Hoh Tribe sparks need to relocate

Silvio Berlusconi in ‘protection deal with mafia’

Ben Sargent TOON- "Darling, this isn't working out quite like I hoped.."

A note on Oligarchy.

TODAY on a very SPECIAL Meet The Press, a take-no-prisoners no-holds-barred interview with KARL ROVE

Targeted University of California protests

Arizona town bans church from in-home meetings and Bible studies

Researchers send data wirelessly using LEDs ( data at speeds of up to 230 megabits per second)

Researchers send data wirelessly using LEDs ( data at speeds of up to 230 megabits per second)

US consular employee killed in Mexico shooting

I think we need a Weather Party to go along with the Tea/Coffee. A political icebreaker party to get

White House backs down on health bill deals

Video: The End Result on Health Insurance Reform (Wasserman-Shultz-Ignani)

Here's hoping that Russell Feingold prevails in his re-election bid.

Here's hoping that Russell Feingold prevails in his re-election bid.

Here's hoping that Russell Feingold prevails in his re-election bid.

Coca-Cola Co. Denies Involvement in Murder and Rape, Blames "U.S. Judicial System"

For Johnny Weir Fans - If you can, attend his April 1st Bensenville IL Ice Dreams Show!

Potential Texas school books: Was Jefferson Davis that bad a guy?


Tell the DEA to Lift the Veterans Affairs' Ban on Medical Marijuana

"We Suck" is not a particularly good rallying cry, fellow DUers

Obama Calls for Sweeping Change in Education Law

Rove Falsely Claims Bush Administration Never Said Iraqi Oil Revenue Would Help Pay For War

Deadly avalanche hits Canada snowmobile mountain rally

At Afghan Outpost, Marines Gone Rogue or Leading the Fight Against Counterinsurgency?

NATO ‘Covered Up’ Botched Night Raid in Afghanistan that Killed Five (Including Two Pregnant Women)

Did you catch this last Friday's 20/20 re: Juvenile Schizophrenia

Children who eat school-purchased lunches more likely to be overweight, obese

Franklinton pediatrician struggles to help some of the city's poorest patients and still pay his bil

Investor's Business Daily Cartoon Compares Dems to Suicide Bombers: "Obama Akbar!"

Vermont tops in landing federal money

I have been thinking how the Repubs have used Divide and Conquer to damage America

Social Security to start cashing Uncle Sam's IOUs

JOIN THE HUMMING BIRD WATCH. Live web cam of eggs about to hatch today or manaña in So Cal

China to bid on US rail projects.

Kucinich's Impeach Bush Now site is still extant

Website spotlights misdeeds of the rich and powerful

DFA: The fate of the public option - THIS IS WORTH SIGNING!!!

Here is an idea for students.

Would you support healthcare reform if......

Glenn Beck, here is what the Bible says about social justice:

Russia's ambassador to NATO: Russia criticizes US, NATO over Afghan drugs

AP Exclusive: Pentagon gun was from Tenn. police

Lehman's advisers were guard dogs that didn't bark

Mass arrests at protests seem to be problematic for the Judges

Podesta Responds To Roberts’ ‘Troubling’ Comment With Call For Supreme Court To Be Televised

A Progressive for Cal Cunningham

China wants US reassurance over dollar

U.S. Supreme Court: Will liberal Kagan find a home in high court?

Interesting Kabuki Theater this week

Toyota, Kucinich, Toyota, Kucinich.. In about a week that's all that will be on the GD front page..

BREAKING NEWS: Pope writes secret letter absolving Toyota of responsibility for healthcare reform...

Inmate still waiting on evidence of innocence

Inmate still waiting on evidence of innocence

Frank Rich discusses the insanity of Liz Cheney and Karl Rove

Which blog do you prefer: Daily Kos or Firedoglake?

After success of 'Demon Sheep' ad, Fiorina's new ad slams Barbara Boxer

Ray LaHood: Why Republicans should support health care reform (!!!)

CA people, help me out here re prop 13

CA people, help me out here re prop 13

Insurer Aetna's 4Q lobbying spending up 55 pct

Paths of Glory, Act II: The Health Care Bill

What abortion coverage will look like under the new health insurance reform -

Reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act

Tea or Coffee?

So, Less than Zero is gone

Homes for Our Troops Building 32 Houses for Disabled Veterans

Mr. Tan-From-A-Can issues HCR fatwa: We will make bill "difficult, if not impossible, to pass"

Artist who created "I'm With CoCo" graphic has used it to generate over $25K for Haiti relief

The median wealth of a single black woman - absolute madness

Bill Maher on the Central Falls Massacre

U. of Pennsylvania Hospital refused dying patient for lack of health insurance

Salvation Army is a residential real estate powerhouse

German Intelligence Agency Fights to Keep Nazi Files Secret after 50 Years

Freep: If it weren't for the media, "many, many independents and even some libs" would "love" Palin

Lawmaker (R-Utah) Quits After Hot Tub Confession

Aetna's PAC covers it's bases - donating to both parties on both state & fed levels

Have you filed your taxes yet?

OK DUers I need spring break help ASAP.

Actually Viking is a gerund not a verb...

Church Failed to Inform Irish Police About Abuse. Made victims swear to silence

Hang this on your coat hangers, pro-"lifers": Universal health care tends to cut the abortion rate

The New Poor In Hard Times, Lured Into Trade School and Debt

There are two overarching megaissues that, it seems to me, allow the shitstorm to swirl unabated.

Spring forward, and stop whining

Women describe their 70 years of liberation

Japanese Girl May Be The First Female Pitcher To Make The Pros

While We Were Sleeping...GM Food and the Brink of No Return

Who’s Afraid Of Fox News? A Confederacy Of Cowards!

Vatican denies celibacy led to sex abuse scandal

FYI - HBO's "The Pacific" starts tonight!

With Citizens United now the law of the land, how do you think the 2010 Fall Season will play out?

Lindsey Graham (R-SC): Americans tired of Obama crap & spin. YEAH! Bush never spun crap. Or Cheney.

Time's Swampland: Axelrod to GOP: "Make my day!"

Unemployment benefits extension---tax increase!

The USA ran a $79 billion trade deficit in cars last year, INTERNATIONAL TRADE IS A HOAX

K-9 veteran dogs finally have their day (4,000 dogs went to Vietnam, 200 returned)

Nato ‘covered up’ botched night raid in Afghanistan that killed five (incl 2 pregnant women)

Toyota faces the possibility of criminal charges for handling of safety issues.

The Best Reason To Support HCR

Our neighbor's Toyota Tundra floors itself regularly.

RNC 800: Elliot Accepts Plea Deal w/ Assault Charges Dropped; Other Updates from the RNC Arrests

The Yankees Suck.........Welcome to Boston Ronan Tynan

Chavez wants to limit speech on the Internet

Me, I'm founding the ROOT BEER PARTY!

Yu-Na, worth another look: Barry Sanders, Willie Mays, Magic Johnson, Gordie Howe, Bonnie Blair.

Is Your Pantry Making You Sick?

Prepared Remarks of Ronald A. Williams, Aetna Chairman and CEO

About that "FEMA Camp" movie on PBS

TX Right-Wingers 'Fix' Textbooks: Jefferson, Kennedy Gone, More Reagan

WaPo Condemns Obama and Democrats For Killing Private School Voucher Program

"The check is in the mail" "I'll never leave you" "Trust me"

Teach Your Children Well

Pi Day at Google

Glenn Beck Is An...

Public Option, the Senate, and the House

Retirees NOT Receiving Checks

How overwhelmingly pernicious

Privacy is Not Dead, Just Evolving - PCWorld

My 59th pipe dream of this year... Obama is still gonna drop his Clark Kent glasses and shame me...

Ohio woman says Lexus sped up, caused crash

"Paths of Glory"........Act II:

Wooly Bully

The owners continue to pit the working class against each other: SF transit

Off to the jungle

Paths of Glory, Act II: The Health Care Bill (And The Mood In D.C.)... Jane Hamsher/FDL

Michael Lewis on 60 Minutes

It's BIG AL'S BIRTHDAY!!! WooHoo!!

President Responds To Detroit Mom's Letter About Health Care

Top Blue Cross salaries soar: report-by at least 48 percent, CEO by 62%

Contempt for public school teachers is growing under this administration.

"Fail list" controversey at Marshfield Middle School

When First Unto This Country (W/Dylan Video) - FDL

Democratic Statement of Principles

Why so many threads attacking Kucinich and few or none attacking Stupak....

Just watched the movie Precious. It happens more than we think. No wonder students are failing clas

Just watched the movie Precious. It happens more than we think. No wonder students are failing clas

Couldn't have these here, doesn't promote "family values"

AP: Young appeals court nominee raises liberal hopes

Y2Cell Phone

What are your opinions on who's running the show in the US?

Have a Sip of Coffee (Party) might like it!

There are no little seats at the table.

The “public option” and the wheelbarrow parable: Part 3

Got about 4-5 boxes full of books

Got about 4-5 boxes full of books

There will be no Public Option - What a fucking game the Senate played on us.

The New Rove-Cheney Assault on Reality-By FRANK RICH

A lender can garnish your bank account? I didn't know that

Students Versus Senators

Facebook: Fire arne duncan, Hire Linda-Darling Hammond!

I'm beginning to think this Coffee Party thing may have legs.

CNN - "Coffee vs. Tea: A political movement is brewing" - Irony! Freedomworks Complains...

Take That, Bart Stupak: Catholic Orgs Rally Behind Reform Bill

Software Engineering for Automotive Systems: A Roadmap

Software Engineering for Automotive Systems: A Roadmap

I have the perfect all-purpose response to anything a Republican cares to say.

The Devil is living in the Vatican, says the Pope’s chief exorcist

George Dubya Bush: Enviromentalistingest president ever!

The Bush Family...

Got to love the American idea of equality.

Video Expert recreates Toyota sudden acceleration

US Resident Treated Successfully in India after US doctors Denied Treatment

Axelrod: Health Care Lobbyists Descending Like 'Locusts' On Congress

Is the Pope toast?

Wal Mart Question

Conservatives: Legislation To Block Federal Healthcare Reform Mandates Spreads To 38 States

Is the Democratic Party committing suicide by refusing to accept its mandate for leftward change?

Is the Democratic Party committing suicide by refusing to accept its mandate for leftward change?

Is the Democratic Party committing suicide by refusing to accept its mandate for leftward change?

A new FB group that can actually do good and at the same time make fun of Beck.

Todays storm has left destruction on Long Island.

US 'witch hunt' backfires

"Capitalism is a crime. And you can't regulate a crime. It must be replaced with Democracy"

Alaska's Stevens Now Opposes Gas Pipeline He Promoted

Everybody in the neighborhood called him Buddy, this mornings roadkill

New Therapies for MRSA Infections sorely needed. Methicillin Resistant Staphlococcus Aureus

Wow! Derek Paravicini on 60 Minutes

Desmond Tutu: "Hate Has No Place In The House Of God"

Racial Slur Development Not Keeping Pace With Mixed-Race Births, Nation's Bigots Report

What Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin have in common

Gibbs: By next Sunday, healthcare reform will be 'law of the land'

Virginia Thomas, wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, launches 'tea party' group

China warns Google to comply with censorship laws

AFT Disappointed with Administration's ESEA Blueprint

Dennis Kucinich is Not the ONLY ONE Taking a Stand for the Public Option

Dennis Kucinich is Not the ONLY ONE Taking a Stand for the Public Option

I'm pro-teacher, pro-union--but I side with the students first

WP: "Why don't honest journalists take on Roger Ailes and Fox News?"

my nephew has just left for Iraq

Eric Alterman on the destruction of TV news departments

This thread names the Democratic Senators who refuse to support the public option.

This thread names the Democratic Senators who refuse to support the public option.

Grayson re: Palin: "As the Knave's horse says in Alice in Wonderland, 'dogs will believe anything"

Anyone heard of this?

Antiwar Activists Plan Nationwide Protests to Mark Seventh Anniversary of Iraq Invasion

Antiwar Activists Plan Nationwide Protests to Mark Seventh Anniversary of Iraq Invasion

More owners of Toyota vehicles say recall repairs aren't working

Khamenei tells Iranians to shun pagan fire festival

Whole Food's CEO: John Mackey on "Creating a High Trust Organization" (OMG)

We should start calling the tea party what it really is: a cult.

We should start calling the tea party what it really is: a cult.

The Corporation

Breaking: Justice Stevens will retire under Obama, to decide in "about a month"

China issues shocking U.S. Human Rights Record report

MSNBC reports on Euclid, Ohio UFO sightings now 9 days in a row

Today I attended my first Michele Bachmann rally

Suck on it, tearing someone a new one, bending over...

"Green Zone" was a major box office disaster

Take a tranquiulizer or a glass of wine, and then watch Michael Lewis on 60 Minutes.

Should I buy a Prius?

Confident Axelrod challenges GOP: 'Make my day'

How many votes do you think Pelosi and Clyburn have?

How many votes do you think Pelosi and Clyburn have?

Wow. Just did taxes. Getting a very much larger refund than I expected...

Our Dirty Little Secret: Who's Really Poor in America?

Supreme Court Justice's Wife Launches Tea Party Group

The other side of the story on Chicago's Urban Prep (where all seniors got into college)

There seems to be very weak support for labor unions on Democrati Underground

Animal groups: Could ruling lead to hunters shooting cats?

the rich get richer, the public gets poorer

Oh My -Looks like the runaway Prius story was a hoax

I'm no longer scared

A family's nightmare home experience in Florida. Home's flaws devastate family

Something about Domesitic Violence in America that really pisses me off....

Bill leaves Americans vulnerable to insurance companies: Dennis Kucinich

Is Hosni Mubarak dead?

I'm Down With Dennis


Texas Textbook Massacre

Look out - Daylight Savings is up on us again.

Your 'defense' tax dollars at work, week ending 3.12.2010

caption time!

Mark my words, there won't be a morning after

Over Fifty Beheaded Vikings Found in England

How poor do the rich have to make the rest of us?

JOIN THE HUMMING BIRD WATCH. Live web cam of eggs about to hatch today or manaña in So Cal

Catholic hospitals support health care bill

Catholic Health Group (Sister Carol Keehan) Accepts Abortion Language in Reform Bill

Americans and health care reform

Do 'they' really hate Dennis Kucinich, or is it really progressives that 'they' hate?

What three bills passed by Dennis Kucinich are the most progressive toward helping the People?

Curious what's the take here on DU about the "Coffee Party"?

Republican is the New White or......

Iraq Election: Nouri Maliki Leads in Seven Provinces

New Sen. Brown bashes Obama's 'bitter' health push

Why Republicans should support health care reform

John Q on USA TV (HCR related)

What hasn't Obama privatized and/or bailed-out with tax dollars?

Tom Friedman: Driving Drunk in Jerusalem

How many people knew

Lindsey Graham is an angry white man with a lot of hate.

Paul Krugman and Dean Baker call China's bluff on currency manipulation

Stats Say Kucinich may be Least Valuable Democrat

L'affaire Kucinich points up a major problem in political interaction

Proposed: A new name for the "General Discussion: Presidency" forum.

Central Falls Teachers Fired! - Teacher Joann Boss Speaks Out

Afghanistan's new great game: The undeclared wars within the war

The Supreme Court deserves presidential feedback

Americans Killed In Drive-By Shooting At Consulate In Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, Obama 'Outraged'

year by year policy changes in the President's health bill : link please

Pelosi: Confident House will pass health care bill (AP)

Number of Veterans homeless on a typical night dropped 18 percent

Time's Swampland: Axelrod to GOP: "Make my day!"

HCR Bill Implementation Timeline - YR 2010 -

HCR Bill Implementation Timeline - YR 2011 -

The GOP is much better than the Dems will ever be at "Politics"

Democrats To Upend Seniority System In Senate: Brown

We are not a parliamentary system

Mandate supporters are correct that it spreads the risk

Fareed Zakaria: A Victory for Obama

What President Obama is, and what he isn't..

Is it possible that some of Obama's adversaries on the left are hoping that HCR fails...

Maybe I'm Wrong (I Often Am)

Section 2718 - Called the "Golden Bullet" of HCR - Do you know what it means? If not, read here!

Should Google be big enough to start an economic war with a country

Obama's Education Reform Push is Bad Education Policy

Chris Matthews Calls Obama a Progressive and Asks if He Can 'Pretend to be a Centrist' (VIDEO)

Krugman: Everything we talk about in politics is ignorant fucking nonsense

Obama Gets High Scores on Leadership Report Card

Poll: Obama and Democrats' Health Care Plan

Bernie Sanders' state single payer provision is far superior to Dennis Kucinich's

The Ineffectiveness of Dennis Kucinich

Dennis Kucinuch stands up for the right approach to health care -- and he is the devil?

Congressman Grayson's summary of the President's health reform proposal.

i've been up, i've been down

Impressive Changing of the Guard ceremony in Japan:

Is "Ulysses S. Ant" a patriotic American name?

Nasty Nor'easter here tonight.

Best All Time Ending to a TV Show ***SPOILER ALERT***

My wife is lurking downstairs in case one of the girls doesn't want her artichoke heart.

On Music

Two voices. Nothing More

I'm watching "UP"!

Tomorrow is Sunday

Groovin' Is Easy , baby

The Man That Got Away

What if you took a guy who looks like a hard metal rocker and taught him to sing classically?

Man marries pillow; woman marries Eiffel Tower

Just for fun: Free Republic responds to Constance McMillen

Depleted message

Public Service Announcement. +1 hour tonight.


I went to a dance tonight

Remember the Cheeseburger Potstickers recipe from a while back?

Saturday Night Live has actually been pretty funny tonight.

Saturday Night Live has actually been pretty funny tonight.

Porpoise Song


This is the sound a doggy makes...

There's A Wocket In My Pocket

I'm watching Revolutionary Road...

Missing time! Call Mulder and Scully!

I am planning to win the powerball in a couple hours.

Not Quite Seven...

Sorry if I yelled at you this week. Thread.

When you create a budget and wind up short, what do you do?

you have to smoke week several time before you get high.....


What a shitty movie, "Alice in wonderland"

St. Patrick Yoga

Someone in New Jersey is $211 million richer today...

Why I'm not on Facebook.

Chico Marx songs

I love flavored coffee, Red Lobster and the Olive Garden.

Italy's RAI TV suspends cooking show host for discussing one of his favorite "delicacies"

Darling Nikki


Orgasm Addict

St. Swithin's Day

Dancing with Myself

My Ding-a-Ling

The Key to Her Ferrari

Praying Hands

Turning Japanese

I Touch Myself

Pump it up

Spank Thru

Oops (Oh My)

Pictures of Lily

C'mon now and meet everybody

People, let me tell you about my best friend

Hey What time is it?

Transparency: a poem

He's My Best Friend

Where my frisbee at?

Anyone have any experience with Peptic Ulcers?

She Bop

Is is possible to interact with any business without them asking me to fill out a survey?

Today is Selection Sunday

Best Google logo ever!

"Up to bat this inning for the Phillies: Chase Utley, ALBERT PUJOLS, Jayson Werth"

Happy Pi Day

Worst music video so far

Gerard Butler

Live Forever

RetroLounge and miss_american_pie just left our house.

"There Will Come Soft Rains" by Sara Teasdale

It's been nice knowing all of you.

Blister in the Sun

I'm watching "Little Women"

Winter is Coming: HBO greenlights George R.R. Martin's "A Game of Thrones"

Shouldn't Google wait until 3/14/15 before declaring Pi Day?

need a giggle?

Bless you and your family Mr Olbermann

Ever have one of those days?

Some Sat Night Blues

Enough songs about you-know-what

List the Native American language you'd choose to learn...

Your Sunday LOLcats (dial-up warning) Shi'tzu Ninja Edition

Why do I giggle every time they say "penal colony"

Who Wants To Live Forever

Do you write out a meal plan for the week ? Let me hear from you . . .

So I'm watching this Twilight movie....

Anyone see "It Might Get Loud"?

keeping a laptop safe in a hotel room

Any fans of the singer Melody Gardot? Check her out...

Would you eat a can of cat food for $1000?

How many dates before sex is "expected?"

Someone gifted me with Photoshop 7.0. How scared should I be?

Is there anything better than guacamole on a burger?

If any of you are interested in poetry or Native poetry...

Second Breakfasts!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Woman, 92, charged with murdering her husband, 98

Tom Wolfe

Try to watch this and not laugh.

"Top Gun" was on last night. What's that famous song from it?

How long does it take to kick a caffeine addiction?

Time: Van Hollen's slide for Dems detailing what insurance benefits will be available immediately

My geeky 14 year old daughter is afraid no boy will ever like her

Critics: Military trial of terror suspects could open cases to legal uncertainty

The New Poor In Hard Times, Lured Into Trade School and Debt

Four Released in Ireland Terror Case

U.S. To Lobby For Endangered Species Status For Polar Bear

Alaska's Stevens Now Opposes Gas Pipeline He Promoted

US 'witch hunt' backfires

Stevens calls for trans-Alaska gas pipeline, exports to Pacific Rim

Thousands of protesters gather in Bangkok, seek polls

Fake Russian invasion broadcast sparks Georgian panic

China warns Google to comply with censorship laws

Venezuela's Chavez: Internet should be regulated

(More Than 50) New Fraud Cases Point to Lapses in Iraq Projects

Obama, Medvedev happy on arms pact, signing seen near

AP Exclusive: Pentagon gun was from Tenn. police

Coffee Party brews up rival for Tea Party

Georgia invaded? Hoax report causes panic

New Fraud Cases Point to Lapses in Iraq Projects

Blair courts controversial US pastor Rick Warren in bid to unite faiths

Hillary Rodham Clinton's Harsh Words Stun Israel

China to bid on US high-speed rail projects

Obama picks 1st young, liberal court nominee

Afghan gov. wants more troops after 12 explosions

Split among abortion opponents widens as Catholic hospitals publicly support health care bill

Obama Calls for Sweeping Overhaul in Education Law

Britons sentenced to a month in prison for kissing in Dubai restaurant

GOP wants Dodd to slow down on financial reform legislation

U.S. to roll out major broadband policy (25 Times The Current Speed)

Venezuela seizes 2 tons of cocaine hidden at port

Americans Killed In Drive-By Shooting At Consulate In Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, Obama 'Outraged'

Toyota was asked in 2007 to consider installing software to prevent sudden acceleration

Justice's Wife(Thomas) Launches 'Tea Party' Group

Gibbs: By next Sunday, healthcare reform will be 'law of the land'

Massive search to resume after B.C. avalanche

MEXICO UNDER SIEGE In Mexico, 13 killed in Acapulco area, 11 others elsewhere in Guerrero

MLK Observance: Union Values At Work

Big Money Ruins Everything

"The Torturer": A Terrifying Political Thriller starring Nichelle Nichols (Lt. Uhura, 'Star Trek'!)

Chumbawamba - Come on Baby (Let's Do the Revolution)

Poverty Knock - Chumbawamba

revising the ten commandments


Who You Calling a Union Boss? (His Group Opposes Majority Rule)

So They Say

Fiorina Tries Scaring Californians into Voting For Her - Fails Miserably

Axelrod on Health Care

TYT: Beck Warns of Economic 'Holocaust' (Cenk Explains The Real Danger Behind Beck's BS)

Rove claims Bush administration never said Iraqi oil would help pay for war

Lawmakers say no more homeless families in hotels

US revolution is near — economist

Death by Prius

Critics: Military trial of terror suspects could open cases to legal uncertainty

Health Reform Myths Krugman

A titanic power struggle in Kabul

Is Chinese economic bubble about to burst?

Theodore C. Olbermann, 1929-2010 (With a comment from Keith)

Stevens calls for trans-Alaska gas pipeline, exports to Pacific Rim

Liberal Americans choke on their pretzels as Karl Rove rewrites history

The ‘Party of No’ May Now Rate a New Label

James K Galbraith: In Defense od Deficits.

Central Falls Teachers Fired! - Teacher Joann Boss Speaks Out

Barron's Trashing Public Employees

The Shift

Obama's health care legacy hangs on 216 House votes

We've met the enemy in Afghanistan, and he's changed

A Place to Make Sparks

The warped platitude of DC "centrism"

Pundit Numerology

Serious lab accident at UCLA in 2007 was not reported

Archbishops at the center of Irish cover-up

Stats Say Kucinich may be Least Valuable Democrat (

Is the Pope Toast?

Central Figure in CDC Vaccine Cover-Up Absconds With $2M

Vatican denies celibacy rule led to sex scandal

Economic fascism: corporate-directed health care instead of physician-directed PO at cost

The Obesity-Hunger Paradox

Growing Anger Towards Pensioners

When Patients Own the System: A Progressively Financed, Single Standard of Care for All

An Essay on the Privatization of Public Education

Saving Ulysses Grant

Solar Grid Parity

Noam Chomsky: Iran pursuing nuclear weapons out of fear

Limits on the Thermodynamic Potential of Archdruids

Concentrated Photovoltaics (CPV)

Should an Environmental Impact Statement be required for nuclear weapons?

512-acre solar farm proposed in Upper Pittsgrove Township (NJ)

Natural Gas Tilts at Windmills in Power Feud

Investigating the Effect of Large Wind Farms on Energy in the Atmosphere

California Allots Funds to Prepare for Massive Increase Soon in Solar PV

CITES Pleading For Funding To Fulfill Mission - Budget Less Than $5 Million - AFP

As Sarkozy Argues For More Efforts Against Deforestation, Tacit French Approval For Illegal Rosewood

CSIRO/Bureau Of Meteorology - Australian Mean Temps Up 0.7C Since 1960

Fish populations once thought to be inexhaustible now face the prospect of extinction if policy ...

Antarctic Ice Changes Already Problem For Penguins; Emperors Most Threatened, Adelies Next

Arctic Ocean Aragonite Saturation, 1997 And 2008 - Science/Desdemona

Plus ca change. In 1977 Governor Jerry Brown proposed and passed a solar energy tax break bill.

Living on Earth: Getting to the Bottom of Methane

Vandana Shiva: Water Wisdom

Sunday Times: Grandaddy of green, James Lovelock, warms to eco-sceptics

Asian fruit fly invasion could ruin Oregon crops

Farming is mainly to blame for the loss of our native plants and wildlife

CNN debate on renewables (Jacobson) versus nuclear (Brand) February 22, 2010

The Destruction Of The American Apple - From 20 Million Trees In 1900 To > 5 Million Today

Port of Sacramento Now Operating on Solar Power

Ocean Acidification - And Why The Denialists Just Don't Want To Talk About It

"Strange Primitivism" Behind Local Food Movement, Says Freakanomics Poster

London Times: Ed Miliband's adverts banned for overstating climate change

HOAX NEWS: Russia attacks Georgia, Saakashvili killed

If one person drank every drop of tritium water that leaked from Vermont Yankee...

Indian Nuclear Scientists Achieve Burnups of 155 GWd/ton In Nuclear Fuel.

vintage MLK family interview on ABC blaming FBI,CIA etc

Washington Huskies win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ohio University started it's march to the national championship tonight

Kentucky 31-2, Misissippi State, can you hear me now?

**^&&%% ESPN!!!! The fourth to LAST pick...

Beckham out of World Cup..

49ers trade Shaun Hill to Lions..

LaDainian Tomlinson signs with the Jets

WVU Mountain Ears: Big East Basketball Tournament Champs, first time ever!

Kansas, Kentucky, Duke, Syracuse Get #1 Seeds in that Order.

Can you smell the fear? Ohio U Bobcats on the prowl

Brady Quinn To Donkos

Venezuela seizes 2 tons of cocaine hidden at port

Guri Dam Water Level

Dilma Rousseff, Lula's enforcer, is favourite to be next Brazilian president

55 murders this weekend in Caracas during second week of police security initiative (Spanish)

Ecuador's Chevron claim has more delays

Venezuela's Chavez: Internet should be regulated

Rise Of The Latin Africans: Newsweek

Cuba has some of the lowest crime rates in the world.

One of the greatest Horse Races I've ever seen.

Israeli Commercial Re-enacts Dubai Assassination

PA puts off honoring Coastal Road Massacre leader

Politics over peace in the Middle East

Biden’s humiliation shows futility of US peace talks

Oslo Jewish community leader slams Israel

Israel to probe 'Biden fiasco'

Netanyahu Offers an Apology, but No Shift in Settlement Policy

Axelrod: Israel Settlement Approval an 'Affront'; 'Insult' - put U.S. troops lives at risk

'People are laughing at you': U.K. expert on Israel's PR effort

The Petraeus briefing: Biden’s embarrassment is not the whole story

ADL: US Criticism of Israel Troubling

Today in Labor History Mar 13 A four-month UAW strike at General Motors ends with a new contract

Today in Labor History Mar 14 The “Bread and Roses” strike & The Movie "Salt of the Earth" opens

" Stop Robbing MUNI" SF TWU250-A Drivers & Riders Rally & March Against Attack On Transit Workers&Pu

NYT: Ground Zero Workers Reach Deal Over Claims

Goldman Sachs sued by big pension (IBEW) fund over pay for its executives

Obama's letter to Uribe (was a coup averted?)

Heard on GayUSA: Catholics for Marriage Equality mobilizing, fyi.

Cleveland Browns acquire QB Jake Delhomme

Procedures shoot down Oklahoma's open-carry gun proposal

AP Exclusive: Pentagon gun was from Tenn. police

IL: Concealed carry supporters see reason for optimism

Should there be concealed carry in Illinois?

Did Heller overturn the ban on new full auto's?

loves lost

Would you consider these decay?

More beautiful decay...{{pic heavy}}

Should we be trying to save the dodo?

Clock ticking for an Istanbul earthquake

Human Cells Exhibit Foraging Behavior Like Amoebae and Bacteria

Hunting for "The Hobbit"

7 Cat Species Found in 1 Forest—A Record

Scientists against proposed ivory auction

Quest Aims to Create Bigger Atoms and New Kinds of Matter

Navajo healing ceremony - long

So, someone "friended" me on Facebook

Courtesy of Hermetic--a great podcast about Brigid

well this is just craptastic

oh my gosh...........

Please disregard.

Man Who Carried Gun In Park Has Permit Revoked (Even though he was lawfully compliant)

The Catholic Church: Raping children since 320 AD

Pope being set up over Munich sex abuse case, says Vatican

The Rapture

Tarp pay backs

Schools Matter: Obama's NCLB 2.0: Worse Than the Bush Version

Obama Calls for Sweeping Overhaul in Education Law

This from the former assistant education secretary under H.W.

Obama Doubles Down On NCLB

Petition to remove Arne Duncan

Obama and NCLB: The good--and very bad--news

NYT: National School Standards, at Last