Democratic Underground

Archives: March 24, 2010

Majority of Governors in January 2011 Will be Newbies



Interesting theory RE: HCR

O'Donnell to cover Palin "reload" tweet on Countdown!

O'Donnell to cover Palin "reload" tweet on Countdown!

O'Donnell to cover Palin "reload" tweet on Countdown!

Lawrence in for KO -Seriously that Obama- Pelosi embrace

Health Care Reform FAQ

Bankers urged to send money to Blunt

Keep your friends close and your rivals closer

Anyone use WikiSummary or Abstract Politics?

Watch the teabaggers freak out, as the GOP backs away from 'repeal'

the obstructionists are hard at work in the senate as we speak

Did you hear that the Senate session is going to be 24 hrs. straight!

Why It Mattered (email from RockTheVote)

Who is the greater terrorist threat, Palin or Beck?

I've decided to buy a gun. Conservatives have lost their fucking minds

Can someone explain to me why's Quote of the Day!

TOON: This Modern World: the GOP, Texas schools, & science

my teabagger high school classmate is telling me Rush never said he was

Indian military to weaponize world's hottest chili

Indian military to weaponize world's hottest chili

Red storm rising: Right-wing stoking fears of gun-toting IRS agents

In the name of religion....

Just so "they" know what to expect... Pistol-packing Progressives Check In

This pic says :"You have just made yourselves irrelevant"

One of Ray Taliaferro's greatest shows ever: We Caucasians Need to Weed out our Own Racists.

Some are really digging

Regarding the teabaggers, I believe Chris Rock said it best when he said

The ‘dark secret’ behind John Boehner’s opposition to health bill is revealed

Large Hadron Collider to start hunt for 'God particle'

They are not the party of NO!

Charity raffles sketchy home as worth $3 million

Hey Mr. Vanderboegh brick thrower. We are gun owners in our home

American Family Association advocates bloodshed to oppose health care reform

TX State Senator wants to abolish the State Bd of Education

Sarah Palin-seditionist

ADHD Drugs Don't Help Children Long Term

Did CIA Experiment LSD on French Town?

Barney Frank deserves the same respect.

Editied: Comments about Stupak at Andrew Sullivan's site.

Editied: Comments about Stupak at Andrew Sullivan's site.

We need a 100% made in USA Union T shirt shop for BFD shirts

Tweety: "Wrongest Name in Cable News?" - Epic!

I think I know why republicans are so mad......

self delete

Al Franken on the Senate Floor Live Now

Even if the GOP succeeds in shutting down the Congress till November

Narco cop + 1.3 pounds of stolen cocaine + attempted trafficking = probation

Coburn introduces health bill amendment to prevent sexual enhancers for child rapists

Amazing contrast - the spark and freshness of Franken with the moroseness of Grassley

The GOP - They don't trust government, they trust a TV Station.

For those who were interested, re daughter's eye "problem"....

Rachel Maddow: Scott Brown Completely Made Up My Running For Office So He Could Raise Money

Ugh! Mitt Romney's on Larry King. Says "Obama violated his oath to the nation."

From the bottom of my heart, my deepest apologies to: Elijah Cummings, James

Game Changer: Dems' Health Care Success Blunts GOP Momentum

Bernie Sanders: "What healthcare reform means for you today...

The most excellent Garrison Keillor writes about HCR:

Michele Bachmann, completely unhinged......

Please check in here if you have me on ignore.

Please check in here if you have me on ignore.

Please check in here if you have me on ignore.

Republican whining and obstruction COMPLETELY blocks up senate

Catholic League president Bill Donohue: PUSH FOR CELIBACY IMPLIES GAY GUILT

Chamber of Commerce Won’t Push for Health Repeal

RedState: We Can’t Let Bart Stupak Go Without A Judas Like Parting Gift

Half term palin

Jon Stewart is Channeling Beck tonight on the Daily show

Chile: The earthquake picture I never sent

For some reason this feels appropriate.

Heads up. David Axelrod, Senior Advisor to President Obama, for the hour - Charlie Rose tonight

Heads up. David Axelrod, Senior Advisor to President Obama, for the hour - Charlie Rose tonight

David Sirota Personally Delivering Public Option Petition Tomorrow Morning

Ask Sarah Palin any question. She will be in KS in May

U.S. aviation security pick favors Israeli model

I just called Rachel Maddow's "Mike Vanderboegh"

Pentagon eyes more "humane" enforcement of discrimination against gays & lesbians

Health Care Reform More Popular After Passage

Jon Steward doing Glenn Beck is hilarious!

Prom Ban Violated Constance McMillen’s Rights, Mississippi Judge Rules - TimesOnline

Rachel's on--she's gonna talk about Scott Brown using her in his campaign! nt

Rachel's on--she's gonna talk about Scott Brown using her in his campaign! nt

April 19th - What are they hoping for?

Renters unite. Another outrage.

If you were in a situation where you had to rely on the moral compass of a Republican, could you?

Rachel just made Louie appear to be the Gomer's pile of democracy.

Mr. Fish TOON: going halfway

Anyone watching Stephen Baldwin on Larry King ?

It’s the last closet on the right Why are Republicans so often caught in gay sex scandals?

Those GOPs on the balcony egging the teabagg mob on

My RW work friend claims that the racial slurs against Reps. Cleaver, Lewis, Carson never happened.

Would any of them be sorry or regret what they did?

Mandatory Tuesday Malloy Truthseekers check in!!

Media Matters - "Right-wing media's dire predictions: If health reform passes..."

Here are some Teabagger jokes to help us laugh at those wacky domestic terrorists!

NYT: Toyota Recalled Floor Mats in Canada in 2003

Media Matters - "Shep Smith confronts Steele on GOP health care rhetoric: 'Armageddon? Seriously?'"

Diary of a Wimpy Health Care Bill

Still not sure where the Texas State Board of Education is going with the social studies curriculum

The healthcare bill...(pardon me)...THE HEALTH CARE LAW!

The healthcare bill...(pardon me)...THE HEALTH CARE LAW!

The healthcare bill...(pardon me)...THE HEALTH CARE LAW!

'96 Toyota to be inspected in fatal Minn. crash (Koua Fong Lee, is serving an 8 year prison sentence


Great Luckovich Toon...

"if you don't want to buy health insurance or pay the fee, f---g die when you get sick."

Stimulus II - How Many Republicans Will Bash HCR, While Claiming Credit For Its Protections?

Deal to limit cost to $155B in exchange for promise that there would be no meaningful public option

Urban League: Health, jobs legislation fall short

Just a quick post to remind us all of the incredible historic relevance of the HCR victory.

The Mafia has better Morals

Overheard on DU threads today

Hillary Clinton: VP in 2012 and Democratic Presidential Nominee in 2016?

Huge heads up. More GOP hearings after 2 PM. So, let Colorado burn.

We need a really big Rally

As it declines into homicidal and fraticidal dementia, the US Corporatist Empire is still #1.

As it declines into homicidal and fraticidal dementia, the US Corporatist Empire is still #1.

Washington's Shrinking Options on Iran Nuke Sanctions

If DADT is repealed, will the Teabaggers be as big sore losers as with HCR passage?

UNL Prof: Cosmic Rays May Cause Toyota Trouble

To think it took 77 years to go from the

KINDERGOPers Going BULLY before/after losing Bill Duel at the Congressional Corral...

Senator Centerfold uses obscure blog to claim Rachel Maddow may run against him

HASC Presses Gates on Fighter Gap

Beck's "war": Fox host responds to passage of health care reform with violent rhetoric

I do not care if it is a black cat or a white cat. It is a good cat so long as it catches mice.

GOP NOLA Congressman: Health Reform ‘At A Par With Slavery’ Because Of Nonexistent Abortion Coverage

Women and Girls really need to STOP BUYING THE BULLSHIT

Haditha update: Key court ruling favors Marine charged in Iraqi shooting case

Hell Freezes Over: Clarence Thomas Has An Opinion... And It Was Unanimous!!!

NY Times - "In Health Bill, Obama Attacks Wealth Inequality"

Jim DeMint on Joe Scum

Physicians for a National Health Program: A false promise of reform

Sometimes I Think Finding A Job

Morning Shmuck, SHUT...THE...FUCK...UP

Everyone agrees with Joe Biden

Everyone agrees with Joe Biden

To think it took 77 years to go from the

U.S. Military Contractors Move into Africa-State Department spending nearly $100 million a year

Palin's Alaska cabins noted in new property report

Travel Agency Gives Rush Limbaugh One Way Ticket to Costa Rica

But what will the Supreme Court say?

There needs to be a special edition of;

The Face of Hate in Wake County: Votes 5 - 4 to Resegregate

Friedman: A Tea Party Without Nuts

"kind of"

I would be fired as a teacher under the new educational reforms.

I thought the HCR prohibited annual & lifetieme caps? WTF

I Dig This Photo

Why are Republicans so scary? They're whiney little nasty bratty tots.

Senate adjourned at 10:30 last night (used 7.5 of 20 hours) and starts again at 9:00 this morning.

Conservative heart throb Ann Coulter...told Muslim student to 'take a camel' as alternative to flyi

Demand the GOP stop inciting and supporting hate (

Most historic bill in 100 MSNBC is promoting Karl Rove

First Corporate Campaign Ads Appear After Supreme Court's Citizens United Decision

National anthem a 1st for Goshen College

Very Interesting article: Brief history of Health Insurance in America

Shmoe just promised some 'news' will come out of their morning

So ignoranus state AG's wasting state money on bullshit lawsuits.

Something that hasn't been mentioned - hard to believe as that might sound - that helps us

New Dinosaur Emerges from Utah Rocks

3/26-Pelosi's birthday...Send 3 roses for $10

Police: Burglars Use Obits To Find Victims

Police: Burglars Use Obits To Find Victims

There's No Excuse For This...

Repukes are in the process of re-writing history.....AGAIN!

Mods rock. Come, dance with me.

The REPUGS Had Eight Years Under Bush...

Recalled Toyota crashes into Lee County salon

Jim Bunning To Get Another Chance To Block An Unemployment Benefits Extension: Will He Take It?

NRCC Raises $7 Million At Annual Dinner but Still Trails DCCC in cash-on-hand.....

Just a thought. Fox Politics =Fox Sports (Same game plan)

Just a thought. Fox Politics =Fox Sports (Same game plan)

A plan to call out Junior Mint.

Health care reform rollout timetable

World Water Day, in pictures (from the Big Picture).

chuckie todd is hosting kkkarl rove the war criminal this morning

Flashback of the Day

Joel Pett on bipartisanship

dupe plz delete n/t

HCR Toons, part 2

Sometimes 8 year olds should just rule the world.

An Amazing Rant: Dear Conservative Americans (TPM)

some more toons...

Now we know how to get the PATRIOT Act & Military Commissions Act of 2006 repealed.

What on god's green earth are the republicans so afraid of with healthcare reform?

Gore v Bush Redux?

Sheriff wants task force to focus on threats against police

HCR Toons, part 1

Senate Reconciliation Debate

Expect it to be really ugly this afternoon in Goodwin Liu's Senate Judiciary confirmation hearing.

Top Economist Predicts Labor Shortage in U.S. by 2018

Mike Cox=Grandstanding GOP POS

Solution to Repubs Amendments to Reconciliation in Senate .... LINK

I'm sure someone has already posted this somewhere...

Wife wins 9 million dollars law suit from mistress


some Bison love

So - I've yet to see even one "big insurance" funded TV ad trashing the HCR bill.

Neb. CSI Chief Convicted of Evidence Tampering

BREAKING: John "The Boner" indicted for illegal use of campaign funds.

I just started watching the US Senate on C-Span 2. Who's been

Bush seen wiping hand on (Bill) Clinton's shirt in Haiti

Breyer, Scalia explain why they often disagree

Scary new Harris Poll: 67 percent of GOP believe Obama is a socialist. 57% say he is a Muslim

Scary new Harris Poll: 67 percent of GOP believe Obama is a socialist. 57% say he is a Muslim

Banks on Verge of Losing Student Lending Business

Sen. Ensign is held in high regard in Nevada

CIA chief authorizes every drone strike

Nope, I don't think President Obama is merely a corporate tool bent on

I don't know about the rest of you, but I don't recall voting for or against Scott Brown...

Orly Taitz files law suit - Challenges Constitutionality Of Health Reform:

Orly Taitz files law suit - Challenges Constitutionality Of Health Reform:

China's view of US involvement in Afghanistan


Flying and Radiation Exposure

I'm looking at snow, Mom's looking at this:

Extend filing deadline for Emergency Unemployment & Benefits!

Extend filing deadline for Emergency Unemployment & Benefits!

This is the dumbest question ever....

Behavior training ordered for servicemembers on Okinawa

It's their version of Kristallnacht....

Consultants say interference in vehicle electronics is possible

My radicalization

Rejecting insurance reform for Medicare for all....

So, an asshole in a wheelchair who collects disability

Just curious. How opposed to this health care legislation are you?

Health bill included big Republican idea: individual mandate

When school children carry rifles to school

RE: Anti-HCR suit--Aren't the Repubs the ones who are always whining about frivolous lawsuits?

You just can't use metaphors or analogies of any kind, trolls beat them with the stupid hammer.

The Nation: Payback for Pro-Choicers

Obama signs a bill that allows guns into National Parks last month....

Obama signs a bill that allows guns into National Parks last month....

Guess who is on CSPAN 2?

Fiscally conservative?Oh unless were talking WAR

How to fight terrorism

Listening Briefly To The Senate Debate The Repugs Are Waging On This.....

Fox News Poll: Most people think Healthcare Bill is good for America

Health Care reform has passed All the GOP is doing now is preventing the bill from being improved

Ottawa joins the war on photography

The Rude Pundit: Sore Losers Don't Even Know When They've Lost

David Frum: Health insurance bill builds on ideas developed at the conservative Heritage Foundation

Campaign contributors behind the 14 states filing suit against HCR?

'Buckwheat' - The latest republican slur

2010: US is to China as

How much will the new high risk pools set up by the government cost?

How much will the new high risk pools set up by the government cost?

Bernie is up on the Floor now, he's very positive about something. Is this a

Not fit to practice medicine

You know how some workplaces are loaded with part-time workers...

The problem Republicans are having right now is self-created.

Mad Anne Coldter's speaking career petering out, eyeballing career change.

GM unveils the EN-V for the World Expo in Shanghai

Poll: Tea Party Is The Home Of The Angry White Woman

For those of us that are concerned about the violence...

Wiley Drake Prays for the Deaths of 219 Democratic Members on Congress

Does anyone know what is going on with wikileaks?

Does anyone know what is going on with wikileaks?

From MediaMatters --- OxyRush urges his Shittoheads to "obstruct and derail" Dems.

Bricks Made of Spit and Hate

A small favor to ask, regarding MOUTHBREATHERS

Life in the USA in the First Half of the 20th Century (61 pics)

Big Lesson from HCR

My instructer calls herself independent, but the talking points still sneak in...

A quick look at possible effects of Health Bill for you (Washington Post)

The advantage of having a flawed law ...

From FB today - someone posted 'you are a liberal if' - here was my reply

The power of the teabagging...bad for the GOP...

DeMint asks for do-over of Waterloo

DeMint asks for do-over of Waterloo

The sum result of stupidity...

Angry White Girl Fashion Line Drops Michelle McGee for Posing in Nazi Regalia

Bill sets the stage for assault on Medicare and Social Security

Has the Big round Up began yet?

Papantonio: They Hate Their Emancipated President

Breaking News Alert: Breakthrough Is Reported in U.S. Arms Pact With Russia

They couldn't even get the part about children with pre-existings right

GOP refuse to work after 2pm with our Generals & Admirals

Statement of Aetna Chairman and CEO on the Signing of Health Care Reform


Kevin Jackson of!

Gay Georgia teen's parents kick him out after prom story breaks (he got permission to bring date)

Raw Story: 24 % of GOP think Obama is the Antichrist

Raw Story: 24 % of GOP think Obama is the Antichrist

This year, US public debt could reach end game

Freepers! There is government provided abortion in ISRAEL

George Washington was OK with "mandates"..

HCR Impacts Breakdown Sheets By Either State Or Congressional District...

Make Up of the Modern Republican Party.

Study shows college ed. makes you more liberal. Fox News has something to say..

TELL THE GOP: Stop Inciting And Supporting HATE

Veterans Deported by Government. So much for their service

Is It Time For The FBI To Pay Sarah Palin

Doonesbury vs. Starbucks gun 'activists.' Day three.

All along, their rhetoric has been "thugs" and "recriminations" and "terrorist sympathsizers"...

Congress asking for more security.........

For those of you who oppose the medical insurance bill from the left,

Schuster is ripping into a black apologist for the tea partiers.

Are angry old people endangering their Social Security?

Justice Department Defends ACORN Funding Ban

When will the Electoral College be updated? 2010 census...

Obama attacks wealth inequity.

Lawmakers Eyeing National ID Card

how about this for hypocrisy from the fuckwad wingnuts?

Washington dictates terms to devastated Haiti

Dr. Margaret Flowers Interview, Response to Passage of Health Care

Why is Baucus speaking on HCR (4 PM)?

Hoyer is giving press conference right now re: the threats

Why are the Republicans and the right-wingers so pissed off ??

Actually, big government is a good thing

TOON: We bail out CEO's for billions, but close rest stops on freeways?

It’s True: Hot Water Really Can Freeze Faster Than Cold Water

Has anyone read DMZ? Creepy near future civil war...

Has anyone read DMZ? Creepy near future civil war...

Sheesh! When did DUers check their brains at the door?

Joe Biden rocks!

Texas Set to Possibly Execute Another Innocent Man Today

Schuster just begged Sen Coburn to stop the incendiary rhetoric

Schuster just begged Sen Coburn to stop the incendiary rhetoric

Rachel is talking about open carry militia groups who are organizing to threaten Democrats.


When did the "Republican Tea Party" suddenly change to...

Oops...Preexisting Conditions Still Exist for Kids

For the last time, there are no "mandates" in this law

Charles Grassley Already Claiming Credit For Part Of Health Care Legislation!!!

McCain (on Floor) acknowledging HCR will pass the Senate...

Can we have a thread to list all reports (with links if possible) of any Republican who speak out

This is how 2.324mill was spent in 2008 from that Hannity/Freedom Alliance...

US panel debates drone legality - Al Jazeera

What President Obama Didn't Say, by Dennis Kucinich

Maryland bans alcohol in state forests

Extra Security For Members Of Congress After Activist, Tea Party Threats

Tea partiers told to 'drop by' Tom Perriello's home

Wash. bans shackling of pregnant inmates

What did the creep who yelled, "baby killer" feed his wife? She looks

Show the Teabaggers we're not putting up with Threats

Does HCR affect these numbers?

The Crime of Empire: Rogue Superpower & World Domination (Carl Boggs)

Gay discrimination measure advances in Missouri House

Coffee Party Members need to learn how to

Have you ever started a thread and have it INSTANTLY disappear?

Boston-Herald: Nebraska CSI chief convicted of evidence tampering

i hate what america's political system has become

US charities hit by recession's impact on spending

US charities hit by recession's impact on spending

Jesse Helms Estate Tries to Recast Late Senator as Gay Rights Hero

How are Independents viewing this whole tea party thing?

Defense readies system to treat PTSD, brain injuries remotely - est. 35% soldiers in iraq w/ptsd

Ratigan reporting on the cut gas line...

In true Canadian fashion - I am sorry Anne

GOOPER Senators refuse to work past 2:00 bc they're mad about the HC bill - LOL!

GOOPER Senators refuse to work past 2:00 bc they're mad about the HC bill - LOL!

Exclusive: Former top U.S. Afghan commander investigated for gross mismanagement

So stones were thrown at congress critters officers

SENATE UPDATE: HCR voting about to start....

Obama To Host Pro-Life Dems For Abortion Executive Order Signing

It finally made sense and I feel like an idiot. (Bachmann and the census)

Another fine member of the GOP:

Another fine member of the GOP:

Ann Coulter calls Helen Thomas an "old Arab"

Eric Cantor: "No one should engage in uncivil behavior."

America – say no to commie socialism!!

“Awful lot of black folks tonight. Typical behavior,” the male officer said.

Vote-a-thon should start in about 4-5 minutes.

Tea Party Member Threatens to Kill Rep's Children Over Health Care

You Can Thank Sen Al Franken For The Passage of HCR

CREDO Bracket of Evil: Round 2.

The Median Net Wealth of Black Women Is $5

Dems Rip Grassley Over Pro-Health Care Reform Bill Statement

'I Am Alive': Justice Ginsburg Fires Back at Sen. Bunning's Death Prediction

Can we recapture this spirit?

GOP Senators Refusing To Work Past 2PM, Invoking Obscure Rule

James Cameron calls Glenn Beck ‘madman,’ ‘f**king a**hole’

A most disturbing story...

Is Ann Coulter still on Canadian soil?

in repsonse to several posts..there won't be a civil war

We're Number 74 (USA). women serving in Parliament or Congress worldwide

Kudos to MSNBC today - every program is covering the threats to Congress members

So Congress has no authority to require individuals to make a purchase? Really?

PETA May Help 'Octomom' Keep Home

PETA May Help 'Octomom' Keep Home

Paul Craig Roberts lays down his blogging pen (one of the few intelligent voices out there retires)

Why do people buy the GOP garbage?

Why do people buy the GOP garbage?

Is California in love with Mary Jane?

Is California in love with Mary Jane?

Ann Coulter applause line.

Remember when we always thought it was the Kool-Aid?

"Numbers don't lie, Republicans do."

KINDERGOPers Going BULLY before/after losing Bill Duel at the Congressional Corral...

Here's a kl00, Rethugs - this is all on YOU. Watch for massive losses this year in November,.

The Bank Lobbyist Behind Blanche Lincoln’s “No” Vote on Reconciliation

GIBBS re McCAIN: 'Not A Whole Lot Different From A Six Year-Old'

Frum: "Republicans thought that Fox worked for us, and now we are discovering we work for Fox"

senate still in session debating

TIME: Guests Invited to Abortion Executive Order Signing March 24, 2010

UNC-Asheville paper rips teabaggers a new one. But you gotta see the comments!

Why can't we sequester CO2 in bubble wrap and plastic foams?

Denial of violence is endorsement of violence

Denial of violence is endorsement of violence

WikiLeaks and Pentagon in showdown over alleged murder cover-up: High noon is April 5

Awwwwwwwwwww - that was lovely Tweety

Just how many books does it take for Mitt Romney to claim the #1 spot on the NYT list?

Teabaggers cut gas line to (wrong) address posted for Dem congressman

Can someone tell me if vasectomies are treated the same way as abortion under the HCR?

It started during the 2008 presidential campaign....

Indian military to weaponize world's hottest chili

Dem Rep James Clyburn: this HCR was Bob Dole's Republican Bill

Dem Rep James Clyburn: this HCR was Bob Dole's Republican Bill

Just checked Fox. They're talking about "attacks on McCain campaign offices in 2008."

Margaret and Helen on Bart and Abortion....

Tea Party, after trying to blow up house of brother of Congressman: "Oh well, collateral damage"

I Love This! I"m going to carry printed copies and hand them out to Tea Party members

Rep Perriello 'I Ask Every Member Of House/Senate To State-Its Never OK To Harm Official+Families'

Dems Co-Opting GOP Message: "Hands Off Our Health Care"

Any SCOTUS that can grant personhood to corporations, can certainly overturn HCR

France: Over a million people strike against Sarkozy’s austerity policies

Are you a South Park fan?

Since addresses of Dems have been posted by Teabaggers

Some attorneys general are being surprisingly civilized in their challenges of the HCR mandate

Stupak latest to get death threats

big ed is showing george wiping his hand off on Bill Clinton

"They expect us to lead with conviction and confidence, not by reading the latest poll"

Harkin: Craig Becker To Get Recess Appointment (bipartisan crap out of the way now!)

About maria39208 the Mississippi tea-bagger on YouTube (link added)

I really love Al Franken.

Do we still DU polls? Fox is asking about the healthcare bill...and the Yes's are in the lead....

Robert Culp, who starred in `I Spy,' dead at 79

What's this I hear about a census boycott?

Mike Vanderboegh: is "PUNK" damning him with faint praise?

Levin: GOP Blocking Of Committee Hearings Is 'Blind Obstructionism'

Does anyone else find it hilarious to see Karl Rove whining about lack of Bipartisanship?

Mitsubishi to triple electric car production

Nothing To Do With The Violence Repubs?-Last Wk's Boehner "He May Be A Dead Man" re: Rep Driehaus

Maybe we're sensitive b/c only one of the Kennedy brothers died a natural death.

Jesse Helms Estate Tries to Recast Late Senator as Gay Rights Hero

Clyburn Says Noose Depiction Faxed To His Office After HCR Vote (Stupak gets one too)

Alan Grayson about Dennis Kucinich ----two favorites in ONE headline

Rock's Most Famous Photographer (the Johnny Cash flips the bird pic) Jim Marshall Dead at 74

ackety Big Dawg needs to be disinfected..

Hostility towards a scientific consensus: A sign of a crank

Georgia senior gets to take a same sex date to his prom only to be thrown out by his parents

Extra Security For Members Of Congress After Activist, Tea Party Threats

Can someone tell me if income is based on TAXABLE income for the HCR bill?

Kaine: GOP Is 'Going To Own' Tea Party's Rhetoric

Hoyer: GOP should condemn threats of violence to Democrats

K&R if you plan to fight until the end.

So the Republicans are staging a work slowdown.

“You’re dead; we know where you live; we’ll get you.”


Slaughter On Violence And Threats: GOP 'Fanning The Flames With Coded Rhetoric'

Show Teabaggers WE support our Dems

I've been here before and I am no less angry than I was the first time.

I owe a bunch of people here an apology.

Republicans and guns

The Definition of "Terrorism"

Michael Moore and short-sighted liberals...

Sarah Palin reminds me of the "Friendly Angel" in that old Star Trek episode

What are the right-wingers trying to accomplish through violence and fear?

TERRORIST UPDATE: Sarah Palin's PAC Puts Gun Sights On Democrats She's Targeting In 2010

Open Letter to Conservatives: An incredible collection of links to demonstrate the downfall

Conspiracy to intimidate the Congress of the United States .. pure and simple.

Congress takes aim at unhealthy school lunches

Ann Coulter’s speech in Ottawa cancelled

Why Democrats Fought for a Republican Health Care Plan: Articles that help to explain why.

Cheney Steps To The Line in Kentucky

AFL-CIO, SEIU, UFCW Urge Senate Leaders to Move Comprehensive Immigration Reform Forward

Regarding the abortion caveat of the health care bill

KS attempt to block Health Care FAILS!

Pay czar orders 15 percent pay cut for bosses at bailed-out firms

OBAMA: "I guess we'll be considered smart again for at least another four weeks."

That Shiny Metal Is as Artificial as Paper Money

UPDATE: Flowers For Nancy.....

It's OK to be gay in Malaysian movies - as long as you go straight

1934 - Nothing Has Changed

Tom SHALES (via Gawker) "AMANPOUR: Too Brunette, Persian for TV?"

A False Promise of Healthcare Reform: Press Release of Physicians for a National Health Program

Digby: Broken Windows (The militias and Sarah Panderin issue orders)

Let's Be Clear -- it is not "Republican" obstructionism

Careful if you have freep family. Lookey here!

Careful if you have freep family. Lookey here!

A bright side of private insurance only health care reform: how can republicans attack it?

AmericanDad over at TPM is my new hero

Beck - Obama is "poking and proding" the "crazy tea baggers" to set them up to commit violence

Okay, here is my plan to help the Ohio Democrats and an idea for how you can help on a Grassroots

Chill and Keep One Thing in Mind.

Science Daily: Great apes smarter than poo-flinging teabaggies. They know they might be wrong.

OMG - For anyone who thinks we haven't come a LONG way.

Dem congressman objects to Boehner's calling him 'a dead man'

Senate Judiciary postpones the Goodwin Liu hearing "due to Republican objection"

HELP!!! I'm in an argument with my husband. he cannot understand

You know, a person can't help the way he looks.

LA Dems Call Out Coburn On Viagra Amendment -- Why Not Throw In Prostitution As Well?

Sir Turdblossom: Tea Partiers='Politically Unsophisticated, Raw, Angry People'

WaPo calls on Arne Duncan to speak out on FL bill tying half a teacher's evaluation to test scores!

James Cameron: 'glenn beck is a f*****g a**hole'.

Now that health insurance reform is law, will we work on actual health care reform, Mr. President?

Republicans refuse to condemn terrorist threats and actions in reaction to HCR.

Scott Brown begs for 2012 campaign contributions to help stop a Senator Rachel Maddow

Doctor ready to quit practicing medicine because of HCR (Fox)

Kucinich: If HCR Bill died, HCR would not be possible "for a generation"

Here's something you need to know about Harry Reid.

WTF??? Ten members of Congress have asked for Security

The black commie Nazi did it! Mark Morford

POP Quiz DU...

Safety group claims Toyota's acceleration problems caused by electronics

Tea Party Domestic Terrorist Map

Check in if Joe Biden should speak more often publicly, and attack Rethugs every time he does.

Check in if Joe Biden should speak more often publicly, and attack Rethugs every time he does.

2009: "no one is uninsured by choice". 2010: "OMG! Mandates!!!"

Pothole worker hit by SUV (hit and run, man down in my local)

Anyone watching this fucknut Istook on Ed's show?

ok riddle me this.....Are You Cannabis Deficient?

Have you shot or do you own a gun?

Lets face it.If Republicans were in the Majority and passed this

UK Airport worker oogles colleague in naked airport body scanner machine.

Hypocritical Welfare Queen: JP Morgan Chase says the Gubmint needs to cut off unemployment benefits

Hypocritical Welfare Queen: JP Morgan Chase says the Gubmint needs to cut off unemployment benefits

This is a shock for my conservative city.....regarding medical marijuana

The New Conservatism: Brainier and Less User Friendly

Unions Want to Take Over Your 401(k)

NYS Senate Considering Legalization Of Medical Marijuana To Draw Revenue

I received a long email from Dennis Kucinich that had

Lawmakers Eyeing National ID Card

Lawmakers Eyeing National ID Card

I gotta tell ya people, I'm really getting worried. The violence is spreading,


Oops...Preexisting Conditions Still Exist for Kids (not my headline)

Individual Health Insurance Mandate Started As A Republican Idea

Palin is the one Pallin' around with terrorists now: her PAC uses gunsights for 'targeted' pols

I stand with Bart Stupak

The Tea Party should change their name to the Mob Mentality Party

Are there any Teabaggers running in Republican Primaries in Your State?

More health care providers demanding up-front payment

The China job loss interactive map state by state

Fox News ratings for healthcare vote bad news for right

California - If You Do This We'll Forgive You

Taitz Challenges Constitutionality Of Health Reform: It Blocks My Right To Practice Dentistry

Timmy Tebow is told to shut the $%&# up. Read the comments..LOL.

Timmy Tebow is told to shut the $%&# up. Read the comments..LOL.

Timmy Tebow is told to shut the $%&# up. Read the comments..LOL.

Facebook MORANS (healthcare from smoking Prez, obese S.G., country broke, etc)

Caption Yellowsnakeman

Conservatives will start an open, armed insurrection within a year's time.

George W. Bush Wipes Hand on Bill Clinton's Shirt After Shaking Hands with Haitian

Terrorists 'could use exploding breast implants to blow up jet'

Threats are never acceptable - even ours

Thank. You. Mods.

NYT via HuffPo: Obama's Deliberate Effort To End What Historians Call "The Age Of Reagan"

NYT via HuffPo: Obama's Deliberate Effort To End What Historians Call "The Age Of Reagan"

Can the Tea Party be designated as a terrorist organization?

Statement of NOW President Terry O'Neill

Columbus GOP heckler (Chris Reichert) of man w Parkinson's apologizes , says he's scared

No, NYTimes, O'Keefe Didn't 'Pose as a Pimp' Either!

MSNBC BREAKING: brother of Rep Perriello had his gas line severed at his home.

Dems should remove mandates from HCR

(entrepreneurs listen up) Last Flatware Factory In U.S. To Close

Uproar On The House Floor

So I don't understand something. If health care mandates are unconstitutional what about Social

do you trust the local law enforcement agencies to uphold the law...

BBC: The Pope, in former position as Cardinal, played leading role in child sex abuse cover-up

How much of a bump will Obama get in the polls next week?

OMG. Want to hear some of the threatening voicemails Stupak received?

Without the mandate...

Prom Fight Was Worth It, Gay Teen Says

Will 51 Senators keep their promise and add a public option amendment to reconciliation bill?

For those that asked why the ins. industry was AGAINST the hcr bill

Jane Hamsher: the one person who stuck to her principles.

Dems Are On FIRE!

Is it time to legalize marijuana?

Going to see the prez Thursday!

Common Dreams: We Need to Reform this HCR

When does Sarah Palin go to prison for inciting violence against Dem politicians?

Democratic Underground has New Moderators!

Men leave their own mark on veganism

Mom sues city and principal for sending son, 4, home alone

Concerned about the armed rally April 19th at Fort Hunt National Park in DC?

Sanders: "This legislation revolutionizes primary healthcare in America."

Now we can end homelessness - LET'S MANDATE HOMELESS PEOPLE BUY A HOUSE!

Sad. I just had a horrible example of what is wrong with our health insurance system.

Join the Phone Company That Fights the Right Wing--a brochure I just received

Can I ask a question? Do most of your friends smoke pot?

Can we live up to LBJ's hopes for our nation?

FL Senate passes voucher bill for private schools. Will cause state to lose 31 million in taxes

Women and Girls need to STOP BUYING THE BULLSHIT

BREAKING NEWS: The Columbus Dispatch Identifies Health Care Protester ( hurled insults and dollars)

The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas

The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas

The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas

Dennis Kucinich tells about his meeting with the President in Esquire Magazine

Drone Wars, Without Any Rules

Thanks to Senator Franken, KBR caves

Clinton Apologizes to Haiti for his and Bush's policies!

David Frum is RIGHT about the connections between HCR and the Heritage Foundation

Science Says High-Fructose Corn Syrup Is Pretty Much The Worst Thing Ever

"Even when the call us mad........"

Freepers planning 2nd Amendment Rally on National Mall Apr. 19, complete with guns

7 Year Iraq War Anniversary: Invisible In The U.S.

7 Year Iraq War Anniversary: Invisible In The U.S.

Thank you Mr. President. You have now officially kicked me under the bus.

The Discovery Channel hires Sarah Palin, $1Mill per show.

Given The Present HCR Law -The People I Feel For Are Those Aged 55 6o 65

The ACORN Conspiracy, Continued

CA Marijuana Legalization Initiative on Ballot Today

Sarah Palin is a BOOTHER: "Time To Reload"

We are Losing America Right Before our Blind Eyes (UPDATED)

We are Losing America Right Before our Blind Eyes (UPDATED)

This song... wow.... I'm in love... It's perfect...

Big problem here.

Favorite Rock n Roll Song Featuring Danzig

Gaeta! (Mutineer!)

F O U N D: Herb Alpert {edited}

I am about to break one of the ten commandments

coupon guilt...

Well, that was a wash.

Trying again...this time the video of Charlotte should work.

Name a genre film where you actively root for the hero


Early episodes of "Sarah Palin's Alaska" leaked!

Help! I'm stuck in Mobile Alabama

Bored...made a video.

Please check in here if you have me on ignore.

Seriously, if there is a sad, gritty movie on Netflix instant watch - I've probably seen it

One of the best South Park episodes ever is on!

Ahhh an evening for Copious amounts of beer and Big Lebowski

Nick Lowe - Cruel to Be Kind

Good morning Lounge

sooooo This new Show of Ron Howards,... Parenthood.

Bogart a joint or Eastwood a joint?

BREAKING: John "The Boner" indicted for illegal use of campaign funds.


Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the GD post of the day (courtesy of moi):

I like BECK!!!!!!!

I propose that Vice President Biden opens every appearance with " the fuck ARE ya?"

Will this be the next target of the racist faction of the Teabirthers?

You can buy Schindler's List for $2.2 Million (THE actual list)

Mallow Supreme Camping Desert

HCR Haiku

More Sherman Alexie info today...

RIP: Legendary Rock Photographer Jim Marshall....

Are you Spongeworthy?

Filmmaker "Bubba"-friends and family do not see HIS movie on Showtime but softcore porn

Get Your Hands Off of my Woman!!

Joe Jack$on Get$ Wrongful Death Law$uit Ball Rolling Again$t Michael'$ Doctor

Are you Worthy?

I'm looking at snow, Mom's looking at this:

I don't want to live in a world without William Shatner

I Can't Get Behind That - William Shatner & Henry Rollins

"The Tick" is now on NetFlix streaming and Richard of "LOST" was Batmanuel:

Favorite episode of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia?

Favorite episode of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia?

Can anyone help me with this soundtrack by Maurice Jarre?

The greatest lyrics ever written.

Completely frivolous Kent Jones appreciation thread.

Awesomeness is awesome: An A to Z of Awesomeness.

DU this CBS Poll: Should a Special Prosecutor Investigate White House?

i MADE myself get started on organizing my office

Some young guy got killed in a collision right down the street from work.

Today's joke

What an UGLY baby!!!!!

Subdivisions - Rush

I like GLENN BECK!!!!!!!

Anybody seen my baby?

This redwing blackbird came to pay a visit today, sang all day long in this little tree.

Fox Sports= Fox Politics (Same game plan)


You are all wrong.

Yasser Habib - Elama

Gaitas! (Bagpipes!)

Wife wins 9 million dollars law suit from mistress

Who would be the first guy to shoot you in the back?

Tea Party. Tea Baggers. Is there a difference?

Real Alaska Royalty.

So today I read a story to my third graders after lunch.

Do you eat the heels?

The Star Trek Apartment

Feeding cats: canned food vs dry food - or feed both?

I feel bad for Sandra Bullock

How do you like your hot dogs?

Music you think other people might appreciate.

What turned you on about your "first love"?


Humphrey Bogart vs Clint Eastwood

Spartacus: Blood and Sand on Starz

How much would you pay for sunglasses?

For Symarip-Is this not the raddest shit? Fuck yeah!

L O S T: Richard Alpert

LIstening to John McCain whine just makes me want to puke.

FRAME: Refer to anti-Stimulus Republicans who participate in new jobs from the Stimulus...

So congress has the power to mandate a military draft but not mandate health ins. participation?

DU new word thread: "Luntzfail".

C-Span: Republicans redefine Grandstanding

Oh Joe, you didn't.....

Quote of the Day -- Mitt Romney in 2006 on the individual mandate


LuntzFail! McConnell: Republicans will run on 'repeal and replace'

The absolute JOKE about repealing the Health Care Reform bill


Jesus said, "If you don't work you don't eat!"

already started here in florida

Senator Baucus should keep his damn mouth shut in public.

Are the tax payers of Michigan paying for this lawsuit? If so that's horrible.

Photos: (This time a few more official WH Photos) from today.

What will they do now, threaten to repeal a law that forces insurance companies to cover the sick?

President Obama signed the "biggest attack on economic inequality" in three decades

DU this newly released poll on Florida Today - Should FL sue over HC Bill

AFL-CIO, SEIU, UFCW Urge Senate Leaders to Move Comprehensive Immigration Reform Forward

passing health care, "despite overwhelming and bipartisan opposition."

Poor Joe Scab. He's watching his (re)-election bid evaporate before his eyes

There is one aspect of the bill which I think is the key element to the Republican Waterloo.

Hail the Conquering Professor

Health Care’s Ugly Losers Blame Antichrist

Senator Conrad: Reconciliation Bill is 'Completely Clean'

Goddamn it! As a former Delawarean who has met Joe Biden at my parent's home...

Has anyone else noticed...

Mike Luckovich cartoon...

Backroom political intrigue: How Obama revived his health-care bill

18 months ago, a movie about the current GOP behavior would have seemed unbelievable.....

Okay, once more with the Pen issue...

James Cameron challenges Beck to debate calls him a "fu--ing a--hole"

Ezra Klein: "No, you can't" immortalizes John Boehner's healthcare floor speech

Vice President are suppose to use the F&CK Word...

PPP polling: Bad news for democrats in the Midwest

I Voted for Obama and all I got

Health insurance reform and the middle vote

Why is this Vanderboegh creep still walking free?

Frank Luntz passed out the new talking point meme last night

Frank Luntz passed out the new talking point meme last night

"Square Deal, New Deal, Fair Deal, Big Fucking Deal"

Health Care Reform Bill Gets 5-Point Bump Up Overnight (CBS News)

Hotline: Kentucky's Attorney General Jack Conway Refuses to Join Healthcare Lawsuit

Senate Debate Could End By 5:05 Today

Micheal Savage: Obama is a LOW LIFE!!!!!!

Living up to the label Group of Psychos

Gov. Gregoire (D-WA) FURIOUS at Repub AG for Joining the Anti-HCR Suit

Something I posted over in GD that might interest people who want to do something to help

Obama and Holder need to hold a press briefing on the issues w/ congress.

Jim Webb is up now.. sounds like he is going to vote for the bill.

More Bullcrap from the Repugs, about the student loan program.

Why does it seem like The Daily Show and Colbert are reruns during the best fucking times?

Are the AG's who oppose the HCR only seeking to annul the mandate or the entire thing?

A Big Fucking Deal Facebook page...

Rachel Maddow's chilling coverage of an "EMBOLDENED EXTREMIST"

NYT: Behind Consumer Agency Idea, a Fiery Advocate

MSNBC: Ratigan.. it appears he is going to cover the Bush wipe on Clinton's sleeve next nt

GOP, meet November Loss

NYT: In Health Care Bill, Obama Attacks Wealth Inequality

Rand Paul rakes it in

Right-Wing Terrorism Stoked by Conservative Leaders Again

BULLY McCAIN sez "No mo coorporation"...Dems Respond w FUCK YOU

Conservative radio host Paul Crespo to run for Congress

OH-Sen: Dems Closely Trail Portman

Brown endorses for Delahunt seat

Ok, We Knew It Was Going To Happen, But This RW Terrorism Needs To Be Adressed PRONTO

MSNBC: Ratigan with Turk and some bozo

Abortion rights groups back Saltonstall

Sen. Bob Bennett: Political caucuses "important"

Military to tighten rules on gay firings

The Republican leadership needs to be taught about Lost Time Accidents. (warning :graphic)

It's time for Obama to go to Israel and engage their crazy right wingers

Bookmark this: Fantastic NYT page explaining the recent HCR vote

How's this for logic, from The Rude One on FB...

First Republican takes credit for health care bill

Threats against Obama back down to "normal" levels, says Secret Service

Should Obama invite that person with Parkinsons disease and that person who taunted him with dollar

Tea Party Could Hurt Republicans

A view of the French opinion re: the signing of the HC law

CBS news provided a visual explanation of the Senior doughnut hole

Republicans feeling blue as Scott Brown win backfires

U.S. and Russia have reached agreements for a historic new treaty to reduce nuclear arsenals

Bart Stupak Received Threatening Messages for Health Care Vote (AUDIO)

McKinney Talks 1st District Race

Dem leader says GOP 'stoking the flames' of anti-lawmaker anger

Why isn't the media talking about Palins TWITTER saying RELOAD!!!!!

Every aspect of the HCR bill will face court challenge, and that's okay.

Big Ed getting upset at rightwing nut on his show

Will I am plus John Boehner

AIPAC is featuring Eric Cantor on its website

Lawrence O'Donnell's subtle smack down of John McCain

Leader Hoyer and Leader Reid needs to get the FBI Director to the Capital Press Room

16,500 people chasing 3000 tickets for Obama' Iowa event tomorrow

The President just might have to declare MARIAL LAW

Getting Out of Hand

A Slow-Motion Shutdown

Unbelievable. *NY Gov Candidate* Compares HCR To 9/11

Do we still DU polls? Fox is asking about the healthcare bill...and the Yes's are in the lead....

Damn! Harry Reid - "We aren't going to have time for fun and games."

Sanders' Healthcare Revolution

The Picture I Think Freaks the Right Wing Knuckle-Draggin Mouthbreathers in this Country the Most

PHOTOS Front Pages

How the Clintons fought for healthcare reform behind the scenes

How the Clintons fought for healthcare reform behind the scenes

The worm turns. Senate GOP Trying To Scuttle “Repeal It” Amendment

Dear Republicans:

Republican senators are either on crack, insane, uncaring or just insane Do-Nothings with HCR

Now THAT'S bipartisanship!

48% say hcr needs further action. The elderly (who vote) dislike it while the young (non voters) do

Dennis Kucinich: What President Obama Didn't Say

Source: Robert Ehrlich to Run for Governor

If the health bill is so bad, why are the RePUKES trying to block it????

The Mainstream MEDIA is at fault that these Crazies are out there; they need to Rectify this PRONTO!

States can actually opt out of the mandates if they come up w/ a better plan. So why sue?

If The Teabaggers Were Mostly African Americans and Hispanics...

Senate Vote-A-Rama beginning momentarily! Harry Reid said there will be no breaks!

Arkansas U.S. GOP Senate Candidate: ‘I Don’t Know Where the President Was Born’

So, what's the F@$%ing fuss about? Did the F@$%ing VP say something silly again?

They want them dead.

The biggest loser in Health Care Reform.... Mitt Romney.

Did anyone else hear Claire McCaskill on the Senate Floor? Those PIGS!!

Email Discovery channel and tell them you will boycott them if they hire Sarah Palin

Bagger's quoting Goldwater, "Extremism in Defense of Liberty is no Vice"

Experts say states' health care lawsuits don't stand a chance

Tweety show: Rudy wants Dems to give them a chance to govern

AHIP Trying To Exploit Loophole In New Health Bill!

Robert Gibbs compares McCain to a 6-year old


Democratic Underground has New Moderators!

Will the domestic terrorists of the Tea Party, and those who are openly inciting them to

Europe Gloats Over America's Belated Health Care Reform

Bush wipes his hand on Clinton’s shirt after shaking hands with Haitian residents.

Scott Brown: Help Me Defeat Rachel Maddow, Who Might Run Against Me, According to Twitter

Alan Grayson on His Medicare Buy-In and Reality Show Personality Palin By Heather Tuesday Mar 23, 20

What Americans really think about the overhaul (online poll is "news")

Caesarean Births Are at a High in U.S.

'Dad, the unfinished business is done' (Patrick leaves note on Ted's grave)

2.4 Million Americans Are Jobless Due To Trade Deficit With China And Its Currency Manipulation

Palin's Alaska cabins noted in new property report

Decoding an Ancient Therapy

Recalled Toyota crashes into Lee County salon

Safety group claims Toyota's acceleration problems caused by electronics

Individual Health Insurance Mandate Started As A Republican Idea

PA (Palestinian Authority) closes only Christian TV station

With Senate 'fixes' bill, GOP sees last chance to change health-care reform

Mexico's drug wars rage out of control

Washington's Shrinking Options on Iran Nuke Sanctions

Study shows college ed. makes you more liberal. Fox News has something to say..

Israel Absorbs Twin Rebukes From Top Allies

White House, experts: Health care suit will fail

White House, experts: Health care suit will fail

Glenn Beck, Michele Bachmann & Sarah Palin Should be Arrested, Charged and Imprisoned Under Title 18

Disputed Bay of Bengal island 'disappears'

Pentagon eyes more "humane" enforcement of gay ban

Durable-goods orders rise for 3rd straight month

Sheriff wants task force to focus on threats against police

UK Army's use of cluster bombs banned

Terrorists 'could use exploding breast implants to blow up jet'

Health bill included big Republican idea: individual mandate

Healthcare fixes move to Senate, reconciliation gridlock looms

New Moore Island DISAPPEARS Into The Sea

N.Korean leader has chronic kidney failure: expert

Two meetings, but no agreement between Obama and Netanyahu

Runaway cargo train crashes in Norway, 3 dead

'I Am Alive': Justice Ginsburg Fires Back at Sen. Bunning's Death Prediction

Irish bishop resigns amid sex abuse scandal

Chattanooga: Police respond to bomb threat on Hixson Pike

US charities hit by recession's impact on spending

Argentina arrests alleged torturer

Report: African-Americans risk falling ‘deeper into poverty and despair’

Wisconsin added jobs for second straight month

Private guards kill Somali pirate for first time

JPMorgan May Score $1.4 Billion Refund for WaMu Losses

Canadian students block Ann Coulter from speaking at University of Ottawa

NASA projects 2010 will (likely) be the hottest year

Trial begins for Canadian soldier in killing of unarmed Taliban

Top military brass to hear review of 'mentors' program (ret. military officer as paid consultants)

GOP Rolls Out Last-Ditch Efforts to Stop Health Care Bil

Treaty to cut US-Russia nukes; signing in 2 weeks

STOCK MARKET WATCH, Wednesday March 24

Threats linked to health votes prompt security (At least 10 Dems receive threats)

Obama to Sign Promised Executive Order on Abortion

Robert Culp, who starred in `I Spy,' dead at 79

UN body to look at meat and climate link

GM unveils tiny, futuristic concept car for cities

Judge to halt furloughs in many (Calif.) state agencies

Giant Ethiopian dam to make 200,000 go hungry: NGO

Disputed Bay of Bengal island 'disappears'

Silence that speaks volumes: blackout as Israel’s leader leaves White House

There goes the neighborhood

FBI Investigating Cut Gas Line At Home Of Dem Rep's Brother

Democrats may go after (Wash. state AG) McKenna's budget

California, in Financial Crisis, Opens Prison Doors

Pot legalization headed for (California) Nov. ballot

GOP Lawmaker Darrell Issa Poised to Call for Special Prosecutor to Investigate White House

Court lifts ban on media ownership restrictions

I have seen all the negativity from some people on here regarding

GOP Senators Refusing To Work Past 2PM, Invoking Obscure Rule

Coulter's Ottawa speech cancelled

Ann Coulter prepares human-rights complaint

Michael Moore: A View from Canada (Good Stuff from 'The Hour' Canadian TV)

Congresswoman's Office Vandalized After Health Care Vote

On the shoulders of giants

Yes we did!!

Rachel Maddow: Is Not Running for Senate (Funny)

Iraq Veterans speak out and say WE WILL NOT FIGHT YOUR WAR ANYMORE

Awesome. Brave Dem (Clinton) refuses to cower to RW faux anger - 1993

Michele Bachmann Doesn't Give A Sh--

Is the angry and paranoid right wing making the rest of us angry and paranoid?

David Swanson on Phony Scandal Against ACORN

USA Faces God's Wrath Because Of Obamacare

LHCNews Mar 23, 2010 - New World Record

Ann Coulter's Bony Ass Expelled From Ottawa

McCaskill Blasts GOP Obstructionism

TYT: Down Goes ACORN

Reps Clyburn And Hoyer Discuss The Safety Of Congress Members After A Series Of Recent Threats

Republican Press Conference....translated

Clyburn Says Noose Depiction Faxed To His Office After HCR Vote

Confused Man Walks Behind Obama


Rachel Maddow: Emboldened extremist right incites violence


The Al Franken Show welcomes BARACK OBAMA Before EITHER were senators September 14, 2004

(TPM) Steele: Let's Get Pelosi Ready For 'The Firing Line' In November

Clyburn Says Noose Depiction Faxed To His Office After HCR Vote

Papantonio: The Beck “Hate Train” Crashes

HAND SHAKE - Bush Wipes Hand On Clinton's Shirt


Papantonio: The Republicans' Fetal Position

Female Iraq Veterans tells the crowd There is also a war on Female Military members

Teabagger expresses her disappointment with the Republicans

Bush wipes hand on Clintons shirt after shaking hands in Haiti

Countdown: Sarah Palin Uses 'Violence' Language with Her Online Postings?

TYT: Poll - Insanely High % of R's Say Obama is Anti-Christ & Like Hitler

TYT Fans - Check This Out

No You Can't

Health Care and the Wingnuts (Joe Conason)

Betting on the Blind Side ..... Excerpted from The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine, by Michae

Militarizing Latin America

Internet Centre to Facilitate Popular Power

Deficit in Logic: Moody's Threatens to Downgrade the United States

What Bibi's "They Hate Us for Our Freedom" Moment at AIPAC Means for the Obama Meeting

Garrison Keillor: A toast to your health

German Newspapers Editorials on the passage of Health care Bill

The Moderate Republican: An Endangered Species

Is Toyota's Brakes Disaster Tied to How It Treats Workers Like Profit-Oriented Robots?

The new Capitalist Anarchy and the Lobbyist Bubble

Indian military to weaponize world's hottest chili

A Tea Party Without Nuts

In Health Care Bill, Obama Attacks Wealth Inequality..David Leonhardt. NY Times

Jim Hightower: Turning 'Texas Education' Into an Oxymoron

Responding to the Honduran Coup

From Bavaria with Balls!

Health bill lawsuits are going nowhere

Bill O'Reilly Comments on the HCR Bill In Letter

Mother furious after in-school clinic sets up teen's abortion

Pitts: Tea party and racists -- 'isolated incidents' no more

The Looming Water Disaster That Could Destroy California, and Enrich Its Billionaire Farmers

GOP Senators Refusing To Work Past 2PM, Invoking Obscure Rule - Huffington Post

Did Ratzinger Help Shield Perpetrator From Prosecution?

Early polls (after passage of Affordable Health Care Act) give Obama a boost in health-care debate

For Obama, History. For GOP, an “Abject and Irreversible Defeat.”

Disputed isle in Bay of Bengal disappears into sea.

'Schindler's list' on sale for $2.2 million

Threats And Attacks Target Dems After Health Care Votes

Californians in Crisis: Nothing Left to Sacrifice

Have You Caught Gold Fever? The Value of That Shiny Metal Is as Artificial as Paper Money

Tea-party "movement"? movement THIS: 13% of voters say they are part of the FauxNews synthetic

The Looming Water Disaster That Could Destroy California, and Enrich Its Billionaire Farmers

VA Dems To AG: How Much Is Anti-HCR Lawsuit Costing Taxpayers?

Truth has fallen and taken liberty with it.

Democrats Pass a Republican Health Care Bill

Not Feeling Well? Perhaps You're 'Marijuana Deficient'

GOP Leaders Match Up Message to Violent Talk

David Frum admits Defeat

Melissa Harris-Lacewell: Is this the Birth of a Nation?

NYT: The Public Option Resurfaces In Senate Via Colorado

Improving Predictions of Climate Change and its Impacts-New interagency program to generate ...

Fusion's ups and downs (Includes some news from EMC2)

Drumbeat: March 24, 2010

The Economic Cost of Energy, EROI, and Surplus Energy

Warm March frustrates (maple) syrup-makers (global warming, Maine)

Ethiopian dam argument in LBN

Pass notes No 2,750: the airship-As oil runs out, they could be making a comeback

Water is Life

Has Anyone heard about the West Antarctic Ice Sheet?

Scientists Link Climate Change and Atlantic Croaker Fishery

Seabed biodiversity in oxygen minimum zones

Seabed biodiversity in oxygen minimum zones

Warmer summers could create challenges for nesting Arctic seabirds

Even soil feels the heat: Soils release more carbon dioxide as globe warms

On the road to “sweet” tires made with a more sustainable process

Daryl Hannah and her ethanol-powered 'Kill Bill' car appear in downtown Santa Cruz

Hard plastics decompose in oceans, releasing endocrine disruptor BPA

U of M expert says Earth's health reaching critical tipping point, and climate change is just one...

Maine Lake(s) Has(have) Earliest Ice-Out Date On Record (global warming, Maine

New CO2 “scrubber” from ingredient in hair conditioners

BlackLight Power in Europe.... first commercial license with GeoEnergie SpA

The solution both to the economic crisis and to climate change is sustainable economic degrowth

Rolling Stone - Coal's Toxic Sludge...

Biofuel mandates would make corn shortfall costly, experts say

Bee Pollen And Hives Laden With Pesticides,

Texas Tech bites the dust in double OT to Ole Miss!

Mississippi State destroys #2 seed Buckeyes

You heard what happened when Eli Manning died and went to Heaven?

Mike Shanahan on Tim Tebow: 'He's something that's very special'

NFL passes playoff overtime rule

Tim Tebow tries to get everyone taking the Wonderlic with to pray

Autistic Teen still has a perfect bracket after two rounds

Redskins found by arbitrator to owe back pay to their ticket agents

Bolivian army adopts Cuba's revolutionary slogan

IDB Agrees to Reforms, But NGOs Will Keep Up Pressure

Responding to the Honduran Coup

Argentina arrests alleged torturer

Hondurans' Great Awakening

Seven people shot dead in Colombia

"Nos Tienen Miedo Porque No Tenemos Miedo" -Liliana Felipe

Militarizing Latin America

FARC burns 7 tractor trailers on the road to Buenaventura

Chavez foe to remain in custody until trial

The Saint Patrick's Battalion ( Batallón de San Patricio )

Cuban Americans (1st class US citizens/residents) filling planes to homeland

Car bomb in Colombia

Insulza re-elected for another five-year term

Unsettled: Why Israel and liberal American Jews are drifting apart.

Palestinians Would Elect Fatah Government

Mideast peace effort is a charade

US Seeks 'Clarification' On Israeli Building Plan

Israel Braces For More Expulsions In Mossad Row

Jerusalem approves new building plan

Netanyahu spends unheralded time at White House

Two meetings, but no agreement between Obama and Netanyahu

Bad Week for Bibi - Joe Klein

AIPAC Conference: Who Are These People? Me For One

Court ruling lets settlers shoot in air to repel Palestinians

Code Pink: We're Behind Hoax AIPAC Demand For Settlement Freeze

2.4 Million Americans Are Jobless Due To Trade Deficit With China And Its Currency Manipulation

Today in Labor History Mar 24 The Coalition of Labor Union Women was founded by some 3,000 women

Republicans Set for Last Ditch Senate Assault on Health Care Reform

Chief Justice Roberts: Why Isn’t Obama Making Recess Appointments To The NLRB?

Hamas to execute suspected Israeli spies in Gaza

Rightist MKs: 'British are dogs, who are they to judge?'

PA (Palestinian Authority) closes only Christian TV station

A media eclipse: Israel-Palestine and the world's forgotten conflicts

Evolution: Is Gay the Next Evolutionary Step?

UPDATE: James Randi Comes out at age 81 (Podcast Interview)

Cuccinelli: Gay acts are a 'detriment' to society and sodomy is still illegal in Virginia

Dan Choi accuses gay rights groups of 'betrayal'

Time to move on...

How to buy your first gun..

I've decided to buy a gun. Conservatives have lost their fucking minds

Narrowly escaped death. DGU in my home last night.

Criminals are armed because they have to defend themselves against their victims.

killings committed by concealed handgun permit holders

MSNBC: Record numbers now licensed to pack heat-Firearms deaths fall as millions obtain permits to c

MSNBC: Record numbers now licensed to pack heat-Firearms deaths fall as millions obtain permits to c

Masters Series: Robert Glenn Ketchum

Photoshop content aware fill. Takes all the "fun" out of

Apollo 13 - Saturn S-IV stage impact site photo

The Lowly Dandelion

Social Bees Have Bigger Brain Area for Learning, Memory

the only man on Earth to see an exploding comet

Martian crater

New cryptic gecko species is discovered in Cambodia

Mysterious Stone Spheres in Costa Rica Investigated

US NAS Brings Ignomy On Itself - Agrees To Host Announcement of 2010 Templeton Prize

Strongest magnetic material created, stronger than theoretical limit

DNA identifies new ancient human dubbed 'X-woman'

Together for the first time, amazing images of Man's early ancestors

Does it reveal ignorance to speak of an axiom as being true?

response to blocked post, political videos

pastor has asked for the death of all 219 Democrats who voted for yesterday’s bill.

True Atheists:

Call the police: what the Pope should have said

Time may flow backwards

Mind over matter

FACT CHECK: Spinning the New Health Care Law

So, who's up for a coordinated hoax?

Ingredient in tequila plant may fight osteoporosis and other diseases

Boner set to music

Obama and gm healthcare

Violence in the Land of Sleep

Decoding an Ancient Therapy

Are you marijuana deficient?

Does Puberty Make You Stupid? Lessons from Mice

Finding a non-RW doctor

Caesarean Births Are at a High in U.S.

Placebo Effects Revisited

Household pesticide labels lack details on safe use

Dealing with cellulistis in my leg

Exercise 1 Hour a Day to Avoid Weight Gain -- if you start thin

Responding to Anti-vaccine Misinformation: Understanding the Issues

Elinor Ostrom Wins Nobel for Common(s) Sense - Interview in YES Magazine

In Health Bill, Obama Attacks Wealth Inequality

Unvaccinated Children at Center of Measles Outbreak

Obama starting to appoint actually useful financial people?

Time to regulate what charters are teaching

Nat Hentoff: Segregation 2010: Bloomberg's Schools

Leave This Blueprint Behind

Richard Rothstein: Is Education on the Wrong Track?

Reading Scores Lagging Compared With Math

Gov. Chris Christie's teacher bashing: A veteran N.J. educator responds

Sorry to interrupt the euphoria over the health bill, but Obama still lost me as a voter.

WaPo is picking up on the "reforms" being pushed by Florida (and Obama).

David Pakter: A rant...Containing great passion & great pain