Democratic Underground

Archives: August 24, 2010

Union delegates resolve to build record voter turnout

Surprise! FCC Chairman Genachowski will be in Minneapolis 8/24 at 10am to 12pm.

Ron Paul, American Patriot????????????!!!!!

Feds to pump $40M into Space Coast (Florida)

Dems playing hardball? DCCC Criticizes Cantor Over 'Scandal Plagued Candidates'

40 years ago, at the University of Wisconsin.

BP recommended in September 09 the Deepwater Horizon suspend operation...they didn't.

Natgeotv has a Katrina special tonight

PolitiFact confuses mosque debate it seeks to clarify

This interview on the Rachel Maddow show

It pains me to say so, but the President I worked so hard to elect is a homophobe.

Don't miss the Countdown Special Investigation

You know what we need? Another Johnny Carson.

WSJ Asks Ground Zero Strippers What They Think About Park 51 Ctr.

The Coolest Elementary School in Maryland

Far too many of us are taught, from an early age, that most of the time, it is a good thing to bite

Tony Judt from his home 3 weeks before his death from ALS - Charlie Rose tonight

Information on Philippe Girard

There is no greater control than fear....

Is opposition to interracial marriage racist?

Credit Union group urges Obama to raise cap for MBL's (member business loans)

I am just getting around to reading Al Franken's "Truth...with Jokes". I am blown away

The "Expendables"

want fries with that ponzieconomy?

The weather forecast in DC is a high of 82 for Beck's hatefest this Saturday

Socialist Sherry Wolf makes mince meat out of some Mosque bigot dude on Chris Matthews.

Mandatory Monday Malloy Truthseekers check in!! & Here's a new kitty gif!

Old house, new paint job

ESQUIRE: Rudy Giuliani Is Still a Colossal Seven-Letter Word

The Third Sector (Non-profits & philanthropies) as a protective layer for capitalism

Vacationing Netanyahu Can't Find Time To Meet IAEA Chief

Update on dog stabber. Police to seek charges

Ron Paul: Rand's his own man on the 'mosque' issue.

Miss Jamaica says no to the death penalty

Teachers drop teaching about the Holocaust to avoid offending Muslims

Rachel Maddow via Eugene Robinson: scaring white people, part 2...

Wing nut self hatred is a prize for the rich.

Some Fort Hood Protest Pics

Supplies reach Chilean miners; now, the long wait

Supplies reach Chilean miners; now, the long wait

Top 10 Things Churches (and mosques) Need to Know About Zoning

were the noughties a lost decade?

were the noughties a lost decade?

Buyer of GM Indianapolis plant demands 50 percent wage cut: Who is JD Norman?


Chuck Hagel endorses Joe Sestak

In Case You Actually Want To Read What Ron Paul Wrote...

Exclusive: Jimmy Carter headed to North Korea on rescue mission

You know, it seems the internet could even be blamed for the downfall of the west now

I was just disqualified from answering further questions in a telephone survey of voters because...

Pont-Saint-Esprit poisoning: Did the CIA spread LSD?

Spike Lee's: If God Is Willing And Da Creek Don't Rise..

“Someone has to be the youngest in class”

Would you support a candidate like this if he ran in your district or state?

Unjust America: Metering the Casualties

Telecoms using Black American front group vs Net Neutrality -(AlterNet)

Sarkozy's immigration tough talk backfires

"How far should the Islamic Center be from ground zero?"

Obama Derangement Syndrome is in full effect

Osama Bin Laden's Goal to Bankrupt America Edging Closer to Reality

Osama Bin Laden's Goal to Bankrupt America Edging Closer to Reality

Iran Unveils Unmanned Sex Toy, Dubbed 'Ambassador Of Peace & Love' By Ahmadinejad

Who is this ?

Who is this ?

Tokyo's execution secrets revealed as death chamber opens to public for first time

I was just watching Eugene Robinson on TRMS - why do no journalists enter politics?

Army Anti-Discrimination Officials Pressured Soldiers Not to File Discrimination Complaints

U.S. Occupation of Iraq More Than Doubles Poverty, Sickness -- Leaves Country a Total Disaster

Teachers' Facebook Troubles

Blackwater vs. Pinkwater: The Wife of Erik Prince Picks a Fight With CODEPINK

Senior U.S. Commander Offers Dim Timeline For Afghan Withdrawal

Special Thank You to Video Posters.

Petraeus says US has momentum over Afghan Taliban


AlterNet: California's Marijuana Legalization Initiative is Already a Winner

Unions blast Dems' Walmart 'blood $$'

Chuck Todie spinning like a top on Morning Schmoe

Chuck Todie spinning like a top on Morning Schmoe

New egg safety regulations "languishing ... throughout the entire Bush administration"

Which right wing is more dangerous? Christians or Muslims?

'Poster Child for Corporate Greed: Dr. Pepper Snapple Group'

More bull puckey than you can shake a stick at.

Zappos IS THE ONLY place for shoes.....

Marijuana will help plug state budget hole

High-tech torture ray gun to be installed in county jail

Has the GOP become the new Skinheads of America?

Franklin Graham's problem is that he was born an idiot, his father was an idiot

CA Legislature Calls on President, Congress to End Marriage Discrimination

UPDATED: Michael Ian Black's Tirade Against a Racist Obama-Hater During Set

Joey Scab shows up late for work; he looks seriously hungover.

Prototype car to be powered by electricity and Cheetohs

Plotting Doubted in WikiLeaks Case

Plotting Doubted in WikiLeaks Case

For you folks un-reccing my threads, just remember...

I usually don't give an airborne intercourse about beauty pageants. But this time I do.

Tell Big Ag to Stop Pumping Healthy Livestock Full of Antiobiotics

All Checks, No Balances: Campaign Finance Sells Out

It's not bigotry-- it's laziness and inertia...

Since we took over in 2008, all the repukes have done is attack, but not provide solutions

Remember: Repukes Inserted "Sunset" Into Bush Tax Cuts-To CONCEAL True Costs!

Kristol: Obama Not A Muslim

Here's what I hate....

Truly, there are "angels" in our lives.

US to spend $1.3 billion on Afghanistan bases

WWIII ahead: Warfare defining human life by 2020

"we must love one another or die"

Car Flies Through Air, Crashes Into Pillar

AI=Artificial intelligence or artificial ignorance

I got my motivation for Nov: Save the country from the divisiveness of the tea party/GOP

Why do our laws favor the rich?

The Corporate “Race to the Bottom” and the Blindspots of Power Elite Liberalism

Developing...Shirley Sherrod will not work for the Dept of Agriculture....AJC

State Department details Blackwater violations of U.S. laws

WikiLeaks Lawyer Says Pentagon Given Access to Unpublished Secret Documents

Much more detail on the WikiLeaks–Assange non-rape story

What phenomena were projected to be apocalyptic, but fell well short of catastrophic status?

Website for TARP information (and more...)

is that white stickie designed to get us de ranked on search engines

Can we please have a General Discussion: Politics and Policy?

Martin Short's wife Nancy Dolman dies

Texas' Tom DeLay Is One Step Closer to a Trial

Turn on Jon Stewart

100 Years Ago

Need Dialog on Race? No...Need Dialog on RacISTS!

Not all knowledge is on the intertubes

Thank you

Researcher Arrested in India After Disclosing Problems With Voting Machines

Rosetta Stone Endangered Language Program Releases Navajo Language Software

The entire Iraqi experience and the continued Afghanis-tani experience have come to largely

Real estate sales down, unemployment up, consumer buying down,

In Their Own Words: From Rangel to Sharpton, High-Profile Black Americans Weigh in on LGBT Rights

Finland's National Institute for Health and Welfare Recommends Suspension of H1N1 Vaccinations

All BP claims must now be re-filed !

Get rid of the Rec & Un Rec option

What Exactly is a Relationship ? for babydollhead

*Did all of Islam attack us on 9/11? Richard Cohen nails it!

Blackwater vs. Pinkwater: The Wife of Erik Prince Picks a Fight With CODEPINK

"Mosque" fight reveals Cheney-ization of GOP

Americans Believe in Death Panels?

••• EVIL OMEN - Videos: Tough Reid ads should be slaughtering Angle. But they're not. •••

Jim Hightower: Shut Up and Eat Your Sugar

So, it seems Target is feeling a little pressure from Teh Gays. Good. Fuck 'em. Let 'em sweat.

I honestly don't know who/what is behind the Assange arrest fiasco-

The Media's Foolish Election Lines

Campaign cash: Who's spending where in 2010

'Race to the Top' winners announced

If you think Islamophobia is bad in the U.S...check out the EDL in England.

4 X 4. STAAR. is texas trying to get more kids to drop out? opinion please

Why is Clemens taking the fall?

Pac-Man Hacked Onto a Touch-Screen Voting Machine Without Breaking "Tamper-Evident" Seals

True stories of bloggers who secretly feed on partisan cash

"Mosque" fight reveals Cheney-ization of GOP

"Mosque" fight reveals Cheney-ization of GOP

for $420 per month, I could pay to see my doctor and get my meds..

for $420 per month, I could pay to see my doctor and get my meds..

What do you plan on doing on 12/20/12.

Why is a President's religious faith so important?

Karen Hughes - attempts to disappear her previous work with "Terror Mosque" Imam Rauf.


Feds crackdown on companies that hire illegal immigrants

Religious Head Scarves Allowed At County Fair!

VP Biden knocks down yet another excuse to remain militarily engaged in Iraq

VP Biden knocks down yet another excuse to remain militarily engaged in Iraq

VP Biden knocks down yet another excuse to remain militarily engaged in Iraq

Happy Birthday to one of the greatest Americans

This whole egg recall thing is just confirmation that the free market paradise upon us...

WH: Total number of US troops in Iraq will continue to DECREASE throughout 2011

NY Rep. Rangel Knocks Obama for 'Dignity' Remark

The Bi-Partisan Attack on Social Security: "Obama's Deficit Commission is all smoke and mirrors."

Unemployed group blasts Geithner's handling of economy

LOL! Oil Industry: Oil is Good for Human Health

EFCA’s Dead, but Fear of It Still Driving Anti-Worker Measures

Small Business Adminstration Katrina FAIL.

164 Closeted Gay Men Having Impressive NFL Preseason

Russ Feingold: I Won't Be Done In By Citizens United Ruling

Schools Teaching Your Kids that Dirty Muslins Are Better Than Jesus

Young Miami Gun Runner Just Wouldn't Quit

Fox and Friends (ROVE) Trying to Bully and Buy Their Way Back to Power

Real Estate Market Plunges

Facebook says no to "Just Say Now" marijuana legalization campaign ads


Bumper sticker

Today marks a historic and grim anniversary ...

Turn Off Faux News Campaign

Just saw on breaking news that Shirley Sherrod has turned down the USDA job...

The top of the page is back to normal.

Tom Tomorrow weighs in on wingnut hypocrisy and Democratic timidity re:

Recd e-mail from RW friend, help me debunk DU (if appropriate)

The Five Most (and Least) Affordable Housing

New Video: Toomey vs. The Truth

Toyota could be heading toward another recall

BBC: "The town that went mad" - Did the CIA put LSD in the bread sold in this French town?

U.S. Closer to being a Failed State than you think

How does Joey Scar get away with dissing Keith & Rachel all the time.

Colbert: I Take Sen. McConnell 'At His Word' When He Says He's Not A Human-Turtle Hybrid

Captain's leadership questioned by lead federal investigator

Sadly funny toon on corporatism

Oh hooray, we're saved. AIG repays 2% of bailout money

can we get any early info regarding polling today???

Joan Walsh: Why does the GOP get away with saying tax cuts for the rich create jobs?

Joan Walsh: Why does the GOP get away with saying tax cuts for the rich create jobs?

Cuccinelli: State can further regulate abortion clinics

Top Marine Dislikes Afghan Deadline---so, fire him

Russian Akula 2 nuclear submarine leased to India -reports

"John Boehner spends $250K on golf...." youtube video link.

Marine commandant talks about segregating gay/straight troops, AGAIN

Though I never voted for him I think a lesson is to be learned from Kucinich

Tracking Campaign Ca$h: Chart on "independent" expenditures by group and by campaign

DEA Searches for Ebonics Translators to Aid Investigations

Florida AG candidate's pitch to voters: I'm friends with Fox News

Toon: The Spin Cycle

Home sales plunge 27 pct. to lowest in 15 years

Recluse who lives in a NY hospital has fortune of $500 million

Getting involved in my neighbor's business, yes or no?

3 Teens Killed from Facebook Hitlist

Christi is an ass

Growing Inequality Threatens Middle Class and Democracy

Martin Short's Wife Passed Away

T-Baggers warned against the Danger of DC Metro ! HILARIOUS

I can't say I don't like the attention

Gov. Jan Brewer of Arizona has passed legislation negating the results of the Miss Universe Pageant

DAMN YOU Boehner!

DeLay To **Finally** Face A Texas Court In Money Laundering Case

US Funds Restoration of Global Islamic Sites.

Hot GOP Chicks [Video]

My MSNBC has blacked transmission

Heidi Montag "Good Christian girl" , 'wants money for sex tape'

Homophobia spreads AIDS

Please check this out. Maybe the funniest thing I've ever seen. Westboro Baptist Church gets ...

GOP paying bloggers to write favorable comments about them?

Nailing Republicans and Selling the Democratic Agenda

So Boehner's plan

I can't jump 120 feet high.

Words to live by: Never break into someone's house and make a sex tape

Handy Google Map for Tea Party visitors to DC

36B!! Why Not Put IN Your Pocket or Mine?.........asshole Boehner.......

Mass Assassinations Lie at the Heart of America's Military Strategy in the Muslim World

If Israel bombs Iran - and Iran retaliates

Russ Feingold: I Won't Be Done In By Citizens United Ruling

Mormons and Prop 8: LDS-owned Deseret News adds Natl. Org. for Marriage chair to its board

Hold your nose, Medved on Ed Show. nt

How many House seats will dems gain/lose this fall

Comcast has shut down Tweety. He was on fire today. I am writing the FCC.

GO TWEETY!!!!! Calling on Laszio!

Police shock naked OSU football player

Chinese Traffic Jam Stretches 60 Miles, Ten Days

The Asshole Rick Lazio is on Hardball.

Bad news for diploma mills

Ex-House Leader DeLay heads to court on 2005 laundering charges

Disposed of 20 more 'handmade' Freedomworks 'grassroots' Sep. 12 signs today.

Stewart: "STOP WATCHING FOX-Its The Only Way"

Abe Foxman, Pam Gellar and Mark Williams vs. 'the Judenrats'

MarketWatch: Why nobody wants to buy a house

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac's future

Post links to supervisor of election pages to determine if they received absentee ballots

There Are No Heroes in Illegal and Immoral Wars

RTTT goes to: DC, FL, GA, HI, MA, MD, NC, NY, OH and RI

Anti-Mosque Coalition’s Website Owned By Neo-Conservative Islamophobe Frank Gaffney

I have already heard "It is just to crummy out and there is no where to park"

Ron Christie ...

Union City for New Jersey Parking Enforcement Officers (card check works I.E., EFCA)

Union City for New Jersey Parking Enforcement Officers (card check works I.E., EFCA)

CNN: Gut Check: How can Republicans attract more African-Americans?


Complicity in bigotry

So Shirley Sherrod is not going back to the Ag Dept.....

So Shirley Sherrod is not going back to the Ag Dept.....

Ya know - I'd LOVE to be able to destroy the Social Security program.

In ad after ad, Republicans have used the "fear" card and images of 9/11

After Katrina, New Orleans Cops Were Told They Could Shoot Looters

You guys have got to read the comments about the Faux first row seat

I was slow about contributing to the fund drive and lightning

76-year-old attacked on casino bus: 'Mexican, go back to Mexico'

Hey Palin.

True fact about Social Security

Daily Show on 'terror funder' & Fox co-owner Prince al-Waleed bin Talal

"Religious" prayerfest in front of Toronto same-sex couple's home

WikiNews interview with the KKE, Dr. Isabella Margara.

Who the hell is Chad Reed and why does he...

The Bush-Cheney Drug Empire.

S&P Slaughters Ireland’s Credit Rating

George David Weiss-composer of 'What a Wonderful World' dies

Finally, Biden responding to boehner now

U.S. drone attack kills 13 militants, 7 civilians

Why blackwater founder moved to UAE - no extradition treaty with US

Worried Neighbors Rescue 90 Cats from Condemned House

China Traffic Jam Could Last Into September

Public yawns while press freaks out over mosque story

Lady who tossed cat in trash FOUND!

The Daily Show: The Parent Company Trap

George David Weiss-composer of 'What a Wonderful World' dies

Republicans and Psychobaggers are the real enemies within

Genetic Engineering Has Failed to Significantly Boost U.S. Crop Yields Despite Biotech Industry Clai

Is Fox News Evil Or Just Stupid

Cramer on CNBC: "President Obama is a good President for people who aren't well off."

Arkansas 10-Year-Old Won’t Pledge Allegiance Until Gays Gain Equality

It's not that I mind the ads

I don't want to insult Florida Dems without cause

Steele Already Targeted For Blame Should GOP Stumble In 2010

Ft. Hood Disobeys: Please Don't Make the Same Mistake We Did. Resist Now!

Standing up to the Military Industrial Congressional Oil Wall Street Complex

DOW's going below 10,000....

The idea of being trapped under 2500 feet of rock for 4 months is just profoundly,

Vice President Hillary Clinton?

Vice President Hillary Clinton?

President Woodrow Wilson: Address to the Senate on the 19th Amendment

9/11 happened under RETHUGs

Liberal politics are at a disadvantage when it comes to donations.

Salon's timeline of Pamela GELLER's & NY Post's Andrea PEYSER's fabrication of "monster mosque"

Study shows nobody likes a do-gooder: selfless behaviour is 'alienating'

Bill O'Reilly's (most recent) wrongheaded and probably racist right-wing ramble

Fair Fights: Police trying to figure out if race played role in attacks

Why Obama can't blame the GOP for his inability to pass progressive legislation

Homo high (article title)

Court freezes Obama’s funding of embryonic stem cell research

What is it about Social Security that Republicans hate? And a solution.

The right-wing, blinded by its own hysteria OpEd

Renamed Combat Brigades Carry on in Iraq

Meghan McCain's Dirty Sexy Politics featured in this month's Book Page.

Let's all linger on Obama's gay marriage position

Underestimating Oil Left in Gulf of Mexico - BP & Feds both doing it: Democracy Now

Chad Reed Treated at San Diego Medical Facility

Germany A Rare Model Of Recovery In Global Recession

Hard Partying Republicans

Do you worry about your neighbors?

BP engineer who wrote telling e-mails pleads the Fifth to avoid testifying at oil spill hearings

Under what circumstances would opposition to interracial marriage not be racist?

Under what circumstances would opposition to interracial marriage not be racist?

If you ever see self-styled 'terrorism expert' Steven Emerson on your TV be careful

If you ever see self-styled 'terrorism expert' Steven Emerson on your TV be careful

WaPo: The recovery is losing steam, fast

Slow Violence and the BP Coverups - The Gulf Crisis is Not Over

But the bottom line is this: the Democrats are afraid of the Republicans.

there will be a large right wing demonstration on Aug 28: what's our response?

TIME Announces New Version of Magazine Aimed at Adults

My favorite picture of Ronald (Gipper) Reagan with George W. (Chimpy) Bush

The GOP is right! Obama is EVIL!!!!!

Toon: Stuck in the middle

NH Walgreens gives candy-filled pill bottles to kids

So, I just talked politics with housemate's father. He's a hedge fund manager and batshit insane.

Tax Jujitsu: Why Democrats Should Propose a “People’s Tax Cut”

MSNBC beat FOX & CNNin total viewers in July!

Great message from Russell Simmons' apartment across from Ground Zero:

I'm thinking lots will be going vegetarian to escape contamination of meat, not on ethical grounds

NSA launching "Perfect Citizen"

NSA launching "Perfect Citizen"

I'm watching another BP Gulf commercial.

Scary, ugly scene in New York

Scary, ugly scene in New York

Do you read books by people who are not like you?

First 550 million eggs, now 380,000 lbs of deli meat. Let's just not eat anything and be safe.

So, I just voted in the fl primary. And it was not a good experience.

Swiss campaign for referendum on death penalty begins (BBC)

Luckovich toon: Peeved about the wrong thing....

Does anyone here live next to a mosque or know many Muslims?

Dean Baker: the real danger to social security is coming from Democrats

Fired, but no charges: man accused of being nuclear whistleblower

Why are Democrats buying this Cut Social Security Mantra?

I recognize you do amazing work, but you're still not getting minimum wage

Elderly Central Florida man accidentally shoots wife during 'robbery drill'

$130 a month for a *transit pass*?! NYC may be headed there.

Woman who dumped cat in wheelie bin goes into hiding

Christian Right leaders unable to say what exactly is wrong with gay people

Facebook Blocks Ads For Pot Legalization Campaign

Steve Jobs Is Watching You: Apple Seeking to Patent Spyware

no more HONOR SYSTEM for industrial farming! (WARNING: this might cause nausea and veganism)

Grayson statement: Us, and Them. "I don't know why they want anarchy ... they don’t know, either."

Don't Count on Oracle to Keep OpenOffice Alive

Isn't it funny . . . . . .

Built in obsolescence.

Bret Baier just called Obama a "young buck" on Fox News. 6:28 EDT.

Woman harassed after receiving racial slur on receipt delivered by Domino Pizza

Homeless and hungry at college

I don't get it. And I never will.

What Do We Do Now That It IS Fascism?

We Have to End Warfare

Not liking the president's position on same sex marriage does not mean you want Republicans to win

Deficit commission co-chair says "The pig is dead. There is no more bacon to bring home."

Nailing Republicans and Selling the Democratic Agenda

Explain this to me like I'm 5

Comedian Michael Ian Black 'loses his shit' when someone compared Obama to Hitler

Berkeley prof to students: 'You have been the victims of a terrible swindle'

Obama’s Gay Marriage Position Is a Disgrace

I FUCKED YOU ALL, but thanks for blaming it on the black guy

There are a few threads in GD about "Teh Gays". I am really quite put off by some of the remarks ...

Sea Shepherds using acoustics to WARN WHALES away from slaughter -- too cool!

I think Democrats will hold Congress,and possibly gain a few seats...I don't believe

I think Democrats will hold Congress,and possibly gain a few seats...I don't believe

I asked a question yesterday on the 'end of combat operations' in Iraq and I found a good answer

I asked a question yesterday on the 'end of combat operations' in Iraq and I found a good answer

I asked a question yesterday on the 'end of combat operations' in Iraq and I found a good answer

MUST READ: Dahr Jamail reporting from the Gulf: "The scene is apocalyptic."

Could the President be doing more to help create new jobs and revitalize the middle class?

Ann Coulter Blasts 'Fake Christians' for Opposing Her Speech to GOP Gays

Ron Paul: Opposition to Islamic center in New York is nothing more than hate and Islamophobia

AFL-CIO: The budget deficit commission is actually a front group to cut Social Security

"Obama’s increasingly absurd gay marriage position."

Brace yourself.

Import Tariffs, Yes or No?

The Sun shoots plasma into space towards Earth at 2.2 million miles per hour

Luckovich toon: The economy is headed through the roof!

Life on the Arizona-Mexico border: A look at life in my neck of the woods

What sort of cuts to Social Security could you support, and why?

Have you gotten rid of your cable tv service yet


Another story idea!!!!!

Whoever sent me a star, thanks a lot!

By the way, from the bottom of my heart, thanks for my star.

I got a piece of mail from Google

The role of the spectator



So I've got a question for this eBay seller

Grateful Dead - Unbroken Chain (Studio Version)

At last somebody has written a touching song about the issue of the mosque. Must listen:

Is that Heinz Kerry on the sticky?

Nonononononono... in the back, baby, in the back... I KNOW it'll mess up your hair, but...


Burger Planet !!!!!!

Those SNEAKY Muslins... first they wanna build a war memorial at Ground Zero...

9 day traffic jam

There are [[number]] advantages to using mail merge.

Why gay marriage is BAD!!!!!

Love Is Like an Itching in My Heart

Looking for the DU'er that sells e-ciggies

Zappos IS THE ONLY place for shoes.....

Band of Heathens

Bacon win!

Ready and eager to (Y-A-W-W-W-W-N-N-N-N-N) face another day...

Who is the woman in the Sticky?

Key Lime Pie Ice Cream w/Graham Crackers

Post something about BEER

The new pup thinks she's human

World Breastfeeding Week: Includes handouts, demostrations AND free samples

To be perfectly fair and honest, I want to list the logical reasons why we SHOULD ban gay marriage..

Incredible Sound ....

I have a confession to make, my fellow DU'ers.

For the longest time, I have enjoyed a no-strings-attached, Friends-With-Benefits relationship...

Report: 10 Million Killed Annually By Stepping Out Of Comfort Zones

Update: I'm still an idiot (re: hitting a curb with a newly aligned car)

When love walks in the room, everybody standup...

OMG! It's 60 degrees!

Wouldn't it be nice if you could clone yourself...

Question for Adobe Reader experts (text boxes)

Scrubbing Bubbles my aching foot. I tried this crap in our shower as it is difficult for me to move

I feel like I just cheated on you all.

And, a good night from afar with this chanson: "La vie en rose."


Even if I post all night, I won't make my goal.....

Real life Meet the Fockers taking place at our place this weekend

Photo: Me, about 10 minutes ago...once more into the breach!

Zappos IS THE ONLY place for shoes.....

I'm going to start a new religion, called Furfism.

Anyone remember "Alias Smith and Jones"?

The LeftyFingerPop Short Story Thread

Grandfather's ghost story leads to mysterious mass grave (CNN)

I stayed in a motel last night and let the truck rest here in the SoCal heat

Bumper Sticker "Give War a Chance"

Damn Damn.. My Bubby-Cat is diabetic

Martin Short's Wife Passed Away

Due to person or persons unknown,

To the black ants that continue to invade my home...

I'm going to start a new religion, called Surfism.

Your Hair Reveals Whether You're a Morning Person

Visited Minneapolis this weekend

Something I'd like to hear:

what? christina hendricks is a esty model?

Tombstone____________Right ________ Now!

Are you old enought to remember radio programs? What was your favorite?

The new Miss MEXICAN!!!!!OMG!!!!God hates America!!!!


My LATEST Haiku - "Call Me Sushi Boy"

When you drop a paper clip, do you pick it up immediately?

I vote for the most physically attractive candidate, regardless of party.

Here is something people probably don't know.

I feel like I'm having an anxiety attack.

My tribute to RandomThoughts

what goes on in Bertha's world today

Anyone else get the traveling jones as Fall approaches?

The thought of making Ice Tea...

Anyone here have a magic 8 ball?

Ok! Who is the better "entertainer?" Michael Jackson or

My first lounge post - can a pasty white guy carry off a dashiki set?

Today I had to deal with getting my Mother's death certificates, you need many copies.

Gov. Jan Brewer of Arizona has passed legislation negating the results of the Miss Universe Pageant

My fox character,

Wlen you see that little padlock by a thread, what do you think...


Schweikert ramps up ads after declaring victory (AZ-05)

Paul money bomb falls short

AFSCME hits Rep. Blunt for minimum wage vote

Obama is a Muslim

Here We Go: Insurers Begin Blaming Health Law For Premiums Increases

When can we expect to see President Obama's 2010 Back to School address?

Justice Department approves Georgia voter verification system

No more bailouts/stimulus programs. It's time to fix trade policy, tax policy, & end foreclosures.

Right Wingnuts win (for now)! U.S. district court rules against stem cell policy

Let Them Eat Shrimp Scampi

John Boehner's idea of economic recovery...

John Boehner launches campaign for Speaker

CNN: U.S troops in Iraq fall below 50,000

White House reviewing ruling against embryonic stem cell research

“Frankly, he has not been around long enough to determine what my dignity is”

Brian Williams To Interview President Obama From New Orleans On Katrina Anniversary

Accomplishments or PR?---that is the question.......

Republican talking-points after the midterms:

Gibbs: Boehner 'against it before he was for it'

Is this TRUE!!! Obama is supporting Christ over Meek in the General election

"Boehner's vision is absurd; his credibility is non-existent; and his policy prescription is a joke"

Photo: The President's Declining Popularity Among White Males

Obama: "Support Jerry Brown"

** Heads Up: VPOTUS set to Reply to Boehner, Live 11:10am **

Photo: The Best Job in the World

RNC Distances Itself From New Media Director Todd Herman's Obama-Muslim Tweet

Their Economic Policies Haven’t Changed, So They Won’t Bring the Change We Need

RNC's July fundraising report included $900,000 insurance payment from AIG

I got an email from the Prez!

Ex-Sen. Hagel backing Pa.'s Sestak for US Senate

Senate Plans Hearings on Stem Cells

Farm Bureau rejects Skelton, endorses Republican for first time in 14 years

Former White House Correspondents President Chen: Fox News Seating 'A Travesty'

Robert Reich: Why Democrats Should Propose a 'People's Tax Cut'

White House: Energy stimulus is working

Michelle Obama, Laura Bush to appear together at Shanksville memorial

Photo: Cheater

They're pissed

Convicted Arms Dealer Faces New Charges

Stimulus Prevented Economic Slide

Your Thoughts --- Should Summers and Geithner go?

Here's a poster for anyone going to Glenn Beck's Moron March in DC

DAMN!!!! where's Big Ed today there running a rerun show

If you were an embryo used for in vitro fertilization and rejected, what would you like done to you?

If you were an embryo used for in vitro fertilization and rejected, what would you like done to you?

Biden: Americans don't want to return to economic policies of Bush, Boehner

Amid flooding, CIA resumes Pakistan drone campaign

Thousands of dead fish reported at mouth of Mississippi

Halperin Blasts Obama For Telling The Truth, Criticizing gop

Obama stem cell regulations temporarily blocked

Fort Worth SBA office involved in Katrina failures

Mika keeps mentioning that there is a mosque 12 blocks away Ground Zero

Don't Count on Oracle to Keep OpenOffice Alive

** POTUS to Address the Nation from the Oval on the End of Combat Forces in Iraq **

Church court tries minister who performed same-sex marriages

Settlement on Minn. Bridge Collapse

Claudy Bomb: Conspiracy Allowed IRA Priest to Go Free

John Boehner: Fire Timothy Geithner and Larry Summers

Democrats raise prospect of ‘tweaking’ Social Security

Pelosi was right. Neocon Frank Gaffney behind anti-mosque 'Coalition to Honor Ground Zero'

DeLay will appear in Texas court Tuesday

Blogger beware: Postings can lead to lawsuits

9th Circuit overturns conviction of man who made Super Bowl threats

Minneapolis will pay $165,000 to zombies

Hagel for Defense Secretary?

New PPP FL Senate: Rubio 40% (+11) Crist 32% (-6) Meek 17% (no change)

Court rules against Obama's stem cell policy

Feinberg Says No-Sue Rule Was His Idea, Not BP's

Swedish prosecutor aims to decide on Assange case on Tuesday

(Vancouver) Study tries new approach to homeless

Hope for Dems in Voter Registration Uptick

US Admits Human Rights Shortcomings in UN Report

Report Details Blackwater's Illegal Training Camps, Arms Violations

Report Details Blackwater's Illegal Training Camps, Arms Violations

Shirley Sherrod Says No to Vilsack Offer of New Job at Agriculture

Steve Jobs Is Watching You: Apple Seeking to Patent Spyware

Fed Loses Bid to Review Bailout Disclosure Ruling

Ann Coulter Blasts 'Fake Christians' for Opposing Her Speech to GOP Gays

Minority leader Boehner calls for extending tax cuts, question stimulus spending

State (California) defers schools, welfare program payments

(6) Somali MPs among 32 killed in Mogadishu hotel massacre/Al-Shabab vows 'massive' Somali war

Ousted worker Sherrod rejects return to Ag agency

China jet crash kills 42: reports

Saudi Arabia Contributes More Than $170 Million for Pakistan Flood Relief

Sales of existing homes plunged in July

Nevada Assembly GOP leader: Consider tax on food

Minn. court: Design firm not free of bridge claim

Assange prosecutor cited for secrecy breach

US support of Pakistan ‘strategic mistake’: Spanta

Pakistan president: Flood recovery will take (at least 3) years

UPDATE: Judge denies Troy Davis innocence claim

China's nine-day traffic jam stretches 100km

Feds seek Ebonics experts to help in drug cases

White House Wants to Move Forward with Stem Cell Research

US reviews priorities of ($7.5Billion) Kerry-Lugar-Berman Bill (for Pakistan's reconstruction)

Grand Canyon's future at 'grave risk,' report says

Administration to appeal ruling in stem cell case

State Department details Blackwater violations of U.S. laws

It's time for the wealthy to return their illgotten gains

"George Bush is more popular than Barack Obama"

CBO Steps All Over boner's Message

(Congressional Budget Office:) Stimulus boosted GDP by up to 4.5 percent in 2Q 2010

'Race to the Top' winners announced

Man facing foreclosure brings gun to court, sheriff says

Rev. Jesse Jackson Jobs, Justice and Peace Rally bus tour, stops by Ypsilanti, MI

Moldova seizes radioactive uranium

Confidential Study Warns Of 'Serious Injury Or Deaths' From Drain Covers Used In Millions of US Pool

Money laundering case against DeLay moving forward

Dear Mr. President.

Warship greets Greenpeace near Greenland

Boehner calls for ousting Geithner, Summers

Accused Apple Exec Stored $150,000 in Shoeboxes

Time Warner poised to buy Chilevision-paper

Toyota to Koua Fong Lee: Hand over the Camry; Lee to Toyota: I don't have it

Pakistan facing 'serious' threat of epidemic disease/Aid workers describe devastation from Pakistan

"Frankly, he has not been around long enough to determine what my dignity is."

Tyson Recalls 172 Tons of Meat Sold to Wal-Mart That May Be Contaminated

STOCK MARKET WATCH, Tuesday August 24

WikiLeaks Says It Will Release CIA Paper on Wednesday

Gays no longer on par with child molesters in (Calif.) state code

AP Source: Carter Going to NKorea to Free American

Exclusive: Democrats raise prospect of 'tweaking' Social Security, slam GOP plan

Indian Tribe's 'Avatar' Victory Over UK Mining Giant ("‘Stunning’ David v.Goliath Victory")

He's a hired killer. His nose was bit off in a fight.

Zemoc Industries recalling 380,000 pounds of Lunch Meat in Sandwiches sold at Walmart (Listeria)

BP engineer who wrote telling e-mails pleads the Fifth to avoid testifying at oil spill hearings

Report warns of man-made threats to Grand Canyon National Park

Biden fires back at Boehner

White House fact checks Boehner

Nazi leader Adolf Hitler had Jewish and African relatives, DNA test suggests

"Democrats should be proud of Obama"

L.A. jail tests 'intolerable heat' beam on brawling inmates

Another Solar System Like our Own?

New microbe discovered eating Gulf oil spill

New microbe discovered eating Gulf oil spill

(Los Angeles) County superintendent of education steps down

Lilith Fair 2010 DC - Sarah McLachlan "I Will Remember You" - Justice Through Music

Lilith Fair 2010 DC - Sarah McLachlan "Ice Cream" - Justice Through Music

NV Week in Review panel discusses the repackaging efforts of Sharron Angle's handlers

Completely Unpolitical Video - To Cleanse the Political Palate

Obama's Hawaii ;) --- Also this was Tim Russert's funneral memorial song ;(

Miss USA's costume in Universe pageant was tribute to Pres Obama's work to bring peace to the world

Weird Liberal Head Show #141: We ARE Winning, But We Need DU Help!

TIPS For the UNEMPLOYED and the 99ers

Ed Show : Grayson, Sharpton Talk GOP Smear Tactics

Ron Paul smacks down teagagging islamophobes on Countdown Aug, 24 2010

Pap and Ed Schultz Expose Fox News' Mosque Funding & BP Dirty Tricks

President Obama: help the 99ers - help save the World

Prof. Gopin: Rise of Cultural Wedge Issues

Fox Shareholder Prince Alwaleed Meets With News Corp Execs To Discuss How To ‘Strengthen The Allianc

Jeff Greene on MSNBC

Young Turks: Cenk on Black Man Accosted at Mosque Protest

IBEW Members Confront Gulf Coast Crisis

Mitch McConnell on Bush Tax Cuts for the ÜberRich - They're not paid for?

Ron Paul Breaks With Son Rand on Islamic Center Near Ground Zero

Lilith Fair 2010 DC - Sarah McLachlan and Friends "Because the Night" - JTMP.ORG

White House Vampires

Ed Schultz: Republicans Dusting Off Playbook of "Hate"

Thom Hartmann - How long will before they call for all Muslims to wear crescents on their clothing?

Rachel Maddow - excellent discussion of changes (& protections!) in credit card law

Gas Stock - Anti-fracking activists protest Marcellus Shale Drilling

Cavuto gazes into his crystal balls RE: Obama 2nd term: One and done, I don't think the guy wants it

Waters makes her case

Electronic Voting-MACHINE-Researcher Arrested After Disclosing Problems

Sharron Angle On The Millennium Scholarship: Lose It

Propaganda and Manipulation from the Wealthy.

The Ed Show - Someone's got a crush on the psycho talker from Monnesota

TYT: Ban Glenn Beck From Ground Zero (w/ Devastating Audio)

Rachel Maddow - Islamic center is new 'scare white people' strategy. No adults in charge

Now We Know What The “Dumb Motherfucker" With The Blue Hard Hat Who Got In Kenny's Face Looks Like

The Top Vlog: Palin's Phony Feminism - (Joan McCarter)

WH: Boehner Knows the Ways of Washington: He Invented Them

Moron Radio

Rachel Maddow - Media Fail on 'anti-incumbent fervor'. Makes media eat it. Gets crew laugh.

Meg Whitman puts the "A" in absentee

Faith, Lies and Politics

Is the cartoon funny enough to justify your effort in getting it to display?

Mississippi Shrimpers Refuse to Trawl, Fearing Oil, Dispersants

Margaret & Helen are BACK

Alberto Gonzales to GOP Leaders: Don't Trash the Constitution

The Dems Who Have Spoken For Cordoba House

How Bill O’Reilly Got a Critic Fired by Scott Horton

Paul B. Farrell: Righteous Right leads us straight to WWIII

Dems elevate Boehner as face of Bad Old GOP

Pundits Blame the Victims on Obama Muslim Myth

Glenn Beck Blames Contaminated Eggs on Muslim Chickens

Valliere: The Demonization of Barack Obama – It’s Not Just Religion

Egg recall drives worried customers to farmers markets

Despite Floods, US Restarts Drone Attacks in Pakistan

Dairy drops state license (Adopts herd-share)

CBS's Policial Hotsheet blog "Obama's Low Poll Numbers Mirror Past Presidents' "

Why Republicans Will Raise Your Taxes

Billionaire Funder and Fox News Collude in Glenn Beck’s Affront to Martin Luther King

Eugene Robinson:The right-wing, blinded by its own hysteria

Could an Unemployment Extension Tier V 99ers Movement Change the GOP’s Mind?

"The Economics of US Military Interventions: Part Two – Effectiveness"

Orwell and Social Security - Paul Krugman

Newly Unemployed Face Tripling of Insurance Costs with loss of Cobra (Washington Independent)

Rosetta Stone Endangered Language Program Releases Navajo Language Software

Venezuela, More Deadly Than Iraq, Wonders Why

Fueling Washington

Scientists Discover Genes that Can Improve Biofuel Production

Drumbeat: August 24, 2010

Cairn Energy finds oil signs off Greenland (BBC)

Disaster at the Top of the World

BP engineer who wrote telling e-mails pleads the Fifth to avoid testifying at oil spill hearings

Why is Britain braced for a mackerel war? (BBC) {next species to be overfished?}

Heliotrope: An Energy Positive Solar Home

HFC-23 11,700 More Powerful Than CO2 As GHG; Factories Crank Out MoreTo Rake In Credits - Reuters

Environment, World Food Supply Linked - (Actual Headline!)

CA: PG&E pushes 'pumped hydro' for energy storage

Prop 23: Killing the Environment to Create Jobs

Norway Divests 100% Of Holdings In Samling, Malay Loggging Firm (0.3% Of Shares Outstanding) - AFP

Chad Reed Pulls Out of Race

Hoop Dreams

Bobby Bowden says he was pushed out by Florida State

Looks like Jesus, Acts Like Judas

Buckeyes pay 1.4 million for easy win

Damon Says "No" To Red Sox

Heh! A friend of mine was driving up to Michigan a couple of weeks ago and saw the funniest sign

Detailed Financial Info from Pirates, Rays, Marlins, Angels, and Mariners Sees Light of Day

Rare Tom Landry items to be displayed during State Fair of Texas

Chicago White Sox Plan To Claim Manny Ramirez Off Waivers

Statue to be unveiled of baseball comissioner Bud Selig at Milwaukee's Miller Park

Crime rate high all over Latin America, not just Venezuela--but the New York Slimes don't report it!

Will the White House Fight to End the Cuba Travel Ban?

Honduras: unions plan for general strike

Popularity of Venezuela's state-run food markets--last month, a 35% increase

Polls say Chavez's party on track to win a solid majority in the National Assembly

Time Warner poised to buy Chilevision-paper

Food sovereignty--the transformation of agriculture in Venezuela

Armed deliveryman shoots a violent robber in self defense

Man facing foreclosure brings gun to court, sheriff says

More candidates are hunting for votes with guns

To Dems: Work for the Money

Dangerous Liaisons

Ten Key Moments in the Battle Over Same-Sex Marriage

Gay And Palestinian: 2 videos - Homosexuality in the Arab world and boy arrested for being gay

Four African LGBT Organizations Worth Supporting

35-year-old LGBT mental health and substance treatment non-profit agency closing in San Francisco.

Fundie Homohaters Now "Praying (Driving Out) teh Gay" From Their Homes

Researchers Made HIV Breakthrough With Existing FDA-Approved Meds

Union vindicates CT healthcare workers (130 days on strike so far)

Roy Kaufman, freedom fighter, dies at 80

25 Years on, Still P-9 Proud (the Hormel Spam strike)

United States Chamber of Commerce criticizes Craig Becker

Congressman Carney helps local helmet manufacturer gain military contract (will hire new workers)

NLRB Sets Date for Biggest Union Election in 70 Years

Factual errors abound as OSHA report on SeaWorld Orlando killer whale trainer death is released

US Department of Labor's OSHA cites E.N. Range Inc. in Miami, Fla., more than $2 million

Omaha Man Pulled Off Wall At Sanford Job Site (his safety line may be to blame for his injuries)

City postal center faces $350K in fines from OSHA

China mulls heavier penalties for forcing others to labor

Workers at Four More Chicago Hotels Authorize Strike Action

IAM Aims to Ensure Continental and United Merger Doesn't Happen at Expense of Workers

BALCONY endorses 20 percent reduction in stock transfer tax rebate

Mass Firings Down Slightly in July

Rush on for Toyota line jobs

Hundreds of Coke employees going on strike

Union: Mirant plans to cut staff by half

Jewish Labor Committee: Protesters Call on Trader Joe’s to Adopt Humane Conditions for Tomato Picker

Three Strategic Communications positions at AFSCME based in Vegas, Indy, Pittsburgh (start @ $62k)

Oil-cleanup workers may face lung trouble

Working Families Party to Face No U.S. Charges

USW’s Papermaking Sector Advancing Common Agenda for 100,000 Workers

American Teamsters Union Strikes Holcim Cement Subsidiary

Huffington Post: Labor Says Mott's Apples Are Rotten to the Core

Union Plus Offers Discounts on College Test Prep Courses

Why Did SEIU Give $100,000 to the Republican Governors Association?

Wanna watch how my cousin eats a Hamburger?

Question: What's a good photo stitching program?

Fish - A Portrait - and Silver Water

Owl - Private Dance Performance

Vacationing Netanyahu Can't Find Time To Meet IAEA Chief

Israel's Choice is Settlements or Peace, say Palestinians

Worlds collide in double star systems (BBC)

The strange case of solar flares and radioactive elements

Rich exoplanet system discovered (BBC) {five planets}

Scientists Take Quantum Steps Toward Teleportation

Jack Horkheimer - "Star Hustler" - dead at 72

Is this fair or not?

Is Leslie Kean's new book the beginning of UFO disclosure??

Birthday Party Just Now Starting for GardeningGal

I'm going for it -- I'm going to blast about Wishadoo everywhere I can!!!!

Any super active members here?

My Mystical Weekend Workshop featuring Dr. Lonnie Edwards

I love so many of you... I don't want to single out anybody, but...

I'm on the verge of a nervous breakdown!!


Does marijuana treat migraines?

I need a lot of opinions on this question...

High Fructose Corn Syrup: Tasty Toxin or Slandered Sweetener?