Democratic Underground

Archives: August 4, 2010

Detroit Three rise, Honda and Toyota fall in July (Excluding 4 brands GM dropped, up 25%)

Prop 8 ruling coming tomorrow

Market's rise is a rally without a cause

Fear empty flats in China's property bubble


Nothing but Net...

New ID theft targets kids' SS numbers

Hard feelings about handling of Shirley Sherrod have deep roots in Georgia


Video showing rough handling of women and children fuels accusations

Some stories about crooked cops in Los Angeles

Is the Middle East on the Brink of Another War?

Weight Gain Eroding Americans' Quality of Life

KO and Turley on repealing the 14th amendment

Fife and drum duo on the RM show...

Prop 8 Day of Decision Rally list for tomorrow - come out and support the GLBT community (updated)

WSJ Graph on Bush Tax Cuts show most under 150,000 pay less under Obama in 2011

Catholic Diocese Proposes Running Orphanage

Feds to mortgage banker: We want your giant bag of money

Amazing Solar Tsunami Video (links)

A Senator From South Carolina Wants To Repeal The 14th Amendment

Future Events Such As These WILL Happen -- In The Future -- Trust Me.

'Static kill' mud starts flowing into BP well

Lesson from the Great Lakes State: A real Democrat will beat the fake DLCish version every time

Embattled BP collecting millions in government stimulus funds for California power plant

Future Events Such As These WILL Happen -- In The Future -- Trust Me.

Here comes Invest 98

worse story ever.... well. Six teens drown in Shreveport's Red River

Pending Home Sales–Another Sign Of Housing Depression

Ecuador pledges no oil drilling in Amazon reserve

Detroit Free Press calls it for Virg Bernero


I think the GOP Tax Cuts For The Rich Jobs Plan is Fine.... With One Small Change...

In what year did the church/state Indian boarding school scandal break open?

Auroras may be visible tonight...

Can your employer legally keep you from using competitor products?

delete please

Mandatory Tuesday Malloy Truthseekers check in!!

Christian Right warns of sharia at Islamic center in NY, but want special privileges for themselves

Democrats have controlled the House and the Senate since

FINALLY, here's a detailed breakdown of the GOP plan to help the working and middle class:

Rhee ratchets up the attack on D.C. teachers: 1 in 4 fired or put on notice

Rachel's "scaring white people" schtick is brilliant - on now nt

Rachel Maddow will be on the Late Show,

Rachel Maddow will be on the Late Show,

man-we're all kind of bummed tonight...maybe this will cheer you up a little

Cenk Uygur at HuffPo: Rep. Rogers Thinks We Should Have Considered Executing Daniel Ellsberg

Ted Nugent

Angle Hires New Communications Director Amid Latest Snafu

Hansen Clarke defeats incumbent Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick in Dem primary


I still support Rep Maxine Waters

Hey West-Coasters - Do Not Miss Tonight's Colbert Report

5 states OK'd for federal foreclosure-prevention aid

National Marijuana Legalization Campaign Launches: Just Say Now

Kilpatrick loses House re-election bid

Would this be a good video for Sharron Angle?

My husband got a job (sort of) -- at week 90

Chiang (state controller) orders California cities and counties to report salaries

From Middle Class to Under class

I have a thought on the ethics issues.

Bargain Lease: Is Toyota Heading for Financial Disaster?

Musicians raise $4,200 in benefit concert for Almira Fawn

Is Sharron Angle Sarah Palin's mom?

Sweet, in Canada, politicians can now just make up stats they believe are true!

You know what doesn't effect lasting change: distortions

Fort Lauderdale Cop Fired for Dereliction of Duty

COLOMBIA Report Suggests "Correlation" between U.S. Aid and Army Killings

You can learn a lot from a soldier

Deputy gets four years for trying to smuggle drugs into jail

Rachel on Letterman

WikiLeaks, U.S. group share leak defense cost

VA rule on Agent Orange, heart disease due soon

50 Years After Murrow’s “The Harvest of Shame,” What’s Changed?

Up Through The Ground Come A Bubblin' Crude

Marine review focuses on life after Afghan war

If the DO repeal the 14th Amendment does that mean Bush/Cheney never happened?

(NY) State Senate votes to delay hydrofracking

Glad I didn't skip the Laura Ingraham interview on Colbert.

CWA Supports T-Mobile Workers In Ongoing Campaign

Admit it folks. You really do miss George W. Bush.

Pakistan's leader says world losing Afghan war

A story to watch -- Austria's right-wing fanatic, Jorg Haider

Analysis: Iraq combat end a huge gamble

Republicans Consider Controversial Change to Primary Calendar

It's beautiful how the decision to hire Michael Steele has backfired badly on the GOP

WikiLeaks Effects are Mostly Political

Defense Tech: F-35 ($243M) SAM Killing Mission May Have to Wait For New Jamming Technology

Happy birthday Mr President. I have pulled out my old campaign shirt and will wear it all day just

Rowan County KY chief deputy sentenced to 10yrs for drug sales, embezzlement, and firearms charges,

Investigators blast Arlington contracting

The wages of BUYpartisanship is death...

WikiLeaks: When is it 'right' to leak national security secrets?

DOJ Threatens to Sue Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio

Michigan Guv: Big Labor vs. Big Biz

So how come the misery of three million Pakistanis

BP lawsuits over oil spill take center stage - any updates ?

New York NY cop sued by diabetic man hospitalized after detained for 30hrs w/o insulin

Army probing McChrystal staff over Rolling Stone interview

Iranian media say Ahmadinejad's convoy attacked

The Nation: How Citizens United Twisted Decades of Legal Precedent to Empower Corporations

Evidence of a Failed Mission

As Obama Talks Peace, Many Iraqis Are Unsure aka Same As It Ever Was

Katrina vanden Heuvel: Insecure America

Obama Drops 2009 Pledge to Withdraw Combat Troops from Iraq

Can Jesus Cure Shell Shock?

Exposing a 'wicked' war

What happened to the investigation of John Ensign? nt

Is Clinton really to blame for everything?

NRSC slapped with racial bias lawsuit by former employee

From watching the daily parade of unchallened Conservative guests on Washington Journal...

Rick Sanchez Slams Fox as Not Being a 'News Organization'

Civil Rights in the New Millenium

Dick Van Dyke: Spokesperson for Adult Stem Cells

Judge's ruling ready in Calif. gay marriage case

Fear in New York City

BP Trapped in ‘Advocacy for Hire’ Scheme

OpenLeft: 19th Century Conservatives

Hightower: Who Do We Want? Elizabeth Warren! When Do We Want Her? Now!

Some Say TBI Cure is In the Air

My early e-mail to Joe/MikaMouse re: Quitter PALIN and the "cojones" word


Notice the Republican Senators on TV never get questioned about their UC extension nay vote?

Robin Carnahan?


Hillary speaking live about the Pakistan floods

Is anyone else enormously stressed out right now?

The Hunt for American Decency in the Arizona Quicksand

Mother Arrested, Jailed for Expired Tags

Jon Stewart is tearing down the house tonight

Maxine Waters was just on KPFK

"You Need to Know What's Really Going On": WikiLeaks Julian Assange on the Fight for the Truth

Another wingnut loon,Tom EMMER, MN gov. candidate, this one supported by "progressive" Target

Departing troops pack millions of items in Iraq

So Savannah Guthrie

Rolling Stone writer denied embed permission

China Said to Tell Banks to Stress Test for 60% Home-Price Drop

Just another day in Afghanistan....

What is the number called that comes after a trillion, and when will we be hearing

Maxine Waters rebutts ethics charges; demands speedy trial

Abbracci gratis (free hugs) on streets of an Italian town.

Ex-employee accuses billionaire Jeff Greene of illegal boat trip to Cuba

The Rude Pundit - Immigrants and Islam: We're All Rednecks Now (Part 2: Latinolicious)

Sen. Jefferson Beuregard Sessions III questions Kagan's intelligence

HA! Fired Angel communications guy was only on the job 6 DAYS!

Today's Obama's birthday, Helen's birthday and my father-in-law's birthday

Afghanistan - CNN just reported 4 busses of wounded per day, no longer just one.

Woah. News I must have slept through. Tax write off for med marj use.

Heads UP - Obama about to speak at AFL-CIO meeting

Appeal Of The 14th Amendment ...

is Rand Paul's rejection of the CRA really that bad?

Obama turns 49, GOP sends mocking regards

Poll: More View Afghan War Docs Leak as Harmful

Dems should run on this: some of biggest corpos don't pay taxes including Exxon, GE

FBI Spied on the late great Howard Zinn Since 1949

President Obama Drops 2009 Pledge to Withdraw Combat Troops from Iraq

President Obama Drops 2009 Pledge to Withdraw Combat Troops from Iraq

President Obama Drops 2009 Pledge to Withdraw Combat Troops from Iraq

I'll Bet You didn't know THIS about "probable cause" for warrants, etc.

States rights come home to roust.

its shocking how little regard States have for our children

Fox News Radio online newscast hacked

The Neo-Know Nothings

Huffpost - America's Incredible Shrinking Safety Net

Living in the Age of the Simpsons

Check out Ed Schultz radio & TV show - Breaking news on 99ers & BP Payments!

Petraeus focuses on civilians in Afghan directive

Obama pledges relentless fight on economy

Ok. What did I miss? If jobs keep getting sent overseas for cheap labor -- who is going to buy

My party platform. (Long Post)

Fannie and Freddie's Foreclosure Barons

Yep, feels like crap

Family: Racism caused Conn. gunman to snap

Time to rethink drones

U.S. Finds Most Oil From Spill Poses Little Additional Risk

Judge's Ruling Ready in California Prop 8 Case

How do you measure up on knowledge of current events?

The 14th Amendment

Oh, great. Richard Blumenthal's lead over Linda McMahon has slipped.

Today's news...

Check out Stephen Colbert skewer Laura Ingraham

ACLJ, Fuck you! Mind your own business and stay the fuck out of NY!

Mexican President Felipe Calderon calls for debate on legalizing Marijuana

"How to get deleted from (Quitter) PALIN's Facebook Wall"

Charges dropped against man accused of killing 2 girls

What if anyone could rec, but only donors could un-rec?

If Bush were still President, we wouldn't have even heard about the "mosque"

Could the government create a backdoor stimulus?

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid plans September showdown on extension of Bush tax cuts

Thanks to WikiLeaker, Afghan War Will End Soon

Soldiers in "Collateral Murder" WikiLeaks Video Tell Their Story

As we watch Maxine get pilloried, PLEASE take a short trip down Memory Lane

Mountaintop removal has caused irreversible harm!

Northern Lights from Denmark last night

Safety advocate: Rand Paul's comments on federal coal mine regulations 'idiotic'

Andrea Mitchell - you're going to get 'real facts'?

Why do we have laws like this?

Week by week guide of the "Summer of Wedge", brought to you by the RW media

The WH briefing on the Gulf Oil disaster just now was one of the most frightening

Oh my God you are so missing out, By Mark Morford

US billionaires pledge 50% of their wealth to charity

Why Is the DU Activists' HQ So IN-active?

House may cut recess short to move $26B state aid package

Gibbs says it 'would be crazy' for Obama to campaign in some House districts

Marijuana Campaign: "Just Say Now"

Ann Coulter is "mellowing out." . . . Please come CAPTION!!!

Anonymous RNC Source: The RNC Just Voted To Investigate Leaks

BP Well Leaked Nearly 207 Million Gallons (172 Million Gallons+ Made It Into the Gulf)

Republicans continue to show their contempt for the working class and unemployed......

Some more good news (watch heads explode...) Static kill appears to work! The BP Gusher is dead!

ABC whacks Shales over attack on Amanpour

honest question...why is m$nbc choosing not to show the press conference on the gulf oil?

Being Thrown Under the Bus......In a Good Way

Reinventing the Crusades

Is this an effective use of election money?

My 'Happy Birthday' message to Obama

Palin Book Signing.....Coming to a City Near You

Bike agenda spins cities toward U.N. control, Maes warns

A million things can go wrong with a pregnancy and they're not always life-threatening.

Party Of NO© UPDATE: GOP Opposes Senate-Approved Critical Aid To States...Despite Deficit Reduction!

if tax breaks for the rich create jobs, where are the jobs....?

President Obama target game yanked

Will The U.S. Withdrawal From Iraq Threaten Saudi Arabia And Israel?

The Railroading of Charlie Rangel

Kansas voters prefer the Moran.

Sharron Angle: Democrats Making "Government Our God"

These people are more anti-black people than white tea-partiers....

Fox News Mistakes Shirley Sherrod for Maxine Waters

To me high corporate profits means we are paying too much for your products.

(Not-Racist) Greta Van Susteren Is Apologizing For "a doozy of a mistake"

Where Is Michelle Malkin To Discuss Anchor Baby Amendment

Beck’s Holocaust comments prompt Fox News meeting

HuffPo: Initially, I dismissed most of GOP leaders' anti immigration rhetoric as sheer demagoguery

People seem surprised to find out via Wikileaks that the ISI funds the Taliban.

People seem surprised to find out via Wikileaks that the ISI funds the Taliban.

Ex-Florida GOP chief Jim Greer in jail: confused, defiant

Nut-Meg Down

Kentucky miners not thrilled with Rand Paul's desire to do away with safety regulations

Man Carded to Buy Eggs at Cub Foods

(ohio) Barn collapses, killing two during heavy storms, Six people are missing

HuffPost - Extend and Pretend: The Obama Adminstrations Failed Foreclosure Program

I think we need a Republican sweep this November...

Prop. 8 supporters seek stay of federal judge's ruling before it's released today

Alleged Serial Killer was Member of Neo-Nazi National Alliance

So what happens if the Gulf oil disaster doesn't turn out to be the end of the world some predicted?

NOVAKula rises again: Geoffrey KEMP, ass't NSC under RAYGUN & Nixon Center, one of his sources

Iran Official: We Have Obtained The S-300 Missile System

Outsourcing to India Draws Western Lawyers

There are precious few actual "independents"...

About PTSD...some excerpts. A subject which is of interest to me and undoubtedly to many others.

Bill McKibben: Hot and Bothered

Feingold Says No To Amending The Constitution To Deal With Illegal Immigration

If you can't run a winning campaign on a limited budget, you can't run a town or Country

Self Delete. I don't know what I'm talking about. As usual. nt

And you ask yourself, in what Universe did all the oil just go away?

Turn CNN on Now

Calif. Billionaire's Tax Refund Stolen By ID Thief

Dog chews off owner's toe -- and may have saved his life

Cue up that Hitchcock "REE, REE, REE" Psycho music: Sharron Angle explains Dark Overlord Harry Reid

Logic dictates that progressive policy needs a vigorous Capitalist system, right?

police say 2-year-old Emmit Trapp, missing since Monday evening, found dead

ACLJ Filing Legal Challenge to Ground Zero Mosque

Facebookers: Have you reported the International Burn a Koran Day fan page yet?

Almost every one of those who want the 14th Amendment gone

41% of Republicans believe that Obama wasn't born in the U.S.

41% of Republicans believe that Obama wasn't born in the U.S.

If the thought of a Muslim community center offends you, then you're a bigot.

38 Senate Republicans vote to filibuster a deficit-reducing jobs bill

Theft charge dropped over chicken nugget meal -arrested/ticketed over alleged stealing of $2.60 meal

dupe, please delete.Other thread here:

Tancredo could blow up Colorado's GOP this fall

Main Street Businesses Take on Corporate Tax Havens

U.S. Consumer Bankruptcies May Exceed 1.6 Million, Report Says

PROP 8 OVERTURNED??? Sources At NY Mag Are Saying YES!

Google's Android takes lead in US consumer smartphones

Black members of tea party dispute racist claims

Something stupid happened to our thread: Anyway, agnostics would not even know . . .

President Clinton to stump for Sestak

evan bayh is arguing FOR the bu$h* tax cuts

New York Magazine claims it's seen the Prop. 8 ruling

Right Reacts Preemptively to Expected Prop 8 Loss

Laura Bush on Oprah next hour~

Generally speaking are the people you know personally away from DU who were the most gung-ho about..

Generally speaking are the people you know personally away from DU who were the most gung-ho about..

Really Cool Video of the Solar Tsunami Coming our way (link)

Who is this fool on Ratigan dismissing government?

Sarah Palin's anti-Midas Touch strikes again in Kansas

How do y'all feel about me buying pizza and beer with my unemployment money?

In other news, Fred Phelps had sex with his own hat in a fit of rage

Alleged victims of police beating sue

Is the call for repealing the 14th amendment racist?

NJ Library Removes LGBT Book After Complaint From Member Of Glenn Beck's 9/12 Movement

I wish I was in California today!


Has "angry" become a code word for "crazy"?

How the Attorney General Could End the Drug War/Negotiate a Peace with CA

Surprise! Feds admit storing checkpoint body scan images.

San Francisco DUers: Party at the Civic Center this evening :)

So if CA passes the pot law later this year, will/can it be overturned also?

In NC, we replaced a corrupt Republican w/ a fake Democrat

Judge Walker cited the 14th Amendment in Prop 8 ruling...

Link to the 136 page Prop 8 ruling from california today

Did photographer bait grizzly in (near to) Yellowstone attack?

Has any reporter asked Sarah this question?

Child Porn Loving Copper Twofer

Schwarzenegger issues statement in support of judge's Prop. 8 ruling

Can anyone double-check my logic re: the Prop 8 ruling and the 9th Circuit?

Can anyone double-check my logic re: the Prop 8 ruling and the 9th Circuit?

Rudy Giuliani’s daughter popped for shoplifting, I anxiously await the mugshot

Major News about 99ers going to be reported

WTF? Carol Browner says ~75% of BP Oil Captured, skimmed, burned, contained

Sexist, Racist Republicans Compare Immigrant Women to Farm Animals

"Where's the Obama speech making clear the top priority for now is putting America back to work?"

GOP CO Gov Candidate Thinks Cycling to Work in Denver = UN Brainwashing!

Posted this in GLBT a few weeks ago....

Cartoon of the day

Jerry Brown: Court decision on gay marriage great news

Aldous Huxley versus George Orwell

That they oppose the 14th ammendment, proves they dont really back the con.

Right Wing Bloggers: "Racism doesn't exist!"

Judge Walker, who overturned Prop 8, appointed by Reagan

Predictable Prop 8 reaction in Freeperworld

Child care now more expensive than college tuition

Why is that Islamic Center called the Cordoba House ?

chris matthews tearing into birthers....he's incredulous

Dear Proposition 8 supporters – You lost because you lied

Unless a higher court issues a stay, gay marriages can NOW go forward in California,

I want to know the questions where Sarah got a 76% approval rating.

Ding dong.

Damned Liberal Media UPDATE: CNN celebrates President Obama's birthday with a birther poll. CNN, FU.

I think we all know why Bristol and Levi got engaged...

GOP Gov candidate reveals he is more nuts than Beck

West Corp. adding Omaha jobs (1,500 in 4 months)

Today's Prop 8 decision: You're following Canada's path to nation-wide same-sex marriage

Dog chews off Michigan man’s toe, saves his life

Fox News Prop 8 Poll

Colbert: "As much as I want to see Republicans enact their agenda (and find out what it is)..."

Obama to Debate Ahmadinejad on TV?

"Where the hell do they get these names?"

Proposition H8 of to the Supreme Court

Proof Obama is evil...

Proof Obama is evil...

Debate Iran? No, but talks are possible

Nevada News Outlets Reject Angle's 'Friend' Request

Video: Jon Stewart, Republicans to change 14th Amendment

Littering pisses me off more now than ever.

Wave of health reform provisions coming next month

You don't have to be a woman or "henpecked" to support equal rights for women...

Mormon church `regrets' Calif. gay marriage ruling

Republicans unveil their economic plan

a reader writes...some interesting notes on Prop 8 on Sully's blog

Sharron Angle: Onward Christian Soldiers

Thought For The Day

Sharron Angle Says Democrats' Agenda Violates 'The First Commandment' - Sam Stein/HuffPo

DU this Faux poll

Matthews, we REALLY don't need rehashing the birther b.s.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, President Barack Obama!!!!

Tweetie: only 42% of Americans think Obama definitely was born in the U.S.

I'm ecstatic that Prop 8 has been ruled unconstitutional. However...

Facebook post about ending marijuana prohibition.

British government moves to dramatically cut public funding for the arts

Democratic voters stayed home today in MO

Pigs are flying and Hell has officially frozen over

It is official. 2010 is the record breaking heat extreme of all times

It is official. 2010 is the record breaking heat extreme of all times

Why would someone not unrecommend a 'happy birthday Obama' thread?

HEADS UP, DU. Last night's Colbert is on now, not to be missed.

Giuliani's Daughter Ticketed for Shoplifting ($100 worth of cosmetics)

hooray, hooray, we don't have to worry about the Gulf of Mexico anymore

We're fine. Really. Honest. We are.

How Marijuana Could Split the Tea Party

Rep. Mark Kirk (R) ex wife throws him under the bus, blames wingnut staffer for their divorce. . .

First they lost Dobbs and now Alan Keyes (14th amendment stuff)

First they lost Dobbs and now Alan Keyes (14th amendment stuff)

“Help with organizing home office. Light kitchen, clean-up, shopping. Degree required”.

Read the entire Prop 8 Ruling here:

About the Target boycott -

Maxine Waters spoke about Haiti and the ethics charges this morning on KPFK

GOPers Fallin Apart at the Seams: McConnel unable to articulate GOP Plans if they win Senate

We won? We actually WON?

Federal officer shoots dog in dog park

AP: Gunman's girlfriend heard manager say company was going to "get rid of this dumb n"

The EPA told us the air near Ground Zero was safe to breathe

Prop. 8 Overturned: The Facts, Not the Law, Matter

Bravo Nancy Pelosi

Barnes & Noble up for sale

Turning healthcare meltdowns and outrage into proaction -- request for your stories/experiences

Jawdropping Mother Jones article - Fannie and Freddies's Foreclosure Barons

Someone tell Chris Matthews that newspapers used to routinely publish birth notices.

As BP plugs the Well From Hell, this postulation will become accepted conventional wisdon:

Does this mean all anti-same sex marriage laws are invalidated?

Helen Thomas says to DUers who wished her happy birthday, THANK YOU ALL!

Wonder how many conservatives noticed name of the lawyer that brought the Prop

Keep fighting! We will definitely have peace, prosperity and justice! Here is why I say that:

Prop C is winning in MO...

Unnoticed: Obama drops 2009 pledge to withdraw combat troops from Iraq (Raw Story)

Porter Goss investigated Charlie Rangel? PORTER GOSS?

Chart from the administration press conference


Why is it that when my ears hear "anchor babies" my brain hears "ANGER! babies" ?

Military dogs traumatized by stress of war

One-third of Americans are clinically 'obese.' Why?

This Is GOOD NEWS!!! Can You Handle It?

Sign a Birthday Card to Obama.

Fox News Prop 8 headline... "URGENT"... LOL!

Oil And Dispersant Mix Is Making Its Way Into The Foodchain "Effects could be profound"

Regarding Annoying Midges or No-see-ums...

NY Times devotes article to Jewish concerns re Chelsea Clinton interfaith marriage

After 107 years in Milwaukee, Harley could leave

Colbert Calls Out Laura Ingraham For 'Hideous, Hackneyed Racial Stereotypes'

Obama's Expanding Covert Wars Jeremy Scahill in "the Nation" June 4th

Obama's Expanding Covert Wars Jeremy Scahill in "the Nation" June 4th

Republican 3-Point Financial Plan announced today! (problems & solutions)

The White House told a lie about the oil being dispersed

Roseto carnival game message: 'Step right up and shoot' Barack Obama

Freepers on Prop 8, oh the drama!!

What is the single most important issue for you during the Obama Administration

7 puppies found dead on American Airlines plane

Earth's Inner Core Might Be on the Move

'Death Gyre' in the Gulf

To All The Right Wingers With Regard To Prop 8 Court Decision

Putin holds urgent meeting on wildfires

The GOPhers real purpose for proposing to "clarify" the 14th amendment

Breaking on GEM$NBC - major corruption scandal

The Objective of Morality

Dog shot to death at dog park by Federal Officer before owner could leash

My relationship has been validated, at least for today. Thank you.

Prop 8 Overturned!

Assange: "in order to make any sensible decision you need to know what's really going on"

Raising a glass to my LGBTIQ brothers and sisters!

America loves monopolies. Intel fined a billion euros, FTC impotent.

What marriage is and isn't. What sexual orientation is and isn't. Lordy, this Judge is good.

Ugliest cars of all times

Prop 8 Wasn't Just "Overturned", This Decision Is A ROCK SOLID SMACKDOWN

You want to know why our environment isn't going to get any better?

Obama Administration's Scientists Admit Alarm Over Dispersants

In the white House presser we are being told the oil is "dispersed" and breaking down.

Judge strikes down ban on same-sex marriage - pics

6th State To Enact Legislation to Establish A National Popular Vote to Elect President!

No one died in "9/11 mosque" Building because the store was still closed.

The "9/11 mosque" building was rendered unusable because parts of a 9/11 plane

DN: "The Crime of the Century: What BP and US Government Don’t Want You to Know"

Please read and comment: "How Liberals Would Fix The Economy" (very, very long)

SUCK IT, FUNDIES!!! Prop 8 overturned!!!

All Fox News people look alike anyway...

So, how do they educate the children at Stilwell Friends, where Obama's children are attending?

You motherfuckers are not getting the keys back because you don't know how to drive!

Whales crowd Monterey Bay to feast on krill bonanza

Michigan man says he's grateful dog chewed off toe

I hope the Mormon Church has its magic undies in a big, uncomfortable twisted wad today.

Beware bold-face lying about the oil damage

Are You a Conservative Extremist? ( A Test )

****Official Argue about the Atomic Bomb Thread******

Why so many defeatist posts on DU?

Jesus , Why is "Socialist" almost a CURSE WORD in the USA

I'd like to see the results of the studies conducted by .gov/NOAA that

I wonder if things might get better after the 2010 election

Insurance tells woman life not in danger, bills her $9000 for abortion

Spectacular Northern Lights Show Signals Sun Is Waking Up

Northern Lights in Denmark...

Sidwell School "recognizes and respects different learning styles". Public schools can not.

"Negotiated Infidelity" I call "bullshit."

Teen on bike, tasered, ran over by car, and then cop planted gun on the body...

All successful newspapers are ceaselessly querulous and bellicose.

I received notice that my BC/BS premium

Are there any non-bigoted & legit reasons for opposing the Islamic centre in NY?

If a Muslim community center is a "mosque"... then YMCAs are christian churches

The elephant in the room has an obvious solution

On August 24, 2010, what will Florida's Democrats say to Jeff Greene?

Why subsidize meat production?

Love Is Blue

'Cause I Need It



Come Live With Me


Sam Fuller

My favourite things

Day is Done

I'm doing this for my own benefit.


Things Behind the Sun


Get It Right

Sun Goddess

OMG, I have to do somethign tomorrow that takes prep, and I have NOOOOOO desire to do the prep...

Zatoichi the Blind Swordsman & Madlib the Beat Konducta


Anyone else wanna see how it all ends?

Big Brother and posting pictures on line.

Anyone know the band "The flying dogs of Jupiter" ?

The problem is *identified* - we need a solution: I give my chihuaua MIXED MESSAGES

Spoiler Alert for Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World....

Installment #28 in MiddleFingerMom's "How to Dress Yourself Tips"...

My serious opinion on the state of affairs of the lounge. If you can't handle it, don't open this.

Ran across a typical dumb sexist comparison of "Men vs Women"...

Scoop diddly doop woop

Firefox help if anyone can?

Loved it-middle-aged couple sang this at redneck karaoke..Evanescence

What in the world has happened to fashion?

tense and can't relax...imbibing in the K2 monster

Afternoons like this I just kick back, wait for my boss to fall asleep at her desk.........

GOP push for changes to 14th Amendment inspires pro-gun group (humor)

My next gadget.

Trick-shot artists claim longest hoop ever

Who knows where the time goes

Anything weird happen on your birthday?

should I have tipped the satellite guy?

To understand things,

This is a news story about a suicide.

Use the phrase "beef package" in a sentence

I don't know why sometimes I get frightened

Why do people get upset when someone gets divorced?

Question for writers, re: short stories and copyright

Why did I get this screen when I clicked on Syrinx's thread?

Mao's grandson, promoted to major general, faces ridicule

Today's WTF

What is the "worse" thing you would do for financial security and independence?

This space intentionally left blank.

Olive Garden responsible for childhood obesity epidemic!

What's your personal hit with a bullet of the moment?

My sister's house is on fire.

What do you think about Timothy Zahn doing the novelization of "The Human Centipede?"

Uganda's first Action Movie

Is Boojatta a dingbat?

Hmmm...Britney Spears seems to have a sort of Uncle Fester vibe going on here...

Shoplifter takes clothes, leaves 10 month old baby behind

How long have you delayed gratification and why did you wait?

Happy 90th Birthday, PD James!

At least 90% of the jobs in my field require a bachelors degree in accounting and 5 years experience

Find x

okay, what did i miss this time?...

We won! And I may have lost.

Apparently, the big kittehs --

amazon muddies "horror" genre with all 4 Twilight books in Top 10

This post is a continuation of a locked thread.

Screeching Weasel!!!!

Ok let's see how good you are: How many states border a state that Borders Mexico?

Hey Jude

FIRE!!! (pic)

What state is bordered by Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming?

Burglary victim uses toes to type for help

I've got a taste for something fruity and juicy

Attracted to human feet and limburger cheese

How long before a boiled egg goes bad in the refrigerator?

Very cool sketchbook art project:

Abbracci gratis (free hugs) on streets of an Italian town.

I can't take these SPCA commercials anymore...

What do you think of this band?

If most small penised guys are jerks,

The problem with hybrid vehicles.

My name is Ptah and I'm a

How long before a raw pork chop goes bad in my car on the dashboard in the August sun?

Know anyone with an adversarial relationship with God?

Anyone else got body parts that forecast weather?

what kind of toys and chews can you make yourself for dogs?

I thought I would be tired and sore today but....

Ok let's see how good you are: How many states border a state that Borders Delaware??

If you are right-handed, have you ever tried using scissors with your left hand?

Joe Haldeman's 'The Forever War' coming to the big screen?

This post is a public service for anyone needing more proof that Kanye West is a colossal asshole

Update on my Dad...It's not good.

Dylan covers

Dieting or 'eating healthy as a lifestyle change...Tips?

Summary of Life -an email I just received.

Crystal Light

And now, a Baseball Debate Thread.

The Who. Why should I like them again?

Makeover for Wonder Woman at 69

Orange cats can't jump

Name a song you think is a perfect and entire piece of rock music

Help! My computer is running at a snail pace. Any ideas of how to make it run faster?

Nine Dead in Connecticut Labor Dispute (7 Teamsters)

Toyota Documents Allegedly Reveal Company Able to Recreate Sudden Acceleration (without driver error

Ecuador pledges no oil drilling in Amazon reserve

Revisions Made in ‘Media Shield’ Bill

Swine Jobs School helps prepare workers in pork production

Static kill of BP oil well in Gulf of Mexico may last for a couple of days

Barnes & Noble up for sale; founder may bid

Panama finds 3 more bodies at US man's hostel

Tragedy on a river: 6 teens from 2 families drown

Canadian immigration officials told to flag U.S. war resisters

Utah board upholds strip mine near national park

Defense expert for Minn. man seeking new trial in fatal Toyota crash disputes trial testimony

A Market Punishing to Mothers

Mexico: 28,000 killed in drug violence since 2006

Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick, incumbent Dem Rep, goes down in MI primary, sixth lawmaker to be ousted

US says 74 pct of BP spill oil gone

Feds bust counterfeit goods pipeline to S.F.

Palin backing doesn't help in Kansas

BP 'plugs' Gulf of Mexico oil well

Pakistan floods: Islamic fundamentalists fill state aid void

Ex-police officers to go to trial in Schuylkill County immigrant-beating case

US economy adds 42,000 jobs in July: ADP

US source protection bill amended to exclude WikiLeaks

Records: SC Gov Candidate Haley Paid Taxes Late

Plan for Dutch coalition backed by Wilders' party sparks concerns

Prop 8 decision due tomorrow

Federal judge in California knocks down the state's voter-approved ban on same-sex marri...

To labor leaders, Obama makes pledge on economy: Not giving up, not giving in

John Kyl fakes AZ crime stats on illegal immigrants

Defense Contractor Fined

Pelosi To Call Back House For Key Vote On Jobs Bill

Senate Vote Clears Way for $26 BIllion in Aid to States

Feingold Says No To Amending The Constitution To Deal With Illegal Immigration

Court rejects Abdullah Khadr extradition request

AMA: Liability Claims Filed Nearly One Per Physician

Prop. 8 backers anticipating defeat

GOP puzzled as Michael Steele courts diplomats

Bennet loans himself $300K in final days of race

Hannemann Has Most Money In Governor's Race (HI)

STOCK MARKET WATCH, Tuesday August 4

Senate jobs bill clears key hurdle

Obama Administration's Scientists Admit Alarm Over Dispersants

There They Go Again: Two Senators Continue False and Misleading Attacks on Recovery Act

Reid Surges Ahead of Tea Party Favorite Angle

McInnis' donations plunge in 2nd half of July, while Hickenlooper's skyrocket

Fox host apologizes for Sherrod-Waters mixup

BREAKING NEWS: Former Prisoners of Conscience Take Protest to Military Base in Colombia

Ford to add 635 more U.S. jobs

Meet the woman running against Lacy Clay who plans on being the next Alvin Greene

About 100,000 War Vets Owed Stop-Loss Cash Payments

Free Medical Clinic for Uninsured People Draws Thousands

LOL Michael Steele has done it again.

Modern Republicanism.

Palin endorses Brian Murphy for governor (MD)

This Hansen Clarke is one interesting dude. (MI-13)

Wrong forum - please delete.

Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick loses primary

*Heads up*: President Obama delivers remarks at the AFL-CIO Executive Committee Meeting

Rasmussen shows tight race for Governor of FL

Marceaux has lengthy Criminal Court appearance record

House Subcommittee Votes to Raise Missile Defense Aid to Israel to Highest Level Ever

A Market Punishing to Mothers

A Market Punishing to Mothers

Wrong forum - please delete.


Being a Big Tent Democrat is not always an easy thing...

today I learned Obama was warned that Israel will attack Iran

New Jersey Poll: Obama has a solid approval rating in the state

WSJ: A Look on the Bright Side for Jobs

Ras Ohio Senate: Portman: 44% Fisher: 40%

Caroline Giuliani ARRESTED: Rudy Giuliani's Daughter Caught Shoplifting

Spy scandal hounds Uribe's last days in office

NOAA: Impact of spill to linger for decades

Judd Gregg whining about (paid for) aid to states, yet supports unpaid for tax cuts for top 2%!


To Rethug analyst: We already have a 'check and balance' on Obama's agenda. It's called the Senate!

The Difference Between 2006 and 2010

Colombia U.S. bases up for court review

Stupid Fox News

Newt Gingrich offers conservatives' hateful reaction to the ruling overturning Prop 8

Cox Becomes Third Health Care Plaintiff To Lose Gubernatorial Bid

First lady visits Spain, State Dept. removes warning about police racism there

Colorado Republican Dan Maes: Dem's Support For Bikes Is A U.N. Plot

New Law Paves the Way for Public Review of Contractor Data

How many recommends did 'happy birthday obama' threads get last year?

Mongiardo endorses Conway for U.S. Senate

For me to go around saying that Barack Obama is a socialist is a violation of the Ninth Commandment

NYT BREAKING NEWS 4:43 PM ET: California Gay Marriage Ban Overturned

Is Rick Snyder (running for Gov in MI) the new GOP superstar? if so, why?

Wallpaper screenshots of James Stewart in offshore drilling movie "Thunder Bay"

U.S. Finds Most Oil From Spill Poses Little Additional Risk

U.S. Finds Most Oil From Spill Poses Little Additional Risk

Happy Birthday, Barack Obama (heavy photo, hug edition)

If the government can't fund it's OWN people how can it fund other countries?

Bernero wins Michigan Democratic primary for governor

Hey Bible Spice - Hows that Family values thing working out for ya?

What's Anthony Weiner's position on Ground Zero mosque?

PHOTO: President Obama on his way to Chicago to celebrate his 49th birthday

Robert Reich: The enthusiasm gap and you

***Happy Birthday President Barack Obama! ***

Opponents Of Mosque Near WTC Site Plan To File Lawsuit

Why are President Obama's approval ratings at a particular low ebb right now?

Public Policy Polling: looks at early GOP primary/caucuses--seems to favor Romney

Frank Lutz talks to scared AZ voters - Obama haters

Judge Vaughn Walker Hands Victory to Proposition 8 Opponents (CA-Gay Marriage Ban Overturned)

Iran's Ahmadinejad survives 'assassination attempt'

Happy Birthday, Mr. President???

Screw You H8ers

Patty Murray plows through half her cash

State aid, teacher funding cloture vote passes (Scott Brown voted against)

Think Progress: 38 Republicans Vote to Filibuster a Deficit-Reducing Jobs Bill

USDA and the Commerce Department Supporting Broadband Access and Economic Opportunity Across America

GOP Job-Killing Agenda

Report: More crossers are being deported

Did I just watch Dylan Ratigan allow some right wing hack to ...

Missouri votes to block US health insurance law

Obama Says ‘Made in America’ at Heart of U.S. Recovery

Unlearning racism

Darts shot at Obama likeness in Pa. carnival game

What exactly is a corporatist?

Andrew Romanoff Campaign - Please Help

Thirty US billionaires pledge to give away half their fortunes to charity

Shooting gallery apologises for using Obama as a target

Ex-Employee: (Fl. "Dem" candidate) Jeff Greene Took Vacation In Cuba

Progressives have EVERY reason to be filled with energy to DEFEAT REPUBLICANS in November.

Source: Wyclef Jean to announce he'll run for president of Haiti

Obesity Rates Keep Rising, Troubling Health Officials

Quinnipiac Poll--CT Senate: Blumenthal: 50% McMahon: 40%

Bike agenda spins cities toward U.N. control, Maes warns

Post a DU signature line that you like.

Do you need a good laugh?

Anthony Weiner Al Pacino MashUp

HBO Real Sports Segment on SWCS Issue 47 (Part 1 of 2)

HBO Real Sports Segment on SWCS Issue 47 (Part 2 of 2)

Rick Sanchez & Jessica Yellin Mock Sharron Angle's "Friendly Media" Comments To Faux

Rachel Maddow - GOP fundraising on ignorant fears, and the Democrats trapped by Bush Tax Cut

Rachel Maddow: GOP group begs for user-generated immigrant-bashing videos

'America will collapse'

Phoenix, July 29 Raw Footage of Civil Disobedience and Arrests

Keiser Report No.65

Happy Birthday, President Obama!

Dan Quinn, Steve Newton, and Michael Berube On the Trend of Rejecting Expert Opinions

BP's oil now oozing out from Beach sand in Louisiana

Ed Schultz: Wall Street Treats American Workers Like Roadkill

Thom Hartmann - At what point have we lost liberty because we lost privacy?

Thom Hartmann - Should anyone born on US soil automatically have a right to citizenship?

Rachel Maddow: the GOP's multiple personality disorder. They were for cap & trade before . . .

FL Senate Candidate Jeff Greene's Yacht Trip to Cuba - Jewish Mission, Emergency Stop, or Party?

Katie Couric RAW: Leaked footage of Couric Making Fun of Sarah Palin

The Unlawful Arrest of Sal Reza by Sheriff Arpaio's Deputies

URGENT: Federal Judge Overturns California's Gay Marriage Ban (FOX News)

URGENT: Federal Judge Overturns California's Gay Marriage Ban (FOX News)

''This Is What Hitler Did'': Glenn Beck's Obsessive Nazi Analogies

Pathetic Republicans • Volume 3: Constitution is Irrelevant

Rachel Maddow interviews feuding tea partiers

MSNBC: End The War On Drugs! (Cenk's Take)

Red State Update interviews Basil Marceaux

Cenk on MSNBC : Muslims And Mosque Near Ground Zero

Rachel Maddow in Late Show with David Letterman 2010-08-03

Of/By/4 - in 18 minutes

ACLU fears Obama solidifying new normal

Bicycle Activists Make Power/Travel 5000 Miles (Posted In Honor of Bozo fascist Denver Republican)

MSNBC: Cenk's Epic Rant On Gay Marriage & The Bible (w/ Transcript)

Solar Roadways: The Prototype

GOP Job-Killing Agenda

Missing BP Oil Washes Up in St. Mary's Parish, LA - Democracy NOW!

Outsourcing to India Draws Western Lawyers

wyclef jean "if i was president"

BREAKING NEWS: Former Prisoners of Conscience Take Protest to Military Base in Colombia

TPM; Ensign Registers Legal Defense Fund As Political Org

Globalisation is destroying historic shipping industry

The Role of Intelligence in American Society--A Mensan's View

How Citizens United Twisted Decades of Legal Precedent to Empower Corporations

Why I Was Angry Weiner

Amy Goodman: Why Did Obama Fire Dan Choi?

Is Wall St. Making Life or Death Decisions for You?

The Crime of the Century: What BP and the US Government Don't Want You to Know

The Nation: How Citizens United Twisted Decades of Legal Precedent to Empower Corporations

ANALYSIS: House GOP ‘Jobs Plan’ Would Give Billions In Budget Busting Tax Breaks To Huge Corporation

Judge Vaughn Walker Hands Victory to Proposition 8 Opponents

Sending a Child to War

NYT Editorial: A Monument to Tolerance

Lou Dobbs: GOP Gone Too Far on Immigration

Palin, Summers and the Crisis of Kitsch

Come the Revolution: Are We There Yet?

Outrage over proposed NYC Muslim community center troubling

In a Country Where 1 in 4 Beers Sold Is a Bud Light, Microbrews Are Showing Promising Growth

Jim Hightower: Who Do We Want? Elizabeth Warren! When Do We Want Her? Now!

Ginsburg says no plans to leave Supreme Court.

Robert Scheer: Married to the Clinton Mob

Drumbeat: August 4, 2010

NASA/MODIS Image Of The Day - Forest Fire Smoke Over Russia

Yangtze River Garbage Mats Threaten To Take Down Bridge, Damage Two Dams - Reuters

Duh. Cancun Climate Talks Will Not Produce New Climate Treaty - Reuters

Off CA Coast, "Incredibly Low" Numbers Of Sea Otter Pups This Year Discouraging Biologists

Study Suggests Deforestation "Waves" - High-Grade Hardwoods, Lower-Grade Trees, Then Charcoal

WFP - Food Market/Transport System In Pakistan Breaking Down - Zardari Doing State Visits In Europe

I never realized that Norman Borlaug was a Malthusian.

Canadian Marine Archeologists Find Wreck Of McClure's Discovery (Circa 1854) In NW Passage - Reuters

Russian Fires Still Spreading - 13 Warehouses At Military Aircraft Storage Site Destroyed - BBC

Farmers Imperil Munich Olympics - WSJ

Results of Xcel Energy's Wind-to-Battery Project (it works)

Oregon Wave Energy Project Closer To Fruition

Nevada and Sicily Look to Molten Salt for Solar Storage

New Jersey's solar-energy industry gets boost as state renews program to pay users

Russian Wildfire Threatens Nuclear Facility

Chinese Solar PV Equipment Market is Expected to Lead in the Globe (thank you GOP)

Malta - Bluefin Tuna Landings Register Massive 32.3% Drop Q2 2010 YOY - Total Catch Volume Down 9.9%

Company Makes Top 20 Among Mass. Toxic Waste Generators: Starts Manufacturing in China.

Help! If you can answer Question re- Eco-friendlier A/C Options

TX Letter To EPA - Claims Failure To Approve Air Permitting Process Means "Pledging Fealty" To EPA

Taking All Loopholes For Rich Into Account, Copenhagen "Treaty" Allows 9% GHG Increase By 2020

Rand Paul Slammed Over Details Interview - He Supports Less Federal Regulation Of Coal Mining

A long way to go

BP Solar Cuts Jobs, Moves Manufacturing to China.

Solar-Power Box Plugs Straight into Your Home

My fig tree believes in global warming....The last 2 years, our fig tree

Gulf oil spill is just the latest blow for Delacroix (4-part series)

(Small, low speed) Solar Powered Vehicle Coming To Market

Spain's Solar-Power Collapse Dims Subsidy Model.

Breaking News! Bret Favor is a d**k!

Please! No more Brett Favre threads until after Labor Day.

Brett Favre says he will play if healthy

Sources: Shaquille O'Neal to Boston

Let me tell it to you as clean as I can.

Favenis' Follies

Jonathan Sanchez ties Marichal's record

Youk done for season?

Brett Favre Sends Nude Pics to Model?

Breaking News! Bret Favor is an a**hole!

Did A-Rod reach some kind of milestone or something?

"Health problems" and Colombia keep Chavez away from Mercosur summit

University fights for lands seized by the National Lands Institute (INTI

Former Prisoners of Conscience Take Protest to Military Base in Colombia

Stories you may see (or not) in MSM today (Wednesday)

How President Alvaro Uribe changed Colombia

Ecopetrol’s BP buy gives boost to Colombia bulls

Uribe: Smart & Hard Working

Mexico finds tunnel, possible tombs under ruins

Spy scandal hounds Uribe's last days in office

Colombia U.S. bases up for court review

Obama's choice for ambassador to Venezuela; surely Palmer cannot be this stupid

Support the NRA if the NRA endorses Harry Reid?

Civil Rights in the new millenium

Priceless interview with Carol Channing

150 Orthodox rabbis sign statement for acceptance of gay Jews

India to launch gay condom

Report: Confusing anti-gay TV ads swayed Prop. 8 voters

Judge's Ruling Ready in Califronia's Prop 8 case...cross post to GD

TODAY: Proposition 8 Day Of Decision Rallies Planned Nationwide

Former Gay Pride Parade queen regresses, joins anti-gay groups


Read the Prop 8 decision here:

My friends, about today's ruling..remember one thing....

Bishop Harry Jackson releases statement voicing his outrage over Prop 8 being overturned

To my GLBT brothers and sisters. Today is a good day but the fight is NOT OVAH!


Yes on 8 petitions for stay of decision before issued

Today in Labor History Aug 2, Sixty strikers wounded by police in Scranton

Pro Prop 8 Bigot (and self-professed "liberal Democrat") laments blowback from his bigotry

UE Local 1111’s Demise: Sadness Mixed With Pride

In those dark days as a kid getting called a faggot I never thought I would see a federal judge rule

Workers Memorial provides opportunity to remember and renew commitment

For the record-I want to thank all Texas union members who came to see Bill White

Union: Conn. gunman (8 dead) was caught on tape stealing

Today in labor history July 4, 180,000 Teamsters launched a successful 15-day strike at UPS

Union withdraws charges against Murrays, but vows to keep up pressure

New York City Faith Community Feels Called To Fight For Living Wage For Workers

More Workers Face Pay Cuts, Not Furloughs

*** IMPORTANT UPDATE for Seasonal Photo Contest ***

Camera w/ rechargeable battery--they tell you don't leave the battery in it.

Brian May, Guitarist for Queen, Discovers 150-Year-Old Photos Of An English Village

Resort living, Tennessee River style

I've posted some more pictures of our fishing trip to Homer

Egypt: Gaza militants initiated rocket attack on Eilat, Aqaba

To avert disaster, stop isolating Hamas

SF Bay area billboards read: "THANKS FOR THE BLANK CHECK, AMERICA"

today I learned Obama was warned that Israel will attack Iran

Netanyahu: Hamas responsible for rockets on Eilat; we will retaliate

Israel's Liberals Face State Prosecution

U.N. Names Panel to Probe Israeli Killings on Gaza-Bound Ship

Exploring Venus: A NASA Robotic Target

The Mapmakers of Society; The beginnings of a Scientific Dictatorship

Artificial Life Forms Evolve Basic Intelligence

When should students begin reading scientific journal articles as part of REQUIRED school work?

Salamander is world's first photosynthetic vertebrate

Elon Musk: 'I'm planning to retire to Mars'

Anti-gay "Pro-Family" Easton Evangelical church worker faces new molestation charges

150 Orthodox rabbis sign statement for acceptance of gay Jews

Catholic Diocese Proposes Running Orphanage

"Mixed faith" weddings - as in Chelsea's-stir mixed feelings from both sides...NYT article -

Question on the nature of belief.

Please send me lots of balancing light today.

Want to be Happy? Keep Busy

What am I doing? Where do I begin?

B Vitamins Don't Cut Repeat Vascular Events

US Dietary Supplements Not As Safe As Consumers Might Assume