Democratic Underground

Archives: August 5, 2010

Safety Research & strategies: Will Toyota Be Number One in Criminal Violations Under the TREAD Act?

Distorting Democratic plans on the Bush tax cuts

Republicans Defend DUI Phil Hermanson’s Drug-Induced Munchies Run

Teabagger v semi loon Rethug. Just one vote in it.

What a good news day it was today

Want to see something cool - Captioned RADIO!

Geithner: GOP tax policies a ‘$700 billion fiscal mistake’

Boise and Olsen will be on Rachel Maddow show, nt

Should we have a scatter-graph of democrats?

This Mormon Group Applauds Prop. 8 Ruling

I've been away from the news for hours now; question; can gay couples in CA now marry?

Rochester Increases Revenue by Running up Water Bills on Vacant Houses

We've Got to Organize!

Hanging A Hammock Between Death And The Abyss: A Götterdämmerung Of Kitsch

Senate Vote Clears Way for $26 Billion in Aid to States

I am very pleased with today's Prop 8 ruling for two reasons

digby: A Good Day

"Plunder: The Crime of Our Time," a New Film by Danny Schechter

Now that the good judge has overturned the stupid Prop 8, I have

Damascus (Oregon) woman secretly marries fugitive accused of molesting her daughter

Damascus (Oregon) woman secretly marries fugitive accused of molesting her daughter

Proposition 8 overturned by court; Mormon Church responds

Rick Scott (r-FL) pledges to drug test welfare recipients

heart attack victim refuses air ambulance because she had no health insurance

Happy Birthday Coast Guard! Created to enforce tariff laws...

The missing peace

Fundie Prop 8 freakout focused on Judge Walker

How to make Smart Growth affordable

I LOVE Russell Simmons! (on Keith)

Two worlds...

To all those assholes in California who supported Prop 8.....

The Sound Of Rightwing Heads Exploding, Re: Prop 8 Decision - RawStory

Props to Ted Olson and David Boies for defending

What a wonderful surprise to turn on the news this evening

Yes! ^5

So is the fundies next move to pickett gay weddings?

Come the Revolution: Are We There Yet?

The Full Text of the Prop 8 Ruling

Oil Rig’s Owner Had Safety Issue at 3 Other Wells

Happy Birthday Obama!!! Gay Marriage and Louis Armstrong's birthday, too!

Bwaaaaaaaaaaah Duers are you watching the lunatic

Church to burn copies of Koran to mark 9/11

I was listening to Mike Newcomb

GOP Senate Candidate's Ex-Wife Won't Vote For Mark Kirk..

Schumer attacks Wikileaks.......

Robert Scheer: "Chelsea Clinton's marriage to a Goldman Sachs alum and budding hedge-fund hustler"

Michael Bloomberg...

The sign I held at the WeHo prop 8 rally

Argh !!! - Chris Dodd, Retiring From the Senate, Tells Colleagues to Keep It Broken - FDL

Chefs sue over purported virginity of olive oil

How about a folding green home..aka blu home?

Just a little sorta related look ahead on this special night

The Palin Wrecking Crew ... LOL

Mandatory Wednesday Malloy Truthseekers check in!!

Mandatory Wednesday Malloy Truthseekers check in!!

Keep Bush Tax Cuts Alive

PS, here's something disgusting....marginalized women are so unimportant....

Hey Newt, how stupid are you actually.........

It's long past time for the media to start marginalizing homophobes in this country

Canadian "anglophone rights" group has flag rejected by city council

Okay GLBT community.. all I have to say about the Prop 8 overturn is this

I never read this one before: Lawyer in Prop 8 case said, ""You don't have to have evidence of this"

Plutonium Traces in Air Near Rocky Flats Colorado former nuclear weapons site

Giuliani daughter arrested at NYC cosmetics store

Big money day

I could see this scenario playing out if the USSC legalizes gay marriage everywhere

You know you need to get to a doctor

I'm not in the mood to go over to freeperland, but have any of the neanderthals...

I hope the "independents" that have drifted away over the past year are noticing something....

CBS News just polled me...

I didn't see no stinkin' Aurora Borealis tonight

Do you actually know a real live person under 30 who opposes marriage equality?

Let's list the number of divorces for prominent GOP Prop H8 supporters...


Rachel is having an absolute ball tonight

Judy Shepard responds to prop 8 being overturned.

Does the" religious tolerance" i am seeing on DU extend to christians?

Does the" religious tolerance" i am seeing on DU extend to christians?

The GOPers recent shenanigans indicate they have "Soiled" themselves

Stop calling Republicans "hypcrites"

Even More New Proof Cannabinoids Kill Cancer Cells (Breast Cancer)

How the Wikileaks, NYT, Guardian, De Spiegel expose happened, and the Murdoch plan.

Greenhouse Bananas

Ape Shall Never Kill Ape

Today was a good day for the Constitution...

Fox News poll on Prop 8 - so far most support decision

I wish we could see how many heads exploded today

Liar liar pants on fire: Fake Democrat Jeff Greene walks back a whopper.. or is it a Cuban sandwich?

BP to pour cement down crippled well in next step to seal it

Billions of national treasure flushed down the sewer that is Afghanistan and Iraq...

Yay, Stephen Harper and his gaggle of tools are losing ground again

"The Camden 28"

2010 Social Security Trustees Report Talking Points

I am resorting to a bit of a nuclear option myself, day 31

Alan Keyes: Lindsey Graham's Calls To Scrap Birthright Citizenship Are Too Crazy For Me

Colorado Repub Maes: Dem's Support For Bikes Is A U.N. Plot

Proposed: our republic is a duopolistic corporate kleptocracy.

Suit seeks to end Prince George's (MD) ban on feeding stray cats

States like Georgia never mention the assistance like this that they receive from the federal

Schwartz: Optimism growing on ($243 million dollar) F-35

New, clarified rules issued for Afghan fight

How U.S. reshaped Afghan prison's image

Judge Walker's ruling on Prop 8 is a victory for Americans and for the Constitution - I think

US races to trump militants in getting aid to Pakistan flood victims

"Ariz senator targets immigrants' kids"(if Repubs take back the House,this is he crap they'll intro)

Let's not forget about Pvt. Bradley Manning

Re-Assessing Afghanistan From a National Interest Perspective

Karzai Asserts Control Over U.S.-Backed Anticorruption Units

I think Obama deserves some of the credit for Prop 8 being struck down

I think Obama deserves some of the credit for Prop 8 being struck down

This story is heartbreaking. Kid lost his whole family in a car accident

Senators worry for-profit schools cheat vets

Hey, Joey Scar! The anti-gay marriage people ARE bigots.

This is what is going on in Tulsa, bygod, Oklahoma

U.S. Underemployment Steady at 18.4% in July

Conservative justification: a child would think like I do!

Toon: More Supply Side Solutions!

does anyone have a link

does anyone have a link

Alan Keyes: Lindsey Graham's Calls To Scrap Birthright Citizenship Are Too Crazy For Me

300 New Jobs in Jacksonville, FL Mortage Fraud and Risk.

Waxman sees bright side to Nov: 'Difficult' Dems won't be back

Toon- Yes, this is all about you, Senators

My friend sends me the 'Obama scares me' email, what a bunch of whiny, paranoid cowards

My friend sends me the 'Obama scares me' email, what a bunch of whiny, paranoid cowards

Bush Pushes Back Memoirs To Nov. 9 So GOP Isn't Hurt In Midterms, Friends Say

Jobless Claims in U.S. Unexpectedly Climb to Three-Month High of 479,000

Eugene Robinson: Without a clear goal, we'll never win in Afghanistan

Ruling against Prop. 8 could lead to federal precedent on gay marriage

Scientists cast doubt on claims BP spill's no threat to Gulf

An Appeal to the Democrats in Congress...

Check Out This Pic - If You Dare

Police: Pa. suspect wanted guns to overthrow gov't

Senate Unable To Get Enough Republican Votes To Honor 'To Kill A Mockingbird'

Freeper: When they say she in not ready to be President. That is code talk for "Shes too stupid"

With Arizona Immigration Laws, "Ground Zero Mosque" and now Prop 8 overturn...

Nazis are patrolling the Arizona border

Photo: Two unlikely heroes of the overturn

Niel Armstrong is 80 years old today.

Anyone out there with the time to answer some questions on the Health Care Reform Bill?

The Power of Zero - By Valerie Plame Wilson

Want good talking points? Gay vs. the Bible

Right Wingers...keep spending money fighting Gay people...

More Afghans killed by IEDs in 2010

DEVASTING (To Secular Arguments) Prop. 8 Ruling Matters Less than Judge's Findings

Good News for 99ers: Sen. Stabenow Introduces Tier 5 Unemployment Extension 2010

So has the "Quitter Twitterer" tweeted her wisdom on Prop 8 decision?

Take Back Your Taxes

Time Pictures Afghan Women, Obscures Realities of Endless War

Is the overturning of Prop 8 meaningful given that it will be appealed?

Did anyone watch Naomi Campbell give testimony against Charles Taylor?

China Overtakes U.S. as Saudi Arabia of Wind Power

Jujitsu! Dems Will Attempt To Turn Tables On GOP Over Ethics Scandals

Rolling Stone’s Hastings responds to revoked embed

Do any of you believe you've communicated with a dead loved one?

San Francisco's Family Night

(Canadian) Judge Denies US Extradition Request

Joe Arpio being investigated again

Joe Arpio being investigated again

Tell FCC Chair Julius Genachowski: Don't cave on net neutrality

Breaking on MSNBC - 14 Americans arrested for trying to join Somali terror group

Breaking on MSNBC - 14 Americans arrested for trying to join Somali terror group

Nerds are the best

Christopher Hitchens - Topic of Cancer

Meet Randi Reitan, the woman who's taking on Target over its controversial donation to MN Forward

China Rejects US Concerns about Deals with Iran

Amusement Park Offers Alien Attack Where You Get to Shoot a Black Man

Joe Conason: Sarah Palin and Newt Gingrich Need a History Lesson

Republican Attacks on 14th Amendment Exposes Insecurity About November

Legal Petition Demands FDA Move beyond Sensory Test to Look at Chemicals

Remedy will not be delayed for long. Should NOT!!

Remedy will not be delayed for long. Should NOT!!

Watching C-SPAN....

Watching C-SPAN....

Smart Growth Around America

Heads up - Obama to speak at Ford Chicago Factory

Rep. King, Dems killed the help the 9/11 workers bill so as to hurt the GOP.

MSNBC's Tamron Hall: Sherrod episode is a "kick in the gut" for journalists

GOP Fears Democratic Smear Campaign

Can the battle for Net Neutrality be won?

Evidence at trial regarding campaign to pass Prop 8 uncloaks most likely explanation for its passage

For-Profit Colleges: Undercover Testing Finds Colleges Encouraged Fraud and Engaged in Deceptive and

On Facebook, wife learns of husband's 2nd wedding

FauxNews Poll on Prop 8 reversal. Already at 62% against. Let's rate it up!

I've donated to the ADL in the past..... but I'm rethinking that now.

OK - Prop 8 went down in flames, the Senate passed the state's funding bill,

Raúl Castro unveils plan for massive job cuts: cuba merges with the Borg

Tony Blair Must Be Prosecuted

Suppose the right wing crazies actually do repeal the 14th Amendment

OPINION: When is 'shoot the president' a fun, innocent game? Never.

Linda McMahon is a Liberal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! True. I heard it on a radio ad this morning!


Wars, lies and lyrics: With God on Our Side

For all the RWers who say the America was founded on the Christian religion.

Google-Verizon Deal: The End of The Internet as We Know It

Liberal/conservative, Democrat/Republican, Libertarian/Authoritarian - what are the differences?

Proposition 8 ruling puts Obama on the spot

Iran's religious nut Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has finally lost all of his mind

US jobless claims jump to highest level since April

If a "prayer room" makes a building a "mosque"....

USA Goal: "Wikileaks Must Be Destroyed" + Army's 32-Page Secret Plan To Destroy WikiLeaks

Trafigura found guilty in Ivory Coast waste-dumping case

Bush "Justice" department screws up another case.

Tests suggest oil dispersant washing up on Alabama beaches

Tests suggest oil dispersant washing up on Alabama beaches

Tests suggest oil dispersant washing up on Alabama beaches

Supermodel's remarks spark outrage - says there should be law mandating breastfeeding

Sens. Schumer and Feinstein seek legislation to exclude Wikileaks from Federal Shield Law protection

Whitman and Fiorina on Prop. 8 decision:

Watching C-SPAN....

What should I expect when I arrive to L.A. a week from Sunday?

Why Higher Taxes Wouldn't Kill Small Business

Laura Ingraham Book Listed as Non Fiction on Amazon

Laura Ingraham Book Listed as Non Fiction on Amazon

Pat Buchanan on MSNBC- Gay marriage is unnatural..

US Corporate Media Downplays Pentagon's Special Commando Assassination Unit

The Top Ten Most Embarrassing CNN Gaffes

Gulf spill impact will linger long after oil is gone: study

Faux Snooze Poll: Did Judge Make Right Call In Gay Marriage Case?

What A Government Can Do With Its Own Bank

Google- The NY Times is wrong.

Judge Walker - Thinking Ahead

Did you see this anti-Westboro Baptist Protest outside of Comic-con (not a joke, seriously!)

Heard some US soldier on TV explaining that although the Taliban are some brutal bastards ...

Photo: Freepbag response to Prop 8 Rejection

Elena Kagan's brother is a teacher & union activist

"Senate rules of debate"

It blows my mind that the lawyer that argued for Bush in Bush v. Gore...

It surprises me there is not more activity on DU's state forums

It surprises me there is not more activity on DU's state forums

ISP advice needed

Republican running for Tennessee governor was once found not guilty by reason of insanity

My word on the overturning of Prop 8

Thom Hartmann just mentioned a great idea

AFL-CIO Will Let 'Some' Dems Die On Their Own In 2010 - Sam Stein/HuffPo

The Magna Carta

Yes Nevada, she really is that crazy

Darts Shot At Obama Likeness In Pa. Carnival Game

This is the end of the internet as we know it (re: Google & Verizon's 'tier' plans)

This is the end of the internet as we know it (re: Google & Verizon's 'tier' plans)

Cooool. China's elevated bus drives above cars.

PENNSYLVANIA: Catholic Church Uses Obama Target In Carnival Game brags about 14th Amendment, protecting freed slaves from "Democrat oppressors"

Dems tie GOP to tea parties

Freeper needs help finding picture

Oh for crying out loud.

Ed Markey on Net Neutrality: FCC needs to act quickly

Stop-lossed Vets: Have you put in for your retro pay yet?

Danny Tarkanian's mom to go after Sharron Angle

Kagan expected to be confirmed to the Supreme Court today

"Vaughn Walker’s Decision: The Takes " Excellent Article on the Process Coming Up and Poss Outcome

Tomorrow's Supreme Court makeup

Facts About Marriage; or, "It's the Equality, Stupid"

ultimately, whether gay marriage stays legal will be up to Justice Kennedy

Rep. Pete King (N.Y.): Gay marriage ruling helps GOP

Delete Duplicate

How the right wing censors Digg (it's not that hard!)

Neocon Kristol group targets Mary Jo Kilroy (D-OH) for signing J Street letter

Neocon Kristol group targets Mary Jo Kilroy (D-OH) for signing J Street letter

Prop. 8 ruling bringing out people's true colors re. San Francisco

Yep, Typhoid endorses Malaria.

Digg Patriots: Crowdsourcing Censorship of Progressive Topics

Digg Patriots: Crowdsourcing Censorship of Progressive Topics

The GOP is slowing down the recovery with their sabotage

Fundies: "Practicing homosexual" judge responsible for "tyrannical, abusive" judicial arrogance

Could be next week for BLOGGO verdict

How to make Smart Growth affordable

Freeper's remarks: LOL

Marriage is dead!!! . . . Please come CAPTION Head Wreck!!!

Basil Marceaux’s Exploiters Staged a Debate

Tea Bags, Wind Bags, and Moneybags

DNC Fund raising letter from Governor Tim Kaine

Breaking: Male Prostitute who Introduced Kagan at hearings to now vote "no"

Breaking: Male Prostitute who Introduced Kagan at hearings to now vote "no"

Click on those Fred Thompon ads

WaPo opinion: Democrats must seize the immigration issue

WaPo opinion: Democrats must seize the immigration issue

Save 15% on Tees and a chance to Win $100 (made in USA)

Wikileaks Counters Attacks with New Post of Huge Encrypted File to Web

cat lovers, i have too much nip this year.

If you are a veteran who was stop-lossed from 2001-2008, GET YOUR MONEY

(Maine Tea Party) Activist reports threats to quit website

a quick way to shut down any moran who wants to undo the 14th Amendment:

Target [sort of] apologizes for donation

Google, Verizon and the End of the Internet as We Know It

Foreclosure Mills: Wall Street’s Latest Fraud Scheme

Mexico looks to legalisation as drug war murders hit 28,000

Boehner calls teachers, fire fighters & cops "special interests groups"

Tea Party Express jabbed for spending habits

I love marriage...

Oh, great. Prop 8 was knocked down.

What is the worst Comedy Team of all time?

Just Take the Money From Insurance Companies

Are DUers watching that school bus crash in Missouri

Alternatives to Overdraft Protection

Angry Old Man McCain Screaming out Against DADT

****Watch History Live - Kagan Confirmation Vote - Coming up on C-SPAN****

Report: Lobbyists backing Reid in a big way

Just a reminder - you can access real data from the Deep Horizon spill from NOAA's website

BREAKING: Elena Kagan confirmed as Supreme Court Justice.

C-Span is running an alert saying the Senate has confirmed Elena Kagan by a 63-37 vote.

Report: Obama Launches New Program to Help Corporations "Take Advantage of Low Labor Costs" Abroad

DemocratsSenateGov: GOP Job Killing Agenda

U.S. Postal Service reports $3.5-billion loss, sees more red ink in future

Policymakers are determined to drag the country into another Depression. And that's the tragedy.

Can't Maine's Prop. 1 be overturned on similar grounds?


Prop 19: High Youth Turnout Could Make Difference for Marijuana Legalization


DA to Decide Whether to Prosecute Operator of Terminal Velocity Ride That Left Girl Paralyzed

Healthcare to 9/11 responders or bow down to the big bad evil republicans?

"Gingrich threatens my divorce" Hilarious destruction of Republican "family values"

••• Could people please have thread titles we understand? •••

••• Could people please have thread titles we understand? •••

State of the climate: warming, with no sign of waning

Army operation against Greek truck drivers: A warning to European workers

What would you do with $1.4 billion? California & Proposition 19

So will this legal decision bring out the right wingers in droves to vote

Palin an 'expert' in not being vetted, DNC says

2fer: QUAYLE genes keeping on. & COURIC's "wtf" over PALIN kids' names (where do theyGETthese names)

Ratigan teacher rant - up next - heads up

babbling blimp Limbaugh I dislike Obama's white half as much as his black

babbling blimp Limbaugh I dislike Obama's white half as much as his black

Portland lemonade stand runs into health inspectors, needs $120 license to operate

US military working dogs need your help! Send treats, adopt one when he "retires"...

'Poo-powered' car seen on the streets of Bristol

From the mind of Scott Brown: Doesn't understand that tax burdens are raised taxes

Scott Brown Voted AGAINST Justice Kagan's Confirmation

Can someone explain how Kagan got less votes than Sotomayor?

Hickenlooper To Pick Joe Garcia - Lt. Gov.

To all Americans. The conservative movement seems to think that you are all crazed degenerates

WikiLeaks posts huge encrypted file to Web

m$m finally mentions Ensign in passing...

Republicans want to drastically change our U.S. Constitution, the one they say they love so much

BecKKK sez:

Brown-skinned immigrants versus light-skinned immigrants

MIke Thomas, Orlando Sentinel: "How Jeff Greene’s lying affects the Senate race."

The Next War

The Daily Show is excellent again tonight.

Law: Obama Stimulus Package Gives Billions to Job Training in U.S.

Google, Verizon Deny NYT Story On Their Undermining Of Net Neutrality

Google and Verizon Near Deal on Pay Tiers for Web

Based off of U.S. Scientists Report 75 percent of the Gulf Oil Gone

Did any democrats in the senate vote AGAINST Kagan?

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in BlackBerry talks (BBC)

Gingrich: Prop 8 decision was a warning sign for the consequences of the Kagan vote

If you're near Hillsboro, OR or Camarillo, CA, Solar World USA has some job openings:

fyi...major troll alert.PM me-

Separated at birth?

The thing about President Obama that I've noticed...

Do We Ever Get to Take a Victory Lap?

you know it's true

‘Ethics’ violations: What about Bush & Cheney? MUST READ

Gee Rand Paul didn't graduate from Baylor as announced

Graph: Unintended consequences and gay marriage


Four of the five topics that made it to the top of the Greatest Page

Fuck You, Scott Brown

NRA Too Afraid Of Looking Weak To Fully Oppose Kagan

Two old hicks bellyaching about all the Ivies and New Yorkers (wink wink) on the Court

Senator Ben Nelson did not vote to confirm Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court

Market bull: Right-wing media dress up political attacks as stock analysis

Official: No evidence of oil on Gulf (of Mexico) sea floor

Even if you don't like Tweety watch him talk to this Rethug about the 14th Amendment in a minute

Singer Wyclef files to run for Haiti's presidency

Faux deep anchor/pouter asks, "What is a Democrat?!1" And a DUer responds

Off the Deep End......AFA calls for the impeachment of Judge Walker

Dan Froomkin: Medicare Gets New Lease On Life; Social Security Remains Healthy

I am being persecuted according to the lady on the Hardball show

You know, I was not a big fan of Kagan's nomination, but I gotta say,

You know, I was not a big fan of Kagan's nomination, but I gotta say,

How Many Blacks Watch Fox News?

Investigate Insurance Companies Scamming Vet Families

Granting statehood to our offshore tax havens and territories

David Fiderer: No Wonder Maxine Waters Demands A Speedy Hearing On The Charges Lobbed Against Her...

As I prepare class material for a poli sci course

Four hours for forensic DNA test (BBC)

Free health care at the ER? I don't know about

Dear Lou Pritchett (the "Obama Scares Me" guy): You Scare Me.

So we know the percentages of gulf oil recovered; yet we cannot get a grip on op scan voting?

Fred Thomson's advertisement to keep the tax cuts is saying,

Tancredo could blow up Colorado's GOP this fall

If 3 years ago I'd tell you that Ted Olsen would have done more for Civil Rights than Obama

What kind of witnesses could be called to the stand to defend gay marriage bans, by showing damages?

Net Neutrality Alert! Google & Verizon want to start two-tier net access!

Nadler: Attacks on mosque "shameful and divisive"

Memo to the media: The Tea Party movement has collapsed.

question about churches and politics and tax exemption

BP Completes Cementing Macondo Oil Well From Top

Sensible liberals: consider giving to the Kucinich campaign to thank him for sensible liberalism.

So the 9/11 responders bill didn't pass because the democrats didn't want to vote on amendments?

Russia's defense spending to rise by 60% by 2013

Feds Can’t Find Oil But Satellite Photos Show BP Gulf Oil Spill Covering 12,000 Square Miles


Tropical Storm Colin is back

Barbara Lee Applauds Federal Court's Decision to Overturn Proposition 8

Am I "intolerant" of homophobic bigots? You damn well bet I am!

Target execs have long history of supporting anti-gay candidates and right wing

Which Democrat voted against Kagan?

People without jobs and money aren't shopping......Wall Street flummoxed

Tom Tomorrow nails stupid

Marriage is a legal contract first and foremost

Marriage is a legal contract first and foremost

Where are the high fives about Kagan?

Awesome SF Chronicle pic from a march in the Castro following the Prop 8 decision

Think for Yourself

i already got in a little tiff with middle school coaches, and the year has yet to start.

Reason number 3,743 why we must defeat the Republicans this fall...

Alarming consequences from yesterday's proposition 8 decision...

Is Obama about to bail out underwater home owners (and their banks, of course?)

Dodd Tells Senate Freshmen Not to Reform Senate Filibuster

Charter Industry Sends Out Their A Team Against Civil Rights Leaders, Part I

Target apologizes for Minn. political donation

For those who miss progressive freeform's back!

The Rude Pundit - The Path to More Equal Equality: The Prop 8 Ruling Reams the Religious Right

Judge Vaughn Walker, of the Prop 8 case, has no need to recuse himself.

For-Profit Diploma Mills: 15 of 15 Crooked in GAO Undercover Investigation

John Stewart said it all for me last night: I Give Up

Do You Believe...

The real job outlook in my area

Local Prop 8 Poll on Mormon Owned NBC Website - Just DU it!

I just read FR's LBN thread on the overturning of Prop 8. Those people are fucking clueless loons

Remember when all the cable news channels would show every second of every Bush speech?

An August Surprise from Obama?... Fannie & Freddie to forgive underwater mortgages

A great graph on the difference between Liberals and Conservatives:

Sharron Angle: Make Gay Adoption Illegal, Allow Clergy To Endorse Candidates From Pulpit

Millions of Older Workers in Occupations Classified as Physically Demanding

So I was out when the news came down. Pres Obama got a special b'day gift - Prop 8 DOWN!

Democrats will cave on the Bush tax cuts and extend them

Aboout the billionaires' pledge to donate half their wealth to charity-

Bush pushes back book release until .... a week after the elections

tea baggers Talk about being called tea baggers

Limbaugh:Secession is "not the rantings of extreme kookism", some say "civil war" is "already on"

Yesterday was awesome

"I challenge anyone to document ONE lie told by George W Bush"...

"I challenge anyone to document ONE lie told by George W Bush"...

Proposal: Second Amendment repeal campaign

Good LORD, here they go again.

The Dark Side of Vitaminwater®

So I went to see them try to tea bag Obama, it was impotent and one sign had 3 mispellings

So I went to see them try to tea bag Obama, it was impotent and one sign had 3 mispellings

NewsBusters: Cenk Assails Hateful Conservatives Who Opposed Women And Blacks

NewsBusters: Cenk Assails Hateful Conservatives Who Opposed Women And Blacks

Alan Grayson Sides With Telecoms On Net Neutrality

I feel bad for Giuliani's kid.

"The Republicans don’t have any credibility whatsoever"

For supporters of Elizabeth Warren, a petition.

So, you believe the admin and 74% of the oil is gone, soooo...

President Obama asks Senate to restore rank of disgraced Vietnam general

Latest problem in Germany, Radioactive Wild Boars

McConnell scolds Franken for making faces from president's chair during speech

Remember when Brittany Spears married her friend in Vegas........

Fight the Social Security Fear Mongers!

Fight the Social Security Fear Mongers!

Fight the Social Security Fear Mongers!

Were You Born on the Wrong Continent?

Has anyone had to battle Bank of America to complete a house sale?

How Smoking Bans Serve the Corporatocracy

The manner in which the BP oil spill has played out shows how powerful corporations have become

Question: Who in Calif. gov't is appealing Judge Walker's ruling?

Food stamp use hit record 40.8m in May

Ginsburg says no plans to leave Supreme Court

Get a load of this university housing questionaire mandated by the university that wouldn't give our

Media Matters exposes Breitbart writer as racist/con man. Breitbart pulls all posts by writer

How much time was wasted by this asshole f---ing around? (Letterman)

It’s Been Almost a Decade. Can We Dial Back On The Crazy Now?

It’s Been Almost a Decade. Can We Dial Back On The Crazy Now?

This is sickening. Teenage runaway arrested, handcuffed, shackled, humiliated..

Today's WH press briefing could have made Ari Fleisher proud...

Sign Al Franken's Net Neutrality petition!!

Sign Al Franken's Net Neutrality petition!!

Let's take a look at this Islamic community center's neighbors, shall we?

Nancy Pelosi has really pissed off the ReTHUGS

Nancy Pelosi has really pissed off the ReTHUGS

Nancy Pelosi has really pissed off the ReTHUGS

Nancy Pelosi has really pissed off the ReTHUGS

Nancy Pelosi has really pissed off the ReTHUGS

Nancy Pelosi has really pissed off the ReTHUGS

Nancy Pelosi has really pissed off the ReTHUGS

Nancy Pelosi has really pissed off the ReTHUGS

Nancy Pelosi has really pissed off the ReTHUGS

Nancy Pelosi has really pissed off the ReTHUGS

Nancy Pelosi has really pissed off the ReTHUGS

Nancy Pelosi has really pissed off the ReTHUGS

Nancy Pelosi has really pissed off the ReTHUGS

James Carville: "Oops. Obama was right. I was wrong. My bad."

"The three youth were arrested. Two will be charged as adults."

Please delete.

U.S. Marines headed for Afghanistan baptized in ocean off Camp Pendleton!!!???

The 'Beat Boehner' Billboard is live and it's causing quite a stir

Short and to the point: Guns or butter. Teachers or food.

U.S. To Train 3,000 Offshore IT Workers

Obama Launches New Program to Help Corporations...abroad

To the trolls here reading DU: If you don't like Gay Marriage then here's my advice

This photo made my week...! (caution: screen spray alert!)

Why Don't Americans Have Longer Vacations?

Can I marry my dildo now?

Whose Hands? Whose Blood?: Killing Civilians in Afghanistan and Iraq

Sarah Palin has morphed into Sarah Btfsplk,,,,,she is now a JINX with the lightning bolt following

Today I divorced my wife, tried to seduce my neighbor's llama,

There's quite a bit of criticism of Mrs. Obama's trip to Spain.

There's quite a bit of criticism of Mrs. Obama's trip to Spain.

On Taking Up A New Activity and Being Deceived

The US isn't leaving Iraq, it's rebranding the occupation




Churchill ordered UFO cover-up, National Archives show

•••CLIMATE CRISIS IS HERE - Gulf leak, crop fail in Russia, N. hemisphere, rocketing food prices•••

Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity/VIPS: Obama Warned Israel May Bomb Iran (8-3-10)

WikiLeaks: Hundreds of Hidden Protest Fatalities Revealed in Afghan War Diary

The Corruption Is Palpable.

The Corruption Is Palpable.

Axelrod: President remains opposed to same-sex marriage

Jon Stewart: "I GIVE UP"

My fellow DUers, I have a favor to ask of you.

My fellow DUers, I have a favor to ask of you.

Time Magazine cover ignites debate over Afghan War...

How A Good Samaritan Was Arrested For Driving Drunks Home

More Losses in 2010 Could Push GOP to Brink of Collapse

French National Assembly vote to ban the burqa: An attack on democratic rights

A timely map that shows the jurisdiction of the federal court.

Electric Wire Hustle EPK



How's your mosquito situation?

I'd like to take a moment to remind texanwitch

The Periodic Table of Irrational Nonsense

ELEPHANT SNOT is the right choice for the job!

Today I bought the cotton balls, jumbo, soft , smooth, sturdy, and luxurious.

Today I bought the cotton balls, jumbo, soft , smooth, sturdy, and luxurious.

What happens when you throw logic at a TeaBagger

if they really want to stop gay people from having sex

Tobin's Trucking Misadventures

OK, it is time for the how damn hot was it where you live thread, heat index here 103 to 109.

I started out with nothing ...

ChoralKiddo just brought me a PB&J sandwich

Total, utter defeat (video)

My dog thinks I am a vending machine.

Arcade Fire - Live Streaming from Madison Square Garden

Arcade Fire - Live Streaming from Madison Square Garden Tonight


HOW HOT WAS IT?!?!?!?!?

MiddleFingerMom is sometimes EXTREMELY thoughtless...

Lately, I've had WAY to many damn days...

DU SONG OF THE DAY----In Honor of todays ruling!!!!

Ex-Miss USA Accused of Shoplifting Beauty Products

Some photos of our recent successful salmon-fishing trip and some beautiful scenery

My son just got back from the national Boy Scout Jamboree. Apparently Gretchen Bleiler was there.

Who's President Palin going to blame for the Gulf oil disaster?

Any bibliophiles or NASA groupies around?

Cruella DeVille, is that you?

Homophobia in trucking

I noticed someone brought up an Idol Issue.

Cool new Internet radio discovery

Transcript of space alien discussion...


derby's music find of the week: Voodoo Economics

FINALLY! Some Rain!!!

Wolf loves Pork

Grave robbers from Outer Space!

I need some help

Anyone want to go fishing?

Brett Favre and masturbating. What say you?...

What do you want to play?

pink floyd

Maybe it's just the overturn of Prop 8 talking but who knew economists had a sense of humor?

for all you cat slaves CAT NIP

Today I have given up Diet Coke forever...

Earlier today it was hot as fuck, but now it's hotter than fuck.

I'm watching "Bones" season one on Netflix, I need a forcast!

Which BP gusher stoppage method would make the best band name?

A Terminator was sent back into time to kill Sarah Connor by Skynet.

A little known fact...

how does a mathmatically inclined mermaid support her breasts?

Screw your Prius. I want, no NEED, one of these!

Oasis vs. Bob Dylan: Oasis wins!

Oh, my - a most hilarious (because it's incomprehensible) bit of online writing

Anyone have any electronics problems because of the solar flares?

finally some good news

Do you believe in God? I never really did...

It's opening in the U.S. soon! I can't wait! Samuel Maoz's "Lebanon"

Point me to the right forum--

Name the band - 5 studio albums BUT 6 greatest hits* albums


When animals attack (video)

What's the rationale behind "Too Legit to Quit" by MCHammer?

The Horror Film, "The Human Centipede"

Best modern rock guitar player?

A new poem: Poetry

Well, here I am again. Hi. Long time no see.

Early A.M landmines...

What did you want to be when you grew up?

Have you ever had to live without toilet paper? Reason I ask is this.

Wow, my GF has gone feral

I made a LOST mix CD

Maple bacon and egg sandwich on mac and cheese pancakes

How did you propose...or how were you proposed to?

Ever hid something, and forgot where you hid it?

Do any of you believe you've communicated with a dead loved one?

Need Help Naming a Country Estate for a Story

Abdullah Khadr released after court ruling

Unemployment extension: who's in and who's out

Obama restores rank of disgraced Vietnam general

Quality Of Defense At Issue In Fatal Toyota Crash (Koua Fong Lee)

Tom Brokaw will host (Calif.) gubernatorial debate

Karzai calls for probe of U.S.-backed anti-corruption task force

Nicaraguan ex-Contra threatens new rebellion

Naomi Campbell to testify at Charles Taylor's war crimes tribunal

Alan Keyes: Lindsey Graham's Calls To Scrap Birthright Citizenship Are Too Crazy For Me

Zimbabwean gov’t miscommunication causes drill to be reported as a real plane crash

Network of right-wing PACs preys on small donors, nets millions in fees

U.S. Still Undecided On Joining Landmines Treaty

U.N. dispatches flood envoy to Pakistan

Hezbollah warns it will strike heart of Israel if Lebanon hit

Senator Debbie Stabenow sponsors the "Americans Want to Work Act" for the 99ers

Honor restored for general blamed after Nixon denied authorizing Vietnam bombing

Chicago man accused of plotting to aid al-Qaida

U.S. Terrorist Hit List May Face Legal Challenge by Civil Liberties Groups

Gulf oil rig's owner had safety issue at 3 other wells

Pakistan floods spark fresh chaos (80% of food reserves have been destroyed)

Chinese government targets Liverpool deal

Seven dogs dead after American Airlines flight

Federal prosecutors drop Young case

(US Marshals) Agency stored body images from Florida courthouse

(US Marshals) Agency stored body images from Florida courthouse

Appeal of ruling could delay gay weddings in CA

Jobless claims rise 19,000 to 479,000

Google and Verizon in Talks on Selling Internet Priority

Federal prosecutors drop Young case

Holocaust survivors slam Arab museum for Helen Thomas statue

Florida won't appeal campaign-finance ruling

Senate approves jobs bill to stop teacher layoffs

Law Will Extend Medicare Fund, Report Says.

An August Surprise from Obama?

Toyota not likely to agree to UAW recruitment terms

Bank robber with a conscience turns himself in

60 Senators Commit Support For Kagan Nomination, Assuring Confirmation

Fla. developer sues Halliburton over Gulf spill

School buses, truck crash in Mo.; 2 dead

Trustees: Medicare hospital fund extended 12 years

Democrats to GOP: You're Either With Tea Party or Against It


Head of defunct lobbying firm PMA indicted on charges of illegal campaign gifts

'Poo-powered' car seen on the streets of Bristol

IRS to end release of taxpayer debt information

Kerry pushes $600 million bill to create national hepatitis strategy

Elena Kagan Confirmed to the Supreme Court

ACLU warns police not to act on (Virginia AG) Cuccinelli's immigration opinion

Cuban police lift ‘hold departure order’ on Canadian teen

President Obama target game gets feds' attention

Biden's NYPD Escorts In Minor Accident On Way To JFK Airport

Westboro member faces neglect trial (Shirley Phelps-Roper could face up to 15 months in jail)

House GOP committee pays fine to settle fraud case

Israel needs green light from US to assault Iran – Chossudovsky

Bolivia begins military training for civilians

Senate approves $4.5B child nutrition bill

Remaining Gulf Spill Still Bigger Than Exxon Valdez

Extrajudicial killings mar new Colombia presidency

U.S. underemployment rate 18.4 percent in July, according to Gallup poll

FutureGen is a Go

Dems may well have saved my job today ! GLARING difference between Dems and RePUKES.

Oh No Obama bow to ILL of Gov and Mayor of Chicago Again

STOCK MARKET WATCH, Thursday August 5

Kerry: Net-neutrality legislation unlikely, FCC must act

Kegan approved by Senate 63-37

Geithner says GOP wrong, ending tax cuts for wealthy won't hurt small business

Coburn And McCain Troubled By Stimulus Debt, Which Is 488 Times Smaller Than Debt Impact Of Bush Tax

US Foreign Aid To Subsidize Outsourced Jobs In South Asia

Adolf Hitler Campbell's Parents Denied Custody Of Nazi-Named Children

Senate passes bill to save teacher, police jobs

Obama touts pro-worker achievements in speech to union leaders

19 U.S. citizens charged with trying to join Somali terror group

Halliburton balks at telling U.S. early of major deals

Trustees: Medicare hospital fund extended 12 years

BP pumps cement into damaged Gulf of Mexico oil well

Age-bias case vs. Google can move forward, state Supreme Court rules

Franken, Progressive Groups Begin Whip Campaign For Elizabeth Warren

Bigotry Takes a Hit. Prop 8 ruling is a turning point...there's no going back (Michelle Goldberg)

Geithner Says GOP Wrong, Ending Tax Cuts for Wealthy Won't Hurt Small Business

Cambell testifies she received dirty 'stones'

The Hill: Reid Plans September Showdown on Extension of Tax Cuts

Blanche, voting for Demint's amendment to refer aid to states back to committee won't save you

Russia Bans Grain Exports After Drought Shrivels Crop.

Obama's backup birthday

Public Policy Polling: GOP losing "Moderate voters" by wider margin than McCain did in '08

Scientists dispute Obama admin's contention that most spilled oil is "gone")

DNC Chairman Kaine on Prop 8 Decision

The Beatles 1,000 years later

Toyota Driver Rejects Plea Deal That Would Spring Him From Minnesota Prison (Koua Fong Lee)

Quinnipiac Poll: Dems still lead race for Governor of Connecticut

REPORT: The GOP’s Agenda To Change The Constitution

E. J. Dionne: ‘Dropping Babies,’ Abandoning Principles

MA DUers what Dems in the state are gearing up to take on Scott Brown?

BP May Seek to Avoid Responsibility, Transocean Says

FCC abandons net neutrality talks

9 people dead as extreme heat wave grips the Midwest and South

Waxman sees bright side to Nov: 'Difficult' Dems won't be back

Chinese Missile Could Shift Pacific Power Balance

Obama Stumps for Dems, but Not On Campaign Trail

Law Will Extend Medicare Fund, Report Says

Boehner derides police officers and teachers as 'special interests'

Vote on Kagan Supreme Court Confirmation Expected at 3:30pm

Young cleared in Alaska case

Google: No Verizon Deal, We Support 'Open Internet'

Lummis enjoys comfortable lead in race (WY)

Obama admin skewers GOP attack on stimulus cocaine monkeys

Congressman John Dingell: Make It in America

Elena Kagan fate

Kos: Back in the polling game! Teams up with Public Policy Polling (PPP).

Obama: Kagan will make 'outstanding Supreme Court justice,' he's proud of making history (AUDIO)

Let's list all the black presidents who signed Healthcare bills...

Kerry Introduces Bill to Fight Viral Hepatitis

Prosecutor won't re-try man in Toyota crash

5 Republicans voted for Kagan--Scott Brown wasn't one of them

Barack Obama's election marked a sweeping mandate for a progressive agenda!

Kerry: Kagan Makes History as Women Comprise Full Third of Supreme Court

Obama–AFL-CIO Lovefest: Once Again, Labor Hopes President Will Prove Loyalty

SEIU: Deciphering Scott Brown

"Ariz senator targets immigrants' kids"(if Repubs take back the House,this is he crap they'll intro)

Hardball: Tweety had Gingrey and Gutierrez on about the immigration issue.

It's Official: Affordable Care Act Improves Strength of Both Medicare And Social Security (Pelosi)

Krugman: Bending The Curve

Live: Ed Schultz not buying White House line on Gulf Oil Spill.

Geithner: Tax cuts for rich a '$700 billion mistake'

Ras poll CA Senate: Boxer +5; Obama 56% approval Arnold 29%

Elena Kagan... has it!

Even without legislation, Obama is leading on energy

Waxman: I give Obama high marks. The problem is congress

Chris Matthews: They are talking about abolishing aspects of the 14th Amendment.

Grayson Sides With Telecoms On Net Neutrality. Franken says foremost free speech issue of our time.

So Merrick Garland's going to be Obama's next appointment to the SC, right?

Oy. McConnell: Obama will have to negotiate more with GOP next year

USAID facts

Christina Romer To Leave White House - reportedly "frustrated" by lack of direct line to POTUS.

This Time It's Armenia: USAID Funds IT In Eurasia (to establish low cost IT outsource center)

After one-on-one with Obama, McConnell vows to slow White House agenda

I got an email from the President

Palin says Obama 'in over his flux', suggests he wasn't properly vetted

The more Palin talks, the better Democrats are going to do in November

Barack Obama + 19 months = two WOMEN on the Supreme Court

Ask the President to Support Full Marriage Equality (Americablog)

President Obama's response to the Prop 8 ruling

OH BOY here we go the right is going to benefit from the prop 8 ruling from the Judge

Judge puts wolves back on endangered species list, hunts halted

Mr. President, when you said "change you can believe in" were you speaking to the people?

I have one concern with the Prop. 8 decision.

Cyclists Are Said to Back Claims That Armstrong Doped

Target apologizes for Minn. donation

An August Surprise from Obama?

How will "A-Rod's Home Run" adversely effect Obama?

Cenk you are an A$$HAT!...

Obama’s Birthday Dinner With Oprah

TRENDING: Obama starts mentioning Bush by name

Sweet! A bit of "Operation Chaos" in reverse. "Dems accused of tea party tampering" (Politico)

Venezuela Cuts $20 Billion China Debt With 200,000 Barrel Shipments of Oil

Black teabaggers? Obviously, these people are screwed in the head. Otherwise, why would anyone dress

Pentagon Tells WikiLeaks: "Do Right Thing"

Carvile: Obama played his cards right on BP

US Army begins relief missions in Pakistan

Do you remember...your first lunch box?

Suit alleges exploitation of Filipino teachers in La.

US Poor in Need of Free Clinics

Could regulating/taxing pot save states from financial ruin?

GRITtv: The F Word: Welcome to Recovery for the Rich

John Coltrane - Alabama, written in response to 1963 Birmingham church bombing

Help One of DU's Own Change Media

California Overturns Prop 8 - Hardball

Thom debates Paul Rosenzweig of the Heritage Foundation - Has the govt really become big brother?

Ted Olson Comments on Prop 8

Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights) On August 3rd, 2010

How Dummies Call Press Conferences

Sarah Palin comforts Bristol on her breakup with handnotes

Arpaio Ad

Rachel Maddow: Ted Olson on Prop 8 Court Victory - 'Thoroughly Dismantled Evidence From' Other Side

Drug Enforcement In America

BP's OTHER Spill

Maj Neil Franklin from Law Enforcement Against Prohibition at Netroots Nation

Reporter Of The Year

Bernero wins Dem nod for governor

Breaking news 99ers Tier 5 we got a bill (S 3706) Aug 5th 2010

AP Raw Video: Birthday Sing-along for Obama at the White House

Dan Rather talks about the corrupt Corporate media

Awesome attack ad against Illinois GOP Governor candidate Bill Brady

Another Brick In The Wall (Hey Ayatollah, Leave Those Kids Alone!)

WE GOT IT !!!!! s.3706 Tier 5 Bill ( Americans want to work act)

Unemployment Extension Stabenow S.3706 Bill

Senate confirms Kagan

Anchor babies? Shred the Constitution!

S.3706 Unemployment Extension Tier 5 bill is here! 08/05/2010

Midweek Politics: Koran-burning "Doctor" also adds that all Homosexuals and Jews are going to hell

Obama Rebrands Iraq Withdrawal?

McGrumpy is back. Watch his meltdown over DADT and Hate Crimes

Mike Malloy - Prop 8 Is Dead (Best Rant Of 2010)

Mosque at Ground Zero (controversy): That's Bullshit

Arizona Woman Taken By Border Patrol After Routine Traffic Stop

The Top Vlog: Daily Show Co-Creator Lizz Winstead On Single Women/Obama Hate

Mike Malloy - Get Out Of My Country!!!! (A Screaming Feast)

The Top Vlog: Governing Against Our Will? Random Rush (Sam Seder)

In the Name of Christ, I Quit Christianity

Mayor_Bloomberg- on the separation of chuch and state- and the Mosque in New York

Mildly Relevant News: Mitch McConnell's 14th Amendment and Prop 8 Hath Been Repealed!

Worst Fox News Poll Spin Promoting Bush Tax Cuts for the Rich?

Rachel Maddow: Judge Vaughn 'Disgusted' by Prop 8 Supporters Witnesses...

Ralph Nader on Running for President

MUST-SEE Cenk on MSNBC: Gay Marriage Is Inevitable - 'The Arc Of History Bends Toward Justice'

Tales from Stasiland: The Internet Vigilantes by Scott Horton

Forget Immigrants, Right-Wingers Seek Revision of 14th Amendment to Attack Gay Marriage

Tired of war, thousands of Iraqis want to go to U.S.

Google and Verizon Near Deal on Pay Tiers for Web

Guardian UK: The US isn't leaving Iraq, it's rebranding the occupation

Show Me Your Insiders - Missouri primary

How Democrats Helped Fire Up the Crazy Right While Demoralizing the Left

The time to organise resistance is now (Tony Benn)

GOP blocks jobs

FCC draws fire over talks with Internet, telecom giants on 'net neutrality' - WaPo

Deficit Scare Talk Is a Big Scam by Corporations and Right-Wingers

When police hide evidence innocent people go to jail, and

Re-visiting Project Vigilant

Mutual Assured Cuteness in US-Japan Relations (or the Pentagon has REALLY Gotten Too Big)

Brett Favre Still Wavering On Decision to Play Hamlet

U.S. needs to reevaluate Plan Colombia

Hey, Bravo: Try spotlighting social heroes instead of social climbers (re Real Housewives)

We Can't Let Republicans Take Over in 2010 -- All Hands on Deck!

Who's to blame for the dysfunction in the Senate?

Jon Stewart Gives Up

Bob Inglis has seen the light.

President Obama's Birthday: A Time to Celebrate Renewable Energy?

Germany expects fast growth of renewable energy (20% of total energy by 2020)

Govt policies spur green energy boom in China, iSuppli says

Drumbeat: August 5, 2010

Irony alert: Unity College (Maine) gives (Carter) presidential solar panel to Chinese

Flywheel Hybrid Technology

America’s Most Common Bat Headed for Eastern Extinction

Life In Moscow "Like Living On The Set Of A Tarkovsky Film" - Independent

NRG Energy Cuts Capital Spending On Texas Nuclear Power Project

Now The Indian Ocean Has Its Own Garbage Gyre, Too

This is absolutely sick

Giants rookie Posey N.L. Player of the Month (July)

LOL...headline on "Colin vs. Favre: Who returns first?"

Texas, Notre Dame agree to series

Why did it take me so long to notice this? >>

Am I a Rangers fan again?

Cyclists Are Said to Back Claims That Armstrong Doped

Extrajudicial killings mar new Colombia presidency

Video shows Antonio Romero Monge and Rafael Ruiz Perdigones responsible for Macarena

Peruvian judge frees suspected drug boss, goes for beer with him

For the DU'ers who followed the story of the Santa Cruz-contracted mercenaries

Nicaraguan ex-Contra threatens new rebellion

13 soldiers killed in Colombian minefields

U.S. needs to reevaluate Plan Colombia

Morales: Drug Cartels Better Equipped Than Bolivian Army

Colombia: SOA Watch protests at Tolemaida military base

Bolivia begins military training for civilians

Bolivia begins military training for civilians

Venezuela Cuts $20 Billion China Debt With 200,000 Barrel Shipments of Oil

Tomas Uribe accuses judge of obstructing justice .

Advise about skeet shooting for gson.

Here is another idiot that needs to go to prison......

Sheriff supports citizens arming themselves against burglars ...

Gov. Quinn (D-ILL) Receives Well-Deserved Endorsement From Radical Gun Control Group (Brady Bunch)

China bans guns, so why do massacres keep happening?

Justified shooting?

Dear Gun "enthusiasts"......your sacred NRA opposes Kagan......

I have a whole new perspective on the GLBT struggle

A sad irony on this very happy day

Prop. 8 Overturned: Hey Obama! Read the Ruling!

Courage Campaign - Support the fight in the "court" of popular opinion

I know Arnie released a statement praising the Prop 8 decision

A group HUZZAH to everyone here!

Judy Shepard on prop 8 being overturned.

Barf bags ready? - PhoboQuotable - Randy Thomasson

I'm perplexed. I know there are smarter people. Please help me understand.

Eye Candy Time!

Hate Groups React to historic ruling (and they're still evil)

Does anyone have a link to the complete prop 8 decision?

Overseas gay weddings will remain blocked to Aussies

Who they were: Vintage Jakey Gyllenhaal

Is Mexico Next For Marriage Equality?

Thrice-Married Serial Adulterer Newt Gingrich Is OUTRAGED About Prop 8

The Consequences of Gay Marriage

C'est moi, and I want to share

Pro-prop 8 demonstrators were "referencing" Judge Walker's sexuality...

Toon: Too Bad, Haters!

Let the hate begin! American Family Association Calls For Impeachment Of Judge Vaughn Walker

Picture of the day! Absolutely MUST see!

I admit, I wish Judge Walker were straight

Obama on the Proposition 8 decision and gay rights

NYC Union City Number One

Health Care Reform Produce $8 Billion in Medicare Savings

Week of on-line action to support Mott’s workers starts August 2

Senate Passes $26 Billion Aid Package For States As Unions Hail The Jobs It Will Save

Around the World, Dockworkers Blockade Israeli Ships

Toronto mayoral candidate Ford: "I support traditional marriage."


Little Bay, low tide

Summer Vacation in Rangeley Maine

Loose on the Palouse

The lie behind the right wing's truth

ISRAEL Women Take On the Orthodox

Israel needs green light from US to assault Iran – Chossudovsky

Iran launches cartoon website aimed at questioning the Holocaust

WASPs at last

Holocaust survivors slam Arab museum for Helen Thomas statue

Hezbollah warns it will strike heart of Israel if Lebanon hit

Ancient 'cat-like' crocodile had bite like a mammal

Gamers solve protein puzzles

When the Sea Saved Humanity

Cleopatra pearl cocktail proven possible

Hard Science, Softened With Stories - "The Disappearing Spoon"

Physicists: Is this idea valid?

Dominionist religious group trying to co-opt Vietnam vets?

How heart-warming! Xians and Muslims unite - to kill gays.

Campaigning to the Choir

Is the USA the only country whose largest indigenous religious sect was founded to defend slavery?

Anne Rice Talks About Quitting Christianity

god hates divorce. is it true

Anyone ever heard of a book called The Medusa Code?

DailyOM: Compassionate Intensity - Balancing Your Warrior Spirit

Did y'all see this? "Thirty US billionaires pledge to give away half their fortunes to charity"

The search for Love and ultimate truth

I got a job...kind of

You want inspiration? Here's inspiration...

I'm married!

More important than ever to focus healing on the Gulf

I am taking a CCW class........

WASPs at last