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"Undecided" gets 96 endorsements

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion: Presidential (Through Nov 2009) Donate to DU
zulchzulu Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-30-07 01:07 AM
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"Undecided" gets 96 endorsements

Here's the list of people endorsing "Undecided":

Torin Alter (qualia, free will, etc)
Istvan Aranyosi (consciousness, metaphysics, etc)
Michael Antony (consciousness, etc)
Andrew Bailey (qualia, physicalism, etc)
Tim Bayne (consciousness, applied ethics, etc)
Ned Block (consciousness, reduction, content, etc)
Richard Brown (consciousness, higher-order thought, meta-ethics)
Alex Byrne (consciousness, color, M&E)
Peter Carruthers (consciousness, language)
David Chalmers (consciousness, content, M&E, cognitive science)
David Cole (consciousness, language)
Daniel Dennett (consciousness, evolution, etc.)
Shaun Gallagher (phenomenology, self-consciousness)
Rocco Gennaro (higher-order thought theories)
Brie Gertler (consciousness, introspection, metaphysics)
Christopher Hill (consciousness, thought, etc)
Jakob Hohwy (consciousness, neuroscience, content, delusions)
Uriah Kriegel (consciousness, self-consciousness, content, etc)
Janet Levin (phenomenal concepts, intuitions, knowledge)
Joseph Levine (consciousness, intentionality)
Dan Lloyd (consciousness, connectionism, brain imaging, etc)
Peter Lloyd (consciousness, idealism)
Eric Lormand (consciousness, meaning, cognitive architecture)
Pascal Ludwig (phenomenal concepts, conceivability, reference)
William Lycan (consciousness, M&E, etc)
Thomas Metzinger (consciousness)
Yujin Nagasawa (consciousness, self-knowledge, philosophy of religion, applied ethics)
Martine Nida-Rümelin (qualia, physicalism, color, etc)
Gerard O'Brien (consciousness, connectionism)
John O'Dea (qualia, sensory concepts)
Jon Opie (consciousness, connectionism)
David Papineau (consciousness, epistemology, philosophy of science)
Tom Polger (consciousness, evolution)
Diana Raffman (consciousness, vagueness, music)
Paul Raymont (consciousness, mental causation)
William Robinson (consciousness, qualia)
Gregg Rosenberg (consciousness)
David Rosenthal (consciousness, intentionality, etc.)
William Seager (consciousness, metaphysics)
John Searle (consciousness, AI, phenomenology; and here)
Warren Shrader (unity of consciousness, physicalism, epistemology, etc)
Joel Smith (self-consciousness, phenomenology)
Daniel Stoljar (consciousness, physicalism, etc)
Pär Sundström (consciousness)
Evan Thompson (phenomenology, vision, neuroscience, etc)
Nick Treanor (ontology of consciousness)
Michael Tye (consciousness, qualia, content)
Robert Van Gulick (consciousness)
Josh Weisberg (consciousness, higher-order thought)
Kenneth Williford (self-consciousness, transparency, history)
David Bain (pain, private language)
Bill Brewer (perception, reason, content, etc)
Justin Broackes (color, substance)
Nicolas Bullot (sound, objects, attention, etc)
John Campbell (perception, imagination)
Philippe Chuard (nonconceptual content, epistemology)
Austen Clark (color, consciousness, vision)
Paul Coates (causal theory of perception, intentionality)
Jonathan Cohen (color, philosophy of language)
Tim Crane (perception, consciousness, intentionality, metaphysics of mind)
Jérôme Dokic (perception, thought)
Naomi Eilan (color, attention, self, etc)
Jonathan Ellis (color, consciousness, externalism, etc)
Andy Egan (perceptual content, properties, language, ethics, etc)
Gary Hatfield (perception, history of psychology)
Benj Hellie (sense-data, consciousness)
Ryan Hickerson (direct realism, phenomenology)
David Hilbert (color, philosophy of perception)
Susan Hurley (perception, consciousness, political philosophy)
Sean Kelly (perceptual experience, action)
Amy Kind (qualia, imagination, identity, etc))
Steven Lehar (perception, gestalt theory, consciousness)
Jack Lyons (perceptual justification, analyticity, mental causation)
David Macarthur (perception, skepticism, naturalism)
Fiona Macpherson (perceptual content)
Helge Malmgren (perception, consciousness, psychology)
Mike Martin (perceptual experience, disjunctivism, etc)
Erik Myin (visual experience, action, phenomenology)
Bence Nanay (perception, evolution, psychology)
Alva Noë (perception, consciousness)
Matthew Nudds (auditory perception, the senses, etc)
Casey O'Callaghan (sounds, etc)
Kevin O'Regan (perception, qualia, change blindness)
Elisabeth Pacherie (perception, action, intentionality)
Adam Pautz (sensory awareness, color, properties)
Ian Phillips (perceptual content, modality)
Peter Ross (color, qualia, meta-ethics)
Eric Rubenstein (experience, individuation, universals)
Susanna Schellenberg (perception)
Elizabeth Schier (color experience, knowledge argument)
Susanna Siegel (perception, demonstratives)
Nigel Thomas (imagery, imagination, consciousness)
Brad Thompson (phenomenal content, spatial experience)
Edmond Wright (perception, epistemology)
Wayne Wright (color, perception, Kant)
Fred Adams (mental content, names)
Peter Alward (content, language, metaphysics)
Murat Aydede (content, pain, consciousness, etc)
Lynne Rudder Baker (propositional attitudes, persons, religion, etc)
Dave Beisecker (intentionality, animals, self-knowledge, etc)
José Luis Bermúdez (content, self-consciousness, rationality, etc)
Jason Bridges (theories of content, externalism, contextualism)
Ingar Brinck (attention, interpretation, consciousness)
Curtis Brown (belief, narrow content, etc)
Harold Brown (concepts, Sellars)
Stephen Butterfill (representation, communication, theory of mind)
Darragh Byrne (concepts, content, consciousness)
Jake Chandler (teleosemantics, functions, etc)
Adrian Cussins (content, objectivity)
Pascal Engel (intentionality, normativity)
Katalin Farkas (externalism)
Jordi Fernandez (self-knowledge, computation)
Jerry Fodor (concepts, language, meaning)
Keith Frankish (belief, language)
Peter Gärdenfors (concepts, belief revision, festschrift, etc.)
Kathrin Glüer-Pagin (normativity, meaning, perception, etc)
Mark Greenberg (conceptual role semantics, legal philosophy)
York Gunther (nonconceptual content, emotions)
Jussi Haukioja (rule-following, meaning, rigidity)
Pierre Jacob (intentionality)
Andreas Kemmerling (intentionality, meaning, etc)
Brendan Lalor (mental content, metaphysics of mind)
William Larkin (externalism, introspection)
Joe Lau (content, semantics)
Stephen Laurence (concepts, content, language)
Edouard Machery (concepts, semantics, culture, etc)
Eric Margolis (concepts, analysis)
Mark McCullagh (inferentialism, self-knowledge, rules, functionalism)
Michael McKinsey (externalism, self-knowledge, belief, qualia, etc)
Ruth Millikan (philosophy of mind and language, philosophy of biology)
David Pitt (content, language, consciousness)
Simon Prosser (indexicals, time, consciousness)
Joëlle Proust (intentionality, action)
Bradley Rives (concepts, properties, laws)
Philip Robbins (mental content, language)
Robert Rupert (theories of content, functionalism, extended mind, etc)
Sarah Sawyer (externalism, self-knowledge)
Susan Schneider (mental content, language of thought, metaphysics)
Laura Schroeter (two-dimensionalism, conceptual analysis, externalism)
Gabriel Segal (externalism, content, meaning)
Nicholas Shea (teleosemantics, representation, externalism)
Paul Skokowski (content, consciousness)
Jeff Speaks (content, belief, language)
David Thompson (intentionality, phenomenology, metaphysics)
Josefa Toribio (externalism, normativity, etc)
John Williams (Moore's paradox, belief, religion, etc)
Colin Allen (animal cognition, evolution, Species of Mind, etc.)
Ansgar Beckermann (metaphysics of mind)
John Beloff (mind-body problem, parapsychology)
Hanoch Ben-Yami (functionalism, propositional attitudes, semantics, etc)
Henk bij de Weg (reasons, consciousness)
David Braddon-Mitchell (philosophy of mind, metaphysics, philosophy of science, ethics)
Andrew Brook (Kant, cognitive science, psychoanalysis)
Filip Buekens (philosophy of mind, indexicality)
Neil Campbell (anomalous monism, supervenience)
Craig DeLancey (emotion, consciousness)
Ronnie de Sousa (moral psychology, philosophy of mind & biology)
Janice Dowell (naturalism, reduction, philosophy of mind)
Ron Endicott (reduction, multiple realizability)
Michael Esfeld (holism, externalism, mental causation, philosophy of physics)
Eric Funkhouser (metaphysics of mind, will, properties)
Carl Gillett (emergence, reduction)
Peter Goldie (emotions, aesthetics, etc)
Irwin Goldstein (pleasure, pain, ethics)
Christoph Hoerl (memory, time, schizophrenia)
Jim Hopkins (psychoanalysis, consciousness, interpretation)
Terry Horgan (philosophy of mind, metaphysics, vagueness, paradoxes, etc)
Steven Horst (metaphysics of mind, consciousness, computationalism)
Daniel Hutto (consciousness, idealism)
Jesper Kallestrup (physicalism, consciousness, mental causation, belief)
Michael Lacewing (emotions, ethics)
Barry Loewer (philosophy of mind, philosophy of physics)
Douglas Long (philosophy of mind, epistemology)
Kirk Ludwig (philosophy of mind, epistemology)
Cynthia MacDonald (mental causation, self-knowledge, etc)
Eric Marcus (metaphysics of mind, consciousness)
Ron McClamrock (philosophy of mind))
Roblin Meeks (self-awareness, etc)
Barbara Montero (metaphysics of mind, ethics)
Thomas Nagel (philosophy of mind, ethics)
Paul Noordhof (externalism, pain, causation, etc)
Derk Pereboom (philosophy of mind, Kant, metaphysics)
Teed Rockwell (philosophy of mind)
Johannes Roessler (attention, delusions)
Larry Shapiro (multiple realizability)
David Sosa (perception, desire, dispositions, free will, etc)
Galen Strawson (self, consciousness, free will, Hume, reviews)
Julia Tanney (reasons, self-knowledge, etc)
Aaron Zimmerman (self-knowledge)

OK...I'm kidding....
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